Job description for an installer of fiber optic communication networks. Job descriptions for an installer of communication and signaling networks. Job responsibilities of an installer

\Standard job description for Communications Installer - Cableman, 4th category

Job description of Communications Installer - Cableman, 4th category

Job title: Telecommunications installer - 4th category cableman
Subdivision: _________________________

1. General provisions:

  • Telecommunications installer - 4th category cableman is directly subordinate....................................
  • Telecommunications installer - 4th category cableman follows instructions.................................................... ............

  • (the instructions of these employees are followed only if they do not contradict the instructions of the immediate supervisor).


  • Telecommunications installer - cable technician of the 4th category replaces.................................... ........................................
  • Replaces a communications installer - cableman of the 4th category.................................................... ......................................
  • Hiring and dismissal:
    A communications installer - cable fitter is appointed to the position and dismissed by the head of the department in agreement with the head of the department.

2. Qualification requirements:
    Must know:
  • general information via telecommunications. Communication cable designs. Types of cable damage and ways to find them. Methods for checking cables for leaks, breaks, ground and communication. Methods and means for laying cables, wires and ropes.
3. Job responsibilities:
  • Performing work of medium complexity on laying cable lines communications.
page 1 Job description Communications installer - cableman
page 2 Job description Telecommunications installer - cableman

4. Rights

  • The communications installer - cableman has the right to give instructions and tasks to his subordinate employees on a range of issues included in his functional responsibilities.
  • The communications installer - cable fitter has the right to monitor the implementation of production tasks and the timely execution of individual assignments by employees subordinate to him.
  • The telecommunications installer - cableman has the right to request and receive necessary materials and documents related to issues of his activities and the activities of his subordinate employees.
  • The communications installer - cableman has the right to interact with other services of the enterprise on production and other issues included in his functional responsibilities.
  • The communications installer - cableman has the right to get acquainted with draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning the activities of the Division.
  • The communications installer-cableman has the right to submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in this Job Description to the manager for consideration.
  • The communications installer-cableman has the right to submit for consideration to the manager proposals on rewarding distinguished employees and imposing penalties on violators of production and labor discipline.
  • The communications installer-cableman has the right to report to the manager about all identified violations and shortcomings in connection with the work performed.
5. Responsibility
  • The communications installer-cableman is responsible for improper performance or failure to fulfill his job duties provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • The communications installer - cableman is responsible for violating the rules and regulations governing the activities of the enterprise.
  • When transferring to another job or being released from a position, the Communications Installer - Cable Worker is responsible for the proper and timely delivery of work to the person taking up the present position, and in the absence of one, to the person replacing him or directly to his supervisor.
  • The communications installer - cable installer is responsible for offenses committed in the course of carrying out his activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • The communications installer - cable installer is responsible for causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • The communications installer-cableman is responsible for compliance with current instructions, orders and regulations for maintaining trade secrets and confidential information.
  • The communications installer - cableman is responsible for compliance with internal regulations, safety and fire safety rules.
This job description has been developed in accordance with (name, number and date of document)

Head of structural

Document section: Sample documents, Instructions


6th category communication equipment installer

(for organizations performing construction,

installation, repair and construction work)


1.1. This job description defines the functional responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of a communications equipment installer of the 6th category "________________" (hereinafter referred to as the "Organization").

1.2. An installer of communication equipment of the 6th category is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in the manner established by the current labor legislation by order of the Head of the Organization.

1.3. The 6th category communications equipment installer reports directly to _________________ Organization.

1.4. A person with a secondary education is appointed to the position of communications equipment installer of the 6th category. vocational education and work experience in the specialty _____ years.

1.5. An installer of 6th category communication equipment must know:

Arrangement of mounted equipment and equipment;

Communication equipment wiring diagrams;

Methods for adjusting mechanisms and moving systems;

Methods for marking installation sites for mounted equipment;

Methods for making mounting templates;

Methods for laying and installing oil-filled and chamber cables.

1.6. During the period of temporary absence of an installer of communication equipment of the 6th category, his duties are assigned to ____________________.


A 6th category communications equipment installer carries out particularly complex work on the installation of communications equipment.

Approximate types of work:

Installation of cabinets, racks, cabinets, frames of intermediate switchboards and distribution boards, relay panels of consoles, special tables, switches, etc.

Marking installation sites for equipment and metal structures.

Installation of complex frames for equipment.

Assembly and installation of antenna equivalents, disconnecting mechanical interlocks, switches.

Assembly and installation of loop coils, cooling tanks for generator lamps, resonators, baluns.

Assembly and mechanical adjustment of complex switches.

Installation and installation of separating filters and power addition bridges.

Installation of concentric feeders and waveguides in fitting and measuring areas.

Busbars of equipment with tubes with a diameter of over 20 mm and flat busbars with an edge or helical bend.

Drawing up sketches before laying cable packages.

Manufacturing of prefabricated cables (except for firmware and winding of the trunk and branches).

Laying and installation of oil-filled and chamber cables.

Laying and installation of high-frequency cables of the main antenna feeders.

Making templates for cable installation.


An installer of communication equipment of the 6th category has the right:

3.1. Request and receive the necessary materials and documents related to the activities of a 6th category communications equipment installer.

3.2. Enter into relationships with departments of third-party institutions and organizations to resolve operational issues production activities, which is within the competence of a 6th category communications equipment installer.


The installer of 6th category communication equipment is responsible for:

4.1. Failure to fulfill one's functional duties.

4.2. Inaccurate information about the status of the work.

4.3. Failure to comply with orders, instructions and instructions of the Head of the Organization.

4.4. Failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of the rules safety precautions, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its employees.

4.5. Failure to ensure compliance with labor discipline.


5.1. The work schedule of a 6th category communications equipment installer is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established in the Organization.

5.2. Due to production needs, a 6th category communications equipment installer is required to go on business trips (including local ones).

I have read the instructions _________________/__________________/ (signature)

Save this page.

The release was approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated 04/06/2007 N 243
(as amended: Orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated November 28, 2008 N 679, dated April 30, 2009 N 233)

Telecommunications installer - cableman

§ 211. Communications installer - cableman 2nd category

Characteristics of work. Carrying out work on laying cable communication lines. Driving grounding electrodes into the ground. Removal and restoration of cable drum casing. Closing the openings of the pipeline with cable. Removing the jute cover from the cable. Covering the cable in trenches with bricks. Preparation of cable wells for installation (installation of fences, opening and closing of wells, etc.).

Must know: types of materials and structures used for fastening cables and wires; methods of fastening and protecting cables from mechanical damage.

§ 212. Communications installer - cableman of the 3rd category

Characteristics of work. Installation of parts and fittings for fastening and laying cables in shafts, wells and along walls. Installation of cable drums on trestles and jacks. Unwinding cables, wires, ropes during manual installation. Installation of measuring posts. Coloring and numbering of end devices. Installation of grounding bars. Ventilation of manholes.

Must know: basics of telecommunications; types and purpose of communication cables; rules for laying and fastening cables using power tools; methods of turning on telephone sets and batteries; methods of protecting cables from lightning strikes and corrosion.

§ 213. Communications installer - cableman of the 4th category

Characteristics of work. Laying cables along walls, structures and open channels. Preparing channels for cable pulling. Installation of cable drums on a cable laying machine. Checking the tightness of the cable on the drums and after laying the assembled sections, pupinization steps manually or using cylinders high pressure. Soldering valves into cable sheaths. Soldering cable ends. Installation of electrodes to protect cables from corrosion. Splicing of protective cables and wires. Straightening of existing cables in inspection wells. Installation of control and measuring points. Grounding device.

Must know: basics of telecommunications; types and purpose of communication cables; types of cable damage and methods for identifying them; methods for checking cables for leaks, breaks, ground and sound; methods of laying cables, wires and ropes using machines and mechanisms.

§ 214. Communications installer - cableman of the 5th category

Characteristics of work. Laying cables in trenches, manifolds, pipes and blocks hidden wiring. Mechanized laying of rural communication and radio cables. Suspension of cables weighing up to 2 kg on ropes. Bending cables to the shape of a well or pit. Threading the cable into the cassette and installing the cable laying knife. Soldering lead tape onto the cable sheath. Straightening out crimps on cables. Cable support equipment. Installation distribution boxes, boxes, distribution cabinets, cable boxes and protective strips. Cross-connection of subscribers in cabinets and cross-connections. Cable entry into the building.

Must know: basics of telecommunications; diagrams of cable communication lines; organization and technology of performing work on laying cables in the ground and cable ducts; rules for using machines and mechanisms for laying cables.

§ 215. Communications installer - cableman, 6th category

Characteristics of work. Laying out the route for laying cables. Mechanized laying of intercity and city cables. Laying cables through water barriers. Suspension of cables weighing over 2 kg on ropes.

Must know: organization and technology for performing work on laying intercity and city cables and laying cables across water barriers.

Secondary vocational education required.

I APPROVED Head "_____________" _____________ (____________) "___"__________ ____ Mr. M.P.


communications installer - cable technician of the 5th category

(for organizations performing construction, installation

and repair and construction work)


1.1. This job description defines the functional responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of a communications installer - cable technician of the 5th category "_____________" (hereinafter referred to as the "Organization").

1.2. A communications installer - cable operator of the 5th category is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in the manner established by the current labor legislation by order of the head of the Organization.

1.3. A communications installer - a cable technician of the 5th category reports directly to ____________________.

1.4. A person with ________ professional education and ____ years of work experience in the specialty is appointed to the position of communications installer - cable technician of the 5th category (without presenting requirements for work experience).

1.5. A communications installer - a cable technician of the 5th category must know:

Basics of Telecommunications;

Diagrams of cable communication lines;

Organization and technology for performing work on laying cables in the ground and cable ducts;

Rules for the use of machines and mechanisms for laying cables.

1.6. In his activities, a communications installer - cable technician of the 5th category is guided by:

Regulatory acts on the work performed;

Internal labor regulations;

Orders and instructions of the head of the Organization, immediate supervisor;

This job description;

Rules on labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

1.7. During the period of temporary absence of a communications installer - cable technician of the 5th category, his duties are assigned to ______________.


A communications installer - cable technician of the 5th category carries out the following work:

Laying cables in trenches, collectors, pipes and hidden wiring blocks.

Mechanized laying of rural communication and radio cables.

Suspension of cables weighing up to 2 kg on ropes.

Bending cables to the shape of a well or pit.

Threading the cable into the cassette and installing the cable laying knife.

Soldering lead tape onto the cable sheath.

Straightening out crimps on cables.

Cable support equipment.

Installation of distribution boxes, boxes, distribution cabinets, cable boxes and protective strips.

Cross-connection of subscribers in cabinets and cross-connections.

Cable entry into the building.


A communications installer - cable technician of the 5th category has the right to:

3.1. Require the Organization's management to provide assistance in the performance of their duties.

3.2. Get acquainted with draft decisions of the Organization’s management relating to its activities.

3.3. Make proposals to the head of the Organization and the immediate supervisor on issues of their activities.

3.4. Receive official information necessary to perform your duties.


A communications installer - a cable technician of the 5th category is responsible for:

4.1. For failure to perform or improper performance of their duties provided for by this job description in accordance with current labor legislation.

4.2. For offenses committed during the period of its activities, in accordance with current civil, administrative and criminal legislation.

4.3. For causing material damage - in accordance with current legislation.


5.1. The work schedule of a communications installer - cable technician of the 5th category is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established in the Organization.

5.2. Due to production needs, a communications installer-cableman of the 5th category is required to go on business trips (including local ones).

_________________________________ _____________ _______________________ (position of the person who developed (signature) (full name) instructions)

"___"__________ ___ G.


Head of the Legal Department (Legal Advisor) ____________ ____________________________ (signature) (Full name)

"___"__________ ___ G.

I have read the instructions: _____________ __________________________ (signature) (full name)


I. General provisions

    This job description defines the functional responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of a communications installer - cable technician of the 3rd category "_____________" (hereinafter referred to as the "Organization").

    A communications installer - cable operator of the 3rd category is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in the manner established by the current labor legislation by order of the Head of the Organization.

    A communications installer - 3rd category cableman reports directly to ____________________ Organization.

    A person with ________ professional education and ____ years of work experience in the specialty is appointed to the position of communications installer - cable operator of the 3rd category (without presenting requirements for work experience).

    A communications installer - a 3rd category cable technician must know:
    - general information on telecommunications;
    - brands of communication cables;
    - rules for handling cables;
    - rules for using power tools;
    - ways to turn on telephone sets and batteries;
    - methods of protecting cables from lightning strikes and corrosion.

    During the period of temporary absence of a communications installer - cable technician of the 3rd category, his duties are assigned to _____________________.


II. Job responsibilities

Communications installer - cableman 3rd category:

    executes simple work for laying communication lines.

    installs parts and fittings for fastening and laying cables in shafts, wells and along walls.

    installs cable reels on trestles and jacks.

    unwinds cables, wires, ropes during manual laying.

    installs measuring posts.

    colors and numbers terminal devices.

    installs grounding bars.

    ventilates wells.



III. Rights

A communications installer - cable technician of the 3rd category has the right to:

    Request and receive the necessary materials and documents related to the activities of a communications installer - 3rd category cable technician.

    Enter into relationships with departments of third-party institutions and organizations to resolve operational issues of production activities that are within the competence of a communications installer - 3rd category cable technician.



IV. Responsibility

A communications installer - a 3rd category cable technician is responsible for:

    Failure to fulfill one's functional duties.

    Inaccurate information about the status of the work.

    Failure to comply with orders, instructions and instructions of the Head of the Organization.

    Failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its employees.

    Failure to ensure compliance with labor discipline.



V.Working conditions

    The work schedule of a communications installer - cable technician of the 3rd category is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established in the Organization.

    Due to production needs, a communications installer-cableman of the 3rd category is required to go on business trips (including local ones).

