Job description of a social worker. Social worker and his responsibilities. Social worker. job responsibilities

Social worker is a profession that plays a big role in modern society. It is no secret that the country's population is aging, and the material level and, for the most part, health status do not allow older people to live actively. Sometimes circumstances are such that the only person who connects an elderly person with the outside world is the person representing the social service. In fact, it is thanks to this service that older people who have no one to rely on in life have the opportunity to communicate, purchase food and medicine, and necessary hygiene and household items.

It’s good when a social worker has an education or higher vocational education, but, unfortunately, at present, people who have no vocational training. To perform this work, many spiritual qualities are required, and people most often come to this profession at the call of their heart.

A social worker must have a perfect knowledge of state laws, regulations and regulations on social services for people with disabilities and citizens. He must also impeccably follow the internal labor rules and job descriptions. Guided by labor protection rules and basic safety rules, sanitation standards and fire safety, a social service worker can provide all possible assistance at the place of residence of his wards. It is very important that this is done not only without causing discomfort or irritation on the part of the elderly person, but also competently.

In his work, a social worker uses special knowledge, for example, the basics of psychology of older people. In addition, he must know the basics of emergency first aid.

The responsibilities of a social worker are primarily to identify among the population of the area allocated to them disabled people and elderly citizens who cannot do housework independently and are in dire need of service. Workers in this field constantly conduct surveys among the elderly, pensioners and disabled people in the territory entrusted to them, explaining to them their rights, which they can count on.

The duties of the social worker include paperwork, as well as contact with the relatives of the wards and the attending physician. He must maintain confidentiality in relation to his wards, arrange for financial assistance that is due by law to disabled people and pensioners. If necessary, he must take prescriptions from the clinic for medications at preferential prices, which is provided for this category of citizens. This is also part of his direct responsibilities.

The social worker is eagerly awaited, because often he is the only helper in the house. He buys groceries and brings receipts, monitors his health and tells them kind words on weekdays and holidays.

His responsibilities include maintaining reporting documents. Report your disability in advance, as this will allow you to find a replacement for the duration of your illness. We must not forget that this is an almost irreplaceable position - a social worker. His responsibilities are not limited to this; he takes an active part in the lives of his wards. Caring people who have chosen this profession completely manage the household for incapacitated people, replacing relatives who are absent or far away and cannot help their loved ones every day. They will lovingly prepare or heat up food, brew aromatic tea and help make the bed, and this is so important for a lonely person who is impatiently waiting for the call to ring and a social worker to come. His responsibilities include ensuring that there is water in the homes of their wards, and, of course, warmth. If problems arise, they can contact the housing and communal services department and resolve issues on behalf of the person they are entrusted with looking after.

In addition, they hand over things for washing, dry cleaning and deliver them back, pay for writing letters at the request of pensioners, and bring newspapers and magazines. They are also faithful companions when organizing and can accompany an elderly person to events that the authorities organize specifically for this category of citizens.

The profession “social worker” was introduced into Russian Federation in 1991. In the qualification directory, a social work specialist is endowed with the following: professional responsibilities:

Identifies at enterprises, in microdistricts, families and individuals in need of socio-medical, legal, psychological, pedagogical, material and other assistance, in the protection of moral, physical and mental health;

Determines the reasons for their difficulties and conflict situations, including at the place of work and study;

Provides assistance in resolving them and provides social protection;

Promotes the integration of the activities of various government and public institutions to provide the necessary socio-economic assistance to the population;

Provides assistance in family education; conclusion employment contracts on working from home for women with minor children, disabled people, pensioners,

Conducts psychological, pedagogical and legal consultations on family and marriage issues, educational work with minor children with antisocial behavior.

Provides assistance to children and adults in need of guardianship and trusteeship,

Arranges for placement in medical and educational institutions, facilitates the receipt of material, social, everyday and other assistance;

Organizes public protection of juvenile offenders, and, if necessary, acts as their public defender in court;

Participates in the creation of centers for social assistance to families (adoption, guardianship and guardianship, social rehabilitation), shelters, children's and youth centers, clubs, associations, and interest groups. organizes and coordinates work on social adaptation and rehabilitation of persons returning from special educational institutions and places of deprivation of liberty.

Specification of the specialist’s activities social sphere follows from its basic functions:

Diagnostic: studies the characteristics of a family, group of people, individuals, the degree and direction of influence of the microenvironment on them and makes a social diagnosis;

Prognostic: predicts the development of events, processes occurring in a family, group of people, society and develops certain models social behavior;

Human rights: uses laws and legal acts aimed at providing assistance and support to the population, its protection;

Organizational: promotes the organization of social services in enterprises and places of residence, attracts the public to their work and directs their activities to provide various types assistance and social services;

Preventive and preventive: puts into action various mechanisms (legal, psychological, medical, pedagogical, etc.) to prevent and overcome negative phenomena, organizes the provision of assistance to those in need;

Social and medical: organizes work on disease prevention, promotes mastery of new first aid, helps prepare young people for family life, develops occupational therapy;

Social and pedagogical: identifies the interests and needs of people in different types of activities (cultural and leisure, sports and recreational, artistic creativity) and attracts various institutions, societies, creative unions to work with them;

Psychological: advises on issues of interpersonal relationships, promotes social adaptation of the individual, provides assistance in social rehabilitation to all those in need;

Social and domestic: helps in providing the necessary assistance and support to various categories of the population (disabled people, elderly people, young families) in improving their lives, living conditions;

Communicative: establishes contacts with those in need, organizes the exchange of information, develops a unified strategy for interaction, perceiving the understanding of another person.

Social workers are busy performing their professional functions different types activities. Their work is characterized by three approaches to problem solving:

Educational approach– acts as a teacher, consultant, expert; In such cases, a social worker gives advice, teaches skills, provides feedback, applies role playing games as a teaching method;

Facilitative approach– plays the role of an assistant or mediator in overcoming apathy or disorganization of the individual when it is difficult for her to do this herself; The activities of a social worker with this approach are aimed at interpreting behavior, discussing alternative directions of activity and actions, explaining situations, encouraging and targeting the mobilization of internal resources;

Advocacy approach– applies when a social worker performs the role functions of a lawyer on behalf of a specific client or group of clients, as well as an assistant to those people who act as a lawyer on behalf of their own name; This kind of activity includes helping individuals put forward stronger arguments and select documented accusations.

TO conditions implementation of professional functions include:

Ø knowledge and experience;

Ø legalized powers;

Ø status and reputation;

Ø possession of information;

Ø charismatic characteristics and external attractiveness.

Knowledge and experience. They are acquired by a social worker in the process of study and life practice. Create the foundation for the abilities of a social educator influence on other people, although these abilities themselves may vary depending on personal experience, personal interests, talents. Knowledge and experience are applied primarily in interpersonal relationships. In this area, skills such as: interviewing, providing support, leadership ability, establishment feedback, mediation - which are aimed at achieving changes in behavior and attitudes towards each other.

Another area of ​​application of the knowledge and skills of a social worker is differentiated approach to clients. This requires knowledge of the needs and interests of a person at various stages of life, crisis situations, and the consequences of physical and mental ailments.

Another area of ​​application of the knowledge and skills of a social worker is control activities of social services, recruitment for them and application of necessary technologies.

An important place is given specializations social worker in providing assistance to clients: Some specialize in crime prevention, others improve their skills in helping the poor, and others specialize in working with children who have no parents. Such specialization requires knowledge of relevant technologies, theories and concepts.

And finally, a social worker has knowledge of social sources and systems for providing social services in the community, such as hospitals, schools, child care institutions, and government agencies. He knows how these systems function, the specifics of their activities, he knows what impact they have on clients, how to access these systems, he knows the laws that regulate their activities.

Legitimate powers. The position of a social worker and his legitimate (legal, legal, juridical) powers increase his authority and special attitude towards him from clients.

Status and reputation. The status of a social worker is a reflection of the position he occupies in society. The reputation of a social worker is formed in the process of his interaction with environment. How more people communicates with him and is convinced of his deep knowledge, high competence, rich life experience, his benevolence, attentiveness to people, honesty, openness, sociability, commitment, the higher his reputation. If the status of a social worker largely depends on the policy of the state, his legal status, then his reputation depends, first of all, on himself, on his personal qualities and attitude to the matter.

Charismatic characteristics and personal attractiveness. Some social workers are attractive to others due to their charm and even charismatic characteristics. Such specialists win people over, inspire them, and encourage them to actively participate in their work. The personal attractiveness of a teacher does not depend on his position, but it can enhance positive characteristics and potential opportunities and help him influence people. Charismatic features- these are signs of a person’s exceptional and rare talent, even natural talent. They contribute to the acquisition of a higher status in society.

Possession of information. People's perception of the world around them, as well as their behavior, to a certain extent depends on the level of awareness. Therefore, among other requirements for a social worker, one of the most important places is occupied by his level of awareness, which contributes to the location and trust of clients in him, developing their confidence that they will be provided with appropriate help and support.

The social worker must:

Have good professional training, knowledge in various areas social work, psychology, pedagogy, physiology, economics and production organization, legislation, computer science and mathematical statistics;

Have a fairly high general culture, be a highly erudite person, which presupposes good knowledge in the field of literature, music, painting, etc.;

Possess information about modern political, social, economic processes in society, have broad awareness of various social groups population;

Have foresight, i.e. anticipate the consequences of your actions, avoid falling for the client’s bait, and firmly implement your position;

To have a certain social adaptability (due to the diversity of the population that needs advice from a social specialist), he needs to skillfully contact “difficult” teenagers, orphans, the disabled, and elderly people undergoing rehabilitation;

Have professional tact, the ability to evoke sympathy and trust among others, maintain professional secrecy, and delicacy in all matters affecting the intimate aspects of a person’s life;

Have emotional stability, be prepared for mental stress, avoid neurotic deviations in one’s own assessments and actions, despite possible failures (refusals... aggression...) be able to conscientiously perform one’s duty, remaining calm, friendly and attentive to the ward; be able to make the right decision in unexpected situations, clearly formulate your thoughts, and present them competently and intelligibly.

If at a certain point in life a person cannot take care of himself, close people can help him. In the case when he is left alone, one can rely on specially created public assistance services.

Help from social service centers is available to everyone who needs care and support in difficult situations. To receive a personal assistant, you must submit an application to the social protection center at your place of residence and obtain the appropriate conclusion from a medical commission. Service workers call this a placement in social services for nursing home care.

The following groups of citizens have the right to use the provided benefits:

  • people who have lived to an advanced age;
  • faces with disabilities health;
  • citizens under 18 years of age, as well as families raising children and in need of help;
  • a family in which three or more children are raised and raised;
  • other groups of people who find themselves in difficult life situations.

Unhindered and extraordinary support is provided to:

  • disabled people and participants of the Great Patriotic War and persons equated to them;
  • single elderly citizens (80 and above) and people with disabilities after 70 years of age;
  • persons injured in hostilities;
  • elderly people living alone and disabled people who, due to circumstances, find themselves deprived of assistance and unable to independently provide care for themselves.

First of all, the following can count on such a reception:

  • spouses of deceased participants and disabled veterans of the Second World War and combat veterans who do not have a second registered marriage;
  • persons affected by radiation as a result of the Chernobyl disaster and categories of people equivalent to them;
  • rehabilitated persons and citizens recognized as victims of political repression.

People living with relatives who cannot adequately provide care for persons in need of help for legitimate reasons can also count on support from social services (protracted illness, retirement, frequent departures from home, etc.).

Information! If a beneficiary has a disease that requires constant treatment in hospitals, social assistance at home may be denied.

Job responsibilities of a social worker

Each social worker has a list of obligations for home care to the elderly and disabled people assigned to him, for example:

  • visit your charges 2 times a week;
  • purchase necessary medications in pharmacies, as well as purchase hot meals, necessary household goods and deliver them to the place of residence of the person in need;
  • prepare food and hot drinks;
  • feed the ward if he is unable to do it himself;
  • clean the apartment;
  • deliver drinking water and promptly purchase fuel for furnaces;
  • take things to the cleaners and pick them up from there;
  • make timely payments for utility bills;
  • provide assistance in writing letters and delivering other correspondence;
  • deliver to clinics for necessary medical examinations;
  • provide moral support in difficult situations;
  • assist in obtaining education, possible or mastering a profession in accordance with a person’s capabilities;
  • provide legal services, draw up certificates and documents (if there is a power of attorney);
  • other services.

Information! These services are provided to these categories of citizens free of charge. If a beneficiary uses additional services that are not included in the list of job responsibilities of a social worker, he will be charged a fee agreed upon in an agreement with the service center.

Citizens who require social assistance and care, but do not fall into any of the possible categories, can take advantage of the provision of one-time and additional services that are not included in the list of mandatory ones. Examples of such services: delivery of transport for rehabilitation procedures for those in need, home care for disabled children or accompanying them to educational institutions, etc.

Need to Know! Each social worker must have a log of purchases and services provided to the ward. Entries in it are made under the signature of the beneficiary. Every month the document is checked by the head of the center.

How to become a social worker?

Any citizen who has received general education, as well as having a state diploma in a profession in this direction. Deep knowledge and professional training of a social worker are not enough; it is necessary to develop personal qualities, such as:

  • humanism;
  • responsibility;
  • kindness and justice;
  • feeling self-esteem and respect for the dignity of others;
  • tolerance, politeness and the ability to empathize with others;
  • willingness to understand and help;
  • desire to help and show care;
  • emotional stability;
  • personal social activity.

Social worker's rights

Federal Law No. 122-FZ of August 2, 1995 “On the fundamentals of social services for the population in the Russian Federation”, Article 36, paragraph 2, states: social workers - employees of government agencies, comprehensive social service centers have the right:

  • for the purchase of work uniforms, shoes and equipment, or payment of funds for their purchase;
  • be served without a queue by state and municipal enterprises selling goods, public catering, communications, bank branches and institutions that provide consulting legal services in the performance of official duties;
  • install a landline telephone out of turn and buy a car on preferential terms to provide assistance to elderly citizens and disabled people, in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • free travel on public transport;
  • compensation of funds for the use of personal vehicles for work purposes.

Among other things, in addition to the official salary established according to the tariff category, payment of funds for harmful and dangerous working conditions in the amount of 15% and an allowance for continuous experience work in the system: after the first 3 years in the amount of 20% and after 5 years of work - 30%.

Pay for labor

In 2018, remuneration for this category of employees of state and municipal budgetary organizations, including social protection institutions, is carried out in accordance with the Unified Tariff Schedule (ETC), approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 14, 92 No. 785 “On the division in levels of remuneration of workers budgetary sphere..."

Depending on the degree of qualification of the employee and the range of services provided, the ratios in the amounts of tariff rates (salaries) for 18 categories of ETC were highlighted, the differences were compared and taken into account labor responsibilities workers by level of complexity, staff skill, specific job responsibilities of representatives of public sector sectors.

The salary of specialists from public sector institutions is determined by the assigned wage category ETC (based on the results of the certification commission), raises, allowances, additional payments and compensations provided for in current documents. The amount of mandatory payments is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Organizations with the unified technical system have the right to independently set bonuses, for example, for performing particularly difficult work, establish additional payments (if the employee combines several professions), expand or increase the volume of work, replace an absent employee, and also pay a bonus. Incentive payments are not limited by maximum limits. May be reduced or canceled as the quality of work declines. The amounts of bonus payments are specified in the regulations developed for this purpose.

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Social protection centers are one of the most important components of the system of providing assistance to the population. Social workers are respected by citizens. The system of social assistance is constantly being improved and continues to develop even in the most remote corners of our country.

The social worker belongs to the subordinate service “Sobes”. The service provides assistance to lonely and elderly people who, due to circumstances, are recognized as disabled or cannot provide themselves with proper care.

In the direction of such people it serves social worker, they are called wards. Wards who cannot move independently are sent to a nursing home or placed under supervision Social service. In order to become a ward, a person needs to contact the Center for Social Services or a social worker assigned to the territory, as a result of a monthly round and identification of elderly people for service.

The employee's job is to help people or a group of people who are in difficult situations or life circumstances, as well as providing moral support and emotional rehabilitation.

In this profession, an employee must be honest and endure physical activity , since you have to work with in cash wards and perform heavy physical work. The main criterion for hiring a social worker is no medical contraindications.

You can often find a similar profession called social work specialist. The difference between these professions is the list of duties they perform and the level of qualifications. A social worker serves the elderly and disabled, and a social security specialist serves all groups of the population that need social security.

Approximate structure

General provisions:

Job responsibilities:

  1. When walking around territorial subordination identify and identify individuals who need protection.
  2. Purchase food for clients and provide assistance in preparation.
  3. Maintain subordinates in established sanitary and hygienic standards.
  4. Provide assistance with cleaning, washing, and changing linen.
  5. Provide for wards medical care or in extreme cases, hospitalization.
  6. With the consent of the wards, ensure the delivery of medications and monitor the correct use.
  7. Help in filling out documents, letters and delivering them to the addressee.


  1. The employee has the right to make demands to management for the creation optimal conditions work to perform their immediate duties.
  2. Provide the manager with proposals for improving the work process.
  3. Set requirements for management to assist in providing a full package of services to wards.
  4. Enlist the help of department specialists to solve assigned tasks.
  5. Involve medical workers in assisting socially vulnerable segments of the population, within their competence.
  6. Compile a list of information requests to summarize the data required to conduct activities.


  1. A social worker can be subject to disciplinary action for failure to fulfill official duties.
  2. The employee is subject to criminal or administrative liability for committing an offense in relation to his wards.
  3. The employee is financially responsible for causing damage to the organization’s property and directly to the property of the wards.

Employee salary

Based on the implemented social policy of the state, a salary plan for employees in government agencies was approved.

In 2018, the salary of social workers does not exceed 10,000 rubles.

As for indexations and additional additional charges, they are made regularly. It is legally established that the minimum indexation coefficient in 2018 is 4%, but it is better to consider such a premium separately for each region, since the amount of accruals may differ significantly.

Rank and qualifications

According to the regulatory framework, a social worker is hired starting from the 3rd category, since the presence of secondary education implies 1st and 2nd category.

There are a number of qualification requirements depending on salary grades:

  • 3 r-d– the employee must have secondary education without work experience;
  • 4 r-d– professional education without work experience in this field;
  • 5 r-d– professional specialized education (medicine, pedagogy, law) without work experience;
  • 6 r-d– specialized education with at least 2 years of work experience in this field.

Subsequent rank advancement moves to the position of social work specialist.

Important points

The job responsibilities of a social worker include serving and providing for vulnerable groups of the population. The employee is subordinate to management and must be familiar with the regulatory framework for carrying out functional activities.

Guided by the instructions, the employee performs duties and is responsible for the work process before the law. Responsibilities include compliance with labor regulations, being informed in the field of fire safety, sanitary and hygiene standards. The main condition is maintenance requirements(psychological assistance, first aid).

In the International Union of Countries, social policy is aimed at the humanitarian elimination of the lower strata of the population and assistance in acquiring primary education.

International practice shows that carrying out such work especially important during periods of crisis, because the financial condition of citizens during such periods is most reduced. The main role in this situation is played by social security service.

Professional standard for 2018

The professional standard for a social worker is document regulating its activities. Based on professional guidelines, qualification standards are established for workers and certification is carried out.

Due to changes in 2018, 15% of social workers lost their positions due to the high requirements imposed by the Ministry of Labor. Application of standards mandatory for budget organizations, therefore social workers are classified into this area.

What does the profession “social worker” mean? The answer to the question is in this program.

According to the law, it is the responsibility of parents to provide their minor children with everything they need.

In the same way, children, when the time comes, must care for their elderly parents. However, not everyone has the opportunity to do this in a timely manner. The reasons may be different - from constant business trips to excessive remoteness of the place of residence. In addition, many elderly citizens do not have relatives who could give them the proverbial “glass of water.” In all such cases, social workers come to the aid of those in need.

How and where to “get” a social worker

In order to “get” “their” social worker, an elderly person or another citizen in need who has the right to do so must apply to the Social Service Center at his place of residence. Today, in Moscow alone there are 122 such centers.

Social service centers provide various services.

One of the most important is pre-medical and social assistance to disabled people and lonely elderly people who have lost the ability to care for themselves fully or partially.

A social worker is provided on a temporary or temporary basis. on an ongoing basis. For example, many people need help during the departure of a relative or serious illness. How to “get” a social worker? Write a statement to the social service center or the regional comprehensive center. After the appropriate medical report, you will be admitted to “non-stationary social services”.

There are certain preferential groups of citizens who have the right to receive help from a social worker at home.

These are categories such as:

  • elderly people - men over 60 and women over 55;
  • citizens with disabilities;
  • families with children, as well as minors in difficult life situations;
  • large families, as well as families with disabled children;
  • other people requiring outside help.

Applications from:

  • participants and disabled people of the Second World War;
  • single citizens with disabilities over 70 years of age;
  • single elderly people over 80 years of age;
  • disabled people injured as a result of hostilities;
  • disabled people, elderly people, single or living alone, provided that they are deprived of help and support from their relatives;
  • liquidators of the Chernobyl disaster;
  • spouses of deceased WWII participants, provided that they did not remarry.

Beneficiaries who have relatives also have the right to receive help from a social worker, provided that there are factors that prevent the provision of assistance for objective reasons.

For example, such reasons may be remoteness of place of residence, long-term illness, or a relative reaching retirement age.

Denial of social services at home

In a number of cases, the social center has the right to refuse social services at home:

  • if the person is a chronic alcoholic;
  • subject to confirmed bacterial or viral carriage (active form of tuberculosis, venereal diseases, for example, syphilis, etc.).

What are the responsibilities of a social worker?

The social worker must visit his ward at least 2 times a week.

The duties of a social worker include:

  • purchasing and delivering groceries, cooking;
  • feeding the ward (if there is such a need);
  • delivery of water and fuel - if a person lives in a house where there is no centralized supply of these resources;
  • payment of utilities;
  • delivery of items to and from dry cleaning;
  • sanitary, hygienic and medical, including first aid;
  • preparation of documents in order to obtain certain benefits provided by the state;
  • psychological support;
  • preparation of documents for the provision of funeral services.

Under an agreement with an organization providing social services, those in need may be provided with other assistance for full or partial payment. Each social worker is required to keep a special journal. This journal records all services provided and purchases made for the ward. This document is checked once a month by the heads of the centers.

One-time services from the social center

If a person does not have the right to constant service or simply does not need it, then he can use the Mobile Social Service.

This sector of social centers provides one-time services to those in need, including those services that are not included in the above “guaranteed list”.

Who can apply for one-time services:

  • pensioners;
  • persons with limited vital functions and people with disabilities;
  • families containing disabled children;
  • mothers raising a child on their own;
  • divorced citizens;
  • large families.

An example of one-time services is: accompanying a disabled child to educational institution, care for children with disabilities, delivery of technical rehabilitation equipment. The duration of one-time social services is no more than 4 hours a day, the frequency is not regulated. The list of services is established by the social center after reviewing the application of the applicant.