Pisces horoscope for the year in March of loss. What will spring be like

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Pisces horoscope for March 2018.

In March 2018, Pisces need to be gentlemen! And even for Pisces women! Because a real Gentleman is a man who, before serving a woman coffee in bed, will definitely ask her name... That’s how Pisces in March 2018 will often need to contact even completely strangers. Therefore, next month you need not so much to observe the rules of decency, but to be able to attract to your side and interest people completely unfamiliar to you.

Multi-level communication is what most Pisces expect in March 2018. And judging by the horoscope, in March 2018 Pisces will really feel the support of others in almost everything! And if before many Pisces did not feel lonely, because even in the toilet you had your crazy thoughts, then in March 2018 you will need to try very hard to be alone with your thoughts.

In the first month of spring, there will be a lot of thoughts around you all the time, but also people and events. And although in general the month will be quite calm, and many Pisces will even be able to rest a little, in March 2018 you will have not only people close to you, but also new acquaintances. So, as the horoscope for March 2018 Pisces shows next month, you do not need to try to conquer this world alone, but it is better to wait for others to help you with this. And if you have said more than once before - Justice, at least sometimes take the side of those who are on your side! Then in March 2018 she will definitely be on your side!

The March 2018 Pisces horoscope shows that next month you will want to experiment. Experiments with underground Life, you will get a little tired that you will want to manage something really important, and at least a heavy and loaded ... cart in a supermarket. That is why the horoscope for March 2018 Pisces warns that you perceive reality and your needs more adequately. It’s not for nothing that experienced “cat lovers” warn - never take your cat with you to the beach. She might just go nuts from such a huge tray of sand!!! And although it is clear that in March they only dream about the beach, some Pisces may try to go crazy without waiting for summer.

The horoscope advises March Pisces to choose guests for their birthday very carefully. If you have friends who have such avatars on social networks that when someone sees you, you are ashamed to go to their page, then think about whether you need them for your birthday.

Horoscope for March 2018 Pisces favorable days– 1, 3, 4, 8, 12, 14, 21 and 22.

Horoscope for March 2018 Pisces unfavorable days - if unfavorable days could be sold inexpensively, many could become rich people, but you can’t sell your Life! website

Horoscope for March 2018 Pisces career, work and business.

In the past first months of 2018, many Pisces felt like a gopher during the Battle of Waterloo - you felt that something was happening around you, something grandiose, but you couldn’t understand what those events were. March 2018 will in many ways give you not only clarity of what is happening, but simply an understanding of your place in these events.

The horoscope for March 2018 Pisces shows that next month you may make new acquaintances or contacts that will expand your professional capabilities or horizons. In addition, in March 2018, you will again be able to not only generate new ideas, but also “charge” your management, colleagues or clients with them.

The horoscope for March 2018 Pisces shows that your main task in March 2018 is to correctly assess not your own abilities, but the capabilities of others. You cannot expect from a person what is unusual for him. You don't squeeze a lemon to get tomato juice.

Some representatives of your zodiac sign may face some serious test or career event in March 2018. At this time, it will be very important for you to adequately demonstrate your knowledge and professionalism.

In addition, March 2018 will allow you to correct some mistakes of the past, and in a completely unexpected way. It’s not for nothing that people with extensive life experience say, strange as it may seem, but the most best way Cleaning the dirt under your nails is like washing your hair.

Horoscope for March 2018 Pisces Finance. Usually money allows Pisces to solve problems that you would not have without money. Therefore, in March 2018, just try to spend correctly what the first month of Spring will give you. And you will spend what, and on whom, and perhaps even on a small dream.

Love horoscope for March 2018 Pisces. Horoscope for March 2018 Pisces Love.

March 2018 will fill you with energy not only in your career or studies, but also in the amorous sphere. This can push many even family Pisces, and especially Pisces women, to new love adventures. And although they say that there are still Pisces women in the world, whose kind disposition and pure heart do not allow them to have several lovers at once. In March 2018, it is still better for married Pisces women to transfer their energy to their partner or to organizing a joint vacation. The fact is that the family life of your zodiac sign in March 2018 will already be seething with passions, so try not to add fire to the flames that you can no longer control.

The horoscope for March 2018 Pisces shows that it is quite possible that already in the first month of Spring, you will again need to demonstrate your natural restraint and ability to smooth out conflicts. After all, the triumph of reason lies precisely in being able to get along with those who do not have it, or who have currently turned it off as an unnecessary function.

For lonely Pisces, March 2018 can bring not only new acquaintances, but also new Love. Moreover, sometimes so fast that it will resemble a situation - when there is little time, there is no time for acquaintance or friendship - only love!

In general, the horoscope for March 2018 Pisces says that the next month will be busy, but calm, slightly similar to the famous Metallica song, but performed by a symphony orchestra... therefore, the notes of March 2018 for you will be rich and bright, but also harmonious and calm.

And if you liked our horoscope, then don’t forget to click “like” so you don’t forget to read our next monthly horoscope!

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In March 2018, Pisces will begin to break stereotypes and gain real freedom. They will say goodbye to all prejudices and opinions imposed by society and begin to live a full life that only they can control. For some of the representatives of your zodiac sign, the stars promise trips to other cities or countries. In most cases, these will be business trips, but there is also the possibility of traveling for the purpose of relaxation and broadening your horizons.

The first and second decades of March for Pisces are the most favorable period for health, growth of self-awareness, and for strengthening one’s authority. Their careers can take off because they will be able to accurately determine which way the wind is blowing and direct their activities correctly. And although material sphere will be unstable, but Pisces will be able to benefit from their efforts.

But from March 9 to 12, financial failures will be quite real. The next favorable period awaits Pisces from the 13th to the 20th, when they will be able to successfully make acquaintances that may be useful to them not only in business, but also in their personal lives.

And in the third decade, negative influences may cause difficulties, collective activity or cooperation may be on the verge of failure, and past agreements will be “bursting at the seams.”

Horoscope for March 2018 for Pisces woman

Pisces women will feel like heroines. The Sun is in your sign, Venus is in Aries, all this means that your authority among friends and acquaintances will increase. However, due to the tense aspects of Venus, instead of feasting on the celebration of life, you will have to solve the problems of your many friends and acquaintances.

  • Talisman of the month: silver coin, family man's ring.
  • Favorable days: March 5, 11, 19, 25, 31.
  • Unfavorable days: March 7, 15, 28.
  • Priority of interests: relationships with others.

Love horoscope

Ask for whatever your heart desires - your loved one will not have the strength to refuse you. Do it in a veiled form - complain about life, and everything will be your way. Your partner is so vague about his feelings that it becomes annoying. Make it clear that you like determination. In mid-March, they will begin to actively introduce you, they will try to make peace with your old friends, and all this is against your will. There is only one thing left to do - turn off the phone and pretend that you are not at home. In the last week of March, you are in complete control of the situation. So be more gentle. Don't hide your feelings, don't be afraid to open your heart.

Health horoscope

Do measured, calm stretching exercises, give your muscles a strength load. This is useful for you now. An aroma lamp with ylang-ylang, eucalyptus or grapefruit oils will help relieve stress and malaise. Acupressure massage of the head and hands is useful. After March 20, increased fatigue and headaches are possible. To avoid this, drink tea with mint and strawberry leaves. A classic shoulder and back massage will bring benefits. It is worth taking preventive measures against exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases. Chamomile decoction or chamomile tea will help well.

Horoscope of work and finances for March 2018

Circumstances may turn out to be such that you will have to act quickly and actively - although you will be completely unprepared for this. Any item from family archive inherited, take it with you to important negotiations. Beware of both manifestations of excessive stinginess and frivolous extravagance. Any deviations from the norm in this matter are undesirable. Your worst enemy- extravagance. But fortunately, your savings are not so easy to spend, especially since now many of your expenses will be taken on by others.

Horoscope for March 2018 Pisces man

Pisces men will love to be involved in a romantic story. The relationship promises to be mysterious and exciting. It is unlikely that anyone you know will know about this, at least not from you. You will want to forget about everything and completely surrender to feelings and emotions, and the Sun in your sign will fill you with its energy and strength.

  • Talisman of the month: round rock crystal.
  • Favorable days: March 1, 5, 10, 20, 30.
  • Unfavorable days: March 1, 9, 16.
  • The priority of interests is self-development, deep self-knowledge, personal growth.

Love horoscope

Your loved one will suddenly offer you a game for which you are not ready. After all, you are a serious person, and she is like a little child. March 12 to 18. It turns out that having a reputation as a heartthrob isn't such a good thing. Is your friend too impressionable? Then it’s better for her not to know about it for the time being. If your lady makes it clear, even with a half-hint, that she doesn't have a very high opinion of you, this could be a reason for a serious quarrel. Warn her about this danger in advance. As soon as you want something, you will try to do everything your own way, without listening to either the voice of reason or the thoughtful advice of a sober companion.

Health horoscope March 5 to 11

Now you are advised to spend your evenings at home - listening to your favorite music or watching good films. The week is not suitable for visiting crowded places. Pay attention to your health, keep your feet warm and take proven preventive measures - drink rosehip decoction, lemon and orange juices. Closer to the New Moon on March 17, you can strengthen physical activity. Visit gym, increase your daily jogging mileage. The desire to look good can push you to take serious care of yourself - visit a dentist or nutritionist.

Horoscope of work and finances

Your charisma, charm and communication skills will make you the most welcome guest at any business meeting. You will be in great demand. A business partnership will not disappoint you - you yourself will prove yourself to be the standard of reliability, and your colleagues will not let you down either. Your professional horizons will expand significantly in the second half of March - you may be offered a promising career in a new place or an interesting business trip to one of the European countries. You will be able to get closer to realizing your cherished dream, be it a tourist trip, buying a car or starting your own business.

Children's horoscope for Pisces for March 2018

Typically, Pisces, both big and small, do not like to talk too much about themselves. But in March, many of them lose their restraint - on their birthday they want to be more frank with friends. Unnecessary conversations can cause resentment, because Pisces, as a rule, are friends with very different guys - among them there are both quiet people and fighters. Only your boy can find common language with such different children. Advise him to be more careful in his words and actions, and then there will be no incidents.

On their birthday, Pisces will want attention and admiration from their friends. But everything is not so simple - her two best friends can quarrel among themselves, and they will have to be reconciled throughout the holiday. Of course, your baby can do this, but on her birthday she also wants attention. Try to help her deal with her friends. You may even have to talk to your girlfriends' parents. Do everything possible on your part to make the holiday go well.

Horoscope for the 1st decade of March for Pisces

In the first ten days of March 2018, Pisces will be able to find a common language and restore trusting relationships with family, with whom you previously had tense relations. Be bolder and don’t hold back your dreams and desires. Luck is with you now.

Use this fact to your advantage. Having set a goal for yourself, you can easily achieve it if you do not trumpet to all sides about your plans for the near future. You should not get involved in serious and large-scale projects, they will completely absorb everything you have. working hours. It’s better to postpone their implementation for a more favorable period, and now take care of small everyday chores and solving current issues. Avoid making promises that you actually cannot keep, and also learn to say no if the request contradicts your principles and beliefs or will be to your loss or detriment. Review your daily schedule and adjust it so that you have more time for fun and relaxation.

Horoscope for the 2nd decade of March for Pisces

In the second ten days of March 2018, Pisces will be completely immersed in work. Spring will bring a lot of inspiration and energy, so representatives of your zodiac sign will be in high spirits and make far-sighted plans. The atmosphere in the team will be more than ever full of harmony and mutual understanding. None of your colleagues will stop you from achieving your goal and moving forward towards your dream. No problems should arise, and all issues that get in your way will be easily and relatively quickly resolved in the most favorable way. Your diligence and punctuality will attract the attention of your superiors, for which you will be rewarded with good bonuses. During this period, everything will be fine with your finances and even more; you will be able to indulge yourself with something that you have long dreamed of, but could not afford. If a window of opportunity appears at work, take this time to improve your knowledge and skills. Develop your abilities, this will help you reach a whole new level and achieve much more than before. Now the most important thing is to clearly set priorities so as not to waste your strength and energy on doing unimportant things that take up a lot of time. If you are satisfied with the current state of affairs and your position, enjoy your success, and if you strive to conquer higher peaks, then go ahead!

Horoscope for the 3rd decade of March for Pisces

In the third decade of March 2018, Pisces in their personal lives, under the influence of Venus, will finally experience some inexplicable feelings that they previously could only read about in books. Pisces will change their thinking, and with it their lifestyle, which will have a positive impact on the personal life of these silent and secretive representatives of the zodiac circle. For unmarried and unmarried Pisces, the end of the month will give love, which will slowly but surely develop into true, real feelings. And for those Pisces who have long since tied their fate in marriage with their loved one, the stars promise a very interesting and romantic period with moments of outbursts of passion and tender feelings that will further unite the spouses and strengthen their relationship. Those Pisces who are on the verge of divorce and cannot decide to take a serious step will finally take it and, most likely, will meet a person with whom they will truly feel good and comfortable. Now you should not be afraid of change, but on the contrary, accept new life with dignity and gratitude as a gift from Fate. Pisces are constantly silent about their experiences, thoughts and joys. But the end of March will give them new acquaintances and friends, to whom representatives of your zodiac sign will be able to open their souls and trust, which will make life much easier and fill it with joy.

For many of us, the past year has been extremely turbulent and very eventful. Astrologers explain this by the difficult character of the animal symbol of 2017 - the obstinate Rooster.

But the situation will soon change, because the reins of power in 2018 will rightfully belong to the calm and good-natured Dog, who promises to do coming year happy for all representatives of the zodiac circle. Including for Pisces. What is in store for them earthly yellow dog, will tell the horoscope for the year 2018 for Pisces.

In general, astrologers foretell many pleasant situations for this sign in the coming year. According to stargazers, Pisces will begin 2018 in calmness and tranquility, right from the first days of January, and this period will last until December. The horoscopes of astrologers for the sign do not foretell any unpleasant surprises or unfavorable events.

The first half of the year will be pleasant and prosperous in all aspects for Pisces – adherents of an active lifestyle. At the beginning of the year, the Dog will give them many chances to change their lives for the better. But for this, the horoscope for 18 advises Pisces to apply all their knowledge and acquired skills in the first months.

Until the beginning of spring, this sign will have to deal with various life situations, the outcome of which will determine their further well-being. In order to avoid mistakes and not bring disaster upon themselves, Pisces will definitely have to carefully think through their every step, their every action. But this will allow them to gain new experience and receive a decent reward for their efforts.

In spring and summer, the Dog will give Pisces a sense of self-confidence. They will feel irresistible and capable of real feats. It is thanks to this that they will have the opportunity to achieve mutual sympathy with the person they like and win many victories in the professional field. To do this, they may have to change their place of work, because astrologers for the sign of Pisces for 2018 consider this option to be quite realistic.

The autumn-winter period in 2018 will be no less good and successful. In November-December, the horoscope predicts a lot of good news and positive emotions for Pisces. This will allow representatives of this zodiac sign to spend 2018 and meet the next year, 2019, in a great mood.

Gentlemen and ladies!

Astrologers assure that the stars will be extremely favorable to Pisces men in the 18th. Moreover, they foretell many dramatic changes for the better. But for this, Pisces men will have to show all their masculinity, determination and assertiveness.

Following the predictions of astrologers, a man may well trust his intuition in making a decision. important issues. His spiritual impulse will be his guiding star in many life situations. Moving towards their goal, Pisces men need to draw up a detailed action plan and follow it step by step. Only in this case will they expect grandiose victories and successful implementation of their plans.

As for personal life, for the male part of Pisces it will be no less successful. According to the forecast for 2018 from the famous astrologers Pavel and Tamara Globa, the male half of humanity born under this zodiac sign will receive many pleasant surprises at the beginning of spring. Those Pisces whose hearts are still free will be lucky enough to meet a person who is almost ideally suited for creating a couple. For those who are already in a couple, the horoscope promises a new honeymoon in the relationship.

But they will have to take care of their health. Pisces men should pay close attention to their well-being, taking preventive measures when necessary.

You can avoid exacerbation of chronic diseases, as well as the appearance of new sores, if you undergo a course of therapy on time and change your lifestyle. The horoscope strongly recommends that in 2018 all representatives of the Pisces sign adhere to proper nutrition and a balanced sleep-wake schedule.

As for the beautiful half of humanity, born under the constellation Pisces, it would also do them no harm to approach their diet and sleep more responsibly. Otherwise, the Pisces woman will be able to feel a little discomfort after the New Year holidays. For other representatives of this zodiac sign, the horoscope promises improved well-being and pleasant changes in appearance.

In terms of love relationship 2018 promises to be a very fruitful year for the Pisces woman. Closer to mid-spring, the period of dating and meeting new young people will begin. Among them, undoubtedly, there will be someone who will subsequently become a reliable support for life.

For Pisces women who are married, astrological predictions are no less pleasant. They, too, will experience a new wave of feelings for their partner, which will allow them to understand why the marriage was created.

In terms of finances, the coming year does not foretell any unpleasant surprises for the female half of this zodiac sign. Forecasts for ladies of the Pisces sign for 2018 from Pavel Globa report that they will have to work a lot throughout the twelve months. However, the time and effort spent will bring quite tangible results. There is a risk of unreasonable spending, which the famous astrologer strongly recommends avoiding.

What awaits the “waterfowl” sign on the love front?

Astrologers give detailed predictions about what awaits representatives of different zodiac signs in love. The love horoscope for 2018 for Pisces will be ambiguous. On the one hand, everyone born under this zodiac symbol will experience many positive moments and joyful events.

On the other hand, many Pisces will have to fight for their relationships. A significant obstacle to their full-fledged family happiness may well be work, to which they will have to devote much more time than in 2017. Of course, the time and effort spent will pay off handsomely, but solving problems at work will require spending time that was previously devoted to loved ones.

Mostly in 2018, all Pisces in a couple will experience a measured life. Joyful moments will alternate with minor conflicts that will not be able to destroy the overall idyll. Astrologers advise all representatives of this sign to relax more together. Let it be not only trips, but also walking in the evenings or weekends.

Show your love and care for your “other half.” Especially during busy periods at work, try to pay attention to your loved ones so that they do not feel lonely.

The astrological forecast for Pisces who have not yet met their “soul mate” promises acquaintance with interesting personality closer to mid-spring of next year. But in order to find a true life partner, Pisces will need to take up this issue closely, since Pisces will not be able to build relationships and simultaneously deal with other aspects of their life.

For marriages, the horoscope forecast for 2018 is not so reassuring. Pisces can start and build new relationships, but there is no need to rush into marriage. It is better for both partners to test the strength of their relationship and only after that, preferably after a sufficient period of time, start organizing an engagement or wedding.

Moreover, the horoscope for Pisces for 2018 from Vasilisa Volodina says: nothing enchanting is expected for this sign. According to the famous astrologer, representatives of the sign will lead a very calm personal life.

What awaits the sign in the financial field?

Pisces are distinguished by hard work and determination. Therefore, the front of work that the yellow earthen Dog foreshadows for them at the beginning of the year will certainly be within their capabilities. Moreover, it will bring worthy results - the necessary experience and good profit. So, towards the end of summer, the horoscope for Pisces for the year of the Dog 2018 promises an improvement in well-being.

However, so that current affairs are always completed successfully and contribute to growth financial well-being, representatives of this zodiac sign will need to unconditionally believe in themselves and their strengths. And also listen to your intuition - in matters of love and finance, it will certainly tell you the direction you need for further action.

According to the financial forecast of astrologers, Pisces will in no case have to feel the need next year, because the Dog will be very generous and supportive towards them, sending many profitable orders and pacifying competitors.

An astrological forecast from Tamara Globa predicts rapid advancement up the career ladder for Pisces. In addition, according to the astrologer, throughout 2018 they will be able to make many profitable acquaintances, which in due time will play a certain role in career growth.

Some people born under the constellation Pisces will be able to change jobs. Those who have long dreamed of a change of scenery and more favorable conditions, in the coming year will be able to make these dreams come true. People of creative professions will have to work hard to realize their plans and ideas.

Pisces who took out a loan in 2017 will be able to repay the debt in the first half of the coming year. Having been freed from debt obligations, they will be able to take a little rest and, with renewed vigor, begin to improve their own financial situation.

In the autumn-winter period, the stars recommend that the “waterfowl” sign take up the establishment of professional relationships. New acquaintances and contacts acquired at the beginning of 2018 should be strengthened. This may require you to sacrifice time that you previously devoted to your family.

State of health and well-being of Pisces

Like the love forecast, the health horoscope for representatives of the sign of Pisces is becoming increasingly in demand by the beginning of 2018. It is worth noting that you should not expect anything extremely negative. Yes, the horoscope for 2018 for Pisces from Pavel Globa indicates various viral diseases that will lie in wait for “waterfowl” throughout the twelve months. But with proper and timely care of your body, they can be avoided.

In addition, the horoscope gives a warning for 2018 for Pisces, who has overweight. The coming 2018 is a great year to get your body in order. Directing all his strength to fight extra pounds, you can not only improve your well-being, but also begin to catch the admiring glances of others.

Extremely negative consequences What will happen to Pisces in the coming year is the abuse of junk food, as well as regular lack of sleep. Try to create an approximate regimen for yourself at the beginning of January, according to which you will eat and stay awake throughout the year. This way you will be able to avoid serious diseases and complications of existing chronic pathologies.

In order to strengthen your body and increase the body's resistance to various viruses, the horoscope for 2018 for Pisces strongly recommends a vacation in a sanatorium. The most favorable time to go there, according to astrologers, falls in the spring months and the beginning of summer.

  • Take care of your spine.
  • Meditate.
  • Avoid prolonged exposure to the cold.

If Pisces listens to the predictions of the astrologers, then by the end of the year many of them will notice an improvement in their well-being and appearance. The Yellow Dog, the ruler of the coming year, will help Pisces gather strength and find the right motivation so that 2018 becomes happy and successful for them. Author: Elena Suvorova

This month will bring you new goals and dreams. Especially if you didn’t make precise plans for the future before and found time to relax and dream. March will be successful for any endeavors, but you should be careful in some things.

A bright and interesting time will come for Pisces, when they will want to spread their wings and set new goals and objectives.

You may be offered several interesting projects, which promise you not only high earnings, but also the opportunity to express yourself in creativity.

Representatives of this sign should not be embarrassed to openly show their desire for a dream, even if it seems that nothing will work out: even the most incredible things will come true this month.

Pisces Woman: Work and Career Horoscope for March 2020

Women of this sign will surprisingly learn to combine daydreaming with very specific earthly goals. In March, new opportunities will again be available to you, which will open up new horizons or force you to reconsider and radically change your plans for the future. Pisces will be pleasantly surprised that their bosses will appreciate their past achievements and help them realize a dream that you have not voiced out loud.

To take advantage of your luck, don't be afraid to put yourself out there. You should not sit in the shade in March, as you will miss the most interesting things. Don't be afraid to change direction if you're not completely sure that your job is your calling. Pisces has a chance to change everything in better side, and they will be able to use it if they come out of the shadows.

Take on the most difficult projects, presentations, do not be afraid to master and learn something new, even if those around you do not share your interests or believe that you will lose - March will be a very generous month for women of this sign and will allow many of them to believe in themselves and reveal your abilities.

Don’t listen to anyone and go towards your goal, then luck will definitely smile on you and you will be able to get even more than you planned.

Pisces Man: Work and Career Horoscope for March 2020

In March, Pisces men will want to be lazy and distance themselves from business and work. The mood will be conducive to meeting with friends, flirting on the side, or even spending quiet time at home, so this month you will not be too eager to do work and engage in your activities.

However, a proposal in mid-March will force Pisces to be active again and find themselves at work outside of working hours and even take part of the project home. Several new opportunities will open up for you, which you will definitely take advantage of if you are active.

Don’t be afraid to ask your boss or colleagues for advice - this will come in handy and those around you will understand your intentions and desires. Try to take part in a holiday or organization of an evening, or celebrations and colleagues will be pleased with your initiative.

By the way, relationships with colleagues for men of this sign can become friendly or even turn romantic if you decide to change yourself and begin to slowly but surely move towards your goal. Determination will only add to your charm and will contribute to success and achievements, which will not be a sin to celebrate in a pleasant company of like-minded people.