Japanese hydrangea. Hydrangea (Hydrangea). Description, types and care of hydrangea. Positive qualities of hydrangea

From July to October, the tall, up to three meters, bush is covered with white inflorescences, emitting a honey aroma.

As they fade, they acquire a pink tint.

In autumn the leaves turn yellow and fall off towards winter.

The paniculate hydrangea kyushu retains the same qualities in landscape gardening. Sufficient winter hardiness (up to -34ºС) allows you to successfully grow this shrub in the middle zone, in open ground conditions.

Paniculata hydrangea Kyushu in the garden

Selecting a location

Adult specimens have difficulty recovering from transplantation. Therefore, the place in which the seedling will grow and develop must be long-term.

The landing site must be sheltered from strong winds and enough well lit; Shading up to partial shade is possible.

IMPORTANT: layers of snow should not be removed from the roof at the planting site, since the wood is not dense enough to withstand this additional load.


The soil should be acidic and combine looseness with sufficient nutritional value.

Its composition may include peat, humus, turf, leaf soil and sand in equal quantities.

A mixture of peat and humus with garden soil in equal proportions is also used.

Best time to place in open groundspring. Bushes that have overwintered in the ground can be planted soon after the soil thaws. Greenhouse plants with leaves should be planted only in late spring, after the frost period has ended.

The dimensions of the planting hole should provide space for the growth of the root system. The usual “measurements” are length and width from 0.5 to 0.8 meters. The depth may be somewhat less, since surface roots grow wider than deep.

If the soil is clayey, the bottom is provided with a drainage layer of crushed stone, pebbles, brick or ceramic scrap.

Sandy soils, on the contrary, are compacted with a layer of clay, which is placed at the bottom of the planting pit.

IMPORTANT: If the groundwater level is high, planting on a hill is required.

A layer of soil mixture is poured into the prepared planting hole and carefully straightened root system, pre-moistened in a bucket of water.

Add soil and compact it carefully. As a result, the root collar should be flush with the soil surface, but not deeper.

CAUTION: Water thoroughly. Then the surface of the earth is covered with a layer of mulch(peat chips, crushed bark) so that the soil under the bush retains moisture longer.

Optimal water for irrigation should be soft, the ideal option is rainwater.

Tap water should be well defended. It's useful from time to time add a little lemon juice or vinegar.

Paniculata hydrangea Kyushu, in comparison with other types of hydrangeas, is relatively drought-resistant, however, in dry summers and with a lack of moisture in spring, regular abundant watering.

Top dressing

The plant responds well to complex mineral nutrition. Best optionmixtures developed and intended for hydrangeas. They can be periodically supplemented with organic compounds.

The timing of fertilizer application is coordinated with the main phases of growth and development:

spring feeding supports the formation of young shoots;

June promotes abundant formation of buds;

summer, during the flowering period, they prolong it. These feedings are carried out twice a month. The potassium and phosphorus components increase, while the nitrogen component decreases.

Autumn, before the rest period, includes superphosphate and potassium sulfate.

Fast-growing (25 cm per year) bushes can and should prune in spring, since flower buds form on the shoots of the current year and open in the same summer.

Moreover, heavy pruning shoots to the level of three to five buds stimulates the mass formation of powerful young shoots with large inflorescences.

Old bushes are rejuvenated by pruning them to the level of perennial wood or even to a stump.

Thoughtful pruning can form this hydrangea in the form graceful trees.

For this purpose, a vertical leading shoot and 4-5 “accompanying” lateral shoots are isolated on a young plant, the remaining shoots are removed, and the remaining lateral shoots are pinched. The “leader” is allowed to reach a height of 1-1.5 meters.

Then its top is cut off, thereby stimulating the formation of skeletal branches of the crown. The lateral “support” is removed. Form a crown as it grows.


Adult paniculate hydrangeas do not need winter shelter. Young plants, especially during the first wintering, are bent to the ground and covered with spruce branches.

For mature, tall bushes with loose wood, heavy snowfalls are dangerous.

To prevent the branches from breaking off, they are tied into one bundle and attached to a reliable support.


The abundant flowering of fragrant “panicles” begins in July and continues until mid-autumn.

The shade of the inflorescences depends on their age - the older, the pinker - and on the acidity of the soil: the flowers become brighter the more acidic the soil.

This feature is widely used to increase the decorativeness of flowering, especially since acidified, soft water is beneficial to plants.

On young bushes that spend their first summer in the ground, the inflorescences are removed so that the plant becomes strong enough and does not waste energy on flowering.

The “panicles” of inflorescences last a long time when cut, and when dried, they retain their shape and color.

IMPORTANT: all inflorescences should be trimmed before the first heavy snowfalls, as snow sticking to them will create an unbearable load on the fragile branches.

Seeds of paniculata Kyushu hydrangea, as a rule, do not ripen under conditions middle zone. Therefore, they only reproduce it vegetatively: layerings and cuttings.

Reproduction by layering. In the spring or at the end of summer, bend the lower branch to the ground, fix it in the middle, dig it a little and dig it in this place. The upper part of the branch is tied to a vertical support. Over the course of a year, the buried part forms a fairly developed root system. At this time, the new plant is separated from the mother plant.

Propagation by cuttings And. This method has an optimal spring time; the material is collected from waste after pruning.

Cuttings of 4-5 internodes are cut from selected branches and placed in a weak solution of a root formation stimulator for two days. Then they are planted in a mixture of sand and peat, deepening into two buds. The planting is covered with plastic film, moistened, ventilated regularly and kept at a temperature of 14-17 degrees. Rooting takes no more than a month.

Diseases and pests

Hydrangea in a site with optimal conditions for it is resistant to diseases.

On soils that are limed or oversaturated with humus, the plant may develop chlorosis: the leaves, except for the central vein, become light yellow.

In this case, several waterings are carried out potassium nitrate solution with a concentration of 4 g/l, and after 3 days - ferrous sulfate solution the same concentration.

Downy mildew, characterized by dark, oily, gradually spreading spots on leaves and stems, appears at a temperature of 18-20 degrees and high atmospheric humidity.

An effective remedy for such a disease is spraying with copper-soap solution: 15 g of copper sulfate and 150 g of green soap per bucket of water.

Gray rot, developing in summer period at high air humidity, will require removal of affected leaves and shoots followed by treatment of the bush fungicides.

At low air humidity, they can settle on the plant. aphids and spider mites. They can be removed with a soap solution, but the most effective way in such cases is to use systemic insecticides.

As a preventive measure, you need to get rid of weeds, which serve as a haven and breeding ground for these pests.

Paniculata hydrangea Kyushu can withstand not only serious winter cold, but also significant atmospheric pollution.

The long, fragrant flowering of these perennial bush-trees from the island of Kyushu in the open ground of the middle zone requires little - a properly selected planting site, simple and optimal watering.


See photos of Kyushu hydrangea:

Hydrangea in your garden. Hydrangea in Japan.

Many types of hydrangea can decorate our gardens without requiring much attention in return. The main thing is to follow simple rules of care.

Amazingly beautiful plant - hydrangeas- can be grown in a flowerbed, in the garden, on the balcony or at home.
Translated from Greek, the word “hydrangea” means “barrel of water.” This is completely justified, because in order to grow a healthy and beautiful plant, it needs to be provided with good watering.

It was first brought to Europe from Japan in 1820.

Hydrangea - quite unpretentious and very hardy plant, therefore, to grow hydrangea, you do not need to be a professional gardener. But first things first.

Indoor hydrangea is a plant with beautiful flowers of red, pink, white or blue and bright green stems that grow up to 1.5 m long. Hydrangea blooms from early spring to late autumn, then it becomes rest period, which lasts 70-80 days.

Place for hydrangea You should choose one illuminated by bright diffused light. In summer, you can take the plant out into the garden, gradually accustoming it to direct sunlight. And then, when the plants get used to it, the pots are dug into the ground and left until autumn.

Plant does not like drafts and sudden temperature changes, the optimal temperature for it is 15-22 C. In winter, it is recommended to keep hydrangea in cool, darkened rooms at a temperature of 6-8 C.

In addition, hydrangeas need fresh, moist air. Therefore, try to spray it from time to time and do not place the plant near heating devices.

Hydrangea does not tolerate hard water well, so it is advisable to water it with soft, warm, settled water. You can also use rainwater, and in winter - melt water.

During the period of active growth and flowering, it is recommended to water the hydrangea regularly and well.- The soil in the pot should always remain moist. For good growth and formation of inflorescences, you can water the plant with a solution of potassium permanganate. If there is a lack of watering in the summer during growth and flowering, the leaves and flowers wither, the plant slows down in growth and recovers with great difficulty.
in autumn During dormancy, watering is significantly reduced so that the apical buds ripen, from which flowers are formed for the next year. Excessive watering in winter during the dormant period, especially when low temperatures, leads to rotting of the roots and death of the plant.

For a plant to bloom well, it needs fertile soil.. Every year after flowering, it is recommended to replant the hydrangea in fresh soil. The following mixture can be used as soil: 1 part peat soil, 1 part coniferous soil, 1/2 part sand with the addition of humus. Hydrangea prefers clay soil, but does not like sandy soil.
What's interesting - The color of flowers depends on the acidity of the soil. On acidic soils, hydrangea flowers turn out blue, and on more alkaline soils, pink. Thus, you can independently change the color of the petals to pink by adding lime, and back to blue by adding aluminum sulfate. In addition, in acidic soil the color of flowers becomes brighter, while in neutral soil they fade. You can also oxidize the soil using peat, coniferous soil, and sawdust. It is better not to use ash, lime, or chalk for these purposes.

In spring and summer it is recommended to fertilize plants using liquid mineral and organic fertilizers. The plant responds well to nitrogen fertilizers, mixtures of bone meal, potassium sulfate, and ammonium sulfate.
After pruning and until new shoots appear, do not feed. Pruning is done after flowering to half the length.

The root system does not go far into the ground - the roots mainly grow in width. For this reason for planting hydrangeas, it is better to choose a wide pot rather than a deep one. It is also important to ensure good drainage.

It is better to plant hydrangeas in the ground in late spring. But if you get a seedling with a well-developed root system, then you can plant it in early September. Before planting, you need to prepare a hole (50 x 50 cm) and fertile, loose soil (add a bucket of rotted compost to it).

In order for your oriental beauty to grow well and delight you with its lush flowering, it needs loose, sour soil, rich in humus and nutrients. For potted hydrangea, it is better to take special soil for rhododendrons. She prefers a bright, but cool and shady place. It is advisable to place it on a windowsill with a window facing west or east.

There is nothing hydrangea loves more than water. Its botanical name is “Hydrangea,” which is Latin for “water vessel.” You need to water it with soft water often and abundantly, but so that there is no stagnation of moisture. Pots and tubs need to be placed on a tray, which is filled with expanded clay and water. For all your cares and efforts, she will fully thank you with her lush flowering. After flowering, faded umbrellas are cut off. What’s especially pleasing is that after flowering you don’t have to say goodbye to the potted beauty, but you can give it a second life in the garden in partial shade, in a place protected from the wind, or transplant it into a large tub and decorate your balcony or terrace.

Hydrangea , or Hydrangea ( lat. Hydrangea) - a genus of flowering plants in the family Hydrangeaceae. A number of authors include this genus in the family Saxifragaceae (Saxifragaceae).

The genus Hydrangea consists, according to various sources, of 35 - 80 plant species, whose habitats are South and East Asia, North and South America, with the greatest species diversity in East Asia, especially in China and Japan. Several types of hydrangea grow in Russia's Far East.

Name "Hydrangea" was given in honor of Princess Hortense, the sister of the Prince of the Holy Roman Empire, Karl-Heinrich of Nassau-Siegen, in 1768. Later, European botanists and taxonomists gave the plant the name "Hydrangea", which can be translated as "vessel of water" (other -Greek ὕδωρ - water, ἄγγος - vessel). According to one version, the name was given to hydrangea for the shape of the seed pods, reminiscent of a jug, according to another - for its moisture-loving nature.

Hydrangea was first brought to Europe from Japan in 1820. In 1900, its selection began. These were mainly varieties obtained from a poorly winter-hardy species of large-leaved or garden hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla, Hydrangea hortensis). Therefore, at first, hydrangea was grown only as houseplant.

Already by the 60s of the XX century. About 100 varieties were bred. The plant is one of the most common garden plants in the world.

Most species are shrubs 1-3 m tall, some species are small trees, the rest are vines that climb the trunks of other trees to a height of up to 30 m. Plants can be either deciduous or evergreen, but widely cultivated species of the temperate zone are classified as deciduous .

Hydrangeas bloom from spring to late autumn. The flowers are collected at the end of the stem into beautiful spherical inflorescences - a corymb or panicle. In most species, the flower heads contain two types of flowers: small fertile flowers in the middle and large sterile flowers at the edges. In some species, all flowers are fertile and have the same size.

The vast majority of flowers are white, but some, such as bigleaf hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla), can be blue, red, pink and lilac. In such species, the color often depends on the pH level (hydrogen index) in the soil: in acidic soils, the petals become blue, in neutral soils - pale beige, and in alkaline soils - pink or lilac. Hydrangeas are one of the few plants that can accumulate aluminum, which is released from acidic soils and in some species forms compounds that give them blue tints.

The fruit of hydrangea is a 2-5-part capsule with numerous small seeds.

Plants from another related genus Schizophragma also sometimes called hydrangeas. Among climbing plants, the most famous are Schizophragma hydrangeoides and Hydrangea petiolaris.

Hydrangeas- beautiful unpretentious and hardy ornamental plants with beautiful varied colors and a long flowering period of its large hemispherical inflorescences. Caps of white, red, pink, blue hydrangeas decorate rooms in early spring, and gardens in summer and late autumn.

For successful flowering of hydrangea, two basic requirements must be met: coolness, in winter 10-12°C, not lower than 8°C, and constantly moist soil.

Types of hydrangea

Hydrangea largeleaf , or garden (Hydrangea macrophylla) . The homeland of the plant is China, Japan. Beautiful ornamental shrub. In the subtropics it reaches 4 m in height, but as you move north it “decreases in height” to 1-2 m. It is distinguished by erect shoots. The leaves are simple, ovate, bright green. The sterile flowers are large, pink, with dark carmine strokes up to 3.5 cm in diameter, the fertile flowers are lilac, sometimes blue, less often white, in flat wide corymbs (10 x 15 cm). In garden forms, the inflorescences are spherical, up to 20-25 cm in diameter, they are formed at the ends of the shoots. Blooms in July-August.

A plant with flat inflorescences, along the edges of which there are large sterile flowers, and the middle is occupied by fruiting flowers. Plants with corymbose flowers are very elegant.

A very original variety of hydrangea. The flowers constantly change color - at first they are lemon-greenish, then turn pink and then become pink with a green edge. Some petals have no edging. Hundreds of small flowers form large, almost spherical inflorescences. The bushes are very compact, 90-120 cm high, 60-90 cm wide. Flowering in July-September, a little later than other varieties from the "Magical" series.

Excellent for cutting into vases and as dried flowers. The growing location is sunny or semi-shaded. The soil must be fertile and must be kept moist. Good drainage is also necessary. The variety is highly resistant to powdery mildew. Requires shelter for the winter. The temperature should not be lower than -23 0 C.

Another beautiful representative of large-leaved hydrangeas of the “magical” variety, similar in its “character” to the previous variety - magical amethyst. The flowers are similar - at first pale green, then coral pink to pink with purple edges, then green with white edges. Flowering is very abundant, in July-October. The flowers are collected in large inflorescences with a diameter of 20 cm, which are excellent for cutting. Bushes are 100-120 cm high, 100 cm wide. The shoots are thick and strong. The leaves are dark green.

The growing place should be semi-shaded. The soil is acidic, fertile, with good drainage. Requires shelter for the winter. The temperature should not be lower than -23 0 C.

Varieties of hydrangea differ in flowering time.

In Russia, large-leaved hydrangea can be grown as a houseplant or used as a container crop, which is kept outdoors only in the summer.

. The natural range of the species is Japan, Korea, Sakhalin. The leaves are small, glossy, dull green in color. Stems are flexible; Thanks to the presence of special aerial roots, they are able to climb walls, trellises, and trees. The flowers are whitish-greenish, collected in corymbs, scattered along the entire length of the vine. In the first years of life it grows slowly.

. View, in natural conditions growing in eastern North America. The inflorescences are white. Flowering in July-August. In late autumn, it is recommended to cut off faded inflorescences. Pruning of removed, thickened and weakened shoots should be carried out either before sap flow begins, or after the leaves have completely blossomed. One of the famous varieties is Hydrangea arborescens ‘Annabelle’ with dark leaves and very large greenish inflorescences. Another famous variety - ‘Grandiflora’.

. View from China. Large shrub up to two and a half meters high. The leaves are large, oval, dark green. Inflorescences are wide corymbs. Blooms from early July. At the beginning of flowering, the flowers are white, by the end of July they turn pink, and in August they acquire a rich crimson color. In the conditions of the European part of Russia, the plant does not require shelter for the winter.

. The natural range of the species is Eastern China, Korea, Japan, Sakhalin. Plants are about one and a half meters high. Green buds appear in mid-July; by the end of the month they turn white. Flowering - from August throughout autumn. Inflorescences - with a smooth transition from white to crimson and crimson with a purple tint. Hydrangea paniculata has high winter hardiness. In autumn it is recommended to prune faded inflorescences, in spring - sanitary and formative pruning. Known varieties - Hydrangea paniculata ‘Kyushu’, ‘Pinky Winky’.

. View from the southern USA. Plants are slightly more than a meter tall. The leaves are similar to oak leaves, dark green above (reddish-bronze in autumn), with whitish pubescence below. The flowers are in paniculate inflorescences, similar to the inflorescences of paniculate hydrangea, but more elongated, with rare sterile flowers, which in the fall, like the leaves, acquire a crimson hue. In the conditions of the European part of Russia, the plant often freezes slightly.

Sargent's hydrangea (Hydrangea sargentiana) , or Hortensia Sargent . View from Western China. In the conditions of the European part of Russia, the plant is actually grown as a perennial herbaceous plant, since its aboveground part freezes out almost every year.

Hydrangea care

Lighting. Hydrangea prefers partial shade, the plant does not tolerate direct sun rays. Suitable for growing on windows with western and eastern exposure. It can grow in a north window, but due to lack of light it stretches and blooms worse. When placing plants near windows with southern exposure, it is necessary to place them at some distance from the window, creating shading from direct sun. In summer, it is better to take the pot with the plant out into the open air and keep it in the shade.

If during the active growing season hydrangea cannot be kept in the sun, then in winter, from mid-January (the beginning of bud development), it is recommended to place the plants in the most illuminated, sunny places.

Temperature. Hydrangeas need to be kept at moderate temperatures (18-22°C in spring and summer). The plant overwinters well on a windowsill, under which there is no heating radiator (the temperature at this time can fluctuate between 8-12°C, but not lower than 5°C).

Watering. Watering for hydrangea is necessary from spring to autumn, abundant, as the top layer of the substrate dries, and then gradually it must be reduced. In winter, the plant is watered occasionally - as the soil dries out, but so that the substrate does not dry out. Watering is increased when leaves appear, usually in January-February, and with the development of buds the plant is fed with complex fertilizer.

Features of cultivation. The plant has a pronounced dormant period in winter time. In winter, hydrangeas shed their leaves and go into a dormant period of 60-75 days. They should be stored in dry, cool and ventilated basements or on cool window sills.

Trimming. In the spring, the plant must be pruned to trim it and remove those stems that are too weak to develop inflorescences on them. In addition, this promotes good shoot growth, increased flowering and the formation of larger inflorescences. Pruning is done deeply, leaving 2 to 6 eyes on the branch.

Air humidity. Hydrangeas prefer high humidity. To maintain appropriate air humidity throughout the year (both summer and winter), plants must be sprayed. You can place pots of hydrangeas on trays with wet expanded clay or peat. In this case, the bottom of the pot should not touch the water.

Fertilizer. As the buds develop, hydrangea is fed with complex fertilizer. During the growing season, hydrangeas need to be well fed weekly; during the dormant period, do not feed them.

In the book Indoor Floriculture. Authors R. Milevskaya, Y. Vies advise feeding plants with pink flowers - liquid mineral fertilizer for indoor plants, and plants with blue flowers - fertilizer for heathers that love acidic soil. In order to cause lush flowering on old bushes, in the spring it is necessary to apply organic and mineral fertilizers, preferably in liquid form.

Bloom. At good care Hydrangeas bloom from April to October - November. Umbrellas of hydrangea inflorescences can be spherical or corymbose, with large marginal flowers that have overgrown sepals instead of petals. The corolla of the developed flower has 4-5 petals with 8-10 stamens and a 2-4-locular ovary with 2-4 styles. The fruit is a multi-seeded capsule, the seeds are small.

Large hemispherical hydrangea inflorescences most often form at the ends of the shoots of the second year.

The color of hydrangea sepals can be artificially changed: when watered with aluminum alum before flowering (5 g per 1 liter of water), white flowers turn blue, pink flowers turn lilac. If you add iron salts to the soil, the flowers will turn blue. Blue color can be obtained from some red or pink hydrangeas by watering the soil with aluminum sulfate or potassium salts.

Transfer. Hydrangeas are replanted annually. After flowering, you can remove the old inflorescences, cut the shoots to half their length and replant the plants in fresh soil mixture.

When replanting in the spring, low-acidic soil should be taken for white, pink and red varieties, and blue varieties should be planted in highly acidic soil (for example, for).

Soil. The soil for hydrangeas is suitable with increased acidity, (pH 5.5). For plants with blue flowers, the recommended pH is 3.5-4.5. You can use turf, leaf, peat, soil and sand in a ratio of 2:1:1:0.5 or a ready-made soil mixture for azaleas. Humus soil is not used when growing hydrangeas, as it can cause chlorosis.

Reproduction. Hydrangeas are propagated mainly cuttings. For indoor culture You can use both adult plants and apical cuttings. For cuttings in March, take young lower shoots with leaves 4-6 cm long with 2-3 internodes. They are planted at a distance of 4-5 cm from each other in deep bowls, deepened into the sand by 1.5-2 cm, and covered with glass. After 10-15 days (after rooting), they are planted in pots. In May, you need to cut off the tops so that the plants grow bushy.

Cuttings taken in March, hydrangeas will bloom in May - June of next year. One-year plants form 1-3 inflorescences.

Root shoots and small side shoots must be removed, leaving 3-4 of the strongest root shoots for flowering in future years - only last year's ripened stems form flowers in hydrangeas.

Hydrangea also reproduces seeds, but less often dividing bushes, suckers and layering, grafting.


The leaves of large-leaved hydrangea are quite poisonous and cause contact dermatitis.

Possible difficulties

Hydrangeas are susceptible to chlorosis– most often this happens from limewater and humus soil.

With too much light light spots appear on the leaves.

With insufficient watering and dry air tips of leaves dry out.

In case of power shortage plants develop poorly and do not bloom.


Useful properties of hydrangea

The name “hydrangea” translated from Greek means “water vessel”, and reflects not only the love of hydrangea for water, but also its beneficial effect on the human body - the normalization of water-salt metabolism.

Tree hydrangea has beneficial properties. The root of hydrangea arborescens has been used in medicine since ancient times for inflammatory diseases of the urinary organs. The root extract has mild diuretic and wound-healing properties, has a cleansing effect on the genitourinary system, helps remove harmful substances from the body, and reduces swelling.

The active substances of hydrangea arborescens promote the removal of uric acid from the body, preventing the deposition of sand and stones in the urinary tract, and have an antimicrobial effect.
Hydrangea relieves spasms in the urinary organs, providing an analgesic effect. The root is also used to relieve premenstrual syndrome. Hydrangea arborescens has proven itself to be an adjuvant for alleviating prostate diseases. Tree hydrangea has a tonic effect on the kidneys and improves their function.

Tree hydrangea is used for:

— cholelithiasis;
— chronic pyelonephritis;
- kidney stones;
— chronic cystitis;
- joint diseases;
- chronic inflammation of the female genital area;
- edema and obesity;
- diseases of the prostate gland.

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Tags: indoor plants, hydrangea, hydrangea, indoor flowers, hydrangeas, plant care, hydrangea care, photo of hydrangea, garden hydrangea, indoor hydrangea, hydrangea flowers, hydrangea care, hydrangea planting, hydrangea propagation, hydrangea growing, pruning hydrangea, indoor hydrangea plants , types of hydrangea, hydrangea transplant, indoor hydrangea flowers, hydrangea care, hydrangea care, large-leaved hydrangea, or garden hydrangea, hydrangea macrophylla, petiolate hydrangea, hydrangea petiolaris, tree hydrangea, hydrangea arborescens, Bretschneider hydrangea, hydrangea bretschneideri, paniculate hydrangea, hydrangea panic ulata , oakleaf hydrangea, hydrangea quercifolia, sargent hydrangea, hydrangea sargentiana

Its variety of types and colors allows you to create a piece of paradise in any garden.

Varieties of hydrangea grown in Russian gardens

  • Anabel is the most common of the tree hydrangea varieties. It was released quite a long time ago. The bush grows small and compact, its height is about one and a half meters. The crown is spreading and dome-shaped, reaching a diameter of 3 m. The stem is bare and gray in color. The leaves are very large, up to 30 cm in length, bright, rich green in color with a finely toothed edge. Until frost, the foliage retains its color. The flowers are white, round, about 2 cm in size, grouped into inflorescences-balls with a diameter of up to 30 cm. The flowering period is from early summer to September. The bush is characterized by rapid growth of up to 10 cm per year. Frost-resistant. Prefers slightly shaded areas.
  • Grandiflora- a magnificent bush of tree-like hydrangea with a spherical crown, up to 2 m in height and up to 3 m in diameter. Green ovate leaves up to 10 cm. Blooms in corymbose inflorescences of small flowers. During the entire flowering period from July to September, the color of the flowers changes several times. At first they are light green, then turn white, and towards the end they acquire a creamy tint. Growth per year is up to 30 cm. The plant prefers sunny places with slight partial shade. Grandiflora loves moist soil and does not tolerate drought. Moderately frost-resistant variety.
  • Tree hydrangea shrub variety Sterilis It has a round shape and reaches a height of 2-3 m. The foliage is green on top and has a bluish tint on the underside. The leaves are slightly serrated and up to 20 cm long. Its annual growth is about 20 cm. The inflorescences are dense, hemispherical in size, about 25 cm in size. The bush blooms with sterile light green flowers, which turn white over time. The plant prefers well-drained fertile soils, sunny areas with slight partial shade. The winter hardiness of the variety is average.
  • Kyushu- a variety of paniculate hydrangea. The bush has a fan-shaped crown up to 3 m in size and grows up to 2.5-3 m. The stems are colored red-brown. The leaves, pubescent, rich green in color on red petioles, are ovoid in shape. White flowers are collected in a wide panicle 15-25 cm long. Sterile flowers up to 2-3 cm consist of 4 white petals, which later turn pink. Honey bush. The plant does not tolerate stagnation of moisture in the soil and strong dry winds. The variety is fast growing and prefers partial shade. Frost resistance is good down to -25 degrees.
  • Vanilla Fraze- a very spectacular variety of paniculate hydrangea. It is a low bush with dark green foliage. The leaves are ovate and rough. It has very beautiful cone-shaped inflorescences up to 30 cm, distinguished by their color. At the beginning of flowering they are white, and by September the bottom of the cone-inflorescence acquires a pink-strawberry hue, and the top remains white. A fast-growing plant that recovers well after freezing. The shrub is able to withstand low temperatures down to –40 degrees.
  • Lime Light- a fairly popular variety of paniculate hydrangea, memorable for its lime-colored inflorescences. Gradually, the color of the cone-shaped inflorescences acquires a light lemon or white tint, and by autumn it turns slightly pink. The foliage is velvety dark green. The bush has very strong stems that can support the weight of large inflorescences. The variety does not require various supports and tying. The plant grows up to 2 m in height and width. Growth per year is about 25 cm. Prefers sunny and moist areas. Frost-resistant, young bushes should be covered in winter.
  • Pinky Winky- Belgian variety of paniculate hydrangea. The variety is famous for its bright colors of flowers and leaves. An important feature of the variety is its strong shoots, so the plant does not need support. The bush of this variety is small and compact, the crown has a rounded shape. Inflorescences cone-shaped panicles white color by autumn, acquiring purple tones. Their color changes gradually, which makes it possible to observe flowers of different tones in one panicle. The leaves are dark green and have pubescence along the veins. The foliage also turns red-purple in autumn. Young bushes need shelter during the cold season. Adult plants tolerate frosts down to -25 degrees.
  • White Ball frost-resistant bush of a large-leaf variety up to a meter high. It blooms with spherical inflorescences of snow-white color. The foliage is rich green and large. Flowers appear on young shoots and shoots from the previous year. Prefers sunny places with slight partial shade.
  • Romance Blue– winter-hardy variety of large-leaved hydrangea. The plant grows up to 1.5 m. It blooms on the shoots of the new and last season with spherical inflorescences about 25 cm in diameter. Double flowers of blue-blue hue. Leaves, elongated green. Loves sun, moisture and well-drained soil.
  • Endless Summer- “endless summer”. The name was given due to the peculiarity of blooming not only on the shoots of the previous season, but on the shoots of the current year. The bush is small, compact, up to 1.5 m. Depending on the acidity of the soil, the color of the spherical inflorescences varies from blue to pink. The variety has good winter hardiness and does not require shelter.

How to distinguish types and varieties of hydrangea?

In reality, this is quite difficult to do. The species should be determined at the time of flowering, when all parts of the bush can be assessed. By paying attention to the structure of the inflorescences, the ratio of sterile and fertile flowers, the color, shape and hairiness of the leaves, the degree of lignification of the stems, you can correctly determine the type of shrub and correctly select agrotechnical methods.

Positive qualities of hydrangea:

  • thanks to the large species and varietal diversity, you can choose the shrub that is most suitable for your conditions;
  • many different species allow the plant to be used as a hedge, in mixborders and flower beds of various types;
  • hydrangeas are quite resistant to pests and diseases;
  • after damage, the plant quickly recovers;
  • can grow on soils of varying fertility, tolerates close groundwater, loves acidified soils;
  • long flowering period;
  • collected inflorescences can be used in dried flower compositions;
  • decoctions and tinctures of hydrangea leaves and roots have medicinal properties.

Unfortunately, not all types of this beautiful shrub tolerate cold and can be grown in Russia. When maintaining hydrangea, you must strictly follow the rules of care, and then this beauty will delight you with gorgeous blooms.



The place of origin of this species is North America. It is a shrub that grows up to 3 m tall. The leaves are large, without pubescence, serrated, green above and bluish below. Inflorescences appear on annual branches and are flat or spherical in size, 15-20 cm in size. At first, the flowers are colored green, when fully bloomed, turn white or cream. Prefers to grow in shaded areas and does not tolerate drought.

This variety is quite unpretentious; it is not afraid of frost and shaded areas. Thanks to its rapid growth, this variety quickly grows new shoots. In temperate climates, the plant blooms from July to November. The species is not very rich in varietal diversity.

Popular varieties of tree hydrangea:

  1. « Annabelle» large spreading shrub, tolerates wintering well, has beautiful lush inflorescences white. The leaves reach 15 cm, maintaining their green color until frost.
  2. « White Anna" - inflorescences from pale pink to purple.
  3. « Grandiflora"- large snow-white inflorescences.
  4. « Invisibelle Spirit"- has large bright pink inflorescences that lighten over time.
  5. « Incrediball"- white inflorescences, surprising with their large size; the bush reaches 1.5 m.
  6. « Sterilis» – spherical white inflorescences.
  7. « Pink Piction"-inflorescences are pale pink.
  8. « White House“- a dense bush about a meter, the inflorescence is a corymb in the center of which there are fruit-bearing flowers, and sterile flowers along the edge.
  9. « Hayes Starburst» – double light green flowers in the shape of a ball with a diameter of up to 25 cm. Bush up to 1.3 m high.

Hydrangea paniculata

Its distribution area is Japan, China, southern Sakhalin. It has the appearance of a bush, about 2 m tall, and can reach 5 m. The stems of the bush quickly become woody, which allows the plant to survive wintering well. The leaves are elongated and pubescent. Flowers are formed on new shoots and have a pyramid shape.

The inflorescence is a mixture of fertile and non-fertile flowers. At the beginning of flowering they are colored greenish, then turn white, and by autumn they acquire a terracotta or light purple color.

The color saturation depends on the weather and the degree of illumination. The warmer and sunnier the weather, the brighter the hydrangea flowers.

The flowering of the shrub begins at the end of summer and lasts throughout the autumn.

This species prefers slightly shaded areas in very bright light. sunlight the flowers become smaller. The species is not picky about conditions and tolerates frost well even without shelter. The variety has a rich varietal assortment.

Varieties of paniculate hydrangea:

To grow plants in pots, breeders have developed low-growing varieties no more than a meter high:

  • "Pinky Winky"
  • Brussels Lace;
  • "Bomshel";
  • "Last Post";
  • Darts Little Dot;
  • "Bobo" (lemon green flowers, turning pink over time).

Hydrangea large-leaved or garden

It grows wild in Japan and Sakhalin. The height of the varietal forms is about 2 m. Low-growing varieties for pot growing have a height of up to half a meter. The bush does not winter well, the shoots become woody in the second year. Garden hydrangea does not tolerate limestone. The foliage is rich green. Flower buds form in the fall.

To overwinter, the plant should be covered with straw, spruce branches or non-woven material. It is imperative to remove the shelter in time in the spring, otherwise the plant may rot.

Flowering begins in mid-summer. The size of the flowers is about 3 cm.

Varieties of large-leaved hydrangea:

  • « Japanese» – umbrella-shaped inflorescences;
  • « Changeable"- flowers are hemispherical and change color depending on the reaction of the soil and the presence of metal ions in it. Thanks to this specific property of the variable hydrangea, there are many varieties of this species. On acidic soils the flowers are blue or blue, on neutral and alkaline – pink or red. For brighter coloring, you can artificially change the reaction of the soil by adding iron sulfate or alum.

Frost-resistant varieties are remontant. The flowering of such varieties begins with buds on the shoots of the second year and continues on the stems of the current season.

Frost-resistant varieties:

  • "Blue Haven";
  • "Firewox Pink";
  • "Mini Penny";
  • White Ball;
  • "Coco Blanc";
  • "Endles Summer" - white or blue flowers;
  • "Romance" - double flowers;
  • "Expression" - double bright pink jagged flowers in the form of corymbs;
  • "Ever Peppermint" - flowers on the edges are light, and the middle is pink or blue;
  • "Red Sensation" - red inflorescences and burgundy-colored stems.

Hydrangea petiolate

Liana-like bush up to 25 m long. To bloom, it needs support, to which it is attached using aerial roots. The foliage is dark green, smooth and heart-shaped. Fragrant flowers are collected in umbels measuring 15-20 cm, the color varies from green-white to lilac.

The liana is frost-resistant, but can be damaged in severe frosts. To avoid freezing, the young plant should be removed from its support and covered for the winter. It can grow without support as a ground cover plant, forming a thick “carpet”. Prefers a shaded place. It is used for landscaping gazebos, decorating various slopes and walls.

Hydrangea variegated or variegated

This species is also called ground cover, Brettschneider hydrangea or Himalayan hydrangea. The plant has strong woody shoots, milky-white viburnum-shaped inflorescences and elongated ovoid leaves. The shoots are reddish in color and have hairs of peeling bark.

By autumn, the flowers turn pink-purple. The shrub is shade-tolerant, frost-resistant and can tolerate dry times. It reaches a height of up to 3 m. Cut inflorescences look beautiful in dried flowers.

Hydrangea oakleaf

The species is named so because of the similarity of its leaves to oak leaves. The foliage is rich green above, velvety and whitish below. By September the leaves turn red. The bush grows no more than 1.5 m. The plant blooms in panicle inflorescences. In the cold season it freezes and does not bloom. By pruning the shoots in the fall and covering the root system, the plant can be grown as an ornamental bush with luxurious leaves.

Hydrangea ashy or gray

The bush has good winter hardiness and is moisture-loving. Grows up to 2 m. Corymbose inflorescences of small sterile flowers. The leaves are oval shaped and pale green in color. Looks good as a hedge.

Hortensia Sargent

A less common species, blooming with light lilac flowers collected in corymbs. The stems have a reddish tint. The leaves are large, up to 25 cm in length. After freezing, it grows young shoots well and can bloom.

Hydrangea serrata

Plant up to 1.5 m high with large inflorescences in balls. Grows well in sunny areas. The inflorescences are two-colored. The color of the flowers will change depending on the acidity of the soil. The bred variety of this species, “Blue Bird” or blue bird, has blue-colored flowers and leaves. The species can withstand frost when covered.

Hydrangea radiata

A fast-growing shrub about 2.5 m tall. It blooms in white clusters of umbrella-shaped flowers. The leaves are lanceolate-oval in shape. Flowering lasts no more than a month.

To grow shrubs in Russian gardens, it is better to choose species and varieties adapted to the Russian climate. The plant must have good winter hardiness. Otherwise, the bush will not please you with luxurious flowers.

They feel great in our climate zone tree and paniculate varieties of shrubs. The garden type is more capricious and is better suited for pot growing.

Let's get acquainted with Japanese auzisai.
The ancestor of numerous varieties of garden hydrangea is the Japanese large-leaved hydrangea (Auzisai in Japanese). Large-leaved hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla), the genus contains 35 species, about 100 varieties have been bred. The flowers are collected in large, dense, spherical inflorescences with a diameter of up to 20 cm. The leaves are large and numerous. On acidic soil the flowers are blue, on alkaline soil they are pink in various shades, even white. Hydrangea was first brought to Europe from Japan in 1820. In 1900, its selection began. These were mainly varieties obtained from a poorly winter-hardy species of large-leaved or garden hydrangea (H. macrophylla, H. hortensis). Therefore, at first, hydrangea was grown only as a houseplant. The first varieties were bred by French originators.

Parade of flowers. Hydrangea blooms.
Its inflorescences are balls above the ground
They fly and seem unearthly,
And their fabulous flight is beautiful,
They take off with the pink dawn,
And they shine with mischievous lights,
And it’s like the sun is scattering a swarm
His messengers among gardens and parks,
Their multi-colored, many-sided system,
It is a wonderful gift for us,
And sweet honey spreads through my heart...
Parade of flowers. Hydrangea is blooming...

In addition to the usual four seasons, the Japanese also have a fifth - the Tsuyu rainy season. This period is very different in weather from late spring and subsequent summer, and lasts about six weeks. June in Japan is the rainy season and there are often typhoons and cold winds. And this is the time of flowering of hydrangeas, blooming hydrangeas are very beautiful, temples and gardens, streets and courtyards are buried in their blueness. This flower has many names, the botanical name of the plant is hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla), probably only specialists know about it.

We call these flowers hydrangea or Japanese rose, and the Japanese themselves call this plant Ajisai, the flower is considered a master of transformation, for its ability to change color with the help of acid fertilizers used by gardeners - the bush becomes blue or light blue, pink, lilac or white. The homeland of this flower is Japan, China, the Himalayas and Indonesia. In total, there are more than 70 species of hydrangeas in nature, mostly shrubs up to three meters high and vines. Flowers are collected at the end of the stem in spherical inflorescences. In the Land of the Rising Sun, the peak flowering time for hydrangeas is mid-June, and Aujisai is the quintessential rainy season in Japan.

According to one version, the flower received the name hydrangea in honor of the Frenchwoman Nicole-Reine de Labriere (Nicole-Reine Lepaute, 1723 - 1788), who after her marriage became Madame Lepaute. This French woman was a mathematician and astronomer. At the end of the 18th century, the French physician and naturalist Philibert Commerson brought from Japan a flower now known as the garden hydrangea macrophylla; he called this flower “potia,” but then another naturalist, Antoine Laurent de Jussier, replaced this name with “hydrangea.” As a result of these events, the legend of Hortense Lepot arose, which became part of popular literature.

Now hydrangea is popular all over the world; it looks absolutely harmonious not only on the windowsill of a country cottage, but also in a high-tech office. Indoor hydrangea easily fits into any interior, giving it a summer flavor. Modern breeders have not only significantly expanded the range of hydrangea colors and increased the number of its varieties to more than a hundred, but also developed chameleon varieties. Today, hydrangeas come in white, pink, red and blue, and all shades of them.