How to confess your love to a girl you are not dating. How to beautifully confess your love to a girl if you are shy. How to refuse to date a girl without offending

Telling a girl about your feelings is not as easy as it seems at first glance. I want the declaration of love to be bright and romantic, to be remembered by her for the rest of her life and at the same time not to look forced. We offer you 5 original ways to tell a girl: “I love you!”

Behind seven seals

As a rule, men have a harder time expressing their feelings. One of the main reasons for “untimely” confessions is not the lack of love, as girls think, but the lack of the right phrases. How to make her know about your feelings, and at the same time not ruin everything with your tongue-tiedness?

The most proven way is to play on women's curiosity.

It's simple: you will need many boxes of various sizes that can be placed inside each other like nesting dolls. A heart-shaped pendant placed in the smallest box will be the best declaration of love. Such a gift does not require unnecessary explanations or long preambles. The answer to such a romantic confession will not take long to arrive.

More than a friend

You have known each other for what seems like a hundred years. You have common interests and common friends. She advises you how to make peace with your next passion, easily comes to you for tea and calls your mother “Aunt Olya.” And then at one moment you realize that this girl is exactly the one you want to be with all your life.

On the one hand, confessing your love to a friend is much easier, because you know her very well. On the other hand, these words can come as a real shock to her. Therefore, before you commit such a responsible act, make sure that she is also not indifferent to you, because leaving the friend zone is much more difficult than getting there.

Call and say that you have lost an incredibly important thing that urgently needs to be found (a flash drive with serious documents, car keys, or something like that). The main thing is that everything looks believable, and she does not suspect a trick. Turning everything upside down in search of a lost thing, she must find a rolled-up note, surrounded by a ring with the main symbol of love - a heart.

It is important not to get confused and seize the moment. After all, there may not be another one like this.

Cupid's Message

This method is incredibly romantic, but requires some preparation from you. The scenario is this: you invite your girlfriend to a cafe. It is advisable to book a table by the window to make it more convenient for you to watch what is happening. She waits for you five, ten, fifteen minutes...

And then a baby who looks like an angel comes up to her (you can even take care of a suit with wings and arrows of love) and hands her a note with a confession. Your beloved reads the note, and you appear with a huge bouquet of flowers.

Believe me, not a single girl can resist such tenderness. She is in seventh heaven, the cafe visitors are applauding, and you are the hero of the day. Just don't forget to return little Cupid to his parents :)

Symbol of love

Every girl appreciates in her chosen one the ability to understand and feel her subtle nature. This recognition is especially suitable for those who understand their beloved perfectly.

Tell her how you feel with a charm bracelet where each charm can have a specific meaning. She will definitely appreciate both the romance and your good taste, of course, the message itself. A heart, a lock, Cupid's arrows or a key - this gentle confession will allow you to say all the most important things.

You can attach a description of the meaning of each pendant to the bracelet or give your loved one the opportunity to decipher your precious message herself. The most valuable thing is that your confession will remain with her for many years and will become the beginning of your love story, which you will write down together using symbol pendants.

Key to the Heart

A declaration of love can become a real quest. True, for this you need to use your imagination and involve a lot of people. But the result will exceed all expectations.

The place for such recognition can be the path from work to home, a park or even an office. The most important thing is to know exactly the route it will take.

Along the way, the girl receives notes from passers-by, who could be your friends, acquaintances, colleagues, or simply people warned in advance. It all depends on the location and your capabilities.

The more notes, the more interesting. The text of the notes should contain a story about your feelings. For example, “As soon as he saw you, his heart beat with incredible force,” “He realized that he had been looking for someone like you all his life,” “He is ready to carry you in his arms and do crazy things,” etc.

You must give the last note yourself. “I give you the keys to my heart. Now it belongs to you. I love you". To confirm your words, give your beloved girl a gold pendant in the shape of a key that will always be with her.

Are you familiar with this situation - you confess your love to a person, and he or she tells you: “Let’s remain friends”? If you are unfamiliar, then you are damn lucky and this article is unlikely to open anything new for you. Most likely, your partner reciprocated your feelings, and you even managed to start a family with him. But if the situation described above happened to you, and more than once, then you probably already thought about what you were doing wrong. And so that you don’t rack your brains, we decided to tell you in detail about typical mistakes, allowed by both men and women during declarations of love. So, make yourself comfortable and let us begin.

This is the most common mistake that both men and women make. There are cases when a declaration of love was sounded in , and this is a huge mistake! Most likely, the object of your interest will consider you an unreliable person who throws words to the wind and is able to very quickly switch from one person to another. Of course, you can turn everything into a joke, but you will still “damage” your attitude towards yourself.

Remember , it’s better to hold off on confessing and find the right moment for this (and it wouldn’t hurt for you and your partner to get to know each other better), at least after sex.

Don't try to "confess" with money or by showering your love with gifts.

Mostly men suffer from this problem, but even among women there are those who believe that expensive gifts speak louder than any words about your warm feelings. They don't say. Rather, they make it so that in the end there will be a person next to you who will only drag you down. And if for some reason you “block” the flow of expensive gifts, then you will not receive warm words from such a person.

Don't admit it when you or your partner are drunk

Everything here is more or less clear. If you are the one who is drunk, then depending on the situation, of course, the situation will develop differently, but the result will most likely be the same - at best, your drunken nonsense will be listened to and ignored, at worst, you will forever ruin your relationship with a person you like.

If he or she to whom you want to confess is drunk, then there is a chance that you will receive the long-awaited (but drunk) “Yes.” There is a high probability that in the morning a person simply will not remember this, or he will remember, but will not agree with his previously spoken words. You will also be subject to punishment due to the fact that you took advantage of the inadequate state of a person, even if he is dearly loved by you.

Do not confess your love by letter, on the Internet or via SMS.

One of the most the right ways ruin everything - talk about your feelings through social networks, SMS or email. Why? Because there are no emotions, intonations, looks and everything else that is somehow present in live communication. When corresponding, a situation may arise where you mean one thing, but the person will understand you in a completely different way and not in the best way for you. As a result, your declaration of love may develop into a showdown.

Remember that written declarations of love have long since sunk into oblivion, which in principle is for the best, since there is nothing worse than talking about high feelings without seeing your object of adoration and his reaction to your words.

Don’t confess your love “for show”

That is, of course, if your chosen one or chosen one loves such manifestations of feelings, then you can confess your love, for example, from the stage at one of the concerts, etc.

But many people don't like it when their feelings are shown, so either carefully study your partner's wishes or play it safe.

Try to exude confidence

The worst thing is if you start to get terribly worried, sweat, stutter, and show other signs of anxiety.

Certainly , uncertainty is common to all people, but try to pull yourself together. Yes, it’s difficult, yes, it seems almost impossible, but you won’t really get eaten!

In general, situations can be completely different, and people are all different from each other (and these differences often attract us), so try to act according to the circumstances, while remembering all the points that we described in this article. We sincerely wish you good luck and believe that your soul mate will definitely reciprocate your words of love!

And finally, I would like to add one piece of advice that many people overlook - do not confess your love too often, either to one person or even more so to different people. In the first case, your love will begin to seem like an “annoying fly,” and in the second, over time you yourself will cease to understand where your real feelings are and where your passing infatuation is.

What could be more beautiful and desirable in the world than love? After all, it is this feeling that makes you soar in the skies, forgetting about all problems and worries. But whatever they are strong feelings, sometimes it’s so difficult to express them in words, choosing and saying everything that is necessary and important about your feelings.

You can confess your love to the girl you like in an original and beautiful way thanks to the confessions presented on the pages of our website. Only we have collected the warmest, sensual and beautiful confessions not only in prose, but also in poetry and romantic wishes. Or maybe you are a tremulous girl who is afraid to be the first to tell a young man about her feelings? Then our declarations of love will help you take this important first step in your life, thereby subtly hinting about your pure and romantic feelings for the only one.

Let declarations of love become for you a milestone that will resolve your future relationships, give them certainty and confirm your mutual desire to be together forever.

It happens like this, you love young man or a girl, and he (she) also guesses about it, but does not dare to take the first step. But even when you decide to take this first step and confess your feelings, the second question arises: “How to beautifully confess your love?”

How often do we want to hear words of love from the lips of a loved one. And how rarely do we ourselves tell our loved ones and loved ones about our feelings...

How often tender, kind words burst from the heart. And you are ready not just to talk - to shout about your love! But your loved one is far away at this moment...

And sometimes love just tears your soul apart. Because you love, but you don’t know if it’s mutual. Are you worried, embarrassed, afraid to admit - what if your love is not accepted, what if now is “not the right moment”? And you wait, postponing “until a more convenient opportunity.” And the loved one feels the same and is just as shy, waiting for an “opportunity.” But the opportunity still doesn’t come. And then suddenly you realize that it’s too late to say anything...

The most appropriate moment to declare your love is the moment when you feel love! Stop waiting! Take every chance, every opportunity to talk about your feelings!

Declare your love to the whole world! Tell your loved ones how much you love them! Give your loved one your warmth, tenderness and affection!

Confess your love, say “I love you!” or just kind words to your loved one right now! And get recognition in return!

You are my happiness, my heart, my life! I love you!

I love you for your incredibly beautiful eyes that look at me with tenderness and care. I love you for your hot body, which warms me at night. I love you for your hot kisses that intoxicate me!

I love you, and I want the whole world to know about it, but at the same time it was our little secret. I want to read you like an open book, but at the same time try to unravel the secret that is hidden inside you...

Today I met a girl who I really liked. We talked for a long time, walked around the city together, and then I even walked her home. And then I realized that I love her very much and want to be with her always.

You have no idea how dear you are to me! During the day I meet many different girls passing by me, but none of these girls will ever excite my heart like you, only you can do it! All my life I have dreamed of a girl like you... Affectionate, smart, beautiful, gentle, the list is endless. You are incredibly unique among all the girls I have ever seen. You are the only girl I want to be with forever.

Every morning, as soon as I wake up, the first thing I think about is you. I think about you during the day, and before I fall asleep, and even in my dreams. And if I suddenly wake up at night, then I think about you again, after which a smile appears on my face, because I know that I will definitely dream about you, and I know that soon I will see you in reality. And when I see you, I will breathe in the smell of your hair, look into your beautiful eyes, touch your tender lips, feel your heartbeat and your warm breath.

Even though not much time has passed since we met, I am completely sure that I want to live my whole life with you, and besides, I can’t imagine it without you. And believe me, with me you will be the happiest girl in this World, I will protect you from all adversity and problems, I will do everything so that you do not know sadness and sadness, I will do everything so that you always smile the way you do now!

I love you so much that you can’t even imagine!

What is love? Each person gives this word its own special “content”. For some, love is an unbridled passion, for some it is an endless series of romantic events, for others it is unthinkable, crazy actions. The moment when you appeared in my life was an amazing discovery for me - I understood what love is for me. From the first day we met, tender, bright feelings trembled in my chest, intensifying with every call, message, and meeting. Now I can draw a clear line between the feeling of sympathy, falling in love and the feeling of love that I feel for you.

I love you! My love is not a dream or a fairy tale. My love is something intangible, it is a unity of souls. It cannot be measured by the number of our meetings, any of your actions, gifts and other romantic nonsense. I love every feature of your face, every moment of our sometimes short meetings. Know that my feelings do not depend on whether you are nearby, they will not cool down, even if we are separated by thousands of kilometers. First of all, spiritual closeness is important to me, but when you are far away, I often close my eyes and feel you nearby, your intermittent breathing, your gentle voice and the dune touches of your strong, courageous hands.

You are my air. I want to live for you. It is important for me to know everything about you, about your experiences and dreams. I will be grateful if you allow me to share every moment of your life with you, no matter whether it is sad, full of sorrows, or joyful. You are everything to me! Before we met, I could not even imagine that it was possible to know a person so well, and at the same time feel that there was still so much unsolved about him. With you, every “I love you” sounds like the first time. I love the feeling when you are near, because with you you don’t have to hide behind a mask, you can be yourself, talk about any topic.

My feelings for you cover me completely, give me the strength to become better every day, to work on myself, to develop spiritually and physically. You discovered a new person in me, a new potential. Next to you I feel free, you don’t put restrictions and boundaries on me, you give me the opportunity to make my own decisions. I can't help but love you and myself when I'm around you.

I love you! But I don’t want to shout about our love, I want it to be our little secret. I cannot know what lies ahead, but I know for sure that my love does not depend on what is happening in the outside world. I will fight for our relationship, for our love. You are the meaning of my life. I will be infinitely happy if you share my feelings.

You are a wonderful and very dear person to me. I really want you to be happy, and I will be grateful to you if you allow me to take part in this.

I keep you very carefully in my heart... every look of your beautiful eyes, every word that your angelic lips uttered, every second that we were close. You have completely and completely filled my soul and heart... and my heart can’t live without you... I love you baby!

You are my happiness, my heart, my life!
I love you!

I'm sorry, but I can't find any kind words.
I just want to say that I love you.

My sweet baby. I love and adore you. I think that even the most beautiful confessions still do not reflect your angelic beauty and tenderness, love and affection. I love you!

If one day the day comes when there is no place left in my heart for you, it will be the darkest day of my life. Then there will not be a drop of joy left in him, and life will lose its meaning. I love you.

I will give you the dawn, the moon and stars, moonlight. And a breath of breeze, as gentle as the touch of lips. I will give myself to you because I love you!

You warm my soul, you illuminate my life, with you I’m like in a happy dream, you are a miracle, I love you!

Declaring your love to a girl is an exciting and important step in the life of any guy or man. A declaration of love to your wife is a touching reminder of your feelings, which can add more warmth and romance to family life. These confessions can sound equally beautiful both in prose and in poetry. However, in both cases it is important that the confession be beautiful and sincere, as in these confessions.

It just so happens that in the question, how to confess your love to a girl and propose to meet, guys should be the first to take the initiative. It is known that serious relationships rarely work out when everything happens exactly the opposite. It’s not so often that you hear that on the very first day of meeting a certain spark runs between a potential couple, guaranteeing love for the rest of their lives. Representatives of the lovely half of humanity often still treat the gentleman appraisingly and studying him for some period of time. And he can only wait for the final decision, making attempts to start dating and win the heart of his chosen one.

Try not to carry out a love grab in a hurry.

  • First, before you confess your love to a girl, establish closer communication with her. When you've already reached the point intimacy, most of the fair sex will consider your relationship to have begun.
  • The bravest ones may even be the first to clarify whether it is worth counting on their continuation.
  • However, if you encounter the lady you like only in the most unexpected situations, then you should not immediately count on receiving a positive response to the proposal to start dating. Most likely, you are guaranteed to be rejected.
  • She may not agree simply for the simple reason that you are still practically a stranger to her, about whose habits and morals she does not know sufficiently.

Get the cute young lady to like you.

  • Make her dream of being with you as much as possible. Otherwise, you shouldn’t even make attempts to change the relationship in the direction you want.
  • Social networks are also not a good way to express the seriousness of your intentions.

If you start a correspondence, this can mean two options:

  • you are afraid to meet people in real life;
  • you are in different cities or countries.

Don't rush things

In any case, do not ask simple messages, is the young lady ready to do anything more than ordinary correspondence in contact. It is better to ask such questions while looking into your partner's eyes to determine her response. In addition, such an act of yours will cause completely opposite feelings in the lady, making her wary of you.

Find out more secrets in communicating with a woman:

How to understand a girl's refusal

When the lady of your heart promises to think about it for some time, you should prepare for a possible refusal to continue dating. In other words, she is trying to politely communicate that she is not at all interested in you. A person experiencing reciprocal feelings will never think, but will immediately give a positive answer.

What to do if a girl doesn't want a relationship

Under these conditions, show strength of character that does not give you any chance to evade making a decision.

  • The young lady's detachment and uncertainty in her behavior will indicate the need to stop pursuing her favor.
  • Otherwise, money, energy and time will be thrown into the void.
  • Take a look around. Most likely, in your social circle there are girls who appreciate your qualities and would not mind continuing to get to know each other better.
  • Do not focus your attention on your choice when the chances of success are reduced to zero. Perhaps a more worthy replacement will soon be found.

What to do if a girl asks you to date

Many gentlemen, puzzled by the question of how to confess their love to a girl and propose a date, fall into a stupor if she takes the first step towards him. In fact, understanding what to do in this situation is quite simple.

What does it mean

  • Your feelings are mutual.
  • All that remains is to agree and call her to romantic dinner by candlelight.

How to refuse to date a girl without offending her

You are not attracted to the contender who has appeared. Then don't cut from the shoulder. You shouldn’t immediately disappoint and talk about it head-on.

  • Use well-known female tactics.
  • Just promise to think about it. And in the future, stop any attempts to get closer.
  • You can only say that you do not need this relationship if the hints given are not understood.

And, by the way, you shouldn’t be afraid of this turn of events or give the lady the characteristics of an arrogant and insidious person. In our age of female emancipation, which allows us to draw a parallel between the stronger and weaker sex, this is one of the ways that lovely young ladies successfully use to find personal happiness.

How to beautifully confess your love to a girl

You shouldn’t escalate the situation in advance for fear of getting rejected after the offer. In order not to fall into despair, try to get to know the young lady you like well.

How to start a conversation

  • communicate more in your common company or just invite them to sit in a cafe;
  • Gently test the waters about how she imagines a more serious relationship;
  • know her preferences and interests;
  • act gradually and slowly, while simultaneously giving her amazing surprises.

Make romantic confessions

All these actions are necessary at the stage of preliminary preparation for the proposal of closer communication. They will help you get to know each other better and identify common interests.

Having thought everything carefully and made a final decision, confess to her in such a way that this day will remain in your memory forever.

More intimate secrets:

Options for declarations of love

  • Wrap this moment in a light trail of romance and tender feelings.
  • Jump with a parachute, sing a serenade by the window, draw a love picture on the asphalt near her house, etc.

How to get a girl closer to you

Choosing neutral topics for communication in the first days of dating will help you avoid an instant negative response. It is important that they interest both of you. It will be better if, before asking a girl to date and confessing your feelings, you spend more time with her. After some time, she herself will be impatiently waiting for you to take the first step towards rapprochement.

Give your beloved a lot of attention, talk nice words and compliments. Such actions of yours will lead to the fact that she will not even be able to admit the thought of refusing you.

Don't forget that your first date should be well thought out and organized. However, a romantic encounter should not involve any commitment on either her or your part. A fascinating atmosphere, communication and nothing more. And, when the right moment comes, you can make proposals, guided by the advice from the table.

First date: how to behave with a woman

AdviceHow to act
Don't invent a new mode of transportChoose simple and accessible phrases. They should contain the meaning you need. When it seems to her that she deserves more, it means that you have failed to study her thoroughly.
Remember her interests and hobbiesRemember all the information you were able to obtain and use it to your advantage. Interest the object of your adoration by cleverly manipulating her interests.
Remember the unusual form of recognitionNowadays, there are countless ways to hit a lady in the heart. It is important that you convey this positive message sincerely.
Create romanceIt's easy enough to create an indoor setting to wow your loved one. Burning candles, a glass of good wine and light pleasant music. You can even try to sing it yourself. In this case, success is definitely guaranteed to you, even if you sing poorly.
Order a bouquet deliveryArrange for roses to be delivered to her at work or home from an online flower store. Additionally, include a love note with your confession. Such a pleasant surprise will allow her to look decent in front of her friends.
Don't hesitate for any reasonBe confident, even if you hear a refusal in response. Perhaps the lady does not yet want to burden herself with a more serious relationship. Or there was a flash of timidity in your eyes, which is not appreciated by girls. They all, as one, want to see a courageous and courageous man next to them, whom they can completely trust. Also, don't look away when confessing. Such behavior is considered insincere and ugly.

Is it possible to speak in hints?

Sometimes, before declaring his love to a girl, a young man begins to make attempts to hint about own feelings Oh. In this case, there is a high probability of not getting a straightforward refusal, which many guys fear. Especially if the action takes place in the company of friends. However, you also need to be able to approach the desired topic from afar. If you intend to act in this way, then simple rules of behavior will help you do it with dignity.

How to hint to a girl that I like her

RuleThe behavior of the young man
Get into her social circleIt's not easy to start building a relationship with a girl you don't even know. Try to arrange everything so that the face-to-face meeting still takes place. Find mutual friends, create a surprise effect, ask to be introduced to each other. Remember how this happens in the movies and act as the director of your own destiny. Only by starting to communicate with the person you are interested in can you achieve her favor towards you.
Actively ask mutual friends about itThis behavior will allow you to better learn information about the young beauty. In addition, your questions will definitely be passed on to her. Therefore, she will be able to determine in absentia what you care about. Don't forget that your reviews should contain only positive emotions.
Stand out among her friendsTo attract attention, try to become the “life of the party.” Over time, your comrades will begin to speak flatteringly about you, which will undoubtedly interest your chosen one. Confront her every chance you get. If the lady is observant, she will understand that these meetings are not accidental.
Get involved in her interestsYou can't think of anything better to get closer to, it's to find common topics for conversation. When a girl realizes that you are interested in the same thing as her, she will definitely want to talk with you about this topic. And compliments, help and care during the conversation will double the score in your favor.
Don't forget about surprisesGifts are perceived positively by everyone, especially girls. This does not mean at all that you should present your sweetie with an expensive diamond necklace every day. It would be quite appropriate to give something expensive and significant for a birthday, and various little things will help you express your feelings every day: a chocolate bar, a funny postcard, a soft toy, etc.
Discover the poet's gift within youIt would be appropriate to send her to email address one of my own works, dedicated to the lady of my heart. If you don't have this talent, don't worry. Just find a suitable poem on the Internet that will also please your sweetheart.
Start dating aloneHaving overcome a consistent series of previous points, you can begin more active actions. If all your actions and actions were perceived favorably, then proceed to more active rapprochement using private meetings. You can come up with the most innocent reason: a new movie released, for example. Many girls feel relationships very well and understand when they really like them.
Become friendsHowever, keep in mind that friendships may remain at this stage of development. Yes, the girl will get used to the fact that you are always nearby, that there is someone to turn to for help in difficult times, but nothing more. Therefore, try to make every effort so that such relationships soon become strong family ties.

Note to boys what girls love in guys:

Make beautiful confessions

Obviously, all your actions must be carried out in accordance with the current situation. In addition, do not forget that any option presupposes a speedy transfer of relations to a new stage of its development.

How to confess your love to a girl in an original way

Sometimes it is not so easy to open your own heart to another person. That is why preliminary preparation of the place, time and necessary words can be very important. To prevent your action from causing a negative reaction, determine for yourself exactly how you would like to confess. Perhaps this will be during a slow dance in the form of gentle whispers in your ear. Or on the deck of a rented boat to the clink of glasses of champagne.

How to surprise a girl

When your acquaintance happened not so long ago, then perhaps you don’t have to be original at all. You haven’t had time to sufficiently study all her tastes and preferences, so you may not guess with the production. Ah, even the tiniest detail can ruin a carefully thought-out plan.

  • When choosing how to confess your love to a girl, think about whether it should be a secluded place or a noisy party. However, it doesn't matter where it happens. The main thing is that you both feel comfortable and relaxed.
  • Having decided to take such a brave step, act confidently and sincerely.
  • Feeling shy about passionate words, express your own emotions in the form of balloons, letters or cards.
  • Yes, young ladies like such actions, but you still have to say the cherished phrase out loud.

So, in the case of a detailed study of your beloved’s passions, familiarize yourself with the rules that guarantee one hundred percent success in your business.

Confessions of love to a girl in your own words until you cry

RuleOptions for behavior
The right environment and the right timeProvide your lady with a great mood and, having chosen a suitable place, say your cherished words. Let's say you can do this when watching a romantic melodrama, where main character declares his love to his lady. Whisper the same words to the person sitting next to you, and she will melt with emotion.
No witnessesIt is best to say three important words to your loved one at a time when you are in a room without strangers. This will give you confidence, and no one can interfere. In a noisy company, you can embarrass a girl with your confession, and in such sensual moments there is no place for unnecessary witnesses.
A clearly constructed phraseDon’t fuss and don’t use secondary proposals. Your daily words: “I think about you”, “I have no one more dear to you”, “I can’t live without you” will not bring clarity. The confession should only contain “I love you.” This is the only way you will allow the girl to be convinced that your relationship is really worth something.

How to Open Your Feelings to Shy Guys

Having dated for a long period, many do not dare to open up to their beloved due to their shyness and uncertainty. In this case, there is the necessary advice from “experienced” men.

If you have problems with alcohol, stop immediately:

The most beautiful declarations of love

March 8 or Valentine's DayMake a composition of her favorite flowers, which you then place in front of the entrance. Order a courier with a chic bouquet, adding a postcard describing your own feelings to the basket. Your appearance will be perceived positively, so repeating the cherished words will be very appropriate.
Romantic dinnerThis option is perceived very positively by all young ladies. Flowers, champagne, a box of chocolates or your favorite cake are the most suitable atmosphere for the desires of love.
Loud confessionInvite your beloved to a concert of her favorite band, at the end of which you go on stage with words of love. Another exciting option is to confess at a friends wedding after shouting “Bitter!” Everyone present in the hall will experience an emotional uplift!
Like in the movieHaving found out your princess’s favorite melodrama, use all your financial resources to reproduce the actions of the main character in reality. The beauty will definitely like this, and she will not be able to resist your charm.
Romantic clipIf you understand the intricacies of video production, build something similar with your own participation. A love composition will hit a girl to the very heart; she will definitely like such a manifestation of feelings.
Serenades under the windowRemember how our ancestors performed serenades under the window of their beloved. Nowadays, this is quite difficult to do if your sweetheart lives in a high-rise building. However, there is an opportunity to visit a bar with karaoke and sing a magical song about your emotional state there.
Radio orderWhen your girlfriend loves listening to music on the radio, you can take the opportunity to make a confession right on the air. Naturally, you should first ask your loved one to tune in to the required wavelength.
Confession on the asphaltThose with artistic talent can draw a love message on the asphalt in front of their beloved's house. Don’t worry, both janitors and police will forgive you for such an act. Romantic urges leave no one indifferent.
Written messageToo shy guys who do not dare to express their own feelings, looking into the eyes, can send a letter with beautiful poetry or a confession in prose. Ideally, these should be words written in your own hand, but you can try using sentences from the Internet. By the way, don’t forget to invite the lady of your heart on a date to confirm your positions.
Lock or ribbon on the lovers' bridgeThe tradition of leaving proof of one's love in the form of ribbons or locks on a bridge in the city appeared relatively recently. Give your beloved one such a walk, she will definitely like it.
The easy wayIn the absence of imagination and original solutions, just appear in front of the door of your beloved’s apartment with a chic bouquet of roses, leave a fiery kiss on her lips and simply say: “Darling, I’m madly in love with you.”
Breakfast in bedWhen your relationship has gone too far, and the girl sometimes stays with you overnight, please your beloved in the morning with hot coffee and her favorite cakes. And even one rose will leave the warmest impressions in your soul, confirming your warm feelings.

Carefully chosen words and the right actions before declaring your love to a girl can serve you well good service. Plan this step in advance to make two loving hearts happy.

Don't forget to look here.

Declaration of love... How difficult it can be to admit your feelings to a person, and even more so if this person is not even aware of them. It’s also hard and unbearably painful if it’s impossible to admit directly - the circumstances are wrong, fate has decided wrong, happiness has turned its back on you... Your soul is sad, your soul is anxious, it’s sad outside the window, and you can’t see God... Many people experience such feelings - when a loved one or loved one is somewhere, no matter far or close, but with someone else, or, what is even sadder, alone.

Many, many years ago, some wandering poet, seeing in the window of a rich house he was passing by, beautiful girl, clearly understood for himself that he - the poor man - would never be with her. And then he wrote her a confession in verse. And he didn’t care whether anyone would read this poem - he simply threw a sheet of paper covered in tears, covered in tears, under her door. The maid handed it to her mistress, who read it. She never found out who dedicated this creation to her, but she remembered this incident for the rest of her life, this declaration of love in poetry incognita.

“Do you really think that if Laura had been Petrarch’s wife, he would have been writing sonnets all his life?” - Byron once said. And indeed, it often happens that, alas, the love for a woman who was once everything for a person has passed. This is a problem that has always existed and will always exist. A person cannot be the master of his feelings and desires - such is his nature, and it is not known whether this is good or bad. And when love has passed, we begin to look for a new object of admiration, and let it be out of reach for us. This might be better. After all, the forbidden fruit is sweet, and its sweetness inspires us, makes us more romantic and insightful. When new love, alas, will never be around, and this feeling arises - the feeling of an unbearable desire to tell the whole world about your love sorrows, your pain and longing... And then a masterpiece is born.

“I’m sad because I love you...” writes the great Mikhail Lermontov. We do not know and will never know the name of his beloved, but already in the first line we can feel the full power of the poet’s feelings and experiences. Poems about love are most often born in sadness, not joy. You can’t say anything about joy and happy love other than that everything is fine... And how many words come to mind when there is a sad pain in your heart!..




No matter how paradoxical all this sounds, we can come to the conclusion that a declaration of love is rarely addressed to someone who is nearby.

Declaration of love. in love to a man, girl, woman.

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Declaration of love

Original love texts in and prose.

Beautiful declarations of love to a man, girl, woman.

What could be at the same time simple and difficult than telling a loved one that he is loved, how to express to those in need the desire to share eternity together? Confess your feelings to your loved one, maybe today is the day that will become the best and most memorable event in your life.

declaration of love - declaration of love in verse

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Secret declaration of love on Valentine's Day

You are so tender! Oh, miracle, how lovely

The look of your eyes makes me hot,

The world without you is completely uninteresting,

Oh, if only I could put out the fire

In my soul, which burns with love,

And touch your lips only for a moment.

Why does fate play so cruelly?

What to talk about feelings is not allowed!

There is little strength left to hold on,

I am ready to become your slave immediately,

I earnestly pray to God for this all night,

May he allow us to be together now!

And how sick, unbearable torture,

To love another's faithful wife,

My love, ridiculous mistake,

Sticking a black needle into the heart.

Dragonfly Journal - six ways to sincerely declare love and a secret private investigation

There are a million - and I'm not exaggerating - ways to declare love. And even if you simply, without any frills, confess your love to someone, your words will instantly rise above the earth and somewhere there, in the heavens, only yours will be forever imprinted: “I love you!”


The desire to shout to the whole world about high feelings sometimes makes you do incredibly brave things. You have to be at least a soulless type not to appreciate the confession made by a girl in the presence of a couple of thousand witnesses.


Modest, but madly in love people act no worse than real secret agents. Their tricks are to send anonymous letters, ask riddles and watch the object of love through binoculars. It is important not to overdo it with such tactics (otherwise the boy may develop a persecution mania) and get out of the shadows in time.


When we are in love, we are not lazy to spend time and energy baking a hundred heart-shaped pies, embroidering his portrait on jeans and writing confessions on the wall visible from his window under the cover of darkness.


You are an extremely busy person, and you don’t have time to do stupid things like sending scented letters by pigeon mail. Act seriously, formally and without sentimentality. Warn him in advance that on such and such a date at 20.00 Moscow time he will receive a confession ratified by your heart. Attendance is required.


If a guy periodically kneels in the middle of the street to give you a bouquet of daisies and admires the beauty of the sunset, it seems that he is diagnosed as a hopeless romantic. Provided that you are not sick of poetry and melodramas with a happy ending, you can win his heart in the style of “I remember a wonderful moment: you appeared in front of me...”.


If you decide to use heavy artillery - for example, jump with a parachute shouting “I love you, Vasya!”, first think carefully about whether Vasya is worth such sacrifices. And it’s better to make a tattoo with his name temporary, otherwise you’ll repeat the fate of Johnny Depp with his “Winona Forever,” which he had to change to “Wine Forever.”

And now:


If a guy is playing a strange game, imagine yourself as Sherlock Holmes, Mrs. Marple and Hercule Poirot at the same time and figure him out. Just in case, instructions:


He communicates easily and freely, but at the same time keeps his distance.


Either he has a girlfriend and he loves her; either he has a girlfriend, but their relationship is strained, and he finds support from you; or he's flirting with you.


In front of friends, he behaves completely differently than in private. Seeing you, he begins to make jokes or behave in the style of “I don’t know you, go your way!”


He is too dependent on the opinions of his friends and wants to seem cool in the company. Maybe his friends think that girls are not the main thing (compared to football), or they prefer long-legged blondes, and you are a petite brunette.

Show off your wits and prove that your individuality is much cooler than their favorite cliches.


1. He feels comfortable with you.

2. He doesn't care about other people's opinions.

3. He does everything to make you feel good and easy with him.


He is really disposed towards you and (if he is pleasant to you) - go ahead and sing! Show him that his efforts are worthwhile and that you are really going to give him a chance.

Secret declarations of love

Any dream about moderate consumption of any drinks from appropriate containers predicts fun, goodness and good spirits. Excessive drinking in a dream foreshadows troubles, humiliation and condemnation. See interpretation: drunk, thirsty, water, alcohol and drinks by name. Seeing noble and expensive drinks in a dream is a sign of celebration, an important event, or a pleasant meeting. However, it is believed that it is unusual for poor people to drink such drinks, and therefore this dream portends misfortunes and failures for them. Sometimes he indicates that their wishes will never come true. Such drinks are accessible to the rich, and therefore the dream foretells them various pleasures and pleasant meetings. The pleasant aroma of a drink in a dream means that you will have a meeting with a loved one, which will bring you a lot of pleasure. However, if the smell of the drink intoxicates you in a dream, then expect some kind of trick or deception. Getting drunk in a dream is a sign of illness. See interpretation: drunk, aroma. Drinking in a dream from a container inappropriate for the occasion foreshadows grief and trouble. Drinking from gold, silver or bronze utensils in a dream is a sign of well-being, which may be shaken due to your frivolous behavior. It is considered a bad omen to drink from bone utensils or horns in a dream, since after such a dream your well-being may be disrupted. Sometimes such a dream predicts that your happiness or position is fragile. Pottery in such a dream foretells that although you are not too rich, you do not have to fear for the happiness and well-being that you have. Drinking from a cup or expensive cup in a dream is a sign of grief for lovers. Drinking from glassware in a dream is a harbinger of danger. Sometimes such a dream predicts that your happiness is fragile and unreliable. Crystal dishes in a dream are a sign of honor and recognition. Breaking it is a sign of loss and failure. Drinking from a glass in a dream is a sign of happy love that intoxicates you. Because of your love, you are ready to abandon all your affairs. The dream warns you that you should be careful so as not to end up in distress. A broken glass in a dream foreshadows the end of a love affair that has outlived its usefulness. Drinking from the same container with someone means that there is a secret or connection between you and that person that you are hiding. Drinking for brotherhood in a dream is a sign of concluding an alliance or deal. For enemies, such a dream predicts reconciliation. Broken, broken, bent or cracked dishes in a dream foreshadow losses, family discord, which can lead to divorce. For lovers, such a dream foreshadows an imminent separation. If you were hoping to marry someone, then after such a dream you can forget about it. You won't succeed. Spilling any drink in a dream is a sign of losses and failures in business. After such a dream, the lover will not wait for the desired date, and the one who gave the loan will not receive his money back. Those who dream of getting rich will only lose, and the sick person will not recover for a long time. Pouring a drink into glasses (glasses) is a harbinger of new business meetings or acquaintances. Too sweet, cloying drinks in a dream warn us of the deception or cunning of envious people or rivals. And those who are too bitter foreshadow separation, loss and prophesy disaster. A tasteless drink in a dream foreshadows disappointment. Treating someone to drinks in a dream means that your well-being will depend on the participation of others in your business and you will have to work out a trick to achieve their consent. If you dream that you were given a glass of strong drink, then you will face disputes over money or profit. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows bitter trials for you. If in a dream you presented a glass with strong drink some important person, then soon you will experience grief associated with his actions, decisions or decrees, which will be vitally important to you. If you dream that you are opening bottles of drinks, then many pleasant meetings and impressions await you in life. Drinking rum in a dream is a sign of bad habits and laziness, which interferes with the implementation of your plans. The dream warns you that your frivolous behavior will give rise to numerous rumors about you. Sometimes it is also believed that such a dream predicts obtaining wealth through dishonest means. See interpretation: glass, drunk, water, drinks by name.

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SMS declaration of love for a guy

I love you like a star - the sky,

I love you like the sun - a ray.

And no matter how far we are -

You shine hotly for me from behind the clouds.

Twelve times the moon is born,

Twelve months a year

Twelve boys fall in love

And I only love one!

You are my life, you are my air,

My dear, gentle and dear.

My dear, dear, I want you forever

I'll stay with you.

This is a declaration of love

And my promise!

The embrace of my tender arms!

I love you, my dear friend!

It's so nice to be alone with you

Thank you, honey, for your love!

My best and favorite!

Every meeting is destined for us from above.

You are my gift, do you hear?

I've been waiting for you for a long time, gentle one.

I'm so glad I finally found you.

I met you by chance

I accidentally fell in love with you.

But I didn’t know that this was an accident

It will be so dear to me.

But you can't freeze your heart!

I can't live without you,

And you won’t be able to live without me!

Let's live, loving each other?

That life without you is the dullness of everyday life,

I love you, my firefly,

Away is even stronger, love is stronger,

I can’t wait for the appointment!

I write and call you,

To tell you how much I love

You, my dear, dear!

My incomparable and dear!

I love you, do you hear, boy?

I love you even in my dreams

Even at a desk and a book,

I dream about you everywhere.

I love you, but it's a secret

It's a secret in my soul,

Now I want to ask you -

Do you love me or not?

I don’t need stars from heaven at all,

At least you can take them with your hand...

You are my fire, you are my tornado,

And I love you, dear.

I love you, my coolest one,

My gentle, affectionate and passionate.

You made my life beautiful

Happy, joyful and clear.

Honey I love you.

And I can’t do anything.

Life without you is in vain.

Give me moments of happiness.

Love warms my heart

Love helps you live.

I dare to call you timidly -

Beloved, which means to be loved.

I love you so much, my darling,

That all the gardens are blooming,

I will be beautiful for you

Just ask me to get married.

No, this is not a confession

Not a promise at all...

SMS - that's all,

Try to find out from whom!

You are the most beloved in the world

And I want to tell you

What am I for you in this world?

Ready to take on troubles.

You are the meaning of my entire life.

My air, sleep, my dreams...

How happy I am to be yours!

You made me happy!

My best, beloved, dear person,

I don't want to part with you forever,

I always miss being apart from you,

But you will come back to me, won’t you?

The feeling comes like fireworks,

I love you - the surf is noisy,

Moments of celebration are so rare

And all of them are only with you!

When the warmth of touch

From your hands to the depths,

Darling, there is no one dearer to you,

My padishah and master!

I love you, my angel!

Know that in my dreams I am only with you.

My dreams are only about you,

And in my heart there is only you.

I love you like chocolate candy

What melts sweetly, leaving its own taste!

And you are still unavailable somewhere,

Well, answer me! Let's enjoy it with you!

I've never loved anyone so much

And I will never love again

Even though I didn’t open my heart to you,

I still keep your image in it.

Wet pillow, my head is a mess,

Everything has changed, everything is no longer the same.

What's happening to me?

It's all YOU!

I love you, I'm waiting for you, I hope to meet you.

I love you, my ray of sunshine.

In a casual glance, in someone's shadow

I see your reflection.

All my thoughts are only about you, my love.

You are the best and most beautiful.

My love for you is as big as the world.

She is like the end and end of space!

I can't keep it a secret...

I love you more than anyone in the world!

I've been boring you all day,

I send SMS and call!

Well, how come you don’t understand?

After all, I love you! I love!

My dear, (name), I love you.

Extend your gentle hand to me.

Without love, without affection, I am lost.

My dear (name), you are my love!

I love you I love you

I don't know why

After all, you can’t just love like that,

But I love, love you.

All the gold of the earth and all the wealth of the world

I would give anything to be next to you.

Only from your love can I be happy,

And this will stay with me forever.

And there are many stars in the sky,

But most of all, I love you!

I love you, my ray of sunshine.

I love you, my scarlet petal.

I love you from dusk to dawn.

I love you from dawn to dusk!

I love you and I don’t hide it

I'll tell you only one thing,

You won't find someone more faithful and faithful,

And we are destined to be together!

Love the one with whom the heart breathes,

Whose thoughts are always occupied,

Whom the eyes are looking for everywhere,

The one who cannot be forgotten.

After all, love has no boundaries,

If I love you, it means until the end,

I your name I repeat gently,

Hearts meet in heaven!

I love you more than before

Light from your fire!

Among the angels you are the most tender

And understanding me!

I love, love, love you!

But you don't want to know me.

After all, I only want to be with you!

I love you more than anyone

It's hard for me sometimes,

But I know that you are with me.

There are many places in the world

Where would I rest my soul,

But there is no point in me looking for them,

When my soul is with you!

See also Poems-confessions to your loved one

SMS pages for a guy