How does email work? What is email (email) and how to use it? How to use email

The fact that the ability to work on a computer today is necessary for everyone is beyond doubt even among skeptics.

The book you are holding in your hands will be a true friend and assistant for those who want to independently and quickly master the wisdom of working on personal computer. Written in simple and understandable language, it is accessible and easy even for beginners. Large quantity Specific examples and visual illustrations facilitate quick and easy assimilation of the proposed material.

Its sequential presentation, as well as detailed step by step description key operations and procedures turn the study of this book into an exciting process, the result of which will be the ability to communicate on a first-name basis with any modern computer.

The description is based on the example of Windows XP Professional.


Sections on this page:

Nowadays, not knowing how to use email is the same as not knowing how to read. Send a report to management or a resume to an employer, make pen pals, conduct business communication, exchange photos, etc. - all this is impossible without mastering the intricacies of e-mail. That's why your email address Today only the lazy don't have it. Here we will talk about how to set up your own email account, how to send and receive emails, forward attachments, and much more.

9.4.1. How to create your own email account?

In this section we will look at the procedure for opening a mailbox using the example of the mail service of a popular portal

* * *

On the main page of any Internet resource that provides free email services, there is a link designed to switch to the mode of creating a mailbox. This link can be called by different names; on at the time of writing the book it is called Create a mailbox. After clicking on this link, the dialog shown in Fig. 1 opens on the screen. 9.22.

Rice. 9.22. The first stage of creating a box

At the first stage, you need to enter your last name and first name, as well as the name of the mailbox to be created ( login). All this data is entered from the keyboard. When entering your login, you can use letters English alphabet, numbers, as well as underscores and hyphens (spaces are not allowed in the name).

* * *

When entering your login, the mail service automatically checks whether it is currently busy. If it turns out that a mailbox with the same name already exists, you will be offered other login options that are close to the one you tried to enter (they are offered in any case, see Fig. 9.22).

After filling out the specified details, click the button Further to proceed to the next stage of creating a mailbox (Fig. 9.23).

Rice. 9.23. The second stage of creating a box

At this stage, you should enter a password that will be used in the future to access your mailbox. To enter a password, you can use the same characters as when entering your login, as well as special characters ( % , & , + etc.). The password must contain at least 6 and no more than 20 characters.

* * *

To avoid errors when entering the password, you should enter it twice: in the field Password and in the field Confirm your password. If identical values ​​are entered in these fields, then under the field Confirm your password the message will be displayed entered correctly(See Fig. 9.23). If an error is made when entering the password (any difference in the fields is considered an error) Password And Confirm your password), then under the field Confirm your password A corresponding information message will be displayed asking you to re-enter your password. While the differences are in the fields Password And Confirm your password will not be resolved, creating a mailbox is impossible.

Sometimes users forget or lose their mailbox password. To solve such problems, a special mechanism has been implemented that allows the user to access their mailbox without entering a password. The point of this mechanism is to answer a secret question. This secret question and the answer to it are indicated at the second stage of creating a mailbox in the fields Security Question And Answer(See Fig. 9.23). Moreover, the question itself is selected from the proposed drop-down list, and the answer to it is entered from the keyboard. Examples of security questions: Maiden name mothers(see Fig. 9.23), Favorite dish, My school nickname etc. Obviously, the control questions are formed in such a way that only a specific person can know the exact answer to them. If you lose your password, the system will issue the one specified when creating the mailbox. Security Question, and if the answer to it is correct, then access to the box will be open.

In the field Another email (if available) You can enter your previously purchased email address, if available. Completing this field is optional. If it specifies an email address, then registration information will be sent to this address immediately after creating the mailbox. Also, if you wish, you can indicate your mobile phone number (although this is not recommended)

In the field Check digits From the keyboard you need to enter the numbers (without separators and spaces!), which are displayed above (see Fig. 9.23).

After filling out the listed details, you need to click the button Register– as a result, the screen will display information that registration has been successfully completed (Fig. 9.24). Here, if you wish, you can enter some additional information about yourself.

Rice. 9.24. Completing registration

You can enter them, or you can just click on the link Start using mail– immediately after this, the mailbox interface will open on the screen (Fig. 9.25). To subsequently log into your mailbox, you need to enter your login and password in the appropriate fields on the main page of the portal (in our example – and click the button Login.

Rice. 9.25. Mailbox interface

The left side of the interface contains several folders designed to store email correspondence. By default, the following folders are offered: Inbox, Sent, Deleted, Spam And Drafts.

All incoming email correspondence, with the exception of emails identified as spam, goes to the folder Inbox. This folder is open by default when you sign in to your mailbox.

Folder Sent is intended for storing sent (outgoing) electronic correspondence. When you send each letter, a copy of it (with all attachments, if any) is placed in the folder by default Sent.

In a folder Deleted electronic correspondence that has been deleted using a link is stored Delete.

To folder Spam All incoming correspondence that is recognized by the system as spam is placed. This folder can be quickly cleared using the link located to the right of the folder name (it appears if there is at least one letter in the folder). By the way, folders are also cleaned in the same way. Deleted.

* * *

In a folder Drafts You can store letters that for some reason are not intended for any of the folders listed above.

In order to move letters from folder to folder, you should select them in the list using the corresponding checkboxes, then in the drop-down list Move to folder(this list is located on the right side of the interface above the list of letters) select the required folder and click the button on the right OK.

Above the list of letters there are several links designed to switch to one or another mode of operation. The list of these links may look different in different folders. Since the order of their use is simple, we will consider only the links that are located in the folder Inbox.

Via link Write switches to the mode of creating a new email message. At the same time, an interface opens on the screen in which the addressee (or several addressees) is indicated, the subject of the letter, the text of the letter is formed, and, if necessary, files are attached that should be sent along with the letter.

* * *

If the current mail message (or several flagged messages) is spam, you should use the link This is spam. Using this link, you can report spam to the postal service administration so that appropriate measures can be taken against spammers. When you click on a link This is spam A window opens on the screen in which you need to confirm the fact of spam.

Chapter Address book is intended for maintaining a list of addressees with whom the most active correspondence is expected. To add a new recipient to the list, use the link Add entry, and then in the window that opens, enter the recipient’s first and last name, his email address, phone number, any comment and date of birth. The only one required details for each recipient this is an email address.

In the section Settings mailbox parameters are configured. In particular, here you can create, edit and delete folders intended for storing electronic correspondence, select the design style of letters, configure the mail interface, etc. Separately, it should be noted the ability to filter incoming mail in order to combat spam (using “black” and “white” lists). Also worthy of attention is the implemented automatic mail collection mechanism, the configuration of which allows you to automatically collect mail from all other mailboxes that the user has and deliver it to this mailbox.

Chapter Search designed for quickly searching letters. It is advisable to use the capabilities of this section when working with large volumes of electronic correspondence. As search parameters, you can specify an arbitrary text fragment (which can be contained both in the text and in the subject of the letter) and the email address of the sender/recipient. You should also specify the folders in which the search will be performed.

Thus, we learned how to create our own mailbox ourselves. However, in this case, all actions for working with electronic correspondence must be performed directly on the server, using the interface provided by the mail service. It is much more convenient to use special mail programs for working with e-mail. In this book we will look at one of the most popular such programs - Outlook Express.

9.4.2. Purpose and capabilities of Outlook Express

The developer of the Outlook Express email program is Microsoft Corporation, and this largely contributes to the fact that this program is one of the most popular email clients. This is primarily due to the fact that Outlook Express interacts well with other Microsoft products (Internet Explorer, etc.). In addition, this program is very convenient for home users - unlike, for example, Microsoft Outlook, which was also developed by Microsoft, but is primarily addressed to office users.

The default program interface is shown in Fig. 9.26.

Rice. 9.26. Outlook Express

As you can see in the figure, the program window has the structure of a typical Windows application. At the top is the main menu, below it is the toolbar, and the main part of the interface is occupied by the work area, divided into four panels. The top left panel contains a list of folders with emails, the top right panel displays the contents of the folder on which the cursor is positioned. The lower left panel contains a list of contacts from the address book, and the lower right panel contains the text of the letter on which the cursor is positioned.

The functionality of the Outlook Express mail program allows you to solve the following tasks:

Receiving, reading, creating, sending and storing electronic correspondence;

Working with the Windows Messenger instant messaging service: connecting, sending messages, setting parameters;

Using multiple accounts to work with electronic correspondence;

Maintaining an address book in which email addresses are stored;

Working with news groups (receiving, reading, storing, sending);

Flexible customization of the user interface and program operating parameters in accordance with the needs of a specific user;

Creating mail messages using a variety of forms, which can be selected either from the list provided by the program or from anywhere on the disk;

Setting up and using anti-virus and anti-spam protection;

Import email correspondence from other popular email programs using the built-in import wizard;

Import address book from other popular email programs;

Export of electronic correspondence and address book;

Printing email messages;

Saving an email message as separate file either as a form;

Saving email attachments as a separate file;

Performing a number of other actions determined by the specifics of using the program and the needs of a particular user.

However, before you can use Outlook Express, you must create an email account. This is covered in the next section.

9.4.3. Create an account in Outlook Express

To switch to the mode of working with Outlook Express accounts, you must execute the main menu command Service? Accounts– as a result, the window shown in Fig. will open on the screen. 9.27.

Rice. 9.27. Email accounts

To create a new mail account, go to the tab in this window. Mail press the button Add(this button is located at the top right of the window, see Fig. 9.27), and in the menu that opens, select the item Mail. As a result, a window will open on the screen Internet Connection Wizard; Using the Wizard, you create a new account in a step-by-step mode. This will do the following:

1. At the first stage, enter an arbitrary user name using the keyboard (this could be, for example, first and last name), then press the button Next.

2. At the second stage, you also need to enter your email address using the keyboard (for example, [email protected] ), then press the button Next.

3. At the third stage, you will need to specify the servers for incoming messages (POP3, IMAP or HTTP, in most cases - the POP3 server) and outgoing messages. The choice of servers depends on the location of the user's mailbox; You can obtain the addresses of these servers from your email service provider. For example, if the mailbox is open on, then the incoming message server will be, and outgoing – After entering the servers, click the button Next.

4. At the fourth stage, in the appropriate fields using the keyboard, you need to enter the name of the account to be created and the password, and then click the button Next.

5. In the fifth stage, press the button Ready The process of creating a new account is completed.

As a result of the completed actions, the created account will be displayed in the window Online accounts(see Fig. 9.27) on the tabs All And Mail.

Now you can start working with email messages.

9.4.4. How to receive and send electronic correspondence?

To receive email, you need to execute the main menu command Service? Deliver mail? Deliver mail(this command can also be called by pressing the key combination Ctrl+M), or click the corresponding button in the toolbar (don’t forget to connect to the Internet before doing this).

Received emails will be placed in the folder Inbox, and the number of unread letters will be shown in brackets (see Fig. 9.26).

When it comes to sending emails, there are two ways to do this. The first is that the letter is sent immediately after writing - we will tell you how to do this below. When using the second method, letters located in the folder are sent Outgoing(users place written but not sent letters here) - to do this, you need to execute the main menu command Service? Deliver mail? Send all or click the button in the toolbar Deliver mail(using this button you can both receive and send email).

9.4.5. How to write and send an email?

To switch to the mail message generation mode, you can use several methods. The most common one is to execute the main menu command File? Create? Postal message. As a result, a window for generating an email message will open on the screen, shown in Fig. 9.28.

Rice. 9.28. Creating a mail message

You can also create a new message in the panel Contacts(this panel is located at the bottom left of the program’s working interface) double-click on the desired recipient or group of contacts. In this case, in the contact creation window (see Fig. 9.28), the field will be automatically filled in To whom. To create a response message, in the main program window, select the letter you want to respond to with the cursor and click the toolbar button Answer or execute the main menu command Message? Reply to sender(this command can also be called by pressing the key combination Ctrl+ R). In this case, the fields in the contact creation window will be automatically filled in To whom And Subject.

* * *

In the mail message generation window, in the field To whom The recipient's email address is indicated. If necessary, you can enter several addresses in this field - in this case, you must separate them with a comma or semicolon.

In the field Copy The addresses of recipients to whom a copy of this mail message should be sent are entered. If multiple recipients are specified, they are separated by a comma or semicolon.

* * *

In the field Subject the subject of this mail message is entered using the keyboard, briefly reflecting its essence; Examples of values ​​for this field – Meeting, Invitation to the evening, Order, Vacation plans, Feedback on the ad etc. This field is optional; however, it is still recommended to indicate the subject of the letter - this is convenient for the recipient of the mail message.

The text of the email message is entered from the keyboard in a specially designed field, which occupies the main part of the interface (see Fig. 9.28). By the way, you can format the text of the letter - the formatting bar is designed for this, which is located between the field Subject and a field for entering the text of the letter.

You can insert any image (drawing, photograph, etc.) into the text of the letter - to do this, in the formatting panel, click the last button, which is called Insert picture.

* * *

When you click on this button, a window opens on the screen in which you can configure image insertion. The operating procedure in this window is intuitive, so we will not dwell on it here.

If necessary, an email message can be sent with an attachment. An attachment is a file that is attached to an email message. Why is this necessary? The scope of this opportunity is so wide that there is no clear answer to this question. Photos can be used as attachments, software products, text files, etc., etc. For example, when sending a letter to a relative or friend, you can attach several photographs to it; You can write a short letter to management and send a detailed report as an attachment, etc. The functionality of sending attached files significantly expands the capabilities of email.

If you don't know what email is, now is the time to figure it out. In fact, here, as is the case with many others modern technologies associated with computers and the Internet, it is very easy to draw a parallel with real life. I think everyone has an idea of ​​what snail mail is. Actually, its purpose is almost the same as that of an electronic one, only the method of achieving the goal is different.

Without going into details, we can give the following definition. E-mail(email) is a system for exchanging electronic messages (letters). You can receive emails, send them, forward them, store them, sort them, basically do whatever you want with them. Isn't regular mail created for the same thing? But the letters in her case are not electronic, but real. From this follows the main difference between them and at the same moment lack of email: You cannot send real things through it, only virtual ones in the form of electronic files. For example, you can send photos, music, text by email, but you cannot send clothes, household appliances, cosmetics. But progress does not stand still, who knows, maybe someday such a miracle will become possible. What do you think? So far it’s hard to believe in this, of course. Despite its significant drawback, e-mail has a number of serious advantages over regular mail.

Benefits of Email

  • Convenience. In order to send a letter, you don’t need to go to the post office, you don’t even have to leave your home, you just need to have a computer and Internet access.
  • Time saving and efficiency. Emails are delivered in seconds, with only occasional minor delays.
  • Free. You don't have to pay a penny to send letters via email.
  • Functionality. Emails can be sorted in any way convenient for you, divided into folders, formatted, sent to several recipients at once, and almost any files can be attached to them, be it music, photos, or even copies of documents.

This is just a small list of the most basic benefits of email; in fact, there are many more. Each point can be easily divided into one or more sub-points. For example, there are many special applications for both computers and mobile devices that make working with mail much easier. Isn't this an advantage? It can be simultaneously recorded in such points as functionality and efficiency. You will definitely find other advantages for yourself in the process of working with email. Believe me, there will be a lot of them.

Thousands of people waste valuable time going to post offices, all because they don't know how to create an email. But doing this is as easy as shelling pears. There are many free email servers. Their functionality is more than enough to satisfy the needs of most users. I will give as an example the mail services that I use:,, and There is no point in dwelling on each of them in detail. It only needs to be said that all these services have justified the trust in themselves with the time and quality of their services. Personally, I have identified for myself and

My acquaintance with e-mail began with about eight years ago. Then it was much less functional and convenient than it is now. My friend helped me start it. Then I discovered the mail service from Yandex and a little later I also started using mail from Google and Mail. The good news is that all these services are constantly updated and improved. Feel free to choose any of those offered, you won’t miss it.

I'll show you how to create an email using as an example. In principle, regardless of the service, you need to follow almost the same simple steps. So, let's get started.
Step one - go to the website
Step two - click “create a mailbox” on the left side of the site under the Yandex logo, as shown in the figure.

Step three - after this you will need to enter your first and last name, as well as your login and click the “next” button. Pay special attention to the “login” column, since your email address will look like [email protected]. For example, if your name is Ivan Ivanov, then the following email address would be very logical: [email protected]. Just don’t forget that besides you, thousands of people use the service, so the easiest and most memorable addresses have long been taken, like the one I gave as an example, you will have to complicate the email address a little or come up with your own unique one.

Step four - at this step you need to come up with and confirm a password, the more complex it is, the better; choose a security question or ask your own and enter the answer to it, you will need this in case you lose your password; enter a different email (optional) and enter your mobile phone number so that you can recover your password in case you forget it; After which you will need to enter the characters from the picture and click the “register” button.

Step five - after you complete these simple steps, you will be congratulated on your successful registration and asked to indicate your gender and date of birth, click the “save” button and start using mail from Yandex.

Creating an email on Yandex has been sorted out, now let's talk about how to use it correctly. I’ll say right away that there is nothing complicated about it, the interface is very simple and intuitive, as with any other email services. The main area is occupied by incoming letters, which indicate the sender's name, subject and the beginning of the message. On the left there is a small menu in which you can go to incoming letters, poisoned letters, drafts, and so on. You can search by email using the form on the right. Click the “Write” button (circled in red).

Actually, everything here is also easy and understandable. In the “to” column, enter the recipient’s address or several addresses separated by commas, in the “subject” column, enter the subject, for example, “work” or “offer”, you can also leave the field empty, below we enter the text of the letter, then click "send". That's all, just a matter of a couple of minutes. You can also attach files (archives, photographs, documents) to the letter using the button in the lower left corner, save it as a draft to send later, there are also items that can be checked off if necessary, there is no point in describing what is what, so everything is very clear there. Using the menu on the right, you can format a letter, check spelling and translate the text into required language. To be honest, I almost never used this functionality. Well, is it difficult? I think not. At least it’s much easier than going to the post office, standing in line, filling out forms, and so on.

Go to “settings” in the upper right corner. Maybe I’m already a little tired of you with this phrase, but I’ll repeat it again: we won’t dwell on each point in detail, here everything is extremely clear. I will say more, most likely you will not even use most of the settings. For example, I used email for several years and didn’t even come here until I needed some additional features. Let's talk about them. As you have already noticed, the items “folders and tags”, “rules for processing mail” and “collecting mail from other mailboxes” are marked with red checkmarks.

First, let's go to “folders and tags”. Click the “new folder” button and in the window that appears, enter any name, for example, “work” and click “create folder”. Now, using analogy, we create a label. Everything is the same as in the case of a folder, only you can also choose a color. Did you manage? Let's move on.

Go to the main page of the mail and look in the left menu what happened. Are there new items? Folders are located at the top, labels are below them. This seemingly not the most powerful function gives you a lot of possibilities. Incoming letters can be distributed into folders and labeled, and all this can be done completely automatically. To do this, go to “email processing rules” in the settings and click the “create rule” button. As you can see, you can bring the reception and distribution of incoming mail to full automation. You can even Reply to certain emails automatically. But first things first.

Let's imagine that you have a very important correspondence with the same Ivan Ivanov with an email address [email protected], may the owner of this address forgive me. What can we do with only this data? And a lot...Next to the word “if” there are drop-down lists. We know exactly the sender's name and email address, right? This means we can set, for example, the following rule: if “from whom” coincides with “Ivan Ivanov” or “ivanivanov” or “ [email protected]”, then put it in the “Work” folder or any other folder created in advance, put any label, delete the letter, forward it to any required address, reply to the letter and much more. Comfortable? In my opinion, very much.

Now go to the settings item “collecting mail from other mailboxes”. All you need is to have one or more email accounts and know the passwords for them. We indicate this data in the appropriate fields and click “enable collector”. Why might this be needed? For example, if you and your wife have different emails, you can receive all letters in one mailbox, and to make it even more convenient, create a folder “Wife” and set in the rules for processing incoming mail necessary conditions so that all letters intended for her are placed in this folder. For those who have something to hide from their wife, this is a bad example. :)

I have about 5-7 mailboxes for different purposes, but to make it easier to receive incoming mail, all letters are collected in one. Why then create several emails, you ask. It's simple, one of them is created for work purposes, the other is just for communication, and so on. For example, I give my friends one email address, my partners another, my relatives a third, and I receive all letters in one mailbox. Everything ingenious is simple. By the way, I advise all lovers of beauty to go to the “Select design” settings item and select any theme you like.

Now you know what email is. You will learn many other features and subtleties while working with it. If I did not explain any points fully or clearly, do not hesitate to ask in the comments, I will try to answer everyone.

  • Settings, folders - creating, editing and deleting
  • Settings, filters - automatic distribution of letters into folders and anti-spam protection
  • Add a mailbox - receive letters from other mailboxes via mail
  • When you log into the mail service, a page with incoming letters immediately opens. Most likely there will be welcome and thank you letters from the site administration. To open a letter, just click on it with the left mouse button. All unread messages are marked with a blue circle, read messages are marked with a light gray circle.

    The number of unread letters is indicated next to the word “inbox”, at the top of the page label and in all projects associated with the mail service (listed at the top of the page), for example, “my world”, “classmates”, etc.

    By clicking on these circles, you can mark unread messages as read and vice versa.
    On the left side of letters, you can check a box so that one action can be applied to several letters at once, for example, delete, send to spam, etc.

    The color icon is usually set by the service itself, the color is chosen randomly, and the first letter of the name or email address is used. The sender is written next to the icon - this is either the First Name and Last Name, and if they are not specified, then only the email address. Next comes the bookmark; when you click on it, it changes color from gray to red so you don’t forget about important messages. To the right of the bookmark is the text of the letter's header; if there is no header, it will be indicated that the letter has no subject. And on the very right side is the time or date the letter was received.

    Sent or outgoing emails. Appearance letters similar to those in incoming letters.
    Drafts are letters written but not sent.
    Spam is unwanted emails, usually of an advertising nature. If you send a letter to spam, then all subsequent letters from this author will also go to spam, bypassing the page with unread letters.
    Trash – page with deleted emails.

    With further use, your incoming emails will be replenished. A page can accommodate up to 25 letters; if there are more letters, a transition to other pages will appear. To go to an old message on another page, you need to find a link under the messages that goes to other pages and select the one you need.

    You can go to page 5 right away; if there are a lot of letters, you will have to jump every two pages until the desired one appears. When you click the arrow, the next or previous page is loaded, depending on which direction you scroll.

    Nowadays, many smart books have been published on how to make the content of the letter effective, informative, polite, etc.

    But how to use postal services correctly and send all this carefully thought-out beauty? Let's look at it in this article.

    1 How to write a letter?

    Before you write a letter, you must specify the recipient.

    This could be one person or several.

    Please note that in the “To:” field there are buttons: Cc / Bcc.

    Google mail

    Yandex mail

    The copy serves to ensure that the letter can be seen by more than just the primary recipient.

    For example, you are writing a letter to your partner and you want your marketer to also receive this letter to understand the situation. Therefore, in the “To:” field you write your partner, and in the “Copy:” field your marketer.

    If you put the marketer's email in Bcc, then he will receive your letter, however, the main recipient of the letter (your partner) will no longer see that the letter was sent to someone else.

    Bcc can be used, for example, if you want to send general information for their clients and, from an ethical point of view, not to “leak” their addresses to each other.

    2 Subject of the letter.

    It is important to indicate the subject of your letter so that the recipient can understand what you are talking about before opening it. And the likelihood that such a letter will get lost among many others decreases.

    Also keep in mind that the text of the letter must be relevant to the topic. If in a letter with the subject “Salary Data”, after you have sent the data, you ask to fire an employee, it will be more difficult to receive your request and not lose it than when you create a new letter with a new subject.

    Google mail

    Yandex mail

    3 Pay attention to the work panels when writing a letter.

    They allow you to change the font, size, color, and position of the text. Add quotes, bullet points and pictures.

    Google mail

    Yandex mail

    However, we advise you not to abuse these settings, because... Information may be displayed differently on different email services. And there is a possibility that the letter will not look as beautiful as you originally intended.

    4 In order for your contact information to be displayed in each of your letters, you must: Go to settings, find “Signature”, add text and save changes.

    Google mail

    Yandex mail

    5 How to respond to letters correctly?

    Let's say you receive a letter in which you are not the only recipient.

    If you want to reply to the sender of the letter, as well as other recipients, then before typing the text, click “Reply all”.

    Google mail

    Yandex mail

    If only to one sender, simply click “Reply”.

    We hope our article was useful to you.

    Electronic mail, or “e-mail”, “soap” is now a mandatory attribute for the user on the Internet. It is used to communicate with friends and comrades, conduct business correspondence, and send photos, videos and documents. An email account is also required to register an account on social networks, online games, websites and forums.

    This article will teach you how to use email and walk you through all the steps of creating an account on .

    So let's get started! We guarantee that in 15-20 minutes you will have your own e-mail.

    Selecting a service

    The first step is to decide on which service (site) you want to create a box. It is worth noting that there are a huge number of web resources on the Internet that offer visitors to create their own email. Some of them are better, some are worse in terms of security and ease of use.

    If you want to see for yourself the variety of services, type “email” in a search engine. At a minimum, he will introduce you to a hundred or two online email services.

    But so that you don’t get dizzy from research and search, we suggest you choose one of the services offered below. They are unanimously recognized by IT professionals and ordinary users as the best on the Internet. So you don't risk anything. On the contrary, you get a 100% guarantee of user comfort.

    Service from the famous company Yandex. It has been working properly and stably since 2000, that is, for more than 15 years. Has reliable protection from spammers and evil hackers trying to steal confidential data from mailboxes. The Dr.Web anti-virus module scans downloaded files automatically. Supports machine translation of letters to various foreign languages and also translates foreign messages into Russian. All information (letters) is sent via encrypted channels. Works great on computers, laptops, and mobile devices (smartphones, tablets). It is recommended for use for those who primarily use Runet and actively correspond with Russian-speaking users.

    Open the main page of the web service in your browser - And then click “Create mail” in the upper right corner.

    Huge web portal. One of the oldest in Runet, founded in 1998. The account owner is provided not only with a mailbox, but also with access to a variety of services (games, dating service, videos, news, etc.). It has a user-friendly interface and a powerful spam filter. Easy to manage. Definitely will appeal to those who are partial to social networks and wants to actively correspond online, view a variety of content (photos, videos), in addition to using e-mail.

    Go to the page and in the upper left block under the login fields, click the link “Registration in mail”.


    "Overseas" service from Google. Has a huge number of user settings and functions. It was launched on April 1, 2004. It is reliably protected from third-party interference and hacking, and supports all popular data exchange protocols. Equipped with a convenient control panel. Able to backup data. Account on Gmail will be especially useful for those who often use foreign web services, as well as other Google services (Maps, News, Play Market, Calendar, etc.).

    Type in the address bar of your browser and press “enter.” On the page that opens, click on the “Create account” button.

    Well, have you decided on the service? Now is the time to start creating an account.

    Account registration

    If you haven't clicked the link provided in the service review, be sure to do so (see descriptions above). We need to go to the registration form. Do you see the page with the application fields in front of you? This is what you need at the moment.

    The rules for registering a mailbox on the services are almost the same, with the exception of only a few nuances. Follow these instructions to enter all required information correctly.

    1.In the “First Name” and “Last Name” lines, you can indicate both your passport details and your nickname. It all depends on the purpose of using email - business, entertainment, communication with friends.

    2. Some postal services ask you to additionally indicate your place of residence, gender, and date of birth. In these fields, you can also optionally indicate reliable or fictitious information.

    3. Login is your mailbox address. It must be unique. Think carefully about its name. To compile it, you can use your first and last name, date of birth.

    Pay attention! It is advisable to save the login (address) in full format to avoid confusion. For example, if on Yandex, the login will look like this: [email protected]. That is - @.

    4. Password is a symbolic key to enter your mailbox. Come up with a complex combination of 10-15 characters of Latin letters and numbers.

    Attention! Remember, or better yet, save the login and password specified in the form in a safe place. They are required to enter the box.

    5. Phone - in this line, enter your mobile number. Use only a valid number.

    6. Please check that all fields are filled in correctly. To submit the completed form to the service, click the “Register” button. It is usually located at the very bottom of the registration page.

    The verification algorithm boils down to the following:

    • An SMS with a code is sent to your mobile phone;
    • you enter this code into a special form;
    • send for service;
    • After successful completion of the procedure, the phone will be “attached” to the mailbox and can be used to restore access if the password is lost.

    How to enter the box?

    So, the mailbox is registered. To log in or log in, you need to do the following:

    1. Go to the website of the postal service (for example,

    2. In the login panel, enter the login and password that you specified during the mailbox registration process in separate fields.

    3. Click the “Login” button.

    How to write and send a letter?

    To send a message to someone from your e-mail, you, of course, need to know the address of the recipient - the interlocutor, the business partner to whom you want to send the letter. Make sure you have it in full format - @.

    2. In the form that opens, in the specially designated fields, indicate the full address of the recipient (in Gmail this line is called “To”), the subject of the letter and the text of the letter itself.

    If you need to attach a file stored on your computer to your message, use the “paperclip” button. However, please note that the size of files you can download this way is limited. Depending on the service, its limit is 10-50 MB.

    3. After completing the letter, click the “Send” button. The letter will be instantly delivered to the recipient.

    Beware of spam!

    While using your mailbox, you will periodically receive advertising letters (spam) and other dubious messages. If you do not know the sender (an unfamiliar address is indicated) or the name of the letters makes you suspicious, do not open them under any circumstances, and certainly do not launch the files and interactive elements that are located in these texts. In this way, many hackers try to get the e-mail of gullible users.

    You can track and delete emails blocked by the spam filter in the special Spam folder.

    How to send a large file?


    1. In your profile, at the top right, click the “group of squares” icon.
    2. In the tiled menu that opens, click “Disk”.
    3. On the page that opens, click the “My Drive” menu. Select "Upload files...".

    1. Click "Cloud" in the top bar.
    2. In the new tab, click "Download".

    Yandex. Mail

    1. In the horizontal menu (near the logo at the top of the page), click “Disk”.
    2. Click the "Download" button.

    After you upload the file to the storage, open access to it for other users and copy the download link. Send the resulting URL to the recipient. It will paste it into your browser's address bar and download the file you downloaded to your computer.

    Have a pleasant and comfortable use of Internet postal services!