Capricorn and Sagittarius are suitable. Sagittarius man and Capricorn woman compatibility in love relationships - advantages. Sagittarius and Capricorn - compatibility in marriage

Despite the fact that initially the compatibility of a Capricorn man and a Sagittarius woman will seem very favorable for them, in reality a lot of disagreements will arise between the partners. They just have too different energy, rhythm of life and even the very manner of behavior. In some ways, they will even begin to irritate each other, because it is very, very difficult for such different people to get along.

The zodiac signs of Sagittarius and Capricorn follow exactly one after the other - our heroes were born in winter time year. And as often happens, the compatibility horoscope in this case leaves much to be desired. And the fact of belonging to elements very far from each other is also not in their favor. The fiery, temperamental Sagittarius girl has little in common with the earthly, calm, calculating Capricorn man. Of course, this does not at all exclude the possibility of creating a good union, but it significantly reduces this likelihood.

Our heroes will feel their strong difference almost immediately. And the power of difference, that same height difference can initially play into your hands. Capricorn will certainly be attracted to the bright, slightly extravagant, but so attractive Sagittarius girl. She knows how to fascinate not only and not so much with her appearance, but with her temperament. We can say that there are 2 large groups of men. Some people don’t like strong ladies because they see them as a direct competitor. Others, on the contrary, gravitate towards these people because they serve as an endless source of inspiration. And the Capricorn guy falls into this category. Yes, he is not an extreme person, but he is definitely not looking for easy ways. That is why psychologically he gravitates towards like-minded women, and not home cooks who will simply carry out their duties and not interfere in his affairs.

Of course, this man prefers to have an obedient girl as his companion. But the image of a housewife is also not his type. It turns out that he has quite interesting preferences. On the one hand, the lady of the heart should not be timid. But on the other hand, she must reliably protect his rear and not strive to command.

It is interesting that in Sagittarius he will largely find this unique combination of seemingly incompatible qualities. Yes, this girl is bright, cheerful, she doesn’t know how to get bored and doesn’t intend to. In the family, there will always be something to talk about with her, and you can calmly trust all your secrets, being sure: she is faithful in both word and deed. On the other hand, the female archer is not attracted by male laurels. She is not going to be that housekeeper, unless, of course, the situation demands it. On the contrary, her ideal is a strong man who prefers partnerships to traditional hierarchy.

It turns out that, purely theoretically, the ideas of Capricorn and Sagittarius overlap in many ways, so initially compatibility in love relationships will have good chances. But theory, as we know, often turns out to be infinitely far from practice. Do not forget that the energy of these zodiac signs is very different. If Sagittarius is constantly attracted by the next adventure, then Capricorn prefers stability and confidence in the future.

Yes, both of our heroes proceed from the fact that if you want to succeed and achieve something in this life, you need to be strong and not give up under any circumstances. But they see one idea completely differently. The Capricorn man is used to making long-term plans and moving towards his dreams step by step. Most of all, this person does not like some unpredictable, impulsive actions that can only harm the business. He does not understand people who make decisions based on emotions and go all-in for unobvious benefits. Yes, the typical Capricorn does not like to take risks. He proceeds from the fact that everything in life can be calculated. And if there is little data, then it is better not to go into those areas, because who is stopping you from doing something more understandable.

And despite the fact that his logic seems impeccable, this is clearly not enough for compatibility with such an unpredictable Sagittarius girl in love. The shooter is not only accustomed to taking risks, but also literally has a passion for everything unknown. Life without adventure loses all meaning for her, so this lady often strives to find some point of compromise at which she can draw up a sensible plan and still leave room for achievement.

At first, the difference in energy will amuse our heroes. Most likely, the witty archer will even begin to make jokes about Capricorn’s caution: it seems to her that he is sometimes too indecisive, since he is literally immersed in his impeccable reasoning. And with her risky behavior, she seems to prove: look, my approach works no worse than yours.

But convincing a Capricorn guy of something is an almost impossible task. These people take life and their views very seriously, so they rarely succumb to external pressure. It’s not that they don’t trust our world (although there is that too). It’s just that Capricorns are sincerely confident: even if they make a mistake, it will only benefit the cause - but next time they won’t make a mistake. And in this our heroes are united: yes, they really are not afraid to make a mistake. What characterizes them as exceptionally strong, strong-willed people. But what is good for business will not always benefit the relationship. Therefore, despite some points of contact, the compatibility of a Capricorn man and a Sagittarius woman cannot be described as cloudless either in love or in family relationships.

Marriage compatibility: a bit of pragmatism

Nevertheless, such couples also have a right to exist. One day, Capricorn, having weighed all the pros and cons, having conducted numerous sessions of logical analysis in private, which he usually likes to do at night, will come to the conclusion that despite all the shortcomings of the Sagittarius girl, to which you can close your eyes, her advantages are undoubtedly , outweigh. She is smart, assertive, and knows how to get her way. She will tolerate it if necessary, and also will not throw tantrums, because she believes that this is simply not adult-like. In a word, with all the complexity of this lady’s character (of course, from his point of view), it is more than possible to get along with her. And then Capricorn will laugh and make her the main proposal.

It must be said that such an act in itself is a very important signal. The fact is that Capricorn never changes his decisions. And he won’t even think about backing out in such a delicate and responsible situation. Therefore, the tandem must exist.

Of course, both partners understand and feel that their compatibility in marriage may constantly falter. Take, for example, the fact that Sagittarius will not even think of staying at home, as Capricorn would like. She will even try to drag her husband to an interesting event, a social event, or just to visit. And in some cases, a Capricorn man simply cannot refuse - after all, the pressure of a Sagittarius is simply thermonuclear force.

But in most cases he will still stay at home. And he’ll probably do his favorite pastime – counting. Yes, the shooter is indeed a little spender. For the sake of her pleasures, she is ready to sacrifice a lot. And status items, expensive but useless accessories are what serve as a real source of inspiration for her. Capricorn simply will not understand these excesses, but there is nothing to do - he will just have to put up with it. After all, he himself once foresaw that such problems would arise. Therefore, it cannot be said that they became some kind of unpleasant surprise for him.

Another thing is that Sagittarius should pay more attention to his beloved. Capricorns are very jealous people because they are possessive. And if the archer is also not devoid of jealousy, then she is distinguished by more democratic manners of behavior. But Capricorn is a true conservative. And if he even suspects his beloved of little tricks, this can make him furious. And one that has never existed before. Literally, it could break, which is a completely undesirable option, considering how much energy can accumulate in it.

Sagittarius should have behaved more prudently - sometimes even a little pragmatism works wonders. If she is at least a little domesticated, this is a definite plus - then Capricorn will simply turn a blind eye to many other things, and the compatibility of partners in marriage will only benefit from this. That's how useful advice from the stars: you should meet a little halfway. Believe me, it's worth it - Capricorn's concessions will give you much more.

Sexual Compatibility: Finding the Key

The question of compatibility between a Capricorn guy and a Sagittarius girl in bed is quite complicated. It’s just that the partners will probably live a whole palette of emotions in their bedroom - from hot, tropical passions to real alienation, which, however, carries the risk of betrayal by the shooter, who simply cannot live without thrills.

And there is only one way out - you should look for an approach to Capricorn. Yes, everything falls on the Sagittarius woman’s shoulders. It's just that in reality this man is not as cold as he seems. Although he is stern in appearance, he is a big good-natured person at heart. In addition, Capricorn has no less raging passions, because if he does not give them away, this does not mean that there are none.

Therefore, how to find that very treasured key to the secret corners of his mysterious nature is the main question for a Sagittarius. But if she makes every effort, she will undoubtedly cope with the task. I just wish I could cool down on the way - Sagittarius are sometimes so flighty.

Compatibility at work: reliable partners

Capricorn and Sagittarius are an example of reliable partners who can safely entrust matters to each other. And only to each other. It’s just that a girl of this sign has an unfeminine grasp and approaches business very responsibly. She is not used to looking like some kind of weakling, so simply out of principle she is in no way inferior to men.

That is why Capricorn always cooperates with her with pleasure, no matter what position he is in. Therefore, the common cause of such serious, calculating people will begin to develop better and better.

The compatibility of a Capricorn man and a Sagittarius woman is quite complex, so a tandem can only work out under one condition: if you see the best in your partner and convert it into tangible benefits from which both will benefit.

Attraction between Sagittarius and Capricorn almost always arises when they meet. But then things get complicated.

Some couples overcome difficulties and build happy families, some stop halfway. So, is the compatibility of Sagittarius and Capricorn a matter of chance, or are the stars still favorable to this pair?

What the stars are talking about

According to the description of astrologers, a couple of Sagittarius and Capricorn have a chance of success if they take into account the fact that everyone has the right to their own point of view regarding views on life, which are completely different for representatives of these signs. As for temperament, the compatibility of Sagittarius and Capricorn is almost ideal here.

Sagittarius is very energetic, he is always full of ideas and intentions. This captivates Capricorn, who forgets about everything at the sight of his chosen one. Capricorn, on the other hand, is always calm and calm, and finds a way out of any situation, including those that at first glance seem insoluble. This is how he delights and fascinates Sagittarius.

At first glance, the Sagittarius Capricorn couple is ideal.

But when the conversation turns to views on life, a gap forms between Sagittarius and Capricorn, which only grows over time. Capricorn needs a reliable rear. Representatives of this sign must be confident in their future. Sagittarius will not think about his future. He lives today, and today he wants to get everything from life. But making plans for the future is not his destiny.

If we consider the combination of the eastern and zodiac horoscope, then the compatibility of a Capricorn woman and a Sagittarius man is more likely if Sagittarius was born in the year of the rabbit or dragon.

Love match between Capricorn and Sagittarius

In love relationships, Sagittarius is the same as in the rest of life. He needs adventure. A quiet and peaceful life is not for him. Capricorn needs comfort and a family hearth, a reliable rear behind him. Compatibility in a love relationship between Sagittarius and Capricorn is possible only if no one pulls the blanket in their direction.

Sagittarius needs freedom, which Capricorn should not claim. But, in turn, he must perform actions that will indicate that Capricorn can be confident in his partner and in their future together. If partners learn to balance in these difficult relationships, then an interesting life full of exciting journeys awaits them.

Capricorn should take a closer look at the business qualities of Sagittarius, who is a reliable companion in any endeavor. On this basis, you can build a strong family union. Sagittarius needs to give free rein to his partner. There is no need to try to force Capricorn to think and look at the world the way Sagittarius sees it. After all, there is nothing wrong with the fact that your partner will have his own vision of the world. On the contrary, this will add zest to the relationship.

Capricorn man, Sagittarius woman

If a Capricorn man and a Sagittarius woman create an alliance, then they will never be bored. What unites such a couple is that both partners see what their life should be like. But, unfortunately, they forget to coordinate their vision of life with their partner. If a Sagittarius man and Capricorn woman decide to unite themselves in marriage, then they will have to learn to listen to their partner.

Characteristics of a Capricorn man

The problem with men born under this sign is that they are not ready to accept opinions that do not coincide with theirs.

Capricorn men are very attached to home. They expect their wife to become the keeper of the home. A woman has her own point of view on this.

CAPRICORN + SAGITTARIUS - Compatibility - Astrotypologist Dmitry Shimko

Compatibility of Sagittarius man and Capricorn woman

Compatibility of Capricorn man and Sagittarius woman

Representatives of this sign can marry according to various reasons, including selfish ones. Such marriages are doomed to failure. The girl will soon expose her husband's true intentions, and the couple will separate. Therefore, you should not waste your time and take it away from your partner. In the end, you will lose much more than you gain.

Characteristics of a Sagittarius woman

Representatives of the fair half, born under this sign, will never agree to give up their principles. They defend their point of view at all costs. Against this background, conflicts will arise in family life.

It is worth noting that women born under this sign will not be able to play the role of an obedient stay-at-home wife well. They need to decide global problems, keep abreast of all events and lead an active social life. Against this background, conflicts with a stay-at-home husband are inevitable.

This couple can be united by problems that other unions are powerless to face. And if Capricorn and Sagittarius came out of a difficult situation holding hands, then no one and nothing can separate them.

Capricorn woman, Sagittarius man

If a Sagittarius man and a Capricorn woman decide to start a family, then they will have to work on their relationship. At first glance, a sweet and meek Capricorn woman knows exactly what she needs from life. And, despite the fact that the chosen one is silent and soft, she will never be submissive. After all, her patron is Saturn. This is a masculine planet that influences the feminine nature of Capricorns.

Characteristics of a Capricorn woman

The special thing about a Capricorn woman is that she knows exactly what she wants. These ladies will not waste time on trifles. They look at every man who appears in their life as a potential chosen one. If a man does not have serious intentions, then Capricorns will not waste their precious time on them. And Sagittarius, unfortunately, does not make far-reaching plans and turns out to be quite flighty in amorous affairs. Unless the Sagittarius man comes to his senses in time, he will lose the Capricorn woman forever.

It is also worth noting the fact that despite the softness of the Capricorn woman, she does not forgive mistakes. Therefore, a Sagittarius who decides to throw in his lot with Capricorn will have to forget about love affairs on the side. And he, ruled by Venus, is prone to them. As soon as a woman understands that her chosen one is not entirely honest with her, she will leave without regret. The guilty hero-lover will have no chance for forgiveness. But, if the moon is the patron sign, then the woman has nothing to worry about.

Characteristics of a Sagittarius man

Sagittarius is ruled by the male planet Jupiter. In addition, the Sagittarius sign is masculine. Therefore, Sagittarius men are almost impossible to subjugate. It is also worth noting that people born under this sign are frank and honest. But sometimes their excessive frankness offends others. They can afford to make a caustic remark to their partner in the presence of strangers. And for the wife of a Sagittarius man, this will be extremely unpleasant. But the girl will be able to forgive such behavior to her chosen one, due to the fact that she is impressed by people who have such a character trait as honesty.

Both Capricorns and Sagittarius love honesty. This can become the foundation for building relationships. Also, in his chosen one, Sagittarius will appreciate prudence and the ability to look at the world not through a prism pink color. Both partners can be united by a common hobby. Representatives of these signs have a predisposition to drawing and music. Therefore, it is worth looking for a common hobby that will make their union stronger.

Sagittarius needs very little to conquer and subjugate Capricorn. It is enough to make it clear to your chosen one that all his intentions are serious, and he will bring any work he starts to the end. In this case, the Sagittarius lady will agree to rush with her chosen one into the world of exciting travels, and will obey his decisions.

Work and general business

At first glance it may seem that the couple should not be confused family relationships and workers. After all, the compatibility of a Sagittarius man and a Capricorn woman, even at home, requires considerable effort on the part of both partners. And if work conflicts are added, it will be extremely difficult for the union to survive.

The main problems arise due to the fact that Capricorn does not believe in the potential of Sagittarius, citing his frivolity. Sagittarius is offended by this attitude. Yes and a representative energetic sign when trying to bring new ideas to work, you will encounter a wall of misunderstanding on the part of your partner, who is afraid to deviate from the planned plan.

And yet, representatives of these difficult signs should trust each other. This will benefit the joint business, especially if Capricorn is ruled by Mars. In working relationships, representatives of this zodiac pair are compatible. A smart and energetic Sagittarius is ready to generate new ideas every day, and a pedantic Capricorn will complete everything Sagittarius starts.

Sagittarius and Capricorn friendship

The compatibility of the zodiac signs Capricorn and Sagittarius in friendship is practically approaching zero. If partners who love each other reconcile their feelings, then friendship has nothing to be based on. Even if representatives of these signs try to establish friendly relations, they cannot avoid high-profile scandals. Both Sagittarius and Capricorn need a reliable girlfriend who will take his side. Women of these signs are not distinguished by their flexible character.

Friendly relations between representatives of these signs are possible only if they are united by common interests. It could be political activity or classes at art school.

Celebrity couples

Horoscopes say that the compatibility of this pair of zodiac signs is approaching zero in all respects. However, it is not uncommon for Sagittarius and Capricorns to try to build family relationships. A striking example of this is the married couple Ava Gardner and Frank Sinatra. However, the couple was expected to separate, which was preceded by numerous high-profile scandals.

Actress Alisa Freindlich and actor Igor Vladimirov managed to build a more successful relationship. However, this couple was united by a common hobby. The same applies to the couple Valentina Serova (actress) and Konstantin Simonov (writer). Despite their different activities, Kate Moss (supermodel) and Jamie Hince (musician) were able to build a strong marriage.

As we can see, there are examples of successful relationships between the signs of Sagittarius and Capricorn. In order for an alliance to be successful, it must be based on:

  • true love;
  • common interests;
  • compromise.


These signs are not suitable for each other. Despite the fact that sex life according to the compatibility horoscope of Capricorn and Sagittarius will be interesting, especially if one of the signs is protected by the sun, astrologers advise finding a more suitable match for each partner.

Both signs are strong, which will lead to constant conflicts. It is advisable for both Capricorn and Sagittarius to look for a partner who was born under the influence of a softer zodiac sign, capable of yielding.

The two wise signs of the Zodiac, Sagittarius and Capricorn, do not advertise their compatibility and accept it calmly. The strong characters of these people help them control themselves in difficult situations Thus, they build relationships at a high level, almost completely eliminating falsehood.

Sagittarius and Capricorn - love compatibility

Oddly enough, the compatibility of Capricorn with Sagittarius is not very realistic, because these signs do not intersect often. These two different types people live in their own worlds and communicate with different people. They rarely pay attention to each other just on the street and rarely get to know each other in public, although their love relationships turn out to be harmonious. When getting closer, opposites can show real differences, because everyone learns something new from their partner, without losing their own skills.

People with the Sagittarius and Capricorn sign rarely get tired of each other because they spend little time with each other. This does not spoil their relationship, but brings them closer, because everyone has time for themselves and personal space, and such signs need these conditions. The only thing that will never happen between them is complete unification, but in most cases they simply do not need it.

Sagittarius and Capricorn - marriage compatibility

Due to the fact that meetings and rapprochement of these people are very rare, the union of Sagittarius and Capricorn in most cases will not be successful. Internal contradictions take over and conflict situations become more and more numerous. One of them will constantly go on adventures and hope for luck, and the second will calculate every step and follow with caution. These character traits, to some extent, help the partner gain invaluable experience that cannot be learned without getting close to the person.

Family compatibility of Sagittarius and Capricorn in a relationship is possible if no one tries to change their partner to suit themselves. Harmony is achieved to a greater extent when one of the couple begins to behave complaisantly and calmly. Often wives take the side of humility and calmly give the opportunity to rule everything to their spouse. This applies only to those moments that are interesting to him, because the men in such a couple are more preoccupied with themselves than with family problems.

Capricorn and Sagittarius - sexual compatibility

Many people do not know whether Sagittarius is suitable for Capricorn sexually. These people are active in the intimate sphere and sometimes this interferes with maintaining harmony. Such romances are fleeting, because Capricorn does not know how to advertise his passionate impulses and opens up for a long time, even if the partner has already long time is in close relationship with him. Sagittarians, on the contrary, are impulsive, open and love extravaganza even in sexual relationships. They get tired of expecting the same from their loved one and a problem is gradually brewing. Sagittarians often start conversations about separation.

Capricorn and Sagittarius - compatibility in friendship

A simple friendship between Sagittarius and Capricorn is quite possible, since friendship does not imply big obligations. These versatile personalities are attracted to each other, because they need emotions and experience, and in such a union there will be plenty of this. Sagittarius and Capricorn do not understand their compatibility; they think that this is just a successful acquaintance that brings positive aspects and certain benefits. Sagittarius can help a friend rise to higher levels high level in what you love, and Capricorn will teach you how to cope with your emotions and control many life situations.

Capricorn and Sagittarius - compatibility at work

These people begin to truly trust each other in the work process only after the test of time. Capricorn and Sagittarius are completely opposite at work, but in most cases they can benefit from each other. Common interests bring us closer together, but everyone has their own personal life and social circle. There will be friendly relations, but only for the period of doing business. The interesting thing is that over time, these people develop a certain dependence in the work process, and if one of the workers leaves, it will be difficult for the partner to get used to the other.

In any relationship, it is important to consider compatibility by zodiac sign.

When the owners of such signs as Capricorn and Sagittarius find themselves in the same room, some connection will definitely appear between them and they will be drawn to each other.

But when these two signs get to know each other better, some problems begin.

Interaction between representatives

What is the compatibility of Capricorn and Sagittarius in a love relationship? These zodiac signs are ideally compatible in terms of temperament:

If representatives of these signs want to create a love union and get married, then, according to astrologers, they have every chance to create a strong family. But this is only possible if each of them takes into account some of the characteristics of their partner. Representatives of such signs should always remember that each of them has their own views and principles of life situations. If you listen to your partner’s point of view and find a compromise, then family relationships will be very strong.

The most common disagreement in such a couple is their outlook on life.. Capricorn always plans his life ahead; he cannot live only for one moment. But Sagittarius always lives one day at a time and cannot plan their future. That is why love between these zodiac representatives can last very short.

The compatibility of these representatives can be considered by combining the zodiac and eastern horoscopes. A fruitful relationship is possible for a Capricorn girl and a Sagittarius guy if he was born in the year of the Dragon or Rabbit according to the eastern calendar.

Main rules of compatibility:

If the girl is Capricorn

The most difficult relationship will be between a Sagittarius man and a girl of this sign.. This representative has a rather powerful patron - Saturn. And this planet is masculine. On the one hand, this representative has a rather soft, submissive temperament, but on the other hand, he has a male patron.

This combination will mean that the girl will never become a submissive wife. And this, in turn, will not please his other half. In addition, a woman of this zodiac does not forgive mistakes. The Capricorn woman will not tolerate her rival in bed and will never forgive her chosen one for betrayal.

If the man is Sagittarius

Myself zodiac sign is masculine. And it is also complemented by the patronage of Jupiter, which is also a male planet. Thus, a rather powerful combination is created that does not allow a man to submit to a woman. Although such a man will be frank and honest in any situation, which, undoubtedly, his couple will not like.

As for intimate relationships, the Sagittarius man is very energetic and powerful in bed.

Compatibility of signs in friendship and business

What is the compatibility of a Sagittarius woman and a Capricorn man in a friendly relationship? D Friendship between these signs never brings good results.

Regarding business relations, then the iconic horoscope confidently predicts a good outcome. Sagittarius can constantly come up with new ideas and plans, and the meticulous Capricorn will have the patience and willpower to see all these plans through to a successful conclusion.

Even married couples from the Sagittarius and Capricorn zodiacs will do business well. Therefore, they have every chance to create a fairly good family budget and not fear for their future.

Separately, frivolous Sagittarius may have difficult relationships in the workplace and with their superiors, because they do not always believe in them. But Capricorns often find something they like and develop in this area.

The signs are quite compatible in certain hobbies. They easily manage to engage in music and drawing; these activities can bring a couple together quite well.

Thanks to all the features of these signs, it can be assumed that family relationships can be very long and fruitful if everyone takes into account the temperament of their partner and takes into account all his characteristics.

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This union, like any other combination of fire and earth signs, requires certain efforts on the part of both partners. Compatibility of Sagittarius and Capricorn signs determines the complexity in relationships, however, if mutual understanding is achieved, their cooperation in any area will be productive. The role of a mentor in such a tandem will be played by the tireless and purposeful Capricorn. In a fatherly way, he will direct his partner’s thoughts and actions in the right direction, without being at all embarrassed by his unpredictability. Sagittarius is impressed by the stability that this relationship provides, and he adapts to Capricorn with his usual ease.

When partners manage to resolve the disputes and disagreements that arose at first, they understand that they can give each other what each desperately needs. Sagittarius is an innovator who opens the door to everything new. He can set the tone for joint activities and determine the level that Capricorn will certainly achieve thanks to his perseverance and work. Sagittarius is always one step ahead of progress, he knows what, where and how exactly is happening, but he himself does not have sufficient constancy and willpower to bring his ideas to completion. But he will perfectly act as an ideological inspirer, in return receiving brilliant execution of his plans.

Compatibility of the signs Sagittarius and Capricorn is characterized by a rather slow development of relationships. They do not rush headlong into the pool, looking at each other with doubt. But having thoroughly studied what the character of a companion is, Sagittarius and Capricorn, with a calm soul, begin to build a bright future together.

Capricorn will have a hard time in a relationship with the fickle and explosive Sagittarius. The latter will find it difficult to endure the tediousness and formalism of his partner. In the life together of these signs there will always be a struggle due to differences of opinion and material sphere, and spiritual. On the other hand, the compatibility of the signs Sagittarius and Capricorn will allow them to perfectly complement each other’s skills. Capricorn will build a strong foundation for both of them, and Sagittarius will fill the house with fun and amazing optimism.

Sexual compatibility between Sagittarius and Capricorn

It is difficult for partners to understand each other in the bedroom. Capricorn is cold and conservative, while Sagittarius is hot and expresses his feelings with great expression. They find it difficult to satisfy each other's desires, and such relationships are draining and tiring for both partners. Sexual compatibility Sagittarius and Capricorn leave much to be desired.

Compatibility: Sagittarius man - Capricorn woman

The Capricorn woman is modest and calm. Her restraint in showing emotions appeals to Sagittarius. He can be sure that she treats him with respect, and also that she is soft, obedient and very feminine. However, not everything is so simple in this duet.

The compatibility of the signs Sagittarius and Capricorn in this ratio clearly proves that partners cannot fully feel what the nature of the chosen one is. After all, the Capricorn lady actually has a tough inner core that allows her not to stray from the intended path. But outwardly it seems that she does not set herself any global goals. She will never interrupt her Sagittarius man when he talks about his incredible ideas. However, this does not mean at all that this earthly woman will silently follow her lover. On the contrary, she will, by invisible force, turn his energy into a peaceful channel, choosing the direction in which they should move. The main thing is that her patience does not run out when she tries to tactfully dissuade her partner from another trip to the Far North or Africa.

Compatibility: Sagittarius woman - Capricorn man

A Capricorn man may seem like the embodiment of an ideal to his companion. It carries a feeling of peace and stability.

Indeed, the Sagittarius lady next to such a person will stand firmly on her feet, if only this expression can be applied to a fiery woman. He is gallant, and he is impressed by a charming girl whom he wants to protect and take under his wing. However, the union of these signs carries quite a lot of difficulties.

The Sagittarius woman, with her incredibly explosive nature, is capable of bringing chaos into the life of her chosen one, disrupting the usual way of life of this conservative. He tends to do everything thoroughly and is faithful to his obligations. For such a man, family is of great importance, which he is ready to support in any difficult situations. The Sagittarius woman will be beside herself when she learns that her lover is again going to spend the whole weekend with his parents, helping them with renovations. Most likely, she will not hesitate to use rather harsh expressions against Capricorn and all his relatives. The consequences will be the saddest, especially for Capricorn. He will not bear the pressure and will give up his fortified positions with such difficulty. Therefore, a woman born under the sign of Sagittarius, who wants to receive stability and support from Capricorn, should be more tactful and attentive to her partner’s feelings. Perhaps then they will be able to save the relationship.

Business compatibility between Sagittarius and Capricorn

These people need to be bound together by some kind of obligation. Then they will be able to achieve good heights in their careers. Under pressure from circumstances, Sagittarius becomes calmer, and Capricorn will be more tolerant of his emotional antics. Then the first will be able to outline territories for future conquests, and the second will make every effort to achieve his plans. At the same time, his partner’s inexhaustible optimism and endless energy will help him.