Megamarket saving on purchasing the necessary goods. How to save on purchases while traveling. Purchasing groceries for a month

Hello friends!

Today I want to write about how to save on purchases in online stores, and not only save, but even earn money. This article can be considered an addition to the previous one on how to make money on affiliate programs. In it, I talked mainly about affiliate programs for information products, but many online stores that sell physical goods also offer partnerships.

He introduced me to this method of earning money E. Vergus, which I have already mentioned more than once in my articles.

To attract customers, online store owners use various methods. One of them is the so-called cashbacks. What is it? This term refers to the return of part of the purchase price to increase customer loyalty.

To get such cashback, you need to use a special service. This is a service. To start saving on your purchases and making money on others, you just need to register on this resource and go to stores through it. The service already cooperates with almost a thousand of the most famous stores.

The time of New Year's sales will soon come, when most stores provide significant discounts on their goods, but an additional discount in the form of cashback will not hurt anyone. Thus, using store discounts and the capabilities of the Lety Shops service, you can get significant savings.

Registration in the Lety Shops service

But I said that with the help of cashbacks you can not only save, but also earn money. How to do this? For this purpose, the Lety Shops service has an affiliate program. By inviting customers to register in it, you gain the opportunity to receive certain percentages from their purchases.

So, how to work with Lety Shops?

As you can see, everything is very simple. Using the service, you can now save on online purchases and still earn money at the same time.

See you soon!

Hello everyone! There is, as they say, a crisis in the yard and it is not known how long it will last. The dollar jumps like a goat, back and forth, and sometimes it is not known what will happen next with prices and the economy of the country as a whole. Some went bankrupt, others, on the contrary, got rich. But most Russians have experienced negative consequences various sanctions and economic instability. Savings became a priority. Prices are rising, but wages, benefits and pensions are in no hurry. And then there's New Year on the nose. An event that requires no small investment. You need to buy gifts, set the table, and if you also have kids, then it’s totally fucked up! A festive costume for a matinee, gifts, I want this, I want that... In general, you understand me. And today I will share with you tips on how to save money on purchases.

Although, this question has probably always worried humanity. From the appearance of the first money to the present day. People have different levels of well-being. Some people need them more, some less. But everyone’s main priority is saving.

I started thinking about this as a teenager, when I earned my first 5 or 6 thousand in a labor camp. You can’t imagine how proud I was of myself. At the age of 15, I felt like an adult, independent and ready to move mountains. How funny it is for me to remember this today! But even at that time, it was very important to me what I would spend the money I earned on. Value was the priority. That is, a useless waste of money is not for me. I decided that there would be no chewing gum, chocolates, cosmetics, baubles and other unnecessary things. After thinking carefully and consulting with my mother, together we decided to purchase a series of educational children's books. Back then I really loved reading encyclopedias, but now I don’t mind either.

Later, already in my student years, when the budget was limited, my dorm roommates and I managed to live on 500 (at that time) rubles for a week. When, like other students, they were plump from hunger. This is how my journey of thoughtful and conscious spending of money began.

“I once went to buy sausage, and left the store with two large bags.” Every woman, and maybe even a man, has seen himself in this situation more than once. Modern marketers know their business thoroughly, they are very smart and cunning. Thanks to various professional techniques, they are able to force you to buy even something that is absolutely unnecessary. Moreover, this can happen on an unconscious level for you. Store design, communication with the seller, standard attention-grabbing phrases, large signs - all this works for sellers. In a word, they are the hunters, and we and our wallets are the victims.

Tricks that will save you from thoughtless purchases or how to save money on purchases

And so, let's move on to the tips; if you put them into practice, it will be quite easy to save a decent amount of money. In addition, they are suitable for shopping for groceries, clothes, household goods, and so on.

Menu planning and list making

Why do we buy products? To eat. What do we eat? Dishes we prepare. How do you know what to cook? . Planning is a powerful saving tool cash in all areas of activity, including shopping. Make a list of dishes by day of the week. On a separate piece of paper, write down the products you will need. You can take into account not only the quantity of the recipe ingredients themselves, but also fruits, snacks, and drinks. This way you will know approximately how much money you will need.

Make lists before every trip to the store. Be it finishing materials for repairs, household chemicals, cosmetics or any other category of goods. You definitely won't forget anything. The main thing is to clearly and steadily follow the list, which will save you from thoughtless spending of money and unexpected desires. By the way, there is another technique. If suddenly you really want to buy spontaneously, then postpone the purchase until the next day. Perhaps, after getting enough sleep, you will change your mind, and the desire will disappear by itself. Well, if the thing is really important, then you can buy it at any time.

Take a small amount of money

By making a list, you will know approximately how much money you will need. Starting from here, take required quantity banknotes Many have bank cards. As a rule, they are responsible for quite large sums, for example, salaries, pensions. If you want to save money, leave the card at home and take cash with you. Then the temptation of meaningless shopping will pass.

Go to the store alone

Knowledgeable financial experts often advise going shopping alone. This is justified by the fact that the rest of the family may like a product and want to buy it. Surely this item will become unplanned.

Don't go grocery shopping on an empty stomach

You should know that hungry eyes are the enemy of your wallet. We are able to buy a lot of harmful, unnecessary things only because our stomach is empty and our mind turns off at the sight of a juicy smoked piece of meat that you, in principle, do not eat. And they bought it only because they were hungry like an animal.

Wholesale purchases

I've recently gotten used to purchasing clothes from a wholesale supplier. Basically these are the most necessary things, for example, socks, underwear (both men's and women's), T-shirts, tights, scarves, T-shirts, tops, shorts. I prefer to look at the rest of the clothes, try them on and feel them. I mainly make wholesale purchases through online stores. But if you have a warehouse in the city, then don’t miss the opportunity, visit and look at their range. It is much more profitable to buy more clothes at lower prices.

Promo codes and discounts

This is a great opportunity to save a lot of money. Basically, discounts are given before the holidays or during the off-season. I often buy winter boots in the spring, although there is less choice, but you can always find a suitable option without any problems. And I often find promotional codes on the Internet through search engines. I recently learned about services that return a certain percentage of online purchases. One of these sites is On the website huge selection stores, among which, I am sure, you will find yours.

Don't buy what you can make yourself

Lately, handicrafts have been developing very strongly. In the age of the Internet, craftsmen and handymen share their products and creativity. This is good news. The prices for handmade goods are very high. But sometimes you really want to have a watch with decoupage, a knitted scarf, a bouquet of roses from polymer clay or just a beautiful box. In this case, I try to do what I need with my own hands. Sometimes it doesn’t work out, but this only motivates me to study the craft. Experience comes, and I still achieve my goal. And I advise you to develop. If you have the desire, then everything will work out.

I will finish for today. In general, there are many ways to save personal finances. And if you have something to tell, share your experience in the comments. I will be glad to any of your advice.

Subscribe to blog news! I wish you financial well-being and fulfillment of your most cherished desires. Kiss! Bye!

The number of online stores is growing, their range is expanding, and ordering online is already more profitable and more interesting than going shopping. But what and how can you do so that your shopping always makes you happy and remains inexpensive?

Measure your parameters and keep the data at hand

Size confusion can turn any shopping experience into a nightmare. American, European and Russian manufacturers designate body parameters in completely different ways.

Even if you know exactly what length your jeans should be and what waist circumference, buying without trying them on is a risk. What is labeled M in one store is considered L in another.

Exit: check the relationship between your parameters and the store’s size chart before ordering.

You will need to measure: chest, waist, hips and neck circumference, sleeve length and inseam length of trousers. Save the data so that you don't have to measure everything again the next time you make purchases.

Catch discounts

We will not repeat that everything is cheaper at major sales. But you still have to stumble upon this sale, and the necessary item may not be included in the promotion.

There is a simpler option: to get a good discount, you need to find a promotional code.

A promotional code is a combination of letters and numbers that must be entered in a special field before purchasing in an online store.

A promotional code gives you the right to buy something at a lower price, not pay for delivery, or receive a gift with your main purchase.

One of the most convenient services for finding such discounts is the portal Here are the promotional codes. In huge quantities. Take it and use it.

You go to the website, select the product category that interests you, and see which stores offer promotional codes. Armed with this knowledge, you go to where the offer is most generous.

Nothing is required from you except a couple of minutes of time. No money - promotional codes are free. And there’s no catch: it’s profitable for stores to attract more customers, and is a way to draw attention to products with low prices.

There is plenty to choose from. Among the presented product categories you can find whatever your heart desires. Promotions and discounts are offered by both recognized trade monsters and small but interesting shops.


Exists various ways save costs. There are situations when finances are running out, but the salary is not yet coming. In such cases, in order not to overpay extra money, knowledge of how to easily and effectively save on food, what are the rules of an inexpensive diet, and where to buy cheap food will come in handy.

How to eat economically

Modern women are trying to save on food without compromising the quality of food. Housewives come up with many ways, from purchasing in wholesale stores to preparing dishes according to the recipes of their mothers and grandmothers: from simple products, but with fiction. It’s easy to save on food without harming your health; you just need to follow the rules of reasonable nutrition. To do this:

  • plan your purchases;
  • use products effectively;
  • do not pay attention to marketing and advertising gimmicks;
  • keep records of expenses;
  • plan your menu in advance;
  • you should not buy semi-finished products;
  • avoid perishable foods;
  • choose fresh fish, chilled meat;
  • do not buy wet vegetables and fruits (they spoil quickly);
  • keep non-perishable food items at home;
  • make home supplies: pickled tomatoes, cucumbers, jam, marmalade;
  • Prepare your own drinks: compote, fruit drink, jelly.

Eating cheap and healthy

The modern housewife, having thought, will create a delicious, varied and economical menu. This matter requires a systematic approach, desire, and imagination. Don't be afraid to spend a lot of time: the hardest thing is to organize the process, and then it will become a habit. You should immediately analyze the contents of the kitchen. What is healthy in the refrigerator, are there fruits, vegetables, eggs, dairy products? Perhaps it makes sense to exclude something from the diet, for example, canned food, sausage, pates? What is stored on the kitchen shelves - cereals or instant noodles?

Then you need to create a menu for the week, taking into account your culinary preferences, not forgetting that the body requires proteins, vitamins, microelements, carbohydrates, and fats every day. In order to save money when buying groceries, it is recommended to make a thorough shopping trip once a week. An additional effect of this will be saving time in the coming days.

Eat economically and tasty

Food should be tasty, but how to do it in such a way as to save on food? You can use culinary tricks for this. When purchasing, it is better to choose a whole chicken rather than a cut one. It is easy to cook soup from the wings and back, and use the meat remaining on the skeleton for a hearty salad such as Olivier or pies. The remaining parts of the bird will make, for example, pilaf or chakhokhbili.

To make better use of meat, combine it with a side dish in one dish rather than cooking it separately. Eliminate a la carte dishes: chops are an expensive option, and lazy cabbage rolls, beef stroganoff or goulash - cheaper. Instead of meat, use offal, for example, you can make a casserole filling from beef heart.

Economical food for the family

If you want to see how you can easily and effectively save on groceries, try planning your family's weekly menu. To do this, set aside an hour of free time to choose dishes and make a list of necessary products. During the week, you won't have to figure out what to cook for dinner and then run to the nearest store, buying what's in stock.

You can create a menu in a form convenient for you: print the list; manually write; create a template in which you rotate dishes weekly or add new ones. With this approach, it is important to consider that hot food can be prepared for 2-3 days, for example, soup or roast. You can serve different side dishes with fish or meat products. However, salads are best eaten fresh; their preparation does not take much time.

How to save on purchases

Expenses for purchasing groceries account for up to 35% of the family budget. If you approach this process rationally, you can save money. When going to the store, take a list prepared in advance so that you do not buy unnecessary products and do not forget what you need.

Products in factory packaging ( vegetable oil, tea, coffee, pasta) buy where they are cheaper. But for meat, fruits and vegetables, it’s better to go to the market or to a trusted store - in cheap hypermarkets they are rarely of good quality.

Stores often hold promotions and sales - keep track of them, and don’t miss the opportunity to save money on products.

Products by weight

Buy bulk goods, candies, cookies, sweets in bulk. This way you won't overpay for packaging. This will allow you to save up to 20% on products. It is better to purchase sugar and salt in winter, when the canning season has not yet arrived. It is also recommended to take cereals by weight and preferably of domestic production. This approach will save family money.

Groceries for the month

Making a shopping list for the month is not as overwhelming a task as it may seem. To do this, within 2-3 months you need to record information about what, how much, and at what price it was purchased. The effect of making such notes will not take long: a picture will form in your head and everything will be sorted. Wholesale purchases should not be made in small stores; it is better to go to a supermarket.

Promotions and discounts

Large stores regularly hold promotions on certain groups of products. This does not mean that the products are of poor quality or are nearing their expiration date. To track discounts you can use modern technologies, for example, install mobile application"Eaded." The service finds and compares prices for specific products.

Almost all retail outlets have introduced a system discount cards, which allows you to make purchases at lower prices. However, if you happen to come across a great deal on an item that is not on your list, don't buy it. Be aware of prices so you don't fall for a marketing ploy where the discounted price is the same as the original price.

How to buy groceries correctly

When choosing foods, it is helpful to read labels and understand their contents. The ingredients included are arranged in descending order. So, if the label lists beans first, then its contents prevail over the other components contained in the can. Do not take products in which sugar comes first; salt should not be in the first place either. It is undesirable for the number of components to be more than 5-6. Choose products with a long shelf life. When purchasing frozen foods, keep them in insulated bags.

How to save on food during a crisis

The main advice for “anti-crisis” nutrition is to cook your own meals, trying not to buy semi-finished products. To do this, you don’t have to spend a lot of time, effort and money, you just need to approach the issue wisely. As a result, you will get tasty and healthy food at home by budget price. Cereals and legumes are easy to prepare, nutritious and easy to digest.

  • Buckwheat, chickpeas, lentils, bulgur, and mung bean go well with vegetables and are suitable as a side dish.
  • You can easily make soup or pilaf from undeservedly forgotten pearl barley (price 30 rubles).
  • Sprouted chickpeas and lentils are suitable for salads and side dishes.
  • Croquettes are easy to make from rice mixed with spices and cheese.

Regular potatoes are affordable and offer many cooking options: fried, stewed, boiled, steamed, baked. Delicious and healthy vegetable capable of decorating festive table. Don't forget about spices: a skillful combination can easily give ordinary dishes a new accent. The use of turmeric, mint, cumin will add an “Indian” flavor, and soy sauce and ginger – “Japanese”.

Seasonal vegetables can become the basis of the diet during a crisis. It is better to replace avocados, greenhouse tomatoes and cucumbers with local beets, radishes and pumpkin. They store well and contain a storehouse of vitamins. By combining them, it is easy to get new tastes each time. If you have summer cottage plot, then you are doubly lucky: include more seasonal fruits and vegetables from your garden in your menu.


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Article updated: 05/13/2019

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Hello, dear reader!

Woman with cancer fought with a financial institution that tried to deprive her of her apartment.

The fight ended with a victory over Sberbank. Svetlana turned to the public for help, and people took her side.

This is a great example that proves that when we are together, we are a real force! The power that defeats greed, hypocrisy and greed!

Again about Sberbank

Today I want to talk about Sberbank again. But in a different context. As they say, he is not entirely bad. Sometimes it's not bad. Even very much so.

A couple of days ago I went to the store. I bought milk, cottage cheese, condensed milk, sour cream, and cookies. I specifically list all this. Now you will understand why. Yes, I also bought for our little princess, who turned 11 months old in September, multigrain porridge and two purees: chicken and turkey.

By the way, when she was smaller, she didn’t want to eat, so we distracted her and fed her.

In general, I gained everything. I go up to the cash register (a regular cash register, not one), “punch through” the goods, and pay. I'm leaving.

Actually, that's all I wanted to talk about. See you again!

Just kidding, just kidding! So, for all these products I paid... 1 ruble. That's exactly how much: 1 ruble. Regular Russian ruble. Modern, not royal coinage.

The total cost of the products that I wrote about above was 517 rubles 20 kopecks. But I paid exactly 1 ruble for them.

How did I manage to save so much? And I saved using the bonus program. It's called "Thank you from Sberbank."

How does this work

How to save on purchases using Sberbank? How does this work? Now I’ll tell you using the example of the Izhtrading trading network.

When I pay in stores with a Sberbank card, I accumulate bonus points. Once I reach 500 bonuses, I can pay for my purchase with them. There is only one condition: the purchase amount must exceed 500 rubles.

The main thing is that the store participates in the Sberbank program. If so, then you receive your bonuses from every purchase. It doesn’t matter what you buy – sausage or shoes – points accumulate. You receive a check indicating how many points you had and how many you have now.

If you have accumulated 500 bonuses and the purchase amount exceeds 500 rubles, you can pay with bonuses.

In this case, 1 ruble is debited from your card. This is a mandatory payment. That is, at least 1 ruble - in any case.

In practice

How are bonuses written off upon purchase? How many of them are written off? Let's look at it in practice.

Example No. 1. The cost of your purchase is 510 rubles and the number of bonuses is also 510. In this case, 509 rubles are debited from your bonus account, and 1 ruble from your card. As a result, you have 1 bonus left, and with each subsequent purchase they are awarded again.

Regarding the calculation of bonuses. Their size varies depending on the partner - the store that participates in the program. Today I bought bread, milk, sour cream and cheese for 168 rubles 60 kopecks. For this, a 2.79 bonus was awarded, that is, 1.65% of the purchase amount.

Example No. 2. You have collected goods worth 610 rubles, and you have 510 bonuses. Then all 510 points are debited from your bonus account, and the balance of 100 rubles is debited from your card.

By the way, when you reach 500 bonuses, you can not spend them, but continue saving them. True, I don’t see much sense in this.

Actually, that’s all for sure now. So the other day I went to the store and bought 1 ruble worth of goods.

Do you know about the “Thank you from Sberbank” bonus program? Are you participating in it? What is your opinion about this?