Higher School of Economics - Higher School of Economics. See what it is"Преподаватели НИУ ВШЭ" в других словарях Экономическая политика и Московский урбанистический форум!}

Information about the university

The Higher School of Economics (HSE) was founded in 1992. It is located in Moscow, on Myasnitskaya Street. This is one of the most popular and sought-after universities today.

The profile of this university is various socio-economic and humanities, as well as mathematical sciences and computer science. The university has more than 20 departments and faculties. There is also military department, as well as student dormitories.

In 2012, the Higher School included the Moscow state institute electronics and mathematics, and two more institutions of additional vocational education. The founder is the Government of Russia. HSE has several branches, namely in the following cities:

HSE University in our time

In 2011, the Higher School of Economics was awarded the status of a National Research University. It should be noted that graduates of this university have the opportunity to obtain diplomas from European universities. The university has more than 130 international partners in different countries. Foreign languages are taught in large quantities at any faculties, and in some faculties teaching is conducted entirely in English. In addition to training masters, graduate students and bachelors, the National Research University Higher School of Economics regularly organizes courses for schoolchildren of various levels of difficulty: from 7th to 11th grade. In these courses, university teachers prepare schoolchildren for the State Examination, Unified State Examination and Olympiads. It should also be noted that HSE has seven dormitories. A network of interfaculty and departmental basic departments has been created in this educational institution. Teaching is conducted only by experienced and highly qualified practitioners from non-profit and commercial enterprises of business and science, as well as government bodies.

The university has many different faculties that train specialists in almost all spheres of life.

Let us note the main faculties of the National Research University Higher School of Economics:

  • economics;
  • business informatics;
  • history;
  • logistics;
  • management;
  • mathematics;
  • Faculty of Law;
  • applied political science;
  • philology;
  • Faculty of Sociology;
  • Faculty of Philosophy, as well as many other faculties.

I would also like to note that HSE became one of the few universities in which the military department was retained after the military reform. Today, the military department trains specialists in seven military educational specialties. And since 2011, the Main Command of the Ground Forces has been in charge of the general leadership of the military department.

It should be noted that the Higher School of Economics publishes over 20 scientific journals:

  • education issues;
  • world of Russia;
  • issues of municipal and state administration;
  • foresight;
  • corporate finance;
  • demoscope Weekly;
  • economic journal;
  • economic sociology.

Since 1994, the formation of the university’s library collection has taken place. Currently, the total book fund is more than 500 thousand copies. However, electronic subscription is a priority: it includes a variety of databases of domestic and foreign scientific periodicals, newspapers, analytics, encyclopedias and dictionaries, e-books. As for periodicals, this covers almost a complete list of publications on the subject of the university. Access to the electronic subscription is available from all computers of the university, for students and employees also from outside.

Since 2000, the university has its own publishing house. And already in 2009, he opened his own bookstore called “BukVyshka”, located in Moscow.

  • 2013 “4 International Colleges & Universities”, (3rd place)
  • 2012 “4 International Colleges & Universities”, (2nd place)
  • 2010 "Webometrics", (2nd place)
  • 2010 “RIA NOVOSTI”, ranking of universities Russian Federation according to average Unified State Exam score(3rd place)
  • 2008 Direct Investments magazine, universities by salary level of graduates (1st place)
  • 2008 Direct Investments magazine, the most prestigious and sought-after universities in the Russian Federation (2nd place)
  • 2007 "Kommersant", the most popular universities in the Russian Federation (1st place).

Thus, HSE University regularly takes leading positions in various prestigious rankings.

In 2009, Russia held a competition among universities that applied for the title of “national research university" HSE was one of the few winners and the only university among 14 Russian research institutions with a socio-economic profile. It should be noted that research activities are carried out in such areas as the history of economic doctrines, economic theory, instrumental and mathematical methods in economics, macroeconomics, law, sociology, psychology, education, public administration, political studies and information sciences.

Important research projects have been launched jointly with leading universities: Peking University, Stanford University, Sorbonne, Shanghai University. The university has its own research institutes, a Scientific Foundation and a Center for Fundamental Research, various scientific centers, as well as laboratories.

The very first design and educational laboratory was created in the spring of 2009 in the Nizhny Novgorod branch, and today more than 10 such laboratories and groups operate at the Higher School of Economics. Currently there are twenty research institutes, as well as 11 scientific centers.

Summarizing the results, we can conclude that the Higher School of Economics is undoubtedly one of the most popular universities in Russia. Students from various cities and countries study at this university. Training is provided in a wide range of specialties. The enormous popularity and demand of the National Research University Higher School of Economics is evidenced by its leading places in various rankings, as well as the activities of the university.

The Higher School of Economics, created in the wake of the liberal reforms of the 1990s, now receives billions by working as a center of expertise for the government and the presidential administration. RBC figured out how she managed to win money and the trust of the state

Photo: Ekaterina Kuzmina / RBC

“They are absolutely openly inciting here, de facto preparing such a Maidan underground and are that very fifth column... Why do we tolerate the existence of such organized terrorist groups under the auspices of the political department of the Higher School of Economics? This is fine?" - Vladimir Solovyov, the host of the Rossiya TV channel, was indignant in February 2014 in his program on the Vesti FM radio. The reason was a student of the Higher School of Economics (HSE) Yulia Arkhipova. It seemed to the TV presenter that she sympathized with social networks Ukrainian citizens protesting on the Maidan.

Less than a year before the transfer, searches were carried out at the university in connection with the third Yukos case; investigators came to the department of the presidential adviser on human rights, Mikhail Fedotov, who participated in the examination of the company’s second criminal case. Rector Yaroslav Kuzminov’s contract was ending in the spring of 2014, and the government was delaying its renewal.

As a result, the contract was extended for another five years. “I did not consider the “case of experts” as a threat to HSE,” the rector now recalls. — HSE is too large and important a university, and investigative actions were carried out against several of our employees. Although the case itself seems strange and artificial to me to worry about the position of one of the Investigative Committee investigators.” Kuzminov himself became even closer to power than his university: over the past year, he was elected to the Moscow City Duma and appointed co-chairman of the Moscow branch of the All-Russian Popular Front (ONF). The rector’s declared income increased from 19.9 million to 45.2 million rubles. per year. The university's income (excluding capital investments and investments) increased by more than 30% in two years. How did HSE manage to win money and the trust of the state?

Not exactly liberals

The Higher School of Economics likes to say that the resolution on its creation in November 1992 is one of the last documents signed by Yegor Gaidar as head of government. HSE “has long been the favorite toy of the liberals at the helm,” recalls Kuzminov. The founding fathers of the university had one way or another to do with the authorities in the 1990s. HSE scientific director Evgeny Yasin, former Minister of Economics, ordinary professor Yakov Urinson, and university president Alexander Shokhin worked as deputy prime ministers. Only one person among them did not work as an official - the permanent rector Kuzminov.

“The government order on the appointment of a rector in 2014 came out several days later than Kuzminov’s contract ended, so according to the law, he was fired (for the first time in his entire time at HSE), and along with him all the vice-rectors who had a contract tied to the rector’s contract,” explains Novoseltsev. — The university was obliged to pay them for all unused vacations. Yaroslav Ivanovich was accrued an additional 24.5 million for almost 700 days of vacation since 1993. Some of the longest-serving vice-rectors are between 6 and 13 million.” Vice-Rector Zhulin explained the changes in his income to personal real estate transactions. Jacobson admitted that he participated in several successful projects: “It’s hard work, I don’t want to make excuses, but they pay us money for a reason.”

Fight for buildings

A constant topic of Kuzminov’s conversations with the authorities is premises for the university. The rapidly growing university is constantly short of square meters, says the rector, and this despite the fact that in 2010-2014 the total area of ​​HSE buildings doubled - from 200 to 400 thousand square meters. m. The audiences are organized in the building of a former weaving factory, business centers, and the Ministry of Chemical Industry. From a hotel attached to the State Academy of Investment Specialists, the university turned it into a dormitory. “We usually get wild junk,” the rector complains.

For major repairs and construction, targeted subsidies are allocated from federal budget. The largest ones are for the capital investment program, which is not included in the general budget of the university. Thus, in 2010, the university received 14.9 billion rubles for the reconstruction of buildings in Moscow and St. Petersburg. On major renovation in 2014 - 533.2 million rubles, in 2013 - 340 million.

In 1994, Alexander Shokhin, then Russian Minister of Economics, transferred two buildings to the HSE. One of them on Kochnovsky Proezd, the former Research Institute of Planning and Standards under the State Planning Committee (Photo: HSE Archive)

The squares are scattered throughout Moscow and the Moscow region, but the lion's share, including the “junk”, is located in the expensive center - on Myasnitskaya, Pokrovsky Boulevard, Petrovka, Ordynka. “We managed to convince the country’s leadership that the university should develop in the center of the capital. The specificity of HSE is that it is a leading center of expertise. We need to be closer to federal authorities who want to use our services,” says Shokhin.

One of the last buildings that Kuzminov received was new home on Myasnitskaya, 11. It stands opposite the HSE building, where the rector’s office has been seated since the mid-1990s. In 1997, Kuzminov and Shokhin observed the start of construction, which would take 15 years. Only in 2010 did the Higher School of Economics ask then Prime Minister Putin to buy space for the university in a building under construction. Putin ordered the allocation of 2.2 billion rubles to the university.

According to estimates from Knight Frank and Swiss Appraisal, renting offices in the area of ​​Myasnitskaya and Pokrovsky Boulevard near the HSE premises costs an average of 25 thousand rubles. for 1 sq. m per year. The average cost per square meter of premises is 215 thousand rubles. for 1 sq. m, assessed by specialists from two companies. This means that the approximate price of a house on Myasnitskaya, 11 could reach almost 3 billion rubles.

The total area of ​​the “Higher School”, together with the rental area (according to Vice-Rector Alexander Shamrin, 500 million rubles were spent on renting real estate in 2014), according to the HSE, is 522.3 thousand square meters. m, its book value is 8.4 billion rubles. This is several times less than that of Moscow State University: according to the university’s report, the university uses 1.35 million square meters. m worth 42.2 billion rubles. Several years ago, the government and the president considered the idea of ​​transferring the premises of the Supreme and Supreme Arbitration Courts to the Higher School of Economics or buying space in business centers. But in the end, the authorities abandoned both options, Kuzminov regrets.

The Federal Property Management Agency has less data on HSE real estate: about 60 buildings, eight apartments and several dozen premises. Total area - 390 thousand sq. m. The cadastral (close to market) value of Moscow real estate alone, according to Rosreestr data and RBC calculations, is more than 16 billion rubles.

Then the university presented the idea of ​​a distributed campus to the country's leadership. According to it, Shokhin says, the university should expand along the orange metro line: st. Myasnitskaya - Pokrovsky Boulevard - Leninsky Prospekt metro station. The idea is supported and lobbied by the head of the university’s supervisory board, first deputy head of the presidential administration, Vyacheslav Volodin, and Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets, say Shokhin and Kuzminov.

In April 2015, Dmitry Medvedev instructed the Ministry of Education and Science to transfer 110 thousand square meters to HSE by 2017. m of classrooms and laboratories and 30 thousand sq. m. m of dormitories of ineffective universities, “located in close proximity to the main academic buildings of the Higher School of Economics.” In July, Kuzminov, in a letter to the Prime Minister (RBC has both documents), complained about the ministry: “Currently, there is no discussion of options for the transfer of property complexes.” Medvedev wrote on the letter “Why aren’t you fulfilling the instructions?” and sent it to the Minister of Education Dmitry Livanov. "The approval process<…>is quite difficult, but the Russian Ministry of Education and Science must fulfill D.A.’s instructions. Medvedev on time,” the ministry told RBC. While the university has taken over the dormitory of the Moscow Energy Institute in Lefortovo, two more premises of the Moscow University of Food Production near the Tekstilshchiki metro station are next in line.

In the near future, HSE may receive buildings not only from the Ministry of Education. According to Shamrin, now “work is underway with the Moscow government to form a list of exchanging university buildings” remote from the center for buildings inside the Garden Ring. There are no specific proposals yet, but the press service of the Moscow Property Department confirmed the fact of negotiations.

How to get loyalty

In Russian universities, it is customary for boards of trustees to be headed by officials. Assistant to the President Vladislav Surkov is the head of the council at MSTU. Bauman; State Duma Speaker Sergei Naryshkin - at RANEPA; The board of trustees of Moscow State University is headed by Vladimir Putin.

“At some meeting, Yaroslav [Kuzminov] suggested Volodin [the first deputy head of the presidential administration] to join the supervisory board. And he agreed, we are friends and work together. He does not participate in solving academic affairs, but helps in solving those issues that allow the university to develop,” recalls HSE scientific director Yasin. Volodin headed the council in April 2014. In addition to him, the council includes Olga Dergunova (Rosimushchestvo), Minister of Education Dmitry Livanov, and Deputy Mayor of Moscow Leonid Pechatnikov.

In 2010, it was Yaroslav Kuzminov who proposed to Vladimir Putin, then Prime Minister, to create a “Strategy 2020” (Photo: RIA Novosti)

The functions of the supervisory and trustee boards at the university are separated. The first is responsible for the economy and strategy, the second is for attracting finance. The Board of Trustees is headed by German Gref, and its members are Viktor Vekselberg, Arkady Volozh, Mikhail Zadornov, Leonid Mikhelson, Vadim Moshkovich and Mikhail Prokhorov. Unlike Moscow State University, which receives large donations from wealthy alumni, the trustees did not graduate from the university and must be attracted by projects, and not by “feelings for their alma mater,” Shokhin says. Targeted revenues and voluntary donations, including from university trustees, amount to 200-250 million rubles. per year, Novoseltsev calculated.

Kuzminov himself invited officials to the supervisory board. “I can make an appointment with the president and present the project. And I can come to Dmitry Anatolyevich myself. For me, Volodin is not a person who will go somewhere for me. But he is much more embedded in power, and it is important for me that he understands what we are doing here. We have known Volodin for a long time. And we have a mutual friend - German Gref,” explains the rector of the curator’s invitation domestic policy to the university. Members of the supervisory board meet monthly, its head is always present at meetings, says a source close to Volodin. According to him, the first deputy head of the Kremlin administration communicates with Kuzminov even more often. “They communicate especially often now that Kuzminov has become co-chairman of the capital branch of the ONF,” he says. — The chairman of the supervisory board goes to the government with some decisions. Sometimes you just need to monitor the execution by officials of the instructions of the president and the government related to the university.”

According to Kuzminov, the government did not immediately agree on Volodin’s candidacy. The issue was decided by Medvedev. Kuzminov says: “The prime minister called me and asked if this was my own decision. I explained, and a few days later he signed everything.” A source in the cabinet of ministers says that no one was against it: “Even if one person is responsible for ideology, the government will not participate in this.”

“Yaroslav Kuzminov is a good economist. His knowledge and potential of the Higher School of Economics will be useful in the Moscow City Duma,” wrote former Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin on Twitter after the election of Yaroslav Kuzminov to the Moscow City Duma (Photo: RIA Novosti)

Volodin is a university person, says a source close to him: “He worked at a university for 10 years, went through all the stages from assistant to professor, then returned to this work, including heading the department of government development at Moscow State University.” The Kommersant newspaper called the rector of the Russian Economic University named after Volodin as people. Plekhanov Viktor Grishin, rector of the First Moscow State Medical University. Sechenov Pyotr Glybochko and the dean of the Faculty of Public Administration of Moscow State University, political scientist Vyacheslav Nikonov.

Several HSE teachers interviewed by RBC are confident that the struggle for premises was the reason why Kuzminov agreed to run as a deputy to the Moscow City Duma and become co-chairman of the Moscow branch of the ONF, which is also supervised by Volodin. The rector himself says: “When I decided to go to the Moscow City Duma, we met with colleagues dealing with problems of the urban environment, social, and budgetary spheres, and wrote a program, which we are now implementing. True, the university itself, in the sense of the campus, has not yet received anything from this, which does not diminish our interest in participating in Moscow life.” According to a source close to the Moscow City Duma, Sobyanin personally asked Kuzminov to run for deputy. The rector says that he himself decided to become a deputy. But, for example, Volodin gave him advice during the campaign on how to behave with voters. During the elections to the Moscow City Duma, there was a request for people like Kuzminov, says a source close to Volodin. He is well-known in the city, represents the university community, and besides this, the liberal electorate is noticeable in Moscow, the interlocutor lists the reasons. As an alternative, the candidacy of the editor-in-chief was considered " Independent newspaper» Konstantin Remchukov, but in the end the choice was made in favor of the HSE rector, he added.

Kuzminov has known the head of the HSE Supervisory Board, First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration, Vyacheslav Volodin, for many years. “Volodin and I have a mutual friend, German Gref,” says the HSE rector. (Photo: RIA Novosti)

“They previously discussed with me the topic of joining the ONF,” Kuzminov comments on another of his political steps. “But in the end, the decision was made by me personally; no one put me up against the wall.” What we wrote in Strategy 2020, and what Putin later used in his election articles, I consider correct and necessary for the development of the country. When a lot began to fade before my eyes, I decided that I had to try to do something not only as an expert.” The offer to Kuzminov to join the leadership of the Moscow headquarters of the ONF was spontaneous, says a source close to Volodin. “The first to name him was the co-chairman of the ONF central headquarters, Alexander Brechalov. The Moscow branch needed to be strengthened, but Kuzminov himself was interested in working in the city, and he has an established team,” he notes.

Volodin does not make any personnel decisions at HSE, Kuzminov assures, he is engaged in “financial control” and “approval of strategic, program documents for the university.” But the rapprochement with the authorities affects the academic policy of the university, according to two sources close to the rector’s office. HSE Vice-Rector Konstantin Sonin was fired after an interview with the German publication Der Spiegel, in which he said that Putin would cling to power to the last and that the Russian response to sanctions caused more harm to the country than the sanctions themselves. After the interview, Kuzminov summoned Sonin and asked him to resign from the post of vice-rector, continuing to lecture. Soon Sonin went to work at the University of Chicago, at the Harris School of Public Policy Studies.

At the insistence from above, HSE also had to change the leadership of the Faculty of Media Communications, which was headed by Anna Kachkaeva, interlocutors say. Having united several departments of the university, Kuzminov replaced Kachkaeva as the head of the Faculty of Communications, Media and Design and appointed Andrei Bystritsky, the chairman of the state broadcasting company Voice of Russia. Both decisions, according to a source close to the university’s management, “are a payment for loyalty.” In addition, in the fall of 2014, the name of one of the editors, the famous economist Sergei Aleksashenko, disappeared from the collection “Comments on the State and Business,” which is published by the HSE Development Center. “As far as I know, Kuzminov was told in the Kremlin, and he told the director of the center, that my name should not appear on the first page,” says Aleksashenko himself. He refused to edit the collection further. Kuzminov does not remember such a story.

According to a source close to Volodin, “the rector himself has an excellent understanding of what is good and what is bad, and internal responsibility to the government and the president.” He also recalls that, for example, professor Oleg Matveychev (who called on his blog to “crush liberals with tanks”) came to HSE before Volodin. Kuzminov confirmed that he had a conversation about the Spiegel interview with Sonin. “And I expressed that this is generally not suitable. But this has nothing to do with the management decision,” he says. “Both the decisions regarding Sonin and regarding Anya [Kachkaeva] were made deliberately, for administrative reasons. If dismissals were necessary to preserve the position of the university and political protection, I assure you, I would not fail to do so. But it wasn’t necessary.” The rector recalls the recent scandal with another of his employees - Professor Sergei Medvedev. He publicly proposed giving the Arctic to the international community, after which Putin called the professor’s speech “complete stupidity.” Medvedev continues to work at the university. He confirmed to RBC that he had not had a conversation with the rector on this issue.

Kuzminov has headed HSE for 23 years and has no plans to leave his position yet: “I like my job, every day I feel that I am bringing benefit to my country, my students, and my colleagues.” According to the dean of the Faculty of Economics at Moscow State University, Alexander Auzan, Kuzminov’s classmate and witness at his wedding, HSE is still a startup. It confidently stays afloat, but “one cannot say that it is unsinkable.” The “tower” is unbalanced due to its rapid and intensive development. At the same time, she is very close to the authorities. If some kind of change suddenly happens, it will be very difficult for her. I’m sure Slava [Kuzminov] is aware of this problem,” says his friend and competitor.

With the participation of Mikhail Rubin, Stepan Opalev, Roman Badanin, Elena Myazina

Photo: Press service of the Mayor and Government of Moscow. Denis Grishkin

Employees of one of the largest universities in the country received insignia “For impeccable service to the city of Moscow”, honorary titles, certificates and gratitude from the Mayor of Moscow.

He presented awards from the city of Moscow to 20 employees of the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE). “The Higher School of Economics is the leading university in both the country and Moscow, so I have always been sensitive and paid attention to the development of this university,” he said.

According to him, it is important for the city that new high-tech enterprises, technology parks and other significant facilities appear. “But the most important and important thing is the people who will work for them, who will not leave Moscow, but will be engaged in the development social sphere, economics, work at metropolitan enterprises, in government agencies state power. This is the golden fund that will determine the future of our city and, I am sure, the future of our country. And you will cope with this with dignity,” added the Moscow Mayor.

He also thanked the staff of the Higher School of Economics for interacting with schools and creating a pre-university school - the HSE Lyceum, which took first place in Moscow among schools educational institutions. Sergei Sobyanin emphasized: “This, of course, is a great merit of the schools from which the children came to you, but, of course, this is also the merit of the teachers.”

Five people were awarded the distinction “For impeccable service to the city of Moscow.” Awards for 40 years of service received:

— Kuznetsova Tatyana Evgenievna, director of the center for scientific, technical, innovation and information policy, Institute of Statistical Research and Economics of Knowledge;

— Maltseva Svetlana Valentinovna, professor of the department of innovation and business in the field information technology School of Business Informatics, Faculty of Business and Management;

— Porus Vladimir Natanovich, professor at the School of Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities.

Among the employees with 30 years of work experience, the distinction “For Impeccable Service to the City of Moscow” was received by:

— Vladimir Anatolyevich Samoilenko, vice-rector;

— Filinov-Chernyshev Nikolay Borisovich, Professor of the Department of General and Strategic Management of the School of Business and Business Administration, Faculty of Business and Management.

The merits of the teachers of the Higher School of Economics were also awarded the title “Honorary Worker of Education of the City of Moscow”, a diploma of the Moscow Government and a letter of gratitude from the Mayor of Moscow.

Seven thousand teachers and 65 thousand graduates

National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE) was founded in Moscow on November 27, 1992. Campuses educational institution are now open in four Russian cities - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod and Perm.

The university employs about seven thousand teachers and researchers and has more than 35 thousand undergraduate and graduate students. Main programs higher education there are already 65 thousand graduates.

HSE National Research University actively cooperates with the Moscow Government in solving problems of the capital's development.

In 2017/2018 academic year 280 first- to fourth-year undergraduate students became named scholarship recipients of the Moscow Government program. This status can be obtained by students who take an active part in city projects.

Cooperation with Moscow schools

The Higher School of Economics is an important partner of the city in the implementation of large educational programs. One of them is the Moscow Pre-University project. As part of it, a lyceum has been created at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, where students in the 10th and 11th grades undergo specialized training in eight areas. In the 2017/2018 academic year, 519 people study at the lyceum (12 of them are disabled children), and more than 150 employees of the Higher School of Economics teach.

In 2017, at the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, lyceum students as part of the Moscow team won 10 diplomas of winners and 29 diplomas of prize-winners. 24 out of 710 graduates of the HSE Lyceum received 100 points in one of the Unified State Exam subjects.

The Higher School of Economics cooperates with 48 Moscow schools. The work is being carried out within the framework of the “Engineering Class” project. University teachers conduct project seminars and special courses to better prepare high school students dreaming of an engineering profession for the pre-professional exam.

HSE is an active participant in “University Saturdays”. During this educational project, teachers give scientific and educational lectures to schoolchildren.

In addition, the Higher School of Economics is holding the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in economics, law, English language, as well as the Moscow Olympiad for schoolchildren in computer science. University teachers organize math clubs in Moscow schools and prepare children for various stages of the All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Law.

The Higher School of Economics carries out research and analytical work as part of the implementation of the state program “Development of Education in the City of Moscow” (“Capital Education”) for 2012-2018. University staff give public lectures in museums, at VDNKh, at the ZIL Cultural Center and at other city venues.

Assistance in the development of transport infrastructure

The research potential of the HSE is involved in solving pressing issues in the development of urban transport infrastructure. In 2016, scientific groups created at the university conducted comprehensive studies of the Moscow transport system (determining a matrix of interdistrict correspondence using multiple information sources).

Researchers collected and processed big data on the movement of citizens based on information mobile operators and indicators of passenger flows of urban transport. Terabytes of data on the use of ground transport in Moscow were collected: statistics of boarding and disembarking, frequency and speed of movement, load on roads and transfer hubs.

Thanks to this study, the capital’s Department of Transport and Road Infrastructure Development received a tool for high-quality configuration of the route network. This made it possible to launch a new route network of ground transport “Magistral” in the capital in October 2016.

In 2018, HSE plans to develop a new model of passenger river transportation in Moscow.

Economic policy and Moscow Urban Forum

In the field of economic policy, HSE staff together with specialists from the Department of Economic Policy and Development of the City of Moscow and the State Budgetary Institution " Analytical center» develop recommendations for improving the system of official statistical recording. Experts are also preparing proposals on the main approaches to calculating statistical indicators. The goal of this work is to improve the quality and reliability of statistical data necessary for making management decisions.

In 2015, a structural unit of the Higher School of Economics, the Higher School of Urbanism, acted as the program directorate of the Moscow Urban Forum. Its key topic is “Moscow as a dynamic metropolis: practices of flexible management.” And for the Moscow Urban Forum in 2016, HSE scientists conducted a study “Moscow: a course towards polycentricity. Assessing the effects of urban planning projects on the polycentric development of Moscow."

In the war for the oil and gas and fishing resources of the Arctic, for commercial shipping routes, Russia will be the main loser, says Sergei Medvedev, a professor at the Higher School of Economics. Previously, he proposed on his Facebook to give the Arctic under international jurisdiction, and when this initiative was reported to the president at his meeting with activists, “ United Russia", Putin said in a whisper "moron", drawing applause. In the transcript on the Kremlin website, this word is replaced by: “He was joking.” Medvedev first wrote on FB that he perceived a personal insult from the head of state as a reward, and then deleted this message and promised to clarify his position on the Arctic in Forbes.

According to Sergei Medvedev, Russia will lose the war for the Arctic due to the consequences of an environmental disaster that is already “happening” there and could turn into a “catastrophe.” He notes that oil production is “the dirtiest industry in Russia,” and in the event of an accident, the consequences will be worse than in the Gulf of Mexico: technologically, no more than 10% of the spilled oil can be collected in Arctic waters. The economist explains the pursuit of the Arctic shelf not by considerations of sovereignty or national interests of Russia, but by the selfish goals of oil corporations, whose Arctic infrastructure is “created at the expense of the state budget.”

Medvedev explains that he is not proposing a renunciation of the sovereignty of states within existing borders and territorial waters, but rather exclusive economic zones and economic and military activities in the Arctic. The economist believes that Russia’s national interests lie “not in planting titanium flags at the bottom and not in illusions of territorial acquisitions, not in new military bases and not in “energy security” (which, in fact, covers the interests of oil corporations), but in environmental security of the country and its sustainable development."

The article also states that there are not many confirmed oil reserves on the Arctic shelf, and exploration and production will be expensive at cost, and the oil on the shelf is of “low quality.” According to the author, Russians will see neither oil that will be exported, “nor tax deductions, due to the same practically zero profitability.” Medvedev emphasizes that sovereignty is not only the legal possession of territory, but also “the ability to use it rationally and pass it on safely to future generations.” From this point of view, the country has lost sovereignty “over hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of territory that are flooded with oil, contaminated with radiation and other traces of economic and military activity,” he writes.

The day before, Putin called the Arctic “an integral part of the Russian Federation, which has been under our sovereignty for several centuries.” The president described the proposal to put it under someone else’s control, taking into account the possibility of launching missiles at Moscow from American submarines, as “anti-people” and complete stupidity.

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The significance of the subject of the article is called into question. Please show in the article the significance of its subject by adding evidence of significance according to private criteria of significance or, in the case of private criteria of significance for ... ... Wikipedia

Faculty of Sociology National Research University - Higher School of Economics Year of foundation 1999 Dean Chepurenko A.Yu... Wikipedia

This article is about the university in Moscow. For the university in Prague, see Higher School of Economics (Prague). National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE) ... Wikipedia

Wikipedia has articles about other people with this surname, see Jacobson. Lev Ilyich Yakobson Date of birth: September 22, 1949 (1949 09 22) (63 years old) Place of birth: Moscow, RSFSR, USSR Country ... Wikipedia

Yaroslav Ivanovich Kuzminov ... Wikipedia

Leonid Markovich Gokhberg Country: Russia ... Wikipedia


  • Black Africa. Past and present. A textbook on the New and Contemporary History of Tropical and Southern Africa, Alexander Balezin, Sergey Mazov, Irina Filatova. The team of authors - employees of the Institute of General History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Institute of African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences and teachers of Russian universities (ISAA MSU, MGIMO, National Research University Higher School of Economics) - presented in an accessible and concise form...
  • Black Africa: past and present. Study guide, . The team of authors - employees of the Institute of General History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Institute of African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences and teachers of Russian universities (ISAA MSU, MGIMO, National Research University Higher School of Economics) - presented in an accessible and concise form...
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