The guy is a Libra rat. Libra is a rat

It is always easier to build a love relationship with the right person. Libra-Rat men are not suitable for every woman in terms of characteristics and compatibility in love. You can learn about all this from astrologers.

Characteristics of a Libra-Rat man

Representatives of the strong half of humanity, who gave birth in the year of the Rat under the zodiac sign of Libra, have special character traits. Their worldview is not the same as the rest of humanity. Such guys are not only strong physically, but also spiritually. Their strong principles allow them to survive any difficult situation without depression or nervous breakdowns.

Because In the life of a Libra-Rat man, he almost never deviates from his principles; many consider them too rational people. But at the same time, they can reach the top in any area of ​​life. We are always happy to give advice to people around us. They don't hide secrets about how they achieved everything. And they share information easily.

Astrologers say that Libra-Rat men are the favorites of luck. They are born with talents that later help them achieve a lot in life. Their dedication and determination helps in this. They are quite ambitious and put their own interests first. personal growth, and only then the acquisition and accumulation of material wealth. These men spend money thoughtlessly. They never have money in reserve for a rainy day. Such extravagance often attracts frivolous women to these men. They don't expect to get married. They want to go on dates and receive expensive gifts.

Libra-Rat man love compatibility

A love affair among representatives of this sign always leads to a serious relationship with a final happy ending. These are very responsible men. The girl feels protected behind their back. They never go back on what they promise to do.

The main thing that attracts a Libra-Rat man in a relationship with a woman is mutual understanding, respect and a comfortable stay in the company of his chosen one. If the representative of this sign is still young, then a protracted romantic relationship ends in friendship. In adulthood, these men more often decide to propose marriage to their beloved.

In the marriage of a Libra-Rat man, he loves to dominate. This is the real head of the family. Everyone must obey him unquestioningly. If a woman does not like such pressure on her personality and wants to engage in self-development, then they will not be able to enter into a long and reliable family union.

To avoid problems with loved ones, astrologers advise men of this sign to be softer and more attentive. You don't need to be a general. A family is not an army that needs to be led.

The strongest love unions for Libra-Rat men can be with women born in the year of the Monkey, Dragon and Rat. But representatives of the year Horse, Dog and Tiger will not suit them.

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Years: 1912; 1924; 1936; 1948; 1960; 1972; 1984; 1996; 2008; 2020.

The combination of Libra and Rat is very interesting. This man is charming, graceful and resourceful. He has a heightened sense of beauty. Libras are attractive and sociable. They make the rational Rat, who strives to find a benefit for himself in every situation, more sophisticated and add sophistication and charm to the personality. It, in turn, gives a person the ability to win over other people.

It is not difficult for Libra-Rat to be a part of any society, and in different circumstances. However, it should be borne in mind that often a person gains trust in others for personal reasons.

Libra-Rat: general characteristics

Libra-Rat always tries to finish things he starts

The combination of Libra and Rat makes a person restless, but at the same time desiring harmony. The representative of this combination of signs has great ambitions. He always strives for a happy and prosperous life. He is able to cope with many tasks, and he always does it efficiently and responsibly.

The pronounced features of Libra-Rat include:

  • activity;
  • insight;
  • flexibility.

This person is practical and endowed with enviable business qualities. Moreover, he will not abandon what he started halfway. He is active and dynamic. Libra-Rat likes communication, exquisite things and useful acquaintances. A representative of this combination of signs achieves excellent results in all areas of life. He has strong intuition, which, along with exceptional instincts and the ability to adapt to circumstances, helps him be where he needs to be.

He will not rush to extremes, as he strives for balance both personally and professional fields life. It will not be difficult for Libra-Rat to become an exemplary leader, since this person manages to assemble excellent teams and properly cooperate with people. He is a good organizer and, with the help of his subordinates, embodies his own ideas and plans. But it’s worth considering that a representative of this combination of signs will perform well as a performer. He prefers working in pairs.

However, it contains not only strengths, but also weaknesses. This is a lively and businesslike person who constantly struggles with idleness and laziness. A person desires peace and material well-being, but does not strive to direct all his strength to achieve this. At the same time, he invents problems himself and complicates his life. However, in difficult circumstances, he experiences pleasure in solving difficult problems.

After periods of excessive activity, there comes a time of inactivity. If Libra-Rat does nothing for a fairly long period of time, then he begins to give in to apathy and laziness. Such people combine some contradictions. They do not want to do anything and avoid responsibility, but at the same time they are in an anxious state, which motivates them to act.

Emotionally, this person is unstable. He avoids predictability and needs regular changes. Long-term novels make him sad. It is not easy for Libra-Rat to commit themselves to a long-term relationship with the same person. Some representatives of this combination of signs change partners quite often.

It is possible to win over such a person through expensive signs of attention and various manifestations of sincerity. Libra-Rat will definitely not be interested in greedy and tight-fisted people. This person needs financial independence and security. Over the years, he needs security more and more, so he tries by any means and means to achieve happiness and harmony in family life.

Libra-Rat Woman: Characteristics

The Libra-Rat woman is quite ingenuous, without meaning to, she can easily blurt out anything

The Libra woman, who was born in the year of the Rat, is distinguished by intelligence, sociability and rationality. She loves surprises and has good speaking skills. She should think about literary activities, where she can show her talent.

The fundamental characteristics of a Libra-Rat woman include:

  • sociability;
  • practicality;
  • diplomacy.

She enjoys traveling and expanding her circle of acquaintances. The everyday life and monotony of everyday duties upsets and unnerves her. Such characteristics of a Libra woman born in the year of the Rat, such as the ability to win over her interlocutors and be as correct as possible, help her achieve what she wants.

She is impetuous, emotional and very talkative. From time to time, the representative of this combination of signs suffers from her own frankness, since enemies subsequently use the information received from her for their personal interests. Her character is full of contradictions. The woman is perky and sociable, but at the same time dissatisfied and grumpy. Those around her cannot understand her behavior, because sometimes she commits absolutely unthinkable acts. The Libra-Rat woman tends to show sarcasm.

Men are impressed by her grace and upbringing. Sometimes she allows manifestations of frivolity. But practicality never leaves her. The Libra woman, who was born in the year of the Rat, likes to receive expensive gifts and go on trips. Although she has a rational approach to spending money, she is still capable of spending a fortune on a passing hobby or an insignificant trinket.

The romantic relationship of a Libra-Rat woman can develop according to completely different scenarios. Everything depends solely on her. It is very difficult for a man to understand her motives and actions. If a Libra woman born in the year of the Rat becomes aware that she needs to develop, then she will be able to create a harmonious family union. In this situation, the lover can be happy. And the appearance of children will make the marriage even stronger and more joyful.

Libra-Rat Man: Characteristics

The Libra-Rat man is great at smoothing out corners in conflict situations

The Libra man, who was born in the year of the Rat, has his own worldview, which is strikingly different from the views of those around him. He is strong and adheres to unbreakable principles and beliefs. In addition, he relies on reason and will not give up his own opinion.

The fundamental characteristics of a Libra-Rat man include:

  • categoricalness;
  • responsibility;
  • highly developed mind;
  • intuitiveness.

No obstacles will force him to turn off the intended road. He is perfectly oriented in any situation. Focus and determination are important business characteristics of a Libra man born in the year of the Rat. Thanks to these qualities, he achieves his goals. In addition, he is talented and knows how to properly use his abilities.

Luck accompanies all endeavors of a representative of this combination of signs. For him, material wealth is not of decisive importance, but at the same time he is vain and dreams of a certain status in society. The Libra-Rat man does not like heavy physical work. He gives preference to areas of activity that involve communication.

When resolving any issue, he shows himself as a diplomat. The Libra man, who was born in the year of the Rat, manages to feel the motives and mood of business partners. In this regard, he easily copes with all disagreements and conflicts. He should devote himself to legal, psychological or journalistic activities.

In the personal life of the Libra-Rat man, variety is important. He tries his best to avoid predictability and routine. At the same time, he is a responsible partner who can be trusted. His beloved will always be under reliable protection. But the representative of this combination of signs is power-hungry. For this reason, he will make a choice in favor of a quiet and pliable companion, with whom his life together will be harmonious and favorable. A Libra man born in the year of the Rat needs to be more sympathetic and caring towards loved ones. It is if this condition is met that family life will be balanced and happy.

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This combination includes everyone born during the period from September 23 to October 22 in 1948,1960, 1972, 1996, 2008, 2020. The fusion of these two signs gives its owners extraordinary grace and ingenuity. People born under the sign of Libra are initially attractive and have a desire to communicate. The sign of Libra gives gloss and charm to the cunning Rat, who can benefit from any situation.

With inner restlessness, men and women of this sign strive for harmony in themselves and others. Flexible, energetic, dexterous, the Rat knows how to quickly and efficiently do its work. At the same time, those born under the sign of Libra have heightened intuition, which allows them to achieve a lot in life.

Characteristics of Libra-Rat men

Men born under the sign of Libra in the year of the Rat are distinguished from all others unusual worldview and strong character.
They are strong physically and mentally and at the same time firmly adhere to their principles
Libra-Rat men look rationally at the processes occurring in reality, and only in extreme cases can they abandon their views. One more positive quality These individuals are principled and responsible. In any situation, the Libra guy (in the year of the Rat) does not lose his composure. He keeps a clear mind and Legends are made about the intuition of people of this zodiac combination. Determination and determination allow him to achieve great heights in his career.

Most representatives of this zodiac constellation prefer to save on acquiring goods and, despite the lack of desire for material security, have ambition. They strive to gain recognition in society and often achieve a high position. They hate physical work. At their core, they are peacemakers and diplomats who subtly sense the mood of their opponent. This was given to them from the magnetic power of the constellation Libra. Men of the Libra sign, born in the year of the Rat, achieve success in the field of advocacy, journalism, and psychology.

Libra-Rat men look rationally at the processes occurring in reality

Disadvantages of the sign

Among the shortcomings of men of this sign, the main place is occupied by the arrogance that he shows towards his loved ones. They often experience physical weakness and malaise, as they tend to devote themselves entirely to work. The downside for them is that it all comes down to work and creating a career.

A man born under the sign of Libra in the year of the Rat should succeed in his career. Otherwise, he will transfer all the troubles at work into family life, showing his the most negative quality is arrogance.

Characteristics of Libra-Rat women

A woman representative of such a zodiac constellation loves to communicate. They are not averse to showing off their intelligence. If you want to win her, learn to express your thoughts beautifully, get ready to give gifts.

The Libra-Rat girl loves traveling: there you can make new acquaintances and get positive emotions

The Libra girl, born in the year of the Rat, gets along well with others. She will not be chained to the stove, and household chores more often tire her and irritate her. Her path is traveling, where she can make new friends and get additional emotions.

A woman of this combination is characterized by impulsiveness and talkativeness. Her downside is giving away secrets that are later used against her. The constellation Libra gives its owner a dual nature:

Sociability, cheerfulness;
Grumbling and eternal dissatisfaction.

They are able to prick their interlocutor with a sharp word and a caustic phrase, which their mind dresses in special colors. Despite the practicality, Libra women of the year of the Rat can spend their salaries on an insignificant trinket just to get a moment's pleasure.

Disadvantages of the sign

Among negative qualities representatives of this zodiac combination - a weak instinct of compassion and empathy
They should cultivate this quality in themselves, developing sensitivity and attention to loved ones. Often the aggressive behavior of a Libra-Rat woman pushes away her interlocutor.

Love compatibility of Libra born in the year of the Rat

Men of this zodiac fusion starts new relationships very easily. But it will take a lot of effort to get his attention. Moreover, it cannot be tied with gifts or distinctive signs of attention. A woman should give compliments, give herself to him completely and completely. Libras love to experiment, so their partner should be ready for this. Such an exquisite nature as Libra should be constantly entertained, visiting exhibitions and concerts with them.

Should be strictly excluded from colloquial speech vulgar words. The problem in a relationship with such a partner is, first of all, based on the desire for constant life changes. IN love relationships they tend to be arrogant and exaggerate situations. A man of the constellation Libra in the year of the Rat takes marriage issues seriously. Especially with age, the likelihood of a strong union increases. For such individuals, the family is a safe haven, so they protect it and strive for harmony in every possible way.

Such an exquisite nature as Libra should be constantly entertained, attend exhibitions and concerts with him

Quite harmonious and stable love compatibility among representatives of the zodiac couple Libra-Rat with women born in the year: Monkey, Dragon, Ox. A good relationship can develop with a Dog, Goat or Pig woman. It is better not to marry women born in the year of the Rooster, Cat (Rabbit) and Horse. The stars promise a strong union to Libra men paired with Aquarius, Libra, and Leo women. The combination of Libra and Sagittarius will be memorable; Libra and Gemini. Astrologers consider the union of a Rat man and a Horse woman to be one of the most short-lived. For a marriage to remain strong, it is important not only to match the zodiac constellation.

Romantic relationships women under the sign of Libra, born in the year of the Rat, can be very different: from the most beautiful and gentle to unpleasantly hard. It all depends on how the woman is configured. Her other half will not always understand what a woman wants, what she means. At a young age, love relationships can lead to disappointments. In their more mature years, they know exactly what they want. But whether their partner will like it is difficult to predict. Good love compatibility is expected with representatives of the signs: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra. Men born in the year of the Dragon, Ox or Monkey will be especially suitable for them.



Minimum Compatibility

According to the eastern calendar
Bull, Dragon, Monkey
Goat, Pig, Dog, Snake, Rat, Tiger
Rooster, Horse, Cat (Rabbit)

According to the Western calendar
Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, Leo, Aquarius
Virgo, Pisces, Aries
Scorpio, Capricorn, Taurus, Cancer

Full characteristics of a Libra child born in the year of the Rat

Such a child loves his family with a possessive love. He is jealous of any manifestation of attention to other family members. After all, these are his parents, and they should pay attention only to their child. Often, to attract attention, he is ready to use whims and crying.

IN school years The Libra boy in the year of the Rat proves himself to be an excellent student: he pleases his parents with good behavior and studies. At an early age, the Libra girl, born in the year of the Rat, often disappears in the kitchen. She loves to eat and loves to cook, so mom doesn't have to force her.

Children of this horoscopic combination begin to speak early. They learn to read early. If this interest is fueled and developed, little Rat can become a historian or a famous writer.

August 14, 2017, 11:14 pm

The characteristics of a man who was born under the zodiac sign of Libra and in the year of the Rat reveal all his advantages and disadvantages. This is a sociable man who always strives for excellence. A guy can easily attract the attention of the opposite sex and easily make any girl fall in love with him.

General characteristics

Since childhood, this guy has been different from his peers. Born in the year of the Rat and under the zodiac sign of Libra, he is distinguished by an unusual outlook on life, a different worldview and a very strong character.

This man always strictly follows his principles. The Rat-Libra will never change his decision, even if he turns out to be wrong. Moreover, the Libra man, born in the year of the Rat, does not like to live by other people's rules. This character trait begins to manifest itself during school years. From his youth, Libra-Rat tries to establish his own rules in any society. Because of this feature, the guy develops difficult relationships with peers and parents.

Such guys can rightfully be called the favorites of fortune. Nature has generously endowed them with numerous talents and abilities, thanks to which they can easily realize all their plans.

Libra-Rat is a determined and purposeful man who knows exactly what he wants to achieve in this life. Thanks to the fact that Libra-Rat knows how to correctly set priorities and sensibly assesses his capabilities, a man easily achieves what he wants.

For this man it is very important to achieve a good position in society. The representative of this zodiac sign tries to do everything possible to ensure that the people around him think exclusively positively about him. It is very important for him to hear approval from the outside.

This man has such qualities as responsibility and integrity. Thanks to these qualities, Libra-Rat can achieve serious success in work. It is very important for him to get the desired position, to gain a certain social status, to be a step higher than others. But at the same time, the guy is not at all concerned about the financial side of the issue. Status is much more important to him.

The Libra man, born in the year of the Rat, treats money with ease. A man does not put them in a box, does not open a bank account, but simply spends them on himself and his loved ones. Sometimes this man spends his finances very irrationally, which is why he has to get involved in loans and debts. There should always be a faithful friend or girlfriend next to him who will help him not to do anything stupid. After all, while he is wasting money, selfish people may ask to be his friends and will only use his financial well-being.

This man's main flaw is his selfishness. A representative of this zodiac sign needs to learn to listen to the opinions and desires of other people. It is important to remember that family are those closest people who will be on his side in any situation. Therefore, a Rat man born under the zodiac sign of Libra should devote more time to his family.

In love and marriage

This man is distinguished by natural charm and special attractiveness. Libra-Rat easily finds common language with girls, willingly flirts and makes advances with them. But this does not mean that his heart can be won so easily. Attracting the attention of such a guy is very difficult, and sometimes almost impossible. Many girls make the gravest mistake of trying to seduce and charm him. A Libra man, born in the year of the Rat, must himself pay attention to the woman, she must quietly attract attention and surprise her with something. Only then will Libra-Rat become interested and take the first step.

The Libra-Rat man loves unusual girls. It is very important for him that the future chosen one is generous. If a representative of this zodiac sign notices some stinginess, excessive economy, then he will not pay attention to such a girl.

In love, the Rat-Libra man requires special treatment. The chosen one should be able to give unusual compliments. A girl should constantly praise her beloved and do everything possible to make him feel and understand that he is the best. If the Libra-Rat man does not receive such confirmation daily, he may be seriously offended.

The future chosen one of such a man should remember that in personal relationships Libra-Rat behaves very arrogantly and selfishly. It is not easy to be around such a man, so many girls themselves decide to break up with him, because they understand that he is not going to change.

In bed, Libra-Rat always wants to be a leader. This man loves to create a special atmosphere in the bedroom on his own. Loves luxurious bed linen, candles, twilight, beautiful music and the like. The chosen one of such a man should be able to constantly surprise. Libra, born in the year of the Rat, absolutely does not tolerate monotony in bed. His beloved must be able to fantasize and be ready to experiment. For this guy, the main thing is his own satisfaction. Sometimes in bed, Libra-Rat even forgets about his partner and is in no hurry to please her. This man shows selfishness even in this situation.

After entering into an official marriage, a man changes a little. Feeling himself in a new status, he understands that now he will have to bear responsibility not only for himself, but also for the woman he loves. Libra-Rat tries to do everything possible to ensure that the family is strong and happy. A man will adequately provide for his family and will try to do everything possible so that his family does not need anything.

In marriage, the Rat-Libra no longer shows such selfishness as before. A man is ready to give the furrows of government to his wife and obey her instructions. This man treats children well. He loves children, tries to raise them and spends most of his free time with them. For his child, Libra-Rat will always be a faithful adviser, thanks to which the child will be able to reach great heights in the future.


Almost perfect compatibility can be traced with a woman born in the year of the Ox. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, but the main thing is that they can complement each other, thereby creating a strong married couple. Ox women are used to being the head of the family; she loves to lead. And Libra-Rat will not be at all against this arrangement.

A good relationship can develop with a woman who was born in the year of the Dragon. Both will treat each other with great warmth and tenderness. The Dragon woman will always be interested in the affairs of her husband and will support him in all his endeavors. Together they can be quite happy.

The Monkey woman can attract the attention of this man. They will be united by common interests and goals in life. Libra-Rat will admire his soulmate, and she will tirelessly praise her husband for everything. This will be a strong and happy couple.

The Libra-Rat sign includes people born from September 23 to October 22 in 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020.

This is a very interesting combination, giving people sophistication and charm, ingenuity and aesthetics. Libra is always attractive and sociable, they give gloss to the practical Rat, who is cunning and can always take advantage of any matter or circumstance.

People like her, and Libra gives her an innate taste and elegance. The Rat-Libra easily fits into any company and simply amazes with its ability to find a common language with other people, at any level and in any situation. True, the Rat-Libra often uses its ability to easily come into contact with people for selfish purposes.

Libra – Rat characteristics

People born under the sign of Libra-Rat, despite their inner restlessness, strive for harmony in everything. Libra-Rat is ambitious and always thirsty better life. Thanks to her energy, dexterity, agility, flexibility, she manages a lot and does all the work efficiently. Another advantage of this combination of signs is practical savvy and business acumen, combined with the ability to bring things started to completion. People born in the year of the Rat are playful and active, they like communication, beautiful things, profitable connections, and achieve really high results in different areas of life. Libra-Rat is endowed with excellent intuition. Her trained eye, remarkable sense of smell and ability to navigate help her always be at the right time and in the right place. At the same time, Libra-Rat knows how to maintain balance, both in personal relationships and in the workplace. A person born in the year of the Rat, under the sign of Libra, can be an excellent leader. And this is largely due to his ability to accurately select people for his team. Libra-Rat knows how to achieve their goals and knows how to organize a team to implement their ideas. She knows how to be both an effective leader and a responsible subordinate, but most of all she prefers to work in pairs.

But, with all this, Libra-Rat is not the simplest combination of signs. For all its liveliness and liveliness, Libra-Rat is forced to constantly fight laziness. One part of her wants peace and prosperity without making much effort. On the other hand, she looks for and even creates for herself reasons for concern and tension where it is not at all necessary. True, in difficult situations she gets some satisfaction and feels like a fish in water. Having run around and done a bunch of things, Libra-Rat can suddenly turn off from the general flow of life, and the longer such a person remains inactive, the sooner the blues will begin and laziness will completely overcome. People born under the sign of Libra in the year of the Rat live like this: on the one hand, there is a reluctance to do something and a desire to shift their responsibility onto the shoulders of other people, and on the other hand, constant internal anxiety forces them to roll up their sleeves and immediately get to work.

The emotional sphere of people born under the sign of Libra in the year of the Rat is unstable. The problem lies in the desire for change in your personal life. Long-term relationships are depressing; it is difficult to be with the same person for many years, so frequent changes of partners are possible. In love, Libra-Rat is somewhat arrogant; she is easy to conquer with expensive gifts and manifestations of the breadth of her soul. She is not attracted to thrifty and stingy partners. But, due to the fact that Libra-Rat really needs a secure and reliable rear, she is able to create and maintain a large and strong family. The desire to live in security intensifies with age, so such people over the years will make more and more efforts to achieve family happiness.

Libra - Rat woman

A woman born under the sign of Libra in the year of the Rat is smart, sociable and practical. She loves gifts, knows how to speak beautifully and express her thoughts on paper. Therefore, she can easily achieve success in the literary field. The Libra-Rat woman loves to travel and make new acquaintances. Routine and being tied to the kitchen stove and household responsibilities tires and irritates her. He always achieves success thanks to his diplomacy and ability to get along with people.

The Libra-Rat woman is emotional and impulsive, sometimes too talkative. In moments of frankness, she often reveals information that ill-wishers then use against her. The nature of these women is dual, and their character is very contradictory. On the one hand, these are sociable and cheerful women, and on the other, grumbling old women who are dissatisfied with everything. Their behavior is often considered by others as unnatural, since they are capable of the most unexpected actions. They are characterized by causticity and sarcasticness, which acquires especially bright colors thanks to their intelligence.

The Libra-Rat woman attracts the eyes of men with her intelligence and sophistication. Sometimes she can be frivolous, but at the same time she is a pragmatic person. The Libra woman, born in the year of the Rat, loves expensive and original gifts and travel. Despite her practicality, she loves to shop and is able to spend everything she earns on a beautiful trifle or for a moment of pleasure.

In the year of the Rat, they can be beautiful, unpleasant and even tough. Everything depends only on her, and on her desire to paint her feelings in a certain color. It is almost impossible for the partner of such a woman to understand her. If a Libra-Rat woman engages in self-development, she will be able to properly build relationships and create a happy family. In this case, the spouse will always experience only positive feelings, and the birth and raising of children will further strengthen the relationship.

Libra - Rat man

Men born under the sign of Libra in the year of the Rat differ from the general mass in their special worldview. Moreover, these are spiritually and physically strong men, endowed with firm principles. They always rationally assess reality and rarely change their beliefs. Responsibility and integrity are two more qualities inherent in these individuals.

There are no barriers to anything for the Libra-Rat man; he perfectly manages any situation, has a flexible, clear mind and excellent intuition. Thanks to his determination and purposefulness, he can achieve a lot in life; moreover, the Libra-Rat man has numerous talents that he knows how to use. This is fortune's favorite. Complete indifference to material wealth is balanced by ambition and most often he strives for a good social position. The Libra-Rat man does not like hard physical work, and for him the optimal direction would be any area related to human communication. He is essentially a peacemaker and diplomat, he knows how to capture the thoughts and moods of people, so he is able to deftly resolve any conflict situation. Success can be achieved in the field of lawyer, psychologist, journalist.

In love relationships, the Libra-Rat man is capricious, loves variety and will almost certainly escape the routine in any way. But, he is very responsible and always keeps his word, thanks to which the woman next to him will feel confident and protected. It is worth noting that the Libra-Rat man is power-hungry and tends to suppress his partner, dealing exclusively with his own problems. But, due to the fact that in the year of the Rat he has an excellent sense of people and knows how to choose the right submissive and humble partner, his family life, most often, develops well. But, nevertheless, the Libra-Rat man should be more attentive with loved ones so that happiness is mutual.