Petition against the merger of RSL and RNL. The library community sent an open letter to the president against the merger of RSL and RNL. Why the problem deserves public attention

The Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) did not send an application for the transfer of St. Isaac's Cathedral to the Property Relations Committee (PRC) of St. Petersburg, without which the committee's order has no legal consequences, its representative said at a court hearing on Monday, March 13, Interfax reports.

“An application from a religious organization was not submitted in the manner prescribed by federal law. The decision cannot be made in its absence,” she said. According to her, the committee’s order dated December 30, 2016 on the procedure for preparing for the transfer of the cathedral “does not have legal consequences.”

Deputy Boris Vishnevsky, who participated in the process as one of the plaintiffs, drew the court's attention to the governor's response to a collective deputy request. In it, Poltavchenko was asked about the presence of an application to the KIO from a religious organization.

“It clearly follows from the answer that there is no application, and the order of the KIO, which we are challenging, has a direct reference to the received appeal. If this appeal is not there, but there is something else, then this is not within the framework of Federal Law 327. This means that this cannot have legal significance and no order can be issued on the basis of this,” Vishnevsky said.

“The committee did not receive an appeal from a religious organization. But the contested order was issued on the basis of an appeal from a religious organization received by the governor of St. Petersburg. The committee, for its part, is ready to provide this statement,” a representative of the KIO said in response.

In St. Petersburg, a meeting was agreed upon regarding Isaac, the merger of the Russian National Library with the Russian State Library and the development of the Pulkovo Observatory

The Committee on Law and Order of the government of St. Petersburg allowed to hold a city protection rally on Saturday, March 18, regarding the transfer of Isaac to the Russian Orthodox Church, Maxim Reznik, head of the commission on education, culture and science of the city Legislative Assembly, told TASS.

“Smolny agreed for us to hold a rally on the Champ de Mars in the Hyde Park format, that is, up to 200 people, but we are ready to pay a fine for exceeding the number,” the deputy said.

Last week, the city government refused to coordinate a rally with similar themes on the Field of Mars on March 19, numbering up to five thousand people; activists were asked to gather in Udelny Park.

The action is timed to coincide with the 30th anniversary of the activists’ defense against the demolition of the Angleterre Hotel in 1987, where the poet Sergei Yesenin hanged himself. The organizing committee of the rally includes the Growth Party, Yabloko and PARNAS and a number of public organizations, including the Living City, the Russian Creative Union of Cultural Workers, the Union of Scientists of St. Petersburg.

“The action on the Champ de Mars was agreed upon from 12:00 to 16:00. But time is needed to set up the stage. Therefore, it was decided to start the rally at 14:00,” Vadim Sukhodolsky, a member of the organizing committee, told the Rosbalt agency.

The action is called a march, but its structure will be a rally. It will also discuss the protection of the Pulkovo Observatory, which is threatened by residential development in a three-kilometer security zone, and the proposed merger of the country's two largest libraries - the St. Petersburg Russian National Library (RNL) and the Moscow Russian State Library (RSL), which is perceived in St. Petersburg as a takeover of the RNL Moscow library.

St. Petersburg rebelled against the merger of the Russian National Library with the Russian State Library

On March 11, on Ostrovsky Square, St. Petersburg activists launched a poster into the sky with the image of the General Director of the Russian National Library, Alexander Visly, as part of an action against its merger with the Russian State Library. Members of the Free Historical Society published on their website an appeal to Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev about the situation surrounding the merger of libraries.

“The news of the impending unification caused alarm. There were statements of protest, collective letters signed by prominent figures of the library community, scientists, writers, and public figures. The Ministry of Culture issued statements claiming that there are no plans for unification; opponents of such a reorganization are allegedly fighting with “windmills,” the appeal says.

Meanwhile, as the letter says, Visly does not hide the fact that he considers this kind of “reorganization” plan to be the most desirable. From the merger of the two libraries, both book depositories will suffer, but primarily the National Library, which, according to the authors of the appeal, will become a branch of the Moscow library, “which will supposedly reduce financial costs.”

Previously, Smolny refused to coordinate an action in defense of St. Petersburg on Sunday, March 19, citing the fact that the place would be taken by someone else, and it would no longer be possible to hold an action in the format of a meeting of voters with deputies. The city already has a law requiring deputies to coordinate such events with Smolny.

In January, the Governor of St. Petersburg, Georgy Poltavchenko, approved the transfer of St. Isaac's Cathedral for 49 years to the free use of the Russian Orthodox Church, while maintaining its museum and educational functions. The temple building will remain the property of the city.

Opponents of the transfer of the cathedral tried to challenge Smolny's decision in court, but the claim was rejected. An online petition against the transfer of the cathedral to the Russian Orthodox Church received more than 200 thousand votes. Several protests took place in St. Petersburg.

At the same time, supporters of the transfer of Isaac this year held two religious processions around the cathedral in support of its resubordination to the Church. Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Kirill said that the transfer of Isaac to the Russian Orthodox Church is intended to become a symbol of reconciliation of the people.

20:58 — REGNUM

© Evgeniy Gnatenko

A proposal to merge the Russian State Library (Moscow) and the Russian National Library (St. Petersburg), with which the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation V.R. On the eve of the New Year, Medinsky addressed the Chairman of the Government D.A. Medvedev, was met with a sharp protest reaction from the library community. Professionals emphasize that the implementation of the project will lead to the virtual destruction of the National Library - the largest national book depository, a library of not just an all-Russian, but a global scale. Three leading representatives of Russian library science: scientific supervisor Libraries of the Academy of Sciences V.P. Leonov, professor A.V. Sokolov and Yu.N. Stolyarov - turned to the President of the Russian Federation V.V. To Putin with an open letter.

To the President of the Russian Federation

V.V. Putin

Subject: Ministry of Culture against libraries

Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich!

In our country, there has been a long-term and consistent destruction of the library system. The network of municipal libraries is annually reduced by 700 - 900 institutions, and there is an outflow of qualified personnel. Library school and library science are in crisis. The library policy of the Russian Ministry of Culture contradicts the “Fundamentals of State Cultural Policy,” which provide for the preservation of libraries as a public institution for distributing books and introducing reading. Particularly alarming is the intention to merge the two largest national libraries - the Russian State Library (RSL, the former State Library of the USSR named after V.I. Lenin in Moscow) and the Russian National Library (RNL, the former State Public Library of the RSFSR named after M. E. Saltykov- Shchedrin in St. Petersburg). As we learned, the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation received an appeal from Minister V.R. Medinsky with a request to support the joint proposal of the current general directors of the RSL (V.I. Gnezdilov) and the Russian National Library (A.I. Visly) about the merger. This most important national-cultural action is being prepared privately, in bureaucratic offices, secretly from the employees of the Russian State Library and National Library, not to mention the Russian librarians who are vitally interested in the normal development of the leading organizations of the industry. The interests of the Ministry of Culture can be judged by the arguments set out in the appeal to the Government of the Russian Federation.

It turns out that the leadership of national culture is not concerned about the crisis state of the library industry and the reasonable use of its cultural, educational and scientific information potential, but about saving costs on the maintenance of the Russian State Library and National Library. In the case of merging libraries, the sources of savings are supposedly obvious: there is no need to duplicate collections, it is enough to receive one “legal deposit” instead of two; the problem of space shortage will be solved and the costs of processing literature and maintaining electronic catalogs will be halved; thanks to the reduction of the management staff (at the same time, let us add, production personnel), wage savings of about 250 million rubles per year will be obtained; finally, the status of the united Russian library in the international arena will increase and the costs of international activities (membership fees, etc.) will be reduced. Such argumentation does not resemble an economically and culturally-politically sound elaboration of the proposed reform. Of course, the meager finances allocated to the Ministry of Culture must be spent carefully, and why not, for reasons of economy, not merge the Tretyakov Gallery and the Russian Museum?!

As for readers, the initiators of the unification of national libraries promise them that it “will allow the unification of services and services for access to full-text electronic publications and will give a new impetus to the development of the federal state information system National Electronic Library (NEL).” It is not clear why “new impetus” cannot be given to the NEB through business cooperation, without administrative unification.

It remains a mystery to us why the Ministry of Culture is interested in creating a “centaur library” with its head in Moscow and its tail in St. Petersburg? Or vice versa. Until now, librarianship has not known such monsters throughout its thousand-year history. To give birth to this miracle, at the beginning of 2016 it was necessary to turn the general director of the RSL A.I. Visly to General Director of the Russian National Library. Since the director sent from Moscow perceives the Russian National Library as a place of official business trip, it is not surprising that less than a year had passed before he had the idea to unite both libraries where he happened to be director, and he willingly signed a letter to the Ministry of Culture. Generally speaking, General Director Visly does not have the moral right to speak on behalf of the Russian National Library, in which he ended up due to bureaucratic arbitrariness, and not because of his business ties with the St. Petersburg library. In addition, neither Gnezdilov nor Visly have a library education and do not know the history and traditions of the institutions they head. However, Minister V.R. Medinsky did not pay attention to these ethical nuances.

We find it absurd and regrettable that the fate of Russian libraries is decided by outsiders without the participation of library professionals, that library functionaries and ministerial officials dictate what kind of national libraries we need. One thing is clear. Overcoming the crisis state of libraries as a public institution for distributing books and introducing reading is impossible on the path to building a single and only electronic library. The main thing we lack is subject-subject communication between readers and librarians in the hospitable interiors of rural, school, public, scientific and national libraries. There are many problems here, and the most important of them is defining the humanistic mission of Russian libraries in the information society.

The proposal put forward by the two directors needs to be discussed by the professional library community, and the rest of the country’s population, because its implementation directly affects all actual and potential readers of national libraries and requires changes to the articles of the Law on Librarianship. The issue cannot be resolved by administrative command. To consider the current cultural and political situation, it is advisable to convene All-Russian Library Congress And entrust its organization to the Russian Library Association and the Russian National Library in St. Petersburg.

We ask you to prevent the upcoming anti-library, anti-cultural action.

Leonov Valery Pavlovich, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, awarded the Medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree

Sokolov Arkady Vasilievich, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, Knight of the Order of the Badge of Honor

Stolyarov Yuri Nikolaevich, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of the Higher School of the Russian Federation, awarded the Medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree

employees works at the RSL

employees works at the Russian National Library

Human are registered annually in the RSL

Human are registered annually in the Russian National Library

They want to merge the St. Petersburg “Publichka” (RNB) with the Moscow “Leninka” (RSL). Almost nothing is known about the future merger. Nevertheless, an element of drama has already appeared in this story: the day before, the chief bibliographer of the information and bibliographic department of the Russian National Library, Tatyana Shumilova, was fired. De jure for absenteeism - de facto, as many believe, for an interview with Rosbalt, in which the now former bibliographer spoke uncomplimentarily about the merger and predicted the destruction of Public. The Village found out what’s wrong with merging the National Library of Russia with the Russian State Library and what Medinsky has to do with it.

When did the idea to merge libraries come about?

In December 2015, the Ministry of Culture conducted an inspection of the National Library of Russia. The audit revealed financial irregularities: in particular, the National Library of Russia did not purchase software with 800 million rubles allocated from the federal budget. In January 2016, Publicchka director Anton Likhomanov was dismissed. By the way, he himself considered the Ministry of Culture’s accusations to be unfounded.

After this, according to bibliographer Tatyana Shumilova, there was talk of merging the St. Petersburg “Publichka” and the Moscow “Leninka”. A few months later, a new director was appointed to the RSL - Alexander Visly, a scientist in the field of mechanics, who, by a strange coincidence, was the director of the RSL until 2016. There is still no director at Leninka itself; his duties are performed by Vladimir Gnezdilov.

On the eve of the New Year, Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky approached Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev with a proposal to merge the St. Petersburg and Moscow libraries. In January of this year, it became known about a letter to Medvedev from Visly and Gnezdilov. The essence is the same: the heads of the two largest book depositories in Russia asked for a merger. It is still unclear whether the merger will take place. The founder of both libraries is the Government of the Russian Federation, so the decision is theirs.

What are the pros and cons of merging?

Neither employees nor readers of Leninka will feel the negative consequences of the merger. We have to talk about the disadvantages only for “Publichka”.

The expert community agrees that after the merger, the RNL will actually turn into a provincial branch of the RSL: cost savings (the informally declared goal of the merger) will largely affect Public. The trade union organization RNL, that during the merger, 400 employees could lose their jobs.

Publichka, unlike Leninka, will no longer receive mandatory printed copies - only electronic copies. Thus, new paper books will be received mainly by Moscow. According to Tatyana Shumilova, replacing paper books with electronic ones will lead to an outflow of readers, especially older ones.

The director of “Publichka” Alexander Visly himself cites as a plus of the association that readers with an RSL ticket will be able to freely visit the RNL - and vice versa. “It seems like a small thing, but it’s nice,” Visly notes.

What do they say about unification?

Back in mid-January, three leading representatives of Russian library science, including scientific director of the Library of the Academy of Sciences Valery Leonov, addressed Putin with an open letter. It notes, in particular, that the merger project will lead to the destruction of the MFN.

The head of the Mayakovsky Library, Zoya Chalova, spoke out against the methods used in merging the National Library and the Russian State Library at a press conference on January 30: “The secret statement of Vladimir Gnezdilov and Alexander Visly was a completely tactless act. The RNL is the library of our city, which is of interest to St. Petersburg residents and the library community. We consider ourselves very disadvantaged, humiliated, we cannot secretly throw out this statement like that.”

The head of A Just Russia, Sergei Mironov, described the upcoming (possibly) merger process most clearly: he compared it to the merger of Spartak with Zenit or the Leningrad group with Philip Kirkorov.

Why was bibliographer Tatyana Shumilova fired?

At a press conference on January 30, the chief bibliographer of the information and bibliographic department of the Russian National Library, Tatyana Shumilova, spoke out against the merger of the two libraries. On February 1, Rosbalt published a detailed interview with Shumilova. On February 2, the librarian was asked to resign of his own free will. On February 6, the “Publichka” team took a letter to Alexander Visly in defense of the bibliographer. On February 7 she was fired. Tatyana Shumilova has worked at the Russian National Library since 1985.

The formal basis for dismissal is absence from the workplace for more than four hours (this measure is provided for in Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). This refers to the time that the bibliographer spent at the press conference (according to

A little earlier, RBA President V. Firsov, making the library community worried because of the long silence, said that “merging libraries as one legal entity, from my point of view, is inappropriate”, after all “By and large, it is the MFN that is an integral element of Russian civilization.” Let's remember that it was this historical and cultural argument that was voiced in the very first speeches of respected professors: A. Mazuritsky, A. Sokolov, V. Leonov, Yu. Stolyarov. Two Muscovites and two Leningrad-St. Petersburg residents, whose total experience in library service is almost equal to the age of the National Library! They were the first to point out the very absurdity of raising the question of unifying national libraries. Everyone who decided to publish their opinion in the media expressed their position unequivocally: “We are against the merger!” 310 employees of the National Library sent a letter to the President of the Russian Federation with a request to understand the current situation and protect the National Libraries from incompetent administrative interference.

From the point of view of the law, it is possible to unite the RSL and the RNL through a merger (creating a new legal entity) or annexation. In reality, another metropolitan “takeover” may occur. St. Petersburg will get the “tail” of the new organization. The National Library will cease to exist in its status, and its 200-year history as the national library of our country will end. Many readers and scientists do not want to admit this. The petition “Against the destruction of the Russian National Library” received about 7,000 signatures on the Internet. There have not yet been any specialists ready to publicly support the idea of ​​merging the RNL and the RSL.

In a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the process of “optimization” by joining children's, youth and libraries for the blind to central universal libraries has been actively going on in recent years. Without any involvement of the scientific and library community in the discussion. After all, the law does not require justification for decisions made by the founders within their competence. Social standards prepared by the Ministry of Culture for the regions make it possible to reduce the network of municipal libraries in the country by 30–40%. Who needs a library policy like this?

So, can we be sure that making a “closed” decision has become impossible?

Alexander Visly in his interview with Ekho Moskvy radio said directly: “...what is being discussed by the public is also very good. This prepares the ground for some sensible, correct decisions that will be made at the highest level.” What kind of correct decisions can be discussed at the government level? If we talk about combining electronic resources, using common technological solutions and coordinating scientific activities, then these issues are within the competence of the Russian State Library, the National Library of Russia and the Ministry of Culture, which performs the functions and powers of the founder, enshrined in the statutes of the Libraries by the Government. “Whether an administrative unification is necessary is not a matter of my competence, it is a matter of the competence of the Government itself, not even the Ministry of Culture. So let it decide,”- says A. Visly. But there is still no answer to a simple question: what proposal did the leaders of the RSL and the NRL initially approach the Chairman of the Government with, what proposal did V. Medinsky ask the Prime Minister to support? Alas, this “reference point” for the entire problematic situation has not been presented to society.

The public is as much a symbol of St. Petersburg as Isaac. Signed a petition against the merger of the RNL into the RSL.
Next: an interesting text that describes the current situation.

Who wants to destroy the Russian National Library and why?

The Russian National Library (RNL), according to the decree of the President of Russia, is a particularly valuable object of national heritage and constitutes the historical and cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation. The Russian National Library is one of the largest libraries in the world, the second largest collection in Russia, and now a serious threat hangs over it - they want to optimize it and merge it with the Russian State Library. This, in turn, will lead to the fact that the National Library will lose the right to receive legal deposit of new book publications, which is now guaranteed to ensure the acquisition of its collections. The destruction of the National Library as an independent entity will deal an irreparable blow not only to Russian science and St. Petersburg as the cultural capital of Russia, but also to the entire national library business. Let me remind you that in the Year of Literature the country has already lost the INION RAS library, and the new acting. Director of INION Ilya Zaitsev now directly states that the country does not need the “pre-fire” INION: “The world has changed. You can order any book in any country. Translating it is also no problem. A huge amount of information on the Internet. Therefore, that INION does not correspond to modern realities,” quotes Zaitsev as saying.

“Moreover,” as Mazuritsky notes, “according to A.I. Visly and V.I. Gnezdilov, the merger of libraries will halve the number of copies of printed materials required for “eternal” storage, which will provide an opportunity for 15-20 years solve the problem of the lack of space to accommodate new acquisitions. (Attention! In fact, this cheerful declaration means that one of the megacities - Moscow or St. Petersburg - will not receive legal copies of all publications published in Russia (and in fact both have advanced scientific and educational centers!), or at worst they will be distributed between the library and its... branch according to the principle: this is for me, this is for you, this is also for me.)"

Now a petition “Against the destruction of the Russian National Library” has been created on the website. To date, it has been signed by more than 2 thousand people. The petition contains the following demands: “In connection with the current situation, we, employees of scientific, cultural and educational institutions of St. Petersburg, consider it necessary:
1. Preserve the independence of the Russian National Library, as the oldest public library in Russia, having the status of a particularly valuable cultural object.
2. Preserve the right of the National Library of Russia to receive legal deposit in accordance with the Federal Law “On Legal Deposit of Documents” dated December 29, 1994, No. 77-FZ.
3. Put under control the process of completing the construction of storage facilities for the new building of the National Library on Moskovsky Prospect (second stage) and timely repairs of other library buildings.”

These proposals are quite reasonable, but their implementation will require the active participation of the entire civil society, concerned about the state and preservation of Russian culture. Honored librarians have already sent an open letter to President Putin, in which they expressed their protest against the merger of the largest libraries." "In our country, there has been a long-term and consistent destruction of the library system. The network of municipal libraries is annually reduced by 700 - 900 institutions, and there is an outflow of qualified personnel. Library school and library science are in crisis. The library policy of the Russian Ministry of Culture contradicts the “Fundamentals of State Cultural Policy,” which provide for the preservation of libraries as a public institution for distributing books and introducing reading. Particularly alarming is the intention to merge the two largest national libraries - the Russian State Library (RSL, the former State Library of the USSR named after V.I. Lenin in Moscow) and the Russian National Library (RNL, the former State Public Library of the RSFSR named after M. E. Saltykov- Shchedrin in St. Petersburg),” says their letter, signed by three doctors of science Valery Leonov, Arkady Sokolov and Yuri Stolyarov.

The authors of the letter also state: “It seems absurd and regrettable to us that the fate of Russian libraries is decided by outsiders without the participation of library professionals, that library functionaries and ministerial officials dictate what kind of national libraries we need.<...>We ask you to prevent the upcoming anti-library, anti-cultural action."

On January 11, a press conference was held by RNB General Director Alexander Visly, at which he did not deny information about the impending merger. “Conversations that “something needs to be combined” have been going on in the country’s two main libraries for 20 years, and now there is just another surge,” the official hastened to reassure. – I even saw a draft government decree from 2002. The story is clear: two national libraries in the country are a lot, but three is a bit of an overkill (the Yeltsin Library also has national status). Now this story has arisen again... I think time will pass, and it will arise again, then again and again...,” Novaya Gazeta - St. Petersburg reports Visly’s words. When asked to name the advantages of the merger of the National Library and the Russian State Library, the general director replied that there would be a reduction in library staff: “If you combine computer services, economic and financial, then it is clear that there will be benefits.” The peculiarity of the moment, according to Visly, is that “the consolidation of electronic resources is inevitable, and it is moving forward.” Alexander Visly did not answer Novaya Gazeta’s direct question whether the appeal was sent to Prime Minister Medvedev or not. He also refused to name the initiators of the draft of such a document.

Let me remind you that the philosopher Alexander Rubtsov wrote an article back in October 2013, “Why the Russian government has been seized by merger mania,” in which he noted that “the frantic attempts of officials to create something big and great are harmful to both the Academy of Sciences and the Mariinsky Theater.” As Rubtsov rightly writes: “It’s no longer about specific situations, but about the mania itself to leak everything, be it science, art, winter time or time zones. Why is it now that overly playful hands suddenly began to reach for objects that the authorities were protecting centuries, - both in liberal periods, and in attacks of autocracy, and in enlightened reigns, and even in times of ideological obscurantism no worse than the present one." He answers the last question as follows: “The authorities in Russia are generally uncomfortable with this complexity of the country and with its size. But now this is getting worse. The ancestors had “small chain mail” - this is clearly great. The outstanding Russian economic geographer Leonid Smirnyagin once accurately noted: These guys are constantly bothered by the fact that the country is big..."

Writer Mikhail Zolotonosov also wrote the following about the plan to merge the largest libraries in Russia: “The project begins with gigantomania, characteristic of all totalitarian regimes.<...>They will explain to us that, firstly, you can go to Moscow (or, conversely, to St. Petersburg) to get the book you need, and secondly, a National Electronic Library (NEL) is being created, and it goes to one of two libraries (more precisely, to one from two EB buildings), the paper book will be immediately digitized, and the digital copy will be sent to the building where there is no paper original. The idea is rotten and vicious in principle, since, firstly, the paper original of the publication and its image on the computer are fundamentally different things, working with paper originals is much more convenient than manipulating scroll bars (this is especially true for Ogonyok format magazines and newspapers, watching which de visu, say, for a year on the screen is pure torture), and it is no coincidence that the scroll in the process of cultural evolution was replaced by a codex; in addition, all illustrations look completely different on paper and on a computer; secondly, one can imagine the number of errors with which digitization will be carried out (this number of errors can be judged, for example, from the American project; thirdly, as is known, the entire NEB project contradicts existing copyright legislation (it is no coincidence that Vislyi admitted that he was seeking at least partial abolition) and will only spur the circulation on the Internet of pirated copies of paper books, which will go from libraries to "big world"; fourthly, the existing technological level of storing information in digital form does not provide durability and reliability comparable to the reliability and durability of paper as an information carrier (paper is many times more durable), and in relation to water and fire, paper and microcircuits are equally defenseless; fifthly, the National Library and the Russian State Library are two national repositories of printed publications, and must duplicate each other; this is fundamentally important, because it ensures reliability in case of disasters (remember the fires at the BAN and INION)."

Perhaps this can be said about other large libraries? But here is a wonderful commentary to Zaitsev’s words from INION employee Svetlana Pogorelskaya: “This is not true. Firstly, “any book in any country” you can not “order”, but BUY. Neither a student nor a graduate student can afford this. They need a copy of this book or a license that allows computer access to a digitized version of this book. Secondly, “it won’t be a problem to translate” (c) – yeah, well, yes – machine translation from Japanese into Russian via Google, for example. Thirdly, on the Internet, all access to archives and articles is paid, you need to buy licenses, and for this you need a library. It’s amazing how people look from their rich perspective, without even taking into account that the library and abstract services of the institute are for those who can NOT “order a book in any country” and “translate it without problems”, for students, graduate students, for scientific personnel in Russian regions "The world has changed", yeah. Some became rich, while others became poor, and the rich stopped understanding the poor.” She is worried that “Monsieur’s plans, at the instigation of FANO, are to halve or quarter the book stocks.”

The problem with the INION library and the Russian National Library fits perfectly into the logic of the current government, which seeks in every possible and impossible way to reduce government spending on science and culture and generally reduce the diversity of various cultural institutions. The RNL also changed its director in 2016 - by decision of the Minister of Culture, Alexander Visly, who headed from 2009 to 2016, was appointed to this position. Russian State Library. No one really hid what tasks were assigned to the new leader, who himself said in an interview with the Izvestia newspaper in February 2016: “There were historical precedents and showed that there is nothing wrong with merging libraries.” It is quite obvious that Visly was transferred to St. Petersburg to successfully conduct a special operation to eliminate the NSL as an independent structure.

The new general director of the Russian National Library has already begun to give away library buildings to the insatiable Russian Orthodox Church, which is swallowing more and more objects of cultural significance. Thus, by September 1 of this year, the Russian National Library will transfer to the St. Petersburg diocese one of its buildings on the Obvodny Canal (it was built in the 1880s). As Visly explained: “The building is transferred to the Russian Orthodox Church. Of course, this is not such a pressing issue as with Isaac, because this building used to belong to the church. But there is a very valuable fund there, personal libraries are kept there...”

On January 10, an expert in the field of library science, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Alexander Mazuritsky wrote that the project to merge the Russian National Library and the Russian State Library was nearing its final stage: “And then it became known that just before the New Year, the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation received an appeal from the Minister of Culture Russian Federation V.R. Medinsky with a request to support the joint proposal of the Russian State Library (V.I. Gnezdilov) and the Russian National Library (A.I. Visly) about the merger. The arguments of the authors of the appeal have also become known. They claim that the merger of the RSL and. The National Library will ensure the creation of the world's largest national library (more than 30 million books and more than 1.5 million copies of handwritten and printed book monuments), will eliminate duplication of functions and increase the efficiency of the united library."

But here is the opinion of the famous philologist Hasan Huseynov: “Neither during wars, nor during revolutions, nor in the era of ideological persecution, were there any encroachments on the national heritage of the country. Why did they encroach now, today? The answer is obvious: someone wanted to get historical monuments in the city center buildings created at one time specifically for national libraries - as it was, is and will be in all developed countries, where national and university libraries are expanding, even neighboring<...>If the report about the very plans to move and merge the two largest libraries is not a stupid rumor, but true, then this is evidence of dangerous administrative degradation, the consequence of which will be cultural and scientific degradation. Maybe it’s even useful to show with a living example how absurd bureaucracy can descend. And yet, it is infinitely pity for the next generations who will simply run away from predatory savagery, hiding behind reform..."

I myself agree with Professor Guseinov and believe that such experiments on objects of Russian national heritage are completely unacceptable, and even more so such decisions should not be made without long and thorough consultations with the cultural and scientific expert community. I urge everyone to sign the online petition in defense of the National Library and preserve the main library of St. Petersburg as an independent entity.

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