Calculation of birth by ovulation date. Due date: all ways to find out when the baby is born. How accurate are the results of determining the timing

The long-awaited pregnancy has arrived, and you really want to know when you will see your baby? To calculate the gestational age and the expected day of birth, it is enough to know just one date: the day of the start of the last menstruation. It is from this that the gynecologist will calculate the gestational age when you come to the clinic to register.

Calculate gestational age online

Only a few women can accurately name the date of conception of a child in order to accurately calculate the real gestational age. And even in this case, the birth of a new life may occur on another day, when the future parents do not know about it. At the same time, almost every woman remembers the date of her last period, which is why obstetricians take it as a starting point. Theoretically, ovulation—the period when an egg is released ready for fertilization—occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Therefore, between the actual age of the fetus and the obstetric gestational age (which begins on the first day of the last menstruation) there is a difference of approximately two weeks.

So, to calculate your gestational age online, you need to remember when your last period started. Two weeks are added to this day: it is during this period that the egg fully matures and fertilization can occur. Next, you can calculate the expected date of birth in two ways: the first is when forty weeks are added to the date of the first day of the last menstruation. The second is that three months are subtracted from the day when conception could have occurred and seven days are added to it.

But if you don't like fiddling with calculations, the interactive pregnancy calculator will do it for you. Enter your data (the date of the first day of your last menstrual period) and within a second you will receive the result of your pregnancy in weeks and days.

Calculate gestational age by date of conception

This calculator can also be used to calculate the gestational age based on the day the child was conceived, if you are confident in the accuracy of this date. In this case, you will find out the actual (gestational) gestational age, which will correspond to the age of the fetus. The obstetric date that your doctor will give you on the first day of your last menstruation will differ from it by approximately two weeks (that is, it will be longer than the gestational age).

Using our calculator to calculate the gestational age by week, you can also find out the approximate due date and begin to prepare for it in advance: find a comfortable maternity hospital and a good doctor, study breathing techniques during childbirth, choose a comfortable position for childbirth, think about partner childbirth, arrange children's room and stock up on everything necessary to care for a newborn.



Last day of menstruation: Estimated date of birth: Time left until birth: Zodiac:

The gestational circle is a convenient and simple tool for determining the gestational age, expected date of birth, as well as some other information about pregnancy. Our gestational disc allows you to determine not only the gestational age, due date, but also the height and weight of the fetus, and even the zodiac sign of the future child.

Our gestational circle is very easy to use.

If you don't know your pregnancy date, scroll through the inner circle so that the green arrow points to the first day of your last period.

green arrow

At the same time “today” arrow will indicate today's date and week of pregnancy, as well as the height and weight of the fetus. Then PDR arrow will indicate the expected date of birth.

"today" arrow

If you already know your due date, then scroll the inner circle so that “today” arrow indicated the week of your pregnancy. Then it will indicate the height and weight of the fetus, and PDR arrow will indicate the expected date of birth. In this case, the green arrow will point to the first day of the last menstruation.

PDR arrow

See also:

The simplest and accurate calculator pregnancy: how to use the gestational circle

From school biology lessons, everyone knows that it takes a woman 9 months to bear a fetus. However, this is a very average value, which is not used in obstetrics and gynecology. Doctors monitor by week and trimester. But these indicators cannot be called absolutely accurate. The period from the beginning of the last menstruation immediately until childbirth takes an average of 40 weeks or 10 obstetric months. The gestational disc will help you find out your due date at the beginning of your last menstruation and track changes.

What does "gestational" mean?

Many people hear this word for the first time in a antenatal clinic. The Latin gestatio literally translates as “gestation.” Therefore, “gestational” means “relating to pregnancy.”

Gestational age is calculated from the moment of conception. It is extremely difficult to determine exactly when this happened. It may take up to several days after sexual intercourse for a fertilized egg to implant. At the initial stage of embryo development, even a few hours play an important role. Therefore, the inaccuracy in determining the “starting point” leads to a relative arbitrariness of the calculation.

Gestational disc to determine due date

There are different calculators, the main purpose of which is to determine the date of birth of the baby. Gestational circle- an indispensable tool for preparing for childbirth and better monitoring the pregnancy process. With its help, every woman can determine the “date X” at home. This is necessary, since premature and late births pose the same danger. Therefore, it is important to calculate the expected day of birth and carefully monitor the body’s signals as it approaches.

Statistics say that about 2% of babies are born exactly on the calculated day. The date that the calculator shows is best considered conditional. Most likely, the baby will be born a few days earlier or later. Normal birth is considered between 38 and 40 weeks. But each organism has its own unique characteristics. Some women reach 42 weeks, in which case maximum attention from doctors is required.

Gestational circle is one of the most informative calculators. In addition to the approximate date of birth, it can be used to determine the height and weight of the embryo as it develops. In addition, many parents are interested in which zodiac sign and in the year of which animal eastern calendar a child will be born. For some couples, this helps them choose a name.

How does the gestational circle work?

Using this visual calculator, it is easy to determine the due date and monitor the height and weight of the fetus during pregnancy. The external drive is divided into 12 months. Each day corresponds to one division on the scale. For convenience, long marks indicate every 5 days.

The numbers 1-40 on the moving part of the disc correspond to the weeks of pregnancy. Also, using a background with different saturation, trimesters are highlighted: the first - from to , the second - from to , the third - from to . Closer to the center is the weight scale, and at the last level is the fetal growth scale.

There are 3 arrows on the circle: green tonka (the first day of the last menstruation), EDP (estimated date of birth) and a static “today”. The center of the circle displays basic information: the beginning of the last menstruation, the expected date of birth and the child's zodiac sign. In the area under the disk, the number of weeks and days before giving birth, as well as zodiac characteristics, are instantly calculated.

How to use a gestational disc to determine your gestational age

The gestational circle is used by many obstetricians and gynecologists in different countries, including in Russia. The simplicity of the method allows it to be used by absolutely every woman.

When planning a pregnancy, it is especially important to keep a menstrual calendar. This will help determine the expected date of birth as accurately as possible. To calculate the gestational age by gestational circle, simply move the thin green arrow to the date of the start of your last menstrual period. The PDP arrow will indicate the date of birth, provided that the pregnancy ends at 40 weeks. Using the “today” arrow, it is easy to track the average growth and weight of the fetus each week.

For example, the last menstruation was from December 12 to 16. For calculations based on the gestational circle, only the first date is important - December 12. Set the thin green arrow to this number. When twisting the arrow, pay attention to the center of the circle. This is much more convenient than peering at the divisions. The “today” arrow indicates that the woman is at the beginning of the 8th week of pregnancy, the fetus has grown to 18 mm and weighs 1 g. You need to prepare for childbirth within 1-2 weeks of September 18.

What should a woman do who does not know the date of her last menstrual period?

In this case, the gestational circle will be ineffective for independently determining the date of birth of the child. Doctors usually prescribe a blood test for hCG. Human chorionic gonadotropin is a hormone that is released in a woman’s body after implantation of the embryo in the uterus at 4 obstetric weeks. It is from this moment that you can get the most reliable results.

When using the strip test at home, the second strip may be translucent. This indicates either that the test is unsuitable or that there is a small amount of the hCG hormone in the body. To get reliable results, you need to try again after a week if menstruation does not start. A faint second stripe may appear in women taking hormonal medications, regardless of pregnancy.

A home test only shows the presence of pregnancy. According to the result biochemical analysis blood is determined by its duration. Don't put off checking. The hCG test is most reliable in the first 12 weeks. The hormone level gradually decreases, and by more later It is difficult to determine the time of conception.

Once the week of pregnancy is known, the gestational circle can be used to calculate the due date and determine the size of the fetus. To do this, just set the “today” arrow to the mark corresponding to the current date.

For example, it's week 9. At this stage of development, the embryo has reached 23 mm and weighs 2 g. The expected date of birth is September 9. The green arrow indicates the approximate date of the start of the last menstruation.


Bearing a fetus is a complex process that occurs differently for every woman. Moreover, the course of the first pregnancy does not mean that subsequent ones will follow the same scenario.

The pregnancy calculator allows for some error. In addition, errors cannot be ruled out when setting up the source data. The accuracy of the calculation depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. The pregnancy wheel shows the most accurate result for a standard menstrual cycle of 28 days. If the duration is longer, for example, 35 days, then ovulation will occur on average on the 21st day. This leads to an increase in the difference between obstetric and embryonic periods.

In addition, the error may be caused by inaccuracy in determining the embryonic period. The sperm can survive in the female body for up to 3 days. Fertilization can occur at any time. Taking into account all factors, including the individual characteristics of the expectant mother’s body, the error in calculating the expected date of birth often reaches 2 weeks. Ultrasound gives more accurate results, although the method of calculation based on the beginning of the last menstruation is recognized throughout the world as one of the best.

Why in the first two weeks the height and weight on the disk correspond to zero

You can notice that in the first two weeks the indicators are zero. However, this period is part of the entire pregnancy cycle. The fetus develops surprisingly quickly in the womb. Therefore, in determining the date of birth, every day is important. At the same time, there are different periods - obstetric and embryonic, which are important not to be confused.

Some people mistakenly believe that the first week is counted from the moment of conception. In fact, pregnancy begins with last day menstrual cycle. Directly during this period, the birth of a new life might not have occurred. The moment of conception depends on ovulation and varies within a couple of weeks.

With a standard menstrual cycle lasting 28 days, ovulation occurs on the 14th day. In this case, the embryonic period will lag behind the obstetric period by about 2 weeks. In practice, this means that at the end of the first month of pregnancy, the actual age of the embryo is only 2 weeks.

Why sometimes calculations by different methods do not match

Many women are surprised to find that their due dates according to different calculations do not coincide. Which one should you believe?

In official medicine, it is believed that during the first trimester, embryos develop equally. On ultrasound, the gestational age is determined using a table that corresponds to the size of the fetus for a certain period of development. For example, a calculation based on the last menstruation shows a result of 12 weeks, but the diagnostician calls it 11 weeks. The deadline set during the first ultrasound is considered more reliable. In the example given, the difference is due to early ovulation, but it can also be late. The result for the doctor ultrasound examination is a priority.

During the second and third trimesters, each fetus develops at its own pace. Therefore, data from average tables may not fully correspond to reality. Deviations within one week are considered normal. In the ultrasound protocol, the specialist indicates the period of fetal development.

The gestational circle gives an idea of ​​how the unborn baby is developing every day. At the beginning of the first trimester, the embryo gains only a couple of grams every week, but the difference, for example, between and 21 weeks is on average 71 g. Every woman is interested in learning how the fetus changes. With the gestational circle, observing becomes simple and even more fun.

The most important weeks of pregnancy

In order for the fetus to develop correctly and the child to be born healthy, the fact of pregnancy must be established as early as possible. It is not at all necessary that the expectant mother will intuitively sense conception, or that obvious signs will appear in the first weeks in the form of a heightened sense of smell, morning sickness, etc. There are often cases when a woman learns about pregnancy only by an enlarged belly.

The following factors pose a particular danger to pregnant women:

  • Unhealthy habits.
  • Stress.
  • Unbalanced diet, deficiency of nutrients (mainly iron and folic acid).
  • Great physical activity.
  • Overheating or hypothermia.
  • Reception medicines, incompatible with pregnancy.
  • Infectious and inflammatory diseases.

It is necessary to prepare the body for pregnancy in advance to minimize risks for the fetus and the expectant mother. But even if everything goes according to plan, there are times when you need to be extra careful. If at any stage of pregnancy a woman feels severe discomfort, burning or even unreasonable anxiety, she should visit a doctor.

When to take extra care

Critical periods coincide with the phases of active enlargement of the embryo and placenta. The most dangerous weeks are the following:

  • I trimester - 2-3, 4-7, 8-12.
  • II trimester - 18-22.
  • III trimester - 28-32.

The tricky thing about the first weeks is that a woman may not be aware that she is pregnant. As a result, the required conditions are not met. From 4 weeks the main organs are formed. During this period, it is especially important to follow the doctor’s instructions in order to prevent pathologies. At the last critical stage of the first trimester, the placenta is formed - a natural shield that will grow with the fetus.

The period from week 22 is considered the most important. At this time, the unborn baby is most active. The greatest risks to the life of the fetus and the health of the woman are sexually transmitted infections. One of the main conditions is to use barrier protection during sexual intercourse.

By the beginning of the third trimester, the fetus is most similar to a baby, but it is not yet able to survive separately from the mother’s body. The causes of premature birth may lie in placental abruption, infections and isthmic-cervical insufficiency. To prevent this, you need to follow absolutely all the doctor’s instructions, take care of your own health and eliminate stress.

There are no critical periods in the gestational cycle. This is because they don't have to be difficult at all. The more you focus on the dangers, the greater the destructive effects of stress. You can use the pregnancy wheel throughout the entire pregnancy period. The diagram is convenient for tracking the transition to a new trimester, the stages passed and the approaching date of birth.


The universal pregnancy calculator is a convenient and practical tool for calculating a number of parameters that are important and interesting for the expectant mother. The calculator is a circle similar to a watch dial, the inside of which can be rotated to set one or another hand to the desired position. For example, by setting a thin green arrow so that it points to the first day of the last menstruation, you will use the “PDR” arrow to determine the date of future birth, and by using the “today” arrow you will find out what week of pregnancy you are now, and what the height and weight of the fetus is. present day. The Pregnancy Wheel can be used in other ways. For example, if the birth has already taken place, then you can set the “Estimated date of birth” arrow so that it points to the day of birth. Then a thin green arrow will show you the date on which you had your last menstrual period before becoming pregnant. Among other things, the calculator determines the zodiac sign of the unborn child, and even his zodiac animal according to the eastern calendar.

Finding out the date of birth by the date of conception is very simple if there are no hormonal imbalances in the woman’s body and the fetus is healthy. Also, by this date you can almost certainly find out the gender of the expected child. Scientists have not figured out how this table works, but ninety percent of the time it tells the truth. How to find out the date of conception? Every woman should know and be able to do this thing, because it is extremely important. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the methods that will help establish the truth.

Date of conception: what is it?

This is the day when the fusion of male (sperm) and female (ovum) reproductive cells occurred. This is possible at the moments of ovulation, when the female cell enters the abdominal cavity from the ovary, but the duration of this period is extremely short, it lasts only two days. Pregnancy can occur exactly in these two days or 2-3 days before, but after that it is no longer possible. The fact is that sperm can exist in the female body for up to three days, and the likelihood that one of them will wait in the wings is extremely high.

Why is it necessary to know the date?

This is extremely important to know, as you can find out the gestational age. Based on the date of conception, doctors can determine a more accurate date of birth, and expectant mothers, using the tablet that we will present in further content, will determine the sex of the baby in advance. You need to know the date to undergo the necessary examinations, which are done on certain weeks. In addition, in the first weeks of pregnancy the fetus is very vulnerable, and during this period it is necessary to adhere to proper nutrition, healthy image life.

Any girl should understand how to find out the date of conception. Pregnancy is not always planned, and situations arise when a woman decides to terminate it. It is important to perform the procedure before seven to reduce the risk of complications and side effects.

Since calculating the day of conception directly depends on the day of ovulation, the calculation rules will be useful to those women who are planning to have a baby. Using the calculator, you can definitely find out the most suitable day for intimacy to get pregnant or, on the contrary, to avoid it.

Finally, knowing the date is important when disputes about paternity arise. Of course, you can take DNA tests, but this is an expensive procedure, and it requires both the baby and the father, and the second may not always be present.

How to tell if pregnancy has occurred?

If you miss your period (you are late), this may be a sign that conception has occurred. Before the delay occurs, you can take a blood test that will show the amount of human chorionic gonadotropin, a hormone that increases sharply during pregnancy.

If there are no periods, then a test is purchased. The presence of a negative answer does not guarantee the absence of a fetus, the test simply may be faulty, or your term is still too short, and the hormone has not had time to be produced in the required quantity.

If the tests consistently show a negative result, contact a gynecologist, you may have a hormonal imbalance.

We calculate the day of fertilization according to the menstrual cycle

You can find out the date of conception from your periods, but it will not be the most accurate, since the calculation of the period is carried out from (the beginning of) the last menstruation. It’s not a fact that you could have gotten pregnant then. Fertilization could occur before (and this happens, but rarely) or after the last menstruation. So, if you judge by menstruation, as doctors do, then the period is counted from the first, but not the final day of the last menstruation. Subtract three months from this date, add seven days, this way you can find out the expected day of birth. It won’t be accurate either, since everyone’s cycles are different, and the date of conception still remains in question.

Planning a pregnancy

Every girl should keep a menstrual cycle calendar, regardless of whether she has had sexual intercourse in her life. The calendar will help track delays, which may indicate not only pregnancy, but also hormonal imbalances.

A calendar can help calculate the optimal periods for conceiving a child. As a rule, ovulation always occurs in the middle of the MC, which is calculated from the first day (beginning) of the last menstruation to the first day of the upcoming one and ranges from 28 to 30 days. Accordingly, we choose the middle for conception - three days, two of which will definitely be the dates of ovulation. The remaining days before and after are considered “useless,” but there have still been many cases when pregnancy occurred during those periods, so using the calendar for “safety” is not recommended.

The calendar will help you plan the baby's gender. As a rule, girls are born after intimacy, which occurred a couple of days before ovulation. During this period, male cells are less active and remain the most resilient and strong, which guarantees the female sex. If sexual intercourse took place during the days of ovulation, then it will be a boy, because the egg will be fertilized not by the hardiest, but by the most active.

Electronic test

How to find out the exact date of conception if you have an irregular cycle and you are at a loss? A convenient, relatively new development - an electronic test - will help. How to find out the date of conception of a child using this device? It is extremely simple to use, just like a regular test that only shows stripes. The electronic test will indicate an approximate, but still quite truthful period, just subtract the number of days, and a more accurate date of conception will be determined. Look at your cycle in your calendar, “try on” the date calculated using the test, and correct the calculation by moving the date to the day of ovulation.

Ultrasound examination

Finding out the date of conception by ultrasound is quite difficult, since this procedure is necessary only to confirm the obstetric “verdict”. You will still have the day of conception set to the day your last period began.

It is easy to find out the due date by the date of conception. Establishing the due date is much more difficult; it is calculated based on many factors. This is an obstetric guess for the day of conception, forty weeks are counted from it. The baby can be born at the 37th, 42nd, or 28th week. Ultrasound also will not indicate reliable dates of birth, only the period in which the baby is expected to be born. The weight of the fetus, the first movement and many other factors are also taken into account.

Is it possible to find out the date of conception by date of birth?

When the baby has already been born, you can find out, again, the estimated date of conception. Why is this necessary? Many people want to know this simply for the sake of curiosity, but for some it helps in determining paternity.

So, remove a week from your date of birth and add three months. Add two weeks to the resulting result again. This will be the estimated date of conception, and you will be able to verify the correctness of your belief about the father or refute it.

So, we have become familiar with the methods of how to find out the date of conception. Is it possible to determine the gender of the unborn baby using it? How to plan the birth of a son or daughter, focusing on the days of ovulation?

How to find out gender?

On the Internet, on the advice of friends and relatives, many couples want to find out the sex of the child. By date of conception, by blood type, by positions used - there are so many methods! Whether to trust them or not is a purely personal matter, but you can still try. It is easier to find out the sex of the child by the date of conception; for this purpose, tables were created by the sages of the East. Some of them, such as the Chinese one, are more than seven centuries old and are kept in museums. You don’t need to go to Beijing to look at this sign; we bring it to your attention in this publication.

How to find out the sex of a child by date of conception: table from China

This tablet will help you plan the sex of your child or determine it before an ultrasound. The upper numbers are the month of conception, going from top to bottom are the age of the expectant mother. The letters at the intersection represent the meaning of gender. To use the table correctly, you need to add nine months to your age, because the Chinese count it not from birth, but from the month of conception.

We have already written how to find out the date of conception; what is important here is not the specific day, but the month in which ovulation occurred and fertilization occurred. Accordingly, in order to find out in advance who will be born and plan it, this table will help, because you can never be one hundred percent sure that conception has occurred or will occur on a specific day.

Possible table errors

Many couples plan everything, and pregnancy is no exception. It is important for parents that the baby is born in summer or winter, and therefore they choose the date of conception themselves. Many people don’t care whether it’s a son or a daughter, but there are still people who intend to give birth to a baby of a certain gender. This may be due to the fact that there are already three sons, and I want to finally braid my daughter’s hair and buy her elegant dresses. You can’t trust the table one hundred percent, and now we’ll tell you why.

It’s easy to find out your gender by the date of conception with a table if your ovulation occurs in the middle of the month or at the end. If it occurs in the first days of the month, then there can be a huge difference. As we have already written, male reproductive cells can live in the female uterus for up to several days. If sexual intercourse occurred in the last days of the month, and not in the first, then there is a high probability that fertilization will occur in the next month.

Parents can find out more accurate information about the sex of the baby from the results of an ultrasound scan, but this study can sometimes provide incorrect information.

Grandmother's method of gender recognition

People of the older generation are able to determine the gender of the unborn baby just by looking at the mother. They say that girls take away their beauty, but boys add it! If you have pimples, the contours of your face are blurred, then most likely you will give birth to a daughter. If the skin has become healthier in appearance, acne has disappeared, the contours of the face have become clearer, then expect a son!

You can also look at the tummy. Boys live in straight, straight bellies. If you look at the expectant mother from the back, the pregnancy will not be noticeable, since the entire belly has leaned forward. Girls distribute their belly to the sides, it does not protrude forward much, but it spreads well to the sides!

You can also follow your desires. Boys are less whimsical, and you won’t want to try fresh watermelon in the middle of winter, and even at night. This is for example. If you notice that there is a need to eat something that you would not normally consume, you can assume that you are expecting the birth of a daughter.

We hope that this publication will not only be interesting, but also useful. We wish you and your little ones great health, and this is more important than gender!

The question of how to determine the due date often causes discussion and controversy among pregnant women. The difference between your own calculations, the deadlines that are set during an ultrasound examination and those that the doctor writes on your card is completely confusing. Specifically, in order to make life at least a little easier for pregnant women, we have developed a program that independently calculates the approximate date of birth. Now you don’t have to visit a doctor or bother yourself with mathematical calculations; in order to calculate the date of birth of your baby, you just need to enter the number when your last menstruation began in the required column of the calculator.

Naegele's formula is a two-step problem.

The program that allows you to calculate the date of birth is based on the Naegele formula, named after the German obstetrician who first proposed using this simple method of calculation. It is known that pregnancy lasts on average 40 weeks from the beginning of the last menstruation or 38 from the moment of conception. Nägele simplified the calculations by reducing them to a few simple arithmetic operations - remember the date of the onset of menstruation preceding pregnancy and subtract 3 months. You need to add 7 days to the resulting figure - this number is the very date of birth.

The question often arises: why should the date of birth be calculated based on the date of the last menstruation? This tradition, generally accepted in obstetrics, is justified, because not all women know exactly the day of ovulation, while the majority keep a menstrual calendar. It is also natural to be bewildered - after all, in the first, so-called “weeks of pregnancy,” conception has not even occurred yet. Yes, this is true, and this period refers to the period of pregnancy conditionally, for the convenience of obstetricians and gynecologists, according to standards. The fetus begins to exist when about 14 days of pregnancy are already behind. If the date when fertilization occurred is reliably known, you can calculate the date of birth yourself by adding 266 days or entrust this to our calculator.

Is deviation from the estimated date normal?

It is worth noting that the expected due date is nothing more than a guideline for you. In fact, about 17% of women give birth on day X, the remaining 83% a little earlier or later. No specialist can predict the onset of labor. Moreover, normal, term births, that is, births that occurred within physiological periods, are considered to be those that occurred from 38 to 42 weeks of pregnancy. Unpredictable miscarriage or miscarriage of pregnancy often occurs. The onset of premature labor can be triggered by abnormal development of the fetus, pathological processes in the maternal body, stressful situations, hereditary factors and many other reasons. Therefore, it is very important to understand that calculating the due date is a very conditional concept, regardless of the method used.

However, there is a certain pattern, taking into account which we can assume the development of the situation during a healthy pregnancy - the longer the monthly cycle, the longer the pregnancy lasts. Before you determine your due date, taking into account your individual characteristics, remember the duration of your menstrual cycle - from the first day of some periods to the first day of others. If the cycle is longer than the standard 28 days, the pregnancy will probably last more than 40 weeks, and vice versa. Keep in mind that we are talking about postponing the estimated date of birth by no more than 5 days.

The calculator will help you calculate the date of birth based on your period as accurately as possible, but you should remember that the data obtained during a medical examination is crucial, as it is more reliable. The reason for this approach is that menstruation can easily be confused with bleeding that began after conception and stopped spontaneously. Also, during an examination in the third trimester or an ultrasound of the uterus, the doctor can observe the degree of maturity of the placenta, the position of the fetal head in relation to the entrance to the pelvis, the opening of the cervix, signs of full-term fetus and many other important data. Based on all these parameters, one can judge the readiness of the fetus and uterus for labor and the likelihood of its imminent onset. In addition, focusing on the size and proportions of the fetus during ultrasound examination, the doctor determines the age of the fetus in accordance with.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period






June 2018

date of conception

days before giving birth

September 2018

date of birth

June 2018

date of conception

days before giving birth

September 2018

date of birth


Calculation of due date by date of conception

On average, gestation (“interesting position”) in women lasts two hundred and eighty days from the moment of ovulation.

280 days is ten obstetric months. Or forty obstetric weeks. Plus the first two obstetric weeks before ovulation from the first day of the last menstruation. In this case, ovulation occurs on the fourteenth day of a woman’s menstrual cycle. That is, knowing the date of the first day of the last menstruation, add fourteen days to it, and then add another two hundred and eighty days, and you will get the estimated date of birth (ED). Sperm can live up to three days. Therefore, as a starting point, when we try to determine the date of birth from the date of conception, we do not take the day of conception, or sexual intercourse, on which conception most likely occurred. The starting point is the day of ovulation.

Determine the date of birth based on the last menstrual period

Naegele's formula - subtract 3 months from the first day of the last menstruation and add 7 days.

Much depends on what the expectant mother’s menstrual period is. If it is less than twenty-five days, the baby may be born a week or two earlier than expected. If the expectant mother's menstrual cycle is more than thirty days, the birth may be delayed by a week or two. Such a delay will not be considered a delay. Two hundred and eighty days is just the average length of pregnancy. However, everyone female body individual.

Calculate using ultrasound

There is another way to find out your due date. This can be done using ultrasound examination of the fetus. This method is the most accurate and reliable relative to calculating the date of birth using the previous two methods. If an ultrasound examination is performed at the very end of the first trimester, the date of birth can be determined with an error of no more than three days. During the second and third trimester of pregnancy, this method will not give such an accurate result.

After the baby's first movement

  1. From the day of ovulation;
  2. From the first day of the last menstruation;
  3. Using ultrasound examination of the fetus.

Now we will talk about another method. Let's determine the PPD by the first movement of the intrauterine child. Every expectant mother awaits the birth of her baby with such trepidation and impatience. Therefore, it is very important for a pregnant woman to try to accurately calculate the expected date of birth. How can I do this, I know the date of the baby’s first movement?

This means that after the first movement during the first pregnancy, approximately twenty weeks, or five obstetric months, remain until delivery. By marking these twenty weeks on the calendar, you will receive your estimated due date. To determine the date of the long-awaited meeting with the baby in the second or subsequent pregnancies, you need to add twenty-two weeks to the date of the first movement, because in this case, gynecologists usually note the first movement at the eighteenth week.

However, you must understand that calculation by this method gives an approximate due date. The error may be more than two weeks.

After obstetric examination

Until the twelfth obstetric week of pregnancy of each to the expectant mother You need to register with your local gynecologist at the antenatal clinic. Starting from the twentieth obstetric week of the “interesting position”, when visiting your gynecologist, the doctor measures the size of the abdomen and also measures the height of the uterine fundus. This data is regularly entered into the exchange card. Based on these dynamic indicators, the doctor can calculate the expected date of birth of your Miracle. It is worth noting that this will be an approximate time. You can more accurately calculate your due date using our due date calculator. This is a truly effective method with a minimum of deviations and errors in calculations.

After examination by a gynecologist

A gynecologist during regular examinations of a pregnant woman evaluates the dynamics of uterine growth. This organ increases in size along with the fetus. Based on systematic examinations of the size of the uterus, an experienced and qualified gynecologist can predict the expected date of birth. In this method, it is very important to monitor the health of a pregnant woman in the first trimester of pregnancy. Such a forecast will be effective when monitoring a pregnant woman in the early stages. Based on the results of examination in the second and third trimester, the prognosis of PDR will have a large error.

How accurate are the timing results?

The reality is that the duration of bearing a child is individual for each woman.

  1. Is this your first pregnancy?
  2. What is the length of this woman's menstrual cycle?
  3. Singleton or multiple pregnancy;
  4. Genetic characteristics and much, much more.

If a woman gives birth not at the fortieth week, but at the thirty-eighth week, this will also be considered the norm.

And even if mommy gives birth at the forty-second or forty-third week of pregnancy, this will also be the norm. Although many of the above methods for predicting the expected date of birth in their formula have the fact that the average pregnancy lasts two hundred and eighty days, that is, forty weeks.

Premature birth can be caused by characteristics of the course of pregnancy and the health characteristics of this particular expectant mother.

However, pregnant women who have calculated the expected date of birth are better able to organize the timing of their “interesting situation.” The documents and bag for the maternity hospital are ready on time. All examinations were completed on time. The children's room is ready and renovated. Completed courses for young mothers. Completely ready for breastfeeding.

Therefore, this is a very useful thing for both mother and baby!

Are deviations from the deadline normal?

Are deviations from the estimated due date normal? Of course they are normal. Only seventeen percent of women give birth at the predicted PDA, while the remaining eighty-three percent give birth either before or after the PPD.

One cannot expect maximum accuracy in calculating the date of delivery. This is just a rough guide. The lighthouse towards which the frigate is heading for a happy pregnancy and joyful motherhood. Not a single specialist, no matter how outstanding his qualifications, is able to take into account dozens of factors of the specific organisms of a woman and an intrauterine baby.

Thus, during a normal pregnancy, birth occurs between the thirty-eighth and forty-second weeks. In this case, the birth of the baby will be normal (neither premature nor late).

Remember that when carrying a baby, it is very important for a woman to maintain a positive psycho-emotional mood and drive away unreasonable fears and worries. Our due date calculator will help you maintain a positive attitude - very soon you will be a mother! Health to you and your baby!