How much does a banker earn? Banking - what positions, salaries, where to study, what to take. How much does a banker earn

One of the prestigious and fashionable professions of our time, both among men and women, is a specialty related to the banking sector. Many people cannot imagine their lives without this sector of the economy, especially residents of developed countries. This is due to the fact that even if we do not keep savings in a bank, we use their services to carry out any monetary transactions. In this article, I propose to understand: “What kind of profession is banking?”, features of the specialty, development prospects, wages and places of employment after training.

Description of the profession

The origins of the profession associated with banking go back to ancient times. It is believed that the ancestor of this specialization is Babylon, where people were actively involved in usury. And the formation and development of banking relations actively took place in the territory Ancient Greece. There was a special layer of society here - the trapezites ( or money changers) – who, under certain conditions, carried out the storage or exchange of finances. It should be noted that for the first time cash management services were essential precisely in Ancient Greece.

With the advent of banks, which are intermediaries in financial transactions, moneylenders and trapezites became a thing of the past, and they were replaced by bank employees - bankers, who gave impetus to the development of the specialty “banking”.

A banker is the owner of bank capital, as well as managers participating in the banking business. The list of responsibilities of such a specialist depends on the position held, but there are general list, consisting of:

  • Monitoring the implementation of agreements between the bank and the client;
  • Conducting an analysis of the creditworthiness of a potential borrower;
  • Maintaining cash registers and forecasting the turnover of monetary assets;
  • Maintaining a file cabinet of documents;
  • Execution of transactions in the lending market;
  • Generating account statements;
  • Issuance of payment cards.

It is customary to identify the main types of positions in this industry. These include: banking specialist, financier, financial analyst, investment consultant, financial controller and loan officer.

A profession related to credit and financial structures must be chosen by people who have the following set of personal qualities:

  • Analytical mind;
  • Determination;
  • Stress resistance;
  • Responsibility and scrupulousness;
  • Fast learner;
  • Good memory;
  • Ability to interact with people;
  • Hard work and perseverance.

With these qualities, you can achieve great success in banking.

The following requirements are imposed on employees of the credit and financial sector:

  1. Have an understanding of accounting;
  2. Understand the essence of the movement of financial flows and be able to carry out financial transactions;
  3. Be able to communicate and find an individual approach to each client;
  4. Have skills in psychology to understand, in the process of conducting a conversation with a potential client, the level of his solvency;
  5. Be good psychologists so that in the process of communication they can determine the client’s solvency;
  6. Have knowledge about credit operations;
  7. Make extracts from the client’s personal accounts;
  8. Be able to provide consulting services on financial issues and lending;
  9. Know the features of drawing up banking documentation;
  10. Know a foreign language;
  11. Be able to analyze the financial condition and, based on the information received, make a forecast, etc.

Importance of Banking

The economy of any modern state cannot do without the functioning of the banking sector. It acts as an effective tool in the development of any market relations, ensuring the safety and increase of the population’s savings, and providing loans.

A well-structured policy for the organization, management and development of banking activities allows:

  • Effectively manage client assets and liabilities;
  • Provide savings, lending, and investment services;
  • Carry out foreign exchange transactions, non-cash payments etc.

Thus, the quality of functioning of the banking sector influences the development of the state’s economy, which in turn requires the presence of qualified specialists in this industry.

Where can a banker work?

The main activity of bankers is lending. However, their range of job searches by specialization is not limited to banks. This is due to the fact that the functioning of an organization related to management financial flows, implies the mandatory presence of a banker on the staff. That is why there are a number of the following institutions where there is a need for this kind of workers:

  • various financial institutions;
  • financial planning departments;
  • investment design departments;
  • department securities;
  • exchange organizations;
  • credit organizations;
  • insurance companies, etc.

Pros and cons of banking

Looking at banking from the point of view of positive and negative aspects, it is worth noting that the profession has more advantages than disadvantages.

The advantages of this profession include:

  1. Demand in the labor market in all regions of the country, due to the development of the banking sector;
  2. High wages;
  3. Low entry barrier;
  4. The presence in some institutions of additional monetary incentives for work performed;
  5. Opportunity for career growth that does not require long time commitments compared to other professions;
  6. Prestige of the field of activity;
  7. Decent working conditions;
  8. In some cases, employee health insurance is provided.

As for the disadvantages of this profession, here we can highlight:

  1. High financial responsibility;
  2. Irregular work schedule;
  3. At the initial stages of building a career, low wages and monotonous work.

Where do you study for banking?

Work in this field of activity requires an economic education. Candidates for positions in banking institutions must obtain education in one of the following areas:

  • 80108 “Banking”;
  • 80105 “Finance and credit”.

Obtaining an appropriate profile is not limited to two areas; it is necessary to pay attention to narrower educational programs:

  • "Banking Manager";
  • “Finance of the manufacturing and banking sectors of the economy”;
  • “Banking and risk management”;
  • "Money, banks, financial markets."

An appropriate education can be obtained both after grade 9 (college, school) and after grade 11 (university). To enter Russian universities in these areas of study, applicants must pass exams in the following subjects:

  • Mathematics;
  • Russian language;
  • Social studies/foreign language.

Below are the country's leading institutions that train in-demand banking professionals.

Colleges (total 153 in the Russian Federation, duration of study – 2 years 10 months):

  1. College "RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation";
  2. Moscow State University College;
  3. Perm College of Finance and Economics Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.

Higher educational institutions (288 in total in the Russian Federation, duration of study for a bachelor’s degree is 4 years, for a master’s degree is 2 years):

  1. Moscow state university international relations;
  2. Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation;
  3. National research university « graduate School economics";
  4. Russian Economic University named after. G. V. Plekhanov.
  5. RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation;
  6. MGIMO Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia;
  7. Leningrad State University named after A. S. Pushkin;
  8. Moscow State technical university named after N. E. Bauman.

The passing score, depending on the region in which the university is located and its prestige, for the “Banking” major is on average 65 points. The cost of training in the country ranges from 40-350 thousand rubles/year.


The salary of a banking specialist, according to the employment center, is:

  • Minimum – 16.8 thousand rubles.
  • Average – 46 thousand rubles.
  • Maximum – 300 thousand rubles.

It is worth noting that average earnings a bank employee is slightly above the average income level of the Russian population. But if we take into account the level of income of the management sector, then this figure will increase significantly. This is due to the significant difference between ordinary employees and managers.

The average salary for positions in financial institutions is presented in the graph below:

Comparing the incomes of Russian and foreign bankers, it is worth noting that Russians receive several times less than their foreign colleagues. But despite this, the banking community occupies a leading position in terms of earnings in the Russian Federation. Remuneration for employees in this area depends on the position held, work experience, level of the bank and the education of the employee.

Career growth

Having received special education, graduates often begin their careers in low-paying positions: clerk, accounting assistant or customer service representative.

However, the prospects for career growth in this area allow a young specialist to quickly advance up the career ladder if he has the appropriate level of education, special skills and special personal qualities. For example, you can become a middle manager in a short period of time (about one year).

Also regarding career growth, to occupy a higher position or improve their own qualifications, employees attend all kinds of trainings, seminars, webinars and courses. Sometimes, organizations themselves send employees to such trainings or invite specialists and conduct group classes to improve the professional qualities of company employees. Constant development and improvement of professional qualities will help you achieve high results in moving up the career ladder. Where the pinnacle will be the position of head of a department or branch, deputy head, director of a banking institution.

Are staff reductions and salary increases compatible in Russian banks? Does “expensive” management ensure high profits? Is it prestigious to work in the banking industry?

Whose salaries did we count?

The information and analytical service of the portal found out the average salaries of banking personnel and compiled ratings of banks by the level of average monthly wages and by the number of employees based on the results of the first half of 2018.

The basis for compiling the ratings was the quarterly reports of securities issuers and/or explanatory information to the interim accounting (financial) statements, which served as sources of information on the average number of personnel and the share of employees with higher education. For Novikombank, the source of information on the number of employees was IFRS reporting for the first half of 2018.

To calculate the average salary, we used data on personnel costs presented in the quarterly profit and loss statements of the credit institution in form 0409102, posted on the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The average salary was determined as the result of dividing salary costs for a certain period by the number of months and by the number of employees in the selected period.

How much does a banking specialist cost?

It seems that even the older generation of Russians have stopped calling all bank employees bankers and automatically assume that life is good if you get a job in a bank. Of course, pay for different specialties, even without taking into account managerial positions, can vary by a factor of two or more.

Rosstat calculated that the average monthly accrued nominal salary in the field of finance and insurance amounted to 83,103 rubles in June 2018. This is approximately twice the average salary in Russia.

According to research center Superjob, among the ten positions observed in the banking industry, the highest paid on average is the position of chief or leading specialist in the market risk department, and the lowest of the average salaries are for teller-operators. In addition, this is the only position for which the average salary decreased at the beginning of 2018.

It is obvious that wages for the above positions do not keep up with inflation, but this is true not only for the banking sector and. Research by economists shows that the main problem of stagnating wages is precisely high inflation, which “eats up” nominally growing wages.

If we compare the salaries of bank employees and workers in other fields, we can say that in the construction sector the salaries of specialists during the analyzed period grew more significantly, as in the IT sector, as well as in the advertising business.

The maximum average salary among ten construction specialties is for technical supervision engineers: 76 thousand rubles. In the IT field, an Internet project manager can expect a similar average salary, while technical support specialists are on average offered a salary slightly less than that of a currency transaction specialist. The salary of a programmer or developer position will be significantly higher than that of a financial analyst or a risk manager in a bank.

State banks or foreign banks - who pays more?

In total, in the first half of the year, Russian banks spent 485 billion rubles on their employees, including salaries, bonuses, training and other expenses. And this amount is quite insignificant in the total costs.

Among the 20 banks in the rating of the information and analytical service of the portal based on average monthly wages in the first half of 2018, there were six “foreigners” and seven banks controlled by government agencies or state corporations.

Headed the top five in terms of average salary, like ING Bank (415.7 thousand rubles with an increase of 2.5% over the year). Second and fifth places were also taken by representatives of foreign financial institutions - Nordea Bank (376.5 thousand rubles, with an increase of more than a quarter over the year) and Citibank (144.6 thousand, with a decrease of 20.2% over the year). And the third and fourth places went to the banks of the largest commodity corporations controlled by the state - Gazprombank (221.8 thousand rubles) and RRDB (150.8 thousand rubles). It is worth noting that ING Bank and Nordea Bank practically do not operate in the retail segment, and the number of employees of these banks (271 and 416, respectively) is even in total inferior to the other participants in the rating, with the exception of JSCB Peresvet (100% owned by RRDB), in which had 291 employees.

The lowest average salaries in the first half of 2018 - below 65 thousand rubles - were shown by five credit institutions out of 50 analyzed: Post Bank and UBRD (48.8 thousand rubles each), Moscow Industrial Bank (53.9 thousand rubles) , HKF Bank (60.5 thousand rubles) and Ak Bars (63 thousand rubles). Such indicators for retail Pochta Bank and HCF Bank can be explained by the retail focus of the business and the large share of specialists working “in the field”, directly with borrowers and having low salaries. In addition, the number of employees of Post Bank over 12 months increased by 5 thousand people (more than 40%), and the average salary decreased from 56.5 thousand to 48.8 thousand rubles. The level of wages of UBRD and Ak Bars employees is affected by their regional registration: outside Moscow, incomes of the population are usually lower than in the capital.

In terms of growth in average monthly wages, if we compare the first half of the current year and 2017, Zenit Bank is in first place, the average salary in which increased by 42.6%, or by 34.7 thousand rubles. In this case, the reasons include a reduction in the number of personnel, albeit by less than 6%, or by 122 people. The second place in terms of average salary growth was taken by Peresvet Bank (+39.4%, or +40.7 thousand rubles), which reduced its staff by 11% over 12 months. Since 2017, the sole shareholder of Peresvet has been RRDB, which has overtaken its subsidiary in terms of average salary.

The top five leaders in average salary growth are MTS Bank (+28.7%, or +18.8 thousand rubles), Nordea Bank (+25.7%, or +76.9 thousand rubles) and Gazprombank (+20, 7%, or +38 thousand rubles). MTS Bank and Nordea Bank significantly reduced the number of employees compared to the data for the first half of 2017 - by 28.6% and 38.2%, respectively, the staff of Gazprombank over the same period increased by 4.7%, or by 559 people.

The average salary at VTB fell by 21.6% - this is the largest decline among the top 50 banks by asset size. The merger of subsidiary VTB 24 and the corresponding increase in staff by 157%, or 29.2 thousand people, had an impact. More moderate negative dynamics were demonstrated by Citibank (-20.2%), UBRD (-18.1%), Post Bank (-13.8%) and FC Otkritie Bank (-12.1%), as well as Binbank ( -8.0%), Vostochny Bank (-7.2%) and Trust Bank (-4.7%).

Sberbank has twice as many employees as the rest of the top 5 banks combined

Among the top 50 banks by asset size, the top five with the largest average number of employees in the first half of 2018 were Sberbank (243,958 people), VTB (47,870 people), Rosselkhozbank (26,302 people), Alfa-Bank (24,503 people) and Post Bank (16,732 people). The ranking of the top five has not changed over 12 months, and only Sberbank (by 6,009 people, or 2.4%) and RSHB (by 725 people, or 2.7%) have reduced the number of employees.

ING Bank, which leads the ranking in terms of average salary, has the smallest number of employees. In addition, 99.7% of this bank's employees have higher education. Not all banks disclose this value, but for comparison: Zenit Bank has 94.2% of its personnel with higher education, Gazprombank - 88.6%, UniCredit Bank and Raiffeisenbank - more than 87% each, and Moscow Credit Bank only 62%. It is worth noting the growth of employees with higher education at FC Otkrytie over 12 months - from 69.7% to 81.4%, with a staff reduction of 7.1%, or 1,077 people.

Another four of the 50 largest (and disclosing data) banks have less than 1,000 employees - these are Peresvet (291 people), Nordea Bank (416 people), Novikombank (763 people) and DeltaCredit (874 people).

As children, we all dreamed of becoming workers in some interesting profession. Some wanted to be a soldier, some an astronaut, some an artist. But you can count on one hand the number of children who have dreamed of working in a bank since childhood. website

Time passed, the children grew up, and now the situation has changed. Banks began to become interested in higher education graduates educational institutions and applicants with experience working in financial institutions. And many young economists are very attracted to this work: a modern office, a business suit, a solid salary. It is the salary that ultimately becomes the decisive factor, and specialists submit their resumes to banks in the hope of finding a job. website

It's all about prestige

Today, the most sought-after positions in banks are financial analysts, accountants, customer service managers, branch managers, sales specialists, directors and cashiers. Even famous non-poor people go to work in banks. An example of this is Sergei Matvienko, the son of the governor of the city on the Neva, who until recently worked as vice president of one of the St. Petersburg banks. Dmitry Petrushev, the son of the Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, worked at VTB24, and then became chairman of the board of Rosselkhozbank. And this is not a complete list of famous people who work in the banking industry. In addition to the material, you may be interested in reading about why a bank account can be blocked. website

How much can you earn

People go to work in a bank primarily because they want to earn above average and even more. In entry-level positions, clerks expect salaries of up to 15 thousand rubles. However, if you gain experience and an excellent track record, you can get a job with a salary of several hundred thousand rubles per month. According to official data, the highest average salary is paid at Gazprombank - 177 thousand rubles per month. VTB takes an honorable second place - 95 thousand rubles. In third place is Alfa-Bank, which pays employees an average of 94 thousand rubles monthly. Next on the list is Unicreditbank, which pays its employees an average of 75 thousand rubles, and Bank of Moscow - 65 thousand rubles. If you are interested in the salaries of bank board members and other high officials, then here they are in front of you: website

  • Chairman of the Board: 500 thousand - 7 million rubles;
  • Deputy Chairman of the Board: 200 thousand - 3 million rubles;
  • Managing director of an investment bank: 500 thousand - 6 million rubles;
  • Head of the trade department: 100 thousand - 4 million rubles.

How to become a bank employee

To get the coveted job in a bank, applicants will need to have a higher economic education, work experience, excellent computer knowledge, and sufficient analytical and communication skills. They will also be checked to ensure they have no problems with the law. With the growth of consumer lending, more and more specialists in the banking sector are required. Thus, we can predict an increase in the number of bankers in Russia in the near future. This, in turn, is a positive factor. However, not everything is as wonderful as it seems at first glance; recently a number of banks have been left without a license. website

Are staff reductions and salary increases compatible in Russian banks? Does “expensive” management ensure high profits? Is it prestigious to work in the banking industry?

Whose salaries did we count?

The information and analytical service of the portal found out the average salaries of banking personnel and compiled ratings of banks by the level of average monthly wages and by the number of employees based on the results of the first half of 2018.

The basis for compiling the ratings was the quarterly reports of securities issuers and/or explanatory information to interim accounting (financial) statements, which served as sources of information on the average number of personnel and the share of employees with higher education. For Novikombank, the source of information on the number of employees was IFRS reporting for the first half of 2018.

To calculate the average salary, we used data on personnel costs presented in the quarterly profit and loss statements of the credit institution in form 0409102, posted on the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The average salary was determined as the result of dividing salary costs for a certain period by the number of months and by the number of employees in the selected period.

How much does a banking specialist cost?

It seems that even the older generation of Russians have stopped calling all bank employees bankers and automatically assume that life is good if you get a job in a bank. Of course, pay for different specialties, even without taking into account managerial positions, can vary by a factor of two or more.

Rosstat calculated that the average monthly accrued nominal salary in the field of finance and insurance amounted to 83,103 rubles in June 2018. This is approximately twice the average salary in Russia.

According to research center Superjob, among the ten positions observed in the banking industry, the highest paid on average is the position of chief or leading market risk specialist, and the lowest average salary is for teller-operators. In addition, this is the only position for which the average salary decreased at the beginning of 2018.

It is obvious that wages for the above positions do not keep up with inflation, but this is true not only for the banking sector and not only for Russia. Research by economists shows that the main problem of stagnating wages is precisely high inflation, which “eats up” nominally growing wages.

The maximum average salary among ten construction specialties is for technical supervision engineers: 76 thousand rubles. In the IT field, an Internet project manager can expect a similar average salary, while technical support specialists are on average offered a salary slightly less than that of a currency transaction specialist. The salary of a programmer or developer position will be significantly higher than that of a financial analyst or a risk manager in a bank.

State banks or foreign banks - who pays more?

In total, in the first half of the year, Russian banks spent 485 billion rubles on their employees, including salaries, bonuses, training and other expenses. And this amount is quite insignificant in the total costs.

Among the 20 banks in the rating of the information and analytical service of the portal based on average monthly wages in the first half of 2018, there were six “foreigners” and seven banks controlled by government agencies or state corporations.

The top five leaders in terms of average salary, as a year ago, was ING Bank (415.7 thousand rubles with an increase of 2.5% over the year). Second and fifth places were also taken by representatives of foreign financial institutions - Nordea Bank (376.5 thousand rubles, with an increase of more than a quarter over the year) and Citibank (144.6 thousand, with a decrease of 20.2% over the year). And the third and fourth places went to the banks of the largest commodity corporations controlled by the state - Gazprombank (221.8 thousand rubles) and RRDB (150.8 thousand rubles). It is worth noting that ING Bank and Nordea Bank practically do not operate in the retail segment, and the number of employees of these banks (271 and 416, respectively) is even in total inferior to the other participants in the rating, with the exception of JSCB Peresvet (100% owned by RRDB), in which had 291 employees.

The lowest average salaries in the first half of 2018 - below 65 thousand rubles - were shown by five credit institutions out of 50 analyzed: Post Bank and UBRD (48.8 thousand rubles each), Moscow Industrial Bank (53.9 thousand rubles) , HKF Bank (60.5 thousand rubles) and Ak Bars (63 thousand rubles). Such indicators for retail Pochta Bank and HCF Bank can be explained by the retail focus of the business and the large share of specialists working “in the field”, directly with borrowers and having low salaries. In addition, the number of employees of Post Bank over 12 months increased by 5 thousand people (more than 40%), and the average salary decreased from 56.5 thousand to 48.8 thousand rubles. The level of wages of UBRD and Ak Bars employees is affected by their regional registration: outside Moscow, incomes of the population are usually lower than in the capital.

In terms of growth in average monthly wages, if we compare the first half of the current year and 2017, Zenit Bank is in first place, the average salary in which increased by 42.6%, or by 34.7 thousand rubles. In this case, the reasons include a reduction in the number of personnel, albeit by less than 6%, or by 122 people. The second place in terms of average salary growth was taken by Peresvet Bank (+39.4%, or +40.7 thousand rubles), which reduced its staff by 11% over 12 months. Since 2017, the sole shareholder of Peresvet has been RRDB, which has overtaken its subsidiary in terms of average salary.

The top five leaders in average salary growth are MTS Bank (+28.7%, or +18.8 thousand rubles), Nordea Bank (+25.7%, or +76.9 thousand rubles) and Gazprombank (+20, 7%, or +38 thousand rubles). MTS Bank and Nordea Bank significantly reduced the number of employees compared to the data for the first half of 2017 - by 28.6% and 38.2%, respectively, the staff of Gazprombank over the same period increased by 4.7%, or by 559 people.

The average salary at VTB fell by 21.6% - this is the largest decline among the top 50 banks by asset size. The merger of subsidiary VTB 24 and the corresponding increase in staff by 157%, or 29.2 thousand people, had an impact. More moderate negative dynamics were demonstrated by Citibank (-20.2%), UBRD (-18.1%), Post Bank (-13.8%) and

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The number of banks in Russia, according to the Central Bank of Russia, is decreasing every month in 2019. At the same time, bankers remain a sought-after category of workers, and universities annually graduate young people with a specialty in “Banking” and “Finance and Credit.” We found out what bankers do and how much they earn.

Modern bankers in their qualities are far from the first representatives of their guild. They are no longer just moneylenders and money changers. These are people with higher education and a flexible analytical mind, who know how to move towards their goals, they are constantly improving and learning. Their best representatives: the founders of banks, famous financiers and experts, have contributed to how prestigious this profession is currently. These are bank employees who are involved in financial operations, forecasting, analytics, and risk management.

Experienced banker Sergey Mamedov told how to enter the profession and achieve success in it:

The professional skills of banking specialists are in demand in any area where there is money circulation.

Bank employees have a professional slang: for example, “plastics” are cards and employees of the corresponding department, and “consumables” are a cash receipt order.

Career growth among bankers is not fast, however, it is possible to grow to a manager or higher.

Job specifics and responsibilities of a banker

The responsibilities of a bank employee depend on the department where he works, on the specialization of the education received, and on his position. There are a number of areas where bankers are involved:

Area of ​​activity Responsibilities
Lending Accepting applications, checking the borrower's solvency, maintaining a credit history, monitoring the reliability and safety of collateral, refinancing
Investments Analysis of projects for long-term investments, monitoring the financial condition of invested projects
Securities Sale and purchase of securities on the stock exchange and on the market, issue of own bonds
Treasury Operations on foreign exchange market, speculation on changes in exchange rates
Funds Trading stocks and bonds on the stock market
Plastic cards Issuance of debit, credit cards, installment cards, selection of cards for the client
Banking operations Working with customer accounts and payments, transfers, deposits, receiving money
Reporting Collecting information about all bank activities and preparing a report for the required period
Economic analysis Analysis of market conditions, risk assessment; forecasting
Insurance Calculation of the insured amount and insurance premiums, cooperation with insurance companies

How much do middle and senior managers earn at the bank?

Employees working in the above departments are middle management. The highest level is represented by department and bank managers and the board of directors. Their salaries depend on the efficiency and profitability of the bank or department. The workers in the lower segment are most in demand: cashiers and cashiers who work with people.

Income in Moscow

Salary level in Moscow, according to data from the job site, depending on the position, in rubles per month:

  • Loan specialist– from 40,000;
  • Senior manager – 70,000;
  • Head of corporate lending department - 130,000-180,000;
  • Operator – 25,000-50,000;
  • Treasurer – 55,000;
  • Credit analyst - 120,000-150,000.

According to the portal, the commercial director earns the most in 2019

Salary in the regions

In other Russian cities, the demand is mainly for lower- and middle-level employees, according to information taken from job search sites and This is reflected in the average figures that bank employees earn.

As of September 2019, the most open vacancies for bankers are in the Moscow region

Average salaries in regions:

  • St. Petersburg - 46000;
  • Ekaterinburg - 40300;
  • Voronezh - 39000;
  • Saratov - 33000;
  • Khabarovsk - 35,000;
  • Stavropol - 27000.

What is the salary of bankers abroad?

Foreign banks pay their employees more than Russian ones. Thus, the average monthly income of bank employees in different countries according to the World Salaries portal it is (incomes are indicated in rubles):

  • Germany – 314,917;
  • Italy – 183,989;
  • New Zealand - 186,020;
  • Switzerland – 633,442;
  • Egypt – 51,710.
The first bank was founded by an association of money changers in Italy and was called the Bank of St. George.

Alexander Shimilevich talks about working in a Canadian bank:

Bankers are always in demand, especially during a crisis and even in conditions of a reduction in the number of banks. Any aspiring specialist can climb the career ladder. However, their wages in Russia cannot compete with European countries.