1 with complex automation 2.0 tutorial

The "1C: Integrated Automation" application can meet the automation needs of enterprises in various industries and types of activities. The application is implemented in a single architecture with the new generation application solutions "ERP Enterprise Management 2" and "Trade Management" edition 11. In this line, "Complex Automation" in terms of functionality occupies an intermediate position between the "Trade Management" and "ERP Enterprise Management 2" configurations. . When expanding the business or increasing the company's needs for automation, increasing the functionality of the system can be done in stages, moving from the "Trade Management" configuration to the "Comprehensive Automation" configuration and then to "ERP Enterprise Management 2". Due to the high degree of unification of solutions, such a transition is carried out quickly, the data accumulated in the information base is saved, and retraining of users is not required - they continue to work in the familiar software and information environment.

Work in the "1C:Enterprise 8 via the Internet" service is focused on:

  • to fast-growing small and medium-sized enterprises that are willing and ready to embrace new technologies and require a single, end-to-end solution running over the Internet.
  • for companies that currently use several separate local software products and want to optimize the accounting of their activities - refuse exchanges between products and keep records in one program. For example, for users working with complex configurations on the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 platform, as well as in the Trade Management, Enterprise Accounting, Payroll and Personnel Management configurations.

Working with the "1C: Integrated Automation" application via the Internet is suitable for those enterprises that are suitable for standard functionality without modifications or with minor modifications. A partner can supplement the functionality of the application in accordance with the characteristics and business needs of its users by adding additional processing and extensions. For more information about the functionality of the application, as well as about the procedure for switching to edition 2.2, see information letter N21909 dated September 22, 2016.

To connect to the "1C: Integrated Automation" application, you must contact a partner who provides access to the application - select from the list https://1cfresh.com/articles/ka_partners. Partners can provide users with a one-time trial plan for up to 30 days.

To switch to paid use of the service, a new user needs to enter into a 1C:ITS or ITSaS agreement with a partner.

2015: Integrated automation edition 2.0

The functional composition of the "Complex Automation" configuration, edition 2.0 is methodologically consistent with the capabilities of the "1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2" solution and uses the same structure of regulatory and reference data.

The "Complex Automation" configuration, edition 2.0 can meet the automation needs of enterprises in various industries and types of activities. Its use will be most effective in the growing business of small and medium-sized enterprises, the management processes of which require clear coordination and coordinated actions of several performers.

Using edition 2.0 of the "Complex Automation" configuration, you can gradually develop the enterprise information system - from solving priority tasks based on individual sections to creating a unified information system. This allows us to recommend edition 2.0:

  • companies currently using several separate software products;
  • enterprises whose needs for management and accounting have exceeded the capabilities of the information systems used.

The "Complex Automation" configuration, edition 2.0 may be of interest to users who have experience working with complex configurations on the "1C:Enterprise 7.7" platform, and users working with separate information bases based on the "Enterprise Accounting", "Trade Management" configurations. "Salaries and personnel management."

Edition 2.0 of the "Comprehensive Automation" configuration is implemented in a single architecture with the new generation application solutions "ERP Enterprise Management 2" and "Trade Management", edition 11. The listed application solutions also have a uniform interface and a high degree of unification of metadata and configuration code, forming a single line software products. In this line, "Complex Automation" in terms of functionality occupies an intermediate position between the "Trade Management" and "ERP Enterprise Management 2" configurations. When expanding the business or increasing the company's needs for automation, increasing the functionality of the system can be done in stages, moving from the "Trade Management" configuration to the "Comprehensive Automation" configuration and then to "ERP Enterprise Management". Due to the high degree of unification of solutions, such a transition is carried out quickly, the data accumulated in the information base is saved, and retraining of users is not required - they continue to work in the familiar software and information environment.

Edition 2.0 of the "Complex Automation" configuration was developed on the "1C:Enterprise 8.3" platform and uses its new capabilities:

support for working in thin client and web client modes, new capabilities for managing the program interface and individual forms,

Financial management

Development of cash management capabilities and control of financial obligations:

  • accounting of credits, deposits and loans,
  • acquiring (payment cards),
  • flexible tools for maintaining a payment calendar,
  • routes for approving applications,
  • analytical reporting on traffic cash,
  • inventory of mutual settlements,
  • monitoring and classification of overdue debts according to a set of parameters,
  • advanced tools for generating statistical and analytical reporting on the status of mutual settlements.


Solving problems of financial planning, scenario plan-fact analysis using budget management tools:

  • customizable budget types,
  • modeling in terms of scenarios,
  • support for multiple currencies,
  • tabular forms for data entry and correction,
  • analysis of achievement of planned indicators,
  • financial analysis.

Monitoring and analysis of enterprise performance indicators

Tools for monitoring and analyzing enterprise activities according to target indicators:

  • building a hierarchical model of goals and target indicators,
  • creation of various options for indicators with the possibility of comparison,
  • monitoring of target indicators with transcripts of initial data,
  • advanced analysis financial results By areas of activity,
  • variety of graphic forms of analytical reports,
  • access from a mobile device (tablet, smartphone),
  • supplied demo for the indicator model

Accounting and tax accounting

Modern tools for automating accounting and tax accounting, ensuring the preparation of regulated reporting in the organization:

  • unified chart of accounts for tax and accounting;
  • accounting of the facts of economic activity in a deferred manner with control of the relevance of the reflection;
  • settlements with separate divisions of the organization allocated to an independent balance sheet;
  • accounting and reflection of the movement of own, leased, rented, leased non-current assets (fixed assets and intangible assets), as well as accounting for expenses for capital construction and R&D;
  • use of the 1C-Reporting service for submitting accounting, tax, and statistical reporting to regulatory authorities

HR management and payroll

Regulated personnel records and payroll calculations are unified with the “Salaries and Personnel Management” configuration, edition 3.0. New features include:

  • salary calculation based on employee output data;
  • complex of settlements with personnel;
  • flexible options for reflecting wages in financial and regulatory accounting

Production management

Production accounting for actual releases:

  • description of production processes for manufacturing products (resource specifications);
  • registration of production plans;
  • registration of product releases and work performance;
  • support for releases tailored to customer orders;
  • accounting of employee performance.

Cost management and costing

New opportunities for identifying and using the reserves available at the enterprise to reduce the costs of business activities:

  • separate cost accounting for separate releases (according to the intended use);
  • calculation of cost by production batches;
  • analysis of the production cost structure;
  • distribution of other expenses and income by areas of activity;
  • routine closure of the reporting period (month).

Sales management

Creating conditions for successful sales:

  • sales funnel;
  • registration and control of price, financial, volume and calendar sales conditions;
  • formation of price lists with information about remaining goods;
  • use of regulated sales processes, management of complex sales;
  • advanced management of customer orders, standard and individual sales rules, agreements;
  • support for managing the assortment of a chain of stores, taking into account different store formats;
  • customer self-service;
  • management of sales representatives;
  • support for Intercampany schemes;
  • carrying out marketing campaigns;
  • monitoring the status of sales processes;
  • planning the use of vehicles;
  • automatic control of the debt limit.

Customer Relationship Management

Convenient mechanisms that provide support at all stages of working with clients - from first contact to after-sales service:

  • formation of a strategy for relations with partners;
  • business processes for organizing interaction with clients;
  • dossier of a client, partner;
  • customer loyalty analysis;
  • claim work;
  • monitoring of transaction execution;
  • BCG analysis;
  • advanced analysis of managers' performance indicators

Procurement management

New tools for organizing an effective process of providing an enterprise with resources:

  • procurement management;
  • business processes of complex procurement;
  • control of supply conditions;
  • advanced analysis and selection of suppliers based on prices and conditions;
  • formation of the full cost of purchasing goods and materials;
  • control and analysis of supply requirements

Warehouse and inventory management

Development of mechanisms for inventory management and organization of warehousing:

  • complex hierarchical structure of warehouses;
  • cellular warehouse management;
  • separate accounting for orders - reservation of needs;
  • management of goods movement;
  • support for order document flow scheme;
  • mobile workplaces for warehouse workers;
  • accounting for reusable packaging;
  • statistical analysis of reserves, storage of ABC/XYZ analysis results;
  • calculation of forecast demand;
  • goods in warehouses according to expiration dates.

1C: Integrated automation version 1.1.26

In accordance with Chapter 14.4 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (as amended on June 29, 2012), the concept of controlled transactions and the obligation of organizations to provide notifications of controlled transactions are introduced. The program implements the ability to prepare notifications about controlled transactions in accordance with the order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated July 27, 2012 No. ММВ-7-13/524@.

The assistant for preparing a notification about controlled transactions allows you to define a list of transactions, check information about transactions, and download the notification in electronic form (the "Accounting and Tax Accounting" interface, the "Accounting - Controlled Transactions" menu).

The following have been added to the regulated reporting forms:

  • Calculation of accrued and paid insurance premiums for compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity and for compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases, as well as expenses for the payment of insurance coverage (Form-4 FSS RF) ( approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated March 12, 2012 No. 216n) as amended by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated August 31, 2012 No. 152n. The form can be downloaded in version 0.5 format.

Due to the fact that at the time of the release, Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated August 31, 2012 No. 152n did not come into force, the FSS of the Russian Federation plans to accept the report for the 3rd quarter of 2012 in the current form approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated March 12, 2012 No. 216n. When creating a new FSS Form-4 report, the current version of the form is proposed. FSS Form-4 as amended by Order 152n is available in the start form of the report by clicking the “Select Form” button. The new form should be used after Order 152n comes into force.

statistics form No. 11 “Information on the availability and movement of fixed assets (funds) and other non-financial assets”, approved by Rosstat order No. 406 dated July 27, 2012;

  • statistics form No. 11 (short) “Information on the availability and movement of fixed assets (funds) of non-profit organizations”, approved by Rosstat order No. 406 dated July 27, 2012;
  • The form is used starting with reporting for 2012.
  • declaration on the volume of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol;
  • declaration on the volume of ethyl alcohol used;
  • declaration on the volume of production and turnover of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products;
  • declaration on the volume of use of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products;
  • declaration on the volume of turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products;
  • declaration on the volume of supply of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products;
  • declaration on the volume of purchase of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products;
  • declaration on the volume of transportation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products;
  • declaration on the transportation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products;
  • declaration on the use of capacities for the production of ethyl alcohol and alcoholic products;
  • declaration on the volume of retail sales of alcoholic (except for beer and beer drinks) and alcohol-containing products;
  • declaration on the volume of retail sales of beer and beer drinks;

approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 09.08.2012 No. 815.

Methodological changes

In Form-4 of the FSS of the Russian Federation (approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated March 12, 2012 No. 216n), a check of control ratios is implemented in accordance with the algorithms given in the order of the FSS of Russia dated March 14, 2012 No. 87.

The check is performed either manually - by clicking the "Check" button in the top command bar of the report form, or automatically - during the process of uploading the form in electronic form or when preparing a printed form.

The test results are displayed in a separate window, which reflects both completed and erroneous relationships.

In the form of Calculation of accrued and paid insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance in Pension fund of the Russian Federation, insurance contributions for compulsory medical insurance to the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund and territorial funds of compulsory medical insurance by payers of insurance premiums making payments and other benefits to individuals (form RSV-1 PFR), approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated November 12, 2009 No. 894n , the ability to enter negative indicators in lines 140-145 of section 1 has been implemented.

In accordance with the letter of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources dated December 7, 2011 No. OD-06-01-32/15903, in the form of Calculation of fees for negative impact on environment, approved by Rostechnadzor Order No. 182 dated March 28, 2008, the ability to adjust the payment coefficients in sections 1, 3 and 4 while maintaining the substitution of default values ​​(5) has been implemented.

The declaration on indirect taxes (value added tax and excise taxes) when importing goods into the territory of the Russian Federation from the territory of member states of the customs union (approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 7, 2010 No. 69n) was amended in accordance with the letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated August 20. 2012 No. ED-4-3/13717@

1C: Integrated automation version 1.0.13

In accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ as amended by the Law of December 8, 2010 No. 343-FZ (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 255-FZ) is implemented in a standard configuration new order calculation and accounting of social insurance benefits. We draw the attention of all users to the fact that at the time of the release of the standard configuration the necessary by-laws were not officially published (decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on the specifics of the procedure for calculating benefits and the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation on the form and procedure for issuing a certificate of the amount of earnings), therefore the algorithms for calculating benefits and the form certificates were implemented according to draft relevant regulations.

Calculation of benefits

The new version of Law No. 255-FZ has changed: The composition of earnings from which benefits are calculated for those working under employment contracts; The procedure for determining average earnings, on the basis of which benefits are calculated; Procedure for limiting benefits.

Certificates of earnings of other policyholders

In accordance with Articles 13 and 14 of Law No. 255-FZ, as amended, when calculating average earnings for the payment of benefits, in some cases the earnings of previous employers of the employee to whom benefits are accrued are taken into account. In this case, the employee, in addition to other documents necessary for the assignment of benefits, provides certificates of earnings. Certificates of earnings received from other policyholders are entered before calculating employee benefits separately for each policyholder in the document “Certificate of another policyholder on earnings” (interface “Calculation of salaries of organizations”, menu “Calculation of salaries” - “No-shows” - “Certificates of other policyholders about earnings").

Earning certificates for calculating benefits for dismissed employees

In accordance with Article 4.1 of Law No. 255-FZ, as amended, all organizations are required to issue an employee upon dismissal with a certificate of the amount of earnings for the two calendar years preceding the year of termination of work and the current calendar year for which insurance premiums were calculated. To generate such certificates, the configuration includes a special document “Certificate of Earnings for Calculation of Benefits” (interface “Calculation of Salaries of Organizations”, menu “Taxes and Contributions” - “Certificate of Earnings for Calculation of Benefits”). To automatically fill out the “Data about the policyholder” section of the printed form of the certificate, it is recommended that in the data about the organization on the “Payroll calculation” tab, enter the registration data of the organization (its separate division) in the Social Insurance Fund.

Accounting for expenses for payment of insurance coverage

All organizations, regardless of the applied tax regime and the type of insurance premium tariff, from January 1, 2011, pay contributions to the Social Insurance Fund for insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity. Therefore, from January 1, 2011, the procedure for accounting for social insurance benefits in organizations applying special tax regimes is changing - the amount of benefits financed by the Social Insurance Fund will be reflected in entries Dt 69.1 Kt 70.

Transition period

When calculating temporary disability and maternity benefits in 2011, which began in 2010 and continuing after January 1, 2011, for the periods of 2011, calculations are automatically made both according to the “old” and “new” calculation procedures, while a large amount of benefits is awarded. If parental leave began before January 1, 2011 and continues in 2011, then in order to calculate child care benefits according to the 2011 rules, you must enter a new document “Parental Leave”, in which January 1 is indicated as the start date of the leave 2011. Please note that according to the 2011 rules, benefits are accrued only when the average daily earnings increase.

Indexation of child benefits

In accordance with the Federal Law of December 13, 2010 No. 357-FZ “On the Federal Budget for 2011 and for the planning period of 2012 and 2013,” the indexation of state benefits for citizens with children provided for in Article 4.2 of the Federal Law of May 19, 1995 No. 81 was carried out -FZ “On state benefits for citizens with children”, from January 1, 2011 by 6.5%.

1C: Integrated automation version 1.0.12

Salary and HR management

At the request of users, it is possible to manage the procedure for including holidays falling during the period of annual main and additional leaves in the calculation period when determining the average earnings for the payment of social insurance benefits: for temporary disability, for pregnancy and childbirth and for child care.

For those users whom the FSS recommends not to enable such holidays during the billing period, it is necessary to check the “When calculating sick leave, do not take into account holidays that fall during the vacation period” on the “Payroll calculation” tab (the “Accounting manager” interface, menu “Accounting settings” - “Salary accounting and personnel management settings”).

Regulated accounting

When using advanced analytics, the procedure for writing off transportation costs for accounting data and permanent and temporary differences in their assessment has been changed. The share of expenses attributable to the balance of unsold goods is determined based on tax accounting data in accordance with the requirements of Art. 320 Tax Code of the Russian Federation

VAT accounting

If in the accounting settings, the presentation of the seller’s name in the invoice is set to “Full and abbreviated name” (the “Accounting Manager” interface, the “Accounting Settings - Accounting Settings” menu, the “VAT” tab), then in the printed form “Invoices” -invoice issued” displays the full and abbreviated name of the organization in accordance with the details “Full name” and “Abbreviated name” of the “Organizations” directory, respectively.

Regulated reporting

The configuration includes a mechanism for submitting tax and accounting reports via telecommunication channels using an electronic digital signature. The mechanism allows you to send tax and accounting reports directly from the 1C: Enterprise 8 system programs to the server of a specialized telecom operator.

The configuration includes a mechanism for exchanging documents electronically via telecommunication channels between policyholders and territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation using an electronic digital signature in a unified transport message format, approved by the order of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation dated October 11, 2007 No. 190r. New mechanism allows you to send reports to the server of a specialized telecom operator directly from the programs of the 1C: Enterprise 8 system.

To use the new mechanism, you need to connect to the reporting systems through communication channels in the Federal Tax Service and the Pension Fund. At the moment, the ability to submit reports to the Federal Tax Service and the Pension Fund via communication channels is provided only when using signature key certificates issued by certification centers authorized by 1C.

The configuration includes a mechanism for submitting reports on Form-4 of the FSS of the Russian Federation in electronic form with an electronic digital signature. The mechanism allows you to directly from the configuration perform all actions to transfer the report on Form-4 of the FSS of the Russian Federation to the portal of the FSS of the Russian Federation using the technology approved by Order of the FSS of the Russian Federation dated February 12, 2010 No. 19.

To use the new mechanism, the following must be installed on the user's computer:

  • a means of cryptographic information protection (CIPF) that meets the requirements of Order No. 19 of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation dated February 12, 2010;
  • root certificate of the CA FSS of the Russian Federation and certificate public key signatures of an authorized person of the FSS of the Russian Federation;
  • signature key certificates (SKC) issued by the Certification Center of the FSS of the Russian Federation or any other Certification Center that has a trusted relationship with the CA of the FSS of the Russian Federation.

A deflator coefficient for 2011, established by Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated October 27, 2010 N 519, has been added to the declaration for the single tax on imputed income for certain types of activities.

In the calculation of fees for negative impacts on the environment (as amended by Rostekhnadzor Order No. 182 dated March 28, 2008) in the section “Calculation of the payment amount...” in the list for indicating the BCC in line 010, code 49811201000010000120 is replaced by 04811201000010000120, established by Federal Law dated 3 November 2010 No. 278-FZ “On amendments to the Federal Law “On the Federal Budget for 2010 and for the planning period of 2011 and 2012.”

Electronic uploading of declarations on the volumes of production, turnover and use of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 26, 2010 No. 26) is implemented in version 3.05 format, approved by Order of the Federal Alcohol Regulation Agency dated October 1, 2010 No. 210.

The mechanism for submitting tax and accounting reports to the tax authorities via telecommunication channels using an electronic digital signature has been redesigned in accordance with the requirements of orders of the Federal Tax Service of Russia:

  • dated 09.11.2010 No. ММВ-7-6/535@ “On approval of the Unified format of a transport container for information interaction with the reception complexes of tax authorities via telecommunication channels using an electronic digital signature”;
  • dated 09.11.2010 No. ММВ-7-6/534@ “On approval of formats used in electronic document management when submitting tax returns (calculations) in electronic form (based on XML) (version 5)”;
  • dated 02.11.2009 No. MM-7-6/534@ “On approval Methodological recommendations on organizing electronic document management when submitting tax returns (calculations) in electronic form via telecommunication channels.”

The configuration is adapted for use with the 1C: Enterprise 8.2 platform. Instructions for the transition are contained in the file 1cv8upd.htm

The 1C company notifies users and partners about the release of edition 2.4 of the “Complex Automation” configuration. The RG-Soft company recommends starting the transition from version 1.1 now. We remind you that support for current changes in legislation ends on April 1, 2019, and the development of the functionality of the application solution is carried out only in edition 2.0.

Transition from “1C: Integrated Automation” 1.1 to edition 2.4

When implementing version 2.4 of the “Complex Automation” configuration, the goal is to minimize modifications, preserve standard functionality and maximize its use. Accordingly, the transition/implementation includes the following stages:

1. Express examination.
Collection of data necessary and sufficient to draw up a plan and begin modeling. It is assumed that the missing data can be promptly obtained from the Customer in the process of compiling end-to-end examples.

2. Drawing up a modeling plan.
List of blocks/processes estimated in hours. All processes in blocks that require modeling (boundaries) must be specified.

3. Modeling.
Preparation of an example/solution for a block/process in the system, description in Diagrams. Modeling will be introduced in blocks/sections, iterations, with active feedback with the Customer: creating a solution/model – demonstration – adjusting the model – making a decision. At the modeling stage, the maximum use of standard functionality is shown (in some cases, this prompts the Customer to partially rebuild their business processes to accommodate standard functionality), and a list of improvements to the solution is determined.

4. Data migration and implementation assessment.
Elaboration of objects and transfer methods. Description of the content of the data transfer and opening balances. Calculation of labor intensity and implementation time, taking into account the preparation of documentation and personnel training.

5. Correction and layout of the Conceptual Design document (FTT).
Includes a description of decisions on processes and modifications, a description of the content of data transfer and initial balances (may include a description of access rights for user groups, various applications). The Conceptual Design document reflects a certain agreed state in the movement towards implementation between the Customer and the Contractor; it is the initial document for implementation, which:

  • a) describes “as will be” solutions;
  • b) contains information for setting tasks for improvements;
  • c) defines indicators, data transfer and implementation stages.

Thus, it is actually a Technical Specification for subsequent implementation.

An approximate list of further implementation work is as follows:

  • 1. Installation of the system at the Customer.
  • 2. Configure the system according to decisions taken, reflected in the Conceptual Design document.
  • 3. Development (if necessary). (Includes development of configuration changes according to a specific list of modifications, testing of modifications, delivery to the Customer).
  • 4. Data transfer (if necessary). (Includes the development of data transfer mechanisms (transfer rules or processing) in accordance with the decisions made, testing, delivery to the Customer).
  • 5. Definition and description of access rights for groups of Users (if this is not defined in the Conceptual Design/FTT document). (Includes survey, modeling, description, coordination).
  • 6. Setting up user rights in accordance with the decisions made (creating new roles if necessary).
  • 7. Formation of instructions. By groups of Users in accordance with the accepted scheme of work in the system.
  • 8. Personnel training (by groups of Users).
  • 9. Consulting users during trial operation.

1. Operational accounting blocks – Sales and CRM, Purchasing and supply, Production, WMS warehouse, Volume scheduling, Management accounting and cost accounting.
2. The Personnel and Salary blocks also require partial modeling according to processes agreed upon with the Customer. For example, on the calculation and reflection of salaries by area of ​​activity, on non-standard accruals such as “salary bonus”, etc.
3. The Regulated Accounting block takes data from the operational circuit, so it can be shifted in time relative to operational accounting. But almost all areas of regulated accounting must be modeled, carried out in accounting and tax accounting and demonstrated to the Customer, incl. on the numbers in standard reports.

Cost of transition to edition 2.4 of the "Complex Automation" configuration

* the approximate cost is indicated, the final estimate is possible after an express analysis

We present to you details about the capabilities of edition 2.0 compared to edition 1.1 and what is new in edition 2.4 of the “Complex Automation” configuration:


Financial management

Development of cash management capabilities and control of financial obligations:
  • accounting of credits, deposits and loans,
  • acquiring (payment cards),
  • flexible tools for maintaining a payment calendar,
  • routes for approving applications,
  • analytical reporting on cash flow,
  • inventory of mutual settlements,
  • monitoring and classification of overdue debts according to a set of parameters,
  • advanced tools for generating statistical and analytical reporting on the status of mutual settlements.


Solving problems of financial planning, scenario plan-fact analysis using budget management tools:
  • customizable budget types,
  • modeling in terms of scenarios,
  • support for multiple currencies,
  • tabular forms for data entry and correction,
  • analysis of achievement of planned indicators,
  • financial analysis.
  • Monitoring and analysis of enterprise performance indicators
Tools for monitoring and analyzing enterprise activities according to target indicators:
  • building a hierarchical model of goals and target indicators,
  • creation of various options for indicators with the possibility of comparison,
  • monitoring of target indicators with transcripts of initial data,
  • extended analysis of financial results by area of ​​activity,
  • variety of graphic forms of analytical reports,
  • access from a mobile device (tablet, smartphone),
  • supplied demo for the metrics model.

Accounting and tax accounting

Modern tools for automating accounting and tax accounting, ensuring the preparation of regulated reporting in the organization:
  • unified chart of accounts for tax and accounting;
  • accounting of the facts of economic activity in a deferred manner with control of the relevance of the reflection;
  • settlements with separate divisions of the organization allocated to an independent balance sheet;
  • accounting and reflection of the movement of own, leased, rented, leased non-current assets (fixed assets and intangible assets), as well as accounting for expenses for capital construction and R&D;
  • use of the 1C-Reporting service for submitting accounting, tax, and statistical reporting to regulatory authorities.

HR management and payroll

Regulated personnel records and payroll calculations are unified with the “Salaries and Personnel Management” configuration, edition 3.0. New features include:
  • salary calculation based on employee output data;
  • complex of settlements with personnel;
  • flexible options for reflecting wages in financial and regulatory accounting.

Production management

Production accounting for actual releases:
  • description of production processes for manufacturing products (resource specifications);
  • registration of production plans;
  • registration of product releases and work performance;
  • support for releases tailored to customer orders;
  • accounting of employee output.

Cost management and costing

New opportunities for identifying and using the reserves available at the enterprise to reduce the costs of business activities:
  • separate cost accounting for separate releases (according to the intended use);
  • calculation of cost by production batches;
  • analysis of the production cost structure;
  • distribution of other expenses and income by areas of activity;
  • routine closure of the reporting period (month).

Sales management

Creating conditions for successful sales:
  • sales funnel;
  • registration and control of price, financial, volume and calendar sales conditions;
  • formation of price lists with information about remaining goods;
  • use of regulated sales processes, management of complex sales;
  • advanced management of customer orders, standard and individual sales rules, agreements;
  • support for managing the assortment of a chain of stores, taking into account different store formats;
  • customer self-service;
  • management of sales representatives;
  • support for Intercampany schemes;
  • carrying out marketing campaigns;
  • monitoring the status of sales processes;
  • planning the use of vehicles;
  • automatic control of the debt limit.

Customer Relationship Management

Convenient mechanisms that provide support at all stages of working with clients - from first contact to after-sales service:
  • formation of a strategy for relations with partners;
  • business processes for organizing interaction with clients;
  • dossier of a client, partner;
  • customer loyalty analysis;
  • claim work;
  • monitoring of transaction execution;
  • BCG analysis;
  • extended analysis of managers' performance indicators.

Procurement management

New tools for organizing an effective process of providing an enterprise with resources:
  • procurement management;
  • business processes of complex procurement;
  • control of supply conditions;
  • advanced analysis and selection of suppliers based on prices and conditions;
  • formation of the full cost of purchasing goods and materials;
  • control and analysis of supply requirements for products.

Warehouse and inventory management

  • complex hierarchical structure of warehouses;
  • cellular warehouse management;
  • separate accounting for orders - reservation of needs;
  • management of goods movement;
  • support for order document flow scheme;
  • mobile workplaces for warehouse workers;
  • accounting for reusable packaging;
  • statistical analysis of reserves, storage of ABC/XYZ analysis results;
  • calculation of forecast demand;
  • goods in warehouses according to expiration dates.

Improved usability

The default configuration uses the Taxi interface, which is maximally adapted to work on any mobile devices and low-resolution screens. Along with the "Taxi" interface, the configuration supports the "1C:Enterprise 8.2" interface (in tabs and in separate windows). The user can select the interface type in the program settings.

Setting up accounting detail is performed in the user mode by selecting functional options.

Seamless integration with the 1C: Document Flow configuration is provided, allowing you to use business process mechanisms to coordinate decisions and documents and save files in the 1C: Document Flow information base.

To prepare the information base for work, a wide range of tools for initial filling is provided, including the “Assistant for filling out settings and reference books.”

The scope of documents for entering initial balances at the time of system launch has been significantly expanded.

To reflect business activities, specialized workstations are used, which allows you to perform targeted tasks with the ability to quickly search and access the information required for decision-making.

The economic activity of an enterprise is reflected within the operational framework with the possibility of its further presentation in accounting and tax accounting through deferred reflection.



  • The mechanism for using the relevance date when generating budget data has been clarified; in budget copies used to enter planned data, the user independently determines the need for the absence (presence) of later plan adjustments in the budget copy.
  • Work has been carried out to optimize the performance of the main mechanisms of the subsystem.


  • A new payment offset option has been implemented, in which a payment document can act as an object of settlement and be included in invoices.
  • When offsetting an unused advance payment, you have the opportunity to change the payment offset rate to the one necessary in the current situation; The exchange rate can be changed both in the currency of regulated accounting and in the currency of management accounting.
  • Implemented group registration payment documents based on several orders.


  • The work scheme for “sliding” planning has been optimized, the ability to edit the values ​​of previous plans and keep plans up to date for certain periods of time has been implemented; replacement of plans of the corresponding periods is ensured with subsequent storage of information about the replaced and replacement plans.
  • In production planning documents, the ability to analyze planning results by product launch dates has been added.


  • New features have been added to the "Sales Assistant" workplace: displaying information about the client (partner's dossier), creating requests for the return of goods from the client, quickly filling goods by product segment, forecasting the recommended number of sales to the client, controlling the minimum order amount within the framework of the deviation mechanism terms of sale.
  • To organize and simplify the work on processing documents for the movement of goods between organizations, a specialized workplace, all documents drawn up according to the Intercampaign scheme are combined, with the possibility of prompt transition to jobs for processing documents based on issued orders.
  • It is ensured that assignments for work separated by line of business or customer order are filled in the work completion certificate document.
  • Support for the requirements of Federal Law No. 54-FZ is provided.


  • The procedure for creating agreements on the provision of agency services with the principal (supplier) has been supplemented.
  • Improved purchasing tools.
  • For purchased materials and goods, the “Goods in transit” scheme is reflected in the accounting system.
  • A mechanism is provided for reflecting uninvoiced deliveries of goods when making purchases.

Warehouse and delivery

Development of mechanisms for inventory management and organization of warehousing:
  • to set prices of goods in a currency other than the management accounting currency, a currency selection has been added to internal merchandise flow documents;
  • the list of scenarios for processing the delivery of goods has been expanded;
  • the setup of serial accounting of material assets in warehouses has been improved;
  • it is possible to register the shipment of goods in a volume exceeding the quantity specified in the selection task and the goods issue order, but within the permissible deviation;
  • the procedure for determining the CCD numbers of components when registering the assembly (disassembly) of goods has been changed;
  • control over the status of execution of orders for issuing invoices has been introduced;
  • a mechanism has been implemented to accept goods for safekeeping with the right to sell and use in production.
Toll scheme
  • The work with documents for reflecting the tolling scheme has been unified using a common document journal.
  • In the receipt and delivery invoices, as well as in the documents for the transfer of materials to production, a unified form of selection for orders/warrants is implemented.
  • When placing orders, the processor is organized to fill out costing items, which are later used when filling out reports to processors.
  • The possibilities of providing materials for the production of products with the involvement of third-party processors have been expanded using the segregation option within the framework of a toll production scheme.
Financial results and controlling
Cost accounting and distribution tools have been improved, and the cost calculation mechanism has been expanded:
  • independent distribution of itemized expenses in management and regulatory accounting was supported;
  • for options for the distribution of itemized expenses, the procedure for selecting accounting analytics has been clarified;
  • options for classifying itemized expenses (into fixed and variable) have been expanded for a clearer distribution of them into the cost of production;
  • the ability to independently calculate costs in the management accounting currency has been implemented;
  • Separate generation of management reporting for the enterprise and management reporting for the organization in the currency of management accounting is ensured;
  • operations have been added to the month-closing procedure that take into account the procedure for calculating the cost of fixed assets and intangible assets accepted for accounting or modernized in the current period;
  • Diagnostics of routine month-end closing tasks has been expanded.
Regulated accounting
  • It is possible to specify an identification number (tax number) legal entity outside the Russian Federation.
  • Storage of the counterparty's TIN and KPP details in received invoices is supported.
  • The mechanism for reflecting information on registration with tax authorities of separate divisions of the organization, allocated to a separate balance sheet, has been improved.
  • The registration of a special taxation procedure for property tax has been changed.
  • The forms for declaration and calculation of advances on property tax have been updated.
  • VAT accounting for the export of raw materials has been supported.
  • A new procedure has been defined for setting accounts when reflecting settlement transactions with counterparties using the parameters of GFU settlements.
  • The procedure for setting up accounts within the “Setting up the reflection of documents in regulated accounting” workplace has been improved.
  • Separate accounting for contracts was implemented in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 275-FZ.
  • The mechanism for accounting for non-current assets in managerial and regulated types of accounting has been improved; all types of accounting for non-current assets are based on data from the operational circuit.
  • The mechanism for calculating depreciation has been optimized for carrying out calculations for a large number of accounting objects.
HR management and payroll

Regulated personnel records and payroll calculations are unified with the configuration "Salaries and personnel management PROF", edition 3.1.3.

Make an online order

Performance monitoring and analysis for managers.

“Performance Monitor” allows the business manager to cover “everything at one glance” - using key performance indicators (KPIs), which are calculated based on the specified information. The 1C automation application solution includes a set of 50 “pre-configured” KPI indicators. Rapid development of new indicators is possible.

The report allows you to:

  • cover the entire business “at one glance”;
  • promptly identify deviations from the plan, negative dynamics, and growth points;
  • clarify the information provided;
  • use a set of performance indicators supplied as part of the demonstration base;
  • quickly develop new performance indicators;
  • set up several report options by type of activity or by areas of responsibility of company managers.

The demo configuration database contains 42 ready-made performance indicators that can be loaded into the enterprise's working database using built-in data exchange. At the same time, the built-in reporting mechanism makes it easy to add new performance indicators required by a particular enterprise.

Trade management

The configuration allows you to automate the tasks of monitoring and analyzing trading operations in combination with related management accounting tasks:

  • sales planning and purchasing planning;
  • customer relationship management (CRM);
  • supply and inventory management;
  • management of mutual settlements with counterparties.

This ensures effective management of the trading business of a modern enterprise. The configuration supports the following types of trading: wholesale trade(sale on credit, sale on prepayment, trade by order), retail trade (sales in the sales area and remote non-automated points), commission trade (including acceptance and transfer of goods for sale, as well as subcommission).

Fulfilling orders on time and being transparent about the progress of each order is becoming an increasingly important aspect of enterprise operations. The order management functionality implemented in the configuration allows you to optimally place customer orders and reflect them in the plans of enterprise departments in accordance with the company's order fulfillment strategy and work patterns (work from a warehouse, to order). When registering an order, the necessary goods will be automatically reserved in the company’s warehouses, and if the required quantity of goods is not available, an order can be generated for the supplier.

The efficiency of trade depends on the pricing policy. Pricing mechanisms allow an enterprise to determine and implement pricing policies in accordance with available analytical data on supply and demand in the market.

The configuration has the following functionality:

  • construction of various pricing and discount schemes;
  • monitoring compliance by employees with the established pricing policy;
  • storing information about prices of competitors and suppliers;
  • comparison of the enterprise's selling prices with the prices of suppliers and competitors;
  • use of cumulative discounts on discount cards.

Accounting for transactions of receipt and sale of goods and services, including wholesale, commission and retail trade, has been automated. All wholesale and commission trade transactions are accounted for in terms of contracts with customers and suppliers. When selling goods, invoices are issued, invoices and invoices are issued. For imported goods, data on the country of origin and the cargo customs declaration number are taken into account. Automated reflection of returns of goods from the buyer and supplier.
For retail trade, technologies for working with both automated and non-automated retail outlets are supported.
Records are kept of returnable reusable packaging as a special type of inventory.
Automatic reflection of trading operations in the accounting subsystem is provided.
In version 1.3, trade management functionality is available in thin client and web client modes.

Supply and inventory management

Material flows are the basis of economic activity of a trade or manufacturing enterprise. Rational management of inventory assets, minimization of warehouse inventories, combined with guaranteed support for economic activity, are the key to effective operation of the enterprise. The use of inventory management functionality allows you to effectively organize warehousing and increase the productivity of warehouse workers and employees of supply and sales structures.

The application solution implements detailed operational accounting of materials, products and goods in warehouses. Full control of inventory inventories at the enterprise is ensured.

The application solution allows:

  • manage inventory balances in various units of measurement in multiple warehouses;
  • keep separate records own goods, goods accepted and transferred for sale, returnable packaging;
  • detail the location of goods in the warehouse by storage location, which allows you to optimize the assembly of customer orders (goods in invoices) in the warehouse;
  • take into account serial numbers, expiration dates and certificates;
  • control the correct write-off of serial numbers and goods with certain expiration dates and certificates;
  • set arbitrary batch characteristics (color, size, etc.) and keep batch records by warehouse;
  • take into account the customs declaration and country of origin;
  • complete and disassemble inventory items;
  • reserve inventory items.

The organization of warehousing can be different; the structure can be either simple or quite hierarchically complex. Warehouses or storage places can be located either on the territory of the enterprise or located remotely.

Information about warehouse stocks can be entered into the information system with a high degree of detail: to the level of product characteristics (color, size, dimensions, etc.), to the level of serial numbers and expiration dates of goods. It is possible to obtain cost estimates of warehouse stocks at cost and potential sales volumes at selling prices.

It is planned to carry out inventories of inventory items and automatically process their results. Based on the inventory results, the difference between the accounting quantity (registered in the information base when posting receipt and shipment documents) and the actual quantity of valuables identified as a result of the inventory is automatically calculated. After that, documents are drawn up for write-off (in case of a shortage) or capitalization (in case of detection of surplus).

Statistical inventory analysis tools allow you to evaluate the attractiveness of each product based on its share in the turnover or profit of the enterprise, the stability of sales, and identify poorly selling products based on criteria such as average term storage, consumption for the period and turnover ratio.

Supply and inventory management functionality is available in thin client and web client mode.

Production accounting

In the "Complex Automation" configuration, "simplified" production accounting is supported, which allows without using complex mechanisms(in particular, complex algorithms for cost distribution, shift planning, determining limits for the supply of materials, etc.) ensure accounting of production processes from the moment materials are transferred to production until release finished products.

The application solution provides the following capabilities:

  • maintaining arrays of regulatory and reference information necessary for accounting of finished products;
  • planning and accounting of finished products;
  • accounting of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products and finished products;
  • marriage accounting;
  • accounting of workwear and special equipment;
  • accounting and analysis of production costs, calculation of planned and actual costs.

At the end of the month, according to inventory data, the balances of work in progress are indicated. The final operation of the month in production accounting is the calculation of the actual cost of manufactured products (semi-finished products, services).

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Customer relationship management, also known as CRM or Customer Relationship Management, is an integral functional area of ​​a modern integrated enterprise information system.
CRM is a concept for managing customer relationships in an environment of active competition, aimed at maximizing the potential of each client and partner in the interests of the enterprise.

The CRM concept involves the regular collection and analysis of information about each client, real and potential: how the client responded to the business proposal, whether he is satisfied with the quality of service, whether his preferences change over time, how accurately he fulfills his obligations and, ultimately, how much income the client brings (or could bring) to the enterprise. All stages of the relationship with the client are monitored. Signs of a dangerous deterioration in relations are carefully detected, since, as is known, in a competitive market the costs of attracting a new client are an order of magnitude higher than the costs of retaining an existing client.

The CRM concept provides a harmonious combination of a formal approach and individual attitude to each client. But if the number of active clients of an enterprise is measured in tens or hundreds, and the number of potential clients is measured in hundreds or thousands, respectively, then the full implementation of the CRM concept will lead to the accumulation of huge amounts of information, which will be simply impossible to work with without the use of special automation tools.

The configuration contains automation tools for the CRM concept. Configuration functionality allows an enterprise to successfully manage relationships with customers, suppliers, subcontractors and any other counterparties.
Registration of all actions for concluding and executing transactions, registration of all contacts with counterparties, both real and potential, is provided.

The configuration allows you to do the following:

  • use a personalized approach to the needs and requirements of each client;
  • store complete contact information on contractors and their employees, history of interaction with them;
  • register information about suppliers: terms of delivery of goods, reliability, deadlines for fulfilling orders, range and prices of supplied goods and materials;
  • automatically notify users about upcoming contacts with counterparties and other events (in particular, about the birthdays of contact persons);
  • plan working hours and control the work plans of employees;
  • analyze unfinished and plan upcoming transactions with customers and potential clients;
  • register each request from a potential client and subsequently analyze the percentage of client acquisition;
  • quickly monitor the status of planned contacts and transactions;
  • conduct an integrated analysis of customer relationships;
  • analyze the reasons for failure to fulfill customer orders and the volume of closed orders;
  • analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of advertising and marketing campaigns.

Automated customer relationship management mechanisms can be used not only as an effective tool in the competition for profitable customers. A repository of information about counterparties and enterprises with convenient means of access is provided. An employee who receives a call from an unfamiliar client can get up to speed right during the telephone conversation by quickly scrolling through information about the client and the latest contacts with him on his computer screen.

Configuration capabilities for managing customer relationships may be in demand by the commercial director, marketing director, and employees of the marketing, sales and supply departments of the enterprise.

Fixed assets management

The prudent management of fixed assets and other non-current assets is a critical element of a strategy for achieving long-term business performance.

The configuration provides for accounting for the following types of long-term tangible assets:

  • equipment received by the enterprise and not transferred into operation;
  • equipment handed over for installation;
  • construction projects;
  • fixed assets.

The following key features are provided:

  • automation of operations for accounting of equipment and fixed assets;
  • accounting for costs of construction, installation and repair work;
  • accounting for the costs of reconstruction and modernization of fixed assets;
  • generation of reports on the necessary sections;
  • reflection of transactions with equipment and fixed assets in accounting;
  • depreciation calculation for tax accounting purposes for income tax and formation of tax accounting registers.

The configuration automates all standard asset accounting operations:

  • acceptance of the fixed asset for accounting;
  • movement control and inventory;
  • depreciation calculation;
  • changing the parameters and methods of reflecting depreciation costs;
  • accounting for actual production of fixed assets;
  • relocation, modernization, write-off and sale of fixed assets.

A wide range of depreciation calculation methods are supported:

  • linear method;
  • proportional to the volume of production;
  • according to uniform depreciation rates;
  • reducing balance method;
  • by the sum of the numbers of years of useful life;
  • according to an individual depreciation schedule.

For fixed assets with a seasonal nature of operation, you can indicate the need to apply a schedule for distributing the amount of annual depreciation by month.
The configuration allows you to obtain detailed information about the condition of fixed assets, analyze the degree of their wear and monitor the implementation of equipment maintenance work.

Fulfillment of the production program on time and optimal use of resources requires high-quality planning of maintenance and repair of fixed assets of the enterprise. To solve this problem, the configuration provides the following capabilities:

  • maintaining a regulatory framework for servicing fixed assets;
  • planning the maintenance of fixed assets and resources for its implementation;
  • accounting for the results of maintenance of fixed assets;
  • analysis of deviations in the timing and volume of maintenance of fixed assets.


Planning is one of the most important conditions for organizing the effective operation of an enterprise. Planning covers the main areas of economic activity - sales, purchasing, production, cash management in interaction with each other. Planning is based on forecasting demand, analysis and assessment of available resources, and prospects for the development of the enterprise
Planning consists of establishing the goals of the enterprise for a certain period of time, determining ways to achieve the goals, and providing resources. It involves the development of a set of measures that determine the sequence of achieving specific goals, taking into account the capabilities of the enterprise.
During the planning process, a set of plans is drawn up for areas of activity that cover the most important divisions of the enterprise. Planning is one of the most effective ways to reduce costs. In addition, planning is a means of coordinating the activities of enterprise divisions.

As a result, it is possible to reduce the level of downtime of equipment and specialists, reduce order fulfillment times, optimize the movement of materials and warehouse balances, make the production process transparent and manageable, and generally increase the efficiency of the enterprise.

The planning mechanisms implemented in the configuration provide:

  • scenario planning to develop various options for enterprise development;
  • recording of planned data to protect against changes (according to scenarios and periods).

The configuration provides for planning in the following areas of activity: sales, production, purchasing. It is convenient to draw up plans in the following sequence: first of all, a sales plan is drawn up, then a production plan, and lastly a procurement plan.

Cash management

An integral condition for the effective existence of an enterprise in a modern competitive environment is the creation of an effective cash flow management mechanism that ensures the generation of prompt and reliable information, regulation of mutual settlements, increased payment discipline and, ultimately, acceleration of cash turnover.

The configuration contains automated enterprise cash management tools that perform the following main functions:

  • operational accounting of the actual movement of funds of the enterprise on settlement accounts and cash desks;
  • operational planning of receipts and expenditures of funds of the enterprise;
  • Forecast cash planning.

As part of the cash management functionality, an operational financial plan is maintained - a payment calendar. The payment calendar is a collection of requests for spending funds and planned cash receipts. The payment calendar is compiled with details down to the places where funds are stored - bank accounts and cash desks of the enterprise. When compiling a payment calendar, its feasibility is automatically checked - the sufficiency of cash reserves in the places where they are stored.

The configuration generates monetary documents (payment orders, cash receipts and debit orders, etc.), ensures interaction with specialized banking programs such as "Bank Client", and controls financial flows, the availability of funds in storage areas is monitored. The possibility of cash payments in foreign currencies is provided.


All economic activity enterprise is reflected in accounting. The accounting principles implemented in the configuration fully comply with Russian legislation and at the same time meet the needs of the business.

The configuration includes a chart of accounts for accounting, configured in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation “On approval of the chart of accounts for accounting of financial and economic activities of organizations and instructions for its application” dated October 31, 2000. No. 94n. The composition of accounts, the settings of analytical, currency, and quantitative accounting allow you to take into account the requirements of the law. The user can also independently manage the accounting methodology as part of setting up the accounting policy, create new sub-accounts and sections of analytical accounting. This does not require special knowledge or configuration skills. In traditional accounting, entries are used to record business transactions only in the ledger accounts. In the configuration, the posting functions are expanded: posting can be used to reflect business transactions also in analytical accounting. This is achieved by using additional details in posting - subconto.

Accounting is maintained in accordance with Russian legislation for all areas:

  • bank and cash transactions;
  • fixed assets and intangible assets;
  • accounting of materials, goods, products;
  • cost accounting and cost calculation;
  • currency transactions;
  • settlements with organizations;
  • settlements with accountable persons;
  • settlements with personnel regarding wages;
  • calculations with the budget.


For the successful development of an enterprise, remuneration methods should be used that contribute to the creation of a business atmosphere and orient employees to increase their personal contribution to the success of the common business. Financial motivation mechanisms can be used as a basis for achieving these goals. In addition, the remuneration methods used must comply with legal requirements.

The application solution provides automatic calculation of wages and related taxes and fees in accordance with current legislation.

The application solution fully automates a complex of labor-intensive settlements with personnel, including calculations for payment of sick leave and vacations and the generation of documents for payment of wages and reporting to state regulatory authorities. The calculation of charges and deductions regulated by law is automated, and the results of calculations are reflected in the costs of the enterprise. A diagram of the main data movements when calculating salaries is shown below.

The following stages can be distinguished in payroll calculation.

  • Occasionally, “conditionally permanent” personnel accounting information is entered into the information base, which is subsequently used in calculations of accruals and deductions
  • During the month, documents are entered characterizing the labor performance of each employee, as well as other documents and information affecting accruals and deductions ( sick leave etc.).
  • After the end of the period, the actual calculation of wages and associated taxes and contributions is carried out. Based on the results of this calculation, data on the amounts to be paid to employees is generated.

The application solution ensures the generation of the necessary paper documents, as well as paper and electronic reporting related to payroll.

Personnel management

The application solution is an automated tool for the enterprise's personnel policy. The solution helps assess the professional performance of each employee, identify the most promising people, rationally allocate personnel, establish effective incentives and a fair remuneration system.

The application solution automates the following areas of HR management activities:

  • personnel needs planning;
  • solving problems of providing business with personnel - selection, questioning and assessment;
  • personnel records and personnel analysis;
  • analysis of the level and causes of staff turnover;
  • maintaining regulated document flow.

Automation of personnel management is useful for all employees of the enterprise.

  • Management will have full control over what is happening, set the structure of the enterprise and its constituent organizations, analyze personnel composition, and make management decisions based on complete and reliable information. Powerful analytical reports provide the user with information in arbitrary sections.
  • The HR department will receive a valuable tool for automating routine tasks and the ability to generate flexible reports on employees with various selection and sorting conditions.
  • Employees of the enterprise will be confident that at any time they will be able to quickly receive the certificates they need, information about their vacation, personalized accounting data for the Pension Fund, etc.

Management reporting

To effectively manage an enterprise, you need to have a complete understanding of its activities. The configuration reporting system provides efficient processing of huge amounts of various information in order to present them in a generalized and comparable form, suitable for analysis and management decision-making. The configuration provides the construction of a variety of reports designed to analyze all aspects of the enterprise's activities. Reports are a powerful and flexible tool for selecting, summarizing and grouping data contained in an information base. The user can not only print the report, but also work with it as an interactive document - change its parameters, rebuild, generate an additional report based on individual documents of an already generated report.

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Management and accounting problems that can be solved by introducing a unified information system "1C Integrated Automation":

  • comprehensive management of the enterprise's pricing policy;
  • formation of regulated reporting, as well as maintaining accounting and tax records;
  • customer relationship management (CRM);
  • management of financial operations of the enterprise, including mutual settlements;
  • management of relationships with counterparties (on sales, purchases and inventories);
  • financial and production capacity management;
  • operational planning of resource allocation;
  • simplified production accounting;
  • management of the enterprise's personnel policy with payroll functions;
  • performance analysis and performance monitoring for managers.

Complex " 1C: Integrated automation 2.0» organizes a unified working environment that allows not only to effectively perform daily tasks, but also to analyze activities to support management decisions, which is convenient for both the owners of the enterprise and their managers and staff.

This software product allows, depending on the status of employees, to clearly differentiate access rights to the functionality and information of the system.

Advantages of 1C Integrated Automation 8.3

Being developed on the basis of the 1 C Enterprise 8.3 technology platform, this complex significantly exceeds in its capabilities similar solutions of earlier versions (including 7.7).

The advantages include:

  • extended set of functions for ;
  • more powerful tools for constructing analytical and economic reporting;
  • convenient and ergonomic interface;
  • fundamentally new models that allow analyzing the financial and economic activities of an enterprise;
  • flexible scalability of the system and its high performance;
  • more developed means of delineating access rights.
  • integrated approach

In addition, a unified information environment allows you to conduct managerial, and also accounting and tax accounting both for one and for several organizations, for example, members of a holding. This feature greatly reduces the labor intensity of these processes by storing information in single arrays. Regulated (accounting and tax) records are kept only in the national currency of the region where the organization or its branch is located and is formed for each of them separately.

At the same time, the enterprise can be maintained in any currency chosen as such.

If you have difficulties with the implementation of 1C comprehensive automation, you can turn to the services. In addition to 1C services, we sell software products in Moscow and the regions.

Comparison 1 C Integrated Automation 1.1 and 2.0

The 1C KA 2.0 program is built on the fundamentally new 1C platform version 8.3. It is built on the basis of the latest 1C programs:

  • 1C Trade Management 11;
  • 1C Accounting 3.0;
  • 1C Salary and personnel management 3.0.

In addition to new technical capabilities, the program received the following new modules:

  • Budgeting;
  • Analysis of key business indicators;
  • Simplified production accounting subsystem.

The 1C Integrated Automation 2.0 program is as close as possible to the class of ERP systems and allows you to cover all the activities of an enterprise, from accounting to budgeting.

, UT 11

This article begins a series of materials on settings for 1C Integrated Automation 2 and Trade Management 11.

I immediately warn the most courageous and fearless. Those who plan to figure everything out on their own, on a whim. Setting up Integrated Automation 2.0 (and higher) and Trade Management 11 is a non-trivial task. There are more and more different checkboxes and switches from version to version.

Here, at a minimum, you need to figure out what ideas the developer had, what logic 1C put into the program and its settings.

Therefore, even if you, having read and watched enough on the Internet, decide to set up Integrated 2 yourself, after you have configured everything to your taste, spend some money and invite a franchisee specialist to check it.

Working in an incorrectly configured program can lead to serious additional expenses for accounting restoration. Do you know the sign - a miser pays twice?

On the other hand, good news: if you do not have any special, personal commitment to older versions of 1C, then these more modern ones are simpler and more convenient for everyday use.

Let's go...

Program settings are placed in the menu item Reference data and administration. Although, as we will see later, some of the settings are performed directly in the accounting sections.

We start with the section:

Setting up master data and sections - Enterprise

1. Working hours

Here we need to fill out the Enterprise Work Schedule. It is used in many places in the program, so resolve this issue right away.

The new database has already created one default chart - " Russian Federation". It is already filled as a standard five-day period. If you are satisfied with it, then choose it.

If your company has a special work schedule, then we create a new schedule.

The schedule is filled out according to the production calendar using a weekly template. Fill out the company's weekly work schedule and the program will automatically multiply it for the whole year.

This is described in great detail in the contextual help of Integrated Automation (question in the upper right corner of the window), I will not repeat it here.

2. Organizations

The next block of checkboxes is dedicated to the number of organizations:

If you have multiple organizations, then obviously you need to check the appropriate box. Otherwise, the documents will not even contain such details.

Setting up several organizations is also required if you have separate divisions on a separate balance sheet.

But, several organizations should also be established if you plan to conduct operations under the Management Organization.

Management organization - what kind of beast is it? Thus, in the new 1C configurations, the issue with the possible presence of transactions taken into account exclusively for management accounting purposes has been resolved.

The subtlety is that issues of difference economic sense of the same operations for the purpose of one or another accounting is solved in the program at the level of operations analytics. A management organization is not needed for this. The management organization allows you to take into account transactions that should not be reflected in regulated accounting at all.

Think about this aspect of your accounting yourself - whether you need it or not, and we move on.

3. Debt classification

The next block defines the ability to classify overdue receivables in different ways.

Here, for example, is how debt is supposed to be classified by default:

Not suitable for everyone. As a rule, it may be necessary to detail the debt differently for different users. That's why I always check the box.

4. Currencies

The last block is responsible for currencies. By default, multicurrency accounting is not installed. The currency of regulated and management accounting is the ruble and it cannot be changed - no matter what.

If another currency is required - for any purpose:

  • export and import operations
  • calculations in conventional units
  • separate management accounting currency

then in these cases, set the Multiple currencies flag. Here you can enter the currencies themselves. But you can do this later, when the need arises.

Unlike the previous generation of 1C programs, the currency of management accounting can be changed even if there are documents in the database. Complex 2, although it will be indignant, will allow you to change the currency. However, responsibility for the consequences of such a change remains with the users.