Dogue de Bordeaux dimensions. Reliable friend with a cheerful disposition: Dogue de Bordeaux. Character and behavior

Among large dogs special attention attracts the Dogue de Bordeaux, the second name is the French mastiff. A confident athlete does not doubt his abilities.

One of his tasks is intimidation and he does it well.

The Dogue de Bordeaux or French Mastiff, the English Mastiff and the Italian Mastino Neopolitano have common roots.

According to legend, Queen Olympias - mother of the legendary Alexander the Great, was engaged in breeding large dogs.

In those days, gladiator fights flourished and gladiator dogs were at a high price.

The ancestors of mastiffs accompanied Alexander the Great on all his campaigns. Large, terrifying-looking, incorruptible guards.

In the 5th century BC there was a great migration of peoples. Numerous tribes reached Spain. Among them were numerous tribes of Alans. Together with the brave warriors, large, strong and desperate dogs went into battle. They were also called Alans. They were worth a human warrior.

The conquerors were stopped, and Alan dogs took root in the new lands. They and Molossian dogs are considered to be the ancestors of modern mastiffs.

The strong, hardy animal was used for dog fighting. In France, bloody fights were abolished in 1850, but even now many people consider the breed.

International Canine Federation recognized the Dogue de Bordeaux as an independent breed only in 1971.

Description of the breed

Breed standard according to the International Canine Federation FCI No. 116 dated 04.11.2008 “Dogue de Bordeaux”.
Group 2 “Pinchers and Schnauzers, Molossians, Mountain and Swiss Cattle Dogs.” Section 2 “Molossians”.
Description of the breed in the international FCI standard:

  • male height: 60-68 cm;
  • female height: 58-66 cm;
  • male weight: 50 kg. minimum;
  • female weight: 45 kg. minimum.


The dog has an athletic build:

  • bones and muscles are well developed;
  • the neck is short;
  • the chest is wide and strong;
  • ribs do not protrude;
  • the groin line is high;
  • the back is wide, short;
  • tail medium length, rises by the dog in an excited state;
  • The legs are straight and muscular, with the hind legs being slightly longer than the front ones.


Dogue de Bordeaux has special structure of the head. It has a square outline. A groove running through the entire skull is clearly visible.

The lower jaw protrudes above the upper jaw up to 1.5-2.5 centimeters. The lower canines are curved, the incisors are straight. The nose is wide, the nostrils are large.

The eyes are oval, their color depends on the color of the coat. The ears are small, their ends have a rounded shape. They usually hang, but rise when excited.


Dogues de Bordeaux are:

  • red;
  • red, light and dark brown.

The ears are several shades darker than the base color. The dog may have a mask. The nose is the color of the mask or the main color. There may be small islands of white fur on the paws and chest.

The dog's thick skin is covered soft, short hair without undercoat.

Breed characteristics

Dogs of the Dogue de Bordeaux breed are smart and balanced. They are tolerant of pets and get along with children. By the behavior of family members they know exactly who is boss in the house.

Characteristics include good learning ability. Of course, he cannot compare in intelligence and agility with or, but at the same time he is able to remember and unquestioningly obey his owner. But Such a dog cannot be trained thoughtlessly- it is needed.

If brute force is used frequently in the learning process, she will become embittered, and its large size and massive jaws make the aggressive Great Dane very dangerous.

The main concern of the Great Dane is the protection of the owner and his family members. Sensing danger, he will immediately rush to the enemy, which is why he is good as a personal bodyguard. But he is poorly developed.

The smell of alcohol irritates your dog.

Care and conditions of detention

The Dogue de Bordeaux does not require complex care. Like any other dog, he should be given special sticks to clean his teeth from time to time, and his eyes and ears should be examined for inflammation.

After eating, it is advisable to wipe the folded jaws from food debris.

  1. In the enclosure. The floors and booth must be heated. The dog does not have warm, thick fur or undercoat. The mesh of the enclosure must be strong enough so that a large and strong animal cannot escape.
  2. In a house or apartment. The dog should have its own place - spacious, without drafts, located away from windows and doors, as well as heating appliances. You need a soft, large rug.

The Great Dane needs to buy toys. They love to play at any age.

Large animal does not require much physical activity. For walks, 30-40 minutes in the morning and evening are enough.

The Dogue de Bordeaux cannot be called a long-liver. Dogs of this breed usually live 6-8 years, in rare cases living up to 10-12.

Early aging is a common problem for all large dogs.

Pros and cons

The breed is different balanced disposition, respectable, attractive appearance and excellent health.

Amateurs will consider minor inconveniences such as frequent drooling, snoring and snoring to be a trifle. But an animal's short lifespan can be a serious disadvantage for the owner who became attached to him.

Average price

If you decide to raise a dog for exhibitions and competitions, then you will need a show-class puppy. It will cost from 35 to 60 thousand rubles. The price of a Dogue de Bordeaux may be higher if the dog has good inclinations.

For breeding, a good pedigree and a classic exterior will be enough. These are breeding class puppies. Their price is 20-30 thousand rubles.

A purebred puppy with a pedigree that has no breeding value can be purchased for 15-20 thousand. This is the so-called pet class.

Do you need a loyal friend, guard and protector, and are you ready to become the owner of a large, serious dog? In this case, the Dogue de Bordeaux will be an excellent choice.

Additionally, check out a short video about the Dogue de Bordeaux dog breed:

The Dogue de Bordeaux (or French) is one of the largest and most expensive dog breeds. If you haven’t met her in person, you’ve probably seen her in a video or photo. In general, the French Great Dane gained great popularity just after the release of the acclaimed film “Turner and Hooch.” Despite their imposing appearance, giants have a glorious character. In life they are excellent friends and companions.

History of the origin of the breed

The Dogue de Bordeaux has a rich but murky history. On the one hand, the roots of the breed go back to the beginning of our era. On the other hand, images and descriptions of the distant ancestors of French dogs can be mistaken for the “prototype” of many other breeds. Archeology shows us a dog similar to the Bordeaux, Dogo Argentino, and Mastino.

History closer to our time is already more clearly outlined. The French Mastiff is mentioned in medieval documents. The tower of one of the cathedrals of Corcasson, which was built in the 14th century, is decorated with the head of a dog that closely resembles a mastiff.

During the same period, the Aquitanian dog is mentioned, divided into three types:

  • Parisian;
  • Toulouse;
  • Bordeaux.

The latter is precisely the most likely ancestor of our mastiff. Modern history is already replete with facts. Bordeaux, nicknamed Magenta, became the hero of an exhibition held in 1863 in Paris. Having lit up, the breed could not deserve standardization for decades. The standard was adopted only in 1911.

The world wars caused enormous damage to the livestock. The Dogue de Bordeaux began to revive only in the middle of the last century. The French mastiff arrived in Russia quite late, in 1991.

Description of the species

Breed standard

The Dogue de Bordeaux is built disproportionately - the huge wrinkled head clearly dominates the body. The strong neck is supported by a muscular body, which, in turn, rests on powerful legs. The eyes are set wide apart with overhanging folds. The drooping ears are rounded at the tips. The nose is slightly rounded and wide. The Dogue de Bordeaux “ends” with a thick, short, low-set tail.

The mastiff's body is covered with thick skin with numerous folds.


The coat of Bordeaux dogs is soft, thick, smooth and short. Mastiffs are characterized by a solid color. The entire reddish palette is allowed: from Isabella to mahogany. Small white spots on the chest and fingertips are allowed. But a light spot on the limbs above the wrist or at the end of the tail is a big minus. The same spots on the body or head are completely outside the standard.

The mask may either be absent or be one of two colors: black or chestnut.

Character and characteristics of upbringing

Despite its unusual and slightly frightening appearance, in life the French Mastiff is a calm, intelligent and sociable dog. Of course, the blood of formidable fighters flows in it, but today Bordeaux, if it can show an aggressive character, is only in relation to other animals.

But in order for a mastiff to grow up friendly, it must be properly raised throughout its life. Dogue de Bordeaux puppies require early socialization. The duration of the peak inclination towards education in the spirit of “humanism” is about eight weeks. The peak usually corresponds to the period of 8-16 weeks of life.

The puppy needs to be immersed in an environment of its own kind. This is how the baby learns the wisdom of building relationships with his own kind. You should not develop aggressiveness in a dog - it contradicts his modern nature. Provoking aggression breaks the character of an animal.

Pros and cons of the breed

Advantages of the breed:

  • wonderful security guard;
  • wonderful character - this is a companion dog;
  • original appearance;
  • well trained.

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • puppies are expensive;
  • snore in their sleep;
  • eat a lot;
  • relatively inactive.

Home content

The “Bordeaux” story, the duration of which is measured in centuries, has seriously changed the dog. Her nature requires living with people.


The breed is distinguished by slobbering. Of course, it is better to keep it in a private home, taking into account regular communication between a person and a pet. Bordeaux requires a solid space; a cramped room is not for this giant. Despite the inactivity caused by its weight, the mastiff loves to frolic when walking. At a moderate pace, of course. Regular walks are a must to prevent your animal from becoming obese.

Wool does not require significant care. Periodic brushing is sufficient. At the same time, for obvious reasons - just look at the photo of the Great Dane - you should wash the mastiff's face often.


The basis of a large dog's diet should be meat and offal. You cannot replace it with broth-based porridges and bones. Puppies up to 2-3 months are fed mainly beef. The meat should be cut into pieces. You can give soft bones that will not harm the baby. By-products should be washed and boiled well.

You can give sea fish a couple of times a week. Fermented milk products are a source of calcium, which is so necessary for a growing body. Raw milk is given only to small puppies. Protein foods must be supplemented with vegetables and cereals.

An adult Dogue de Bordeaux is quite voracious, so, according to reviews from owners, many try to switch to dry food. This provides the dog with a complete set nutrients. Which, of course, does not mean that the mastiff should be completely deprived of natural food.

The French Mastiff should not be fed pork, tubular chicken bones, or minced meat. It is not recommended to share your table with him. It is necessary to exclude sweets, smoked and salty foods from the diet.

Possible diseases

Along with many other large breeds, the mastiff is prone to dysplasia hip joint. Unfortunately, the Great Dane is also prone to some forms of cancer. Sometimes birth difficulties arise due to the size of the head. Bordeaux dogs suffer, like all large dogs, from acute dilatation of the stomach. Often there are problems with the eyelids - entropion of the eyelids.

The Dogue de Bordeaux is, first of all, strength and huge, frightening size, which makes this dog an excellent guard and protector, even if it does not make a single sound. It was the frightening size and ferocious appearance that made the Dogue de Bordeaux an ideal fighter, hunter and guard throughout the history of the breed.

But the secret of the Dogue de Bordeaux is that its appearance contradicts its real essence. The Dogue de Bordeaux is one of the most gentle, calm and sociable dog breeds.

These dogs are extremely loyal to their owner and often feel lonely if the owner leaves them for a long time. Sociability makes Dogue de Bordeaux more effective watchdog, unlike many excitable terrier breeds, which tend to scare everyone who approaches with their barking.

The Dogue de Bordeaux relies more on its intimidating size and trusts someone who has not yet committed any actions that prove bad intentions. If the danger is obvious, then the offender will have to learn what the ferocity of the Dogue de Bordeaux is.

Sociability combined with herding roots allows the Dogue de Bordeaux to get along well with children and other small pets, especially if they grow up with them from childhood.

The Dogue de Bordeaux is aware of its strength and tends to protect weaker animals. However, animals larger or the same size should not be kept with the Dogue de Bordeaux, as the breed's history as a hunting and fighting dog can provoke aggression.

Relative to their size, they are dogs with low energy levels, which can be a problem when it comes to training. Even though the Dogue de Bordeaux is extremely intelligent, he is simply too tired to exercise with a trainer for more than an hour or two at a time.

Those who are interested in this breed, assuming that they are energetic and playful dogs due to their size, should pay attention to another breed. However, those who are interested in large dogs but dislike their sometimes obnoxious and aggressive manner of activity and playfulness may find the Dogue de Bordeaux an ideal friend.


Like many other large and heavy dog ​​breeds, the Dogue de Bordeaux is prone to hip dysplasia.

Difficulties in childbirth in dogs of this breed associated with large size puppy heads.

The Dogue de Bordeaux is also predisposed to certain forms of cancer.


Caring for the Dogue de Bordeaux is not difficult. This breed has very short hair. Periodic use of a rubber glove specifically designed for smooth-coated dogs will help remove dead skin and hair from your dog.

There is one peculiarity in caring for this breed associated with wrinkles on the Dogue de Bordeaux's face. Wash your Great Dane's face regularly to remove any dirt that may get caught in the folds. It is also important to bathe your Dogue de Bordeaux regularly to prevent possible skin irritations and infections.

Despite its size, the Dogue de Bordeaux does not need much physical activity.

Moreover, too much exercise during the first year of a dog's life can lead to underdeveloped bones and muscles, which in turn can lead to serious health problems. Thus, it would be correct to limit physical activity Dogue de Bordeaux during the first years of his life. Playing with your dog for about an hour a day will be enough.

The Dogue de Bordeaux's energy level is relatively low for a dog of its size and strength. This is important to know and remember even when keeping an adult dog. One or two walks a day can be considered acceptable, and for older dogs a sufficient amount of exercise.

It is also very good for the Dogue de Bordeaux if there is space where the dog can run and play freely.

It is worth keeping in mind that every dog ​​is individual. This description is typical for the breed as a whole and does not always completely coincide with the characteristics of a particular dog of this breed!

The Dogue de Bordeaux was bred to be a dog with an iron grip. Since he has it, it means he is beautiful. Do you still doubt this? Well, although the French Mastiff (Dogue de Bordeaux) does not claim the canine title “Mr. Universe”, it cannot be denied that he has a very cute face, capable of making terribly funny faces.

Standard and character

In 1896, veterinarian Pierre Mengem published a short book about the Dogue de Bordeaux, which essentially gave the 1st standard for this breed. 10 years later, Professor Kunstler, who taught comparative anatomy, published a detailed work, “A Critical Study of the Dogue de Bordeaux,” which contains a standard more accurate than the modern one. Because of its accuracy, the 1910 standard remained virtually unchanged for 60 years. Only in 1971, Raymond Recke compiled the 3rd standard, which he revised in 1993 in accordance with the requirements of the Federation of Dog Breeders. The last revision was made by this federation in 1995. Let us name only the main provisions of the standard:

The Dogue de Bordeaux has the typical appearance of a guard dog with a rounded skull, that is, a short muzzle. He has rather short limbs. The head is very voluminous, rather short, angular, with a powerful lower jaw. A bite with the upper teeth protruding over the lower teeth. The teeth are large and strong. The ears are drooping with a slightly rounded tip. The eyes are oval. The nose is very wide, the nostrils are open. The neck is muscular and strong with folds or loose skin. The chest is very wide. The limbs are powerful and muscular, absolutely vertical. The tail is thick, tapering at the base. It should not hang below the ankle. The movements are powerful but smooth. Height at the withers is from 60 to 68 centimeters for cables and from 58 to 66 centimeters for bitches. Weight is at least 50 kilograms for males and at least 45 for females.

What is the Dogue de Bordeaux like today? He is unfortunately considered a biter and a very aggressive dog. But in fact this is not at all true. The Dogue de Bordeaux was not much affected by the controversy recent years about whether dogs of a number of breeds are dangerous. But extremists want some of them to disappear from the face of the earth. The Dogue de Bordeaux was not included in this number, since it is little known outside of France. However, there are people who consider him a potential killer and want to destroy him.

In fact, the French Mastiff, like many other unfairly accused dogs, are balanced animals, attached to the owner’s family, showing endless patience with children. Yes, he was once a fighting dog, but firstly not by choice, and secondly, he only fought with animals.

The descendants of fighting dogs do retain a certain aggressiveness, but towards other dogs, not towards people. A dog is not an object, not a fighting machine without reason and without feelings. A dog is a sensitive, intelligent and thinking creature. Its behavior and manifestation of character can be corrected by the owner, just as a child can be raised by its parents.

Photo: Dogue de Bordeaux (correct spelling is Bordeaux) or French mastiff

Raising and training a puppy

A Great Dane raised and raised with love and a reasonable amount of firmness will never become a beast. He will be a calm animal, although his menacing appearance always makes a huge impression on those who see him. Of course, the Great Dane usually does not show love to its own kind, especially to members of its own sex. But, if a Great Dane puppy is properly socialized, that is, often introduced to other dogs and allowed to play with them, he will quickly learn the rules of peaceful coexistence.

When we talk about a puppy, we mean a very small animal. In nature, socialization occurs between the 8th and 16th weeks of life. It is during this short time that the kids learn relationships with the rest of the pack, learn the rules of canine gallantry and ritual movements that restrain the aggressiveness of their brothers.

Such a movement, for example, is falling on your back as a sign of surrender. In the Middle Ages, owners of fighting dogs did not have a high culture of dog breeding, since there was no science of animal behavior at that time. And yet they felt that in order for an adult dog to be ready to fight to the last drop of blood, as a puppy he had to live for several months away from his own kind. Over time, the Great Dane breed became more of a play breed than a fighting breed. To avoid conflicts between the Great Dane and other dogs, you need to do the opposite of what was done in the Middle Ages.

The puppy should communicate and play with other puppies more often, then he will consider them friends, not enemies. Of course, an adult dog may have other, serious reasons for fighting. For example, the fight for a female or for territory. But there is a difference between a dog that can fight another dog in certain conditions, and a dog that indiscriminately attacks all the four-legged animals it sees, without thinking whether they are rivals or potential wives. To avoid groundless pugnacity, it is enough to socialize the puppy at the right age. The same rules are important in relation to a dog and a person.

If a puppy meets many people, can be among them, if they pet him, he will never become angry and... If he understands that the person is his friend, he will also show friendliness towards him. Some people believe that a well-socialized dog can no longer perform its guard duties. This is a misconception. Dog, no knowing a person, will definitely be afraid of him - this is what her ancient instinct tells her.

In this case, the dog guarding the yard will certainly bark or even bite the stranger out of sheer fear, but only while the stranger is outside the yard gate. As soon as he decides to enter the courtyard, the barking guard will take flight. A socialized dog is not afraid of a person, but this does not mean that it will always be kind to him.

If a person allows himself to enter a dog’s territory without permission and offends its owner or his loved ones, he will become familiar with its teeth. The instinct of a territorial animal makes the Great Dane bravely defend the place in which it lives. However, only a dog that is not afraid of a person is able to fight with him in case of danger.

There is another category of people, it’s also bad knowledgeable this breed. They get the Dogue de Bordeaux for its fearsome appearance and then push its aggressiveness to the extreme, upsetting the balance of its character. Alas, the Great Dane is a dog, not a machine gun. Anyone who needs a vicious beast, a deadly four-legged weapon, often forgets that a dog, even the fastest and most cruel - living creature, whose power is not unlimited.

It, for example, will not be able to withstand a bullet, even if we raise it to be as aggressive as possible. Let us conclude: those who need complete security should better settle in an underground bunker and leave the dogs alone. The same one who needs a relative from a dog, but enough effective protection, may well raise his Great Dane in kindness and tenderness, allowing him to play with children and be caressed by friends. The dog's performance qualities will not suffer from this. On the contrary, he will become more reliable and faithful. Perhaps these qualities are not needed by all people, but the owner cannot help but be convinced that a dog raised in love will be happy.

Photo of the French Mastiff breed (Dogue de Bordeaux)

The main thing is that he lives close to the owner and his family. Guard dogs were not supposed to engage in herding or hunting. They were created in order to be close to a person, to protect, love and protect him. The Dogue de Bordeaux realizes its qualities better and will be happy if it can live side by side with its owner.

Therefore, he should enter his house as often as possible. Of course, the dog is of considerable size and, like many guard dogs, he often drools. A person who strives to have a sparkling clean house is not the most suitable owner for a Great Dane. But he loses a lot. Shiny floors will not warm his heart as much as this old boxer's muzzle, like these eyes glowing with love. In a word, let each of us make our choice. However, we do not recommend getting a Dogue de Bordeaux in order to keep it only in the yard as a guard. In this case, he will not be happy. There is no need to go to the other extreme. A Great Dane should not live at home within four walls all the time. His physical characteristics require movement, especially during adolescence, when his skeleton and muscles develop most quickly.

Since the dog is heavy, it rarely participates in racing. But being in open space, she moves a lot, albeit with average speed. This helps her grow. If you limit her mobility, this will affect her physique - clumsiness will appear, an unpleasant disproportion in the size of her head and torso. Raising a Dogue de Bordeaux is both pleasant and very difficult. Like all heavy and squat dogs, he may develop crooked legs, especially the front legs, which must support the weight of his powerful chest. Breeders go out of their way to raise perfect puppies using only the best studs. But excellent genetic work can easily be spoiled by errors in care or feeding. It is a mistake to keep a Great Dane in a cramped room. An even bigger mistake is to overfeed him and make him gain weight.

He must always have fresh water at his disposal. You should not force your puppy to move too much. Until 4-5 months, he should make only voluntary movements and not undergo training, which would rather hinder than accelerate his development. Like all heavy, fast-growing dogs, the Dogue de Bordeaux puppy needs a lot of energy just for the growth process alone. The Dogue de Bordeaux may not be handsome, especially in the opinion of those who know nothing about dog breeding, but he is a dog with an unforgettable appearance.

Photo: French Mastiff (Dogue de Bordeaux) - companion dog

Friendly in the family, but stern with those who threaten him, this charming French boxer is the embodiment of the main qualities of a guard dog. It was created to serve man. He is happy only next to him. And this union is unbreakable until the end of his life.

Photo of the Dogue de Bordeaux breed

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Pros and cons

  • Balanced character
  • Excellent security qualities
  • Devotion to the owner and his family
  • The need for serious training and training
  • Eats a lot

Description of the breed

The Dogue de Bordeaux is a large, massive dog, with well-developed muscles and a squat, strong body. These animals give the impression of brute strength, comparable only to a bull. Their wide body stands confidently on its feet, and its stocky figure strikes fear into any intruder. But at the same time, the dogs are surprisingly calm. Their self-confidence is unshakable - when communicating with people, the Great Dane behaves in a distinctly intelligent manner.

If you decide to have such a pet, you should prepare for some features of the Dogue de Bordeaux breed. First of all, big dogs eat a lot. They need complete premium or extra premium food, or one and a half to two kilograms of natural food per day. The second problem you need to be prepared for is difficult relationships with other dogs. No, he will not be drawn into a petty squabble, he will not prove his superiority with loud barking or unreasonable aggression. But if a dog equal to him begins to show strength, Bordeaux will respond quickly and mercilessly. It is not uncommon for a single bite from such a dog to leave another animal disabled. To prevent this from happening, such pets need early socialization, targeted training and education.

Breed standard Dogue de Bordeaux

According to the breed standard, the Dogue de Bordeaux is a large, squat, stocky dog, full of courage and courage. These pets are real heroes: their height can reach 70 cm and weight – 50 kg.

An interesting feature of the physique of these dogs is their disproportionality. But it does not spoil the animal at all; on the contrary, it gives it an even more solid and confident appearance.

These dogs are short-haired. The Dogue de Bordeaux's coat is very thick, most often red in color. All shades of red are allowed, as well as small white spots on the chest and toes.

There may be a “mask” of a dark shade.

“Dogues de Bordeaux,” as they are also called, are distinguished by a powerful head on a short, muscular neck. The muzzle is covered with folds of skin that hang down on both sides. The ears fit snugly to the head and droop.

Character and characteristics of the Dogue de Bordeaux

The Dogue de Bordeaux breed, also called the French Mastiff, is a born guard. This seemingly lazy mountain of muscles, lying imposingly in the sun, at the slightest danger to the owners turns into a lightning-fast machine that sweeps away everything in its path. These pets have a very developed reaction, which allows them to quickly make important decisions to save a person in an unforeseen situation.

They don't like to bark. Apparently, their confidence in their strength is so great that additional confirmation is simply not required. The dog's voice is used only in situations where it is necessary to notify the owner of some incident.

Representatives of this breed are highly people-oriented. If you decide to get such a dog, remember that you cannot leave it for a long time. Great Danes quickly get offended and are very bored.

Dogues de Bordeaux are loyal to children. However, their weight can become a serious problem if the dog accidentally pushes or steps on the child.

Representatives of the breed also sense the owner’s mood very subtly and can sit next to them for a long time and peer into their eyes. In general, despite its menacing size and appearance, the French Mastiff is not that scary.

These dogs belong to the short-haired category, so caring for the Dogue de Bordeaux comes down to a proper diet and sufficient activity during walks. However, his coat sheds a lot, and if you do not want to collect small hairs throughout the house, your pet should be brushed with a special mitt for short-haired dogs. This will collect lost hairs and make it even more beautiful.

The large size of the dog can become a problem in a small apartment - blocking the entrance to the room, or accidentally taking up the corridor. However, it does not require much space and can easily be found in small urban environments if you provide sufficient walking time.

The main responsibility of the owner is the strict training of the Dogue de Bordeaux. An untrained giant can become dangerous.

Feeding the Dogue de Bordeaux

The Dogue de Bordeaux should be fed twice a day. They are prone to overeating, which, combined with a rather phlegmatic temperament, can lead to obesity. To prevent this from happening, determine the optimal amount of food and stick to the right diet. On average, a large dog eats at least 1.5-2 kg of food per day.

A third of the serving should be protein food (meat). You can also give buckwheat, rice, rolled oats, vegetables and some fruits. Replacing meat with tripe is strictly not recommended, because There are not enough nutrients in the rumen for adequate nutrition for an adult dog. But its presence in the diet is desirable.

Dogue de Bordeaux puppies

Dogue de Bordeaux puppies mature quite late, like many dogs. The body completes its full development only by 2-3 years. But, despite such slow maturation, it is necessary to teach a dog the rules of behavior from early childhood.

Before you bring your little Great Dane into your home, decide on the place where he will sleep. Prepare in advance a bed, bowls, toys and all the items necessary for the baby.

Raising a big dog is hard work. It is important to remember that it is necessary not only to raise a dog correctly, but also to carefully plan its diet. Overfeeding a Dogue de Bordeaux puppy is very dangerous - it increases the load on the fragile musculoskeletal system, which in turn leads to curvature of the paws.

Make sure your puppy doesn't jump off high places. Do not play with him on rough terrain - this can lead to bruised elbows.

If the puppy is not vaccinated, you cannot go outside with it - weak immunity will not be able to fight diseases. It is especially important not to follow the dog’s lead, gently but persistently showing him what to do and what not to do. Dogues de Bordeaux are very touchy, and if you allow them to do something once and then forbid it, they will remember it for a long time.

Dogue de Bordeaux training

Training is the most important thing for large dogs. Such huge pets as the Dogue de Bordeaux require extensive training. Indulgences are unacceptable. If you want to raise a safe, smart and obedient pet, you need to devote enough time to it every day.

Great Danes are easy to train. Their high intelligence allows them to easily remember commands and demonstrate amazing intelligence.

Never punish your pet too harshly. The character of representatives of this breed can be very stubborn, and if he does not want to do something, you will not be able to force him. It is very important to achieve conscious obedience, which is established from puppyhood. Only consistent, strict, but non-violent training, together with great patience and love for the dog, can make it an ideal companion and reliable protector.