Which heating radiators are best for an apartment: a detailed analysis of the modern market. How to choose heating radiators for an apartment or house? Review of heating radiators for an apartment

Heating radiators are usually used as heating devices in apartments and private houses, and the first question that arises when installing heating systems is which batteries are best to install in the apartment? The answer to this question depends on many factors, and in order to thoroughly understand it, it is necessary to consider the design features and operating conditions of all types of radiators currently on the market.

Today there are four most popular types of radiators:

  • Cast iron;
  • Aluminum;
  • Steel;
  • Bimetallic.

Based on the differences in shape and material, each type of radiator has its own characteristics, and it is these that determine their use.

Cast iron radiators

The familiar bulky cast iron batteries painted with paint are becoming a thing of the past. They are being replaced in stores by modern varieties of cast iron radiators, which have not only an attractive appearance, but also reliability, proven over decades.

Features of cast iron radiators:

  • Working pressure from 6 to 10 atm., test pressure – up to 18 atm.;
  • Can work in systems with any pipes;
  • Can be used for a long time in central heating systems with a pH value of 7-9;
  • The partitioned structure allows you to choose required quantity sections, and in case of reconstruction - add or remove them.

Cast iron radiators have a number of advantages. They are slightly susceptible to corrosion - as a result of the initial interaction with water, a black insoluble precipitate is formed on their inner surface, which prevents the penetration of oxygen dissolved in water to the metal. When properly used, the destruction of cast iron pipes from the inside occurs extremely slowly. The outside of the radiators are covered with durable paint and are reliably protected from destruction. Cast iron radiators have extremely low gas formation, they do not bubble, and do not require constant bleeding of air.

One of the main disadvantages of cast iron batteries is their heavy weight, which makes their installation difficult. The disadvantages of cast iron radiators also include inertia - cast iron heats up slowly and cools down slowly, so quickly regulating the air temperature in a room with cast iron radiators is impossible.

Steel radiators

Steel radiators have the shape of a ribbed plate, inside of which there is a hermetically sealed circuit filled with coolant. The large area of ​​the radiators and the ribbed shape of the surface provide good heat transfer and warm air convection conditions. The material is steel, it has almost the same thermal conductivity as cast iron, but the wall thickness of steel batteries is smaller, so they warm up faster. Steel radiators are designed for operating pressure from 6 to 10 atm.

Advantages of steel radiators:

  • The shape and appearance allow steel radiators to successfully fit into any modern interior;
  • Steel radiators, like cast iron, with proper water treatment in the systems central heating serve for 15-25 years;
  • Can be used in systems with any pipes. Both in single-pipe and double-pipe;
  • They have a low price and are easy to install.

Before installing steel radiators, it is necessary to do this - a closed circuit does not allow them to be built up and the heat to change technical specifications.

Under high pressure conditions, steel panel radiators may lose their seal. Therefore, you should not use them in houses with more than 5 floors - the system in them is designed for a pressure of more than 6-8 atmospheres.

Aluminum radiators

Aluminum radiators have a neat, compact and modern appearance; they are also sold in the form of stacked sections, so you can choose the optimal number of them, determined by calculation. The height of aluminum radiators also varies, so they can be placed in convenient places rooms. Operating pressure of aluminum radiators is from 6 to 12 atm., test pressure – up to 25 atm.

The advantages of aluminum radiators are obvious:

  • Have a modern appearance;
  • Heat dissipation is high compared to other radiators and can reach 200 W per section;
  • Aluminum radiators are much lighter than other types of batteries, making them easy to install;
  • You can select the required number of sections;
  • On the outside they are protected with a polymer coating that protects the radiators from damage.

The main disadvantage of aluminum radiators is that they can only be used for a long time in closed systems with strict control of the pH of the coolant. In this case, pipes and fittings made of other metals cannot be used. Aluminum is an extremely reactive metal, and when interacting with copper and brass, it forms a galvanic couple, which can cause electrochemical corrosion and the appearance of surface currents. Therefore, to implement coolant supply systems to aluminum radiators, it is better to use plastic pipes, and ground the radiators themselves.

In addition, upon contact with fresh, oxygenated water, aluminum reacts, the product of which is hydrogen gas. Gas bubbles entering the system cause unpleasant sounds. Because of this feature, when installing aluminum radiators, it is necessary to provide a gas exhaust system and install a Mayevsky valve.

Based on these features, we can conclude: despite their low price and excellent heat transfer, it is better not to install aluminum radiators in city apartments with centralized heating. If it is impossible to control the quality of the coolant, one cannot be sure of their long service life.

Bimetallic radiators

As the name suggests, these radiators are made of two metals - steel and aluminum, using the advantages of both of these metals. The internal circuit conducting the coolant in bimetallic radiators is made of steel, which allows them to be used in systems with any pressure and with various types pipes and fittings. The external plates that transfer heat into the room are made of aluminum and, thanks to its high thermal conductivity, perfectly heat the room.

Advantages of bimetallic radiators:

  • High working pressure – up to 35 atm.;
  • Resistance to corrosion at any quality of coolant;
  • Low inertia - radiators quickly heat up and cool down just as quickly, and by regulating the coolant supply you can quickly reduce or increase the temperature in the room;
  • Attractive appearance;
  • Light weight, easy to install;
  • Sectional design allowing you to select the desired number of ribs.

The disadvantages include, perhaps, the higher price of bimetallic radiators. Which is soon compensated by their reliability and long term services. It should also be noted that when installing bimetallic radiators, it is necessary to maintain distances from the wall, floor and window sill - it must be at least 4 cm.

To summarize, we can say: for installation in an apartment with centralized heating, it is better to choose cast iron or bimetallic radiators, and for low-rise buildings - also steel ones. Aluminum radiators are best used in closed systems connected to a heating boiler, that is, where it is possible to check the quality of the coolant.

The choice of heating devices for a water system always remains the prerogative of the homeowner, even when the installation is carried out by hired craftsmen. But choosing batteries based on the advice of sellers or reviews of Internet users is not easy - the former often do not understand the topic and repeat advertising slogans, the latter “praise their swamp,” which is understandable. To find out which heating radiators are best to choose for an apartment or private house, we suggest using a simple and understandable algorithm.

Instructions for choosing batteries - a simplified approach

We hope the previous description helped you figure out which heating batteries are best for an apartment in terms of price and technical indicators. Finally, here are some practical tips:

  1. Please use the instructions at the beginning of this publication. Choose radiators that best suit your design and budget.
  2. The operating pressure of the coolant is important only for apartments in high-rise buildings; only bimetallic and aluminum batteries can withstand pressure above 10 bar. Any water heating devices are suitable for dachas and private cottages.
  3. If you have a limited budget, feel free to buy steel panels - their heat output is not inferior to other heaters or convectors.
  4. For a gravity-flow system, you need to take radiators with a large cross-section of internal channels. It is better not to install stamped steel heaters, only tubular ones.
  5. In terms of price-quality ratio and set of operating parameters, the first place is occupied by sectional batteries made of light aluminum alloy.
  6. It is worth paying for bimetal when there is no confidence in the parameters of the coolant - the pressure is unknown, hard water is used.
  7. Try not to purchase frankly cheap radiators made from unknown material in China. They will warm, but probably not for long.

Characteristics of heaters of the same size made from various materials, - comparison table

Conclusion regarding cast iron. Heating radiators of the old type MS-90 and MS-140 are cheap, but they look unsightly. Beautifully designed models are incredibly expensive, and therefore beyond the reach of ordinary homeowners. Cast iron is becoming rare, and the outdated “accordions” of the MC series are becoming a thing of the past.

If your budget allows you to install designer heaters, carefully select each battery according to its dimensions. It is better to place a vertical steel heating radiator in a narrow wall niche, and stylish cast iron products under the windows. It is advisable to additionally attach heavy floor-standing versions to the wall using a pair of brackets.

Not only the efficiency of the heating system, but also its durability depends on the choice of suitable batteries. Therefore, this step is very important, and it is given special attention. You also need to take into account that heating in apartment buildings is most often centralized, which means that the batteries will be susceptible to various dangers, for example, water hammer. Which heating radiators are best for an apartment? Our detailed review, in which we will look at the radiators available on the market and find out which ones are suitable for residential installation.

Features of centralized heating systems

Scheme of central heating in apartment buildings.

Heating a multi-storey building requires the construction of a large boiler room, where a powerful gas boiler is installed. From here, thick pipes are sent to the house, through which the coolant moves. And the higher multi-storey building, the higher the coolant pressure, since it needs to rise to a greater height and pass through hundreds of radiators, overcoming high hydraulic resistance.

As for multi-storey buildings with individual apartment heating, they are much less common. This is how houses with a height of 3-5 floors are built, where it is more profitable to create several autonomous heating systems than to build and maintain a common boiler room - this requires additional funds and additional human resources to maintain boiler equipment. But the pressure in autonomous systems much lower - the batteries will be relatively safe.

As you may already understand, the main enemy of heating batteries in apartment buildings with a centralized heating system is high blood pressure coolant Due to this, batteries often begin to leak, or even burst, when exposed to pressure from water. Subsequent repairs result not only in replacing the batteries themselves, but also in a complete renovation of the apartment (sometimes not your own, but the neighbor’s).

It must be remembered that the higher the building, the higher the pressure in the pipes. The highest rate is in modern buildings up to 20-26 floors (and higher).

Centralized heating systems also pose other dangers:

Water hammer instantly increases the pressure in the heating system and not all radiators can withstand it.

  • Water hammer - they occur as a result of pressure changes. If the boiler room employees open the coolant supply too abruptly, or shut it off just as abruptly, then the pipes and heating radiators in the houses will suffer a powerful blow. And many radiators, for example, aluminum ones, may not withstand such an impact and burst, flooding hot water rooms and household items;
  • Low quality coolant is another factor that negatively affects not only pipes, but also radiators. It often contains quite active chemical components that spoil the metal. Corrosion is also affected by fine mechanical impurities of various origins - they have no less negative effects on radiators and pipes;
  • Temperature changes - it cannot be said that they have a direct effect on heating equipment, but as the temperature rises, the pressure also increases. Therefore, some batteries simply cannot stand it and burst, since they are not designed for such temperature loads.

Which batteries are best to install in an apartment?

We already know what threatens radiators in centralized heating systems. This is high pressure and water hammer - the rest can be neglected (to some extent). How do you still choose heating radiators for an apartment and what are the requirements for them? Everything here is easy and simple, as will be described below.

Resistant to high pressure and water hammer

The best heating batteries for an apartment are those that can withstand high pressure. The higher the house, the higher the maximum possible pressure in the battery should be. You also need to remember about possible water hammer, so this figure is doubled. If we consider that the pressure in the heating systems of high-rise buildings reaches 15-16 atmospheres, then the batteries must withstand a maximum pressure of up to 32 atmospheres.

Corrosion resistance

Many radiator models are susceptible to corrosion. Electrical corrosion, which can occur at the junction of different metals, is especially dangerous.

Far from pure water flows in the pipes of heating systems. There are also quite aggressive components used to clean pipes and radiators from traces of corrosion. Along with rust and scale, aggressive components also eat through metal. And if the same cast iron can still boast of durability, then aluminum is subject to destruction under such influence. Mechanical impurities require the use of thick-walled metal that is resistant to mechanical stress.

Design and brand

Which heating batteries are better for an apartment, and which ones are better for a home? In private homes, we are free to use any heating radiators, since there we are independently responsible for the absence of water hammer and for the quality of the coolant. Therefore, there we often use fairly cheap radiators, which do not require great endurance (especially if an open-type heating system is installed in the house).

Regarding apartment buildings, then you need to pay attention to the most durable batteries from leading brands. For example, these could be heating radiators from Kermi, Global or Fondital. Best quality There are products from German manufacturers, but here you need to be prepared for high costs. But such radiators can be used in heating batteries of any type - they are as reliable and durable as possible.

As for Chinese batteries, there is always a chance of running into trouble. For example, some manufacturers openly “cheat” by reducing the thickness of the metal. As a result, the batteries are thin and flimsy. Therefore, it is best to rely on European brands.

Modern models of cast iron radiators, made in an antique style.

Battery design plays a huge role. Recently, thin panel and sectional radiators have become the most popular. They have an attractive appearance and good efficiency - manufacturers do everything possible to combine high build quality, excellent design and high heat dissipation. An interesting fact is that cast iron batteries have begun to appear on the market again, but now they have a rather interesting retro design.

It is cast iron batteries that can withstand almost any trouble that heating systems can create. But this comes at the cost of their bulkiness and low efficiency.

High heat dissipation

Since we are talking about efficiency, then When choosing radiators, you need to pay attention to heat transfer. The higher this parameter, the warmer it will be in your apartment at the same coolant temperature. Some models of aluminum and bimetallic heating radiators have heat output of up to 200 W or more per section. For old cast iron batteries, this figure is approximately one and a half times higher, but they are more reliable and durable.

Which radiators to choose for heating an apartment

Which heating radiators are best to choose for your apartment? Consumers can choose from cast iron, steel, aluminum and bimetallic radiators. Let's try to figure out how they differ from each other and which of them are best suited for apartment installation.

Cast iron radiators

These are the oldest radiators on the market heating equipment. They are distinguished by their solid dimensions, as they are made of thick cast iron. Such radiators can withstand pressure changes, resist water hammer and high temperatures. They are also capable of working with aggressive coolant. Everything would be fine, but they are characterized by low heat transfer, which makes them somewhat unsuitable for use in cold regions.

Their disadvantages also include:

  • Inconvenient to install due to high weight;
  • Not very attractive external data;
  • Not suitable for use in high-rise buildings (above 5-9 floors).

Otherwise, these are good radiators, durable and strong. Recently, quite modern models, having acceptable dimensions and decent appearance. And they can be installed in low-rise buildings, where they will serve for many years.

Steel radiators

Looking at modern steel panel radiators, you immediately begin to understand that they clearly cannot withstand high pressure. And this is true, because thin metal is used here, which is not particularly durable. Steel radiators can be useful for heating small private houses or country estates, but they are not suitable for use in high-rise buildings.

The only exceptions are some models of steel radiators through which relatively thick pipes pass - their endurance is somewhat higher. They are often called tubular radiators. Today they are found in some buildings with a height of 9-16 floors.

Steel radiators have high heat transfer and heat rooms well. They are also very light and do not create difficulties during installation. An undoubted advantage is the small internal volume. But all these advantages become useless if you need to install these radiators in an apartment - in low-rise buildings they will still serve (the use of tubular models is required), but in high-rise buildings they will not withstand high pressure.

Aluminum radiators

Modern aluminum radiators are lightweight and have high heat output. And aluminum itself is a fairly strong metal. Radiators made from it are ready to withstand high coolant pressure, but there is no resistance to water hammer. An equally disadvantage is the lack of resistance to the effects of coolant - aggressive impurities literally corrode such radiators, leading to ruptures and leaks.

The appearance of aluminum radiators captivates with their magnificence - they are compact and neat, they are easy and pleasant to install, but the lack of resistance to water hammer and corrosion spoils everything. But they can be an excellent solution for private households.

Sometimes it is allowed to use aluminum radiators in low-rise construction, where the coolant pressure is not as high as in high-rise buildings. They are also successfully used in apartments with individual heating.

Bimetallic radiators

If you don’t know which heating radiators are best to install in an apartment, then we recommend that you turn your attention to bimetallic models. Inside them we will find:

  • Steel base - it can withstand pressure up to 50 atmospheres and resists corrosion well;
  • The aluminum body, which is not in contact with the coolant, provides simply excellent heat transfer.

Bimetallic radiators are not afraid of water hammer and high pressure; they are easy to install and dismantle. They are also not afraid of high temperatures and are lightweight, and thanks to the presence effective protection against corrosion they boast a long service life. Exactly bimetallic radiators are the best for installation in apartments, be it a small three-story building or a solid 26-story building.

Despite many advantages, bimetallic batteries have one disadvantage - their high cost. Therefore, the costs of purchasing them will be quite significant.

Reading time ≈ 8 minutes

If you want to determine which heating battery is best for an apartment, then first of all you should not discount the difference in the source of coolant, that is, perhaps both centralized and autonomous. For the effect of heating the room, there is practically no difference here, but the pressure in the circuit differs, therefore, the source material from which the device is made must be of appropriate strength. But when choosing a radiator made of any metal or alloy, there are also some nuances that will have to be taken into account.

Difference in pressure between centralized and autonomous heating systems

Pressure difference in the system with centralized heating

In order to select heating radiators for an apartment in a multi-storey building, you will have to take into account the possible operating and pressure testing pressure in the system. First of all, you should consider the load on the circuits when connecting to centralized boiler houses or CHP plants. In this case, we are not interested in static (gauge) or dynamic pressure - we will leave that to the designers.

The pressure in the system is influenced by the following factors:

  • power of equipment (pumps) supplying water to the consumer;
  • diameter of risers and sunbeds in the system;
  • height of the apartment in the house (number of storeys);
  • wear of the pipeline (emergency situations).

Taking into account all the factors listed above, the working pressure can be:

  • 1-5 floor – 2-4 atm;
  • 6-9 floor – 5-7 atm;
  • 10th floor and above – 12 atm.

To identify defects and prevent breakthroughs from water hammer during startup, a pressure test is used that exceeds the working pressure by 0.5-1.5 times, that is, such a test involves a load of up to 15 atmospheres, which not every radiator can withstand.

In autonomous heating systems, this issue is most often not even considered, since there the pressure does not exceed 1-3 atmospheres, and when this threshold rises, the boiler is triggered safety valve. There are, of course, some brands of boilers where the heat exchanger is capable of withstanding up to 7 atmospheres, but this is the safety margin of the unit, and not the need of the circuit, so the valve will operate at 4 atmospheres or before reaching this mark.

Selection of radiators

All heating devices can be divided not only by the original material of manufacture, but also by their design. They are mainly divided into four types:

  1. Sectional - they are also called columnar, since the vertically located sections resemble columns. Devices of this type are prefabricated structures, therefore, to change the power, you can add or remove the required number of sections.
  2. Tubular - are two horizontal pipes Ø50-75 mm, connected by vertical tubes of smaller diameter. They are used only for centralized heating.
  3. Panel - made mainly of metal, although there are also concrete options. Power depends on the volume of the tank.
  4. Plate – designed as an economical option for materials. They are a horizontal pipe with plates welded onto it, which promotes convection heat transfer.

Heating radiators - which ones are better?

Differences in materials

Let's consider a number of options, taking into account the source materials. That is, the choice of heating devices depends on these parameters; they may or may not be suitable simply due to technical or aesthetic characteristics.

Aluminum heating devices

Aluminum radiators of different sizes and power

There is a lot of talk about aluminum radiators as some kind of know-how or just some kind of super-structure that can provide the maximum heat transfer and energy savings for the boiler. In fact, this is far from true, and more precisely, it is not true at all. The only truth here is that aluminum has very good heat dissipation and... Yes, that's all! It is heat transfer that lies in the artificially created excitement around aluminum; in addition, this metal has more critical disadvantages.

Firstly, this is a low resistance to pressure and, without going into calculations, let’s just say that they are suitable exclusively for autonomous heating, where the working pressure does not exceed 2-3 atmospheres. In addition, aluminum itself is a rather “delicate” metal and water with its salts and alkalis will destroy it. Consequently, the use of aluminum depends entirely on the quality of the coolant, which is only possible in the private sector or.

To be more precise, you have to add antifreeze-type drugs to the water (more on this separately). Not a single centralized boiler house in the world has yet provided the proper conditions for aluminum radiators!

Copper heating devices

Copper heaters made according to the “buleryan” principle

It would be wrong to remain silent about copper heaters made on the convector principle or “buleryan” - these are perhaps the most the best devices, based on the principle of heat transfer, although they are used extremely rarely. Of course, this is not so surprising, since copper is the most expensive of the non-ferrous metals (precious ones are not taken into account). Here, plate radiators and those made according to the “buleryan” principle behave best, although I did not mention them in the “Selection of radiators” header, but this is not so important.

Note. Most often, such devices are made in the form of plate structures - they are much cheaper, but less effective. The Buleryan system has the highest heat transfer of all possible at the moment!

Of course, copper is stronger than aluminum and can be used in high-rise buildings, it is very effective, beautiful and convenient, but... too expensive. Firstly, if you need to find out which heating battery is best for an apartment, then first of all you are interested in heat transfer and pressure resistance, that is, service life. Secondly, you will ask how much it costs and the second question will most often be fatal... You will politely refuse and buy another heating device, especially since they are more suitable for autonomous heating.

Cast iron radiators

Cast iron radiators are known to all people

Finally, we have come to such familiar and familiar cast-iron radiators that are familiar to any resident of an apartment in a multi-storey building, but I want to warn you - do not consider them “suck” - this is not just a delusion, but basic technical illiteracy. First of all, cast iron is one of the metals that is least susceptible to corrosion, and this is very convenient in high-rise buildings, since there is no fear of rusting when draining the coolant. In addition, cast iron itself is a weak heat-conducting material, that is, it takes a long time to heat up, but it takes a long time to cool down. It was this factor that became the decisive argument when choosing heaters for the apartments of Soviet citizens!

But that’s not all - cast iron can withstand operating pressure up to 16 MPa (maximum pressure testing or water hammer), and also maintain temperature (this has already been mentioned, but it’s not superfluous). Some people may not be happy with the appearance of a cast iron battery, but do not forget that this is one of the most effective for central heating systems! For autonomous structures, cast iron is unacceptable due to the duration of heating of the sections.

Steel radiators

Panel type steel radiators

First of all, we can mention that the technical characteristics of steel heating devices are no worse (and even better) than those of cast iron radiators, but the problem is that ordinary black steel is susceptible to corrosion. There is no point in understanding the characteristics of materials - this is not the topic, just a steel battery will not last long, although it does not care about any pressure drops. Such devices can be of any configuration listed in the “Selection of radiators” section.

Note. From personal practice. A steel radiator of 6 sections leaked in the 5th year of operation. The rib on the bottom rusted; I first repaired it with dry welding, and at the end of the heating season I simply removed it and threw it away.

Bimetallic radiators

Bimetal radiators of different sizes

Now let's talk about the best household appliances heating - o, which can withstand the highest pressure and temperature in the heating circuit and at the same time have the highest service life. So, the walls of such a device are made of two metals - steel and aluminum, therefore, one element is responsible for the maximum strength of the heater (steel), and the other for the maximum heat transfer efficiency (aluminum). This tandem can be called the most a good option of all devices for centralized or autonomous heating systems of radiator circuits.

Features of choosing radiators


Perhaps you will not dispute the question of which heating radiators are better for an apartment if the answer suggests itself - bimetallic ones. But don’t rush into buying and first understand the classification of such devices - research is never superfluous!

A Question of Choice suitable radiator for heating a house or apartment plays an important role. After all, safety, the possibility of saving on energy resources, compliance with interior design, warmth, and therefore a feeling of comfort in the home depend on this. To answer the question for central heating, you first need to establish the technical characteristics and operating features of each type of modern battery.

Choosing a heating radiator must take into account many factors.

When purchasing a radiator, the following aspects are important:

  • Operational efficiency, that is, the ability to heat the room.
  • Safety and durability.
  • Availability in terms of price.

Also, the choice of heating radiators is largely determined by the system in which they will be installed - central or autonomous.

The centralized system used in apartment buildings has the following features:

  1. Typically, the operating pressure in this system at supply is around 4-5 kgf/cm 2 and slightly less at the outlet. In private homes, the maximum pressure is only 2 kgf/cm2.
  2. In central systems there is a much higher probability of unforeseen circumstances associated with water hammer, the use of coolants with a temperature higher than permissible, etc.

The choice of radiator is also directly influenced by the technical characteristics of the heating system, which are determined by:

  • The magnitude of the working pressure.
    The basic rule: the pressure of heating batteries is greater than in the room in which they are installed. Otherwise, a leak will soon appear. The choice of radiator is also directly influenced by the technical characteristics of the heating system, which are determined by:
  • The type of heating system is one- or two-pipe.
  • Radiator power. The most important quantity that indicates the efficiency of heat transfer from the source to the consumer, that is, how well the radiator heats the house. The power indicator is influenced by the presence of windows and the material from which they are made (wood or plastic), the type of house (panel or brick), the number of external walls, and the area of ​​the room. The required value is determined by multiplying the room area by 100 W and increases by a certain percentage depending on various factors:
    • if there are 2 external walls and 2 windows - by 30%;
    • when windows face north - by 10%.
  • Radiator sizes. The dimensions of the device must correspond to the location intended for installation. The optimal distance between the window and the radiator is 10 cm or more, the floor and the radiator is 6 cm. The width of the radiator must exceed 50% of the width of the window under which it is installed.

The main types of radiators have the following characteristics:

Also, do not forget about such nuances as the presence of a thermostat, pipe diameter, window width.

Main types of radiators for central heating, their disadvantages and advantages

Cast iron radiators. The leading type of radiator in terms of popularity for several decades. Only the appearance has changed significantly - there are models that are real design samples (their cost is appropriate). Good for use in residential and industrial multi-storey buildings.


  • high heat transfer;
  • strength and durability;
  • unpretentiousness and endurance;
  • large flow area allowing to maintain throughput even when deposits accumulate.


  • the need for washing 2-3 times a year;
  • vulnerability to strong mechanical stress (the battery may crack);
  • high price.

Aluminum radiators. Currently, it is very popular among Russians. They consist of sections, the number of which depends on the area of ​​the heated room. It is this type that is characterized by the highest degree of heating, achieved due to the high thermal conductivity of the metal itself and an increase in the thermal conductivity area, thanks to the developed finning system. Based on their design, there are sectional and solid models.

For centralized heating systems, aluminum radiators are not recommended for use. Because in the presence of oxygen in the coolant, this metal oxidizes, and “airing” of the sections occurs due to the release of hydrogen. To avoid this, the device requires regular maintenance and air pumping.


  • ease;
  • external attractiveness;
  • strength and reliability;
  • excellent heat dissipation.


  • susceptibility to corrosion;
  • the need to regularly bleed air from the radiator through the vent valve;
  • deformation of aluminum during water hammer;
  • solid particles present in coolants contribute to the destruction of the walls of the device from the inside, which reduces the service life of the device (this problem can be solved by equipping the radiator with mud traps and additional filters that require regular cleaning);
  • when connecting aluminum pipes to copper pipes, the aluminum quickly degrades.

Steel radiators.
A common type in low-rise private construction. For central heating not best option because:

  • Usually the working pressure is heating system exceeds the permissible;
  • With water hammer, the service life is significantly reduced and amounts to only a few months.


  • attractive design;
  • occupying a small space indoors.


  • susceptibility to corrosion;
  • The average service life, subject to operating rules, is no more than 7 years.

Bimetallic radiators. They combine the advantages of the two previous types of radiators due to a special design - an aluminum shell and a steel core. They are used for any type of heating, but have proven themselves especially well in high-rise buildings with central heating.


  • ability to withstand significant loads and hydraulic shocks, strength;
  • high heat transfer;
  • light weight and well-thought-out shape, contributing to efficient heating of the room.


  • high price due to the complexity of the design.


So, it is not possible to give a definite answer to the question of which heating radiators are better for central heating, since each specific situation is individual and the choice depends on the characteristics living conditions and price range. But in general, expert opinions boil down to the following:

  1. Due to the unpredictability of central heating, those that combine mechanical strength, high heat transfer and aesthetic appearance are considered the best today. The main disadvantage is the high cost.
  2. Cast iron radiators also deserve attention, but require more care.
  3. It is better to avoid steel and aluminum radiators in houses with central heating, due to the characteristics of these metals - susceptibility to corrosion, interaction with other metals, etc.