Industrial liquid fuel boilers. Liquid fuel boilers - review of models and selection of the best. Varieties of liquid fuel models

Boilers for liquid fuel have a special burner, which is equipped with an automated safety device.

Features of the liquid fuel unit

The efficiency of heating devices operating on liquid fuel is quite high - 90%. There is a large selection of models with different levels of power and safety.

Types of fuel for boilers:

  1. diesel (diesel);
  2. fuel oil

Thanks to the ventilation burner installed in the boiler, forced draft is created. Inside the device air and fuel are mixed, which is atomized and ignited. All this happens in the combustion chamber, where the burner walls are heat exchangers. Before being released outside, the flue gas passes through plates and tubes. And the more there are, the more heat enters the exchanger.

Liquid fuel boiler using diesel fuel

A widespread type of liquid fuel units is diesel. They are low cost, high efficiency and easy to use. Diesel heating boilers do not require special permission for installation in. You can make them yourself and connect them to the gas mains.

Diesel boiler design:

  1. Diesel powered burner.
  2. Fuel filters.
  3. Pump.
  4. Separate control panel for the automated system.
  5. Safety sensors to maintain stable combustion and the required coolant temperature in the system.

Working principle:

  1. The fuel is mixed with air in an inflatable burner.
  2. It goes into the combustion chamber thanks to a powerful fan, where it burns.
  3. The coolant heats up, as do the walls of the chamber in which it is located.
  4. Gases formed during operation leave the device system through a special chimney.

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A diesel boiler is not much different from a gas boiler. You can independently convert a diesel boiler that has a mounted burner rather than a built-in burner.

Some manufacturers create 2 in 1 boilers that can operate on both solar and gas. More often they are floor-mounted. Before purchasing a diesel boiler you need calculate the fuel consumption of the device and its heating output.

This can be done using the formula: boiler power in kW/10 = kg of fuel per 1 hour of operation. For a region with average climatic conditions, 3 tons of diesel fuel will be needed to supply a building with an area of ​​300 m2 with coolant. On average, 0.1 l/hour per 1 kW of device power.

Device running on fuel oil

Due to the special operation of the burner, a diesel boiler will not operate on fuel oil or waste oil.

An oil-fired boiler has the following advantages:

  1. Incredibly high thermal conductivity.
  2. Low rate of ash generation in the device.
  3. A luminous flame that promotes radiative heat exchange in the firebox.
  4. Can be used in boilers of any size.


  1. Extraction and storage of fuel oil.
  2. High price when purchasing “clean” fuel oil.
  3. High pour point +25-30 o C.

Purchasing such a boiler is beneficial if there is enough fuel available at all times. Oil boilers are more often used in places where this fuel is processed or created.

How to choose a liquid fuel unit

Several main factors influence the choice of a suitable device:


Affects the cost of the product. Types of cases: steel and cast iron. Steel ones are more economical and lightweight, usually wall-mounted, while cast iron ones are more durable, but heavier, floor-mounted. For administrative or industrial buildings it is better to purchase steel devices, for private properties - cast iron.


This factor completely affects the fuel consumption and power of the unit. If you install a low-power boiler on a large heating area of ​​a private house, it will quickly fail, using high liquid fuel consumption.

Read also: Manufacturing a waste oil boiler


Floor-standing units take up more space and are installed in a separate room, wall-mounted types of boilers are compact and lightweight.

Heat generation method

Traditional or condensation method heat generation . In the second method, thanks to the energy of the condensate, their productivity increases and fuel consumption decreases.

Single-circuit or double-circuit

A single-circuit boiler only works to provide heat, while a double-circuit boiler also heats water. In private homes, the load on the heating function of the boiler often exceeds the need for hot water supply, so it would be more rational to purchase a single-circuit boiler.

Modern heating boilers using liquid fuel, despite technical excellence and the ability to effectively heat buildings in the absence of a connection to the centralized supply line natural gas, are rarely found in our homes. At the same time, in countries Western Europe who have a more developed infrastructure and are sensitive to the problems of economy, the percentage of such equipment in the total mass of heat generators is higher. We propose to understand together what is good and what is bad about an liquid fuel heating boiler (FHBO) and in what case its installation in domestic conditions is justified.

What types of liquid fuel do liquid fuel heat generators operate on?

Household (this does not apply to industrial) HTCs are capable of operating on the following types of fuel:

  • Diesel fuel is the highest quality, but also expensive type of liquid fuel. Operating costs when using it, they are comparable, and under some conditions even higher, than when heating with electricity and liquefied gas.
  • Fuel oil or petroleum heating oil is a product of petroleum distillation, similar to diesel fuel, but obtained from heavier fractions. Its calorific value is 15-20% lower, but the price is almost half as much. Fuel oil requires more thorough filtration than diesel fuel.
  • Biofuels are vegetable fuel oils, usually used in a mixture with diesel fuel or petroleum oil. Characteristics vegetable oils similar to oil ones, the cost is not significantly lower.
  • “Working off” is used technical lubricating oil drained from mechanisms. This is a godsend for a car company, service station, or agricultural equipment depot, because fuel costs nothing. Private owners rarely manage to find a cheap and constant source of used oil.

Heat exchangers for liquid fuel boilers

A heat exchanger is a device in which fuel combustion and heating of the coolant occur. In modern boilers, it has developed fins, which allows the maximum amount of heat to be removed during the combustion process. Condensing liquid waste heat and waste complexes have also appeared with an additional heat exchanger section that makes it possible to utilize the secondary heat of waste gases. Coolant circulation is organized according to the “water jacket” principle.

Heat exchangers can be made of cast iron or steel. Cast iron roads are heavy and resistant to thermal and mechanical shock, but with careful handling they are very durable, serving for at least half a century.

Even steel heat exchangers of liquid fuel boilers are very heavy, not to mention cast iron, so liquid fuel boilers are produced only in a floor-standing version.

There are also combined heat exchangers made of cast iron and steel

Fan burners and their control

  • The liquid fuel burner has a built-in pump and fan. The first one sucks fuel from the tank, injects it under pressure and sprays it into the heat exchanger, the second one forcibly supplies air in the measured amount necessary for combustion. The presence of a fan also increases the efficiency of smoke removal. An oil burner is a complex and expensive device that is sensitive to the quality of the fuel. Installation of pre-filters and their timely replacement to clean it is mandatory. Simple and cheap burners can only operate at maximum mode, more advanced ones have 2-3 power levels. This helps reduce fuel consumption and increase equipment service life.

Most burners operate on relatively light fuels: diesel, petroleum oil, biofuel. But there are also burners with preheated fuel for thicker and less flammable used technical oil, as well as universal ones that can effectively burn all types. Burners for “working out” and universal ones are significantly more expensive than regular ones.

A universal burner that can operate on waste oil.

  • The automatic control of modern HHHKOs coordinates the operation of the burner with the heating system as a whole, allowing for economical fuel consumption and optimal thermal conditions, which are in no way inferior in comfort to gas and electric heating. If high-quality fuel is available, the equipment operates completely autonomously; many heat generators can be built into the smart home system and controlled remotely.

The fan burner sprays fuel into the combustion chamber of the heat exchanger under pressure, air is also forced

Types of liquid fuel boilers

We have already mentioned the difference in burners by type of fuel, as well as the presence of different power levels. A few words about the form factor of the boilers: the burner can be located inside the heat generator housing or outside. In the second option, it is easily removable and can be replaced with a gas one in a couple of hours. Just a couple of decades ago, universal gas/liquid fuel heat generators were considered a rational choice. But today, when condensation appeared gas equipment with modulating burners, and universal boilers, due to the impossibility of changing the design of the heat exchanger, are significantly inferior to them in terms of efficiency, a dual-fuel solution can no longer be called relevant.

If it is possible to heat water for hot water supply, housing and communal services are divided into:

  • Single-circuit, they have only a circuit for heating the coolant.
  • Double-circuit with a flow-through heater, hot water passes directly through a dedicated section of the water jacket.
  • Double-circuit with built-in boiler.

Note: it will cost more, but will provide the most comfortable hot water supply by installing a pair of single-circuit boilers + storage water heater indirect heating(boiler) 100-150 liters.

How much fuel does ZhTKO consume and how expensive is it?

Manufacturers are often “embarrassed” to indicate the “appetites” of their heat generators. But we can estimate the approximate fuel consumption for an liquid fuel heating boiler ourselves. At maximum mode, the burner consumes an amount of diesel fuel approximately equal to its power divided by 10. That is, a 20 kW boiler (burner, to be precise) “eats” 2 liters of diesel fuel per hour continuous operation or 48 per day. 20 kW - this is quite enough for a house with an area of ​​200 m2 in climatic conditions Central Russia. So, let’s assume that for 3 months a year the boiler operates with a load of 75% of the maximum, 3 months - 50% and another 3 - 25%. In total, we get 6480 liters per heating season. Add 10% for hot water supply, we get 7,128 liters or 7.1 m3. More fuel oil will be required, 8,550 liters or 8.5 m3. You need to understand that these are very average data; they do not take into account either the level of performance of the boiler itself or the degree of insulation of the house. By effectively insulating the building from the outside, fuel consumption can be reduced by half, and by switching to a low-temperature mode - by another quarter.

We won’t talk about the price of fuel; it is constantly changing and depends on the region. To accurately calculate operating costs, you need to find local wholesale suppliers and find out how much it will cost to load a particular type of fuel into a storage facility, taking into account transportation costs. By the way, unlike diesel fuel, fuel oil is not available everywhere and can not always be purchased.

Note: the operating costs should also include the cost of replacing filters, although this is incomparably less than the fuel itself.

Where and how to store fuel

Consumers do not always take into account the need to build a fuel storage facility when choosing a heat generator, and equipment sellers do not tactfully remind them of this. You can’t put diesel fuel in cans, and it’s much cheaper to buy in bulk. Wholesale means by fuel tanker. The smallest is on the Gazelle chassis, its tank capacity is 1.3 m3. The next one is the GAZ 3309 chassis, it will bring 4.9 m3. Then there are 6.2, 6.5, 6.8 m3 and so on, for a maximum of 15.8 m3. Transportation costs account for a significant portion of the cost of fuel, so it is not profitable to carry half a tank at a time. Based on this and the seasonal accessibility of heavy vehicles, it is recommended that the fuel storage capacity be within the range of 0.25-1 annual requirement and no less than a tank truck available in the region.

Construction and fire safety regulations allow only 50 liters of fuel to be stored in the boiler room, so a large fuel storage facility must be installed outside the house or in an extension isolated from the building by a fire wall with a separate entrance. We do not recommend burying a metal tank (for example, a decommissioned tank) in the ground, as was often done before. The soil freezes, the tank and pipelines need to be thermally insulated, the steel corrodes over time, and it is impossible to control the tightness of the tank. And a new, durable metal tank is very expensive.

There are polymer fuel tanks for placement in the ground; they are not subject to corrosion, but are not as durable as steel ones

For a small object, such as a private residential building, it is more rational to build a separate economic building or an extension to the house where it will be possible to maintain a positive temperature. The containers are standard polymer tanks, often used for 1000 liters. They are compact, take up little space, have all the necessary technological holes for integration into a system, and are relatively easy to load and clean.

Fuel storage of a private house for 3 m3 in a heated room is convenient and safe.

Note: it should be taken into account that the fuel storage facility must have convenient access for special vehicles.

Pros and cons of ZhTKO

Actually, we have already mentioned all the advantages and disadvantages of liquid fuel boilers, but just in case we will repeat them:


  • High degree of automation, the ability to create maximum thermal comfort.
  • Complete autonomy from other energy sources (besides electricity, but the need for it is small, you can get by with a generator)


  • High operating costs.
  • The need to have a capacious fuel storage facility and to prevent it and pipelines from freezing.
  • The fan burners are quite noisy; their operation can be clearly heard through the wall.
  • HTKO should be located in a separate room with good ventilation, preferably not connected in any way with residential premises - the “aroma” of diesel fuel is indestructible.

A modern liquid fuel boiler room is a clean room; you won’t see any puddles of “solarium” on the floor. But the specific smell of fuel still seeps through.

So, who will install HTS in their home? Firstly, those who do not have and in the near future are not expected to lay a gas pipeline. Secondly, the person is not poor, preferring to pay more money but get comfortable living conditions. Thirdly, the one whose house does not have sufficient electrical power to organize alternative heating, and does not like heating with wood.

In conclusion, let’s say that liquid fuel boilers are quite complex equipment that requires professional maintenance. Therefore, installation, connection and service work must be carried out by specialists with appropriate qualifications.

Video: underground diesel boiler

For comfortable living in a private house in a temperate or northern climate, it is necessary to equip a heating system. Unfortunately, cottage owners do not always have the opportunity to connect to a centralized heating system. And in such situations, they buy liquid fuel boilers or how to choose and an overview of models and choosing the best, or rather, you will find tips on choosing excellent equipment here.

Device Features

Such a device is usually used only for heating houses and other premises.
Such a boiler is capable of not only heating the house, but also heating cold water, turning it hot. Therefore, the device will have additional design elements - inputs and outputs will be provided for cold and already heated liquid.

Step 5. Estimate how much money will be spent on heating the boiler. Each type of device and each of its models require different amounts of fuel. And to make it easier to decide, calculate which boiler is suitable for you in terms of power. To do this, make a simple thermal calculation. At the same time, take into account the number of doors and windows, the thickness of the walls and ceilings of the house, its dimensions, as well as the number of people living there. For example: in a house where the ceiling height is 3 m and the walls are well insulated, about 1 kW is needed for every 10 m 2 of area. Boiler sellers usually help make the calculations. What's happened , You can read in our article.

Fuel consumption, in turn, depends on power. Take the following diesel fuel consumption per hour: multiply the burner power by a factor equal to 0.1. Calculate oil consumption as follows: multiply 1 liter by 100 m2.

Step 6. Remember that you also need to equip fuel storage. Also think about what fuel you would like to purchase the unit with. Remember: it is easier to convert a diesel generator into a gas one.

Step 7 Be sure to read reviews about various types and device models before making a purchase. Often buyers try to sell not the best, but expensive equipment. Tips and recommendations online can help you avoid mistakes.

Popular models

To do right choice and finally buy a heating boiler, you should take a closer look at the main models. It is those described below that are most often installed in houses for the purpose of heating them.

Boilers from the following companies are usually purchased:

  • Ferroli (Italy):
  • Protherm (Slovakia);
  • De Dietrich (France);
  • Kiturami (South Korea);
  • Buderus (Germany).

Table. Popular models of liquid fuel boilers.


This series of models is produced by De Dietrich (France). The boilers are made of cast iron and have a power from 21 to 39 kW. They can be provided with one of three systems for adjusting the operation of the installation (the buyer can choose) - manual, remote, automatic adjustment. It is possible to convert to gas with the condition of replacing the burner. The model costs approximately 71,200 rubles.

Manufacturer – Belgium (ACV). The purpose of these installations is for home use, mainly not only for heating, but also to provide food for the residents of the house hot water– a tank for heating water is connected to the heating circuit. The liquid is heated to +30 degrees in approximately 10 minutes. The boiler can be converted to use gas fuel. Cost - from 160,000 to 202,000 rubles.

South Korean boilers are in great demand due to their low price (from 28,920 rubles). But at the same time they are of excellent quality. They are made of stainless steel, light and durable, and also compact.

Manufacturer – Slovakia (Protherm company). This range of models combines several units that work perfectly on liquid fuel. They differ in power, which directly depends on the number of cast iron sections in the heat exchanger. A viewing window helps monitor the operation of the equipment. The units also provide water heating. Interestingly, the manufacturer names the boilers after animals. The equipment can be converted to consume gas fuel - the burner is purchased separately. Cost: 46,100 – 74,600 rubles.

These Korean boilers last at least 10 years, according to the manufacturer. Their power starts from 11 kW. The units are equipped with a turbocharged burner built inside. Due to this, noise reduction was achieved. Boilers of higher power (from 40 kW) are equipped with a burner with gear pumps. The boiler will cost from 38,580 to 49,850 rubles (depending on the specific modification).

The manufacturer of these boilers is Germany (Buderus). They work well on liquid fuel and can be easily converted to gas if necessary. They are distinguished by reliability, efficiency, and safety. Very economical - this was achieved through a unique control system that monitors weather conditions and is called Buderus Logamatic. And, what is also very important, the boilers of this company look very presentable. The average market price is about 125,580 rubles.

Video - Selection of a diesel boiler

Like any other device, an oil-fuel boiler is a potential source of danger - smoke, fires, etc., however, following these recommendations will help minimize the risks:

  • be sure to comply with all fire safety requirements;
  • install the boiler at some distance from the wall (at least 100 cm to the front surface of the unit);
  • do not leave flammable materials and objects in the room where the equipment is installed;
  • make sure there is a system that will block the device in the event of a fuel leak;
  • equip ventilation in the boiler room, and also take care of the correct chimney;
  • Be sure to follow all recommendations specified in the operating instructions.

The boiler should be cleaned regularly. The fact is that a layer of soot, having a thickness of about 2 mm, increases fuel consumption by as much as 10%. It is necessary to clean the nozzles in the burner that injects liquid fuel. Check the boiler at least once a year. It is best to invite an experienced specialist to carry out preventive work.

Remember that timely maintenance of a liquid fuel boiler will ensure its long and reliable service without interruptions. Therefore, you should not neglect cleaning - it will cost much less than buying a new boiler. And absolutely all models of installations need cleaning, regardless of price and quality.

Video - Diesel boiler Kiturami Turbo 30R

Liquid fuel boilers - review of models and selection of the best

Liquid fuel boilers are very popular today, as they function completely autonomously and can operate without direct human participation in the process. There are other advantages, but they all pale in comparison to the high cost of fuel (about 35 rubles per liter) and complex installation. The use of such boilers is advisable only in cases where fully automated heating is required or a gas main runs nearby.

Liquid fuel appliances are somewhat reminiscent of gas appliances, the only difference is the presence of a fan burner - it is necessary to atomize fuel and supply it to the combustion chamber. At high blood pressure the fuel is atomized, mixed with air, fed into the firebox and burned.

Introductory video

Read also about how to make a solid fuel boiler yourself -

How does an oil-fuel boiler work?

We have already mentioned the combustion procedure itself. Let us only note that during combustion the walls of the firebox also heat up, as a result of which the water in the heat exchanger heats up. A chimney is equipped to remove gases. When gas enters it, it passes through a series of heat exchanger plates, which accumulate heat and transfer it to the main heat exchanger. This increases the heating efficiency and efficiency of the device dramatically.

When liquid fuel burns, it is accompanied by the formation of soot, which is explained by simple chemical processes. It is for this reason that the boiler user must pay special attention special attention his service. Regular cleaning of the combustion chamber from soot is required, in addition, the condition of the fan burner must be constantly monitored.

Important information! This burner is not included with the boiler; it must be purchased separately. Thanks to this, the boiler can be assembled based on the requirements and wishes of the owner. Moreover, if necessary, the burner can be changed to a gas one, after which the boiler turns into a gas heating device.

It’s quite convenient, you’ll agree. Especially if there is no gas main nearby and liquid fuel is used temporarily. The burner itself can be of two types:

  1. built-in;
  2. removable.

For heating in this case, it is better to use an indirect heating water heater, which will be used in work hot water from the heating system.

About liquid fuel

Liquid fuel boilers can use the following types of fuel:

  • diesel fuel;
  • biofuel (about how to make biofuel yourself,
  • waste (used engine oil);
  • fuel oil.

We mentioned the cost of diesel fuel at the beginning of the article - it is the most expensive of the listed options. The price of oil will be approximately 1/5 of this figure, and fuel oil - ?. It is characteristic that each type of fuel needs a special, if not its own, burner. And here a paradox emerges: the cost of the burner increases in inverse proportion to the cost of fuel! But there are also universal burners (very expensive) that can operate on any liquid fuel.

Installation Features

As we already said in one of the previous paragraphs of the article, a liquid fuel boiler provides for the arrangement of a separate room for itself. Thus, you will have a miniature boiler room in your house, which, in addition to the boiler itself, should contain the following:

  • chimney;
  • a tank for storing fuel;
  • exhaust system.

About the requirements and standards of SNiP for a boiler room in a private house, you can

By the way, the tank should be as large as possible (ideally it should be enough for the entire heating season) so that you do not bother yourself with constantly filling it. You should also take care of fittings for the pipeline and a pump that would transfer liquid fuel from the tank directly to the boiler. If you have the appropriate experience and skills, you can independently perform the entire range of work - from drawing up a project to the actual installation of the heat generator.

But it is, of course, recommended to seek the help of professionals. A trained person will take everything into account when working, taking into account the features of your home, so he will do everything correctly and record-breakingly quickly. After all, such a heating system is a serious thing that requires a special approach.

Another important point– boiler installation can be carried out in one of two ways existing methods, and the choice of one or another of them is based solely on the characteristics of the device itself.

  1. Mounted boilers are lighter, but at the same time less powerful and efficient. In other words, they are compact and convenient, but the area of ​​the building that they can heat is often limited to 300 square meters. Such appliances are found infrequently, which cannot be said about gas appliances, perhaps due to the fact that they are not so popular among the population.
  2. AND floor standing boilers– more powerful and, accordingly, more massive.

Industrial heating boilers

If heating system has a significant scale, then the boiler, of course, must correspond to these scales. Of course, ordinary household appliances have tens of times less power than industrial ones. The fuel used at large industrial enterprises is fuel oil or diesel fuel, and sometimes waste oil is also used. Regarding the use of oil, this is rather the province of those countries that pay special attention to cleanliness environment. This option has two advantages:

  • liquid fuel boilers have something to work with;
  • the problem of waste disposal is being solved.

The heating system, which is used together with industrial appliances, is often steam-based, that is, the coolant in this case is heated water steam, which is often necessary for the needs of the enterprise. Each boiler has its own economizer and completely autonomous blowdown. Condensate is removed during operation, and thanks to the use of economizers, efficiency increases significantly. In general, if you need to heat a workshop or other large room, then it is advisable to additionally install a boiler.

The most common problems

Even at the design stage, the future owner of an oil-fuel boiler is faced with a number of common problems. And the reason for this is mainly architectural feature his home. The heating methods that are familiar to us cannot be used in this case, and liquid fuel heat generators are completely satisfactory in almost all cases.

The fuel that we mentioned earlier and which is necessary for the operation of the device is available in all corners of the country. The same cannot be said about gas pipelines, which, let’s be honest, are not laid everywhere.

We also talked about the fact that this boiler is very reminiscent of a gas boiler (what is it, it can become one), but is distinguished by convenience and, more importantly, very high efficiency - about 95 percent. And the fuel liquid is supplied somewhat differently - there is a special burner that supplies air. And air is vital for the operation of the system - this way the fuel will burn more evenly.

As a small conclusion

As a result, we note that if we add to the high cost of fuel the cost of the boiler itself (about 36,000 rubles) and its installation (which includes equipping a separate room - installing a fuel tank, installing sound insulation), it turns out that heating a house with liquid fuel can hardly be considered at least a little more economical option. Although it must be added that more modern liquid fuel boilers are equipped with special sound silencers, so that will be one less problem.

Liquid fuel boilers from well-known manufacturers Buderus, De Dietrich, Vaillant, Protherm, Viessmann, Wolf, ACV, Kiturami occupy a worthy niche in the market of heating equipment offered to owners of suburban real estate for improvement autonomous systems heating. If desired, a liquid fuel boiler can be easily upgraded to a gas-fired model. To do this you just have to change the burner.

For ease of replacement, the mounting dimensions of all types of burners are standardized. This design feature equipment is especially appreciated by those who plan to switch to gas heating Houses. After all, this is the most economically profitable option for heating a home. Manufacturers produce products that run only on liquid fuel, as well as more expensive universal models that can run on two types of fuel (gas and diesel). Most liquid fuel boilers are designed for floor placement.

Liquid fuel boilers are made of cast iron, ductile iron or steel. Cast iron units can last up to half a century, steel units - no more than 10 years.

The simplest diagram of a Russian-assembled liquid fuel boiler. It differs from foreign analogues in its simplicity of design. The boiler consists of several structural elements: 1 - operation control system; 2 - combustion chamber; 3 - liquid fuel burner (universal or diesel); 4 - heat exchanger; 5 - filter necessary for fuel purification; 6 - chimney.

Features of the design of liquid fuel burners

Review of specific popular models

Delta Pro 25/45/55 from the Belgian company ACV

ACV Delta Pro boilers are produced for domestic use. This series is intended not so much for heating small private houses, but for supplying them with hot water in large volumes. Boilers are produced using the patented “tank in tank” technology, which involves connecting an external steel tank to the heating circuit and placing in it a corrugated tank made of stainless steel using the argon-arc welding method. Sanitary water is heated in an internal corrugated tank. The walls of the internal tank, which are not in contact with the burner flame, but contract and expand with temperature changes, are capable of self-cleaning of scale. Heating of a sufficient volume of sanitary water is ensured due to the large area of ​​​​the corrugated surface of the internal tank.

In just 10 minutes, ACV Delta Pro 25/45/55 boilers at δT = 30 °C heat 268/316/362 liters of water. The operating water pressure reaches 7 bar. The coolant is heated by four or eight smoke pipes with turbulators. The number of pipes depends on the model. Both a gas burner and an oil burner can be connected to these boilers. The main devices (safety, control and adjustment) located on the control panel are supplied with the product. The modified Delta Pro Pack boilers additionally include a pump group, as well as circuit expansion tanks and a four-way mixing valve.

Models Delta Pro 25 and Delta Pro 45 can be equipped with a closed combustion chamber, from which combustion products are removed through a coaxial chimney. It also supplies the air necessary to maintain the combustion process in the chamber.

The price of ACV Delta Pro 25/45/55 is, respectively, 99,000/115,000/133,000 rubles.

Bison 30NL/40NL/ 50NL from the Slovak company Protherm

The Slovak manufacturer uses animal names in the names of its boilers. Under the name Protherm Bizon NL, six models of liquid fuel units are sold, differing in power, which depends on the number of cast iron sections in a two-pass heat exchanger, tightened together with threaded rods. This equipment is capable of working with a mounted liquid fuel or gas burner. A suitable burner must be purchased separately from the boiler. There is an inspection hole in the front door of the unit that allows visual inspection of the operation of the equipment. The device is equipped minimum set instrumentation and sensors, which is reflected in its cost.

The basic package includes a main switch, a wheel-type thermostat, and a thermometer. An optional room regulator is available, which, when connected to the boiler, significantly expands its capabilities. To ensure hot water supply, it is necessary to purchase a separate indirect heating storage boiler placed on the floor or on the wall. The boiler volume is 500 liters. The boiler is sold assembled.

Universal heating boiler Protherm Bizon 30NL, for which a burner operating on gas or liquid fuel is purchased separately

The price of Protherm Bison 30NL/40NL/50NL is, respectively, 49,600/57,300/73,100 rubles.

GT 123 from the French company De Dietrich

Four models are part of a series of floor-standing pressurized cast iron boilers produced by De Dietrich. The power of the models varies in the range of 21-39 kW. The equipment can operate on gas and liquid fuel. Requires purchase of appropriate burner. The buyer can choose to purchase one of three boiler control systems:

  • standard (manual control);
  • Easymatic (remote control);
  • Diematic 3 (automatic control of a large number of heating units, including pool heating).

The cost of De Dietrich GT boilers ranges from 46,600 rubles to 66,400 rubles.

Installed in a separate room country cottage liquid fuel boiler of the De Dietrich GT brand, equipped with an automation unit

Logano G125 SE from the German company Buderus

Floor-standing liquid fuel cast iron heating boilers of this company can operate on two types of fuel (gas and diesel fuel). To do this, a special burner is installed, which, in the absence of gas, starts working on diesel fuel. The equipment has a presentable appearance. In addition, the unit can operate in two modes - safe and energy efficient. Cast iron boilers are supplied disassembled and assembled by specialists at the installation site.

Fuel savings are achieved through the use of the Buderus Logamatic control system, which monitors the outside air temperature.

The cost of these German boilers starts at 142,400 rubles.

South Korean steel boilers Kiturami STSO

In addition to the listed models, the products of a South Korean manufacturer that produces liquid fuel boilers under the Kiturami STSO brand are in demand on the market. This equipment is made of stainless steel using special technologies that make it possible to obtain compact and lightweight devices.

The cost of Kiturami boilers is in the range of 28,622 - 47,081 rubles.

Is it worth purchasing a liquid fuel unit?

Boilers operating on fuel oil or other types of liquid fuel are less common compared to other types of heating equipment. Liquid fuel boilers are used where there are no alternative fuels (wood, coal, gas). Also, these units are actively used in industrial enterprises and auto repair shops that have large quantities fuel oil and waste oil reserves. In order not to spend money on waste disposal, it is burned to obtain the necessary heat to heat production areas.