Material for external finishing of facades. Types of finishing materials for facades of private houses and their advantages

    The owner of the house most often thinks about what material and how the facade will be faced at the initial stages of construction. This is necessary for final appearance facade, combined with the landscape of the house, its details, roof and general style. In addition, the finishing material must well insulate the walls of the house, soundproof the room, and also protect well from various weather conditions, including wind, humidity and sudden changes in temperature.

    The finishing of the facade of the house must be of high quality, with protection from mold, mildew and other microorganisms. The material must be hygienic and not cause cracks or chips, which will significantly spoil the appearance. Therefore, it is necessary to very carefully select the finishing material and focus on the quality of the product. All materials for the facades of private houses differ in their technical specifications and properties.

    The photo shows a combined decoration of the facade of the house - stone, plaster, wood inserts

    Secrets when choosing finishing materials

    Materials for finishing the facades of private houses must provide high quality insulation to the walls and protect them from various damages. You need to choose a material based on your capabilities, taste and new products from manufacturers. If your house is built from ceramic blocks, then plaster is best suited, before applying which it is best to additionally insulate the house.

    Choosing plaster for a private house made of foam blocks will help you avoid unnecessary expenses on adhesive bases and level the walls. For wooden houses, plaster is not best choice, especially if the material shrinks, the plaster will begin to crack. But if you still decide to use this particular finishing material, then it is best to use expansion joints.

    For wooden private houses, the best material There will be panels for finishing facades or siding; it does not shrink and reduces the fire hazard of wooden houses. For the basement of private houses, it is best to use decorative stone, it makes the design complete and stylish.

    Facade of a private house covered with decorative stone

    If decorative stone is not your material, then it can be replaced with anti-vandal plaster, which is not damaged and will look pretty good. Let's look at the advantages of each finishing material.

    Facade cladding materials

    Decorative plaster

    This option is one of the oldest but most reliable facing materials for exterior finishing. Every year, new versions of more advanced, high-quality and durable plaster are produced, which are suitable for cladding walls made of a wide variety of materials. Due to its availability and wide selection of colors, textures and design solutions, this material is in great demand today.

    Advantages of the material:

    • Aesthetic appearance. Availability of a huge range of colors, textures and design and pattern options. Will help you create any interior and design of your home.
    • Resistant to moisture. Plaster has the ability to repel moisture. Protects the house from dampness. Water does not reach the thermal insulation layer, which allows you to extend its service life.
    • High level of thermal insulation. Protects your home from wind and frost, as well as seasonal temperature changes.
    • Simple installation system. Applying plaster is quite simple; for this you do not need to call a specialist, everything can be done yourself.
    • Has many varieties, specially designed for private houses made of different building materials.

    Clinker tiles or bricks

    This material looks like brick in appearance and is quite often used for exterior decoration. You can choose any color and texture of the material for yourself; fortunately, there are several hundred options available on the market. This material is made from clay, and the color is given using various dyes. It is completely natural and environmentally friendly.

    It is very important to order the material with a reserve so that later during installation the color does not differ.

    There are several varieties of it that are actively used:

    • Clinker tiles.
    • Facing and special facade bricks. The part of the material that will be on the front side can be matte or glossy, as well as corrugated.

    Advantages of the material:

    • Large selection of designs.
    • High level of strength.
    • Not afraid of moisture.
    • Easy to clean, does not attract dust and dirt.
    • Not exposed to aggressive chemicals.
    • Easily withstands temperature changes.
    • Has long term services.

    Porcelain tiles

    It is one of the best decorative materials for exterior work in private homes. This material does not allow owners to apply drawings or patterns, but its appearance makes the house stylish and beautiful even without it. A huge range of choice of material designs, many texture solutions and a wide range of colors. There are porcelain tiles that are made to look like wood or stone, which cannot be distinguished from the original. If you show a little imagination, using this material you can create an original and beautiful design.

    Advantages of the material:

    • Due to its maximum strength, the material is very durable.
    • Abrasion resistant.
    • Maximum repels moisture, due to which it has a high level of frost resistance.
    • When choosing porcelain tiles, you can be sure that you will not be disturbed by various cracks and chips on the surface.
    • Easily tolerates temperature changes.
    • Fireproof, does not ignite even at maximum heating.
    • Does not fade in the sun, retains its color throughout its entire service life.
    • Has an eternal service life.

    The disadvantages include quite complex system installation and requirements for compliance with special application technology.


    These are special decorative panels for exterior use and protection of facades, which can be different types and can be made of metal, wood and plastic. Cladding the facade of a house with facade panels is one of the most beautiful. He has simple system installation, quite lightweight and easy to install.

    Vinyl siding

    Made of plastic and accurately imitates various materials, such as wood, stone, glass, etc. There is huge selection vinyl siding models for every taste. It is quite lightweight, does not weigh down the walls, and is resistant to any weather conditions and mechanical stress.

    Wood siding

    It is made from treated or dried wood, which is pre-treated with special antiseptics. This siding looks very aesthetically pleasing, beautiful, and environmentally friendly, but it is rather short-lived and requires constant maintenance.

The modern range of materials for finishing the facades of private houses is so huge that only professionals can freely navigate this variety. It is difficult for the average person to understand the names and compositions; it is even more difficult to choose a high-quality finish for a specific wall material, and to take into account all the nuances associated with insulation and ventilation.

Therefore, more and more often facade works trust only professional builders. But you can figure it out yourself, thereby saving a considerable amount of money.

This article will discuss the most popular materials for facade finishing; it will also talk about the most modern materials that have appeared on the construction market in recent years.

What a perfect façade he is.

Not all materials are suitable for exterior decoration of a house. After all, the outer facing layer takes on all the loads: the influence of weather conditions, temperature changes, scorching sun, wind, pressure from supporting structures and much more.

In order to adequately withstand all of the above factors, the exterior finishing must have a number of special qualities:

  1. The facade must be beautiful, because it is the face of a private house. The appearance of the finish must be in harmony with the surrounding area and the structure of the building.
  2. The finish must be durable, because it simply must last at least 15-20 years in order to be replaced during the next overhaul Houses.
  3. Weather conditions such as frost, extreme heat, rain, snow and wind are not dangerous for high-quality finishing of facades. The wall covering should not crack, peel, lose its visual appeal, fade, etc.
  4. It is desirable that the façade covering material has the ability to “breathe”, that is, it is breathable. If the chosen finish does not have this quality, you will have to arrange ventilation for the facade, which means additional costs and time.
  5. A good facade plays the role of insulation; it retains heat without releasing it beyond the walls of the house. Modern finishing materials, as a rule, meet such thermal requirements.
  6. Under no circumstances should the facade finishing burn or release toxic substances during the melting process - the safety of the residents of the house depends on this.
  7. The finishing material should not harbor microorganisms, fungi or insects. After all, it is mold, bug passages and other troubles that become the root cause of the appearance of microcracks, and subsequently the complete destruction of the facade.

Attention! Since almost every house has the ability, over time, to shrink and slightly change its geometry, the facade finishing must be tear-resistant, that is, a little plastic. As a result, such a facade will compensate for small cracks or subsidence of the walls.

What are the facades?

Facade structures and their type depend on the material from which the house is built, on the climate in the region, and on the wishes of the owner.

All types of facades, in accordance with the installation method, are usually divided into two large groups:

  • “wet” facade - one that is mounted using special building mixtures (adhesive or cement compositions, etc.)
  • “dry” facades are attached to the house using mechanical devices, such as fasteners, special systems and additional equipment.

Important! The “wet” type finish is solid and has no gaps or cold bridges. But such facades can only be installed at above-zero temperatures and in dry weather. The advantage of a “dry” facade is its independence from external conditions, but such a finish will never be as seamless as a “wet” type facade.

For those materials that do not allow air to pass through, that is, cannot “breathe,” ventilation is necessary. If you do not provide for ventilation of the facades, eventually the walls will become wet, condensation will accumulate on the insulation, which will lead to rotting of the material and loss of its insulating properties.

Depending on whether there is a gap between the finishing and the wall of the house, facades are divided into:

  • ventilated - when there is an air gap between the wall and the exterior finish;
  • unventilated attached directly to the wall or to the insulation.

Advice! The type of façade structure is very important. It is necessary to decide on its option at the design stage, even before purchasing the facing material.

Facade plasters

One of the most ancient methods of exterior decoration is plastering walls. Modern facade plaster has a lot of useful properties, protects walls well from external factors and decorates any building.

Facade plaster has many advantages:

  • quickly improve the appearance of a private home;
  • the ability to paint plaster in any shade;
  • moisture resistance;
  • resistance to ultraviolet radiation;
  • ability to withstand frost and heat;
  • good thermal insulation qualities;
  • vapor permeability, that is, the ability to “breathe”;
  • ease of installation and low cost.

Attention! Plaster will not protect walls from impacts and other mechanical damage. This finish is quite fragile and must be treated with care.

Mineral facade plaster

The most popular finish is mineral plaster. This material provides the facade with sufficient attractiveness, as it has a very large assortment of colors and textures.

A facade made of mineral plaster does not fade in the sun, microorganisms do not grow in it, which means that the walls will not become covered with mold. Installing mineral plaster on the walls of a house is very simple; installation can be done both on bare walls and on a layer of insulation.

The mineral composition is responsible for the non-combustibility of the finish, therefore this type of facade is a good decision for houses insulated with flammable materials.

The main disadvantage of mineral plaster for facades is its low elasticity - cracks and chips quickly appear on the walls. This finish will last from 10 to 18 years.

Advice! You should not use a mineral facade on the walls of newly built houses - the building must undergo a shrinkage process.

Acrylic plaster for facades

This type of facade finishing is very elastic, so cracks will most likely never form on the walls of the house. Another advantage of acrylic finishing is durability, because it will last at least 20 years.

This material is moisture resistant, not afraid of frost and temperature changes, and does not fade in the sun. The cost of acrylic plaster is slightly higher than mineral plaster. The main disadvantage of such a facade is its flammability, so use plaster together with mineral wool, for example, it is impossible.

Attention! Acrylic facades very strongly attract dust, which easily gets clogged into the pores of the finish. It will be difficult to wash such walls, so it is not recommended to use the finish in regions with high level air pollution.

Silicate plaster

The most durable type of facade plasters is silicate finishing. It is made on the basis of potassium glass; such a facade will serve for a very long time - at least 30 years.

This finishing material has many advantages:

  • it doesn't burn;
  • does not attract dust;
  • stretches well;
  • easy to clean;
  • does not deteriorate under the influence of moisture, temperature and ultraviolet radiation;
  • retains heat well.

Important! Silicate plaster for facades also has disadvantages: it is very expensive, hardens quickly (so you won’t be able to apply the material to the walls yourself), and can only be mounted on a special primer.

Silicone plaster for the facade of a private house

The most expensive, but also the most durable option finishing external walls with plaster. Silicone material does not burn, is easy to apply, does not absorb dirt at all, can be mounted on any type of insulation, and has a long service life.

Silicone finishing is applicable in all climates and in the most polluted cities.

Stone finishing

Stone walls are the most durable and decorative solution of all those currently existing. The cost of natural stone is very high, so this finish is often combined with other types or replaced with artificial stone.

Decorative (artificial) stone is much cheaper and weighs much less, which is important for facade decoration. The advantages of stone walls are obvious:

  • the façade is very durable and almost never needs repairs;
  • the high aesthetics of this option for decorating the facade of the house is beyond doubt, the stone fits perfectly into any style;
  • the material is environmentally friendly;
  • the stone does not deteriorate from moisture, sun and cold;
  • The walls of the house are very resistant to mechanical damage and wind loads.

Artificial stone can imitate any natural rock (from slate and sandstone to marble and granite), has a wide palette, and is almost as good as natural stone in quality. But the cost of artificial stone finishing will still be very high.

Important! A stone facade can be mounted on any surface; there are options for its use on ventilated structures.

Brick cladding

To decorate facades, they use not simple building bricks, but decorative types. Each type of facade brick has its own pros and cons, but all materials from this group share common qualities:

Depending on the type of raw material, there are several main types of facade bricks:

Attention! You need to know how to lay any brick. Due to improper installation, facades are not very attractive in appearance, and they are destroyed quite quickly. Therefore, it is recommended to involve professionals.

Porcelain stoneware facades

Porcelain tiles based on quartz sand and clay are very durable, but also quite heavy. For finishing facades, porcelain tiles are usually used, the thickness of which ranges from 12 to 16 mm.

This finish is very beautiful, textured, and looks good on any wall. The material does not absorb moisture at all, so it does not collapse or change color. But tiles are very expensive, so they are used quite rarely.

Important! Installation of porcelain tiles cannot be carried out on cement mortars, since the tiles are hygroscopic. To work, you will need special adhesive mixtures or a metal frame.

Facade siding

Decorative siding is one of the most popular facing materials. It is inexpensive, has excellent decorative qualities and simple installation. In addition, facades covered with siding are very durable (up to 50 years) and retain heat well. Siding is often used to decorate very old houses - the structure is instantly transformed.

There are several types of exterior sidings:

Attention! Facade material such as siding is usually installed in a ventilated manner, since it does not allow air to pass through.

The newest materials for facade finishing

You need to familiarize yourself with less popular, but no less high-quality, types of finishing the facades of private houses. There are few such options:

Decoration of house facades modern materials the photo of which is presented in this article has one common trend: the main purpose of cladding today is to decorate the house.

But we should not forget about other tasks of facade finishing, such as protecting walls and building structures from external factors. The finishing must also contribute to the insulation of the house, its sound insulation, and it must also be durable. For those who plan to decorate the facade of their home themselves, simple installation and a minimum of additional elements will be important.

The facade of a house is like its clothes, which creates an impression of the people living in it, their tastes and condition. The same type of material is used in different options finishing. There are finishing materials for the facade of wooden houses, brick and concrete buildings. Their choice is often influenced by the style of construction, which in turn depends on the climate, landscape and appearance of neighboring buildings.

Types of finishing materials for the facade of the house

  1. Wood for facade finishing. Against the backdrop of the natural beauty of a forest, river or lake, a house lined with natural materials looks cute, especially if you have chosen a country style. Wood, for example, is not only visually attractive, but also welcome warmth during the cold season. The appearance of the facade can be maintained in proper form by periodically applying substances to its surface that minimize such disadvantages as sensitivity to moisture, fire and other environmental influences. The most common finishing is clapboard, siding or.
  2. Stone for facade. A feeling of security arises near natural stone. House facades lined with it are most popular with fans of Provence and country styles, or people who skillfully combine different styles.
  3. Artificial stone for facade. Modern technologies have allowed natural stone replace with artificial one. Many positive qualities, among which lightness, strength, wide range of colors and relatively low price, made it very popular. Stone-like finishing materials for the facade of a house do not require special preparation of the walls if they are made of concrete or brick. Other surfaces must be primed or plastered, especially when they are friable.
  4. Clinker and concrete facade panels. You can protect your house from the cold with clinker products or concrete ones with fiberglass added. Panels made of polymer concrete look like stone or brick. They also have increased strength.
  5. Exterior plaster. Finishing materials for the facades of private houses, which are various types plastering is always an original stylistic solution. Abundance of textures and color range will help make the appearance of your home unlike any other. Mixtures are of mineral, polymer, silicone or silicate origin, having greatest number pros. Bark beetle plaster looks original, the decorative effect of which is added by marble chips.
  6. Siding. Finishing materials for the facade of a house include a type of cladding such as siding. Among all the panels produced, vinyl ones are the most versatile. Steel or aluminum, due to their disabilities, are not used that often. Siding can be an independent decorative element or mounted on top of a layer of thermal insulation, which affects its durability in the same way as fasteners and sheathing. It is great for a home with a weak foundation.
  7. Facade tiles. Facade tiles are quite common in house cladding. Before you decide to change the appearance of your home with it, you need to take into account that this material is quite heavy and has varying degrees of vapor permeability.