Panel houses as a budget option for your own home. Features of different types of houses

Now there is a huge amount of materials for construction. When planning to build your own home, it is sometimes difficult to make a choice. I want to get a high-quality, beautiful, durable and durable house. You should study the pros and cons of each type of building to choose the most suitable one.

Disadvantages and advantages of aerated concrete houses

The main advantages of aerated concrete

Aerated block has a low cost - it is one of the cheapest building materials.

Aerated concrete retains heat perfectly. In winter, such houses are warm, and in summer they are pleasantly cool.

Working with gas blocks is very easy, they have large sizes and light weight. This allows for quick and correct installation.

Thanks to the cellular structure, the walls do not require additional insulation.

Good vapor permeability allows aerated concrete to dry quickly, which greatly facilitates construction and finishing work.

Aerated concrete consists of natural components. This is an environmentally friendly and safe material.

Aerated concrete blocks are very resistant to fire. Plastered walls and partitions can withstand fire for up to 2 hours.

Disadvantages of aerated concrete

The material is quite fragile; over time, cracks may form in aerated concrete blocks.

The structure of the material is porous, so it absorbs moisture well, as a result of which the material decompresses and the structure begins to collapse.

If you follow construction technology and ensure waterproofing of your new home, unpleasant surprises associated with material deficiencies can be successfully avoided.

Brick houses and their features

Despite what appears large number various modern and fashionable materials, brick still remains in demand and relevant. But, like other materials, it has a number of advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of brick buildings

Brick houses are the strongest and most durable.

Brick structures are not afraid of external influences and weather disasters.

Brick can withstand large temperature changes. This is a fire resistant material.


Construction of brick houses is more expensive than buildings made of other materials.

Brick is a very heavy material, so it requires the creation of a powerful and deep foundation.

Brick has high thermal conductivity, which requires the construction of thick walls.

IN winter time years, brick construction is slowing down or being postponed.

In unheated rooms, brick is quickly saturated with capillary moisture.

In a brick house a full-fledged interior decoration, which consists not only of wallpapering or painting, but also involves preliminary plastering of the walls.

Despite the reliability and durability of brick houses, construction and finishing are very expensive. Therefore, this option is not suitable for those who have a small amount cash and wants to save money.

More about wooden houses

Houses built from wood are very popular. Like any material, wood has not only advantages, but also some disadvantages.


You cannot move into a newly built wooden house right away. In order for a fresh log house to take the desired shape and the necessary shrinkage to occur, you should wait 1-2 years. Sometimes complete shrinkage occurs only after 3 years.

In wooden houses, some types of finishing are very difficult or completely impossible. Thus, certain difficulties arise with laying tiles or wallpapering. To achieve the desired effect, additional monetary costs are required.

To protect wooden houses from fire, there are many special wood processing products that impart the necessary properties. But you also need to spend money on this.

Advantages of wooden houses

Compared to brick, wood has excellent thermal conductivity, wood “breathes”. Wooden house has less weight, so for a wooden building you do not need to pour a large foundation, which means you can do without extra costs.

Wooden houses can be moved in the truest sense of the word. The house can be carefully disassembled and moved to another necessary location.

Natural wood is an ecological material.

Wooden houses are not attractive to everyone. It all depends on preferences and capabilities. Wood material for construction there can be economy and elite class. Therefore, the appearance and size of the house largely depends on financial capabilities.

Frame houses and their features

Frame construction is a common technology for the construction of residential buildings. Frame-type houses are gaining popularity among the population, because frame buildings have many significant advantages.

Advantages of frame houses

Technology frame construction- this is the only prospect among many solutions that allows you to build a turnkey house within just one season. In a few months you can get a full-fledged home with excellent interior decoration, flooring, plumbing and all kinds of decor. It is impossible to build a house from bricks or blocks in such a short time.

Attractive price. This is another reason why frame houses are preferred. For example, a house with an area of ​​about 200 square meters will cost the same as a two-room standard apartment. This option is especially suitable for young families who do not have a large budget for the construction of stone or brick cottages.

Build frame house quite simple, which is why the construction cost is low. The work does not require many workers; the use of various equipment, cranes, concrete mixers or trucks is not required. It should be noted that almost any site is suitable for construction.

Frame houses have excellent thermal insulation properties. They are several times warmer than brick ones.

Excellent energy saving. With proper finishing work and ventilation adjustments, you can achieve an unsurpassed result - thermal energy will remain inside the house.

But frame houses have not only many advantages. There are also some disadvantages that must be taken into account when constructing a frame object.

Disadvantages of frame construction

The high tightness of a frame house requires the installation of tiled exhaust ventilation. Otherwise, the appearance of fungus, mold and unpleasant dampness cannot be avoided. Design ventilation system it is necessary to start at the first stage of development (in order to take into account all the subtleties and technical elements).

The frame usually consists of vertical beams made of wood. Therefore, it is not recommended to build frame houses higher than 2 floors. Otherwise, the sound insulation properties will be reduced and vibrations may be created during certain actions.

For interior finishing work, plasterboard is mainly used. This material has many good characteristics, however, it is easily susceptible to external negative influences. It is easy to cut, saw or pierce the outside to get inside, which is especially attractive to intruders. In addition, extensive work will be required to restore the wall and repair the damage.

Wood is used to create the frame. And this material ignites quickly. Therefore, additional costs will be required for the treatment of wooden parts with special means that protect against fire.

In the modern construction market, a large selection is offered various materials for every taste and budget. What exactly to build a house from, everyone decides for himself. There is no ideal material; each of them has pros and cons. But after studying all the characteristics and features, you can build a beautiful, warm and cozy house.

  • possibility of assembly without scaffolding and special tools;
  • the ability to independently manufacture all frame elements;
  • high speed of construction;
  • low construction cost
  • the possibility of using mineral wool or cellulose insulation, which do not pose any health hazard;
  • light weight of the building.


  • poor sound insulation (typical of all frame buildings);
  • relatively low fire resistance;
  • the existence of “cold bridges” - areas with very weak thermal protection;
  • relatively short service life;
  • significant impact " human factor» on the final quality of the house.

SIP technology

Strictly speaking, SIP technology is not a frame technology, but a frame-panel technology, since it involves assembling a house from factory-produced panels. This panel is a “sandwich” consisting of two sheets of OSB-3, between which there is a layer of polystyrene foam.

SIP panels are mounted on a frame assembled from laminated veneer lumber or solid timber. Sometimes Olympia specialists abandon the frame altogether, using dowels made of OSB or narrow SIP panels of smaller thickness for connections.


  • high speed of construction - the house is assembled in a matter of weeks, or even days;
  • high strength - in 2004, Hurricane Charlie, which passed through the town of Port Charlotte (Florida, USA), could not cope only with houses built using SIP technology. The wind speed, according to various estimates, ranged from 120 to 140 kilometers per hour;
  • energy efficiency - manufacturers of SIP panels claim that such houses are 1.5 times warmer than traditional frame houses;
  • low weight allows the use of an inexpensive foundation on screw piles
  • due to the absence of shrinkage, finishing work can begin immediately after completion of construction;
  • maintainability - by replacing damaged panels and frame fragments, you can repair the house almost endlessly.


  • difficulties in laying communications;
  • environmental friendliness - oriented strand board contains phenol and formaldehyde, and polystyrene foam can release styrene when heated. At room temperature, the emission of styrene is minimal, but it tends to accumulate in the body. When heated to 100 degrees or more, the emission of styrene increases many times.

German frame-panel technology

German technology is very similar to the “Platform” technology: the house is also assembled floor by floor on floors, and load-bearing structure are the walls themselves. The difference is that to assemble a house, they use ready-made, factory-assembled panels, which are installed using construction cranes, and a roof, which is also included in the kit. Thermal insulation material, windows, communication elements and even primary finishing - everything is created in the factory: Olimpia specialists can only install the finished panels in place.


  • very high construction speed;
  • the ability to build at any time of the year;
  • insignificant influence of the “human factor” on the final quality of the house;
  • good thermal insulation;
  • no shrinkage;
  • light weight;
  • presence of primary finishing and windows in finished factory panels.


  • relatively high cost of assembled shields;
  • the need to use special equipment to deliver and lift shields;
  • limited number of finishing and thermal insulation options;
  • limited selection of roofing materials.

Frame technology

The basis of a house built using frame-frame technology is a frame made of timber with a thickness of 150 millimeters or more. The beam forms many frames into which braces are installed to increase rigidity. The frames are sheathed with edged boards or moisture-resistant boards; space between external and internal lining filled with thermal insulation material. Most often, ecowool insulation (cellulose insulation) is used for this purpose, which allows you to fill the smallest cracks. In addition, specialists construction company Olympia notes that it reliably protects the house from rodents.

Assembly and cladding of the frame are carried out on site. If the building has more than one floor, scaffolding may be needed.


  • almost unlimited possibilities in choosing the architecture and layout of the house;
  • wide selection of finishing and roofing materials;
  • no need to use special equipment;
  • low price;
  • durability and maintainability.


  • labor intensity and, as a consequence, relatively low speed construction;
  • significant influence of the “human factor” on the final quality of the house;
  • the need to use scaffolding in the construction of multi-story buildings.

Half-timbered technology

The main difference between half-timbered technology and conventional frame-frame technology is the external decoration of the building. It leaves the frame exposed (at least on the outside, and sometimes on the inside), which gives the house a distinctive appearance. In some buildings, glass panels are used as a finishing material, which makes the house especially cozy and attractive.

The advantages and disadvantages of half-timbered technology are the same as those of frame-frame technology.


When discussing technologies for constructing frame houses, it would be wrong not to say a few words about the foundation, which largely determines the strength and especially durability of the building.

The following can be used as a foundation for a frame house:

Each type of foundation deserves a description in a separate article, and therefore we will not dwell on them in detail. We only note that when selecting and calculating the main parameters of the foundation, one should take into account the type and depth of soil freezing, the depth of groundwater, the total area and weight of the house structure, taking into account the possible snow load on the roof (150-200 kg per square meter), as well as furnishings and people.

Load-bearing structures

The load-bearing structures of a frame house are most often made of solid or laminated timber and edged boards. Typically, lumber obtained from pine or spruce wood is used for the frame, simply because they are widely available and inexpensive. The insufficient moisture and bioresistance of spruce and pine wood is compensated by the use of antiseptic impregnations.

Thermal insulation materials

The following can be used as thermal insulation material for walls and ceilings in frame houses:

Mineral wool with a density of 30-50 kg/m3

It is formed by heating and swelling of rocks. Thermal conductivity coefficient - 0.041 - 0.043 W/m·K. It is produced in the form of slabs and rolls. To insulate frame houses, Olympia specialists recommend using slabs. Mineral wool board provides excellent thermal insulation, it is environmentally friendly, fireproof and inexpensive, but it is almost impossible to “press” it into narrow cracks. This somewhat reduces the effectiveness of insulation.

Glass wool with a density of 15…20 kg/m3

It is made by heating and blowing glass waste and cullet. Thermal conductivity coefficient is 0.030…0.052 W/m·K. Like mineral wool, glass wool is environmentally friendly and fireproof, but it is noticeably inferior to the first in terms of elasticity and shrinkage coefficient. In addition, you can work with glass wool only with gloves and respiratory protection.

Expanded polystyrene with a density of 25 kg/m 3

Expanded polystyrene (foam) is a material obtained by foaming a synthetic organopolymer of polystyrene. The thermal conductivity coefficient is about 0.040 W/m·K. Very cheap, easy to use, but due to its inelasticity, it is not suitable for filling narrow openings. We have already written above about the potential danger of polystyrene foam to the body.

A special feature of frame houses is the wear resistance and durability of the wood, from which the frame is assembled; In addition, the thickness of the walls in such a house is less than in a building built in a traditional way, which saves internal space.

It should also be noted that the insulation system of a frame house has water-repellent properties. Frame structures can also be described as environmentally friendly, in addition, they can be easily modernized, which is of great value in our conditions - rebuilding a house is much easier.

Another significant advantage of frame houses is their relatively short construction time. A frame house can be erected in about six months; this is due to the fact that work related to pouring concrete is carried out only during the construction of the foundation; It takes literally a few days to make panels for such a house. The actual assembly of a frame house takes approximately 1 week! Interior finishing work will also not be difficult, since sheets of plasterboard are attached to the inside of the frame.

The frame house is quite strong and stable; it weighs little, so its foundation usually does not require significant concreting. It is enough to build a strip foundation going to a shallow depth. If your house has only one floor, then you can get by columnar foundation, but in this case it is necessary to further examine the soil. The house itself consists of sandwich panels.

The frame is constructed from dry wood coniferous species wood; it is sheathed with any finishing material and a film with wind-resistant properties. This allows you to ventilate the room and keep the wood frame dry. The inside of the frame is covered with insulation and vapor barrier film. After this, windows and doors are installed. Interior partitions consist of frame slabs or tongue-and-groove gypsum slabs. Internal communications are installed inside the walls.

The disadvantages of frame houses include, first of all, their low fire safety, because they consist almost entirely of wood and drywall. Another drawback is connected with this - the instability of wood to all kinds of external damage: mold, drying, pests. To protect the coating from these troubles, you need to treat it with special means. This will help increase the service life of the building, since the service life of frame houses is not as long as that of brick houses, for example.

Contrary to popular belief, the thermal insulation properties of a frame house are practically not inferior to a brick one - of course, subject to construction technology. Therefore, frame individual houses are built even in Arctic conditions.

You should also carefully consider the choice of specialists to whom you entrust the construction of your home. It is best to trust teams that have experience in constructing frame houses, and then the result will please you. published

What are the pros and cons of a frame house? What do you need to know and consider before starting construction? How long has this technology been used?

Which frame structures are the most reliable and durable? Is it worth choosing this method for constructing a permanent residential building?

What is frame construction?

In our country, frame buildings were used back in the middle of the last century. The first frame-panel structure in the vastness of the former Soviet Union became country houses.

Popularly they deservedly received the name “houses of cards.” The quality of these buildings left much to be desired.

How to appearance, and based on their strength characteristics, these buildings could not be called a residential building.

Time has passed, and frame construction technology has undergone significant changes.

Modern could be:

  • quality;
  • beautiful;
  • durable.

At the same time, such a building will be much cheaper than other types of construction. But, despite the low cost, it is quite possible to live in such a house.

The construction technology is simple, and assembling such a building will not be difficult. Construction can be done with your own hands.

As a rule, this takes much less time than building a house made of brick or timber. But, nevertheless, panel-type buildings also have disadvantages.

Today, frame construction technology is the most popular abroad. Mostly one- and two-story private cottages are built using frame structures, outbuildings, baths

Opinions about this fact are divided. Many believe that buildings of this type are more appropriate to use in regions with a mild, warm climate. This is wrong.

The use of high-quality modern insulation materials makes it possible to build a panel house even in the far north.

These houses have become widespread in the northern countries - Finland, Sweden, Norway. But of course, when building in an area with unfavorable weather conditions, you shouldn’t skimp on insulation.

The frame structure itself consists of three things:

  • frame;
  • insulation;
  • sheathing

The frame can be panel or beam. When using the panel type, the finished panel parts of the walls are fastened together. The prefabricated frame is assembled from individual parts.

Construction using ready-made monolithic panels moves faster. However, when assembling a beam frame, the builder has the opportunity to change the design at his discretion.

Here it is possible to vary the height and width of the required openings and the length of the walls.

The prefabricated frame can be either metal or wood. If used wooden beams, then they are fastened together using self-tapping screws or through bolts.

The metal parts are fastened together by welding.

After assembling the frame, it needs to be insulated. Glass wool, penoplex or foam plastic can be used as insulation.

The joints are glued with construction tape, the cracks are filled polyurethane foam. When using a panel frame, additional insulation is not required, since the panels supplied from the factory are made monolithically and can be installed immediately.

After insulating the frame, the outer surfaces of the walls are sheathed first, then the inner ones.

Since all insulating materials are flammable, preference should be given to fire-resistant materials for external cladding.

Advantages of a frame structure

Compared to other traditional construction methods, frame construction has a number of differences.

The main advantages of such a building are undeniable:

  • speed of construction;
  • ease of installation;
  • low price of materials.

You can assemble the frame of your future home with your own hands in just a couple of days. The technology is simple and easy to understand for a person with no experience in construction.

It is possible to completely complete the construction, including the roof, interior decoration and communications, in one to two months. Wooden or brick house You can’t build it on your own in such a time frame.

However, in such a serious matter as building a house, not only speed is important, but also quality. The quality in this case directly depends on the building materials used.

It is important to take into account that the layer of frame filler should be placed monolithically without cracks or gaps, so you should not skimp on the quality and quantity of insulating materials.

However, a good, durable frame will cost comparatively less than building a house the traditional way, even taking into account insulation and finishing materials.

Block cottages are built according to ready-made designs - this can significantly reduce the cost and improve the quality of the product.

When ordering a cottage, the buyer receives not only monolithic panels, but also roofing and finishing materials.

You don’t have to run around the shops looking for this or that element; everything you need will be at hand. Building such a house is no more difficult than assembling a children's construction set.

An individual order of monolithically made blocks according to your own design is possible, but will cost a little more. To reduce the cost of a home individual project, it is recommended to assemble the frame from beams yourself.

In addition to the above, a frame house has some other advantages. It is easier to transform.

If over time it is decided to expand the house, add an attic, several rooms or a garage to it, then this will not cause big problems.

A new frame can be attached to the frame, the quality of the connection in this case will be strong and monolithic.

The frame is not subject to deformation or shrinkage, unlike traditional houses. It is easier to repair if necessary.

The service life of frame construction is 70 years. This, of course, is less than the service life of houses made of logs and bricks.

But after so many years, most likely, the owners will want new home from the latest materials.

Demolition of a frame structure to make way for new construction is much easier than demolition of a similar building made of timber or brick. To do this, you only need to disassemble the structure into panels and dispose of them.

Disadvantages of frame construction

There are also disadvantages of frame houses, and there are many of them.

The main problems are considered:

  • fragility of insulation materials;
  • fire hazard;
  • susceptibility to rotting;
  • relatively low sound insulation;
  • the likelihood of rodents;
  • non-ecological nature of the building.

These disadvantages apply not only to frame buildings, but to all wooden houses. All these problems can be dealt with to one degree or another.

First unfavorable factor– this is the fragility of the insulation. Synthetic wool will have to be changed every 25 - 30 years. However, this is not that difficult to do.

To do this, you need to remove the cladding, remove the old insulation and replace it with a new one.

If the insulation has been lying around for a while only in some places, then you can partially add a new one if necessary.

It is important that the insulation is laid tightly, without cracks or dips. Large gaps are filled monolithically with polyurethane foam.

If foam blocks were used as insulation during construction, then their damaged parts will also have to be replaced.

Insulation of this kind, such as penoplex or polystyrene foam, is not as susceptible to the effects of time, but it can be damaged by rodents.

The requirements for repairing the heating layer made from these materials are the same. The insulation must uniformly and monolithically fill all cavities of the structure.

Any wooden buildings have a high fire hazard, and frame structures are no exception.

The frame can be impregnated with fire retardants. In addition, due attention should be paid to safety measures when conducting electrical wiring and gas pipelines.

If everything is carried out in accordance with building codes and regulations, then the risk of fire is reduced significantly.

Appropriate treatment of the frame before finishing will help cope with rot and mold. In addition, when insulating walls, you should not neglect moisture protective agents.

The noise insulation of frame buildings is indeed lower than the insulation of brick houses. When building in rural areas, this factor is not of great importance.

If the building site is located within the city limits or close to roads, it is recommended to lay an additional layer of sound-proofing materials before interior finishing.

Particular attention should be paid to ensuring that the sound-insulating material is placed monolithically, in an even layer, covering all load-bearing elements of the structure.

To protect the house from rodent infestation, it is recommended to use ecowool as a filler for the frame. This is a wonderful filler that rodents cannot handle.

The environmental friendliness of a building depends more on the materials used than on the type of structure. As in any other house, ventilation must be provided in the frame structure design.

Everyone can weigh all the pros and cons of frame construction for themselves and make their own choice. Happy construction!

Lately, it comes as no surprise that many residents of big cities are so tired of the incessant hectic lifestyle that they are looking to acquire own home outside the city. And even if such a house may not become a permanent home, it’s always nice to know that you can spend the next weekend surrounded by nature. But for many, what stands in the way of realizing their dreams is not only a reluctance to bother with long-term construction work, but also the limited family budget.

However, there is quite a good alternative for country cottage. We mean frame-panel houses. What are the pros and cons of panel houses, which are constantly gaining popularity in our country?

Characteristics of a panel house

The technology of building panel houses, although considered new in the country, is at the same time developing at a fairly rapid pace. In addition, many experts in the field of construction agree that panel houses created using Canadian technology have every chance of soon displacing houses in their traditional sense.

Uniqueness of technology

What is so unique and special about this technology that came to us with Western countries? First of all, it is worth highlighting a completely different approach to the construction of a house itself, which has multiple advantages (not the least of which are accessibility and comfort).

Speaking about the pros and cons of panel houses, it is worth noting such an important feature as the construction of housing in the shortest possible time. The only factor that affects the speed of assembly is the complexity of the project being executed (by the way, some houses can be built in just a few days). For those who are generally limited in time, but have an urgent need for a home, many companies already offer finished projects frame-panel house.

Building a house using Canadian technology is good because it has one distinctive feature– the ability to create a structure that can meet any type of architectural complexity. In particular, these are campsites, townhouses, industrial buildings, cottage villages, cafes, shopping pavilions and much more.

Features of panel house construction technology

The essence of such an event comes down to the construction of the main frame of the house and its subsequent rapid filling by fastening pre-prepared panel boards at the factory. This can also be safely attributed to the list of pros and cons of a panel house (of course, we consider this point as positive). Such shields are characterized by a multilayer structure, the minimum number of components of which is three layers: two layers of wood, between which a layer of insulation is placed. In the case where the house design includes several floors, the work is carried out strictly floor by floor.

For the manufacture of supporting frame elements, standard timber is used. These elements are placed on the initially prepared foundation, after which they are fixed on top with horizontal strapping. Then comes the installation of the interfloor components, which provide support for the next floor. It has already been said earlier that the pros and cons of panel houses include the speed of assembly, and therefore it is not surprising that next comes the installation of the roof and the installation of panels on all sides of the frame. The final part of creating a panel house is laying the floors and carrying out additional work for interior and exterior decoration.

Panel houses pros and cons

Frame-panel technology, also called frame-panel technology, Canadian technology or prefabricated house, is perceived as the most promising in the construction world. This technology is known and loved by residents of Canada, Germany, Scandinavia and many European countries, because it has been known here for centuries. By the way, most of the private real estate here is built precisely on the basis of this method.
In comparison with other buildings, panel houses have pros and cons, but the latter are present here insofar as.

The advantages of this technology are as follows:

The fastest pace of construction;
Work can be performed year-round and, most importantly, in any climatic conditions;
Absence or insignificant use of “wet” construction processes;
The ability to implement almost any architectural and design idea, guided by relatively small financial investments;
The natural origin of building materials means that such a house belongs to the category of environmentally friendly buildings;
Favorable price/quality ratio.

In addition, the advantages of panel houses include the strength and excellent seismic resistance of connections despite seeming unreliability, the ability of the future owner of the house to make adjustments or carry out redevelopment during the actual construction. In principle, the list of pros and cons of panel houses (although what kind of cons can there be if you use the services of competent craftsmen and take care of proper thermal insulation of the walls, roof and foundation of the house) can be continued further, but the most advantageous points have already been announced.

However, it would be reasonable to note that panel houses are characterized by high energy saving rates: a frame house, taking into account its thin walls, not only satisfies, but even exceeds the prescribed energy saving standards. Also, a winning factor in favor of a panel house is the lack of shrinkage of the entire house, and therefore move in or start internal finishing works here you can after the housing assembly is completed. By the way, interior decoration can be carried out using almost any materials, a wide selection of which is available on the construction market.