Why pregnant women should not have carbonated drinks. An important question: can pregnant women drink carbonated water? Why should pregnant women not drink carbonated drinks?

Pregnancy, happiness for every woman, hurray, has happened! You can sit on the sofa and let your family run around and feed you all sorts of goodies. In fact, the time has come for responsibility, and not only for oneself. There’s nothing noticeable about the figure yet, so everything is possible?

We eat as before, only consciously. We carefully look at what we eat and what we drink.
For example, is our favorite sparkling water still in our diet during pregnancy or is it time to say goodbye?

Such pleasant bubbles, it seems that you can drink soda endlessly and nothing bad will happen. It seems to quench your thirst and lift your spirits.

What happens if you drink soda?

Soda is water that contains carbon dioxide, which is what causes the bubbles in it. When they enter the body, the work of the digestive organs goes astray.

The gas is released and literally bursts the internal cavity of the stomach, and it cannot contract normally.
Carbon dioxide is sent through the intestines and partially back through the esophagus, which is how belching occurs.

The remaining bubbles distend the intestines and disrupt its peristalsis, in other words, they provoke constipation or loose stools.

I don’t want to scare you, but your body is now working for two and why add difficulties to it?

By eating during pregnancy, you can either help yourself bear a healthy baby, or achieve poor tests and medical prescriptions.

Can you drink sweet lemonade?

During pregnancy, taste buds become more acute, so you want more pronounced tastes: sweeter, more salty.

Sweet lemonade is no exception. This drink is refreshing and invigorating. But why is everyone screaming about its harm?

An artificial sugar substitute, Aspartame, is often added to sweet carbonated water. He sweeter than sugar a hundred times, but harmful to the liver.
It raises the level of substances that accumulate in fat cells and contribute to the development of diabetes and significant weight gain. Attention! Obesity threatens not only the mother, but also the child.

Pregnant women have an eternal problem - an excessive desire to eat, and aspartame increases appetite.
It turns out to be a contradiction. This sweetener reduces the calorie content of the drink, but helps to gain excess weight.

Phosphoric acid in soda

This is another component of a carbonated drink.

Phosphoric acid regulates the acidity in soda and is also a catalyst for the development of urolithiasis in people predisposed to it.

In other words, if you have people in your family who suffer from stone formation in gallbladder, then the risk of getting sick is very high, since the load on the kidneys doubles during pregnancy.

Unfortunately, the presence of this acid in the drink leads to an exacerbation of gastritis (about gastritis during pregnancy >>>), with it, necessary elements such as magnesium, iron, and potassium are less absorbed.

Sodium benzoate and dyes

Will you object to me?

  • the whims of a pregnant woman are sacred;
  • everyone drinks and nothing happens to them;
  • It’s so easy to get soda, just go and buy it, you don’t have to cook.

I won’t argue, if you want to give birth to a healthy child, then you will draw the right conclusion yourself.

The main criteria why we love soda: sweet, attractive bright color, with bubbles, long shelf life.

  1. Sweet water is obtained with the help of a sweetener, but we have learned so many horrors about it, health is more important.
  2. Beautiful bright color of the drink. Adding some kind of coloring, even food coloring, will help make it like this. And this often causes allergies. By the way, it is added to lemonade.
  3. Carbonated water has a long shelf life. In industrial production, a special preservative, sodium benzoate, is added to it. Combining it with ascorbic acid in a carbonated drink increases the risk of cancer.

We did not find anything useful for pregnant women in carbonated water. It's up to you to drink it or not.

Mineral sparkling water during pregnancy

This water contains important microelements necessary for a pregnant woman. It quenches thirst well and supports water-salt metabolism. Without drinking clean water, it is impossible to imagine the correct diet of an expectant mother.

It is important to understand two factors here

  1. negative effect of carbon dioxide bubbles on the body;
  2. the presence of sodium chloride in such water, which has the property of retaining water in the body and causing edema. Read more about edema in the article: Edema during pregnancy >>>

Everything is solvable:

  • Take a bottle of table mineral water (not medicinal) from the store and carefully read the composition. Let's assume potassium, sodium and magnesium, no chlorine salts.
  • You can drink no more than two glasses of this water per day.
  • You can open a bottle of water with gas and leave it for 20 minutes so that the gas comes out, if there is nothing else.

Let's summarize: you can see for yourself that you should not drink sparkling water during pregnancy. Why consume a product that you know contains so many harmful substances?

Eat mindfully.
Drink fruit drinks, juices, water, dairy products.
This will strengthen both your health and the health of your unborn baby.

Pregnant women are often tormented by extreme thirst, but in such an “interesting situation” you should be more careful when choosing drinks. After all, lemonade, Coca-Cola and other sodas that are familiar in everyday life can harm the baby.

Is it possible to drink carbonated drinks during pregnancy, and how can they harm mother and baby - read on.

As is known, In addition to regular water, carbonated drinks contain many impurities: dyes, flavor enhancers, sweeteners and, of course, sugar. These additives and to an ordinary person do not bring any particular benefit, and can even harm a pregnant woman.

Carbon dioxide - those very “bubbles” - entering the stomach, burst its internal cavity, thereby preventing it from doing its job and contracting normally.

Some of the bubbles return up the esophagus, causing belching. If the expectant mother suffers from heartburn, then she will experience burning pain.

The other part of the bubbles moves into the intestines, causing bloating and disrupting peristalsis. This in turn can cause bowel problems such as constipation or diarrhea.

Sweet carbonated drinks are also harmful to health due to the content of aspartame, a substance that is a sugar substitute that is 200 times sweeter than it. Drinking such drinks harms the liver, which can cause obesity and contribute to the development of diabetes.

The worst thing is that aspartame harms not only to the expectant mother, but also for the baby. At birth, he may have an increased risk of developing diabetes and obesity or may already suffer from them.

Carbonated drinks have a negative effect on the kidneys and gallbladder. The phosphoric acid contained in drinks, which is responsible for regulating acidity, increases the likelihood of the formation of kidney or gallstones in people predisposed to urolithiasis or cholelithiasis.

And, as you know, pregnant women have an increased load on their kidneys, so you can’t drink carbonated drinks during this period.

Phosphoric acid, also contained in soda, affects the stomach, exacerbating gastritis, and also impairs the absorption of beneficial microelements such as potassium, magnesium and iron.

In addition, dyes, preservatives, flavor enhancers and other additives often cause allergic reactions that can be transmitted from the mother to the baby.

The well-known sodium benzonate (E211) reacts with acid in the stomach, which causes the formation of harmful carcinogens that cause cancer.

The opinion of dentists on the use of carbonated drinks is categorical. They believe that Such drinks negatively affect tooth enamel, destroying it and causing caries. And since pregnant women already suffer from calcium deficiency, they definitely don’t need an extra problem in the form of tooth decay.

How to replace store-bought pops?

How can you replace store-bought carbonated drinks if you really want to treat yourself during pregnancy?

Homemade lemonade, made with your own hands, comes to the aid of expectant mothers. It's not difficult to prepare. For one serving of lemonade you will need:

The lemon should be cut into two parts, squeeze out the juice, dilute it with water and add sugar. To obtain a less concentrated drink, add more water.

You can drink this drink no more than two glasses a day, and it is advisable to drink it through a straw, so as not to harm tooth enamel.

If, after drinking homemade lemonade, you experience discomfort in the abdomen, you should immediately consult a doctor.

However, not all women can drink such lemonade:

  1. if you have problems with the digestive system, a burn may occur if citric acid enters the stomach;
  2. if you have liver, kidney or diabetes mellitus;
  3. if you are prone to allergies.

In any case, before drinking this or that drink during pregnancy, you should first consult with a specialist.

So, drinking carbonated drinks during pregnancy not only will not bring any benefit, but can also seriously harm the health of mother and baby. Therefore, you should refrain from drinking such drinks.

You can quench your thirst with homemade lemonade, but first you need to consult a doctor, to avoid possible consequences.

Useful video

Why you can’t drink carbonated drinks during pregnancy – the answer is in the video.

There are many restrictions on the use of mineral water by pregnant women. You need to pay attention to a number of nuances: with gas or not, what is the composition and type. The presence of problems with certain organs or a genetic predisposition to certain diseases also matters.

Soda during pregnancy: how to drink so as not to harm the unborn baby

The pregnancy period implies many restrictions and prohibitions in the life of the expectant mother.

Most of them concern nutritional issues, the quality of which largely determines the formation of the child’s future body.

At the same time, water consumed by a pregnant woman is of great importance for the health of the unborn baby.

Can pregnant women drink sparkling water?

Carbonated water or soda, as it is popularly called, is a concept that means different types drinks - from mineral medicinal water like “Essentukov” to sweet lemonade. A pregnant woman should have a strict taboo regarding the use of the latter. Mineral water, in some cases, is allowed to expectant mothers, but in limited quantities and in the absence of contraindications.

With gas

Popular beliefs say that if a pregnant woman passionately wants this or that food or drink, she cannot deny herself: they say, “the child is asking.” Modern medicine urges future mothers to seriously reconsider this provision and not drink carbonated drinks. The carbon dioxide they contain irritates the intestines, causing increased gas formation and flatulence, which leads to severe discomfort not only in the woman, but also in the embryo.

For a pregnant woman, drinking such drinks leads to heartburn and pain in the gastrointestinal tract, swelling, due to which the woman is forced to take medicines, and this also does not have the best effect on the baby’s health.

In addition, the substance that causes cheerful bubbles promotes the leaching of calcium, a deficiency of which is already observed in most pregnant women. Thus, drinking carbonated water can lead to serious problems with teeth and bones not only for the expectant mother, but also for the baby.

Lightly carbonated

Ideally, it is also better to refuse such water, since it still contains carbon dioxide - just in a lower concentration. Accordingly, the risk of undesirable effects remains. When you don’t have the strength to fight the desire to feel the characteristic sensations from “gas” in your throat, it’s better to drink a glass of lightly carbonated water. But you should not constantly follow the lead of the body, in which hormonal changes are raging.

When drinking slightly carbonated water, there is a possibility of losing vigilance and moderation, since psychologically it will seem that such water is less harmful.

Without gas

Still water can be consumed during pregnancy, especially if it is saturated with beneficial microelements such as potassium, magnesium and sodium. But it is better not to buy drinks containing sodium chloride - this substance provokes swelling, which often torments the expectant mother.

If you can’t find still water with useful composition, it is allowed to consume carbonated drinks after releasing the gas from it.

What mineral water should pregnant women not drink?

When choosing a mineral water, it is important to pay attention not only to the composition, but also to the type:

  • dining room, mineralization is 1 g/l;
  • medical-dining room, mineralization from 1 to 8 g/l;
  • medicinal, mineralization 10 g/l.

While carrying a child, you are allowed to drink only table mineral water, the concentration of nutrients in which is contained in prophylactic doses. Pregnant women should not drink medicinal water and even medicinal table water, since the active substances in them cause increased stress on the kidneys and some other organs that work in emergency mode during gestation.

Is it possible to drink Borjomi during pregnancy?

Borjomi belongs to the medicinal-table type of mineral waters, therefore it should be consumed only with the permission of the attending physician.

Phosphoric acid, which is present in the composition, can provoke kidney pathologies if there is a genetic predisposition.

At the same time, the famous mineral water is an excellent and safe cough remedy. You can use it without fear of any side effects.

Contraindications for drinking mineral water during pregnancy

Since while waiting for a baby, organs and systems experience increased stress, the risk of developing diseases to which there was a predisposition before conception increases. Drinking water containing microelements may be undesirable if you have the following problems:

  • kidney;
  • joints.

Accordingly, if a woman is at risk of such diseases, it is better to discuss the issue of use with a doctor.

It is also necessary to carefully monitor the sensations: if your health worsens and discomfort appears (swelling, gas formation, etc.), you should stop taking the mineral water.

Why you shouldn't drink carbonated drinks

In addition to carbon dioxide, sweet carbonated drinks contain dyes and flavors that contribute to the development of allergies and pancreatic pathologies.

The presence of sweeteners in such drinks poses a great threat to health. In combination with carbon dioxide, these substances can quickly cause the development of diabetes.

How often can you drink sparkling water?

It is not advisable for an expectant mother to drink carbonated water, especially since the body does not need it. A few sips won’t do any harm, but it’s not worth risking the health of your unborn child for the sake of a momentary whim.

Table-type water, in the absence of contraindications, is allowed to be taken in quantities of no more than 2 glasses per day.

Mineral water is a controversial product during pregnancy, but in the absence of contraindications and unpleasant sensations, you can take mineral water without gas in acceptable volumes.

Useful video

Pregnant women often experience constipation or diarrhea.

This is due to changes in hormonal levels, redistribution of fluid.

If the intestines are additionally affected by carbon dioxide, the condition worsens.

Pain may develop, increasing as the fetus grows. If a woman constantly drinks sweet soda, in addition to the effect on the digestive tract, other disorders occur.

This is due to the chemical components included in the product:
  1. Sugar, aspartame. Its amount is so high that it can cause hyperglycemia in a pregnant woman. If a woman is prone to diabetes during pregnancy, the condition worsens. The disease can also occur in the fetus. If carbohydrates are constantly entering the body in large quantities, the mother and child become obese.
  2. Phosphoric acid. This is a substance that increases acidity. It leads to relapses or worsening of urolithiasis.
  3. Sodium benzoate. A preservative that has a toxic effect on internal organs. Especially the liver, kidneys, and digestive tract. With constant use it causes tumors.

If it's lightly carbonated?

It doesn't matter how much carbon dioxide passes into the intestines. He always irritates the mucous membrane, causes disruption of stool formation.

Even if the drink is considered lightly carbonated, it retains large number preservatives, dyes, and other harmful additives. Therefore, the negative impact on the pregnant woman and the fetus remains.

Effect of carbon dioxide

Drinking sparkling water negatively affects the body. But its effect on the woman and the fetus is different. It depends on the quality and quantity of the product consumed and the state of the body.

On the mother

The effect of carbonated water on a woman is greater - the function of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted.


  • frequent belching,
  • stomach ache,
  • diarrhea,
  • constipation.

If the patient drinks water last month pregnancy, deviations intensify.

This is due to the fact that the fetus additionally compresses the internal organs. If the patient drinks carbonated drinks mineral water with the addition of sodium chloride, this provokes swelling. The substance retains fluid in the body.

If during pregnancy a woman is prone to an increase in blood sugar due to changes in metabolism, frequent consumption of soda provokes gestational diabetes mellitus (that is, developing during pregnancy).

Per child

Soda also affects the child. His internal organs are just beginning to form, so any harmful substance penetrating the placenta leads to malfunctions.

The following deviations may develop:

  • obesity observed from birth (body weight 5 kg and above);
  • congenital diabetes mellitus due to the constant supply of glucose through the placenta;
  • delayed formation of internal organs under the influence of preservatives, chemical additives, dyes;
  • allergic reactions, diathesis.

Attention! Diabetes and obesity occur immediately after birth. Allergies are identified gradually. It occurs both on substances from breast milk and on food products during complementary feeding.


However there are strict contraindications when its use is prohibited:

Any amount of soda you drink will cause side effects. Since the use of many medications is prohibited during pregnancy, it is difficult to eliminate the condition that has arisen.

If you really want it?

It is not recommended to drink sweet soda. It contains many additional substances that affect the body of the woman and the fetus. If the pregnant woman nevertheless decides to drink it, choose water that does not have a bright color. This indicates a lower concentration of dyes.

It is better to drink sparkling mineral water, it has a beneficial effect on internal organs, normalizes their function. If it contains carbon dioxide, you can use the following methods to remove it:

  • open the bottle in advance so that all gases come out of it;
  • pour into a mug, stirring with a spoon to quickly remove carbon dioxide.

Pay attention! Before buying water, you need to make sure the quality of its composition. It shouldn't be medicinal. This type of mineral water is consumed only as prescribed by a doctor. The composition should not contain sodium chloride, which increases swelling.


There is nothing healthy about sparkling water. This is especially true for liquids that are saturated with carbohydrates. Carbon dioxide negatively affects the function of the gastrointestinal tract.

Preservatives and dyes cause organ damage and increase chronic diseases. Better drink running water without gases or mineral water, but then you need to consult your doctor.