The benefits and harms of semolina porridge. From childhood: a semolina porridge diet for quick weight loss Semolina porridge is it possible to lose weight

There are two approaches to the issue of using semolina during dietary nutrition. Adherents, including doctors, traditional healers, and nutritionists, recommend drinking plenty of clean water during the course of the diet, in addition to eating semolina porridge three times a day. It is allowed to include low-calorie dairy products and some unsweetened fresh fruits in the menu. But fatty foods, flour, smoked meats, and chocolate should be categorically excluded. With this approach, some manage to lose up to seven kilograms of excess weight.

Opponents who claim that the semolina diet is not effective recommend spending more calories than you consume. When telling others about the dangers of a long-term mono-diet, they refer to the possible occurrence of symptoms of osteoporosis and the rapid gain of lost kilograms. Fans of healthy eating prohibit those losing weight from eating semolina for dinner; if they really want to, they allow them to eat porridge only in the morning, for breakfast.

Whatever approach you are inclined to take regarding the semolina porridge diet, you need to remember that it does not apply to a balanced diet. Before starting a diet, you should consult your doctor regarding indications and contraindications. It is advisable to purchase vitamins and take them additionally to prevent diseases of the skin, hair, and nails.

What are the benefits of semolina for weight loss?

It is difficult to overestimate the beneficial properties of semolina. It is recommended for gastritis, stomach ulcers, and dietary nutrition. It is allowed to slightly salt the water during cooking and add a little vegetable oil. Benefits of semolina for weight loss:

  • preservation of large amounts of proteins, vitamins, microelements during quick cooking, giving nutritional value to porridge;
  • Drinking herbal tea on a diet and a large volume of liquid helps remove waste and toxins from the body;
  • suitable for an active lifestyle, maintaining the nutritional value of the diet at a low calorie content;
  • low fiber content, which promotes rapid absorption of semolina, creates a constant feeling of fullness, reduces appetite;
  • has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, enveloping the inner wall of the stomach, minimizing pain and cramps;
  • saturates the body with valuable proteins.

Semolina diet

The calorie content (energy value) of semolina is 340 kcal, so there is an opinion that nutritious semolina porridge promotes weight gain and is an unsuitable product for a diet. Surprisingly calorie content cooked without sugar, salt, butter semolina porridge with water is 80 kcal per 100 grams, with milk this figure will be 100 kcal. The semolina porridge diet, developed by nutritionists, promotes gentle weight loss of several kilograms within a week. It is recognized as tasty, comfortable, and gentle.

Diet duration

Semolina porridge for weight loss will please semolina lovers, especially if the person is not allergic to honey or intolerant to dairy products. It is carried out over seven days, no more than once a month. In a week spent on such a gentle diet, you can lose up to five kilograms of excess weight without a decrease in mood, loss of strength, or other side effects.


The semolina diet, with its existing options, requires compliance with some general rules: drinking water in large quantities, excluding sweets, alcohol, baked goods, soda, processed foods, fatty foods, and smoked foods from the diet. Meals must be made three times a day, at least a whole plate of porridge should be consumed at one meal. Menu options:

  1. Semolina with fruit. Breakfast includes a bowl of semolina porridge combined with 150 grams of unsweetened fruit (apple, blood orange, grapefruit), cut directly into the dish. Lunch – porridge with the addition of any dried fruits (maximum quantity 4 pieces). Dinner – a bowl of porridge with 1 teaspoon of condensed milk.
  2. Semolina with jam. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner include a serving of semolina porridge with milk in combination with two teaspoons of any jam or jam. In the absence of allergies, jam can be replaced with honey. You are allowed to drink 3 cups of tea or weak coffee without sugar per day.

How to prepare dietary semolina porridge

  • Time: 15 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 1 person.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 190 kcal.
  • Purpose: dietary dish.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

The basis of a diet based on semolina porridge is properly cooked cereal, without salt, sugar, or butter. The secret to preparing the dish is to constantly stir the porridge while cooking, This way, lumps do not form in it, which can cause discomfort. Served in beautiful plates, appetizingly decorated with fruits, berry sauce, honey, condensed milk, a semolina dish for weight loss will evoke pleasant emotions and reduce the feeling of severe limitation and the burden of dieting.


  • water – 120 g;
  • semolina – 35 g;
  • milk with 1.5% fat content – ​​160 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix milk with water and bring the liquid to a boil over low heat.
  2. Add semolina in a thin stream, stirring vigorously to avoid the formation of lumps.
  3. Cook for two minutes, stirring.
  4. When the porridge begins to thicken, remove from heat and cover the pan with a towel for 10 minutes.
  5. Serve garnished with dried fruits or jam.

Pros and cons

Any diet contains positive aspects (weight loss, psychological comfort from the changes) and adverse consequences. That's why It is recommended to consult a doctor before preparing a dietary diet. What are the pros and cons of the semolina diet?

Suitable for patients with stomach diseases. Prevents gastrointestinal diseases.

Not suitable for diabetes mellitus due to the immediate absorption of fast carbohydrates.

Eliminates excess weight in a short time without harming your health.

Cereals have a high gluten content, which contributes to the development of allergic reactions and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea). This leads to the risk of developing diseases of the circulatory system and metabolic disorders in the body.

Semolina is rich in micronutrients (magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium) and is easily absorbed by the body.

Easy to prepare, short, easy for lovers of semolina porridge.

Helps burn excess fat, cleanse the body of toxins and waste.

Not being balanced, it requires additional vitamins.

At the word "diet" Many people associate it with a constant feeling of hunger. However, this is not always the case.

The semolina diet allows you to lose extra pounds without grueling fasting. In addition, it does not require large financial expenses and increased physical activity. Diet effectiveness: minus 2-3 kg in one week.

The same semolina that we didn’t like so much in childhood can also be used for weight loss.

Scientific data

There is an opinion that semolina porridge is a high-calorie dish and contributes to the accumulation of extra pounds. In fact, the energy value of this product is slightly lower than that of other cereals.

Scientific research says that it contains 349 kcal per 100 g, rice - 344 kcal per 100 g. Semolina has only 326 kcal per 100 g. This is enough to prevent you from feeling constantly hungry while following a diet, and at the same time allows you to lose excess weight.

There is also an opinion that semolina supposedly does not contain anything useful. This is again a misconception. This cereal contains not only starch, but also a large amount of proteins. There are minerals: calcium, manganese, potassium, magnesium, fluorine and copper. There are vitamins B, PP and E. It is part of and, but its amount is small.

Cooking method

The basis of this diet is semolina porridge. It can be prepared with both water and milk. The only condition: the fat content of milk should not exceed 2.5%. If the porridge is made with water, weight loss will happen faster. The semolina recipe itself is quite simple.

Pour two glasses of milk or water into the pan. Then add two dessert spoons of semolina. The resulting mass is placed on high heat and brought to a boil. Then cook over low heat for about 5-7 minutes.

During the cooking process, the future porridge must be stirred constantly. After finishing cooking, remove the pan from the stove and allow the finished dish to cool slightly (2-3 minutes is enough). All. The porridge is ready to eat!

Diet options

There are different options for the semolina diet. However, there are some general rules.

The duration of the diet is 7 days. At this time you should forget about using:

  • Butter and vegetable oils
  • Sahara
  • Canned foods
  • Bread and semi-finished industrial products
  • Alcohol and sweet soda

It is imperative that fluid enter the body: this increases the speed of metabolic processes and also ensures intensive cleansing of toxins.

Increased physical activity is not necessary. Moderate loads are sufficient. You just need to keep yourself in good shape. And, of course, do not overeat at night: the last meal is no later than 19.00.

1 option of semolina diet

For breakfast: 200-250 g of semolina porridge and 100 g of fresh fruit (banana, orange, etc.).

For lunch: 200-250 g of semolina porridge and 4-5 (dried apricots, prunes).

For dinner: 200-250 g of semolina porridge and one teaspoon of flower honey.

Option 2 of the semolina diet

It is less diverse. For breakfast, lunch and dinner, exclusively semolina porridge is served. You can sweeten your life only with two small handfuls of nuts.

If digestive problems arise during the diet, you are allowed to add one serving of salad to your daily diet.

Advantages and disadvantages

This diet does not require large expenses. Cooking does not take much time (rarely more than 10 minutes). Also, a semolina diet helps remove toxins from the body. There is no debilitating feeling of hunger. Although you have to endure something: the menu is very monotonous throughout the week.

Of course, the semolina diet is very attractive. However, not everyone can use it: there are a number of contraindications. These are individual intolerance to semolina or milk, diabetes mellitus, metabolic disorders, pregnancy, lactation, age under 18 years.

Which of us will decide to lose weight on semolina? There probably won't be many of them. In dietetics, the opinion has become stronger that this is “the most harmful porridge.” Indeed, some features of cereals limit its frequent inclusion in the diet. We will tell you about them honestly. But you can and should use semolina porridge when losing weight. The main thing is to do it wisely.

Features of the composition

To form your own opinion about a product, you need to know what it consists of and how it affects your body weight. What “interesting” does semolina hide in itself?

Slow carbohydrates

85%, but they are almost entirely represented by starch. This is a polysaccharide that takes a long time to break down in the digestive tract; additional energy is spent on this process. The final product (glucose) enters the blood gradually, which means a feeling of fullness is created for a long time, appetite is reduced.

Essential amino acids

Since semolina is a product of wheat processing, it contains more protein than many other cereals - 12%. This is a valuable building material for the body. Usually, during a diet, a person does not get enough protein. Semolina is optimal in this sense.

Why are amino acids important for losing weight?

  • stimulate metabolism, since most enzymes are protein in nature;
  • reduce appetite;
  • in combination with regular physical training, after a certain time, they strengthen and tighten muscles;
  • reduce blood sugar levels (in many obese people it is elevated to borderline levels);
  • directly stimulate fat burning during exercise.

In addition to influencing a person’s weight, essential amino acids are important for all body systems: they improve the functioning of brain neurons, liver function, the functioning of the endocrine glands, and increase immunity.

Vitamins and minerals

Listing them all would take half a page. It seems that vitamins and minerals are present in full. This is not far from the truth, which is why it was promoted for children's and dietary nutrition. Semolina porridge completely provides the body with everything necessary for weight loss.

"Harmful" components

In fairness, you need to warn about dangerous properties:

  • Gluten (another name is gluten), to which many people have allergic reactions. Sometimes hereditary intolerance to this substance occurs. Then semolina is contraindicated.
  • Phytin (a substance with a high phosphorus content). It binds calcium and prevents its entry into cells. Semolina porridge is not recommended for children under 3 years of age and elderly people (over 70 years of age) who are at risk of developing osteoporosis.

The high calorie content turned out to be a myth. Indeed, dry cereal has 328 kcal per 100 g. But with heat treatment it decreases significantly: cooked in water - 80 kcal, in milk - 96 kcal per 100 g. Since no one will eat it in its dry form, semolina can rightfully be eaten classified as low calorie foods.

What is useful for losing weight

To finally rehabilitate semolina porridge, let’s summarize all the beneficial properties that help you lose extra pounds:

  • Reducing appetite and creating a long-term feeling of fullness.
  • Supplying the body with many vitamins and minerals, which makes it safe.
  • Low load on the digestive tract. There is very little fiber in cereals, so the dish is almost completely processed by the body, the last components are absorbed in the large intestine. This property eliminates traditional contraindications for losing weight - chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines.
  • High energy value with relatively low calorie content. The semolina diet is suitable for people leading an active lifestyle.
  • Source of valuable proteins. In combination with physical activity, regular use can change your figure, making it slim and fit.

All positive properties apply only to the cereal itself. Many people cannot imagine porridge without a huge amount of sugar. This product is really harmful and leads to weight gain.

How to choose

Cereals are made from wheat using coarse grinding. Depending on the variety, there are three types:

  • Soft varieties - marked “M” on the packaging.
  • Durum varieties - letter "T".
  • Combined - at least 20% of hard varieties are added to soft varieties.

For weight loss, cereals with the letter “T” are better suited. It takes longer to digest and contains more useful substances, including vegetable protein. But it also contains more gluten. In appearance - smaller, cream-colored.

How to cook

Cooking semolina porridge, despite its apparent simplicity, is an art. Every housewife knows her own proven method of cooking without lumps.

Basic recipe:

  • Bring 500 ml of water or low-fat milk to a boil;
  • slowly add 50 mg of cereal, stirring constantly;
  • Stirring continuously, cook over low heat for 2 minutes.

During the cooking process, you can add a little salt and lemon zest. Hard varieties produce a thicker, stickier porridge, while soft varieties produce a more liquid porridge. If lumps do form, many recommend immediately whisking the dish with a mixer.

In the slow cooker:

  • add 2 tbsp. l. into the multicooker bowl;
  • pour 2 glasses of skim milk or water;
  • add a little salt and mix thoroughly;
  • close the lid, select the “porridge” or “rice” menu;
  • After 10 minutes without turning off, stir and cook for a few more minutes.

With this method, the absence of lumps is guaranteed, the porridge does not run away and does not burn.

Diet options

Semolina is a product for mono-diet. It contains almost all useful substances, so additives are needed only to diversify the taste.

Fasting day

Involves eating only porridge cooked in water. One tablespoon is required for one serving. During the day we eat five times and drink water. The result of such unloading is minus 1-1.5 kg per day.


The diet is very modest. Along with semolina, you can only eat fruit (fresh or dried) or jam.

Option one:

  • breakfast: a portion of porridge, fruit no more than 100 g, 2 tsp. honey;
  • lunch: porridge, 4 fruits, the same amount of honey;
  • dinner: only semolina with 1 tsp. condensed milk

It is prepared in this version of the diet with skim milk. This menu is repeated daily. The result is a loss of 5 kg in a week.

Option two:

  • breakfast, lunch and dinner: a portion of porridge cooked in milk, 2 tsp. any jam;
  • unlimited water and green tea;
  • juice no more than 300 ml.

The results of the diet are also impressive if you follow everything strictly and do not add anything additional to “improve the taste.”

Arbitrary diets

Suitable for those who cannot withstand a week on just one dish. Then we take the mono-diet option and replace one meal with the following products:

  • vegetable salad (tomatoes, lettuce), seasoned with olive oil and lemon juice;
  • boiled chicken breast;
  • dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes) 4 pieces each.

In any case, it is important to maintain a drinking regime (at least 1.5-2 liters). The efficiency will be slightly less, but it will be easier to withstand such restrictions.

To prevent weight loss from backfiring or causing health problems, follow these tips:

  • Do not use this diet if you are allergic to dairy products or gluten;
  • cook correctly, without adding sugar and butter;
  • do not consume large quantities at night (this is a morning dish);
  • be aware of the ability to reduce calcium absorption;
  • do not use the diet more than once a month.

Consult your doctor first, as there are some diseases (other than allergies and intolerances) in which gluten is harmful in large quantities. Lose weight safely!

In fact, the calorie content of semolina porridge is low - if you cook it in water, 100 g of the product will give us about 120 kcal. Which is comparable to the “weight” of other popular breakfasts - oatmeal, buckwheat and cereal will give us about the same. Another question is that in our cultural tradition, semolina in water is not considered porridge, and we are accustomed to pouring milk over this wheat cereal. Moreover, the fattier the latter, the greater the chances that your child, when asleep, will mistake the product for pudding and, nevertheless, will eat it without “I don’t want and won’t.” In relation to semolina, adults are divided into 2 irreconcilable camps. Some consider it an unhealthy source empty calories, and almost never eat it, others - a nostalgic dish, each plate of which transports the eater to a happy childhood, where the grass was greener and the semolina tasted better.

Contents of the article:

Rumors about the “emptiness” of calories, that is, the absolute absence of vitamins and minerals in semolina, by the way, are greatly exaggerated. Semolina is considered a good source of phosphorus, potassium, and zinc with magnesium; it also contains iron and B vitamins. The truth is that the energy in it is mainly carbohydrate. For 12 g of protein, including the infamous gluten, there are about 69 g of carbohydrates. That’s why it is excluded from weight loss diets - semolina “fits” well into the KBJU matrix only in athletes, moreover, who train at least 5 times a week and have at least 3 strength sessions.

Myths about the uselessness of semolina for the human body are generated by its relatively low fiber content. There is only 3.7 g of it per 100 g of product. And the manufacturing method. Semolina, as already mentioned, is crushed wheat. Moreover, like spaghetti, it comes in soft and hard varieties. And the latter, by the way, usually disappoints porridge lovers from childhood, because it takes so long to cook and stubbornly refuses to buy pudding structure.

By the way, on the Internet you can find a completely different calorie content of semolina porridge - 470 kcal per 100 g of product with a lot of fats and simple carbohydrates. This is the so-called Guryev porridge according to the classic recipe. And regular semolina “for kids” with condensed milk, sugar, jam or something else equally tasty, but not suitable for a diet, yields about the same amount. Technically, you can eat 100 g of semolina, almost 500 kcal - not a breakfast drama at all. Considered healthy smoothie with oatmeal they often contain more. And it’s generally better to tactfully keep silent about the frankly unhealthy, but most commonly consumed in our latitudes, sandwiches with white bread, slices of fatty sausage and some kind of mayonnaise.

Why did you attack the semolina porridge? It's simple - no one eats 100 g of it. Those who love eat more, those who hate simply do not read this article. Healthy porridge is also entertainment; according to fans of the dish, it is generally tasteless and does not deserve attention. That’s why semolina is most often excluded. Simply because of the list of ingredients traditionally used with it.

Meanwhile, there is an alternative theory why you can’t eat semolina:

Yes you can, but only for breakfast. Eating at night is strictly forbidden and not advisable even for those who are not losing weight. You can lose weight with anything, you shouldn’t get hung up on it and you shouldn’t eat just one semolina to lose weight. The main thing is to burn more calories than you consume..

IMPORTANT: A long-term mono-diet can cause the development of the first symptoms of osteoporosis, which is extremely undesirable, especially against the background of nutritional obesity. If you have diabetes, it is better not to eat or cook it at all.


There is such a diet floating around on the Internet, but we don’t recommend it; you’ll ruin your body. At first you may lose weight, but then the weight will return. You need to lose weight comprehensively and not just on one thing. This is what they write...

In order to lose weight, you should choose the option on water with a small addition of milk. The less fruit you add, the lower the caloric content of your diet! So, for seven days you need to eat according to the schedule:

  1. Breakfast. A bowl of porridge + any fruit except bananas and grapes.
  2. Lunch. A cup of green tea.
  3. Dinner. A bowl of porridge + 4 pieces of any dried fruit.
  4. Afternoon snack. A cup of tea without sugar.
  5. Dinner. A bowl of porridge + a spoonful of condensed milk.

In addition to the proposed diet, you can only drink water unlimitedly. Don’t forget that a semolina diet is not balanced, so you should take an additional vitamin complex so as not to harm your hair, nails and skin.


It is possible, if not at night and not every day. We don’t like the semolina diet at all. In the morning, it’s better to even replace semolina with oatmeal.