Details about plums. Cultivation, beneficial properties and choice of variety. Callisia care at home, propagation by cuttings and layering, photos of species with a description Callisia care at home

Callisia(Callisia) - perennial herbaceous plant, which can be erect or creeping. Very popular among lovers of indoor flowers.

Some types are not only decorative, but also medicinal. These include Callisia fragrant (everyone knows Golden mustache). At home, the creeping and elegant Callisia is most often grown.


Callisia graceful or elegant
A close relative of Tradescantia, which differs from it in having thicker and fleshier stems. They are creeping, the tips stretch upward. The main value is the decorative leaves with a velvety surface. They are colored dark green above and purple below. Bright silver stripes run across the entire top of the plate.

Callisia creeping
A miniature plant covered with many small leaves reaching a length of no more than 2 cm. The shoots are creeping and grow very quickly. On the green background of the leaf blades there are a huge number of microscopic purple spots.

Callisia fragrant
The most popular type, which has earned various popular names - Living Hair, Corn, Golden or Chinese, or Far Eastern, or Japanese Whisker, Homemade Ginseng. It is highly valued for its remarkable composition, distinguished healing properties. Externally similar to the herbaceous part of corn. Unlike other species, it does not have any special decorative qualities. The leaves are uniformly colored, grassy green, rather wide and elongated. The stem is fleshy and erect.

Callisia navicularis
It earned its name for the peculiar shape of its leaves, which look like a boat. This species should always be in full sun. With this lighting, the plant acquires reddish tint. Without proper care and constant pruning, long stems with sparse leaves appear, which do not look decorative at all.

Selecting a location

For good plant development it is necessary to comply two conditions- lighting and good ventilation. Constant flow of fresh air, lack of harmful impurities(cigarette smoke, stale stagnant air, steam from pots of cooking food, etc.) and drafts are a vital necessity for the normal growth of Callisia.

Variegated color leaves require special lighting - the rays of the sun should be bright, but diffused. Otherwise, the plant will lose its decorative effect, acquiring a uniform, boring green color.
Callisia can be kept on the windowsill of the east and west windows. The plant can be placed at the back of the room if large windows They face south and there is enough light in the room.


In this regard, Callisia is quite demanding and can't stand it temperature changes and sudden cold snaps.

Optimal in summer keeping at +23-26 degrees, in winter +15-18 (but not lower than +15).

However, it does not really need a rest period and in winter you do not need to lower the temperature to maintain it.

Watering and humidity

The main condition is regularity, moisturizing after the soil dries out from above. Overwatering is not recommended; too frequent watering is not required. In winter, it is also reduced if the plant is kept in a cool room.

Humidity air should be increased, so Callisia requires frequent spraying. Or the pot is placed in a tray filled with stones and regularly moistened. You can place an open container of water next to the plant.

For glaze And spraying Callisias use soft water at a cool temperature - settled, melted, boiled.

Top dressing

Once every 7-10 days Callisia fertilize mineral complexes during the entire active period.


in spring Before the start of active growing season, Callisia is replanted, completely replacing the soil and, if necessary, the pot with a larger one.

Soil with a slightly acidic reaction is preferable. It is optimal to use a mixture of identical parts:

  • peat;
  • humus;
  • turf;
  • leaf soil;
  • sand

For better water and breathability, vermiculite can be added.

To the bottom of the pot lay out a drainage layer at least 1 cm thick. Pieces of broken brick, expanded clay, pebbles, river or any other pebbles are used for it.


The plant can be propagated at any time of the year. The process does not present any difficulties. This is done in two ways.

Rooting the tops. They are cut from the stem into 2-3 internodes and placed in a glass of water. You can add a tablespoon of aloe juice, a biogenic stimulant, to it. The roots appear very quickly, after which the plants are planted in a pot with soil.

If desired, you can plant several cuttings in one container, then the plant will be very “fluffy”.

Reproduction by layering. A fairly long shoot is buried in the same pot or another one is placed nearby. After successful rooting, the daughter stem is cut off from the main plant.

Growing process

Saplings It is better to place them in small-diameter pots, since a large size contributes to acidification of the soil. Young plants are sprayed every day with a spray bottle. Water as needed with exclusively warm water. By observing these conditions, you can soon get a full-fledged, well-developing plant.

Possible problems

If the rules of care are violated, it may occur atypical diseases:

  • browning of leaves and their subsequent fall indicates excessive soil moisture;
  • drying of the ends of leaf blades indicates a lack of moisture; the problem can be easily eliminated by regular watering;
  • the stems are strongly stretched, the leaves lose their brightness in color when there is insufficient light. It is necessary to change the location for the plant.


The most common problem with Callisia is root And stem rot, which is facilitated by the constant moisture of the earthen coma and the lack of good drainage.

To eliminate the problem, all affected parts of the plant are removed, and the sections are treated with crushed charcoal. Completely replace the soil in the pot with new one.

At extensive lesions are treated with fungicides. You can use Acrobat, Bayleton, Profit, Oksikhom, Rovral.


Red loves callisia, and they also happily settle on it.

Spider mite. An inconspicuous pest, it announces its presence by the formation of the finest cobwebs entwining the affected plant. You can get rid of it by using acaricides - Aktellika, Flumaita, Apollo, Fitoverma, Kleschevita.

Thrips. Small sucking insects with an elongated body. Dry spots appear on the leaves, which gradually merge into one big spot. All damaged parts die off, the plant weakens and may die. The use of Agravertin, Karate, Intavir, Vertimek is effective against pests.

Shields. They look like small plaques covering the leaves and stems. They die from the use of Confidor, Actellik, Biotlin, Bankol.

And for those who like to know more, we suggest you watch the video about callisia

There is a wonderful plant in the world - Golden Us. It is scientifically called using the Latin term Callisia fragrans Woodson, from which it becomes clear that this culture belongs to the genus Callisia. Golden Us is a plant that is not only spectacular in appearance, but also healing. Its leaves are used as ingredients in many recipes. traditional medicine from a variety of ailments. But in the Kallisia family there are actually quite a few natural healers besides the Golden Us. Actually, the current article is devoted to this genus.

General information about the callisia plant

The genus Callisia belongs to the Commelinaceae family. These plants originate from tropical and subtropical regions of South and Central America. Large quantity species can be seen throughout Mexico. Callisia is also common in the Antilles. The life form of the crop is herbaceous perennials. Characteristic feature hers are creeping shoots. Some varieties of callisia have erect stems, but this is extremely rare. IN wildlife The favorite place for exotics is a damp forest, where twilight reigns. Here callisia forms a green carpet of turf.

The name of the tropical exotic comes from two Greek words: “kalos” - beautiful and “lis” - lily. If you have insufficient experience in floriculture, collision can easily be confused with tradescantia. They are, in fact, very similar, and they are also representatives of the same family. Callisia is an ornamental deciduous plant, although it has the ability to flower. Only her reproductive organs are mostly inconspicuous and have an unremarkable size.

The genus Callisia has approximately 12 plant species. IN indoor culture In most cases, fragrant callisia, elegant callisia and creeping callisia are bred.

  • Callisia fragrant. This is the well-known Golden Us, with the mention of which this story began. Fragrant callisia has two types of shoots: vertical and horizontal. On the first, long leaves of large sizes are formed, having a tubular shape and green. The latter look like mustaches spreading along the surface of the soil - it is due to them that the plant received such a bright name. The ends of the mustache are decorated with small leaves.
  • Callisia eleganta (graceful). It has dark green, ovate leaves with a purple lower surface and silvery stripes on the outside. Their tips are pointed. Vegetative organs are pubescent. At the end of the summer season or in September, fragrant, inconspicuous white flowers appear on Callisia gracena.
  • Callisia creeping. A miniature exotic, which is characterized by neat heart-shaped leaves of a juicy green hue with a burgundy inner side, creeping shoots, a tendency to strong tillering and growth.

Conditions for cultivating exotic callisia

  • Lighting. Callisia develops best under the influence of bright, diffused light. The best option for placing a tropical beauty: a western or eastern window. A small amount of direct daylight rays is acceptable.
  • Thermal mode. Creeping exotic is very thermophilic. During the growing season, the recommended temperature is +20+25º; in winter, it is important to maintain the temperature in the room with the plant not lower than +14º and not higher than +20. Sudden temperature changes are detrimental to crops.
  • Humidity. This indicator environment should be high enough. To ensure this level of air humidity, frequent spraying of callisia with water from a spray bottle will be required, especially in summer. The moisture used is soft, settled, and slightly warm. However, it is better to spray it not on the crop itself, but nearby, so as not to spoil the beauty of the foliage.
  • Soil and planting container. Callisia loves nutritious, slightly acidic, air- and water-permeable substrates. Recommended composition of the soil mixture: 1 part leaf soil, 1 part turf soil, 1 part peat, 1 part sand and 1 part humus. Choose a medium-sized pot for the plant.

Caring for callisia at home

Since the natural habitat of callisia is wet tropical forests, the green beauty simply adores water and, therefore, needs it immensely. Thus, the plant is watered intensively. But this only applies to periods of active growth. In the fall, soil moisture under the flower is limited, and in winter it is reduced even more. However, make sure that the earthen lump does not dry out. In the same way, flooding of soil is not allowed. For water procedures, use only soft moisture at room temperature.

Starting from March and until the end of the summer season, callisia is fed. A complex mineral concentrate is used as a fertilizer for this purpose. Feeding is carried out frequently, once a week.

Every spring the plant needs to be replanted while it is young. For a mature plant, changing the substrate and pot is more rare - once every two years. The soil is used of the same composition as at the time of planting the exotic. Be sure to ensure that the soil has a slightly acidic reaction. At the bottom of the pot, arrange a high-quality layer of drainage material.

The rejuvenation procedure is also applicable to callisia. It involves re-rooting the apical shoots of the plant. This event is relevant due to the rapid so-called growth.

New callisia specimens are obtained by propagating the plant by cuttings. This is the simplest and most common method among gardeners. If you use apical shoots as propagation material, root them in an aquatic environment. If your choice fell on a horizontal cutting crowning a horizontal layer, carefully cut the shoot under the rosette and plant it in nutritious soil, attaching the shoot to the ground using a special wooden hook. The seedling should be sprinkled with soil on top. As soon as the shoot takes root, it must be carefully separated from the main exotic plant and planted in another container, in a permanent place.

Difficulties in cultivating callisia crops

Callisia is practically not susceptible to disease. If any ailment arises, know that you yourself had a hand in it, because this is always connected with a violation of caring for the plant and providing it with proper conditions of maintenance. When it comes to insect pests, no one is to blame. Callisia can become a victim of spider mites and thrips.

There are other problems as well:

  • Plant rotting, browning of vegetative organs, leaf fall. The reason is flooding of the soil under the flower, excessive soil moisture.
  • Drying of leaf tips. The reason is a lack of moisture in the soil, low levels of air humidity.

Finally, let's return to the famous type of callisia - fragrant callisia or Golden Us. This plant is known to have medicinal properties. It enriches the indoor air with bactericidal compounds - phytoncides. Exotic juice perfectly heals a variety of skin injuries: from scratches to serious wounds. If you place the Golden Mustache at the head of a sleeping person, this measure, according to folk beliefs, will save the dreamer from nightmares. Let your callisia serve you faithfully!

Creeping callisia is an ornamental houseplant of the Commelinaceae family. She is native to Central and South America. Growing this plant is quite easy, and it is not difficult to find it on sale. Grows in hanging baskets.

There are 12 species in the genus Callisia. For home grown The most commonly used species are elegans, creeping and callisia navicular. Some types are used for treatment; they clean and moisturize the air well.

For indoor plant Characteristic are creeping, less often erect, stems. The flowers are small, with three petals.


Callisia belongs to the Tradescantia group. The most commonly used species for cultivation: callisia navicular, creeping, fragrant, graceful.

Creeping callisia callisia repens

The length of the creeping stem reaches 15 cm. The stems are densely covered with pointed heart-shaped leaves. The surface of the leaves is green, and the reverse side has a burgundy tint. This plant grows quickly. Can be grown both in pots and in large flowerpots.

Callisia creeping

Callisia navicularis callisia navicularis

Callisia navicularis is a small succulent plant with boat-shaped leaves and a creeping stem. Flowers with three petals of lilac color. They bloom for one day in summer. The plant loves the sun. This species can be grown both in an apartment and in greenhouses and winter gardens.

Callisia navicularis

Fragrant callisia or golden mustache callisia fragrans

Callisia fragrant is known for its healing properties. It blooms with small white flowers with a pleasant aroma. This fairly large plant has two types of shoots. The first is short and erect, the second is creeping, reaching 80 cm in length.

Callisia fragrant or golden mustache

Callisia graceful or elegant

Callisia graceica - small ornamental plant with small velvety leaves of dark green color, with bright white stripes. The leaves, 3-6 cm long, form a dense carpet. The plant blooms white small flowers, usually in late summer or early autumn.

Callisia graceful or elegant

Caring for callisia at home

Callisia, due to its unpretentiousness, is a very popular plant among gardeners. Care at home will not take much time, you just need to take into account some nuances.


The light should be bright, but it is better to keep the plant away from direct sunlight. This can be achieved by placing a pot with a plant at the back of the room. Try to make sure that it is not too dark, otherwise the shoots will grow and the distance between the leaves increases.


Callisia should be well watered from spring to autumn so that the soil is always slightly moist. In winter, it is recommended to water only when the top layer of soil dries out. Try not to let water get into the center of the rosette, otherwise there is a risk that the leaves will rot.

Top dressing

From May to September, the plant must be regularly fed with complex mineral fertilizers.


Callisia is thermophilic, so in summer optimal temperature+20…+25 C. In winter it can be reduced to +16 C, but not lower than +14 C. The plant does not tolerate sudden temperature changes.


Callisia comes from South America, which is characterized by a tropical climate and high humidity. At home, you should try to maintain conditions that are comfortable for the plant. To do this, it needs to be sprayed regularly (preferably daily) and protected from the hot air of the batteries.


If the plant grows and does not have enough space, it can be replanted. You can choose a larger container or divide the plant into two parts.

Possible difficulties

Callisia is unpretentious, but there are some nuances in breeding that need to be monitored. Very bright sun can damage the leaves. The plant grows quickly, so it needs to be rejuvenated - cut off the top cuttings, systematically replanted. If you water too much, the leaves turn yellow and die.

Golden mustache medicinal and beneficial properties

It is believed that fragrant callisia, or, as it is also called, golden mustache, has medicinal properties. Research on this topic is still being carried out. Some of the medicinal properties have been confirmed, but the plant should not be considered a panacea for absolutely all diseases.

It is necessary to take drugs based on it with caution and it is recommended to consult a doctor before use.

In the 80s, a group of scientists from the Irkutsk Medical Institute, Faculty of Pharmacy, under the leadership of Professor Semenov, conducted a study on whether this golden mustache can really be used to treat certain diseases. This study confirmed medicinal properties plants.

Chemical composition

Callisia fragrant juice contains two flavonoids - quercetin and kaempferol, as well as the active substance beta-sitosterol. The composition also contains iron, copper, chromium.

Benefits and harms

It is believed that medicinal properties golden mustache help fight diseases such as:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • various types of colds, etc.

The golden mustache is also actively used in cosmetology.

Professor Semenov's research showed that the effectiveness of the golden mustache appears only in the first week. During this week of taking the drug, phytosteroids gradually accumulate in the body. This leads to their overdose and, in most cases, the opposite effect occurs.

Long-term use of golden mustache tinctures can damage the vocal cords, which will be difficult to restore later.

Contraindications and side effects

When taking medications based on golden mustache, you must refrain from drinking carbonated drinks, bakery products, dairy products and animal fats. Be sure to follow the dosage and instructions of the drug. Under no circumstances should you drink undiluted plant juice. Allergic reactions are possible.

Absolute contraindications for use:

  • pregnancy and lactation period,
  • children under 12 years of age,
  • kidney failure and other kidney problems,
  • prostate adenoma,
  • individual intolerance.


Infusions of golden mustache are used to treat boils, pancreatitis, liver diseases, and colds.


Decoctions based on callisia are used to alleviate menopause.


Ointments are used to treat joint diseases and as a cosmetic product.

Reproduction of callisia

Callisia is propagated by cuttings. To do this they cut top part shoot and place in a glass of water. After 2-3 weeks, after the roots appear, the cutting can be transplanted into a pot.

Another way is by layering. To do this, there should be enough space in the pot or you can place another container nearby. To reproduce, you just need to dig in a shoot, which will give roots after a while. The plant can be propagated at any time of the year, but it is best in spring or summer.

Diseases and pests

Diseases and pests usually do not bother this plant.

Callisia is unpretentious, attractive and easy to care for. It will decorate any apartment. Many people use this plant to prepare various tinctures, decoctions and ointments for treatment.

The beneficial qualities of the golden mustache and its undemanding nature to living conditions have long attracted flower growers. In this article we will talk about the rules for caring for this popular plant at home, and also consider its medicinal properties.

Botanical description

Golden mustache, or fragrant callisia,- slowly growing, reaching about 1 m in height and 60-120 cm in width, with leaves 15-25 cm, arranged alternately. During growth, bulges form on the trunk, gradually transforming into separate shoots - “whiskers”. At the same time, they include several “joints”, at the end of which there are leaf rosettes. Such shoots belong to the first type and are used for propagation as soon as the “whiskers” acquire a lilac color.

The second type is formed by straight, fleshy leaves, similar to corn. Their bases are close to each other, which is why there is often a misconception that they are one outlet. If you tear a leaf, you can see thin, stretchy hairs, which gave rise to such popular names for this plant as “Venus hair” or “living hair.”

Did you know?Callisia first appeared in Russia in 1890 thanks to the botanist and geographer Andrei Krasnov, who brought it from an expedition.

Where does golden mustache grow best?

Callisia feels normal both indoors and outdoors. But it is still better not to place it in the kitchen or in smoking areas, since it prefers fresh air and a calm atmosphere.


Golden mustache is a plant that prefers bright rooms, so it is best to place it on a window. Doesn't take direct words well sun rays, on a hot summer day it is necessary to move it to the shade.

If there is a lack of light, in principle, it will also be able to grow, but you will not see beautiful and strong leaves. This “house doctor” begins to stretch out, has a thin stem and a pale color. Fortunately, this deficiency can be corrected with the help of, which is also good for callisia, the leaves and stem of which are good conditions have a lilac tint.


The most suitable for growing “golden hair” is a spacious pot. There must be drainage, which can be made from river sand and eggshells(5-10 mm). This will supply the plant with silicon and help mitigate watering missteps.

Fragrant callisia loves nutritious loose soil. There are several ways to prepare a substrate for planting:

  1. Prepare at home from the necessary ingredients.
  2. Buy from a specialty store.
  3. Mix purchased land with forest land.
Components for DIY: To begin with, each component must be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. It is important to ensure that the forest soil is free of fungi and affected leaves.

Humus is prepared for at least two years. To do this, a fresh one is placed in, each layer of which is sprinkled with the remains of healthy plants: without seeds, fallen leaves, any tops except. If you use river sand, you first need to wash it to remove any remaining clay and heat it in a frying pan or in the oven.
Loams are also excellent as soil for callisia.

Requirements for landing:

  1. Loose fertile soil.
  2. about 5.5 pH.
  3. Drainage.

Humidity and temperature

The optimal temperature for the life of “living water” is 25-27 ° C and humidity 50-60%. In winter, it is recommended to reduce the temperature slightly (but not below 12 degrees).

Important!Callisia is good to place near the bed of an asthmatic, as it purifies the air and produces phytoncides that are beneficial for the lungs.

Planting and propagation

At home, the plant is grown in two ways: by seeds and by dividing the bush.


Propagation by seeds is a very tedious and unreliable process. Only a few achieve the desired result. The collected seeds are packaged in cloth or paper and stored in a dry place. Planting is done in the spring.

Dividing the bush

Such propagation is carried out using sprouts, cuttings or rosettes of leaves.

1st method. Be sure to remove leaves from the bottom of the shoot. First, the sprout is immersed in water for 10-15 days until roots appear. Then they are planted in the ground, but a little deeper than the other flowers (approximately 2 cm from the first leaves). This encourages more roots to appear along the length of the stem, resulting in a stronger plant. It takes root well and takes root quickly. This method is suitable for propagation all year round, but it is still better to do it from March to April - in.

2nd method. The top with two nodes is separated from the shoot, the lower leaves are also removed, and the remaining ones are shortened. The stems are placed 3/4 in water. For better effect, you can use a growth stimulator. After the roots have formed (after 7-10 days), the golden mustache is planted in the ground.

3rd method. The rosette with leaves that forms on one of the shoots is partially cut off along with the stem. Then it is placed in a container with nutrient liquid, as when propagating by cuttings. After a couple of days, the water needs to be changed to clean and settled water. And after 10 or 15 days the plant is planted in a pot.
You can also immediately process the cut of the cutting, keep it in the fresh air for about two hours and plant it in a container with sufficiently moist soil. Spray the golden mustache with warm water, create a greenhouse effect by covering it with a transparent lid or bag. After 3-4 days, the film is removed and generous watering and spraying are provided again. As soon as young leaves appear, you can be sure that the flower has taken root.

Important! The plant is considered mature when 12 joints form on the tendrils.

Proper care

By following simple rules of care, you can forget for a long time about the hassle associated with growing a plant, and also enjoy its flowering, which does not happen very often. Small white flowers (less than 1 centimeter in diameter) are formed at the tips of the shoots. They have a pleasant aroma that can be compared to lily of the valley or.

Watering and spraying

In spring and summer period golden mustache needs daily watering, but it is important not to allow the soil to become waterlogged. In autumn and winter, watering is reduced to 2-3 times a week, but if the room is hot, then, on the contrary, it is increased. The soil should be moist, but not swampy.
It is recommended to carry out the procedure in the morning.

The leaves need to be sprayed with warm, settled water once every 2-3 days to wash away dirt and refresh, and in hot climates the procedure should be done regularly so that they do not dry out.


After developing a strong root system for rapid growth, plants can be fed with liquid. When purchasing such fertilizers, you should pay attention that the composition includes, and.

You can make this fertilizer yourself:(2.5 tsp), (1 tsp), (2 tsp) dilute in 10 liters of water, adding a couple of drops of ferric chloride. This mixture should be used 2 times a month. Before starting fertilizing, it is recommended to water the soil well. When introducing fertilizer, you must ensure that the mixture does not get on the plant, which can cause burns.

Second cooking method:(1.5 tsp), (3 tsp), water (10 l). Also, watering is done first to protect against burns. This fertilizer can be applied every 2 weeks.

Watering with milk water (1/4 cup of milk per 1 liter of water) promotes the growth of callisia. You can wipe the leaves with cotton wool dipped in milk.

Tying up

"Live Hair" - tall plant with a fragile stem, so it needs additional. This can be either a wooden peg or tied with a rope. If you do not install it, it will begin to bend under the massive weight, which will lead to deformation of the barrel.

Possible difficulties during cultivation

In general, growing golden mustache at home is easy, but there are still points that you need to pay attention to:

  • a deficiency in soil, water or excess sun may be indicated by the appearance of brown spots on the leaves or dry tips;
  • Rotting lower leaves will indicate too much water or too low a temperature;
  • if the plant becomes dull or yellow spots appear, this indicates inadequate feeding.

Often, callisia is a plant that is practically not exposed to

Callisia elegans is a fast-growing hanging plant valued for its shiny leaves.

Reproduction of callisia

One of the ways to propagate such a plant is cuttings. To do this, the apical cuttings, which have 3-4 leaves, are cut from the callisia. Rooting is carried out in a mixture of peat and sand, ensuring a temperature of 23 degrees and diffused light. In such conditions, cuttings take root in two weeks.

Callisia can also be propagated using side shoots with roots, which can appear on the plant as a result of regularly pinching its top. The offspring obtained in this way should be rooted under the film, providing them with a temperature of about 20 degrees.

The easiest way to propagate such a plant is by dividing the rhizome during replanting.

Callisia: growth pattern

Graceful callisia very quickly grows to a height of up to 10 cm. At the same time, the length of an individual stem can reach 50 cm, the length of a leaf - 3-4 cm. The leaves are distinguished by an olive-greenish tint with white-silver stripes.

The callisia stems are only slightly raised above the plant, but spread widely around it, forming a compact bush.

Callisia: care features

Callisia is a fairly easy plant to care for. It is necessary to immediately remove all leaves from which the stripes have disappeared. It grows normally in a mixture of peat, leaf soil and sand. Transplants are required every few years.

In warm weather, callisia needs to be provided with abundant watering, and care must also be taken to ensure that moisture does not stagnate in the pot. In winter, watering should be very economical. Feeding is needed every four weeks of active growth.

Callisia graceful in the house needs good lighting and protection from bright sun. In summer, the most suitable temperature is 17-20 degrees, in winter – 10-15 degrees.

Possible problems

Among the pests, callisia is sometimes attacked by aphids. To get rid of such pests, treatment with soapy water or an insecticidal preparation is necessary.

In case of low air humidity or excessive watering, the tips of the plant's leaves may turn brown. In this case, it will need to be sprayed more often and watered less often.