Show the meaning of the name Maria. Maria (Masha): the meaning of the name, the character and fate of the woman, the name day and symbols. Video: Congratulations on Mary's Angel Day

There are names, the sound of which gives rise to a special response in the soul, and the meaning delights with the depth of meanings. Women's names are "warm", "gentle", "sonorous", "sexy", "mysterious", but only one of them evokes a rich palette of feelings - from reverence to love tenderness. This name is Maria, Mashenka. The characteristic and meaning of the name Maria endow its owners with a flickering light of love and kindness, but at the same time, their fate can be difficult and not always happy.

Brief meaning of the name Maria

History of the name Maria

Everyone knows that the name determines the fate of a person. But not only a person has a destiny, a name also has a destiny. The origin of the name Maria left an imprint on its meaning, of course, but the fate of the Mother of God filled this name with special light and warmth, becoming a symbol of the female lot in its bitter, but also beautiful understanding. So, the original meaning of the name Mary is bitter. It comes from the Hebrew name Mariam, Miriam (bitterness). In the Islamic tradition, the name Maryam has a similar sound and meaning. There is another etymology of this name - "stubborn", "beloved", "sad", "desired". In any case, the decoding of the name Mary will lead us to the sad but beautiful image of the Virgin Mary, the embodiment of sacrificial love, suffering, patience. But also hope.

Characteristics of the name Maria

Not all parents, choosing a name for their newborn girl, think about what the name Maria means. The popularity of this name, its euphony, obscure the true light of the name Mary, its drama and mystery. This does not mean, of course, that the name Maria cannot make her owner happy and successful. On the contrary, the heavenly intercessor will always guide and help her "namesake", but she can also send trials. How many there will be - no one knows, but everyday experience suggests that "the road will be mastered by the one who walks", and trials make a person stronger.

Young Maria gives the impression of a calm, balanced child. She is affectionate, not capricious, takes care of the younger ones. No wonder Masha is a favorite character in Russian fairy tales and literature. But Mary's girls are very vulnerable and oversensitive. If they are deprived of support and understanding, they can withdraw into themselves and move away from everyone. If this does not happen, Mary's girls grow into caring and sensitive women who easily take on other people's problems.

The desire to help people, participation in their fate very often determine the professional activities of Mary. She will take place as an excellent specialist in the fields of preschool education, education, medicine, and psychology. Many Marys have psychic abilities that are best developed and in no case driven inside. Otherwise, a nervous breakdown may occur.

Family life for Mary is joyful work and a source of pleasure. She is a wonderful mother, and if she finds a caring and gentle husband, then their union will be the embodiment of a harmonious and happy family. But we must remember that children are in the first place for Mary, her love for them can even take on a fanatical character. Maria is hardworking, with pleasure brings order and cleanliness in the house. Home for her is a cozy nest where she likes to spend all her free time. Maria is hospitable and hospitable.

Maria has excellent relations with her friends and friends, they are sincere, albeit even, even cool. But Maria's relatives know that she is ready at any moment to help and support in word and deed. Masha is a wonderful daughter, a cordial connection with her parents lasts a lifetime.

Unfortunately, dishonorable people often try to take advantage of Mary's kindness and self-sacrifice. Mary and her loved ones should remember this and hide the secret of the name from idle curiosity and strangers.

The religious meaning of the name Maria

The original interpretation of the name Maria gave it only a religious meaning. This name plays a huge role in the monotheistic religions of the world: Judaism, Christianity, Islam. The Hebrew name Miriam (Mariam), meaning "bitterness", is mentioned in Old Testament as a prophetess, sister of Aaron and Moses. In Christianity, the name Mary is the Mother of God, the Mother of God, and also: a faithful follower of Jesus Christ Mary Magdalene, one of the myrrh-bearing women Maria Cleopova, Saint Mary of Egypt. In Islam, Maryam is revered - the mother of the prophet Isa (Jesus Christ).

In Orthodoxy, the name Mary is usually translated as "lady." According to the Orthodox church calendar, Mary's name day is celebrated 41 times. The most significant dates are April 1 (14) in honor of St. Mary of Egypt; May 23 (June 5) - acquisition of the relics of Maria Kleopova; September 8 (21) - Nativity of the Virgin.

Forms of the name Maria

The name Maria is one of the most common in the world. There are many derivatives of this name in European languages: Mary, Marie, Mariah, Moira, Morri, Montserratt, Mercedes.

In Russian culture, the name Maria, Marya is one of the most beloved. This name was worn by both royal daughters and simple peasant women. It is impossible to count all the literary characters who bear this native name for many: Masha Mironova from the story of A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter", Princess Maria Bolkonskaya from "War and Peace" by L. N. Tolstoy, Masha from the novel of the same name by V. Nabokov, Maria Sergeevna from the story of V. Krupin ... The Russian philosopher and theologian P. Florensky considered the name Maria the best of names, not only female, but in general. Mary for him was the embodiment of beauty and balance, the ideal of femininity.

The full form of the name is Maria. Abbreviated form: Masha, Marusya, Mara, Manya, Mura, Marya, Marie, Musya, Mashutka, Mashunya, Manyusha, Marisha, Marulya, Masya, Manyasha, Marika, Manyatka, Mariyka, Maryasha, Manyunya.

Case declension:

  • nominative case - Maria;
  • genitive case - Mary;
  • dative case - Mary;
  • accusative case - Mary;
  • instrumental case - Mary;
  • prepositional case - Mary.

The spelling of the name Maria in other languages:

  • English - Mary;
  • Azerbaijani language - Məryəm;
  • Arabic language - مريم‎‎;
  • Armenian language - Մարիամ;
  • Belarusian language - Mary;
  • Bulgarian language - Maria;
  • Hungarian - Mária;
  • Greek - Μαρια;
  • Hebrew - מירים;
  • Spanish - Maria;
  • Italian - Maria;
  • Chinese - 馬利亞;
  • Korean – 마리아;
  • German - Marie;
  • Tatar language - Maryam;
  • Ukrainian language - Maria;
  • French - Marie;
  • Japanese is マリア.

Famous women named Maria

In history, there were about 50 queens and empresses bearing the name Maria. The most famous of them:

  • Mary Stuart (1542 - 1587) - Queen of Scotland and France;
  • Marie de Medici (1575 - 1642) - Queen of France;
  • Maria Theresa of Austria (1638 - 1683) - wife of King Louis XIV of France;
  • Marie Antoinette (1755 - 1793) - Queen of France, wife of King Louis XVI of France;
  • Maria Feodorovna (1847 - 1928) - Russian Empress, wife of Emperor Alexander III of Russia.

The meaning of the name Maria in the video

If you looked here, then you want to know more about the meaning of the name Maria.

What does the name Maria mean?

The name Mary means - sad (dr. Heb.)

The meaning of the name Maria is character and destiny

A woman named Mary is one of the most common names in the world, because that was the name of the mother of Jesus Christ, for many it is associated with the best female qualities, the concept of motherhood, home warmth, comfort. And indeed, Maria is sympathetic, able to experience someone else's pain as her own, always ready to help, to enemies and envious people - merciless. And yet she is not perfect - wayward, selfish, capricious, knows how to weave intrigues. Most often, a woman named Maria is beautiful and charming, a round dance of admirers is provided to her from youth to old age. However, if Maria looks after someone for herself, then it is not worth competing with her, she will still easily remove all competitors from her path. She is inventive and resourceful, and this is usually why she wins the heart of her future spouse. He takes a calm and non-conflicting man as a husband. In marriage, this is a good housewife, a loving wife, a caring mother. True, sometimes she overprotects children, imposing her will on them, but her help is also invaluable. Maria is devoted to her family, her husband, not prone to betrayal. The infidelity of a spouse can cause a divorce, although Maria does not go to the final break in relations, she will try to forgive her husband and save her family. If a woman named Maria doubts her husband's fidelity, she will try to make her intimate life so stormy that he simply will not have the strength to entertain on the side. Maria is very jealous, unpredictable in a rage, harsh, unrestrained. He tries to get along with his mother-in-law, but cannot live with her as a family. She has children of the same sex, either boys or girls.

The meaning of the name Maria for sex

Maria is restrained, cautious, sexual intimacy for her is possible only in her usual surroundings (mainly at home) and at night. In other conditions, a woman named Maria, if she agrees to have sex, feels constrained, restless, wary, and cannot relax. "Winter" Mary identifies sex and love; the deeper her feelings, the more passionately she surrenders and the more frankly she behaves in bed.

The nature and fate of the name Maria, taking into account the patronymic

Name Maria and patronymic ....

Maria Alekseevna, Andreevna, Artemovna, Valentinovna, Vasilyevna, Viktorovna, Vitalievna, Vladimirovna, Evgenievna, Ivanovna, Ilyinichna, Mikhailovna, Petrovna, Sergeevna, Fedorovna, Yurievna very soft and kind woman. Modest and not too decisive, she is often deceived and betrayed by her friends, and men take advantage of her gullibility. Such Maria wants to see only the good in people, painfully endures disappointments, but still remains an optimist, hopes for the best, sincerely believes that her personal life will definitely get better, she just has not yet found the one she needs. In marriage, this is an economic woman, somewhat stingy, non-conflict, obligatory and executive. In sex, along with feelings, he is guided by reason. Never offend the dignity of her husband. By old age becomes grouchy. Forgetting about his own troubles with his mother-in-law, he is very jealous of his sons for his daughters-in-law.

Name Maria and patronymic ....

Maria Alexandrovna, Arkadievna, Borisovna, Vadimovna, Grigorievna, Kirillovna, Maksimovna, Matveevna, Nikitichna, Pavlovna, Romanovna, Tarasovna, Timofeevna, Eduardovna, Yakovlevna enjoys great authority among others, energetic, practical and prudent. She is the center of attraction for all the familiar men. And she herself begins to take an early interest in sex, her fearlessness takes precedence over bashfulness, and curiosity - over the fear of being disappointed. She prefers slender and strong men, conquers them with her grace. Often, fans cause jealousy, and women - envy. Maria is an introvert by nature. She is constant in attachments, it is difficult to give up habits. She marries carefully, tries to choose a companion for life. If the marriage turns out to be unsuccessful, she does not seek to marry again, she brings up her son alone.

Name Maria and patronymic ....

Maria Bogdanovna, Vladislavovna, Vyacheslavovna, Gennadievna, Georgievna, Danilovna, Egorovna, Konstantinovna, Makarovna, Robertovna, Svyatoslavovna, Yanovna, Yaroslavovna depending on the circumstances and mood, it can be kind or strict, compliant or intractable, cheerful or grouchy. But always fair, open to communication. This Maria is somewhat sentimental, dreams of great and eternal love, stubbornly looking for her ideal, refusing many applicants for her hand. For her, the most important thing in life is love, not marriage. She is not afraid to enter into intimate relationships with the men she likes, believing that this is the only way to get to know a person thoroughly. It is easy to part with her beloved if she does not find her ideal in them. Unobtrusive, does not keep anyone near him, which is why it is even more attractive to fans. The marriage of such Mary, as a rule, is successful, she is happy, although she does not always realize this. She does not strive for leadership in the family, but her opinion must be listened to. Her sons are born.

Name Maria and patronymic ....

Maria Antonovna, Arturovna, Valerievna, Germanovna, Glebovna, Denisovna, Igorevna, Leonidovna, Lvovna, Mironovna, Olegovna, Ruslanovna, Semenovna, Filippovna, Emmanuilovna smart and talented. He is fond of music, painting, literature. She is generous with her soul, her love is enough for everyone around her, completely disinterested, unsophisticated, and sometimes even too straightforward. She is graceful, attractive and has good taste. In men, first of all, he appreciates decency and sincerity. Thanks to his extraordinary intuition, he recognizes a person from the first minutes of acquaintance. He is not in a hurry to get married, but most often he enters into marriage early and quite successfully. Strives for stability and harmony in the family. She is devoted to her children, does not have a soul in them. A faithful wife, a passion for anyone in marriage is unlikely, she really values ​​\u200b\u200bher family. However, like all Marys, she is jealous, her husband's betrayal can make her deeply unhappy.

Name Maria and patronymic ....

Numerology Of The Name Maria

Publius Virgil Maro

The meaning of the name Mary is "lady" (Heb.).

There are three more versions of the name Maria: "bitter", "beloved", "stubborn".

There are a great many days of commemoration, including January 31, February 1, February 8, February 19, March 25, July 25, August 4, August 5, September 21, October 14, December 29.

Personality. Bitter rowan.

Characteristics of the name Maria spelled:

M - peacefulness, peacekeeping, diplomacy;

A - industriousness;

Р - professionalism;

And - love for art;

I am ambitious.

What does the name Maria mean in numerology:

MARIA = 51916 = 22, the number of Pluto, special personalities.

What does the name Mary mean in astrology:

5-1 (Jupiter - Sun) - adaptation in society without loss of individuality;

1-9 (Sun - Neptune) - evolutionary path of personality development;

1-6 (Sun - Venus) - optimism, love of life;

4-6 (Mercury - Venus) - diplomacy, poise, achieving the goal without hassle, worries, positive activity, high intelligence.

Characteristics of the name Maria, taking into account the analysis

We must not forget that this is the name of the mother of Christ, a priori carrying colossal reserves of divine energy. This is the name of special personalities, Gurus, initiates.

Maria is smart, has a penchant for the occult and other sciences, intellectual, spiritual, her goals are high. She has outstanding abilities in many areas, including pedagogy, Kabbalah. Her credo is kindness, mercy, care for one's neighbor.

Sexuality of the middle level. Jealous, gentle, caring, complaisant. The names of men suitable for her, taking into account the meaning of the name: David, Victor, Arseny, Roman, Rostislav, Yakov.

The name Maria: meaning, characteristics, totems, compatibility with male names, history and origin.

Merlin, a name known throughout the world thanks to a talented actress of the last century. But few people know that this is the American version of the Slavic name Maria. In this article, we will talk about all the secrets and mysteries that this popular name keeps, as well as about what Mary should surround herself with so that life brings success and happiness.

What does the name Mary mean according to the church calendar?

The roots of the name Maria are branchy and lead back into the depths of centuries. With the birth of Christianity, the name Mary was already quite common and had many synonyms and modifications. But girls in Christianity were baptized with the name Mary, and not analogues. In order to understand what the name Mary means according to the church calendar, you need to look at the first recorded Bibles that have survived to this day. They are written in Greek and the name Mary is written as Μαρια, which means "sad" in translation. Indeed, Christian Marys in life had many reasons to grieve and be sad. But even in such a life, they found faith in God and the righteous path, which led them to a holy appearance.

Saint patron named Mary

Saint patron named Mary

Mary of Egypt, who lived in the 4th century, is considered the patroness of all repentant women, as well as the patroness of girls and women bearing the name Mary and its analogues.

The secret of the name Maria

Given the ancient origin of the name, it is quite difficult to determine its origin. One way or another, it is displayed in almost every religion and major national branches. It is customary for us to consider the name Maria to be primordially Russian, Slavic as it is, since this name was worn by women at the beginning of the history of the Slavs, but do not forget about other directions and versions of the origin of the name.

For example, one version says that the name Mary is Hebrew. Since it is mentioned in the canonical text of the Bible and is also found in the book of Exodus. It is worth noting that at that time the life of men was described, and the woman was taken for granted with men and they were not even mentioned. Accordingly, the mention of a female name means that this person was very influential and carried great weight with that society.

The secret of the name Maria

Also, the name Mary is mentioned in the most ancient sources in Hebrew - מרים, which means "rejected". Again, I would like to draw attention to the fact that, on the one hand, the name is sad in the description of the ancient representatives of the name, and on the other hand, the very mention means a special significance in this society.

Another Hebrew reference is מר, which means "bitterness". In Islamic tradition, it is customary to call Mariam or Maryam.

Surprisingly, almost every nation in the oldest preserved records contains a mention of this name. This name has such a strong energy that its owner changes his life so much?

But in the Orthodox version, the name Mary means nothing more than mistress. Most likely, this name was often called girls of noble birth. Surprisingly, along with the position of the lady, this name is the mother of Jesus. Which causes heated debate regarding the origin of Jesus' parents. Perhaps they were of noble birth, but because of their beliefs, they had to give up power, flee and lead a modest lifestyle. This version has not been confirmed, but has a logical explanation of why the government and the people have always been biased towards their couple.

What nationality is the name Maria?

It is generally accepted that the name Maria is national, but the most zealous skeptics are still trying to prove that the name Maria is rooted precisely from their nationality. Main directions: Russian, Jewish, Jewish, Orthodox and Catholic.

The name Maria, Masha: origin and meaning, popularity

Despite the fact that the exact origin of the name is unknown, it has always been popular. In ancient records, various variations of this name have been preserved, for example, a Jewish prophetess, the sister of Moses and Aaron, bore the name Mariam, or as Miriam was mentioned in some sources. From the first royals to today, among kings and close nobility, the name Mary was honorary, and many princesses (later queens), duchesses, countesses, etc. were named after her.

For example, when the heiress to the throne, Mary Stuart, was born in Scotland, the close nobility named the daughters born with Mary also herself. Subsequently, when Mary was sent to France, she arrived with the ladies-in-waiting Mary.

In Catholicism, the name Mary and its analogues are quite common. Many miraculous icons and statues have survived to this day: Consuelo, Dolores, Montserrat, Regina, Carmela, Mercedes.

In England, when separating from Catholicism, the name Mary was originally adopted English style- Mary (in English Mary). After that, the expanded version of the name Maria was practically not used. But the version of Mariah was very popular in Africa and Asia, but gained worldwide fame thanks to the singer of the same name, Mariah Keri, at the end of the last century. Also in England and America, Polly and Molly are quite common.

In Europe, in addition to the name Maria, diminutive names are used autonomously: Marie, Mary. In Germany: Marike, Mitzel, Marichen. In France: Marian, Manon, Mariette, Marion, Mariel. In Spain: Marilda, Marika. In Italy: Maryun, Mariolla, Mariella. Romania: Maritza and Marioara. The Greeks call Marius: Marietta and Marigula. Poles and Belarusians - Marusyami. Czechs: Marikami im Marzhenkami. In the Netherlands: Mathieu and Mike, and neighbors in Sweden - Mian and Maya. The Norwegians call Mia and Mariken. The Irish are Maura and Moira. Georgians - Lamirami.

Maria - deciphering the name from Greek

Translated from Greek, Mary means "sad", also meaning "sad".

Name Maria, Masha in English, Latin, different languages

Translation of the name Maria into different languages:

Language Name spelling
Belorussian Mary
Ukrainian Maria
Tatar Maryam
Azerbaijani Məryəm
Armenian Մարիամ (read as Mariam)
Hungarian Maria
Bulgarian Maria
Latvian Marija
Croatian Marija
Czech Marie, Marika
Greek Μαρια
Latin Maria
Spanish Maria
French and German Marie
Finnish Maria, Mari
Arab مريم‎‎
Hebrew מירים
Chinese traditional 馬利亞
Korean 마리아
Japanese マリア
English Mary

How is the name Maria spelled in the passport?

According to the latest international transliteration of names in passports, which is spelled out in the standards of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) (document No. 9303) dated 06/05/2017, the name Maria in the passport should be written as MARIIA.

Maria: what is an abbreviated short name, diminutive?

In addition to the previously mentioned diminutive and affectionate forms of the name Maria, these are:

  • Mariel
  • Mariola
  • Marilyn
  • maraki
  • Marisha
  • Lamar
  • miken
  • Marilyn
  • mashunya
  • Marika
  • Marya
  • Marion
  • Marichka
  • Marusya
  • Mariyka
  • Mariam
  • Miriam
  • Moira
  • Miriam
  • Molly
  • Marigot
  • Manyasha
  • Minnie
  • Maryam
  • Mariami
  • Mariette
  • Maryam
  • Manon

Maria: the meaning of the name character and fate

Mary's energy allows her to grow up as a calm, balanced, smart girl. Marias are very emotional, but from an early age they are very closed even from relatives. What creates the appearance of calmness, a certain detachment. Parents should know that the more distant she looks, the greater the storm of feelings boils inside Mary. On the one hand, she is sensitive and emotional, on the other hand, she does not like to show emotions. This makes her resistant from an early age and teaches self-control. Girls grow up power-hungry, self-confident and knowing what they want to achieve in life.

Mary's education is approached thoroughly, they study well and strive to receive an excellent education. Maria are careerists, at home they wither and neuroses form in them.

Married Maria is a good housewife, devoted wife, kind and loving mother. But only if it is implemented in a career. Otherwise, everything will collapse. Also, the husband needs to constantly look after his wife, maintain a romantic relationship. Otherwise, Mary will get bored and her sexuality for her husband will fade away, but when an admirer appears, she will burn with all her passion for him. At the same time, she will not leave the family, and will hide the connection on the side for a long time.

Name Maria: sexuality, marriage

Maria perceives sex in the same way as good food or fitness. If he is not with a loved one, she will easily get a “temporary solution”.

Name Maria: health and psyche

Mary is distinguished by excellent health, but with the psyche everything is much more complicated. Because of the closeness, there can be nervous breakdowns, and in case of an unfortunate fate, even getting treated in psychiatric hospitals. The most important thing for Maria is to be able to do what she loves, without it problems with nerves cannot be avoided.

What patronymic is suitable for a girl with the name Maria: compatibility with male names

Maria is an easy to pronounce name with a vowel at the end. This name is suitable for 98% of male names, and, accordingly, patronymics. But before calling the girl by this name, be sure to “try on” the patronymic.

When is the name day, Mary's Angel Day according to the Orthodox calendar?


Maria Laktionova, venerable martyr

New Martyr, 2001?


Maria Danilova, martyr

New Martyr, 2000?

31 Maria of Radonezh, schema nun
8 Mary of Constantinople, Palestine, reverend
19 Mary of Asia, martyr, virgin
25 Maria Vifinskaya, reverend
2 Mariamne (Mary)

Maria Grosheva, nun, reverend martyr

New Martyr, 2000?

2 Mary, martyr
14 Mary of Egypt, reverend
17 Maria Lelyanova, nun, reverend martyr
25 Mary of Bethany
10 Maria Nosova, novice, martyr
17 Mary Magdalene Equal-to-the-Apostles (Myrrhbearer)

Maria Kleopova (Uncovering the relics)

Maria Kleopova, Jacobleva, Josieva (myrrh-bearer)


Maria Ustyugskaya

Mary, virgin

15 Mary, martyr
17 Mary of Bethany
20 Mary of Caesarea (Palestinian), martyr
22 Mary of Persia, martyr
24 Mary of Pergamon, martyr
2 Mary, mother of Josiev
17 Maria Romanova, Grand Duchess, Passion-Bearer
25 Golinduha (in baptism Maria) Persian, confessor
18 Mary, martyr
22 Mary of Constantinople, martyr, patrician
24 Maria Synclitikia
28 Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God (Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary)
8 Maria Diveevskaya (Fedina), fool for Christ's sake
Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God (Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary)

Maria Rykova, Martyr, nun

Mary of Yegis, reverend

2 Maria Mamontova-Shashina, Martyr
11 Maria of Radonezh, schema-nun
21 Maria Volnukhina, martyr
11 Mary of Khidan, reverend

Maria Zhuravleva, Martyr

New Martyr, 2005?

Maria Zeitlin, Martyr

New Martyr, 2004?

Congratulations on Angel Mary's Day short in verse and prose

Maria! We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! On Angel Day, we wish you to always remain at a height invisible to us. May your every new day be better than the one before it! Never stop dreaming, creating and striving for something new! Your wishes will surely come true!

Video: Congratulations on Angel Mary's Day

Song named Maria, Masha

And of course, it is impossible to do without songs on Birthdays and Name Days!

Video: Song about Masha

Video: Masha, Maria

Video: Mikhail Shufutinsky - Masha

Tattoo with the name Maria, Masha

Tattoo with the name Maria, Masha

Tattoo with the name Maria, Masha

Pendant with the name Mary in gold: photo

Name Maria: intuition, intelligence, morality

Despite the fact that Mary has a very developed intuition, she rarely resorts to it, placing the main emphasis on intelligence and knowledge. Maria pays special attention to morality. Even if she wants it more than her life, even if she knows that her venture will be crowned with success, she still will not allow it if she considers the action immoral.

Name Maria: hobbies, activities, business

Maria will succeed both in creativity and in the humanities, both in science and in business. In fact, Maria is a very versatile person and whatever she takes on, everything will be crowned with success. But here it is worth focusing on what lies more to the soul of Mary. After all, if, under pressure from loved ones, she chooses a field of activity that is not the one she wanted, even dizzying success will not save the situation - she is guaranteed nervousness and breakdowns.

Characteristics of the name Maria

Maria gathered in herself strictness and tenderness, emotionality and outward alienation. She is a desperate careerist and a loving mother, an independent woman and a devoted wife.

  • Winter Mary. Those born in the cold season are also cold and reserved. Very silent and does not like to throw words into the wind. In marriage, she gives the leading role to her husband and will not try to win her over even if the husband has difficulties in being the head of the family;
  • Spring Mary. These girls are cheerful and optimistic, but their openness is their Achilles heel. They are more sociable than the rest of the Marys, and therefore they are most often criticized and condemned, and therefore it is much easier to hurt their feelings. In marriage, she is calm, compromises, but does not encroach on her space;
  • Summer Mary. Very nervous, vulnerable and overly sensitive. She does not like conflicts and carefully leaves them, but if she enters, she loses because she does not like debates. Restrained in marriage, agrees to obey her husband in order to avoid conflict;
  • Autumn Maria. Those born in autumn are suspicious, calm on the outside and nervous on the inside. He does not know how to survive breaks, failures and failures. Every problem is a tragedy to be overcome. The choice of a husband is taken very seriously and is usually happy in marriage.

The most complete and happy Mary was born in the zodiac sign Virgo. But the rest of the signs, in principle, fit this name, there is no incompatibility.

What zodiac sign does the name Maria fit?

The name Maria has several stones of talismans at once:

  • The pomegranate symbolizes passionate and eternal love, but in addition, it helps Mary save face in the face of difficulties, causes courage and courage. Helps to pass tests;
  • Carnelian will help you find happy love and take you away from deceivers. Also in difficult times will give mood and help to concentrate. During public speaking, he will bestow eloquence;

Stone talisman for the name Maria
  • To endow sapphire with modesty, fidelity, wisdom and at the same time power. In Europe, it was customary to give Mary an ornament with sapphires for the coronation;
  • Diamond will help to find the inner core, strength, hardness and at the same time look sophisticated and brilliant. Protects from diseases.

Flower, plant, tree-talisman for the name Maria

The tree named after Maria is a tender birch.

The flower named after Maria is cornflower. He gives Mary constancy, tenderness, femininity and simplicity. It will also help to preserve youth and remain beautiful in old age.

Mary is tied to doves, symbolizing peace and fertility. In difficult times, when Maria does not know where to go next, she even intuitively goes to the pigeons, whether it is her own bird or feeding pigeons in the parks. They help her find the right solution.

Totem animal named Maria

Numerology Of The Name Maria

Body number 5

Hidden Spirit Number 7

Mary's soul number 3

This set of numbers gives Mary a creative beginning, as well as the opportunity to independently choose a direction in life. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that Mary is very close to criticism and is not always able to endure it with dignity, without falling into depression.

Nickname for Mary

Bright sublime aliases fit the name Maria. These are Maria Regina coeli (the queen of heaven) and Maria Stella (the star of the seas) and many other truly royal pseudonyms.

Element named after Mary

The element of Mary is Air, thereby presenting all the possibilities of her signs.

Mary's patron planet

Proserpine is a delightful planet symbolizing self-improvement, transformation and self-education skills. Thanks to this, the Marys are constantly moving forward throughout their lives.

Planet patron Mary Marilyn Monroe

Video: Mary - the meaning of the name. Character, qualities, analysis of the name Maria

Stone - Garnet and Diamond

Origin and meaning of the name Maria

The name Maria (Masha) was formed from the Hebrew female name Mariam, which means “bitterness” in Hebrew. There is another hypothesis, according to which the name Mary was found in Greek translations of the Bible and came from the word πίκρα, which means "sad". IN Christian faith it means "Ms.".

Catholics have a large number of "secondary" names that women are called in honor of statues, miraculous icons and titles of the Virgin. These are names such as Carmela, Mercedes, Conchita, Montserrat, Guadalupe, etc. There is also evidence that Maria (Maria) from the 14th century AD. e. used as an addition to male name. Examples of such a "second name" are the composer Carl Maria von Weber, the writer Erich Maria Remarque and others.

The Mother of God, Mother of God, Virgin Mary, Blessed Virgin, Madonna - in Christianity, the earthly mother of Jesus Christ, one of the most revered personalities and the greatest of Christian saints.

To date, this is the most common female name because it belonged to the mother Mother of God. They also called many European and Russian monarchs.

Mary is a female name of biblical origin. That was the name of the mother of Jesus. It was formed from the Hebrew name Miriam (Miriam) and means “desired”, “bitter”, “serene”. It is also sometimes translated as “rejected”, “sad”, “mistress”. The name is very popular all over the world, including in Russia - not only among adult women, but also among newborn girls.

Name astrology

  • Zodiac Sign: Virgo
  • Ruler Planet: Proserpina
  • Talisman Stone: Diamond
  • Color: gray
  • Wood: birch
  • plant: cornflower
  • Animal: dove
  • Favorable day: Wednesday

Character traits

The secret of the name is revealed when meeting Mary. As a child, she is an obedient, gentle and intelligent girl. She's about coping with school lessons. He helps his parents in everything, especially to look after his younger brothers and sisters. Never deceives and does not reread the elders. Treat people around with respect. She can safely be called the perfect child.

The adult owner of the name Maria is a multifaceted personality, giving the impression of a quiet, reliable, vulnerable and hardworking woman. She loves justice and concreteness in everything. These qualities are complemented by waywardness and stubbornness, especially in those moments that are important for her principles and life priorities. Maria has organizational skills, and she easily copes with them.

By nature, this is a modest, kind and cordial nature. It is typical for her to provide various kinds of assistance to people in need. But at the same time, Masha can show perseverance and willpower. In communication, she does not reveal her feelings, but tries to hide and hide them as much as possible.

Positive qualities: responsiveness, sincerity, humanity, responsibility for one's actions. Maria is forgiving and quickly forgives insults. She has excellent intuition and often listens to it. She has an innate sense of decency. He is a man of extraordinary warmth.

Negative traits: excessive sentimentality and the perception of comments in his address to heart.

Interests and hobbies

Maria loves sports and fitness. Passionate about reading books. He prefers to spend his free time outdoors, in the forest, in the country. Likes to travel around different countries and discover something new.

Profession and business

Maria is interested only in the field of activity where it is necessary to work with people and help them. Often successful in medicine and pedagogy. She is able to show organizational skills, achieve great career heights and become a leader. Among girls with this name you can often meet nurses, teachers, social workers and officials.


Maria is endowed with enough strength and good health. Weak spots - nervous system, stomach, vision. Costs Special attention give to the genitals, as well as monitor the pressure. Often prone to allergic diseases. In adulthood, it tends to be overweight, so it is necessary to follow a diet and lead an active lifestyle.

Sex and love

Maria in sexual relations- amorous and fickle nature. Sex is considered as pleasure and pleasure. In close contact with men, it shows some aggressiveness. With age, she does not give in to sensual relationships with the stronger sex and behaves with restraint and caution. You can completely relax only in a familiar and homely environment. In other conditions, he feels uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

Family and marriage

The owner of this name considers family the most important thing in life. She tries to build a harmonious relationship with her husband, based on trust and respect. Maria is a wonderful hostess, a faithful and devoted wife. She devotes her whole life to children and loves them very much. The second half becomes a calm and non-conflict man. Sometimes such a girl shows jealousy towards him, which is accompanied by unpredictability, harshness and restraint. When there is a suspicion of cheating on her husband, she makes her intimate life so stormy that the spouse does not have the strength and time for entertainment on the side.