Design of standard buildings. Why a standard project is needed. Space-planning and design solutions

Which can be applied to a large number of different objects, used for implementation by many performers in different conditions.

Economics and law: dictionary-reference book. - M.: University and school. L. P. Kurakov, V. L. Kurakov, A. L. Kurakov. 2004 .

See what a “TYPICAL PROJECT” is in other dictionaries:

    The project, which can be applied to a wide range of objects, has been used for implementation by many performers in different conditions. Raizberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh., Starodubtseva E.B.. Modern economic dictionary. 2nd ed., rev. M.: INFRA M... Economic dictionary

    standard project- - [L.G. Sumenko. English-Russian dictionary on information technology. M.: State Enterprise TsNIIS, 2003.] Topics information Technology overall EN standard project...

    standard project- tipinis projektas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: engl. standard design vok. Standardausführung, f; Standardentwurf, m rus. standard project, m pranc. projet type, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas

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    standard project- Project of an enterprise, building, structure and their complexes, intended for repeated use, by linking it to specific construction conditions [Terminological dictionary of construction in 12 languages ​​(VNIIIS Gosstroy USSR)] Topics... ... Technical Translator's Guide

    - (see TYPICAL PROJECT) ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Economics and Law

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  • Istanbul, Becker Frank Stefan, Bergmann Jurgen, Ferner Manfred, “West is West, East is East...”. Not true. What do you say when you find yourself in Istanbul, the former capital of an undoubtedly Asian country, but at the same time the cultural capital of Europe in 2010? Among… Category: Guides Series: Guide. Nelles Pocket Publisher:

Every person dreams of a beautiful modern home. Often, to create a unique home design, you need to pay a certain amount of money. But this option is not always suitable for everyone, because it is better to use these funds to purchase materials.

The solution to this problem is a standard project, which in most cases can be used as the basis for building a house. Such documents can be provided either free of charge or for a certain price.

Modern projects two-story houses made of timber include all calculations, which allows for immediate installation of the building.

Typical project and its features

A typical building project can be called previously developed documentation, which includes basic calculations for specific houses. They are created in most cases for the same types of buildings, cottages or private houses.

Each development company has its own direction, so when creating these types of projects there are certain directions in both design and type of construction. For example, wooden houses are made in approximately the same (standard style), but they may differ slightly as appearance(type of roof, etc.), and dimensions.

Advantages of standard projects

Today, many construction companies offer their services in developing basic documentation for a house, which includes an individual architectural style. But the disadvantage of this option is that you have to pay for all this.

In case you already choose finished project at home, the price for it will be significantly lower, since all the calculations have already been carried out in advance for a certain template. This allows construction companies how to speed up the work.

Each typical project is different, but it may include several main sections:

  • structural features (type of foundation, calculations of materials, etc.);
  • home electrics - includes all parameters for mounting such systems;
  • calculation and installation of water pipelines;
  • heating and gas.

As you can see, you get everything at once. This also allows you to select a specific type of building according to your desires and availability of finances. The quality of such structures meets all standards.

Usage standard projects is a good option when selecting the type of house and materials for its construction, and sometimes they are complemented by the design of the design, which makes it unique and practical.
To see what a standard project is, watch the video:

Standard design

Standard design- development of similar designs for buildings, structures, structures, parts and other products intended for serial construction or production. Development system (mostly) construction projects are intended for repeated implementation in subsequent construction. The technology is used in particular in the construction of residential, industrial and mass buildings public buildings.

19th century

XX century

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the need for standard projects increased greatly. This was especially true in the sphere of industry, transport

  • Project of the Vasileostrovsky tram park, built from 1905 to 1908. in St. Petersburg became the first large standard project in the field of urban transport in Russia.

Typical Design Examples

From to Ukraine, the RSFSR and other republics, under the leadership of Joseph Krakis, together with a team of employees, over 40 standard projects were developed secondary schools of varying capacity, boarding schools and music schools, for which more than four thousand buildings were built. Such projects include the following.

Project number Project Description Years of implementation Place of construction Number of buildings constructed
TP No. 2-02-19, 2-02-20, 2-02-24, 2-02-25. Standard designs of school buildings for 280 and 400 students - Messrs. Construction was carried out mainly in the Ukrainian SSR, partly in the RSFSR and other republics of the USSR. In total, over 600 buildings were built
TP No. 2-02-73 - for 920 students, TP No. 2-02-73/II - for 960 students, TP No. 2-02-520 - for 520 students, TP No. 2-02-560/8 - for 560 students Model projects of secondary schools. Developed on the basis of a competitive project that received first prize at the All-Union competition in 1956. - Messrs. Construction was carried out mainly in the Ukrainian SSR, partly in the RSFSR and other republics of the USSR. In total, over 3,000 schools were built.
TP No. 2-02-99, 2-02-240, 2-02-330 Boarding schools for 240, 330, 660 students development - years., construction - in 1958-1963. About 250 buildings were built.
A series of standard designs for eleven-year-old secondary school buildings, Development - gg. Construction since 1961 Over 500 buildings were built (as of 2002).
TP No. 2-02-960 y, 2-02-964 y (1280-1320), 2-02-536 y, 2-02-320 Typical design of a music school for 300 students Development city Construction in - years. Carried out in Chernigov, Dnepropetrovsk, Poltava and other cities in - years.



  • A collection of facades, highly approved by His Imperial Majesty for private buildings in the cities of the Russian Empire
  • I. Karakis. Typical design of boarding schools // Construction and architecture. - 1957. - No. 3.
  • I. Karakis. Typical project of a seven-year music school for 200-300 students // Technical information / GIPROGRAD. - K., 1958. - No. 7 (134).
  • I. Karakis. New standard projects // Technical information / GIPROGRAD. - K., 1958. - No. 10.
  • I. Karakis. Typical project of a seven-year music school for 200-300 students // Technical information / GIPROGRAD - K., 1958. - No. 7.
  • I. Karakis. New standard projects: About gallery-type houses // Housing construction. - 1958. - № 11.
  • I. Karakis, V. Gorodskoy. From experiment to mass construction. A comprehensive series of standard projects for schools and boarding schools // Construction and architecture. -1960. - No. 11.

See also


  • Typical design of residential and “government” buildings in the first half of the 19th century (Russian)
  • Standard series (Russian)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what “Standard design” is in other dictionaries:

    Development of projects of standard (same type) buildings, structures, structures, parts and other products intended for mass construction or mass production. See Design, Typing... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Construction development of standard designs of buildings, structures and structures intended for for repeated use per page. In civil This leads to monotony of buildings. It is more expedient to develop standard unifications. builds. products... Big Encyclopedic Polytechnic Dictionary

    Standard design- development of standard (same-type) structures, parts, assemblies and products, technological processes intended for mass or serial production. (Terminological dictionary of clothing. Orlenko L.V., 1996) ... Encyclopedia of fashion and clothing

    standard design- Development of standard designs of structures, buildings, structures and equipment intended for repeated use in construction [Terminological dictionary of construction in 12 languages ​​(VNIIIS Gosstroy USSR)] Topics design,... ... Technical Translator's Guide

    Typical- 1. Standard regulations on the shift method of organizing work. Bulletin of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR, 1982, No. 6. Source: Recommendations: Recommendations for the implementation of the rotation method of organizing construction See also related terms: 4.1.26 typical ... ...

    Typical design solution- 8. Standard design solution Existing design solution used in design Source: GOST 22487 77: Automated design. Terms and definitions original document See... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    Development of standard designs of structures, buildings, structures and equipment intended for repeated use in construction (Bulgarian language; Български) standard design (Czech language; Čeština) zpracovávání typových podkladů… … Construction dictionary

    GOST 22487-77: Automated design. Terms and definitions- Terminology GOST 22487 77: Automated design. Terms and definitions original document: II. Design language A language designed to represent and transform descriptions during design Definitions of a term from various ... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    Technical schools and colleges: standard regulations- Standard provision on educational institution average vocational education(special secondary educational institution) approved by Government Decree Russian Federation dated July 18, 2008 N 543. The document was canceled earlier... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

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  • , Giyasov A.I. , The manual discusses the basic techniques for planning the residential cell of apartment premises and planning solutions for non-apartment premises of residential buildings. Standards of planning elements of residential buildings... Category: Miscellaneous Publisher:, Manufacturer: Association of Construction Universities (ACV),
  • Methodological guide on the use of normals of planning elements in the design of residential buildings. Residential buildings for urban construction. (for students of architectural and construction specialization), Giyasov A.I. , The manual discusses the basic techniques for planning the residential cell of apartment premises and planning solutions for non-apartment premises of residential buildings. Normals of planning elements of residential buildings... Category:

Development of standard designs for enterprises, buildings and structures intended for repeated use in construction. In the USSR, most types of buildings are repeatable, and development for them individual projects inappropriate. The creation of a large number of very labor-intensive individual projects by many project organizations cannot be carried out with such high quality and skill at such a high technical level.

level, as the development of a standard project, is carried out by leading design institutes according to carefully drawn up assignments. Individual design does not create conditions for the organization of mass factory production of buildings, structures and parts, which impedes the industrialization of the building. Standard projects provide for the following technical specifications. solutions that provide the opportunity to: implement into practice the construction of buildings and structures that are perfect in terms of functional, technical. and economical qualities; the most efficient use of capital investments; widespread introduction of industrial construction methods; reusable projects for the construction of buildings and structures provided for by national economics. plan. As a result of standard design, a stock of finished products is created project documentation for capital construction.

A typical project consists of a set of working drawings with an explanatory note and an estimate. It contains data on the volume of work, the need for basic construction materials, parts, structures and the labor costs required to implement the construction. Builds and installation work is carried out after “linking” standard projects to the construction sites, and some of the drawings, if necessary, are clarified in relation to the conditions of the construction site (terrain, type of soil, climatic conditions of the construction area, etc. ). A typical project is carried out by a design organization - a general designer - which, if necessary, attracts specialized design organizations to perform individual works. Standard projects are developed primarily by the leading design institutes for the relevant industry, type of building, etc. Standard projects are drawn up on the basis of a program (design assignment) and are carried out in two stages - design assignment and working drawings; When designing standard structures and parts, technical technical requirements are carried out. solutions and based on them - working drawings. To widely attract specialists and in order to select the best solutions, competitions are held for the development of standard projects, wide public discussion of projects is carried out and their coordination with interested organizations is carried out.

The massive use of standard designs in construction makes it possible to reduce the range of standard sizes of buildings, structures and factory-made parts due to the unification of space-planning and design solutions for production, residential and public buildings. Standard design has received especially great development in the field of housing construction, which has made it possible to switch to industrial prefabricated construction from industrial elements. production and served as the basis for the development of a new type of construction - factory housing construction.

The cost of construction of objects built according to standard projects is, as a rule, 8-12% lower than the cost of similar objects built according to individual projects. The use of standard projects can significantly reduce the volume and time required for drawing up design and estimate documentation. New standard projects for the mass construction of public buildings meet modern requirements for healthcare, education, recreation, and consumer services.

In order to ensure the integrated development of microdistricts, standard residential building designs are developed in series, including various types of houses according to purpose, number of floors and plan sizes. Complex series are increasingly being developed, including not only residential buildings, but also major societies, buildings of a microdistrict network - schools, nurseries, and a public shopping center. The serial design method also contributes to the unification of structures and improvement of the organization of work of construction enterprises, industries that manufacture products (in accordance with approved catalogs of industrial construction products), and house-building plants (producing sets of products for large-panel houses).

Until 1955-56, standard designs for residential and public buildings included the use of load-bearing walls made of brick, small stone and large blocks in combination with prefabricated reinforced concrete elements of foundations, floors, coverings, and stairs. Subsequently, the development of the industrial base of the building made it possible to move to standard design of a series of large-panel residential buildings and certain types of public buildings. As a result of the experimental construction, a wide range of frame-panel public buildings for various purposes with a unified grid of columns is being developed. In an experimental project, which must be preceded by a standard design, other types of residential buildings and societies, buildings that are special in their purpose, layout, composition and design (houses built by raising floors, houses made of volumetric blocks, etc.) are also tested. ).

The development of standard designs for residential buildings and public buildings is carried out in accordance with the nomenclature of standard projects, which provides for the necessary types of buildings, their types in terms of capacity, number of floors, layout features, and structures. The nomenclature also takes into account required quantity series and individual projects for construction in various natural and climatic zones and in special geological areas. conditions.

When developing standard production projects. facilities, the use of high-performance units, the most progressive standards and production methods is envisaged. The basis of the standard production project, the facility is a carefully developed and proven technology. a process that takes into account the need to use the most efficient equipment. Typical projects for industrial

The projects are developed taking into account the established range of enterprises with optimal production and capacity. This nomenclature provides a minimum. the number of enterprises for different purposes and different capacities in a particular industry sector, which ensures the typification of equipment, its rational use, facilitates the unification of construction solutions and helps reduce specific capital investments.

An example of a standard project for production facilities, facilities, drawn up at a high technical level, can be projects of enlarged and combined technologies. oil refinery installations. The use of a standard design for an atmospheric-vacuum tubular installation with a capacity of 6 million tons per year instead of three installations with a capacity of 2 million tons per year (built before 1963) ensures a reduction in capital investments by 20% and an increase in labor productivity by 4 times. The implementation of a standard project of a combined fuel plant with a capacity of 3 million tons per year (including the processes of atmospheric-vacuum distillation, catalytic cracking, viscosity breaking and secondary distillation of gasoline), replacing five separate installations of the corresponding capacity, makes it possible to reduce capital investments and operating costs. costs by 1.7 times, increase labor productivity by 2.8 times and reduce the cost of a ton of light petroleum products by 1.3 times.

For industrial buildings have standard column grids and room heights, unified design diagrams and design loads. Based on these data, unified dimensional diagrams of buildings have been developed and approved for enterprises in various industries. IN recent years Inter-industry unification of dimensional diagrams is being carried out, which ensures a further reduction in the standard sizes of builds and products.

In 1963-64, a transition was made to the design of industrial buildings from unified standard sections and spans using prefabricated structures. When developing projects using standard sections (standard spans), free blocking of production into large buildings with a single internal space is provided. This design method can significantly increase building density and ensure widespread unification of structures.

Standard projects approved and put into effect in the prescribed manner are mandatory for use by all design and construction organizations and developer organizations in accordance with the scope of application established for them.

Standard projects are developed in accordance with approved annual standard design plans. The plans provide for: standard designs of enterprises, buildings and structures of industry, transport, communications, villages. farms, residential and public buildings, buildings; standard sections and standard spans for buildings in various industries; unified dimensional diagrams, drawings of standard structures and parts, standard technological, energy, plumbing. and other structures, devices and equipment; standard projects of production builds.- installation work on objects of mass construction and standard technologies. maps for the production of basic types of construction and installation work. Feasibility of inclusion design work in the standard design plan should be justified by data on the expected repeatability of the use of relevant design materials, based on long-term plans for the development of people. x-va.

As new social forms of life and culture develop, industrial technology improves. production, construction, technology and the growth of the material well-being of workers, standard projects also change periodically. The general management of standard design in the country is carried out by the USSR State Construction Committee, which approves the technical plan for all types of buildings, standard designs of the most important objects and standard projects for mass use in buildings, as well as unified planning and design solutions for buildings and structures and drawings of typical structures and parts. The USSR State Construction Committee approves lists of enterprises, buildings and structures of industry, transport and agriculture. h-va, the construction of which should be carried out only according to standard projects, as well as those of existing standard projects.

In order to constantly improve standard projects, design organizations that have developed standard projects or drawings of standard structures and parts study and generalize the practice of using these projects, experience in the construction and operation of buildings and structures, as well as the manufacture and use of standard structures and parts; keep records of changes in standards, norms and design rules that have occurred during the period of validity of the relevant standard design materials, causing the need to adjust these materials, and promptly inform the higher (subordinate) organization, as well as the authority that approved design materials, about the need to make changes to them; Periodically check existing standard projects in relation to their compliance with the modern level of technology, norms, standards, and rules of use.

In May 1957, the 1st International Meeting on Standard Design of representatives of socialist countries was held, which considered fundamental issues methodologies of T.P. with the aim of establishing a unified basis for international cooperation. At the 2nd International Meeting of Socialist Countries on Standard Design (1959), a number of important technical issues were considered. issues that provide the most appropriate methods for typing and unifying buildings and structures. In 1964, the 3rd meeting was held, at which issues were resolved further development cooperation between socialist countries in the field of standard design.

Chapter 3. SYSTEM DESIGN. § 6. typical design, application typical projects and unification in construction.

Developing normative literature in the field design construction and are at the same time general designers standard design And projects...

Individual design is permitted only if it is impossible or inappropriate to use the appropriate standard project.

materials for sharing experiences; compilation catalogs typical projects, albums typical... construction of future years; standard design; experimental and other works.

In many industries new method standard design replaced the existing practice, when every pr-ti was designed in the form of an independent farm, with “its own...

Developed and used for design typical transverse profiles of earthen ... up to 1.0 m should be opened and cut into embankments; excavations with a depth of 1 to 5 m design With...

§ 7. design organization of construction and work. ... Typical drawings and text materials should not be included in the PIC and PPR, they...

Instead of an infinite number of individual projects it's arrived typical design. It affected primarily the mass housing and civil multi-storey buildings and all types...

Development project should be carried out on the basis of an assignment for design, which... In technical project a list of used typical projects.

Experimental solutions are then implemented in typical design, increasing overall quality projects and providing the opportunity... Development and layout plot.

replication) - construction of a copy of an existing building.

The system for developing (mostly) construction projects is designed for repeated implementation in subsequent construction. The technology is used in particular in the construction of residential, industrial buildings and mass types of public buildings.

Currently in Russia the terms are used: reuse design documentation and modified design documentation. From September 1, 2016, all documentation produced by order of the state or state companies is the exclusive property of the customer.

The use of reuse design documentation is mandatory for state and municipal customers, except in cases of the absence of such documentation or the construction of particularly dangerous, technically complex facilities and work to preserve cultural heritage sites.

Standard design and construction in Russia

Until 1713

Typical projects- “exemplary”, “exemplary”, “normal”, “highest proven”. They were used to build individual structures, fortresses and even entire cities in an extremely short period of time. A striking example of such construction was Sviyazhsk. Under the leadership of the builder Ivan Vyrodkov in the winter of -1551. near Uglich, 18 towers and 3 km of walls were cut down, with a forest volume of about 21 thousand m 3, then the numbered timber was floated over 1000 km along the Volga and within four weeks a city wall was assembled from it, and during the construction the fortress was expanded doubled using available materials. According to a standard design, they were built in 1584 wooden walls Arkhangelsk. In 1591-1592 A 16-kilometer wall was erected along the Zemlyanoy Val in Moscow, named “Skorodom” for the speed of construction.


In 1714, albums of standard projects by D. Trezzini were published. The decree of Peter I dated April 4, 1714 states: “In what manner should we build houses... take drawings from the architect Trezzini.” This is the first known mention of the introduction of a prototype “series” of standard residential buildings into construction. The Trezzini series consisted of several projects of residential buildings with one and two floors of different dimensions. The projects were engraved, printed and given to developers in this form. Each print contained the dimensions of the plot, the house plan, the facade with a gate, and a brief explanation indicating the dimensions of the plot and the house.

When designing the development of Admiralty Island in St. Petersburg, Perevedenskiye Sloboda and Kolomna, it was planned to use buildings of the same type.

XX century

See also


  1. Standard design- article from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia.
  2. GOST R 58033-2017 Buildings and structures. Dictionary. Part 1. General terms clause 7.1.47
  3. "Design Technology" (undefined) (unavailable link). Retrieved January 1, 2011. Archived July 18, 2010.
  4. Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation (as amended on July 3, 2016) (version effective from September 1, 2016) Article 48_2