Calculation of rainwater drainage and drainage: example. Calculation of storm sewerage according to SNiP: basic formulas

First and foremost: the key to developing a cost-effective and technically competent project storm sewer(as, indeed, any other project) is a correctly drawn up Technical Specification. An unaccounted for nuance or an error made when drawing up the technical specifications usually leads to additional costs and loss of time for both the contractor and the project customer. Be careful and do not hesitate to take advice from specialists even at this initial stage. Flotenk specialists will be happy to advise you on all issues.

Next, you need to calculate the quantity waste water, for which networks will be designed and parameters calculated treatment facilities surface drainage and sewerage pumping stations. In this case, you will need to refer to tabular and “local” geodetic and meteorological characteristics. Calculation is the foundation of a standard project storm sewer.

In general terms, standard project storm sewer can be thought of as:

Drawing up a structural diagram - the basis of the project.

Calculation of the number and type of water collectors: storm wells or collectors. Also, depending on the location of these elements, their design is selected.

Based on the drawn up structural diagram linked to the plan, the footage of the drainage pipeline and/or storm gutters is calculated. This also takes into account the depth of the pipeline, the distance from the catchment point to the drainage well and the slope.

The needs for shut-off, control and connecting valves, the number and location of inspection wells, and, of course, stormwater treatment facilities are taken into account.

The equipment is placed on plans, profiles of sewerage networks, equipment specifications, and installation diagrams are drawn up.

Some examples of our projects:

Developing a storm sewer project in full is a serious job, which should involve specialists with sufficient experience in the field of design.

A competent storm sewer project will allow you to easily get the design documentation approved by the supervisory authorities, complete construction on time, relieve you of penalties from regulatory authorities and, in the future, close the issue of collecting and disposing of surface wastewater for many years.

Storm drainage is one of the most important equipment systems in a residential area, which, unfortunately, many owners simply forget about or take it too lightly. And it is completely in vain - hopes that rain or melt water will go away by itself often lead to gradual waterlogging of the territory, destruction or failure of laid paths and platforms, erosion and erosion of the foundation structures of erected buildings, waterlogging of their walls and other negative consequences.

Storm sewerage includes many different elements that are responsible for a specific water collection area, for several such areas, or for the entire system as a whole - these are stormwater inlets, pipes, wells, and collectors. In order for them to be able to cope with their task, their parameters must correspond to the expected volumes of water. And when planning the system, the calculator for calculating the volume of storm drains, which is offered to the reader, may be useful.

Below, under the calculator, a brief explanation of how it works will be given.

Enter the requested data and click the button "Calculate the volume of collected water"

Determine the coefficient (q20) of precipitation intensity for your region using the schematic map.
This value will be the same for all calculation points.

Area of ​​water collection area, m²

Coverage type

conversion to hectares

Explanations for calculations

So, to plan each individual section of a storm drain, you need to know how much water can fall on it. Further, individual areas through storm water inlets and pipes are connected to wells that already serve several such zones - and so on, up to the “top of the hierarchy,” that is, a storm sewer or main storage well. Naturally, the indicators of individual sections or groups are summed up. But the basis of the calculation, one way or another, is each individual collection site.

The volume of water to be collected from a single area can be expressed by a simplified formula:

Qsb= q20 × F× ϒ

Qsb— the total volume of stormwater collection from the site.

q20— tabular coefficient showing the average statistical intensity of precipitation in a given region, depending on climatic conditions. All local construction, design, and meteorological organizations necessarily operate with similar values ​​- it is not difficult to recognize it. Another option is to use the map diagram below. This indicator is expressed in liters per second per hectare.

F is the area of ​​the water collection area, expressed in hectares. The area is taken in plan, that is, if, for example, the calculation is carried out for a pitched roof, then only its horizontal projection is considered.

For the convenience of calculations, the calculator allows you to enter values ​​in square meters - the program will convert to hectares independently.

ϒ - a coefficient that takes into account the fact that a certain part of the water can be absorbed into the coating. This is a tabular value, the values ​​of which for coatings typical for private construction are already included in the calculator.

For greater user convenience, the result will be presented in three quantities: liters per second, liters per minute and cubic meters per hour.

Storm drainage system

Designing a storm drain is a rather difficult task, and it does not end with determining the volume of drainage. More details about the device and creation procedure can be found in the corresponding article on our portal.

Storm (rain) sewerage is a system designed to collect and drain atmospheric storm water and melt water through grooves or using sewer pipes. Water is drained off site or into a storm well. The installation of a storm drainage system is necessary to maintain the strength of the foundation and walls of the building in order to protect them from flooding by rain and melt water when filtered through the ground.

A pressure or gravity pipeline can be used to drain water. The pressure pipeline is used much less frequently due to its unreliability, high cost and great complexity in implementation. To allow water to move through gravity pipes without delay, a slope of 0.5-1 cm is arranged, which depends on the type of drainage system, its diameter or the coverage of its surface.

To complete a storm drainage project you will need:

Topographic plan of the territory on a scale of 1:500;

Results of geological survey of the site;

- Technical report about hydrogeological conditions of construction;

Relief organization project;

Territory development plan;

Specifications for connection to centralized systems (if such connections are implied);

Plans and floor marks of basements and subfloors of the building;

Plans, sections and developments of building foundations;

Plans, longitudinal profiles and sections of underground channels;

Desired methods for organizing the collection and disposal of water, determined by the Customer.

The storm drainage project is carried out on the basis of the following regulatory documents:

- “Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings” (SNiP 2.04.01-85*);

The storm drainage project includes:

1. Storm drainage plan indicating the locations of system elements;

2. Sections along the line of the storm pipeline, taking into account the geological structure of the site;

3. Explanatory note with a detailed description;

4. Specification of materials for sewerage.

Storm sewerage can be carried out according to 2 schemes: point and linear.

Also, to install a storm sewer, it is necessary to calculate the required diameter of the drain, which in turn depends on the amount of precipitation in the construction region (SNiP 2.04.03-85).

The storm drainage scheme usually includes the following elements, which can be combined in one case or another:

Storm water inlets;

Trays (gutters);

Sand catchers;

Inspection wells.

Our company’s specialists can develop a storm drainage project of any complexity. We guarantee high-quality and fast execution of project documentation.

Atmospheric precipitation brings a lot of trouble to residents country houses, if they are not provided with a recusal. The most common problems that owners face are the erosion and gradual destruction of the foundation, flooding of the site, rotting of the roots of trees and bushes growing in the yard, and the formation of a swamp.

To avoid the consequences of heavy rain, you can install a simple storm drain, which will not require much effort or financial costs. Storm drainage is a system consisting of the following elements:

  • manholes;
  • devices intended for transporting wastewater;
  • sand traps;
  • storm water inlets.

There are two technologies by which storm sewers can function: point and linear.

Pay attention! A linear sewer system is more functional. It is capable of collecting wastewater from large areas and is used to drain atmospheric precipitation that flows from the roof and sidewalk.

The first thing that needs to be done when arranging a storm sewer is to draw up a design and calculations for the system. If you skip this step, you may encounter a number of troubles during operation. If you build an insufficiently efficient wastewater drainage network, water will be retained on the territory, albeit in smaller quantities. If you make a system that is too powerful, you will have to spend a lot of extra financial resources not only during construction, but also during maintenance.

  • the average amount of precipitation for the area according to meteorological data;
  • if you plan to use storm sewers to drain melt water, you should take into account how thick the snow cover is;
  • the area of ​​the territory from which wastewater will be collected;
  • soil characteristics;
  • communications laid underground.

Storm drain

When calculating the dimensions, it is necessary to determine the volume of the storm sewer, its depth, and the slope necessary for the quality functioning of the system. If you doubt that you will calculate the necessary parameters correctly, seek advice from a specialist.

Important! Exact calculation The size of the storm sewer will ensure maximum efficiency of its operation, and will also help save financial resources at the construction stage.

How to calculate volume

One of the most important parameters that must be taken into account when installing storm drainage on a site country house- this is its volume. The main criterion for calculation is the average amount of precipitation falling in a particular area. Rainwater, snow, and hail are taken into account.

The size of collectors and catch basins depends on the volume of wastewater. The volume of the sewer is determined using a special formula, which requires the following values:

  • the amount of wastewater entering the system (an approximate figure can be found in the SNiP collection);
  • precipitation intensity;
  • the area of ​​the territory from which wastewater will be collected;
  • correction factor.

Arrangement of storm drainage on the site of a country house

All obtained values ​​are simply multiplied. Calculating these parameters is quite simple. The only question that may arise is what the correction factor is. This is an indicator that depends on what material covers the area from which wastewater will be collected. If this is an area covered with crushed stone, the coefficient is 0.4, for areas filled with concrete - 0.85, for areas covered with asphalt - 0.95 and for roofs - 1.

Channel depth

One more important parameter is the depth of the storm drain. The trays are laid at a depth characteristic of the region. To find out the depth of the storm drain, you can ask your neighbors or representatives construction company. This parameter also depends on the diameter of the pipes that will be laid.

Pay attention! It is impossible to combine storm sewer and drainage systems, as they will work very inefficiently, which can lead to flooding of the area with precipitation.

Storm sewer channels

It is desirable that storm drainage channels be laid above the ground level groundwater, but below the soil freezing level, and this range is from 1.2 to 1.5 meters. Considering that excavation work requires a lot of effort and a lot of money, the owners decide to reduce the minimum depth of the storm drain. If the diameter of the pipe is 50 mm, then laying should be carried out at a depth of at least 0.3 m, but if the diameter is larger, then the pipe is deepened by 0.7 m. When calculating the depth, the nature of the soil on the site is also taken into account.

Storm drain slopes

Storm sewer is a non-pressure system for removing atmospheric precipitation. For its effective operation, it is necessary to correctly calculate the minimum slope of the storm drain. It is determined taking into account the speed of wastewater flow through the channels and the diameter of the pipe.

If the angle of inclination of the storm drain is too small, it will not work efficiently. A large angle of inclination means that wastewater will very quickly accumulate in the lower part of the system, without having time to be absorbed by the soil. In order not to calculate these values ​​yourself, you can use the table located on the pages of SNiP.

Storm drain slopes

  • If the diameter of the pipes is 200 mm, to calculate the slope for the storm sewer, a coefficient of 0.007 should be applied.
  • When installing pipes to storm water inlets, they are laid with a slope of 0.02.
  • Gravel-filled channels responsible for drainage should be laid with a slope of 0.003.
  • For drainage trays, the average slope angle is 0.003-0.005.

Correctly calculated main parameters of storm drainage are the key to long-term and high-quality functioning of the atmospheric wastewater drainage system.

The rainwater drainage system is designed to drain surface water from the territory of industrial enterprises or private households, which accumulates on waterproof surfaces and flows from the roofs of houses and buildings. Each object requires an individual approach, so you need to order a storm sewer project in Moscow from an organization that not only has experience in designing drainage systems, but also has experience in their construction and operation, such a company is Celsis LLC.

Why is it profitable to work with us?







What does the organization offer?

The project team will calculate the storm drain according to SNiP and select necessary equipment:

  1. rainwater inlet,
  2. pipelines,
  3. drainage pipes,
  4. storm water treatment systems.

Storm sewer design services provided by the company are divided into several stages:

  1. collection and processing of initial data;
  2. placement of structures on the plan (troughs, storm water inlets, wells, drainage pipes, local treatment facilities);
  3. determining the location of storm water discharge;
  4. hydraulic calculation and selection of sections of trays and pipelines, selection of the degree of purification and VOC parameters (local treatment facilities);
  5. constructing a longitudinal profile over the network;
  6. drawing up cost estimates.

All calculations are performed according to technical specifications, which is signed by the customer.

Calculation of water disposal and drainage systems

Calculation drainage system and storm drainage is to correctly determine the amount of storm water that is generated in the area under consideration.

It is the exact calculation of this parameter that makes it possible to correctly determine throughput pipelines and drainage system parameters, calculate the number of storm water inlets and the productivity of treatment facilities.

Based on the calculations obtained, the slope of the pipelines is determined; how correctly this is done will determine the durability and reliability of the drainage system.

These complex calculations, which can be entrusted to the specialists of Celsis LLC, are carried out in accordance regulatory documents SNiP and GOST.

What does project documentation include?

Ready engineering project drainage and storm sewerage will ultimately consist of three main parts:

  1. graphic part, which includes a plan for the placement of linear structures, wells, LOS with longitudinal profiles;
  2. explanatory note with detailed equipment specifications;
  3. estimate to determine the approximate cost of project implementation.

The efficiency of the drainage system and its durability will depend on the quality of the design documentation. Celsis specialists guarantee quality in execution design work from the data collection stage to project implementation.

Cost of a drainage system project

The price for designing rainwater drainage depends on many criteria:

  1. area of ​​the canalized facility;
  2. ownership of the object (enterprise or private household);
  3. availability of storm water discharge sites;
  4. approval from government agencies.

Cost of services for designing water supply and sanitation systems

Name and composition of the design documentation section Cost, rub/m2
1.Water supply.
- Explanatory note; 23
- Balance of water consumption; 23
- Floor plans with routing of drinking water, fire and process water supply lines; 23
- Schematic diagram of the drinking water, fire-fighting and process water supply system; 23
- Equipment specification; 23
2. Sewerage.
- Explanatory note; 23
- Balance of water consumption; 23
- Floor plans with tracing of domestic, process sewerage and internal drainage; 23
- Schematic diagrams domestic, process sewerage and internal drainage; 23
- Equipment specification; 23
The cost of a comprehensive project for all sections will be 110 rubles/m2
The minimum cost of the project is 15,000.00 rubles

For the final calculation of the design cost, specialists from Celsis LLC will visit the site to collect the necessary data.

Well made project documentation, and subsequently the implementation of the project, will help avoid flooding of the site, ensure timely removal of surface water from the territory, their purification and discharge into a surface source or drainage.