Cottage with a vegetable garden and a recreation area. Zoning of the garden and vegetable garden: entrance area.

All work at the dacha is carried out, of course, in order to relax beautifully and tastefully - in a way that is unlikely to happen in the city. Along with decorating the landscape with the help of beautiful plants, you can also create a cozy relaxation area for the whole family, which is called the beautiful Spanish word “patio”.

In the original version, a patio is a courtyard located in front of the house. That is, this is a recreation area - a table and chairs on a paved or wooden surface. This courtyard was located under open air.

In modern realities, patio design (also called a lounge area) has acquired its own characteristics. however, the main idea that such a corner should become a kind of cozy center of attraction for the whole family has not changed.

In the original version, the patio is a courtyard that is located in front of the house

At the same time, the site can not only successfully fit into the interior of the dacha, but also become a harmonious addition to it, a kind of calling card for the owners. Here are some ideas for patio placement on your property:

  1. The classic option with an open patio is the most popular. The very idea of ​​an open courtyard involves locating it in a sunny, pleasant place where it will be convenient to gather with the whole family or receive guests. You can focus on the proximity of the barbecue area so that you can treat yourself to a delicacy without going far.
  2. Along with the open one, it is appropriate to create an indoor option - it is more practical, since you can gather in such a courtyard even in the warm summer rain. You should not make coverings that are too heavy - they will look more like a gazebo, and the very idea of ​​a patio will be lost. In most cases, it is enough to simply purchase and install a large awning, which is removed immediately after the rains end.
  3. The patio area must certainly be limited by a natural hedge - you can use beautiful bushes (for example, rhododendron) or plant special borders of flowering plants. You can also make a rocky fence, and place a green hedge behind it - here it is appropriate to rely on your own imagination.
  4. You should also take a special approach to the choice of furniture - it is better to focus on practical and lightweight designs, which is described in detail in the corresponding paragraph of the article.

How to make a patio (video)


The history of the patio is lost in the centuries - it is known that in ancient times such courtyards were located in every rich, noble house. They always had spacious grounds, waterfalls with beautiful cascades, cages with beautiful birds and, of course, flower beds.

Species diversity of the patio

Depending on the design features, there are several types of patios:

  1. Dining-Style Patio– this is a dimensional version, which is made in a circular shape (at least 4 meters in diameter) or rectangular (with an area of ​​4 * 5 meters). In the center there is a large round or beautiful rectangular table. Such design is appropriate when the site is large enough and you often receive many guests or simply go to the site with a large group.
  2. Patio living room performed in still large sizes, just as in an apartment the living room is always larger than the kitchen. It is calculated based on a rectangular shape with parameters of approximately 5-6 meters or a round shape with a diameter of 5 meters. Very convenient again for large companies. Such a patio must certainly contain a large table and several chairs for comfortable reception of guests.
  3. In the case of small gardens, the two previous options will not work. The reason is not only that they take up a lot of space. The point is the lack of harmony: when the dacha is small, then any large plot looks out of place. Under construction small venues, in this case you need to proceed from the minimum parameters of 2.5-2.5 meters. The table should be selected only round, since rectangular ones in such a small area will be too bulky in appearance.
  4. Finally, terrace style patio– this is very original, interesting and at the same time truly modern design solution. Dimensions in this case are not important. The main thing is that the terrace is located next to a special place - it looks best near a pool or pond. On such a platform you can put 2-3 sun loungers and relax on fine summer days, enjoying the view.

A terrace-style patio is a very unique, interesting and at the same time truly modern design solution.

Important! The options described are approximate types of patios, so depending on the specific features of the site, you can make your own project that will incorporate the best features of all the types considered.

Choosing a place in the country to create a recreation area

When choosing a specific patio location Several important nuances need to be taken into account:

  1. The patio should be located next to a beautiful, special place in the country - after all, the main idea of ​​​​this place: family vacation. Thus, it can be placed on a special paved area next to a lawn, including an artificial lawn, a country pond or beautiful flower arrangements (rock gardens, rockeries and others) or next to large trees that will create pleasant partial shade.
  2. If real picnics are often held at the dacha, then it is better to build a patio not far from the barbecue area and country kitchen(usually it is located in the house).
  3. The site should be placed at the most visible point near the flower garden, where the brightest flower arrangements are located. At the same time, the patio should not block them.
  4. Finally, it is important to take into account the real possibilities of the site - that is, to correlate the size of the future zone with a specific location. Everyone at home should feel free on the patio. You also need to take into account the fact that kids will probably run there often - the approach for them should be as comfortable and safe as possible.

The patio should be located next to a beautiful, special place in the country - after all, the main idea of ​​​​this place: family vacation

Thus, when choosing a location, you should proceed from practical and design considerations - the site should fit harmoniously into the overall concept of the garden.

An interesting, but more creatively complex option is when the patio is laid at the design stage of the entire site. In this case, you need to think through all the points at once - where the plantings will be located, where the flowers will be, and where the recreation area will be.

Making your own patio

The construction of the platform can be entrusted to specialists who will take into account your wishes for creating your own patio style. However, it is much more interesting to do it yourself. Moreover, this creative and construction task is quite feasible.

Materials and tools

Materials and tools are selected depending on the type of coverage on the site:

  • from decorative stone;
  • from paving slabs;
  • from garden parquet;
  • from wooden flooring.

Patio design for a summer residence (video)

To lay the foundation of the site it is necessary:

  • sand;
  • crushed stone;
  • cement;
  • expanded clay or gravel;
  • masonry tools;
  • building level and tape measure.

Stages of construction of a lounge area in the garden

The technology of work is associated with the creation of a level area and its subsequent arrangement (walls, fences, internal compartments). The construction stages are as follows:

  1. First, you need to carefully mark the site, calculate all its parameters based on how many people will be accommodated on it, what part of the land can be allocated for construction, and what size furniture will be placed on it.
  2. The area is carefully prepared - all plants are removed, and digging is also done (half the bayonet of a shovel), after which the surface is carefully leveled.
  3. Next, pre-prepared pegs are driven in along the perimeter of the site (in the corners). If the yard is round, you can drive a peg into the center and draw a circle using another peg stretched on a rope. It is important that all pegs are at the same height. For this, a building level and ropes are used.
  4. Next, sand, crushed stone, expanded clay or gravel are poured in succession. Previously, geotextile fiber can be laid on the bottom for drainage of the area.
  5. Finally, the surface layer of the site itself is laid out. It can be done dry, but it is more reliable to do it using cement mortar.
  6. The cement is leveled and the surface material is laid on it.
  7. The entire structure dries out within a few days, after which work is carried out on the design of the site and the construction of additional structures (wooden partitions, mesh fences, fastenings for hanging flowers, covering, etc.).

First you need to carefully mark the site, calculate all its parameters based on how many people will be accommodated on it

Important! It is better to carry out all work on fine sunny days, so that rain does not destroy the layers, and also for better drying of the cement mortar.

Selection and placement of furniture

Regardless of your taste preferences, you should assume that All furniture is selected in the same design style:

  • Provence;
  • country (rustic);
  • modern and others.

According to the characteristics of the artistic design, the furniture is selected classical country style– wicker, lightweight in warm or light colors. It is important that its design matches well with the colors of the patio surface.

For the patio you need:

  • dining table traditional or round;
  • chairs or country chairs;
  • sun loungers.

The table, as a rule, is always placed in the center, and there are chairs around it. However, there may be other options. For example, if the patio is placed along the wall of the house, then a long dining table can also be placed along the wall to leave more free space on the site.

Furniture for the patio is chosen in a classic country style - wicker, lightweight in warm or light colors

Plants for patio decoration

The patio should be decorated beautifully and elegantly. flower plants in the form of grass, shrubs, small trees or hanging forms. Almost any plant will do, so the choice depends on the gardener's inspiration. The only condition is that, if possible, the flowers must tolerate the long-term effects of direct sunlight, since the patio will be located on open place. And those that like shading can be planted on the north side.

Here are just a few basic ideas that you can take as a basis, develop and turn into your own masterpiece:

  1. You can plant beautiful flowers around the patio hosts. They not only have a great decorative effect, but are also resistant to cold and do not require maintenance. There are a huge number of hosta varieties, so there will be no problems with the choice.
  2. Different varieties of rhododendron grow very lush crowns with bright colors extremely varied colors. For the patio you need to choose low shrubs (up to a meter), and a little further you can plant free-standing large bushes.
  3. Of course, along with herbaceous or shrub plantings, you can decorate the recreation area with plants in pots, which hang on the fence. One of the most suitable options for these purposes is dipladenia. Its flowers are bright red and have a classic shape. They contrast well against the backdrop of beautiful, rich greenery.
  4. Balsams grown in room conditions, but it’s quite possible to plant them in the countryside. They have lush greenery and flowers of light coral tones. The plant blooms during most of the summer.
  5. All kinds of hanging plants(hops, passionflower, wisteria, climbing rose and many others) will decorate a patio hedge well and create the effect of a green wall.

How to build a patio with your own hands (video)

If you think through everything correctly, then the patio at the dacha will become not only a center of attraction for all relatives and friends, but also a kind of calling card of your site.

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A private house and garden plot are a great place to relax away from the bustle of the city. To ensure a comfortable pastime, each person arranges a recreation area to suit his or her taste: one loves active games and noisy companies, for another there is no better relaxation than barbecuing or grilling, and the third dreams of solitude with nature. Fortunately, on the site of a private house, all ideas can be turned into reality by showing a little imagination.

Choosing a specialized place is the first and important stage, which directly determines how comfortable you will feel in the area intended for proper relaxation.

First of all take care of the sunny side. Agree that the sun shining directly into your eyes can ruin your overall vacation experience. If you plan to be on this side of the site only in the evening, and your family loves to watch the sunset, then sunny side will suit you.

Don't forget about the compass rose. The warm summer wind will only be a joy for you and your guests, but what if it is replaced by a northern, completely unkind cyclone? When arranging a recreation area, consider the location of the windiest side in order to install the necessary elements.

Another important point is privacy, it is unlikely that you want your neighbors in the area to watch you. It is not necessary to create an additional side of the fence; an excellent solution would be hedge or a grapevine, you can come up with a lot of landscape options.

Advice: place the recreation area in the lowlands of the garden plot; in addition to prying eyes, it will also be protected from the winds; besides, this position of the exterior can always be used to advantage. If dense shrubs are planted around the lowlands, they will create a canyon effect.

Make sure that weather conditions not only do not interfere with your vacation, but also do not spoil the area itself and the exterior elements. You can build a cover over your head or a canopy, which can make your resting place even more cozy and comfortable.

Possible arrangement options

The design of the recreation area will depend on its purpose and your wishes. Various options accommodation on site summer cottage allow you to create recreation areas of various directions:

  • Inside the garden plot you can organize a courtyard - patio.
  • A place in the depths of the garden is suitable for a calm and secluded holiday with family and friends.
  • An open area can be built for children's games, dancing, parties.
  • The front part of the garden can be redesigned for receiving guests.

Tip: especially beautiful places to relax are under trees, close to bodies of water (if you have a pond or artificial stream on your property).


A patio is an outdoor patio designed for relaxation. The patio has a certain insulation, which creates the effect of an autonomous place in the garden, hidden from prying eyes. Open air room - great option both for a relaxing holiday and for having fun and organizing holidays and parties.

You can place the patio in the depths of the garden, or you can organize it in a secluded place in your garden plot. For convenience, the patio is often located close to the house, so that the kitchen doors open onto the patio.

An open and fairly sunny place can be set aside for the patio: in the morning and during the day in this part you can enjoy the warm rays of the sun, and at night admire the stars. The area must be paved with slab, wood or brick. Artificially aged wood will give your patio a special look.

Patio options at personal plot

Inside the patio, as a rule, a table, chairs or comfortable garden sofas are installed; if a special platform is provided for the patio, then instead of chairs you can lay out comfortable pillows and ottomans. Often there is a barbecue or outdoor fireplace on the patio.

WITH special attention you should consider the interior of the open courtyard. Properly selected furniture, plants, blankets, pillows, and small design elements together will create an atmosphere of comfort and tranquility. The interior of the patio can be decorated in a certain style, for example, oriental.

Option with barbecue or grill

Many people associate relaxation at the dacha or in their garden with cooking over a fire or coals, so why not design a relaxation area for a barbecue and build a barbecue? This option will be an excellent solution for both family and receiving guests.

Relaxation area with stove

You can install a barbecue or grill not far from your home, in a place closed from prying eyes. For convenience, in such a recreation area you can put benches, a dining table and chairs. You can hang lanterns and candles in jars on the trees and bushes around the recreation area, then the most ordinary dinner will turn into a festive meal.

Relaxation area with benches and fountain

For those who like a secluded and relaxing holiday, the following option is suitable: an area with a fountain and benches. If there is an artificial pond on your summer cottage - great! All you have to do is install the pump and other necessary elements. The absence of a pond is also not a problem, because you can build a fountain yourself.

For a fountain, you can purchase a special sculpture with a bowl; using stones, you can build a cascade, waterfall or stream, it all depends on your preferences. To make your holiday even more relaxing, it is better to place the fountain in the shade of trees; it is recommended to place comfortable benches around the place.

Relaxation area with bench and fountain

Depending on the exterior of the recreation area, the benches can be wooden or forged; they can be covered with comfortable blankets and soft pillows. It will be pleasant to be in such a place both during the day and in the evening.

Relaxation area with gazebo

A more expensive and more reliable option for arranging a recreation area would be to build a gazebo. Even in inclement weather, relaxation in the gazebo will not be overshadowed. The size of the structure should be calculated based on the number of family members, as well as possible guests.

Most often, gazebos are built from wood, but this will not prevent you from building a recreation area, for example, from forged metal. Inside the gazebo you can install a table, wicker chairs or comfortable sofas. Often in gazebos set up a grill or barbecue, in this case, the recreation area also becomes a refectory, which is also convenient.

Relaxation area with gazebo

The walls of the gazebo can be entwined with vines or other climbing plants. If you plan to hold holidays and parties in the gazebo, you can decorate the structure outside and inside with lanterns and garlands. It will also be important to protect in bad weather.

Garden seating area

Garden recreation area - the name speaks for itself; trees, shrubs, and flowers should be located in this part of the dacha or personal plot. In the shade of trees you can install sun loungers, you can have picnics in the same place. You can walk around the garden in the early morning, when there are still drops of dew on the grass.

Garden rest

Inside the garden recreation area, you can install low lanterns, make an artificial stream, and install decorative figures. Wicker furniture installed for family breakfasts or romantic dinners will not be superfluous.

Selection of furniture and accessories for the recreation area

Once the type of recreation area has been chosen, you can begin selecting furniture and accessories. What kind of furniture can be for a summer cottage or personal plot:

  • Forged furniture. Thin, openwork and fragile, reminiscent of lace, but quite strong and reliable. Such furniture is suitable for a romantic relaxation area, as well as a relaxation area made in a vintage style. Forged furniture is resistant to precipitation; it is left on the site all year round. In the summer, it goes well with both light fabrics and bright elements.
  • Wicker furniture. The most common option for a summer cottage. Wicker furniture is lightweight and relatively inexpensive. Unfortunately, such furniture is not resistant to precipitation; it is recommended to install it in closed areas: in gazebos or on verandas.
  • Wooden furniture. Wooden furniture is a reliable and durable option, which, moreover, will create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort. You can make such furniture for a summer cottage yourself.
  • Furniture made of stone. A beautiful and somewhat exotic option that combines strength and durability. When choosing furniture made of stone, you will have to think through the exterior of the garden and recreation areas thoroughly. For example, you can put fur blankets on the furniture and kerosene lamps on the table. It will look great

Furniture and accessories for the recreation area

To complete the overall look of the recreation area, you definitely need to think about complementary accessories. For these purposes, you can use blankets, pillows, sculptures, lanterns, and garlands.

Video with seating area options

The video presents options for creating recreation areas on a personal plot.

With a little imagination and patience, on an ordinary garden plot you can build an elegant or comfortable recreation area, where not only the owners of the house, but also their guests will have a pleasant time.

A swimming pool, barbecue, tennis table, swing are associated with vacations or weekends outside the city. Space zoning helps to highlight places for active recreation or quiet solitude, connecting them with each other with vegetation and the same materials or colors for structures with different purposes. Portable furniture, flowerpots and sports equipment can easily transform the area. I use it to decorate a recreation area at the dacha photo ready-made solutions It’s easier to create your own piece of paradise.

Unity of style

For a recreation area, 20–30 square meters is enough. m. The correct shape is not necessary, but it is necessary that the zone fits harmoniously into the overall panorama. If the recreation area is located next to the house, it offers a view of the entire plot, and if it is at the opposite end of the territory, then this gives the garden depth.

Relaxation areas in the garden are chosen so that the weather does not disrupt plans: there should be protection from wind, rain, shade on hot days, and the opportunity to bask in the sun on cool days. At the same time, the design of a recreation area on a personal plot provides for fenced off from the road and beautiful view.

The chaise lounge can be moved into the shade or into the sun

A solid concrete or stone wall is erected if there is a noisy street nearby or if there are restless neighbors. In all other cases outbuildings hidden from view by small wooden fences, slatted trellises, and hedges. When the recreation area is located near the house, the construction of a canopy over the site or an enclosing wall is simplified - they are attached to the load-bearing supports of the building.

Functional types of recreation areas

The interior of the recreation area is selected depending on the purpose and overall style decision. Russian wood carving does not look good in an English garden, and country-style objects cannot be placed next to oriental figurines. The traditional solution, regardless of style, is a gazebo: a light pergola covered with plants, a massive stone structure, a wooden or plastic folding pavilion.

Pergola covered with plants

Summer kitchen or relaxing by the fireplace

Continuation of living space through outdoor areas is possible in climatic conditions middle zone, if you take care of the roof, heating on cool days and lighting. Then, from early spring until frost, you can have parties outside. If barbecuing in rainy weather is not acceptable for you, you don’t have to make a canopy, covering only the fireplace. If the project requires stone for the gazebo, use the same rock as for the fireplace.

The area should be paved so that there is no slush after rain. If the table and chairs are on the lawn, then lay separate stone slabs“islands” (on the drainage layer), carefully leveling the surface so as not to create difficulties during subsequent mowing of the grass. The thickness of the slabs for “solid” paving is 4–6 cm. Paths made of the same tiles connect the area with the rest of the garden.

Garden fireplace - family gathering place

Beach relaxation by the pool

The pond in the garden is the dominant element. A decorative pond for decorating a recreation area on a site is easy to make and maintain: no careful filtration or constant cleaning is required. However, high-quality sealing of the bottom with film materials or through concreting is necessary so that the water does not drain away and the area does not become swamped.

Around a swimming pool, the soil should be well drained to allow it to dry out quickly. The “beach” is positioned so that it is in the sun when swimming in the pool. If children use the pool, the sun loungers and table are moved back so that they are out of reach of the splashes. Trees are not planted near the pool to prevent leaves from falling into the water.

Hammock on the lawn

Swing and hammock in the garden

Swings are installed not only on the playground. Manufacturers produce products that can withstand significant weight (for several people), which can be hung in a gazebo under a roof or separately. A hammock does not always require digging in poles. In the example in the photo, the recreation area on the site is created around a hammock and complemented by a portable flowerpot. Plus - if desired, it can be “dismantled” and moved to another lawn.

A large space requires attention, but planning a small dacha, placing everything you need, is even more difficult. So that the site does not cause a feeling of crampedness, does not look like a set of disparate elements, entrust the preparation of the project to a landscape designer and further development will go faster.

Each of us dreams of spending our free time in our own way, so before you start designing a recreation area in your dacha, you should decide exactly what you need.

Landscape design in this case is not just creativity, but creativity intertwined with certain knowledge of the theory and practice of construction.

It’s not just about creating a beautiful place. It is necessary to create a cozy and comfortable place where everyone will enjoy spending time.

With great desire and wild imagination, the recreation area at the dacha can be made original and unique.

In the absence of these qualities, you should pay attention to ready-made design projects, which will not be difficult to implement yourself.

And to make our words more convincing, we provide several examples in the photo.

At the initial stage of arranging a comfortable recreation area, you need to clearly understand what you ultimately want to see.

Please note that at the dacha the recreation area can be:

  • open type (this includes small areas in the garden, near water bodies, patios, open terraces, gazebos and the like);
  • closed type (closed verandas and gazebos, any types of extensions to the dacha). In bad weather, they will become a real shelter for a pleasant pastime. And curious neighbors not only won’t see you, but won’t even hear you, so you can rest easy;
  • movable type platform (portable prefabricated frame with canopy). The space between the racks can be covered with regular curtains or special fabric.

When choosing, be sure to pay attention to the purpose of the future recreation area, the age of its inhabitants, and the presence of children and teenagers.

In addition, you should take into account your financial capabilities and individual preferences, and then the design will be appropriate.

The photo below shows an example of the design of a recreation area for a summer cottage.

So what should you pay attention to?

Well, now let's take a closer look at all these open-closed types recreation areas at your dacha. One of the most popular holiday destinations is considered to be a place where young people relax.

The landscape design of such an area requires the presence of a grill or barbecue.

The table, comfortable benches and chairs are selected to be lightweight, as they may need to be carried or moved.

For complete convenience and comfort, a canopy is made, under which any bad weather will not be terrible.

The youth recreation area can be decorated with modern decorative elements, plants in beautiful flowerpots, and so on.

The so-called children's recreation area is no less popular. There are children in almost every family, and for them a trip to the dacha is a holiday and an opportunity to spend more time outdoors.

In such a place they place only those objects that will interest children: swings, ladders, all kinds of climbing frames and labyrinths, sandboxes.

The design layout of the children's area should be convenient, and things should be safe for children. You can decorate with bright, attractive colors, figures of animals or cartoon characters.

For older people, there is also the option of a country holiday. And not without reason, because they are frequent guests at the dacha. They plant vegetable gardens, grow gardens, and care for plants and flowers.

Therefore, it would not be superfluous to equip a specially designated recreation area for them. It is appropriate to place a soft bench or a small sofa here.

At all, the best option(look at the photo) there will be an open gazebo, built in the shade and filled with comfortable furniture and flowers in beautiful containers.

If necessary, you can allocate a recreation area for active people who play sports and prefer to relax in a large noisy company, playing various games and organizing sports competitions.

Just keep in mind that such a site can only be organized on a large plot.

There are also summer kitchens, summer verandas, gazebos for secluded relaxation and much more. It’s up to you to decide which zone to organize for yourself, and we’ll just tell you a little about how to do it.

Let's start designing

Before you start creating a recreation area of ​​any type at your dacha, it is advisable to consider several projects on the topic, correlate everything with the characteristics of your site, and only then choose one.

You can create a project yourself, or choose a ready-made one. In any case, you cannot do without it, since all work is carried out exactly according to the project.

When creating your own project or choosing a ready-made one, take into account all the features of your site, dimensions and your preferences. Do not forget about the tastes of other people who will relax in this place.

If the plot is large, then its size allows you to arrange several recreation areas of different directions (examples in the photo below).

Moreover, it is advisable to do this when children, pensioners, and young people are relaxing at the dacha.

Every company will need to feel comfortable.

But this cannot be implemented in a small area, so here, as an option, it is best to combine several various types in one.

This must be done thoughtfully so that every family member can rest comfortably and freely. This is why it is so important to use the project.

It is necessary to provide for everything - from the smallest detail to the location. The recreation area should be arranged in a place where there would be both sun and shade, and at the same time there would be no drafts.

Already at the project stage landscape design is thought through thoroughly.

Do not ignore the fact that from the place where you are resting to country house There must be a well-equipped path, made of material that is resistant to any bad weather.

What to do next?

Work on the arrangement of the recreation area can begin directly only after the project is ready.

The first stage of work is preparing the selected location. If necessary, it is completely cleared of bushes, unnecessary plants, garbage and various rubbish. You can also remove the top layer of soil.

When arranging a solid gazebo, you should lay out the foundation, as it must stand firmly and reliably.

The recreation area should be arranged competently and carefully, therefore, when installing furniture, barbecue and other elements, it is necessary to ensure that they fit harmoniously into the overall design.

The playground should be made bright and safe. A swing, sandbox and other elements should provide an interesting pastime, and not just serve as decoration for the dacha.

After all the basic and important architectural forms have been installed, the design process begins. Moreover, it is carried out in full accordance with the pre-drafted project.

Flower arrangements are planted, decorative elements are hung and installed, and buildings, if any, are finished.

Any recreation area will look interesting and harmonious if you adhere to a single design style.

You can't ignore the creation of tracks. They should be comfortable, wide and reliable. A good option would be to decorate a fireplace, even if the seating area is open.

You can come up with other interesting things that will give the place sophistication and a certain charm.

The end result will be comfortable and beautiful, and spending time at the dacha will become even more interesting not only for children, but also for adults.

Don’t be afraid to show your individuality, because design is a creative process.

Any ideas are relevant in it.

Show your imagination, listen to the advice of experienced specialists and create a corner, the design of which will be unique, where spending time will be a real pleasure for all the inhabitants of the dacha.

A relaxation corner at the dacha can be decorated in any style - from romantic to severely Scandinavian. For those who like to gather with a group, a canopy or gazebo would be an excellent solution. Beautiful little things will help create a special atmosphere in this place: ceramic sculptures, lanterns, floor and hanging pots, pergolas and arches.

Location Features

It is not recommended to locate a recreation area in a low area where water can accumulate. If large groups will gather or children will relax, you need to choose a spacious open area on the lawn or under the canopy of a tree. For relaxation in a narrow family circle, a closed area with walls made of bamboo screens, wooden sheathing or fabric canopies is more preferable. To relax near a pond, choose an open area, in the center of which you can place an umbrella, and on the sides - sun loungers.

Trends in the design of recreation areas

Scandinavian style involves laconic gazebos and terraces made of wooden slats and timber with a natural texture. An open brazier made of gray stone and metal will highlight the Scandinavian design. It is better to choose plain furniture made of natural wood or wicker. Typically furniture in this style is painted white, but a combination of black, sand and white is possible.

A recreation area in the Provence style is characterized by the presence of ceramic flower pots, arches, trellises and garden figures: cockerels, hens, hares. Swings, benches, old or specially aged chairs, armchairs and tables are welcome. Furniture is usually painted white, blue or pink colors. It can be forged or made of natural wood, but wicker made from willow vine is especially good. Furniture can be complemented with pillows in pastel colors with floral prints, checks or stripes.

In the boho-style recreation area, the gazebo will be replaced by a tent, and in the grill area it is enough to lay out a fire pit with stones. The furniture is low and there should be little of it; a table, a sofa and a couple of armchairs are enough. Natural unpainted wood is chosen as the material for it. There should be a feeling that the furniture has been put together carelessly. Such a relaxation area will be decorated with bright carpets, patterned silk pillows, and bedspreads with ruffles. A hammock with hanging fringe will fit well into the interior.

The main colors of the Mediterranean style are terracotta and gray. To decorate a corner in this style, choose a secluded patio or a place to relax under a pergola. Wicker furniture is good for the patio - armchairs or rocking chairs with pillows and blankets. To decorate the space under the pergola, choose elegant wrought iron furniture.

Today, mobile recreation areas are becoming increasingly popular - portable structures that can be quickly disassembled and moved to another location.

Garden furniture

Plastic furniture for the garden is the most budget option. It is prone to fading, so it should not be left in direct sunlight. Its advantages include moisture resistance and mobility.

Wicker plastic furniture is less durable than cast furniture. Can be found interesting options plastic furniture imitating wicker, natural wood, stone.

It is recommended to place metal furniture on hard surfaces; its legs may get stuck in the ground. The heaviest furniture is forged, it requires permanent installation. Over time, it can rust from condensation and moisture if it is not treated with an anti-corrosion compound.

Despite its external fragility, natural wicker furniture can withstand weight up to 130 kg. Rattan and wicker products intended for summer cottages should be coated with a water-based varnish, which will extend their service life. Wicker furniture under influence sun rays may change color, becoming darker.

If your choice fell on wooden furniture, it is better to purchase options from hardwoods: beech, oak, teak. The fewer knots on the frame, the stronger the furniture. Wooden furniture must be treated with protective compounds against insects and moisture.


It is better to choose folding chairs for the relaxation area - they are easy to arrange before guests arrive and convenient to store when not in use. Wrought iron chairs for a terrace or gazebo should have footrests that will help avoid scratches on the floor.

In hot weather, the metal gets very hot, and it is uncomfortable to sit on such chairs even in the cold. It is better to give preference to chairs with a soft, removable seat or models with a forged base and a wooden seat. Wooden chairs should be held together with bolts, not screws.

Rocking chairs and swing chairs

When choosing a rocking chair, pay attention to options made of rattan, willow and cane. They are durable and made from environmentally friendly pure materials. Indonesian rattan can withstand the highest load (up to 150 kg). Chairs with a wooden frame are recommended for people with an average weight of up to 90 kg. Metal frames can withstand more severe loads (up to 170 kg).

A quality rocking chair should maintain balance and not lean too far back. Rocking chairs with an arched backrest are the most stable. Rocking chairs that do not have an arc can tip over if rocked strongly, so they must be equipped with bump stops.

With the ability to adjust the back and legs, which turns from a lounger into a chair. Double options are chosen for a romantic getaway. Many people like sun loungers with a fixed support and a vibration function. Single sun loungers made of plastic and wood can withstand weight up to 130 kg. A wicker lounger on a metal base can handle a load of 120 - 160 kg, and without a metal base it can handle a weight of up to 100 kg.


Garden umbrellas are folding, portable and stationary. For a couple of people, a round umbrella with a diameter of 1.6 m is enough, and for 5 - 6 people it is better to choose a square model with a side of 3 m. Umbrellas whose domes are made of polyester have proven themselves well, but it is even better if the dome is made of acrylic. The heavier the umbrella for the garden, the more stable it is. The most stable models weigh from 20 kg and have steel or aluminum spokes.

Reference article based on the expert opinion of the author.