Crusher-shredder of stalks. Buy a septic tank Volgar - prices for Volgar Warranty for a local treatment facility Volgar

Describe the purpose of the device, the principle of operation of the DIS-1 M, IRT-F-80-1, IKV-5A “Volgar-5” shredders technical specifications. Draw a diagram of IKV-5A “Volgar-5”. Describe the technological process of grinding

Before starting to operate the DIS-1M crusher, carefully inspect the crushing chamber, check the reliability of fastening of the hammer suspension axes and the absence of foreign objects, as well as the ease of rotation of the rotor. During the first 20 hours of operation of the crusher, it must be loaded at no more than 50% of capacity.

When starting the crusher, first turn on the unloading conveyor, then the crusher and loading conveyor. Feed begins to be loaded after the crusher’s electric motor reaches a stable speed. The load size is determined by the ammeter reading, the maximum reading of which should not exceed 45 A (to the extreme line on the scale). At the end of crushing, the feed supply is stopped and only after the crushing chamber and unloading conveyor are completely unloaded, the crusher and conveyor are stopped.

DIS-1M is intended for simultaneous grinding of roughage and silage prepared by modern mower-choppers, grinding root crops, mixing these components with concentrated feed and nutrient solutions.

The DIS-1M crusher is produced in two versions: DIS-1M-1 and DIS-1M-2. DIS-1M-1 differs from DIS-1M-2 in that it does not have loading and unloading conveyors.

The main parts of the crusher are casing, rotor, electric drive. On the inner cylindrical surface of the crushing chamber body along the axis of rotation of the rotor, corrugated whips are fixed. The rotor is a shaft with a set of disks. Between the disks, on the axles, swinging hammers are hinged. The electric motor drives the rotor through a V-belt drive.


To put the crusher into operation, first turn on the unloading conveyor, then the crusher and then the loading conveyor. With the help of a loading conveyor, the feed enters the crushing chamber and, under the influence of hammers and whips, is crushed, mixed and thrown through the unloading neck onto the unloading conveyor. During the grinding process, various liquid additives can be supplied to the crushing chamber through a sprinkler.

Basic adjustments of the DIS-1M crusher

The V-belts of the crusher rotor are tightened by moving the electric motor with tension screws. The deflection should be within 10...12 mm with a force of 20 N (2 kgf) for a new belt and 16 N (1.6 kgf) for a run-in one. The crusher rotor must rotate freely from a force of 40...60 N (4...6 kgf) applied to the V-belt drive belts. Read more about the DIS-1M crusher here. Read the operating rules for the DIS-1M crusher in this article.

CRUSHER-GRINDER. Brand. IRT-F-80-1. Designed for grinding roughage in loose and pressed forms.

Usage indicators:

animal mechanized feed chopper

Table 3

Purpose, design, principle of operation and technical adjustments of the Volgar-5 feed chopper; their palatability is subjected to mechanical and heat treatment. Biological and chemical methods of processing roughage can increase not only palatability, but also digestibility and nutritional value.

Feed shops must meet the following zootechnical requirements:

Rough feed to be processed must be stored in a feeding area connected to the feed shop by a paved road; alfalfa or clover hay (for pig diets) must be stored in stacks in loose form, in bales or in stack holders;

In a feed shop, you should have a mechanized storage facility for whole and slightly damaged root tubers with a capacity of three to four weeks of feed consumption and a molasses storage facility for 50-100 tons;

Feed shop equipment must operate reliably at temperatures environment from 5 to 35 °C and relative air humidity up to 95%;

Feed shop equipment, in accordance with its intended purpose, must be made of materials that are resistant to corrosion, acids, alkalis and disinfectants and must not form harmful compounds with it;

Dosing devices of auxiliary lines of the feed shop must have adjustable capacity; deviations in the dosing of components are allowed within the following limits: mixed feed and concentrates ± 1.5%, roughage and succulent feed - 10 and 3.5%, respectively, liquid nutrient mixtures 2.5%, mineral additives 1% of the amount of feed dosed by weight;

The time required to switch all dosing devices of the feed mill to another operating mode should be no more than 5 minutes;

The quality indicator for the homogeneity of mixing the feed mixture must be at least 75-80%, and when introducing urea - at least 90%;

The unevenness of mixing roughage, silage and root crops should not exceed ± 15%, concentrated feed ± 5% of the given ration;

In the composition of ready-made feed mixtures, 70-75% of the crushed mass should consist of particles up to 10-12 mm (for cattle), and particles larger than 12 mm should be no more than 30%, and the size of these particles for fattening young animals should not exceed 20 mm, and for dairy cows 50 mm;

Steamed feed must be cooled to 40°C before mixing with vitamin or protein supplements and to 70°C before mixing with feed.

Feed processing enterprises (feed mills) in agricultural production are divided into two groups based on the properties of the prepared feed. Enterprises of group I (factories, workshops, units) are intended for the preparation of dry feed in loose, granulated or briquetted form, suitable for long-term storage(compound feed, feed additives, grass meal, complete feed mixtures). Group II enterprises (workshops) prepare wet feed mixtures immediately before feeding them to animals.

The operation of the technological lines of the feed mills of the first group is not consistent with the daily routine of the livestock farm or complex. Feed mixtures prepared in such feed mills must have all the ingredients specified in the recipe. Deviations from the accepted technology are not allowed.

The work of the technological lines of the feed workshops of the second group is coordinated with the daily routine of the livestock farm or complex. Feed mixtures may contain different amounts of ingredients in accordance with zootechnical animal feeding standards, so the failure of one of the production lines does not always lead to the cessation of production of finished products.

Feed preparation shops of the second group differ in the type of animals served (for cattle farms and complexes, pig farms, etc.), they can also be universal. On farms and cattle complexes, for the preparation of wet complete feed mixtures, feed mills are used using straw that has undergone heat treatment and without such treatment. The first type of feed mills is distinguished by a more complex circuit design: the set of machines and equipment includes units or installations for thermochemical processing of straw, for example, S-12 mixers, etc. The technology for preparing feed in such feed mills makes it possible to more fully use the possibilities of mechanization to increase the production of livestock products. Feed shops of pig farms and complexes are also divided into two types based on technological characteristics: for the preparation of wet or liquid feed mixtures from feed of their own production and for the preparation of liquid feed mixtures using food waste.

The equipment of the feed shop includes technological lines for haylage and silage, root crops, thermochemical processing of roughage, preparation and distribution of prepared feed mixture, etc. Equipment that contributes to the mechanization of the feeding process is selected based on several parameters: the dimensions of the feed passages, the layout of the farm, the type of feed storage and the adopted composition of feed mixtures. The method used to serve the cows is also of no small importance in the selection of equipment for the feed distribution line. If animals are served according to the principle of an individual approach, then, accordingly, the feed distribution line must ensure compliance with this technology, that is, differentiate feed standards for each technological group.

Equipment for farms used for distributing feed mixtures and stalked feeds includes mobile conveyors, stationary installations, or combined means. Of course, the use of a mobile feed dispenser is much more effective than the use of a stationary installation, due to its replaceability in case of breakdown and the possibility of servicing several technological groups or the entire farm with one unit. These units are optimal for use on breeding farms and in maternity wards, but require qualified maintenance and good condition of access roads. Mobile feed dispensers coupled with a tractor, in addition, require large passages, which contributes to inefficient use of farm space and disruption of the microclimate. Thus, in order to ensure an increase in the level of feed distribution, it is necessary to implement several measures, including the transition to feed mixtures that are prepared in feed workshops, and the use of new high-tech feed equipment for farms.

The equipment in the feed shop is not equally loaded both during the day and at different periods of the year. Therefore, in order to calculate technological lines, it is necessary to know the structure of the animal population on the farm, the type of feeding, animal diets, physical and mechanical properties of feed, as well as the technical characteristics of machinery and equipment and the technical and economic indicators of the selected set.

It is advisable to carry out the calculation of technological lines in two stages. At the first stage, it is necessary to develop a technological process diagram, determine the daily and hourly productivity of individual lines and the feed shop as a whole, calculate the required amount of solution to obtain the required moisture content of the feed mixture, find the consumption of steam, electricity, storage capacity, productivity and number of feed shop machines, select a technological scheme lines of the feed mill and establish its area. At the second stage, the calculations are clarified and load schedules are drawn up for the machines and equipment of the feed shop.

The feed chopper IKV-5A “Volgar” is designed for grinding all types of succulent and roughage feed, silage, root crops, bach crops, and fish.

Rice. 2. Feed chopper IKV-5V "Volgar-5": 1 - auger; 2 - primary cutting apparatus; 3 - compacting conveyor; 4 - control bracket; 5, 6,7 - tension sprockets; 8 - feeding conveyor; 9 - tension device of the feeding conveyor; 10 - secondary cutting apparatus; 11 - automatic shutdown.

The feed supplied from the feed receptacle is placed (or placed manually) in an even layer on the feeding conveyor 8, compacted by the tension conveyor 3, and then sent to the primary cutting apparatus. Knife drum 2 pre-grinds the mass to cutting particle sizes of 20 - 80 mm. The spiral knives of the drum are L-shaped in cross-section, their blades describe a circle with a diameter of 450 mm. The drum has 6 knives with a sharpening angle of 35°40" and a helix angle of 70°. The sharpening angle of the shearing plate is 75°. The gap between the blade of the knives and the shearing plate is set within 0.5 - 1 mm. The feed crushed by the cutting drum falls on auger 1 and directs it into a secondary cutting apparatus, consisting of 9 movable and 9 fixed knives. This apparatus grinds the feed to a fraction of 2 - 10 mm in size and is thrown through the lower window in the chopper body onto a conveyor located in the pit.

The secondary cutting apparatus is designed as follows. In the chute, across the entire width of the chopper body, there is a 440 mm diameter auger with cantilever shafts at the ends. A bushing with a splined outer surface is put on a cantilever shaft with a keyway on the product outlet side. Alternating movable (with slots) and stationary (without slots) knives are mounted on the splined part of this bushing. The latter, with their outer ends, are fixed to fixed strips on the body. Thus, the multi-knife disk cutting apparatus of the slot type carries out double-support cutting with knives with a U-shaped cutting edge and sharpening angles equal to 90°.

"Volgar-5" can operate in three technological schemes- grinding of feed for cattle, pigs and poultry. When grinding coarse and succulent feed for cattle, only the primary cutting apparatus is switched on. The required particle size for pigs and poultry is achieved by changing the angle of installation of the blade of the first movable knife of the secondary cutting apparatus relative to the end of the auger turn. When chopping feed for poultry, this angle should be 9° (in the direction of rotation of the knives), and for pigs - 54° (against the direction of rotation). All subsequent knives are arranged in a spiral at 72° against the direction of rotation of the knives Kirsanov V.V. and others. Mechanization and technology of livestock farming: Textbook for agricultural universities. - M.: KolosS, 2007.

TARGET: Study of the working process and determination of the energy parameters of the Volgar-5 feed chopper.

Mechanization of roughage grinding. Rough feed includes hay, straw, chaff and other feed. Roughage up to 25% nutritional value, and sometimes more, is introduced into the diets of cattle, sheep, goats, and horses. In small doses in the form of flour, roughage is introduced into the diets of birds and pigs. They contain up to 40% indigestible fiber and, as a result, are poorly eaten by animals without prior preparation. To improve palatability and digestibility nutrients feed is subjected to mechanical, thermal and biochemical processing.

One of the main operations of mechanical processing of roughage is grinding, which not only improves their palatability, but also makes it possible for subsequent mechanical distribution in a mixture with other feeds. The cutting dimensions (mm) of chopped hay and straw should be within the following range: for cattle - 40...50, for young animals - 30...40, for sheep - 20...40 mm. For pigs and poultry, it is customary to grind roughage into particles of grass and hay meal (1...2 mm).

Processing of roughage before distribution is carried out according to one of the following basic schemes:

1 – grinding;

2 – grinding – dosing – mixing;

3 – grinding – steaming – dosing – mixing;

4 – grinding – biological or chemical treatment – ​​dosing – mixing;

5 – drying – grinding into flour – dosing – mixing;

6 – drying – grinding into flour – granulating;

7 – grinding – drying – briquetting.

Pelleting and briquetting of roughage can be done in a mixture with other feeds.

Rough feed is crushed in machines by striking with hinged hammers, tearing with rigidly fixed pins or knives, or cutting with a blade. The working bodies are hammers, pins, knives, segments of reaping machines, etc.

Chopper-mixer ISK-3(Figure 1) is intended for grinding and mixing feed in technological lines for the preparation of feed mixtures, chopping straw, twig feed and other roughage. The crushed roughage is fed into the receiving hopper and then into the working chamber. When the rotor rotates, the material is crushed by upper tier knives on counter-cutting knives. Under the influence of gravity and air flow, the feed is lowered and chopped by long knives in the second and serrated knives in the third and fourth rows on the corresponding counter-cuts. The crushed feed is lowered into the unloading chamber and thrown out onto the unloading conveyor using a thrower 2. The degree of grinding is adjusted by changing the number of knives on the rotor and counter-cuts. A solution of molasses with urea is supplied through nozzle 4.

The executive working bodies are two cutting devices: a primary cutting device 6 of the drum type and a knife device 4 of the secondary cutting type, which are located under a massive cover (see machine). The main parts of the primary cutting apparatus are curved knives 7 mounted on the drum and a counter-cutting plate 9. The secondary cutting apparatus has movable 33 and fixed 31 knives, between which spacer washers 32 of a certain thickness are placed. To move the block of fixed knives, adjusting bolts 34 are provided. Moreover, the automatic shutdown 35 protects the knives 31 and 33 from mechanical breakdowns.

On the chopper, in addition to the feeding conveyor 14 of the chain-slat type, there is a pressure conveyor 11 of the floating type, the position of which changes due to the tension device 12. It is closed on top with a lid 10.

Please note that the machine is equipped with two sharpening devices. To sharpen the knives 7 of the first cutting apparatus without removing them, emery 28 is installed, made in the form of a segment of a certain length. Its movement along the knives is carried out by manual pull 30, and the supply and removal to the knives is carried out using a special steering wheel 27. The shutter 29 separates the grinder chamber from the emery during the cutting process.

The second sharpening device 25 is attached to the side of the chopper and serves to sharpen the movable 33 and fixed 31 knives by removing them from the shaft 15. Inside the body there is a sharpening disk 26, which receives rotation from the drive pulley 22 by pressing the pulley 23 against it (see machine) . For manual supply and removal of knives to the sharpening disk 26, the device has a stop 24.

It is necessary to understand the features of the transmission of rotation to cutting devices and conveyors 11 and 14. Rotational movement both cutting devices are supplied from electric motor 2 through V-belt transmissions to pulleys 18 and 22, loosely mounted on their shafts.

Figure 1 Diagram of the device and technological process of operation of the Volgar-5 feed chopper

1 – frame; 2 – electric motor; 3 – gearbox; 4 – secondary cutting apparatus; 5 – bent end of the screw; 6 – primary cutting apparatus; 7 – knives; 8 – sharpening device; 9 – counter plate; 10 – cover; 11 – pressure conveyor; 12 – tension device; 13 – bracket; 14 – feeding conveyor; 15 – shaft; 16, 20 – special leashes; 21, 27, 36 – shear pins; 18, 22 – pulleys; 19 – auger; 23 – sharpening device pulley; 24 – emphasis for sharpening knives; 25 – sharpening device; 26 – sharpening disc; 27 – steering wheel; 28 – emery; 29 – damper; 30 – traction; 31 – fixed knives; 32 – spacer washers; 33 – movable knives; 34 – adjusting bolts; 35 – automatic shutdown; 37 – hinged cover with a hole; 38 – limit switch.

To transmit rotation from pulleys 18 and 22 to the working shafts, special leads 16 and 20 are rigidly fixed to them, which are connected to the pulleys through shear pins 17 and 21.

On the feed 14 and push 11 conveyors, rotation is carried out by chain transmissions using a cylindrical, single-stage gearbox 3, which ensures their movement “forward” and “backward”. To control the operation of the gearbox, the chopper is equipped with a bracket 13, which has three positions: “neutral”, “forward” and “backward”.

To protect both conveyors from damage due to overloads, a friction clutch is mounted on the drive shaft of the gearbox, which must be adjusted to transmit a torque of 7 kg-m.

Figure 2 Automatic shutdown

A) working position; b) non-working position; 1 – pusher; 2 – curved plate; 3 – external leash; 4 – internal leash; 5 – finger; 6 – shear pin; 7 – splined end of the shaft; 8 – thrust washer; 9 – spring; 10 – cotter pin; 11 – nuts; 12 – fitting; 13 – limit switch.

But of all the components and mechanisms, the automatic shut-off device for the secondary cutting apparatus 35 is considered the most complex. Using Figure 2, you should understand its structure and secure the connection on the machine individual parts and details.

It should be clarified that a hole is drilled at the end of shaft 7 into which fitting 12 is screwed. A so-called lock is inserted into it, which includes a pusher 1, to which a curved plate 2 is welded with a pin 5 attached to it with a groove. A thrust washer 8, a spring 9 and a cotter pin 10 are installed on the pusher 1.

A splined sleeve is loosely placed on the cylindrical part of the shaft, on which movable knives and an internal driver 4 with a special tooth are mounted. In this case, all these parts are clamped with nuts 11.

When installing the circuit breaker into the operating position, it is necessary to insert the tooth of the internal driver 4 into the groove of the pin 5 (see machine). After this, you should install a shear pin 6, which connects leads 3 and 4 to each other. Only with such an assembly will rotation be transmitted from shaft 7 through the internal driver 4, pin 6 to the outer driver 3, splined sleeve and movable knives. In this case, spring 9 will be in a compressed state (Figure 2a).

St. Petersburg

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Productivity per hour of main time

13 - for root and tuber crops; 6.5 - for silage and green mass

Productivity per hour of operating time

9 - for root and tuber crops; 5.5 - for silage and green mass

Grinding degree

feed by type and fractional composition: 80 - root tuber crops up to 10 mm thick; 85 - silage, green mass up to 30 mm in size

Level of mechanization and automation

Installed power

The feed chopper IKV-F-5A (Fig. 2) consists of a feeding 8 and a compacting 3 conveyor, primary and secondary cutting devices, a tensioning device 9, tensioning sprockets 5,6,7 and an automatic shutdown 11. The drive power is 22 kW.

The feed supplied from the feed receptacle is placed (or placed manually) in an even layer on the feeding conveyor 8, compacted by the conveyor 3, and then sent to the primary cutting apparatus. Knife drum 2 pre-grinds the mass into particles to cutting sizes of 20 - 80 mm. The spiral knives of the drum are L-shaped in cross-section, their blades describe a circle with a diameter of 450 mm. There are 6 knives installed on the drum, the gap between them and the shear plate is set within 0.5 - 1 mm.

The feed, crushed by the cutting drum, falls onto the auger 1 and is directed along it to the secondary cutting apparatus 10, consisting of 9 movable and 9 fixed knives. This device grinds feed into fractions measuring 2 - 10 mm. The finished feed is thrown out through the lower window in the chopper body onto the conveyor located below.

The secondary cutting apparatus is designed as follows. In the chute, across the entire width of the chopper body, there is an auger with a diameter of 440 mm, at the ends of which there are cantilever shafts. A bushing with a splined outer surface is put on a cantilever shaft with a keyway on the product outlet side. Alternating movable (with splines) and fixed (without splines) knives are mounted on the splined part of this bushing. The outer ends of the latter are attached by fixed strips to the body.

Thus, a slot-type multi-knife disk cutting apparatus carries out double-support cutting with knives with a U-shaped cutting edge and sharpening angles equal to 90 °. This device is more energy-intensive compared to a straw silage cutter, but it allows for fine grinding and a more uniform particle size distribution.

The IKV-F-5A machine can operate according to three technological schemes - grinding feed for cattle, pigs and poultry. When grinding coarse and succulent feed for cattle, only the primary cutting apparatus is switched on. The required particle size for pigs and poultry is achieved by changing the angle of installation of the blade of the first movable knife of the secondary cutting apparatus relative to the end of the auger turn. When chopping poultry feed, this angle should be 9° (in the direction of rotation of the knives), and for pigs - 54° (against the direction of rotation). All subsequent knives are arranged in a spiral at 72° against the direction of rotation of the knives (Fig. 3).