Yogurt in a multicooker Bosch recipes without cans. Yogurt in a multicooker without special starters. Yogurt in a multicooker "Polaris"

With the advent of the main kitchen assistant, many housewives diversified the number of dishes in their traditional menu, which undoubtedly pleased their loved ones. But not everyone decides to experiment with fermented milk products. Making homemade yogurt in jars in a slow cooker is not difficult if you follow simple rules.

The benefits of homemade yogurt

Natural sour dairy product contains a huge amount of bacteria beneficial to the human body. They help improve the digestion process and supply the intestinal microflora with the right “inhabitants”. This is especially necessary after taking antibiotics.

Natural homemade drinking yogurt contains the amount of useful substances (potassium, magnesium, calcium) that is necessary to maintain the normal functioning of the entire system. By consuming this fermented milk product regularly, you can get rid of extra pounds and improve your body tone. If you have a multicooker at home, you can safely start preparing it.

Store-bought yoghurts that have a shelf life of more than 7 days cannot be called healthy. Preservatives, stabilizers, emulsifiers, and flavor enhancers will definitely not improve your health. It is better to refrain from consuming such products.


The most important thing in the process of preparing yogurt is maintaining the temperature regime. A multicooker can handle this at its best! In the majority modern models“smart pots” have a “Yogurt” mode. Even if there is no such button on the display, do not be upset. You can use the “Heating” or “Multi-cook” mode by setting a certain temperature and time.

To make it you will need milk and sourdough. Lovers of fruit flavors need to stock up on berries, fresh or frozen fruit, jam or nuts. The dishes that will participate in the process must be clean. Therefore, to be on the safe side, it is better to sterilize it (especially if the yogurt is intended for a small child). To do this, just pour boiling water over everything.

Yogurt starter

The taste, benefits and consistency of the dairy product will depend on the quality of the starter. Today, you can find this main ingredient in powder form in special packaging on store shelves and pharmacies. The composition contains bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, thermophilic streptococci and other useful substances. The choice of starter depends on the effect the yogurt will have. Instructions and descriptions are available on each bag. It should be taken into account that ready-made starters should be kept in the refrigerator at a temperature not exceeding 10 °C. This is a prerequisite for maintaining the vital activity of bacteria.

I can go the easy way and use ready-made yogurt as a starter. The most suitable one would be one that has a short shelf life and does not contain fruit fillers. Activia and Actimel are considered the most suitable for this. In the future, it is necessary to leave large number homemade yogurt for next time.

Which milk is best for yogurt?

The ideal option would be to use homemade milk, which is pre-boiled and cooled. With such a product you can be sure of complete naturalness and the absence of preservatives. During heat treatment, milk is brought to a boil and left for several minutes over low heat. Then cool to approximately 40 °C.

If homemade milk I didn’t have it on hand, it could easily be replaced with a store bought one. Just pay attention to the deadlines again. If storage is possible for more than a month, it is better not to use such a product. Opinions vary about boiling store-bought milk for yogurt, but it's better to be on the safe side.

Delicious milk yogurt will be obtained if you add a small amount of heavy cream during the cooking process. The taste of such a product will be more delicate.

Classic yogurt in jars in a slow cooker: recipe

Simple and tasty yogurt according to the classic recipe will appeal to all family members. It can be safely given to children as complementary foods. Facilitates the entire process of cooking “miracle” kitchen appliances- multicooker. Some models have special cups for yogurt.

To prepare you will need:

  • Milk (2.5-3.5% fat) - 1 liter.
  • Sourdough - 1 package.
  • Sugar - 5-6 tbsp. spoons

If desired, sugar can be omitted. In this case, the yogurt will taste more sour. If there are no stomach problems, you can safely consume your own homemade dairy product.

Cooking method

First you need to prepare the milk. There is no need to boil pasteurized food in bags. It is only heated to 40 °C. Homemade or store-bought with a short shelf life, bring to a boil and cool. The foam formed on the surface must be removed.

The next step is to mix the milk and starter. It is better to carry out this action in a separate container, for example in a cup or deep bowl in a small amount of milk. Stir thoroughly until the dry substance is completely dissolved. To make drinking yogurt, you need to take more milk. A standard package of dry starter (1 g) is designed to prepare from 1 to 3 liters of dairy product.

The resulting liquid is combined with the rest of the milk and sugar is added. After stirring everything thoroughly, pour the prepared mixture into jars. Before making yogurt, they are thoroughly washed and sterilized. Don't pour to the very edge.

Having placed the jars in the multicooker bowl, set the “Yoghurt” mode. It provides for the presence of one temperature (about 40 ° C) during the entire cooking time. Depending on the power of the device, the process lasts 6 or 8 hours. Before use, the prepared yogurt should be refrigerated for 1 hour.

Some housewives pour water into the bottom of the bowl. This is necessary to ensure that the glassware does not scratch the coating. You can also make a silicone mat. This is only necessary if the kit does not include a set of cups. Yogurt jars (for multicookers) are very convenient to use and have lids. You can store the finished product in the refrigerator for several days.

Recipe for yogurt with dried fruits

This version of yogurt will be especially useful for children. Prunes, raisins and dried apricots contain a large number of microelements, and in combination with “good” bacteria they are simply a storehouse of health.


  • Milk - 1 liter.
  • Sourdough (or store-bought yogurt without additives) - 1 pc.
  • Sugar - 4-5 tbsp. spoons
  • Pitted prunes - 6-8 pcs.
  • Dried apricots - 6-8 pcs.
  • Raisins - optional.

Preparing yogurt with dried fruits should begin by preparing the syrup. After washing the prunes and dried apricots, cut them and place them in a small saucepan. Sprinkle the mixture with sugar and add a little water (50-70 ml). Putting all this on low heat, bring to a boil.

While the syrup is cooling, you need to mix warm milk (pre-boil if necessary) with dry sourdough or with store-bought yogurt. For kids, it is better to use the first option, and then use previously prepared yogurt as a starter.

First, a little syrup with pieces of dried fruit is poured into the bottom of the jars, and milk liquid is poured on top. After placing it in the multicooker, close the lid and set the “Yogurt” mode. The price of a homemade product will differ greatly from store-bought analogues (which cost an average of about 15 rubles per 100-gram jar), but the benefits and naturalness are much more important.

Yogurt recipe for apple and cinnamon lovers

There are several options for preparing this yogurt. In one of them it is prepared and in the second, after certain manipulations, fruits are added to classic recipe. The version with syrup is similar to the recipe with dried fruits, only the apples are pureed and combined with vanilla and cinnamon.

To prepare yogurt in jars in a slow cooker using the second method, you will need:

  • Milk - 1 liter.
  • Sourdough - 1 pc.
  • Apples (medium) - 2 pcs.
  • Vanilla - 2 pods.
  • Honey - 1 tbsp. spoon.
  • Cinnamon - 3 g.

Bring the milk to a boil along with the vanilla. Then cool to 40 °C, remove the foam and filter. In a separate bowl, stir the starter and combine with the remaining liquid. Pouring the mixture into pre-prepared dishes, place it in the bowl and set the mode. After 6-8 hours, the yogurt in jars will be ready, then it is placed in the refrigerator.

Apples should be peeled and cut into small cubes. Then they are transferred to a frying pan, honey is added, sprinkled with cinnamon and poured with a small amount of water. After mixing the resulting mass well, set the heat to low and simmer for about 5 minutes. When the apples become soft, you need to remove them from the stove and let them cool. When serving, add the prepared mixture to the yogurt.

How to make yogurt in a slow cooker without jars?

Almost every housewife is ready for bold experiments with kitchen appliances. Thanks to this, many have gotten used to doing without containers for making yoghurt. If you follow all the instructions of women experienced in this matter (and men too), the result is quite attractive and delicious dish. Although, according to numerous reviews, yogurt in jars turns out to be especially tasty.

If this option is not suitable, the dairy product can be prepared in the bowl itself. To do this, warm milk with starter and sugar is stirred well, poured into a bowl, close the lid and set the “Warming” mode for 20 minutes. After an hour, this manipulation must be repeated. Next, leave the yogurt for 8 hours. The lid must not be opened during the entire process!

Where can I get jars?

Not all housewives are lucky enough to have a kitchen assistant with a set of special yogurt cups. In fact, you shouldn’t be upset, because there are always small jars of sauces or baby food. It is enough to wash them, sterilize them and you can safely use them for cooking.

Also in stores household appliances You can purchase a set of plastic jars with lids.

Why is homemade yogurt better than store-bought yogurt? Everyone! He is not inferior in taste qualities, does not contain excess sugar and is easy to prepare. The only negative is that the product can be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than four days. Although this is also a plus - the short life is explained by the absence of antibiotics, artificial thickeners and other unhealthy nonsense.

In this article you will find a simple step by step recipe, how to make yogurt in a multicooker with the “Yoghurt” function and find out the answer to the question of what to do if your gadget does not have special jars.

How to make yogurt in a slow cooker from milk - ingredients

All you really need is:

  1. Multicooker
  2. 1-3 liters of milk
  3. A packet of pre-purchased starter from a pharmacy

I use GoodFood products, but this is not a dogma. In the photo below are the remains of already prepared yogurt. As you can see, it is thick in consistency and looks very appetizing:

3+ important rules for ripening

  1. Sourdough will be needed for the first time. Next, it is enough to use 2-3 tablespoons of the already prepared product.
  2. You should ferment milk with homemade yogurt no more than three times., after which you need to use a new bag of starter. Otherwise, both taste and beneficial properties, and the yogurt may not work out.
  3. The fat content of the product is regulated by the fat content of the milk.- the fatter it is, the fattier your yogurt.
  4. Boil and cool fresh farm milk. Heat pasteurized to 38-40 degrees.
  5. Before cooking, take out the multicooker bowl and dishes where the finished product will be stored, pour boiling water over it and dry well.

Benefits from “Pate”: I use disposable coffee cups to store fermented milk (see photo above) - eaten/thrown away. First of all, it's convenient. Secondly, you don’t have to take up all the free glasses in the house. And, anticipating the question, I answer: no, it doesn’t turn sour.

How to make yogurt in a slow cooker - step by step preparation

Step 1: We boil the milk (farm milk) and cool it, or simply heat it (store-bought) directly in the multicooker bowl. I turn on the “Cook soup” mode for 15 minutes, after which I let it cool. If you don't have a special thermometer (I don't), aim for it to be a little hotter than lukewarm.

Step 3: close the lid and set the “Yoghurt” mode. The minimum ripening time is 8 hours. In any gadget, be it Tefal, Polaris, Redmond, or whatever animal you bought, the ripening period can be increased to 12 hours.

Through trial and error, I came to the conclusion that 8 too little is a bit runny, 12 too much is sour, and 10 is just right. Therefore, we increase the time to 10 hours and start.

Step 4: after 10 hours the product is ready. As you can see, there is some whey accumulated on the top. It is better to carefully drain it using a multicooker spoon.

Step 5: At the final stage, let the yogurt cool and put it into cups. As written above, I often use disposable ones.

Cover the top with foil or lids and place in the refrigerator for a short stay (no more than four days).

Benefits from “Pate”: We add fruits, jams, nuts and other goodies directly to the finished product, but not during cooking. This is an axiom.

Bon appetit!

In the video recipe below, the most adequate, in my opinion, way to prepare yogurt without a slow cooker:

  • 1 liter milk (if using ultra pasteurized milk, you can skip the first step as the milk has already been heated before the bag is sealed);
  • 1/2 cup skim milk powder (optional);
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar;
  • a pinch of salt (optional);
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of ready-made yogurt with live cultures (or a bag of lyophilized bacteria).

Cooking process:

Heat the milk to 85ºC.
The best way to do this is to place a smaller saucepan of milk into a larger saucepan of water, creating a "steam bath". This will prevent the milk from burning; all you have to do is stir it from time to time.
If you cannot make a “water bath” and will heat the milk directly, then it is better to monitor it constantly, stirring all the time.
If you don't have a thermometer, look at the surface of the liquid: at a temperature of 85ºC, milk begins to foam. But it is better, of course, to purchase a thermometer with a range of 10-150 degrees C, especially if you plan to prepare yogurt on an ongoing basis.

Cool the milk pasteurized in this way to 43 degrees Celsius.
The best way to do this is to put it in a cold water bath. This lowers the temperature quickly and evenly, just stirring occasionally.
If you are simply leaving the pan to cool at room temperature, you will need to stir more often. Do not refrigerate below 32 degrees C; but in general, 43 degrees C is the optimal temperature.

Add 2-3 tbsp. spoons of ready-made yogurt or bacteria, which in turn cultivate more bacteria in your product. The finished yogurt should be at room temperature when you add it to the milk.
Do not buy regular yogurt in soft or cardboard packaging for this purpose.
It's best to buy a small jar like Activia or another (just make sure the label says "active cultures").

In addition, you can use lyophilized bacterial cultures (sold in specialized or online stores). They are more reliable as a yogurt-forming culture.

When using bifido culture, stir it into milk using a sterile blender so that the powder is evenly distributed in the liquid medium.

Add skim milk powder if you choose to use it.
If you add half a glass of skim milk powder per liter of liquid, this will increase nutritional value yogurt.
Pour the milk into a plastic container and cover with a lid or cling film.

Now you need to allow the bifido bacteria to grow to create the finished yogurt from the milk.
To do this, we use a multicooker as a thermos, capable of providing a uniform temperature as close to 38 degrees as possible. C for a long time.
The longer the mixture sits in the slow cooker, the thicker and sharper the final product will be.

Pour 3 liters of boiling water into the multicooker and let it cool to 45 degrees C, then drain the water (so that the multicooker warms up).

Place the plastic container with the milk mixture in the multicooker and close the multicooker lid tightly.
Leave it in the slow cooker for at least 7 hours. You can do more - the yogurt will become thicker.

After 7 hours, check the mixture for consistency. If you used good bacteria, they will multiply quickly, weaker ones will, accordingly, grow longer. The milk can reach the consistency of yogurt in as little as 2 hours, or it can take 12 hours or more.
If the consistency seems liquid to you, leave the milk mixture in a warm thermos for a few more hours.

Remove the plastic container from the slow cooker.
Make sure your yogurt is ready. Try gently rocking the plastic container in your hands - the finished yogurt will not move.
After this, place it in the refrigerator for storage or to cool it down to consumption temperature.

Many store-bought products include a thickening agent such as pectin, starch, gum or gelatin. Your homemade yogurt will be a little thinner without these thickeners.
But there is a way to make it thicker.

Sometimes a clear liquid, like serum, will form in the container. To get rid of it, strain the yogurt through cheesecloth, this will give it a thicker consistency.
To do this, place a cheesecloth in a colander and place the colander in a large bowl to catch the whey.
Place the yogurt in a colander, cover the colander with a plate and place the whole thing in the refrigerator.
If you leave it on cheesecloth overnight, you will get a very thick yogurt, almost like soft cottage cheese.

Serve it with jam, fruit, vanilla, cinnamon - to your taste.
I hope this article will be useful to you, and you will often delight your loved ones by preparing excellent, tasty, inexpensive homemade yogurt in a slow cooker without artificial colors, thickeners and flavors.
Bon appetit!

Everyone knows about the benefits of such a fermented milk product as yogurt, because store-bought products are increasingly causing concern, and nutritionists and pediatricians do not recommend consuming them for pregnant women and children. Not wanting to give up so much useful product, women are looking for ways to make yogurt in a slow cooker. There are many recipes that can easily be followed to make a fermented milk product using dry or natural sourdough and adding fillers such as berries, fruits, nuts, and muesli. Let's look at the simplest ones that guarantee you will get a store-bought equivalent.

Features of making yogurt at home

To get a real thick fermented milk dessert with a natural creamy taste, you have to try. Kitchen appliances play the role of an assistant in this case: the technology for preparing yogurt in a multicooker has a number of features, including the choice of milk and fermenting product. For preparation, it is recommended to use pasteurized milk, but if this is not available, then it is first boiled and then quickly cooled to a temperature of no more than 40 degrees. In addition, there are a number of other features, knowledge of which will help in preparing yoghurts:

  • To get a thick product, you need to take small containers, the ideal option is baby food cups.
  • To prepare this fermented milk delicacy, it is allowed to use multicookers of any brands, including Scarlett, Orion, Panasonic, Redmond, Bork, equipped with the “Yoghurt”, “Heating” or “Multicook” functions. Such models can not only cook soups and jams, make baked goods (muffins, manna cakes, pies), but also prepare fermented milk products.
  • Before using containers for formula milk, they should be sterilized.
  • When making fermented milk yogurt with fillers, additional ingredients are added when the product is already ready. If fruits or berries are added during fermentation, a special microflora may develop in the milk, which can cause poisoning if consumed.
  • For natural sourdough, it is recommended to use a previously prepared fermented milk product, which is recommended to be stored for no more than three days at a temperature of 5 degrees.
  • To obtain thick yogurt, you should take full-fat milk with the addition of cream up to 40% of the total volume.
  • When choosing store-bought milk for making yogurt in a slow cooker, opt for a product with a short shelf life. “Long-playing” versions lack live bacteria, so it will be difficult to ferment.

How to choose a starter

Those who are interested in how to make homemade yogurt need to choose a suitable starter, because without this ingredient a fermented milk product will not work. For fermentation, a store-bought equivalent or special bacteria are used to ferment the milk. When choosing the first option, it is recommended to use Activia without additional additives.

To ferment one liter of milk, take one tablespoon of store-bought yogurt or sour cream: like ready-made starter (dry), this method guarantees a high-quality fermented milk product that is healthy. A number of websites offer to purchase starter cultures: Lactoline.ru, Dokzak.ru, others. Regular pharmacies also sell starter cultures. Let's look at what types of dry or liquid mixtures will help prepare this fermented milk dessert:

  • Narine. The product neutralizes the aggressive effects of drugs, stimulates the production of interferon, and activates the cleansing processes of the intestines and the body as a whole. The presence of minerals and vitamins in sourdough helps normalize the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Yogurt prepared using Narine is recommended for pregnant women.
  • Evitalia, containing more than 4 billion bacteria and vitamins (A, C, E, group B), minerals (magnesium, calcium, iron), is used in the recovery process after operations and injuries. Healthy sourdough includes natural antioxidants that prevent aging of the body and has an antiviral effect.
  • Bifidumbacterin, which is a source of beneficial bacteria, is excellent for introducing complementary foods to babies. Products obtained with its help can be used as food for children after three months.
  • Lactobacterin contains organisms that cleanse the intestines and restore its microflora; this is its main difference. Used to prepare fermented milk products for children, adolescents, and pregnant women.
  • VIVO helps you prepare your favorite yogurt with any additives. Contains 900 times more live bacteria compared to the store-bought equivalent. Helps strengthen the immune system, cleanse the intestines and normalize microflora.

Each of the listed starter cultures contains a large number of bacteria that contribute to the fermentation of milk and provide a positive effect on human health. To choose the type of sourdough, you must either read reviews or try it yourself. The version of the resulting yogurt you like can be used as a starter.

How to make homemade yogurt - recipes for a slow cooker

To make yogurt at home, you will need good fresh fat milk, cream, starter culture, and having a multicooker or yogurt maker will make the process easier. However, the devices do not guarantee that the product will obtain the desired taste and consistency: in order to make thick, creamy yogurt, you need to know the specifics of its preparation. Let's look at the most successful recipes yogurt in a slow cooker.

Basic recipe

This option can become the basis for any product variant. Based on it, subject to the addition of additional components, fruit, vanilla or chocolate yogurt is obtained. Let's take for it:

  • one liter of ready-made pasteurized milk with a fat content of at least 3.3%,
  • 1 jar of yogurt without filler.

How to make yogurt:

  1. Pour the milk into a saucepan and heat it up a little (up to 40 degrees).
  2. Add the starter to the milk and mix thoroughly.
  3. We take small sterilized glass jars and pour milk, leaving about 5 mm at the top. Cover the jars with foil.
  4. We take a Bork multicooker (another one will work too). Cover the bottom of the bowl with a towel, place the jars and pour warm water up to about the shoulders.
  5. Close the lid of the device and set the heating mode for 20 minutes.
  6. Turn off the device and leave the jars inside for one hour. We do not lift the lid.
  7. After an hour, the multicooker needs to be turned on for heating again for 20 minutes.
  8. Then let the yogurt simmer for another hour.
  9. After this (depending on personal preferences), the jars are either put in the refrigerator or left for 8 hours inside the turned off multicooker.

Fruit yogurt recipe

Fans of fruity fermented milk delicacies are interested in milk-based yoghurts with berries, pieces of apples, and pears. This way you can achieve a balance of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. For yogurt with fruit you will need:

  • 1 liter of pasteurized milk 3.2% fat.
  • 1 jar of Activia without fillers.
  • 500 g of any fruit or berries.
  • 10 g powdered sugar.

How to cook:

  1. Take a jar of yogurt and place the contents in a deep bowl.
  2. Place powdered sugar in Activia and stir with a whisk.
  3. Warm the milk slightly.
  4. Pour small portions into a bowl of yogurt, stirring the mixture until smooth.
  5. Take glasses and pour the mixture.
  6. We place the containers on the bottom of the bowl of a Cuckoo or other multicooker, first line the bottom with a cotton napkin, and cover everything with cling film.
  7. Close the lid of the device, set the temperature to 40 degrees and the time on the timer to 10 hours.
  8. We take the berries, wash them and dry them.
  9. Take the finished dessert out of the multicooker, mix, add berries. Mix again, cover with lids and put in the refrigerator for another 10 hours.
  10. It is recommended to store this product for no more than three days.

How to make vanilla yogurt

A favorite treat for children and adults is vanilla yogurt made from fresh homemade milk. Cream allows you to obtain a thick product with a pronounced creamy taste. For it you will need:

  • Multicooker Dex.
  • Milk – 1 l.
  • Dry starter – 1 packet.
  • Vanilla sugar – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Cream 20% fat – 0.5 l.

Cooking recipe:

  1. Boil the milk.
  2. Let cool to 40 degrees (quickly, using a basin with cold water and ice).
  3. Pour one glass into a bowl and add the starter. Stir the mixture without leaving any lumps.
  4. Pour cream into the remaining milk, add vanilla sugar, and bring to a boil again. Cool until the mixture is warm.
  5. Pour the starter into the milk-cream mixture.
  6. Take small jars and pour milk.
  7. Then we place the jars on the bottom of the Dex multicooker bowl. Pour two glasses of water.
  8. Close the lid of the device. Set the “Yogurt” mode.
  9. At the end of the program, leave the yogurt inside for another 4 hours. Do not open the lid.
  10. Place the thickened dessert in the refrigerator. Serve chilled.

Low-fat drinking yogurt in a pressure cooker

When using low-fat milk, drinkable yogurt is prepared, reminiscent of the popular Actimel. The dietary product can be prepared both using a yogurt maker and a multicooker-pressure cooker. For this recipe we will take:

  • Skim milk – 1 l.
  • Activia yogurt without fillers – 1 jar.

Cooking process:

  1. Boil the milk. Cool until the liquid is warm.
  2. Pour a glass of milk into a deep container, add the starter. Stir until smooth.
  3. Pour this mixture into milk and stir again.
  4. Cover the bottom of the pressure cooker with a towel.
  5. Pour the milk mixture into small containers and place them in the bowl of the device.
  6. Pour warm water up to the middle of the jars with the mixture.
  7. Cover containers with milk with lids or foil.
  8. Set the “Yoghurt” mode.
  9. After 10 hours, take out the jars and put them in the refrigerator for 4 hours. Finished product should turn out liquid, and if whey appears on its surface, stir it.

Video recipes for delicious homemade yogurt prepared in a slow cooker

There are a large number of multicookers with which it is possible to obtain a tasty, healthy fermented milk product for adults and children without preservatives and other harmful components. Among them are household kitchen appliances - Polaris, Panasonic, Philips, Redmond, Mulinex. Each of them has its own characteristics and recipes for preparing yoghurts with various fillings. You can get acquainted with the capabilities of each of the listed multicookers for preparing fermented milk products using our video selection:

Yogurt in a Philips multicooker Watch video

Recently, in the market of modern

Many new products have begun to appear in household appliances that can greatly facilitate the work of cooks and housewives. Thanks to the presence of certain functions, it copes perfectly with the preparation of fermented milk products. However, if this unit is not at hand, then you can prepare yogurt in the Redmond multicooker. It should be noted that any model of such a device can cope with the task, even if such a function was not included in the program during its manufacture. To do this, you can use the normal heating mode or any other that will maintain the temperature within 50 degrees. That is why preparing yogurt in a multicooker is a fairly common process, common among owners of this device.

Product selection

Since yogurt consists entirely of milk, special attention must be paid to its selection. You should not purchase it from unverified people or from sellers on the street if you ultimately want to get a useful and safe product. Nowadays there are many specialized stores that sell milk. good quality, tested in a medical laboratory. However, many manuals that tell you how to make yogurt in a slow cooker recommend choosing this product with a high fat content. The fact is that they play a significant role in the process of bacterial fermentation. The choice of sourdough is also important. It is advisable to select it in accordance with the elements that need to be obtained in the final product. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that on the package of the starter there are instructions on how to make yogurt in a slow cooker or any other device. Special attention Pay attention to information regarding the ratio of milk to the contents of the package, as well as the temperature regime suitable for this type of bacteria.


To make yogurt, you first need to boil the milk. This is necessary in order to kill unwanted elements. To know exactly how to make yogurt in a slow cooker, refer to the instructions: it suggests using a special mode for this. If it is not on the device, then you can use the soup program. After the milk boils, turn off the device and allow the liquid to cool to a temperature of 40-50 degrees. Only after this is the starter added to it: in accordance with the instructions on how to make yogurt in a slow cooker, observing all the necessary proportions. Next, mix the milk using a silicone spoon and activate the “Heating” mode. However, many housewives prefer to immediately add fruit so that they undergo the fermentation process together. However, it is best to prepare yogurt in pure form excluding all additives and fillers. In this case, it will be stored longer, and the fruit can be covered before use.


After 8 hours have passed, the device is turned off. The resulting mass is poured into small jars and allowed to cool. After this, they are placed in the refrigerator, where they can be stored for no more than five days.