How to drink strong drinks correctly. How to drink water correctly: secrets and tips How to drink alcoholic drinks correctly

How to prevent a hangover and reduce the harm from alcohol.

How not to get drunk It happens: I overdid it, although I didn’t intend to. We have psychological techniques that will save you.

* The effect of alcohol on the body differs significantly when drinking alcohol once and when drinking alcohol for several days in a row (holidays, weddings). Therefore, we have prepared two sets of rules for those who want to drink and stay healthy, and one article for those who drink forcedly.

These articles focus on the effects of alcohol on health. When we talk about how to drink correctly, we do not mean gastronomic habits.

And although we briefly touch on some of the “rules” of the feast, which mainly relate to ancient drinks (it’s right to drink tequila with a bite of lemon; don’t drink cognac at all, it’s right to dilute whiskey with water), these articles are mainly devoted to minimizing the harm from alcohol and prevent hangover. A snack, for example, can be both tasty and healthy: by snacking correctly, you can help your body process alcohol.

We are not advocating drinking more. We are not advocating drinking less. How much to drink and how is your personal choice. We claim (and these claims are backed by science) that if you follow a few simple rules and diagrams, then you can reduce harmful effects alcohol, maintain more health and protect yourself from dangerous situations. This is what we call “knowing how to drink correctly.”

Most people have a rather vague or incorrect idea of ​​what is happening in their body. We believe that this knowledge needs to be conveyed to the masses. This site and this page in particular were made for this purpose. If you drink, learn to drink properly yourself and tell others how to do it.

Myth 1: You just need to know when to stop.

It's not just a matter of dose. The same doses of alcohol under different conditions (snack, time of year, etc.) can cause different effects on the body. This must be kept in mind. You also need to know at what minimum dose harm begins.

Myth 2: You can't protect yourself from a hangover.

In fact, there are many safe and easy ways to reduce the toxic effects of alcohol at home.

Myth 3: Only sick and weak people prepare for a feast

A reasonable person will not pour toxic liquid into himself without thinking about the consequences. Taking a remedy to reduce the harm from alcohol is as normal as taking vitamins or a digestive aid. This is what civilized people do.

You need to know how to drink correctly. Just like you need to be able to cross the road correctly, take care of your shoes, choose insurance and protect yourself from computer viruses.

Review of folk remedies for preventing hangovers

Below you can read about hangover prevention remedies, medications and practices. Folk recipes and medications are reviewed by our expert in terms of their impact on the body's ability to process and eliminate alcohol, as well as prevent possible consequences drinking bouts. You will learn why heavy snacks are not only unhealthy, but also dangerous. Why it makes no sense to accompany alcohol with plenty of water, and how to take activated charcoal correctly so that it has an effect. How to properly “boost” the liver before a powerful feast and why it doesn’t make sense to “raise the temperature.”

Preparing for the festival:

  • A person has only one liver, and the first step is to prepare it for the test: before the start of the holiday, you can drink 50 grams of vodka or a related 40 degree liquid.
  • During the feast one should not disdain fatty foods, and before the feast you can eat a portion of boiled rice or a couple boiled eggs, or drink 2 tablespoons vegetable oil. All these activities will slow down the absorption of alcohol by the digestive system. But do not forget that the calorie content of vodka, for example, is high, and very frequent feasts with fatty foods and alcohol can lead to obesity.

Correct behavior during a feast:

  • The most important rule: you should never lower the temperature. That is, first drink, for example, whiskey, and then switch to wine.
  • It is highly advisable to eat every piece of toast. But you should not drink alcohol with carbonated drinks, as this will lead to rapid absorption of alcohol into the blood.
  • Don’t just sit at the table, if you invite you to dance or go out for a walk in the fresh air - be sure to agree. Since accelerating metabolism slows down the process of intoxication.

How to drink correctly so as not to feel sick:

  • Do not drink strong alcohol, as it most often provokes a gag reflex. You can limit yourself to wine, beer, port.
  • Try to exclude fruits from your diet during the holiday, as they contain acids, which also provoke shameful actions.

Of course, it is better to quit drinking if the consequences are devastating.

However, using simple techniques, you will be the life of the party at the table and without consequences for the body.

At almost any important event you have to drink alcohol.

Therefore, many people need to know how to consume alcohol correctly in order to avoid unwanted health consequences. The problem is that there are certain features of the use of different products that should definitely be taken into account.

Basic rules

To prevent unpleasant consequences, you need to adhere to certain rules:

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How to avoid nausea after drinking alcohol

People who are forced to drink alcohol want to avoid vomiting. The following recommendations will help you avoid the appearance of this unpleasant symptom:

  1. First of all, you should exclude strong alcohol - do not drink vodka, tequila, gin, etc. It is these drinks that most often provoke gag reflexes. To avoid nausea, it is better to choose wine or champagne.
  2. Even weak alcohol should be drunk slowly. While other people drink shot after shot of vodka, you can stay sober almost until the end of the party.
  3. Be sure to choose dense foods for snacks. It is important to consider that fruits contain many acids that can cause nausea.

It is also important to consider the rules for mixing different products. So, you can combine wine and cognac, as well as whiskey and beer. Other types are prohibited from being combined, since they are made from different raw materials.
Alcohol should not be mixed with the following products:

  • lemonade and other carbonated drinks;
  • energy and medicinal substances.

How to wash down alcoholic drinks

In general, it is not recommended to drink such products with water, since additional liquid can only speed up intoxication. If there are no other options, it is permissible to use juices or compotes as a drink. It is strictly forbidden to take vodka or other alcohol after taking medications.

The fact is that medications can react, which will lead to disruption of the brain and important systems of the body. In particularly difficult cases, even death is possible.

How to drink different types of alcohol

To prevent undesirable health effects, you need to take into account certain features of consuming various types of such products:

    1. Whiskey. This product is quite easy to use - it is not recommended to snack on it. Also, at this moment you should not drink other strong drinks - vodka or tequila. It is acceptable to combine whiskey with cola or soda - this is the option that Americans choose. In Scotland and Ireland, nothing other than pure water or ice is added to this product.
      Most often, whiskey is consumed from short glasses. For particularly expensive varieties, glasses are suitable.
    2. Absinthe. IN pure form it is served extremely rarely - usually as an aperitif. In this case, absinthe is poured into small glasses.
      The most common method of use involves the use of fire. A spoon with a large number of holes is placed in the vessel, after which a piece of sugar is placed in it and set on fire. The idea is to allow drops of syrup to flow into the glass. For this type of absinthe consumption, vessels are used that expand at the top.
    3. Tequila. Most often, tequila is drunk according to the “lick, drink, bite” principle. To do this, pour a little salt on your hand, which you need to lick off. Then you need to drink tequila in one gulp and kill the aftertaste with a slice of lime.
      However, Mexicans approach the tequila tasting process differently. They prefer to drink it in one gulp without preparation or snack. In Germany, an orange is used as a snack and the hand is sprinkled with cinnamon.
  1. Baileys. This popular cream liqueur can easily play the role of a wonderful dessert. It is usually served as a digestif with ice cream, chocolate and fruit. Baileys is a great addition to coffee as it is a great substitute for cream. It is important to consider that in this case it is better to avoid sugar, since the liqueur has a rich sweet taste.
    It is important to note that it should not be mixed with fruit juices or sparkling water. The fact is that the acid present in them will cause the liqueur to curdle.
  2. Gin. It is not recommended to drink this product in its pure form. It is most often served as a cocktail containing gin and tonic. Also, be sure to add a lot of ice to the glass.
    The classic cocktail consists of 2 parts non-alcoholic base and 1 part gin. To garnish the drink, use a slice of lime or lemon. The cocktail is served in glasses with a thick bottom.

Cheese, smoked meats, and fish dishes are used as snacks. However, in this case, this alcohol should be drunk undiluted.
Also, many people are interested in how to drink vodka. To prevent unwanted consequences, it is important to follow certain rules. First of all, you should prepare. To do this, before the feast you should drink vodka - about 50 g. This should be done a couple of hours before the intended party. It is recommended to drink chilled vodka in one gulp. Quite dense and satisfying dishes are suitable as snacks.

Any special event is accompanied by drinking alcohol. That is why it is very important to drink alcohol following the rules. This will avoid the appearance of unwanted symptoms. Any alcoholic drink has certain characteristics that must be remembered during the feast. How to drink alcohol correctly so as not to suffer from a hangover in the morning?

Basic rules

To ensure that the morning after the celebration does not bring unpleasant sensations, a number of rules should be followed during the feast, namely:

  • Eat well before the event starts. It is advisable that the diet consist of complex carbohydrates, which include rice, pasta and black bread. Dense foods will help slow down the passage of ethanol into the circulatory system. It is very important to have a snack after each drink. For these purposes, it is advisable to choose dishes prepared based on fish and meat, jellied meat. There is no need to experiment and try many new delicacies. The body's reaction can be completely unpredictable.
  • Take 4-5 tablets of activated carbon (depending on body weight) a few hours before the celebration. The drug will remove most of the fusel oil and ethanol from the body.
  • Avoid consumption of carbonated drinks. Due to carbon dioxide in carbonated water (sparkling wine, champagne), ethanol quickly penetrates into the circulatory system. Intoxication as a result of this occurs very quickly.
  • Avoid mixing different alcoholic drinks. Unreasonable mixing will cause a morning hangover.
  • Quitting smoking during gala event will help avoid rapid intoxication.
  • During the feast, periodically visit the dance floor, go out to breathe fresh air and actively participate in competitions. However, when visiting the street, you must remember that a sudden change in temperature can provoke rapid intoxication.

A sharp exit to the street, where the air temperature is high, provokes a worsening of the condition.

How to drink without feeling sick

After drinking high-alcohol drinks, a person often suffers from nausea and vomiting. To avoid such symptoms, during the celebration you should drink properly and follow the recommendations. Under no circumstances should you mix different types alcohol products. The combination of vodka, tequila and gin quickly intoxicates and provokes nausea.

It's best to stop at a party with a glass of wine or champagne. Drinks should be taken in small sips. It is advisable to savor the contents of one glass for as long as possible. This will allow you to maintain sobriety until the end of the holiday. We avoid snacks in the form of fruit slices, as they contain a large amount of acid, which causes nausea.

In no case is it permissible to mix wine with cognac, or gin with beer. Alcohol made from various raw materials causes vomiting.

How to wash down alcoholic drinks

Experts do not recommend drinking alcoholic drinks non-alcoholic liquid. Large quantity water in the body provokes rapid intoxication. However, there are situations when taking a certain drink is inevitable. In this case, it is better to choose juice or compote for drinking.

Under no circumstances should you mix medications with alcohol. This causes disruption of the functioning of the brain and other body systems. In particular difficult situation Taking alcohol and pills together can be fatal.

How to drink different types of alcohol

To avoid damage to your health and to avoid hangover syndrome in the morning when drinking alcohol-containing drinks, you should take into account the peculiarities of their use.


You don’t have to snack on the fortified drink. Whiskey cannot be combined with tequila and vodka. For combination, cola, soda, and ice cubes are mainly used. The drink is served in a small glass or glass.


Alcohol is served as an aperitif. To do this, the drink is poured into a small glass. In some establishments, absinthe is consumed using fire. A spoon with holes and a sugar cube placed on it is placed in the container. A piece of sugar is set on fire, and droplets of syrup fall into the glass. When consuming absinthe using this method, it is worth using vessels with an expansion in the upper area.


The high-proof drink is consumed in a special way. Salt is poured onto your hand for licking. After this, the tequila is drunk in one gulp and a slice of lime is eaten. In some countries, salt is replaced with cinnamon and lime with orange.


The sweet liqueur will perfectly complement ice cream, coffee, chocolate and fruit. The dessert drink cannot be mixed with soda and fruit juices, since the acid present in them contributes to the curdling of the liqueur.


Experts do not recommend drinking gin in its pure form. As a rule, cocktails (gin, tonic) are made based on it. An ice cube must be added to the container with the drink. The drink is garnished with lime slices. The cocktail is served in a glass with a thick bottom. If you drink gin undiluted, then sliced ​​cheese, fish and smoked meat are suitable for snacks.

Each alcoholic beverage has its own characteristics


Vodka is the most popular high-proof drink in our country. However, improper use will bring an unpleasant hangover in the morning after a feast. In order to avoid the appearance of unpleasant symptoms, you should drink vodka following a number of recommendations:

  • Go through preliminary preparation - drink a glass of a chilled high-proof drink in one gulp 1-2 hours before the celebration.
  • The best snack is sliced ​​meat in combination with canned cucumbers and tomatoes.
  • Keep your drinking in moderation.

Proper consumption of alcoholic beverages will help avoid morning sickness, vomiting and headaches. A sense of proportion during the feast will allow you to fully enjoy a pleasant evening and maintain sobriety until the end of the festive event.

What drugs can you take before a feast?

To help the body fight the breakdown products of alcoholic products, you can use medications. As a rule, experts recommend using enzyme medications or sorbent preparations.

To achieve the effect of slow intoxication and prevent a hangover, you should use:

  • Activated carbon. Several tablets (depending on body weight) should be taken 2-3 hours before the special event.
  • Enterosgel. The product does an excellent job of binding toxins and removing them from the body naturally. Enterosgel is used two hours before and after the feast.
  • Creon, Mezim, Abomin. Enzymes included in the composition medicines will help neutralize ethanol entering the blood. Take the tablet 60 minutes before the meal.

What alcoholic products can be mixed

At a party, you should carefully monitor the contents of the glass. Not every drink can be mixed. The wrong arrangement of cocktails will quickly lead a person to a state of intoxication. You can mix whiskey and beer without worrying about the consequences. It is not advisable to alternate other types of alcohol, especially for those drinks that are made from different raw materials.

Medicines will help cope with body intoxication

What alcohol should not be mixed with

If you drink alcohol correctly during the holiday, you won’t have to worry about a morning hangover. Under no circumstances should you simultaneously drink drinks that differ in production technology. In addition, mixing is unacceptable:

  • vodka with champagne;
  • cognac with whiskey;
  • beer with vodka;
  • homemade wine with vodka;
  • brandy with liqueur.

If you dare to have a glass of champagne after vodka, you should be prepared for rapid intoxication, nausea and a terrible morning hangover syndrome.

Mixing energy drinks and alcohol is prohibited. This mixture has a detrimental effect on human health and can cause the appearance of:

  • hypertensive crisis;
  • heart attack;
  • seizures;
  • impaired renal function.

Alcohol consumption at a party should not be excessive. In order not to be a black sheep in the company of friends or colleagues and to have a wonderful time, you just need to sip from a glass of wine. It is absolutely not necessary to finish the drink to the bottom after the first toast. Following this recommendation will allow you to maintain sobriety until the end of the party.