How to celebrate Mother's Day in different countries. Mother's Day Mother's Day in Belarus history

In mid-autumn - October 14 - Belarus celebrates Mother's Day, the date of which is dedicated to the great Orthodox holiday - Intercession Holy Mother of God .

Often we notice too late that everything we have achieved in life was thanks to our mother.

Her warm, unobtrusive, sometimes simply imperceptible participation. No one in life loves us as much as our mother.

How often do we answer her in kind? Are we offending our mother with our inattention? Maybe it's time to think and pay attention to what

how children selflessly and faithfully love their mothers and fathers. The origins of Mother's Day lie in deep respect for the mother woman.

Throughout every person’s life, the warmest feelings, brightest and unforgettable memories are associated with the image of their mother.

She gives the first lessons of morality, spirituality, kindness and tolerance.

Mother's Day is an international holiday.

Honoring a woman-mother has a long history; in almost all cultures, the mother has been revered since ancient times.

However, at the state level, in many countries the holiday is celebrated at different times of the year.

In the USA, this day is the second Sunday of May, every year. On the same day, Finnish, Danish, Estonian, German, Italian, Turkish, Belgian, Australian, Japanese and Ukrainian mothers are congratulated.
In Belarus, Mother's Day is celebrated annually on October 14. The history of the holiday Mother's Day is rooted in a religious holiday - the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary,

in all Orthodox churches On this day a festive service is held. It is believed that in 910 in Jerusalem, the Mother of God miraculously revealed herself; during the service, many people saw the Mother of God in the sky, who covered all those praying with a wide white veil (or veil), trying to protect all the children of God.

That is why Mother's Day in Belarus is timed to coincide with such an important holiday in the Orthodox religious tradition.

In addition, this is the second day of the year when women literally drown inluxurious bouquets .

On the other hand, the history of the holiday lies in respect for women who have become mothers - this trend can be traced among all Slavs.

We are all filled with warm feelings for this most important parental figure in our lives - the one who taught us the first lessons of love and acceptance,

spirituality and patience, gave us her warmth and strength.

How is Mother's Day celebrated in Belarus? Of course, the holiday is supported by information - various meetings, lectures, round tables,

Discussions are held on the topic of motherhood and the holiday itself, congratulatory newspapers, posters, and postcards are published. In schools -

mandatory informing of students and carrying out educational work in order to highlight the history and significance of this holiday. And all those who have a mother,

they simply congratulate their mothers - whether by phone call, postcard,gift certificates - everyone decides for themselves.

The state policy of our country regarding mothers is clear. Everything is being done in the republic so that women can realize their destiny -

raise and raise healthy and happy children. The role of the holiday is extremely important in the ideology of the country; the holiday is a unique way of strengthening traditional

family values, moral principles, establishing a more sincere, open, cordial connection between children and mothers. Spiritual revival of society,

the formation of morality, the formation and strengthening of civil institutions - all this is necessary for the successful and full development of the state, all this

becomes impossible without the presence of correct life guidelines in families, without loving parents and beloved children.

As noted– congratulations from top officials of the state, awards with the Order of the Mother, festive events.

Mother's Day is an international holiday, but different countries noted in different times. In the USA and Japan, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Italy and Turkey and a number of other countries, it falls on the second Sunday of May, in Russia - on the last Sunday of November. In Belarus it has a fixed date and is celebrated together with Orthodox holiday Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary - October 14.

The country celebrates Mother's Week dedicated to this holiday. In addition to traditional events, representatives of the state and the public congratulate mothers of many children, as well as women who, due to circumstances, were left without child care. Concerts and special events, heroine mothers are especially honored, as well as women whose sons are serving in the army. On this day, additional emphasis is placed on how much attention the state pays to issues of motherhood and childhood.

Mother's Day is an international holiday in honor of mothers. On this day it is customary to congratulate mothers and pregnant women, unlike the International women's day when all female representatives accept congratulations.

A new holiday - Mother's Day - has gradually taken root in Belarus. This holiday in our country began to be celebrated in 1996 in accordance with the order of the President of the Republic of Belarus. Mother's Day in Belarus is celebrated on October 14.

Mother's day answers best traditions the attitude of Belarusians to motherhood, unites all layers of Belarusian society on the ideas of goodness and honoring the woman-Mother. In addition, many believe that it is necessary to improve the status of women and mothers. Mother's Day is a relatively young holiday. It does not yet have established traditions; few people celebrate it in the family circle.

The history of the holiday Mother's Day is rooted in the religious holiday - the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary; in all Orthodox churches a festive service is held on this day. It is believed that in 910 in Jerusalem, the Mother of God miraculously revealed herself; during the service, many people saw the Mother of God in the sky, who covered all those praying with a wide white veil (or veil), trying to protect all the children of God. That is why Mother's Day in Belarus is timed to coincide with such an important holiday in the Orthodox religious tradition.

Many countries around the world celebrate Mother's Day. For example, the USA, Malta, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Italy, Turkey, Australia, Japan, Belgium, Ukraine, Estonia celebrate it on the second Sunday of May, Greece - May 9, and in Belarus Mother's Day is celebrated on October 14.

Symbolism and customs

In the USA and Australia, there is a tradition of wearing a carnation flower on clothes on this day. Moreover, color matters, so a colored carnation indicates that a person’s mother is alive, and white flowers are pinned to clothes in memory of departed mothers.

For several years now, the All-Russian social campaign for Mother’s Day “Mom, I love you!” has been taking place in Russia. During the pre-holiday week, a number of events take place as part of the promotion, including the distribution of promotional cards that can be sent by mail or simply given to your mother. The symbol of the social action is the forget-me-not - a legendary flower that, according to legend, has the miraculous power of returning memory to people who have forgotten their loved ones.

We do not have specific traditions on this day. And all those who have a mother simply congratulate their mothers - whether with a phone call, a postcard, or other gifts - everyone decides for themselves.

For a woman, there is no more significant and unforgettable event in life than the birth of a child. “I think a woman who has given birth to a child can be compared to a man who has gone through war,” says midwife Deborah Gowen. Only now the men return from the war, and the mothers remain on the battlefield after giving birth. After all, a woman still has to learn how to be a mother. And this is much more difficult. But no one will argue that being a mother is an incomparable happiness!

Being a mother means giving life to a new person, keeping and protecting a child, teaching him to live in this world and helping him become a full-fledged member of human society.

Mom, mommy, mommy...

Words that in every person’s life are associated with the warmest, brightest and most intimate feelings. And, probably, we have all at least once wondered where the word “Mom” comes from. It is believed that the word MOTHER belongs to the group of words that appeared even before people developed articulate speech. It is almost impossible to trace the history of this word, since similar sound combinations with the same meaning exist in almost all languages ​​of the world. This is probably the oldest word on earth.

However, it is interesting that the word for mother in all languages ​​consists of two identical syllables. Russian and Belarusian children call their mother “mama”, little French children call them “maman”, German children call them “mama”, English children call them “mamma”, Chinese children call them “mama”, Korean children call them “omma”. And this is no coincidence.

The history of the word is connected with the speech apparatus of an infant. It is designed in such a way that it is easiest for a child to pronounce the open vowel sound “a” and the labial consonants “m”, “b”, “p”, which are found in all languages. It is also difficult for a child to immediately repeat the sequence of different syllables, so first they pronounce ma-ma, pa-pa, ba-ba.

Most often, the baby pronounces the syllable “ma” thoughtlessly, while playing or studying the world around us, looking at my arm or leg. And we, adults, enthusiastically attribute these words to our own account. So it turns out that a completely unintelligent baby already knows the word “mother”. And it is so inherent in nature that this first word becomes the most precious and carries through your entire life with warmth and tenderness.

Mother's Day is a kind of thanksgiving day, the day of the greatest and most holy mission for those who carried a child under their hearts and whose hearts all their lives then ache for him. It is in mother's love, blind to the point of self-denial, the future of humanity and our small country in particular.

Protecting the health of women and children and protecting motherhood are one of the main objectives of state policy, a priority in healthcare, which is of particular importance in shaping the health of the nation.

In Belarus, the most close attention solving the problems of women, families and children, creating conditions for their normal life, fully understanding that these are the dominant issues in the country and determine its potential and real prospects for many years to come.

Confirmation of the prestige of motherhood is the nomination of the most worthy mothers of many children to be awarded the state award of the Republic of Belarus - the Order of the Mother (this high sign of maternal valor was established by presidential decree in 1995).

The most sacred thing in life is a mother,
She will always accept us, warm us,
She is ready to give her life for us,
No one knows how to love like that anymore!

Please, love your mothers,
How I wish mothers could live forever!
P congratulate them on Mother's Day orey,
They undoubtedly deserve it!
Take care of your mothers! They are the best in the world!

second qualification category Matsukova E.P.

Mom is the very first word

Mom is the dearest person

And forgives, forgives us again and again,

It was, is, and will be so forever .

Mother is a universal concept, it is the living soul of the world, its beginning and its infinity...

Mother's Day began to be celebrated relatively recently. Although it is impossible to argue with the fact that this holiday is a holiday of eternity: from generation to generation, for every person, mother is the most main man in life .

In the Republic of Belarus, Mother's Day has been celebrated since 1996 in accordance with the order of the President of the Republic of Belarus.

Mother's Day is a kind of thanksgiving day, the day of the greatest and most holy mission for those who carried a child under their hearts and whose hearts all their lives then ache for him. It is in maternal love, blind to the point of self-denial, that the future of humanity and our small country in particular lies. In the current demographic situation, the word “mother” is no longer only the first word in the personal destiny of each of us. Happy motherhood is a national priority.

Protecting the health of women and children and protecting maternity are one of the main objectives of state policy, priority in healthcare, which is of particular importance in shaping the health of the nation.

“Mom”, “mother” are some of the most ancient words on earth. They sound almost the same in the languages ​​of different nations. How much warmth is hidden in the word “mother”. She is the beginning of life, the guardian of Home, Love, Soul and high Spirit.

All adversities occurring in society are reflected primarily on her. Who can better understand the realities of life, perceive them more subtly, feel deeper, see further and always be the first to help? Mother! Because her heart is maternal, which means it is the kindest, open, humane, and all-forgiving. O. Balzac once wrote: “A mother’s heart is an abyss, in the depths of which forgiveness will always be found.”

Our dear women - mothers not only protect the family hearth, but, sparing no effort and time, work in all spheres of the economy, culture, art, and sports.

During the difficult years of the Great Patriotic War more than 150 thousand women were awarded orders and medals for military services, 91 women were awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

In Belarus, the closest attention is paid to solving the problems of women, families and children, creating conditions for their normal life, fully understanding that these are the dominant issues in the country, determining its potential capabilities and real prospects for many years to come.

Confirmation of the prestige of motherhood is the nomination of the most worthy mothers of many children to be awarded the state award of the Republic of Belarus - the Order of the Mother (this high sign of maternal valor was established by presidential decree in 1995).

Mother! How beautiful, how capacious this word is! Maxim Gorky wrote: “Without the sun, flowers do not bloom, without love there is no happiness, without a woman there is no love, without a mother there is neither a poet nor a hero!”

Mother is a sacred word for every person. It is always with us, accompanies us everywhere along the complex and difficult road of life. And therefore, Mothers - the most heartfelt words, the most beautiful flowers, and not only on holidays. “There is the most beautiful creature in the world, to whom we are always in debt - this is a mother!” - said Nikolai Ostrovsky. And he is right a thousand times, since there is no more difficult and at the same time beautiful fate than that of the Mother.

This holiday is a tribute to all mothers of our country.

On this day I would like to say words of gratitude to all Mothers who give their children love, kindness, tenderness and affection. Thank you!.. And may your beloved children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren say warm words to each of you more often. Let a smile shine on their faces and joyful sparkles sparkle in their eyes when you are together. No matter how many good ones kind words The mothers were not told that no matter how many reasons they come up with for this, they will not be superfluous.

...Our mothers were sent to us by God,

To keep us and protect us,

But we must also help them.

And don't forget about that...

Valeologist of Maternity Hospital No. 2 M.B. Revkovskaya

Respect and love for a woman– completed or to the expectant mother, giving life and continuing the race, is the basis modern society, which is why there is an official Mother's Day in almost all countries of the world. Russian holiday Mother's Day appeared in the calendar thanks to the Committee State Duma for Women, Family and Youth Affairs, whose petition led to the publication of the corresponding Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On Mother’s Day” in 1998. Year after year, Mother's Day on the last Sunday of November is increasingly included in the list of dates revered and loved by Russians.

On Mother's Day, mothers and pregnant women are congratulated; on International Women's Day, congratulations are intended for the entire female population

How did Mother's Day come about? in the official calendars of various countries and when is International Mother's Day in 2019? The history of this holiday is very interesting.

The history of the creation of Mother's Day holiday

So what kind of holiday is Mother's Day? Its history is neither more nor less - about 130 years. Back in the 19th century, in 1872, the call to honor mothers as supporters of peace came from the famous American pacifist Julia Ward Howe. However, the initiative was rejected.

The second attempt was a speech in 1907 by Ann Jarvis (USA, Philadelphia), who, having a hard time experiencing the death of her mother, proposed establishing an official holiday for women raising children. More than one year of support for the idea from ordinary Americans and discussions in parliament has passed, and only in 1914 President Thomas Woodrow Wilson approves National Mother's Day.

In 1914, President Thomas Woodrow Wilson established a national Mother's Day.

However, the answers to the questions “where did Mother’s Day come from” and “who invented Mother’s Day” are not so clear-cut. Even before the Americans in the period fromXVIIto XIX century Poor Britons were given a day off from their employers on the fourth Sunday of Lent to visit their mothers and spend time with them. Mothering Sunday ( Mothering Sunday) – that’s what this day was called.

Mother's Day around the world

There is usually no fixed date for it, information about Mother's Day in various countries is as follows:

  • Spain, Portugal and Lithuania– first Sunday in May;
  • in the USA and 85 other countries(Germany, Switzerland, Australia, Belgium, Turkey, Japan and others) according to tradition, this holiday is celebrated annually, on the second Sunday of May - this year it was May 14;
  • Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of February Norway;
  • Greece– May 9, Philippines– May 10, April 7 – in Armenia celebrate Motherhood and Beauty Day, Uzbekistan dedicated Mother's Day to the international women's holiday on March 8th.

Like in the USA and in a number of other countries, Ukraine celebrates Mother's Day on the second Sunday in May, the specific date will be different every year. On this blooming spring day, Ukrainians congratulate their mothers and women expecting the birth of their baby with touching poems and songs, organize home and city concerts, and give gifts, souvenirs, and flowers.

In Ukraine, Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May.

When is Mother's Day celebrated in Russia?

In Russia, this holiday has a floating date, the last Sunday of November. The date of Mother's Day celebration in the Russian Federation will be different every year; in 2019, in our country, International Mother's Day is November 26. From year to year, the magnificent tradition of men is maintained on the streets to congratulate mothers with their children: they are given gifts, cards and, of course, flowers. Work teams often have a tea party on this day to congratulate female employees on their well-deserved holiday.

What date is Mother's Day in Belarus?

The Republic of Belarus is one of the few countries in which a fixed date is assigned to Mother’s Day, October 14. This is due to the historical celebrations of the Orthodox religious holiday - the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Festive services in the name of the Mother of God, who protects all the children of God with her white veil, are very consonant with the theme of motherhood, procreation, and raising children.

Now you know what date and month Mother’s Day is in different countries - congratulations, flowers, drawings, souvenirs: let everything you give to your mothers on this day speak of your love and respect for them.

Poems for Mother's Day

Poems for beloved mothers can be very different: short and long, simple that a three-year-old child can learn, and lyrical and philosophical. But invariably, poems on this day will warm the heart of any mother: children in kindergartens will read a touching poem at a festive concert, older children may try to compose an ode to their mother on their own, and congratulations on Mother’s Day in prose will be heard from men and colleagues.

Song for Mother's Day

With the advent of the official holiday, there is a shortage of beautiful congratulations no – these are both poems written by poets and songs created by composers. On the day of celebration, ballads and lyrical compositions are dedicated to mothers; it is easy to remake a song that has already become popular, putting your own words into its text:

Adult songs about mom on Mother's Day are always touching - every line in them breathes love and tenderness for a woman who gave life and invested herself in raising a little person, and maybe more than one.

The imagination of the congratulator on this day is unlimited - as long as the gift carries the warmth of the soul a child who is still small or has already become an adult. Kids can make a craft or a postcard and it doesn’t matter at all that it is far from the ideal of neatness: the baby put all his effort and love into it for his sweet and gentle mother. What else will please mom on this day:

  • flowers and delicious sweets are always pleasant and festive;
  • photograph of children in an elegant frame;
  • mother’s favorite perfume or eau de toilette;
  • kitchen appliances that can greatly facilitate daily meal preparation;
  • soft slippers, a blanket or a robe are also relevant, especially given the approaching seasonal cold;
  • a good book that will make your mother think about her grown-up children every time she reads it.

When choosing a gift, it is important to understand: its price is not in price, for mom it is much more important as a sign of attention, symbolizing love and affection.

When choosing a gift, it is important to understand that for mom it is not the price that is important, but a sign of attention

DIY keychain for mom: give her your heart!

Dance for Mother's Day

Not necessarily only creative personalities who are close to ballet and choreography can afford such a magnificent gift - dance for your mom. The dance performed by very young children or sons who have already become adults looks both funny and touching. In this, perhaps somewhat awkward and clumsy dance, a man who remains “my boy” for his mother gets the opportunity to express what cannot be put into words, and the small gift given at the end of the dance will be remembered by his mother for the rest of his life, just like this unusual congratulation.

Script for Mother's Day

For home, school or group celebrations of Mother’s Day, you can use a ready-made one or come up with your own scenario. This is the holiday scenario for Mother's Day - real scope for the imagination of the performers: poems, poems and prose dedicated to mothers, dances and skits, playing musical instruments, acrobatic sketches and theatrical performances. If the holiday takes place at school or kindergarten, mothers, in any case, will be extremely pleased to see their son or daughter on stage - even if not everything works out yet, the warmth of the child’s heart and the child’s efforts are more important.

Pictures for Mother's Day

One of the great ideas for congratulating your mother on this holiday could be family collage or wall newspaper– Drawings for design can be found on the Internet, or you can come up with them yourself.

Make your mom a drawing or a picture with your own hands: she will appreciate it!

If an artist is growing up in the family or there is an already accomplished master of painting, pastel or pencil, such an idea can become a real work of art. Although in any case, a child’s picture, made by the baby’s still uncertain hands, and a postcard decorated for the holiday with an applique from a son or daughter are a true masterpiece for the mother, symbolizing their love and tenderness.