How to check the authenticity of an insurance policy by car number. Check the authenticity of an insurance policy using the RSA database. Checking the policy by car number

Car and driver insurance has been around for a long time. In Russia, the insurance market is also developing dynamically. Obtaining insurance for drivers has become a mandatory condition for legal admission to driving a vehicle.


Now let’s look at the most basic points that relate to the policy - the essence of who it covers and how the process of obtaining an insurance document for drivers goes.

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What is it

An MTPL insurance policy is a guarantee that the driver will not have to pay the costs of car repairs and treatment of victims of a traffic accident that was his fault.

Let's decipher the full name of the document - general civil liability insurance.

Before the introduction of legislation that governed the procedure for liability insurance for road accidents, the perpetrator had to fully compensate for losses at his own expense.

Of course, if there was a small tangential collision and the injured party’s car was only slightly scratched, then a relatively small amount would have to be paid.

But more serious accidents often occur when some part of the car is damaged so seriously that it requires replacement.

The cost of such repairs will be expressed in tens of thousands of rubles and not every driver will be able to pay for such repairs to the injured party’s car.

The introduction of the MTPL policy has made life much easier for motorists.

Yes, it is necessary to periodically update the policy and pay money for it, but the amount of these contributions cannot be compared with the possible compensation that will have to be paid to the victims in the event of an accident.

The legislation stipulates that compulsory motor liability insurance is drawn up for one year, although in some cases it is possible to draw up an agreement for a period of three months.

Today, the DSAGO policy (additional civil liability insurance) is also gaining popularity.

The essence of this insurance product is as follows:

Please note that under compulsory motor liability insurance you will not be able to receive compensation for repairing your own car.

To make sure that you don’t have to spend huge amounts of money, you can purchase other types of insurance policies, the coverage of which relates specifically to compensation for the repair of your own car.

Who does it apply to?

The MTPL insurance policy covers the entire territory of the Russian Federation, including:

  • routes within populated areas;
  • intercity and international transport routes;
  • courtyard and local areas;
  • forest plantations and other areas.

The policy must be purchased by the owner of the vehicle within 10 days from the date of purchase of the vehicle.

Of course, the insurance coverage primarily applies to him as the main driver of the car.

Of course, no one has the right to prohibit the owner from transferring the car to or simply registering for the use of the car to relatives and other persons.

Persons who wish to drive a car by proxy or even in the presence of the owner of the vehicle, but are not included in the policy, do not have the right to drive.

The issue is resolved only after information about them is entered into the insurance.

The MTPL policy applies exclusively to persons included in this sheet.

Where to go

A driver's liability insurance policy is purchased exclusively from an insurance company.

There are two ways to purchase such an important document for every driver in the Russian Federation:

There are more than a hundred insurance companies in the Russian Federation that provide liability insurance services for vehicle drivers.

Each company has:

The process of choosing an insurance company to purchase a policy is the most difficult task for every car owner.

The following key points need to be taken into account:

To conclude an insurance contract, the following documents are required from the driver:

Check your MTPL policy by car number

Some services on the network allow you to check your MTPL policy by car number, and you can also conduct reverse checks. Why is it necessary to carry out such actions?

What is it for?

There are several possible situations in which you will need to check your MTPL policy by car number:

Indicators Description
The need to check the validity of the policy, that is, we are talking about the integrity of representatives of insurance companies the thing is that often insurance agents issue policies to motorists, but do not register them in the traffic police database. In such a situation, it turns out that the person paid the cost of the policy to the insurance company, but it is invalid. The money is wasted, there is no protection if necessary. Unscrupulous insurers take their money without even caring about the reputation of the prestigious insurance company for which they work
Check by traffic police officers. Of course, the driver must always carry all the documents (passport, driver’s license, compulsory motor vehicle liability insurance policy, technical passport for the car), but sometimes the driver forgets some or all of the documents Traffic police officers can stop the driver to check documents or because they have noticed a violation of the rules traffic. When checking, it turns out that the driver does not have one of the required documents with him - a compulsory motor liability insurance policy. Of course, a traffic police officer has the right to fine a person for not having a policy on him, but it is possible to prove that the person has a policy
The need to find out the number of the policy itself by the traffic police in order to check whether a person who was involved in an accident has a policy (even before establishing the person’s guilt or innocence in a particular accident)

this need may arise if:

  • the person fled, leaving the car at the crime scene;
  • the person refuses to show the policy;
  • the culprit or participant in the accident does not have insurance with him


No special conditions are required to carry out a policy review.

Checking is possible when:

Indicators Description
Personal appeal to the office of the insurance company To do this, you need to know the work schedule of the insurance company and have time to visit the company
Be sure to know the car number this is quite natural for the owner of the car, because he always knows the car number. But there may be such a situation - the car was damaged as a result of an accident and the license plate number cannot be recognized or it is only partially visible. In this case (if there is no driver or he cannot provide the policy to the traffic police), you will first have to restore the vehicle number, and then find out the information about the driver’s civil liability insurance policy
Have access to the Internet This condition is mandatory for the procedure for checking the policy online, since this is only possible through special services (including the traffic police)


It is important to understand the procedure for applying for an MTPL insurance policy.

This can be done:

  1. By personal contact.
  2. Using the Internet.

In person

If a client who has purchased an MTPL policy has any doubts about its validity, he or she must immediately contact the insurance company’s office.

The following facts may give rise to suspicion:

Indicators Description
Cheap cost of the policy received
Active imposition of insurance registration by representatives of the insurance company during presentations of products not in the office of the insurance company for example, in enterprises (large concentrations of potential clients) or on the street, where scammers are very common
The client did not inquire about the availability of an insurance company license for the provision of services for issuing MTPL policies from a company representative who has entered into an agreement with him
There are suspicions about the invalidity of the OSAGO form

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

If it turns out that information about this OSAGO form is entered into the database, this means that the insurance policy is not fake.


There are several main services that allow you to check information about the status of your compulsory motor liability insurance policy, its presence or absence, by vehicle license plate number.

Let's consider the algorithm of actions of PC users (how to check the availability of an MTPL insurance policy by car number) on the main services that allow such a check.

To analyze data on the service, the following data is entered in special lines:

After entering all the data, the user presses the “Find” button.

As a result of the search, all relevant information about insurance is displayed:

  1. Series and policy number.
  2. Maximum amount of insurance coverage.
  3. Validity period of the document.
  4. List of full names of drivers who are included in the insurance (have the right to drive a specific vehicle).

The portal provides the opportunity to check all data about the policy in the official database of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers.

To receive information, you must have the same information that is entered into the service described above.

The main advantages of finding out the validity of a motor vehicle license in real time:

  • quick receipt of up-to-date information;
  • there is no need to visit the office of the insurance company;
  • the service is provided absolutely free of charge;
  • the minimum amount of information necessary for analysis is entered;
  • The opportunity to visit the IC may arise after some time. Before this, the driver may not know exactly the “fate” of his policy. Let’s say a car gets into an accident and there is a need to pay compensation. If you check the policy online, then if problems are detected, the insurance company client will go to the insurance company the next business day without using his own car and begin to find out the essence of the situation.

Video: checking the MTPL policy

Important nuances

To visually determine the authenticity of an insurance policy, it is important to know the main features of the form of insurance companies:

Indicators Description
The sheet of paper must be wider than a standard A4 sheet by 10 millimeters
If an old-style form is being considered, then a green-gray microgrid should be visible on the title page Since 2016, MTPL forms of a new format have been introduced. They have a micro mesh pink color(shade)
The overall color palette should change clearly from right to left from yellow to lilac and pink
It is necessary to check for RSA watermarks the procedure is carried out in the same way as banknotes are checked (the form is held up to the light and examined)
There is a metal thread embedded in the form paper on the back side. this applies to old forms
If the policy is printed at an official enterprise licensed to carry out such work, then the ink will not be transferred from the paper to the hands of the person holding the form
The policy series must be only EEE
The number and series on officially approved forms are printed only in red ink If these details are printed in a different color, then the insurance document is fake and you must urgently contact the insurance company or the police
Documentation with errors is not allowed any blot on the form makes the policy automatically invalid, so the buyer has the right to demand a replacement document

How to behave when offered to issue a policy outside the insurance company’s office?

The procedure is as follows:

Only if you have a copy of the license, power of attorney and correctly executed forms can the registration procedure be carried out.

By the way, modern technologies make it possible to check online whether an insurance company that offers its car insurance services has a license.

In this section of the site the following actions are performed:

After this, the following information will appear:

Legislative framework

Today, the procedure for civil liability insurance in the Russian Federation is regulated by the following regulatory and legal acts.

Instruction from the Bank of Russia:

In conclusion, we can say that each purchased insurance policy must be checked as much as possible.

Today, special services have also been developed with which checking an MTPL insurance policy online using a car number takes place within 1 minute.


Increasing cases of counterfeiting of MTPL forms, as well as the use of those listed as lost or issued to an insurance company whose license was subsequently revoked, led to the development of RSA a service for checking their validity. The opportunity to check the authenticity of an OSAGO policy online is provided to everyone without restrictions. This allows you not only to check your insurance, but also the policy of the third party who caused harm in the accident. This article will analyze all the ways to check the authenticity of the form, and also give advice on what to do if it turns out to be fake and is not in the database.

How to check the authenticity of an MTPL policy?

Thanks to modern technologies It’s not difficult to check whether your MTPL policy is valid—you can do it yourself. You can check it directly at the conclusion, both by visual signs and by the correspondence of the information specified in the contract to reality. Among the visual signs you should pay attention to the following:

  • The size of the form is larger than A4 format (the difference is about 1 cm);
  • the presence of protection watermarks with the logo of the Russian Union of Motor Insurers, as well as the presence of multi-colored fibers throughout the entire area of ​​the form;
  • the presence of a soldered metal strip along the left edge, which penetrates the entire length of the form;
  • The policy number must contain exactly 10 digits, while the series for printed ones should currently be EEE (until 05/01/2015 the CCC series was in effect) or XXX for electronic ones.

In addition, it is necessary to ensure that all information is filled out, and in cases where specific items do not need to be filled out, they should be crossed out. The amount of the insurance premium indicated directly on the form must match the amount actually paid and correspond to that written out on the receipt, which must be issued without fail.

An important role in the validity of the policy is the insurer's authority to enter into MTPL contracts. This authority is confirmed by a special license, which at the time of registration must be valid, that is, it must not be revoked or suspended.

Checking the form by number

The simplest and most accurate way is to check the MTPL insurance policy online in a specially designed form on the RSA website: To check, it is enough to indicate the series that must be selected from the proposed options, and the contract number, and also pass a check to confirm the security code - for this you need to specify the code from the picture (each time the system issues a new confirmation code).

If everything is done correctly, a new window will open, which will contain information regarding the specified policy contained in a single database. The correct status is considered to be “Located by the policyholder”, and the term of insurance and the name of the insurer must match the one issued at the conclusion.

When making a request immediately after concluding a compulsory motor liability insurance contract, the system may indicate that it is “Hosted by the insurer” - in such a case, you should not panic. This is due to the fact that the insurance company employees did not confirm the conclusion of the policy in the system. If such a status is listed on a form issued quite a long time ago, then you should contact the insurer and clarify the current situation.

Statuses “Lost” or “No longer valid” should cause concern, since they indicate that the contract is invalid as of the date of verification. In this case, you must contact the insurer and the police. In any case, you will have to purchase a valid policy again.

The method described above for checking an MTPL insurance policy online has a high percentage of reliability, but will not protect against duplicates, since the database will also display the status “Losed by the policyholder.” It is quite difficult to identify a duplicate - fraudsters issue them with identical insurance periods. If you suspect a duplicate, you can also check on the official RSA website which car is insured under a specific policy using the following link:
After entering all the necessary information, including indicating the date of the request, the following information will be generated below the request form:

  • registration plate of the insured vehicle;
  • VIN number or body number;
  • contract status;
  • name of the insurer.

You just need to check the data from a single database with the printed form and documents for the car. The policy is a duplicate if the information regarding the vehicle does not match. In this case, you must act in the same way as with the statuses “Lost” or “Expired”.

How to check your MTPL insurance policy online using your car number?

Situations arise in which it is necessary to find out not only information about whether the car is insured or not, but also the number of the form itself. For example, when it is lost, and in order to restore it you need to contact the insurer and provide the policy number, or if you are involved in an accident, if the culprit has not provided compulsory motor liability insurance, then you can check whether his car is insured or not.

Finding out about the availability of an MTPL insurance contract is quite simple. On a special service on the RSA website at you must fill in the following data:

  • identification number (VIN);
  • registration plate - you must enter the number in Russian letters indicating the region code;
  • body number;
  • chassis number.

When checking an OSAGO insurance policy online by number, you can indicate all the information in total or, for example, just the registration plate. If only one item is indicated and the OSAGO agreement is not found in the database, then other information must be entered to complete the correct request. It should be noted that all data is entered manually and human error is not excluded. If there are errors when entering this information, as a rule, they will be made in the policy form itself.

The request field also indicates the date on which it is made - this will help to find out whether the insurance was valid on a certain date. This information will help victims of road accidents. Any date can be specified; if it is necessary to verify the authenticity of OSAGO, then the current date should be set.

The response to the request not only contains information about the series and number of the concluded MTPL agreement, but also information regarding the list of drivers, in particular, whether insurance has been concluded with or without restrictions. This allows you to find out whether a particular driver was allowed to drive a vehicle.

To clarify information about the driver’s permit, you must additionally enter information from his driver’s license (series and number). The series of a Russian driver's license contains both numbers and Russian letters or only numbers (consists of the first 4 characters), and the number always contains only 6 digits. If the driver is cleared to drive on a specific date, the system will issue a green response with information about admission. It should be noted that it is impossible to determine the insurance policy number simply by the driver's license number.

Checking the clearance of a specific driver will help not only during an inspection as part of an accident, but will also allow you to monitor the work of the insurer when making changes to the list of persons allowed to drive. Quite often, insurer specialists make mistakes when entering information into a single database, and subsequently, when checked by traffic police officers, the data on drivers or cars does not correspond to reality. In such cases, it is necessary to contact the insurer with a request to enter correct data into the unified RCA database.

In conclusion, it should be noted that you can check the authenticity of your MTPL policy online yourself, and if the form is not available in the system, you must first contact the insurer and provide the completed form for an internal investigation. Large insurers monitor their reputation, so all issues with invalid forms, including those issued by fraudulent agents, are resolved by the insurance company's security service. In such situations, if insurance company does not solve the problem, or avoids solving it, you should definitely contact the police. Quite often, using forms of compulsory motor liability insurance policies, which, although invalid, the client learns about this only after the accident, responsible insurers make payments in order to preserve their reputation in the insurance market. There are also high chances for clients with an invalid policy to receive compensation in court if it is proven that the borrower properly issued a policy with an agent or employee of the insurer and paid for it in full in cash.

Still have questions?

Each motor vehicle liability policy (OSAGO), as a type of blank document, has its own individual number. Moreover, both paper copies and electronic e-policies have a number. It consists of alphabetic (three letters) and numeric (10 digits) characters: series and number. Knowing the OSAGO number, you can find out the validity period of the document and its status. But this is precisely the question that needs to be clarified - whether the insurance is valid or not. You need to go to the main page of the RSA website, where in the center of the page you will see the field “Checking OSAGO policies”. By clicking on the “Check” button, you are taken to a page where you need to enter the series and number of the insurance policy form.

The result of checking the policy will be to find out information about the status of the policy form. The status can be:

  • “is with the policyholder” - this means that the insurance is valid, is in the hands of the citizen, and the data has been transferred to the RSA (Russian Union of Auto Insurers) database;
  • “is with the insurance company/insurer” - this means that the document is with the insurance company, with the agent. The data has not been transferred to the unified RSA database. But if the insurance opening date is very recent (1-7 days), then perhaps the data simply has not been updated and the status has not changed. If the policy has been open for more than a week, you need to clarify the circumstances with the insurer;
  • “lost” - this may mean that the policy has expired or the form was invalidated after any changes were made. For example, the six-month insurance period has expired, and the renewal was issued using a different form. Or, after the sale, the policyholder applied for payment of the unused period and the policy was closed. Also, mistakes by insurance company employees cannot be ruled out. It happens that the agent did not pay for the policy on time, or did not pay for it at all, or due to his fault, the policy data was not entered into the database, or as a result of mechanical impact, the document lost readability, or the client reported the loss of the form, etc., but the employee did not follow through with the matter. end;
  • “lost” - this status is given only to those documents that clients reported as lost or stolen (for example, along with a car);
  • “damaged” - this means that the client stated that the document was damaged. The restored policy was issued with a new form;
  • “printed by the manufacturer” means that the form was printed and was not even given to the insurance companies.

Thus, the OSAGO number can provide the information that you need to find out about the document, and most importantly, make sure that the insurance policy is valid.

Why is it necessary to check whether another road user has insurance?

Buying an annual MTPL policy means protecting your budget for a year from claims from third parties in the event of an accident (if it’s your fault) or the opportunity to receive insurance payments for the restoration of the car and improvement of health (in the event of the fault of the second participant in the accident).

Also, not all motorists know that compulsory motor liability insurance can provide the following possible insurance compensation to the injured party in an accident, namely:

  • up to 400 thousand rubles. for repairs to restore the car;
  • up to 500 thousand rubles. on the process of restoring the health of injured persons as a result of injuries received in an accident;
  • up to 500 thousand rubles, as compensation for the acquired disability of a person injured in an accident;
  • up to 500 thousand rubles. dependents after the death of a person injured in an accident and 25 thousand rubles. as a one-time funeral benefit;
  • a non-fixed amount to reimburse all total spent cash for restoration of health, for the treatment process, for the purchase of medicines, prosthetics, payment for outside care and payment for the rehabilitation period;
  • a non-fixed amount to compensate for material damage resulting from loss of ability to work and lack of sources of income.

And if you are the culprit of the “celebration” and you have a mandatory MTPL policy, then you have insured yourself against monetary troubles, that is, claims from injured parties. No one will demand additional money from you to repair the damaged car if it falls within the coverage limit of 400 thousand rubles.

Based on this, having an MTPL policy is of great importance if a traffic accident occurs. Nowadays, you can check the availability of compulsory motor liability insurance by car number even without contacting another driver. It is important to make sure not only that the policy exists, but also its authenticity. by car number using a special Internet service.

To check OSAGO by car number, lawyers advise turning only to a trusted source of information, the RSA database. After purchasing and issuing an auto insurance policy, the information must be sent to the unified database of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers. Finding an MTPL policy by car number on the official RSA website is quite simple.

Algorithm of actions:

  • go to the main page of the RSA website;
  • There are tabs at the top, select “OSAGO” and click;
  • on the left there will be a list of sections, select “Information for policyholders and victims” and click;
  • then you are taken to a page that lists 10 topics that may be of interest to these users, select “Information for victims and other participants in an accident on the existence of a valid compulsory motor liability insurance agreement in relation to a specific person or vehicle”;
  • then the system prompts you to enter VIN, state. sign, body or chassis number, as well as the date of inspection, in order to pass the MTPL. Please note that the search occurs only using captcha (a graphical computer test that allows you to identify the user: a living person or a program);
  • the answer would be next form: number and series of the MTPL contract, name of the insurer (company) and information about what kind of insurance (unlimited or limited);
  • Then you can check the driver’s details, knowing the details of his driver’s license.

In this way, you can get up-to-date information about the compulsory motor liability insurance contract of the second party to the accident, even without his participation: does he have insurance, does it have a valid period, which insurance company is insuring the car. If you want to find out information about people who have driving licenses for the car you are interested in, then this can only be done by asking them for the number and series of their driver’s license.

A similar method and algorithm of actions allows you to find out information about the contract of motor third party liability insurance policy using the individual vehicle identification number (VIN). In this case, of course, the inspector must know this 17-digit vehicle code. It can only be obtained from the owner’s documents, subject to his consent to provide such information.

It is noteworthy that you can find out the information of interest about compulsory motor liability insurance (yours or someone else’s) on the RSA website separately by VIN, separately by state registration plates of the vehicle, and also separately by body or chassis numbers.


As a rule, the need to find out the MTPL policy according to the state. car number plate appears immediately after a traffic accident. And if two cars were involved in an accident, and both have a valid auto liability policy, then the injured party can count on compensation for damage, and the guilty party can be free from financial claims.

When you get into a traffic accident, and you know that you definitely have an insurance policy, you want to make sure that the other party also has it. Therefore, seeing the state registration plates of the second car, and even without contact with the other driver, you can quickly find out all the information about his OSAGO policy. To do this, use your smartphone to go to the official RSA website and follow our instructions to check. If you are in contact with the second driver, and he does not mind allowing you to see his personal documents (STS car and driver’s license), then you can find out information about compulsory motor liability insurance by VIN number, and information about persons authorized to drive this vehicle . And also, knowing the number and series of the policy, you can find out its status.

If on the website you see information about the absence of a policy, the status “lost”, “damaged” and other things, do not panic. The system is not perfect; there may be technical errors, as well as errors in the work of insurance company employees. You can find out all the details directly from your insurer or independently, based on the data received.

We have collected all the ways to check the OSAGO policy for the authenticity of the PCA. Check your policy against all PCA tables online on our website. Why check on three points? There is a new type of policy fraud - taking a real policy number and inserting it into other, fake policies. The result is a real policy, but issued for a different car and a different person. To check whether the policy belongs to your car, you need to check not only the number, but also make sure that the policy is issued for your car. And the third point of verification - we check by the state number of the car, what policy number is assigned and which insurance company issued the policy.

Check the authenticity of OSAGO by policy number

Insured the car, check the authenticity of the policy by number. The same should be done with an electronic policy, so that something doesn’t suddenly turn up. Anything can happen, electronic failures, and human factor. When insuring online, the pole number appears in the RCA database instantly. When purchasing at company offices or from policyholders, up to 5 days are given to add the number to the database.

The verification procedure is simple and takes only a minute. To check, you need the series and number of the policy. The series consists of letters. Typically, the letters XXX belong to policies purchased online.

Complete the online policy verification form below:

  1. Select a policy series from the list.
  2. Enter your policy number. (this policy contains 10 digits)
  3. Check the box that you are not a robot. A verification window will pop up, mark what is requested.
  4. Click - search.

There are three possible outcomes of the check, see the status:

Checking using the RSA database to determine which car the policy was issued for

This method allows you to check a duplicate policy. This is when the same real policy number is printed on several forms and sold to gullible car owners. Let’s say you check the policy by series and number and it turns out to be real, but it may not be issued for your car.

The check is similar to the previous one, the only difference is in indicating the date on which the policy is checked.
Enter the series, number, date, click I’m not a robot and search:

As a result of the search, you will find out the VIN and state number of the car for which the insurance policy was issued. Also the status of the insurance policy as of the date being checked and the company of the insured. Compare with your car. Does it fit? This means the policy is real and issued for your car.

All that remains is to check who is included in the insurance.

Checking the MTPL policy by car number and who is included in the policy

The check can be done on any of the points or all at once. That is, you can enter just one state number and start checking the search for an MTPL policy. The vehicle registration number is entered in full with letters and region without rus (х111хх11 - letter, numbers, letters, region).

After checking, compare the series, number and company of the policyholder with the policy being checked. The second check point immediately appears - by the series and number of the driver’s license, you can find out whether the driver being checked is registered or not.


These three forms are quite enough to check the MTPL policy purchased in the office or via the Internet. You can easily find out the authenticity of the policy by the policy number, by the car number and find out whether a certain driver is included in the policy. These inspection forms are often used by traffic police officers, conveniently, quickly and online. The main condition is the presence of the Internet, which is available in almost any smartphone.

You can also check not only your policy for authenticity, but also the availability of a policy in case of an accident with the culprit. Enter the license plate number of the vehicle involved in the accident and receive information.

If the forms for checking your MTPL policy online are not displayed (not loading), then follow the following links:

Today, the insurers' database allows you to check compulsory motor liability insurance in different ways: by policy number, by car number, etc. And vice versa - by insurance number, for example, you can find out the car number. There are three verification options:

Attention, in recent weeks the verification forms have been working very slowly and do not load the first time. This is a problem on the RSA side. If you want, you can try to download the verification forms individually on their website: one, two, three, respectively.

1. Checking the status of the form by its number. You can check your paper or electronic MTPL policy against the AIS RSA (Russian Union of Motor Insurers) database and find out its validity period below.

This form is for checking both paper policies and electronic policies XXX series purchased online! Usually, electronic insurance is included in the database immediately after registration, but sometimes due to the workload of the database, this can take several days. The correct status for valid insurance is “held by the policyholder” (but if immediately after purchase the status is still “held by the insurer”, then this may be normal - the agent may not have had time to make changes to the database, wait a couple of days and only then sound the alarm) . Definitely “bad statuses” of an MTPL policy are “lost in force” (why exactly it lost force can be seen in more detail by checking below) or “lost”. The status “printed by the manufacturer” means that such a form was not even handed over to the insurer.

Such a check does not give 100% confidence that you have a valid policy (after all, fraudsters could make a “duplicate” of the real form), but it allows you to reject obvious fakes and stolen forms. But in order to exclude “duplicates” you need to check which car is insured under your policy...

2. Find out which car is insured using a specific form. In addition to the license plate number, VIN code or body number, in the results you can find out a more detailed status of the form, for example, why exactly the insurance is not valid (the contract could have been terminated early or the policy could have been lost by the insurance company):

3. Find out the MTPL policy number by state number, VIN or body number + check whether the driver is included in the insurance. This check is the reverse of the previous one, here, based on the car’s data, you will find out which insurance company it is insured with, the policy number and its type (limited or unlimited). Checking by VIN is the most complete. It is searched by license plate number only if this information was provided by the insurer (they do not always do this).

If the insurance has a limited list of drivers, then the system will offer to check, using the number and series of the driver’s license, whether a certain driver is included in the insurance (this option appears in the second step after).

If you have recently added someone to your MTPL policy or made other changes to the data, then according to regulations, insurance companies are required to make changes to the RSA database within 5 days. Therefore, do not be alarmed if after a couple of days the changes have not yet been reflected in the AIS RSA database.

The last check is also useful for checking a used car before purchasing. After all, the presence of two simultaneously valid MTPL policies on one VIN number (or GRZ) can be a “bell” that the car is a “double”. In this case I also recommend (in this case bad sign the fact that the car regularly undergoes maintenance in one region or another).

4. Assistance from a motor vehicle lawyer on MTPL issues:
If you are faced with the fact that your policy, judging by the database, is fake or you have other legal questions related to compulsory motor liability insurance, then you can receive a free response from a lawyer in the form below.