Calorie content of Hummus. Chemical composition and nutritional value. Original hummus paste: benefits and harms for weight loss, how to eat correctly

Today to your question: “What is hummus?” in the “Q&A” section answers author Olesya Fedotova.

Read completely amazing article. This is not just a recipe, properties, composition, photo of the dish and an answer to the question What is hummus and what is it eaten with, but declaration of love to hummus, and in poetry. This is an Ode to Hummus!

What is hummus - it's delicious,

It's so delicious you'll lick your fingers

We are forever connected by fate,

Hummus - forever sick of you...

What can I say, I’m not Byron or Pushkin, I’m a simple Olesya singing))))

Despite my lack of poetic ability, I still want to confess my enormous and all-consuming love for this absolutely stunning piece of culinary art.

From this article you will learn:
1. What is hummus?
2. Hummus – harm or benefit?
4. What do you eat hummus with?
5. Video recipe for hummus. Plus 28 hummus recipes.

Naturally, let's start with what is hummus?

Hummus is a chickpea paste (a hard type of chickpea) with the addition of olive oil, lemon juice, paprika, garlic, sesame oil (tahini).

During my acquaintance with this completely independent dish, or rather an appetizer, I've seen hummus with the addition:

  • sun-dried tomatoes,
  • dill,
  • pumpkins,
  • olives
  • and even avocados.

In chickpeas, more precisely, Chickpea oil contains fiber, calcium, magnesium, vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C. Calcium is also found in sesame seeds (tahini). Also in sesame oil zinc, phosphorus and vitamins E. Well about the benefits of olive oil, which is part of the Mediterranean diet, recognized by UNESCO as a national cultural heritage, a lot has already been written.

2. Hummus – harm or benefit?

Recently, on my Facebook page I posted photo with a portion of hummus with whole grain bread and sauce. How incredibly delicious it is! The reaction was unexpected. Several of my friends spoke about the obvious unhealthiness and fat content of this product. I decided to delve a little into this. And this is what I learned for myself.

Although hummus is indeed a high-fat food, Nutritionists believe that hummus is full of healthy fats. Healthy fats include monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. To be honest, I didn’t really understand what this meant from a chemical point of view. If so, in simple terms, These fats are easily absorbed by the body and do not remain unprocessed in our bodies (on barrels).

Hummus is an ideal replacement for animal fats, which is also emphasized by nutritionists, and is a mandatory component of the diet of vegetarians and vegans.

Yes, I admit that he quite high in calories, about 300 kcal. But in it good ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. At the same time, the main calorie content comes from tahini (sesame oil). That is, cooked without tahini, dish significantly reduces calorie content.

4. What do you eat hummus with?

For me, hummus is the perfect product when I'm too lazy to cook. I’ve only known him recently, only a year, but hummus became a real discovery for me:

  • It is delicious with vegetables, such as tomatoes, cucumbers, celery.
  • It can be spread on bread or wrapped in thin pita bread together with vegetables.
  • It is great with meat, mushrooms, fries and just chips.

It seems to me that The main risk of getting better from hummus is simply choosing the wrong neighbor. Less chips, more vegetables!

Oh hummus, you are the king of snacks.

You give a bright, delicate taste

You can be part of the cuisine, French,

Even though you are almost Indian by origin)))

Here I lied a little, hummus comes from the Middle East. But it’s also just more fun)))

5. Video recipe for hummus. Plus 28 hummus recipes.

Ready-made hummus can now be bought in supermarkets, but it’s more interesting to make it yourself. Here's the video - quick recipe making hummus.

You can find more recipes (28 hummus recipes) on this useful recipe portal.

Now you know what hummus is and what it is usually eaten with, you know its calorie content and beneficial properties. And you can make hummus yourself using the video recipe!

But new meetings on the blog pages!

Olesya Fedotova

Hummus is the name given to chickpeas and cold appetizers made from chickpeas in the Middle East.

Useful and medicinal properties hummus is also mentioned in ancient sources. For example: Nero’s court physician, Dioscorides, prescribed a chickpea diet for the Roman emperor to treat stomach pain and scabies. Today this product is very popular among vegetarians as a source of complete plant protein, similar in composition to animal protein.

Hummus - benefits and harm

The benefits of hummus are determined by the properties of the products included in its composition. Here is an incomplete list of what it is rich in:

Essential polyunsaturated fatty acids – remove cholesterol, lower blood pressure, promote weight loss;

  • B vitamins (B1, B4, B5) – stabilize blood sugar levels, support genetic processes in cells, improve brain function, and are necessary for the cardiovascular and endocrine systems;
  • folic acid – necessary for protein biosynthesis, bone marrow function, supports immune system, helps absorb B vitamins;
  • vegetable fiber;
  • trace elements (iron, manganese, molybdenum);
  • an essential amino acid – tryptophan, which is involved in the synthesis of the “happiness hormone” serotonin.

In addition, hummus contains olive (a source of vitamin E) and sesame (contains large quantities of calcium) oils, and lemon juice (vitamin C).

As can be seen from all of the above, hummus is exclusively healthy dish. The only harm it can cause is to reduce the slimness of your figure: since hummus is very tasty, but very high in calories (300-400 calories). And if you eat it with pita bread or lavash... Therefore, traditional hummus is not best option for diet.

Hummus - calories

The current trend in the world of diets is vegetarianism. At the heart of this nutritional philosophy is the principle of not eating animals or the products they provide. But to maintain body tone and exercise, you simply need to consume a certain amount of protein, so consuming legumes as a source of protein is becoming increasingly popular. The most useful legume is chickpeas, and hummus, which is prepared from this plant, is extremely rich in protein that is beneficial for the human body.

Composition of hummus

It is worth noting that hummus is a dish consisting not only of chickpeas, but also of other components. The basic composition looks something like this:

  • chickpeas – 300 grams;
  • sesame – 65 grams;
  • grain – 1/2 teaspoon;
  • garlic – 2-3 cloves;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • olive oil – 2 tablespoons.

The chickpeas are soaked for a day and then boiled. Roasted sesame seeds, corn and garlic are added to the finished peas, the whole mixture is passed in a blender until smooth. Add lemon juice and oil to the resulting paste, mix thoroughly and cool.

Additionally, you can add your favorite spices to hummus - sun-dried tomatoes, fried onions, etc. The dish can be served as a sauce or as a separate dish.

Hummus - good or bad?

However, when eating hummus, you should not get carried away, because the dish is quite nutritious and 100 grams of hummus contains about 330 kcal. In addition, in combination with bread and other products, the calorie content increases significantly. It is impossible to say unequivocally that hummus is harmful; on the contrary, all the components included in the dish are extremely useful, especially during the period of diet and physical activity.

Eating this dish during the recovery period after illness will make rehabilitation easier and faster. It is also recommended to use hummus to feed children, because a growing body needs easily digestible protein, which chickpeas are so rich in.

The benefits and harms of chickpeas, the properties and calorie content of chickpeas. Healthy Meal Recipes

Chickpea is an eastern “resident”, its age is several thousand years. It is known that it was part of dishes that were consumed by the Egyptian pharaohs. And doctors already at that time knew well the benefits of chickpeas, and described its healing qualities in their treatises.

How to know that we have chickpeas, variations of the name

The overseas bean is round in shape, the size of one pea is 0.5-1.5 cm in diameter. The seeds are rough to the touch, and the color of the peas can be deep yellow or dark.

Chickpeas will seem familiar to many; their “appearance” is similar to ordinary peas, but has its own characteristics. Who is this mysterious stranger from the legume family? It has many names: shish, bubbler, nahat. But most often it is called Turkish (or lamb) peas.

How many calories are in lamb pea dishes?

To assess the nutritional value of Turkish peas, it is enough to get acquainted with its composition. 100 g of product contains up to 9.8 g of protein, fat - 1.9 g. Beans are distinguished by a large amount of carbohydrates - at least 18.3 g. If you cook chickpeas, the calorie content of a 100 g serving will be 128.8 kcal.

Some chickpea varieties are especially rich in protein (up to 30 g per 100 g of product). This composition makes this plant-based product an excellent low-calorie alternative to meat.

Nakhat also contains another very useful component for the human body - calcium, and it also contains many minerals (from 2 to 5%) and vitamins - A, C, B1, B2, B3, B6, PP.

Are chickpeas really that healthy and who should include them in their diet? According to doctors, foreign beans are an excellent way to naturally cleanse the body and improve health. So what are the characteristics of chickpeas? Useful properties of bladderwrack:

  • prevents the development of obesity;
  • helps the body resist colds and flu;
  • helps reduce blood cholesterol levels;
  • serves as a means of preventing the development of such a dangerous disease as cataracts;
  • increases hemoglobin (therefore, pregnant women and nursing mothers should definitely eat chickpea dishes).

And that's not all! Peas from Turkey are known to be used in the fight against dental problems. Peas can calm an attack of arrhythmia and protect against heart pathologies.

Chickpeas play the role of a useful additive to medicines in the treatment of diseases of the liver and spleen. Eating lamb peas will help normalize intestinal function and make you forget about constipation. For those who suffer from depression and want to improve brain function, chickpeas will also help. The beneficial properties of these beans will also be appreciated by the fair sex if they regularly consume this exotic vegetable: chickpeas help preserve youth for a long time.

Before you add a culinary novelty to your menu brought from the East, you need to learn not only about the benefits of chickpeas, but also about the harm this product can cause. Cons of eating yellow beans:

  • increased formation of gases in the intestines;
  • stomach spasm. It can occur if you wash down a chickpea dish with water;
  • allergic reaction. Like any product, chickpeas may not be suitable for some people in terms of composition and properties.

Chickpeas do not go well with fruits containing pectin. Consuming these foods at the same time may cause stomach discomfort.

And finally, for those who suffer from thrombophlebitis, cystitis, bladder ulcers, gout and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, it is better to refrain from consuming this product.

What do nutritionists say?

Chickpeas can be used as a component of diets for various purposes. Since it contains iron, it is suitable for the diet of pregnant women. The ability of lamb peas to reduce the calorie content of dishes without depriving them of nutritional value is actively used in order to lose weight.

Peas from the fields of Turkey also replenish the diet for those who are forced to control their sugar levels. It gradually fills the body with energy, without the risk of increasing sugar levels. Chickpeas are also included in the diet indicated for skin diseases.

Don't forget that chickpeas are not only healthy, but also tasty. It is prepared in different ways. For example, in just 10 minutes you can prepare an unusually tasty dish - a salad of boiled chickpeas with the addition of tomatoes. For such a culinary masterpiece you will need:


  • 200 g boiled chickpeas;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 eggs.


  1. Mix boiled chickpeas with tomatoes, cut into small cubes.
  2. Add chopped onion.
  3. Boil the eggs, cut them and add them to the rest of the ingredients.
  4. Prepare salad dressing from 2 tbsp. l. olive oil, 1 tbsp. l. wine vinegar and a small amount of salt.
  5. Decorate the dish with herbs.

If you're not afraid to experiment in the kitchen, try making a more complex dish that includes chickpeas. Recipes for delicious shisha pastes can be borrowed from Arab cuisine. Here's one of them.


  • chickpeas – 450 g;
  • garlic, herbs, spices, lemon juice - to taste.


  1. Soak the chickpeas in cold water and leave for 12 hours.
  2. Pour a new portion of water over the peas and cook for at least 2 hours, removing the foam with a spoon.
  3. When the chickpeas are ready, drain the water and sprinkle the peas with lemon juice.
  4. Add chopped garlic (to taste), herbs, spices; salt generously.
  5. Stir all ingredients and then grind in a blender.

To give the pate a specific taste, try to find sesame seed paste - tahini - in the store. If you were unable to obtain such a component, you can make the paste yourself using walnuts: They are fried and tossed with olive oil. Tahini should be added to the pate and grind everything until fluffy.

Rules for selecting and storing chickpeas

High-quality chickpeas are whole, dry, smooth peas that are free of stains or mechanical damage. A bag made of natural linen is most suitable for storing beans. To preserve nakhat for a long time, it should be kept in a dry, dark, well-ventilated place where there are no strong odors.

Chickpeas managed to win the hearts of many connoisseurs of exquisite tastes and fans healthy eating. It provides amazing taste and health benefits.

I bought hummus. What do you eat it with?


About how to eat hummus.

Hummus is indispensable for breakfast. All over the world, mothers and wives face the same problems. One of them: what to feed the children and husband for breakfast, so that it is quick and tasty? In the morning, the foods consumed should be light and certainly nutritious, otherwise your child or husband (which in some cases is the same thing :)) will feel hungry by eleven o'clock in the afternoon. High nutritional value Hummus with pronounced beneficial properties has made this product popular among wives and mothers in solving this problem. Hummus goes well with fresh bread. In principle, you can experiment and serve Hummus with pita bread, crackers or chips, depending on the tastes of your loved ones.

Hummus will decorate your table for lunch and dinner. It goes well with fresh and canned vegetables and meat dishes, emphasizing and highlighting their taste and aroma. Ideal for kebabs and steaks.
HUMMUS acquires a special taste if you spread it in an even layer in a plate, and place stewed or fried meat and mushrooms in the middle.
recipes with hummus - [link blocked by decision of the project administration]

Hummus is, roughly speaking, pea paste with lemon juice and vegetable oil.

Yes, they just spread it on bread, and that’s it. Goes great with morning coffee and a slice of cheese.
It’s also good with different types of bread, and with unleavened crackers.
A sandwich with hummus and olives goes well with beer.

By the way, open hummus should be eaten within a couple of days, otherwise it will turn sour.

I came across this product by chance in OK. Round flat plastic jar, what they sell it in Korean salads, 200 g, about eighty rubles. Not cheap, of course. It’s not that I haven’t tried it before, but I’ve never even seen it on sale, although I’ve been living here for a long time. But this name, hummus, stirred something in my soul. Perhaps, at the level of genetic memory, from the Tatar-Mongols.
I wouldn’t have risked buying it if it weren’t for the woman standing next to me, who was also holding the same jar in her hands: “This is a paste made from chickpeas. My daughter eats it.” I knew what chickpeas were because I watched TV. Although I haven't tried it. In short, I took a risk and bought it.
On the package: "Chickpea paste "Hummus "Jerusalem". Ingredients: chickpeas, refined deodorized sunflower oil, olive oil, water, sesame seeds, salt, garlic, red pepper, thyme, cumin, citric acid E 330, preservatives E 202, E 211." And then about proteins, fats, nutritional value etc..
Chickpeas are a type of Asian pea.
A yellowish-gray mass with the consistency of a soft pate. I went online looking for information on how and what to eat this product with, and found it. They eat it (or him?) with fish, meat, and dip bread (flatbread) in hummus. I tried spreading it on bread, on homemade jellied meat, as a snack.
The taste did not make an impression. Pale and expressionless. A slight sourness adds some piquancy, but nothing more. Food is like food. I don't understand the excitement. To tell the truth, simple peas have a much brighter taste.
I tried it and calmed down. Another legend has been debunked.

Hummus is a healthy snack common in eastern countries, which is made from chickpeas, the so-called peas. It is not often found on our tables, and it is a pity, since it contains enormous health value. Do you want to learn more about this dish and learn how to cook it? Readers of Popular About Health will have this opportunity right now. We will talk about how to make hummus from chickpeas at home, discuss the benefits and harms. Let's talk about the calorie content of hummus.

Hummus - benefits and harm

The benefits of hummus

Among the ingredients from which the traditional oriental dish is prepared are not only lamb peas, but also sesame seeds, olive oil and various spices. Chickpeas themselves are valued for their high protein content of plant origin. It is useful to eat for those who adhere to vegetarianism, as well as for people who want to lose weight or play sports. In addition to the protein component, peas are rich in fiber, which cleanses the intestines like a sorbent, removes waste and toxins, and helps normalize stool. B vitamins have a positive effect on nervous system and blood vessels, vitamin A helps improve vision and takes care of the beauty of hair and nails.

Among the ingredients of hummus there is also garlic, which strengthens the immune system and acts as an antioxidant. Lemon, which is usually added to snacks, contains a lot of ascorbic acid, which protects the body from viral attacks. Olive oil, another component of chickpea hummus, contains valuable substances, which preserve youthful skin, strengthen the heart muscle and remove cholesterol. Special value Sesame seeds are a real storehouse of vitamins and microelements for the body. They contain large amounts of vitamin E - a powerful immune activator, an indispensable element when planning pregnancy and an antioxidant. In addition, sesame is rich in phosphorus and zinc.

It’s not without reason that Easterners have been preparing and eating chickpea hummus for thousands of years. According to some sources, Egyptian pharaohs included it in their menu. This is very valuable and useful product from plant components. The snack can replace meat during fasting.

How many calories does hummus have??

The nutritious oriental snack contains about 200 kilocalories per 100 grams. It is difficult to say more precisely, since it depends not only on the calorie content of the peas themselves, but also on the amount of oil and other components added to the hummus.

What's the harm in hummus??

Hummus can only be harmful to people who have a tendency to have allergic reactions to legumes.

Let's make hummus at home!

Ingredients: chickpeas (lamb peas) – 300 g; sesame seed – 2 tbsp. l. (you can use tahini paste); half a lemon; olive oil – 30 ml; garlic – 2 cloves; salt; cumin, coriander, red pepper.

Let's start cooking. The most important ingredient, chickpeas are a hard legume, and as you know, all beans take a long time to cook. Therefore, it is worth soaking the peas in cold water overnight. After soaking, drain the water, pour in clean water, then cook the beans without adding salt for at least 2 hours. At the end of cooking, make sure that the chickpeas are already soft, drain the water into a separate bowl, we will need this broth. Rub the peas themselves with your palms to remove the surface light film. Pour water into the bowl again to bring the husks to the surface and drain. Some people do not peel the chickpeas, but it still somewhat affects the taste of the finished dish.

Place half of the broth along with beans, salt, garlic and spices (they must first be crushed) into a blender bowl and turn the mass into a homogeneous puree. Now squeeze the juice from half a lemon into the mixture. If you use tahini paste, feel free to add two tablespoons to the chickpea puree. If you only have seeds, you need to grind them into powder in a coffee grinder. Pour it into a blender bowl and add oil. Turn on the unit again at full power and beat the puree. If the mass is too thick, add a little more broth, but do not overdo it.

We transfer the finished hummus into a container and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours so that the snack settles a little, then its taste will fully develop. In the East they eat chickpea hummus with pita bread, you can do the same, and if there is no pita bread, spread the mixture on bread or croutons. It's very tasty.

How can you change your hummus recipe??

Some lovers of the oriental delicacy, who have experience in preparing it, have gotten used to modifying classic recipe, adding various components to it. For example, many say that a snack turns out much tastier if you use paprika. It not only gives a pleasant pink tint, but also a sweetish taste. Red hot pepper Originally included in the recipe, but you don’t have to use it. There are recipes where they also add a little fresh mint and cayenne pepper to the hummus. However, once you make this nutritious snack, you will be able to determine what you think is missing.

At home, you can make more than just hummus from chickpeas. But hummus is an excellent snack, enriched with valuable nutrients, – vitamins, fatty acids, fiber, protein, microelements. Regular use will help maintain good health for many years. The dish is worthy of your attention.

Hummus, which is quite exotic in our countries, can nevertheless very often be found as a guest on the tables of various countries of the Middle East and Mediterranean. There he long ago and firmly gained fame as one of the most popular and delicious snacks. This article will help you understand what kind of dish this is and what its properties are, both beneficial and potentially harmful.

What is this?

Hummus is a dish with a porridge-like consistency; a mandatory component is chickpea puree, as well as sesame paste, lemon juice, olive oil and other additives. The first documented mentions of such a product date back to the 13th century, most of them are presented in the form of recipes from books for cooks in Arabic.

Did you know? In Hebrew and Arabic, the word hummus has a dual meaning, the first being the appetizer itself, and the second being the local name for the type of pea from which the appetizer is produced, chickpeas.

This dish has gained the greatest popularity in the countries of the Middle East (Türkiye, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, Syria), as well as in Cyprus and Greece. Most often, hummus is served as a cold appetizer or as a sauce, while in the East it is traditionally accompanied by pita bread or pita bread, and in other regions it can be replaced with bread or corn chips.

In the 19th century, after it became clear that this snack does not contain gluten, hummus began to actively gain popularity among residents of the United States and other countries who were intolerant to this food component and products that contain it.

The main component of hummus is boiled chickpeas., which is subsequently crushed manually or using various means to a homogeneous pulp. After this, other ingredients are added to it, such as sesame paste and olive oil. These components are the main ones; all the rest should be considered as seasonings that can only one way or another highlight the main taste of the dish.

Vitamin and mineral composition

Of the minerals, this snack contains a fairly large amount (379 milligrams) and (228 milligrams), in addition, it also contains small amounts of (38 milligrams), (71 milligrams) and (2.4 milligrams). This product, unfortunately, is not so rich in vitamins; it contains only a small amount of and.

Nutritional value and calorie content

A fairly large proportion of the bulk of hummus is occupied by fats. Per one hundred grams of this product, prepared according to the standard recipe, there are 10 grams of fat, including 1.4 grams of saturated, 3.6 grams of polyunsaturated fatty acids and 4 grams of monounsaturated fatty acids.

Important! You should not worry about the state of your cardiovascular system when consuming this snack, because, despite the high fat content, it contains absolutely no cholesterol, which is the main reason for the development of pathology of this system.

The largest share in this product is carbohydrates- as much as 14 grams per 100 grams finished product, of which 6 grams come from various dietary fibers. This product is also rich in protein inclusions: 100 grams of hummus contains at least 8 grams of protein. The calorie content of the product is 166 kcal per 100 gram serving.

About the benefits of hummus

Hummus, due to the special composition of the products included in its recipe, is able to have a complex positive effect on the human body who consumes it regularly. Here are some beneficial properties you can get from it:

  1. Supplying the body with a sufficient amount of natural plant protein.
  2. Normalization of metabolism.
  3. Reduced blood sugar levels.
  4. Helps in removing waste and toxic substances from the body.
  5. Improvement of cognitive processes.
  6. Stabilization of the cardiovascular system.
  7. Healing effect on the nervous system.

In addition, it is worth mentioning separately the benefits that the dietary fiber contained in hummus brings. They help normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, remove toxic substances accumulated in it from the intestines and prevent various disorders in its functioning (constipation, indigestion, diarrhea, etc.).

Hummus can be considered quite healthy and balanced diet for people who are trying to lead healthy image life and strive to watch their figure. Regular consumption of it leads to weight loss, decreased appetite and provides the consumer with sufficient energy for daily, consistently high activity.

Did you know? IN Ancient Egypt chickpeas were a symbol of the pharaoh's family. Pharaohs were often depicted with chickpea branches in their hands; it was believed that their family should be as strong and united as peas in a chickpea pod.

It is necessary to mention that due to its mushy form, this product is quite convenient for consumption by people who, for one reason or another, cannot chew food on their own, as well as for elderly people. The rational use of this product in feeding seriously ill people in intensive care units of European and American hospitals can serve as a good example for our healthcare system.

Is it possible for pregnant and lactating women

Modern research shows that hummus should be consumed with caution in the last trimesters of pregnancy, when the fetus already occupies a fairly large area in the abdominal cavity of the expectant mother. This is due to the fact that large amounts of hummus can provoke flatulence, and this will cause significant discomfort to expectant mothers at such a late stage.

Nursing mothers are not prohibited from eating this product, but quite the opposite - the high protein content in this product will contribute to more productive and rapid lactogenesis, and cleansing the body of toxins, which the product promotes, will improve the quality of milk and provide the baby with the purest breast milk, which your body can synthesize.

Important! It is necessary to use hummus with caution for those mothers whose milk has a high fat content, since excess fat in the composition of the product in question can enhance this property of milk, which can result in the development of frequent constipation in the baby.

Harmful food

As mentioned earlier, this chickpea-based product can cause flatulence, so you should not overuse it, especially if you are prone to such problems. In addition, you must remember that this is a very high-calorie dish, and systematic abuse of it can cause problems with overweight. To maintain the ideal proportion between satiety and a good figure at one meal, it is recommended to consume no more than 2-3 spoons of this snack.

Under no circumstances should you consume this dish if you are intolerant to any of the components included in its composition. Allergies to various citrus fruits and peas are quite common in modern world, and therefore before eating this dish for the first time, it would be a good idea to make sure that it is absent.

There is also a list of diseases that this product can aggravate - remember that if you have them, you should not eat hummus:

  • cholecystitis;
  • inflammatory diseases of the intestines and stomach in chronic and acute forms;
  • stomach and intestinal ulcers;
  • thrombophlebitis of any localization;
  • severe circulatory disorders;

So, we hope that this article helped you understand all the questions that you had regarding such a snack as hummus. Don’t be afraid to try new dishes, experiment with their composition, add different seasonings, and sooner or later you will find an individual hummus recipe that is perfect for you and your family!

Chickpea snacks are found very rarely on our tables, unlike in the countries of the Middle East and the Mediterranean, where chickpea puree is a favorite delicacy. But once you learn about all the benefits of hummus, be sure to include this dish in your diet and delight your friends and family.

Hummus: beneficial and harmful properties

A little history

The recipe for this dish was invented in ancient times. There is evidence that chickpeas were grown near the Nile River as early as 1590 BC. The product was not only prepared, but also exported to other countries, for example, Italy, Asia Minor, Greece. Historians say that hummus is one of the favorite breakfasts of the pharaohs, because supplies of chickpeas were found in the tomb of Tutankhamun himself. Smart Japanese have sprouted these very grains and can now taste a dish with a pharaonic flavor.

Greece and Ancient Rome hummus was used for medicinal purposes. Roman fearless warriors owed their health to many military doctors. Dioscorides Pedanius is one of those doctors; he studied the healing properties of herbs and plants all his life, founded botany, and proved that cooked chickpeas have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Homer, the ancient Greek poet, mentioned this magnificent dish in the Illead.

Hummus: composition

Hummus contains:

With such a rich composition, hummus is not a high-calorie product. A spoonful of this puree contains only 25 kcal. If you are watching your figure, then hummus is... great snack and a means to combat appetite. Hummus calories are not bad because they are natural. Only olive oil adds calories to the product, but it is very healthy and adds nutritional value.

Also, the product will be an excellent food for vegetarians. Chickpeas have a lot of fiber, it saturates the body and, most importantly, regulates fluctuations in blood sugar; the dish is suitable for patients with hyperglycemia and diabetes.

The benefits of hummus

We have already reported that puree normalizes cholesterol levels and recalled its beneficial effects on the heart.

Hummus has been proven to:

  • Nourishes the body with plant proteins
  • Normalizes metabolism
  • Reduces blood sugar
  • Removes toxins from the body
  • Improves brain function
  • Has a beneficial effect on the nervous system
  • Stabilizes heart function

This is not a complete list beneficial properties hummus. The product also contains soluble and insoluble dietary fiber. Soluble ones form a gel-like substance in the gastrointestinal tract, which binds to cholesterol impurities and is excreted from the body. Insoluble fiber prevents digestive disorders and prevents constipation.

Eating just a couple of spoons Eating a delicate snack a day will saturate your body with proteins, normalize blood sugar levels and metabolism.

Hummus: harm

There are contraindications for hummus. It turned out that this product promotes flatulence. This dish is contraindicated for people who are prone to rapid weight gain, because its consumption severely disrupts metabolism and most often leads to obesity.

If you don't have any problems, then it's time to go to the store for ingredients! Surprise your loved ones with a delicious dish.

What do you eat hummus with?

Traditionally the dish is served with Arabic flatbread which is called pita. The most the right way consumption is to scoop the appetizer out of the pita with a spoon. You just tear off a piece of the flatbread, roll it into a spoon and scoop it out. If you don’t have pita, you can replace it with fresh bread, pita bread or crackers.

How to properly prepare hummus?

There are many recipes, let's look at the classic recipe.


A simple recipe in ten minutes.

You will need:

  • 450 grams chickpeas
  • 1/4 liquid from the can of chickpeas
  • 3 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 tbsp tahini
  • 2 cloves minced garlic
  • 2 tbsp olive oil

Pour out all the liquid from the can of chickpeas and be sure to save it. Mix all ingredients in a blender, add 1.4 cups of liquid. Stir until smooth.

Make a well in the center of some hummus and add two teaspoons of olive oil.

Serve the dish after cooking without delay, but you can put the dish in the refrigerator. The product can be stored in the freezer for a month, and in the refrigerator for three days.

If you want some spice then add chili pepper. You can also add parsley.