Methods of adaptation of persons with disabilities. The problem of adaptation of children with disabilities. Theories of adaptation potential. The need to help children with disabilities in the adaptation process. Specifics of social adaptation in the society of young people with disabilities

Adaptation of children with disabilities at school from Speech at the pedagogical council by primary school teacher E. M. Kanavina. The first year of a child’s education at school is a very difficult period in the life of a small schoolchild. These are new conditions of life and activity of the child, and new contacts, new relationships, new responsibilities. This is a very stressful period, primarily because school poses a number of tasks for students from the very first days. The daily routine changes, requiring the mobilization of all the child’s strength. Therefore, adaptation to school does not occur immediately; it is a rather long process associated with significant stress on all body systems. In the socio-pedagogical aspect, adaptation means the development of the most adequate forms of behavior in the conditions of a changing microsocial environment. Adaptation at school is a rather difficult process for any child, and even more so for a child with disabilities. A significant role in the successful adaptation of schoolchildren at the stage of growing up is played by the personal characteristics of children, formed at previous stages of development. Therefore, work on the successful adaptation of a child begins in preschool educational institutions. Most children with disabilities did not attend school before kindergarten, which means they do not have communication skills in a group of children. Such children are most often not accustomed to basic self-care skills. They are constantly adults. help is needed Often children do not understand basic regime requirements because they did not attend preschool institutions. After a monotonous stay at home, where children were most often unattended and unattended and left to their own devices. At school, everything is different for them: new requirements, an intensive regime, the need to keep up with everything. How to adapt to them? This requires time and effort, and most importantly, the support of parents and the hard work of the teacher. primary classes. Due to the developmental characteristics of children with disabilities, interaction with the social environment is difficult, the ability to adequately respond to changes is reduced,

increasingly complex requirements. These children have particular difficulty achieving their goals within existing norms. All these features predetermine the difficulties that a child with disabilities may encounter when communicating with peers. Younger schoolchildren often focus on the features appearance and the behavior of a classmate, they may avoid him or even enter into open conflict. An indicator of the difficulty of the process of adaptation to school is changes in the behavior of children. This may be the following manifestations: lethargy; depression; feeling of fear; reluctance to go to school. All changes in the child’s behavior reflect the characteristics of psychological adaptation to school. One of the main tasks of schools where inclusive practices are implemented is the inclusion of children with disabilities in the social space, their social adaptation in the general education classroom. This process should be managed by teachers, support specialists educational process, coordinator of inclusive education and pass in such a way as to cause a minimum of discomfort for both the child with disabilities and his classmates. Adaptation in school conditions through the implementation of special programs (“Accessible environment”, “Barrier-free environment”, “Special child”). Here, the creation of a special material and technical base to ensure comfortable access for a child with disabilities to education comes to the fore. One of general rules an adapted educational environment is a criterion for its accessibility for a child with disabilities. Educational institutions providing support for such children must take into account both general pedagogical and special requirements for equipment and personal space for a child with disabilities. This is especially true for the technical equipment of all spheres of a child’s life: fulfilling everyday needs, developing social competence, and the child’s social activity. The next direction is working with families. The family introduces the child into society, instills in him the first skills of self-service, mastering various forms of communication that satisfy the need of the child with disabilities to communicate. Therefore, within the framework of this area, it is important to organize advisory support for families, as well as the mandatory inclusion of parents in educational

rehabilitation environment of training and education as a condition for real interaction. The third direction of inclusive education, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard of Education, involves psychological and pedagogical support for the socialization of a child with disabilities in the school community. This direction presupposes the presence of a medical worker, psychologist, tutor, etc. on the school’s staff. The main burden and responsibility for the results of adaptation falls on primary school teachers. It is inappropriate to try to change the behavior of a hyperactive child by instilling in him norms and rules of behavior. It is necessary to work with this child in this direction by involving the child in group activities with classmates, assigning him a simple task. To create favorable conditions To include a child with disabilities in the social space, it is necessary, first of all, to work with the team in which he is located. If the child’s behavior is very different from the rest of the group, then it is advisable to have a preliminary conversation with the students. You need to tell them something like this: “Guys, a new student will study with you, his name is.... When he comes to class, you will see that it is difficult for him... (sit still, remember the material, communicate easily with others , answer questions, etc.). But he will try and over time he will learn to do it better. Treat him with patience and understanding. You can help him. It will be very good." If the child is very different in appearance (for example, moves in a stroller), then children should be told why he cannot walk. You need to tell the story in a calm voice, without unnecessary details. If the child’s behavior (and appearance) is not very different from the others, then there is no need to conduct special conversations. Problems that arise can be resolved as usual. It is quite possible that children will ask why another adult is sitting with one student. To this you can answer: “He helps Tanya write, it’s still difficult for her to write on her own.” Over time, as children get to know each other better, questions about their classmate's differences usually subside. Children simply get used to it and, with appropriate

under adult control, they try to help their friend who is experiencing difficulties. A story about a child with special needs should be more like an instruction than an dive into the essence of their classmate’s problems. For elementary school children, clear information about how to behave correctly is important. Answers to “tricky questions” “Why is he like that?” First, you can ask the person who asks “is he like this?”: “What kind?” Based on what the child answers, build your answer. – About the child’s physical problems (cerebral palsy and other movement disorders) we can say: “It so happened that when... (child’s name) was very small, he got sick and his muscles stopped obeying him. His muscles can't flex and straighten the way he'd like." – About behavioral problems (autism, hyperactivity) you can say: “...(child’s name) it’s difficult to communicate, to sit still, but he’s trying to learn, he really wants it, that’s why he came to study with you.” – About his unusual appearance (Down syndrome, scars on the face, hemangiomas) one can say: “It so happened that when... (child’s name) was very small, the functioning of his body was disrupted. And then, when the body began to develop further, this violation remained. But otherwise.... (child’s name) – ordinary child, just like you” (said to the one asking the question). – About other problems (slowness, decreased hearing, decreased vision, delay mental development etc.) it says: “... (child’s name) it is difficult to see small pictures, hear quiet sounds, quickly understand tasks, but if you help him, he will definitely cope.” At the end of each answer, be sure to say: “But otherwise... (child’s name) is the same as everyone else. He loves.... He is interested.... He wants...”, etc. Conducting various trainings, games, group activities, you need to show the team that all people are different, that features of appearance are not an obstacle to communication, and also that it is much more productive to cooperate with each other rather than conflict.

It is possible to implement projects and events where children can get acquainted with different aspects of the lives of people with disabilities. When creating necessary conditions for the socialization of a child with disabilities by all specialists educational institution, as well as with the correct organization of the inclusion process of this child in a general education class, joint education with special children contributes to the development of such necessary skills and personal qualities of all students as: social competence, tolerance, interpersonal problem solving skills, self-confidence, self-esteem. In the process of joint activities, children learn to discuss a problem, listen and hear another opinion, defend their point of view, resolve conflicts through negotiations, listening to the opponent’s opinion. As a result, they understand that every person has the right to be “different.” Children realize that “we are different, but not strangers.” On the other hand, the child himself needs to be taught the rules of communication with classmates. Explain how important it is to be polite and attentive to your peers - and communication at school will only be a joy. Adaptation of a child to school is a rather long process. It doesn’t take a day or a week for a little student to get comfortable at school. Undoubtedly, the main role in creating a favorable psychological climate in the classroom belongs to the teacher. He needs to constantly work to increase the level of educational motivation so that the child wants to go to school and has a desire to gain knowledge. The teacher must create situations for success for the child in class, during recess, in extracurricular activities, and in communicating with classmates. It is necessary to remember that such qualities of individual children as inattention, restlessness, quick distractibility, inability to control their behavior are associated with the characteristics of their psyche, so it is important not to make harsh comments to children, not to pull them back, and try to focus on the positive manifestations of the child. During the learning process, it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the student. Preliminary acquaintance of the child with the school and classroom when meeting in August, together with the parents.

The whole family can walk around the school, see where the canteen, gym, and toilet are located. It will be good if the child and his parents get to know in advance not only the teacher and tutor, but also other adults - support specialists, subject teachers, security guards, etc. While visiting the class, the future student can choose in advance the place he likes and sit at desk. In this case, from the first days of training, his anxiety, caused by the unknown, a large number of new unfamiliar people around, will decrease. At the first stages of attending school, children with developmental disorders, and especially with intellectual development disorders and autism spectrum disorders, find it difficult to learn the school routine, schedule, lesson duration and breaks. To facilitate adaptation, you can offer your child a daily plan in pictures. A teacher, tutor or psychologist can review this plan with the child at the beginning of the school day. It is very important to warn the child about possible changes - in the schedule, classrooms, etc. In addition, the teacher and support specialists should work to formulate an algorithm for children’s activities in various situations: what to do: - when they want to go to the toilet; - when you need to go to the dining room; - when is the next lesson - physical education; - when the class goes for a walk; - when it is necessary to prepare for the next lesson; - when the bell rings, etc. It is very important to organize the space inside and outside the classroom so that children can retire for a while and take a break from the noise. In the classroom, this could be a screen, a “tent,” etc. As a rule, after being alone at recess or even in class, the child is ready to get back into work and interaction. If the child cannot stand in a stationary position for all 35-40 minutes of the lesson - gets up, talks, moves around the class, the tutor or teacher allows him to rest - go to the play area from behind the desk, sit in the “house”, but at the same time

It is important to regulate rest time - for example, using an hourglass, approving the situation when the child returns to work with the class after a limited time period. The result of the activities of the teacher and tutor will be a situation where a student with disabilities begins and finishes work in the lesson together with all the children. The adaptation period in 1st grade does not end, because the child constantly adapts to different conditions throughout the entire period of schooling. And our task is to help him with this.

In accordance with the Standard Rules for the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities (UN General Assembly, 1993), the most promising way to solve the sociocultural problems of persons with disabilities is their integration into society. A special teacher, starting to work with a child from the first days of his life, lays the foundation of sociocultural inclusion on which the style and lifestyle of this person will subsequently be built. The teacher needs to take into account the specific (gender, age, social origin) and typological features (features of a certain group of people with the same developmental disorder) of the integration of various categories of people with disabilities and the possibility of overcoming the problems of socio-cultural inclusion of each child using psychological and pedagogical methods.

The modern process of sociocultural inclusion and adaptation of persons with disabilities takes the idea of ​​an independent lifestyle as fundamental. It allows us to identify the sociocultural content of the life activities of various categories of persons with developmental disabilities and determine a system of pedagogical and sociocultural measures aimed at overcoming existing problems of social and cultural integration of persons with disabilities.

Special pedagogy, defining the final and immediate goals and objectives of special education, its content, organization, methods and techniques of correctional pedagogical assistance, also takes into account the socioculturally significant idea of ​​an independent lifestyle. It studies the qualitative uniqueness of the problems of sociocultural inclusion in relation to each category of children with special educational needs and, on this basis, forms the basic skills of all components of the lifestyle, taking into account the specific difficulties of each category of students. Special pedagogy develops the necessary basic skills in the field of life support and self-care, socialization, communication and recreation. Their development will continue into adulthood; on their basis an independent lifestyle will be formed.

Life support presupposes the active participation of a person with limited ability to work in social production, in the service sector or intellectual work, as well as in housekeeping, self-service, and financial relations. In market conditions, the possibility of participation of persons with limited ability to work in the production sector is difficult; they are required to be highly competitiveness in the labor market, presupposing high professional qualifications and mobility. If such conditions are not met, it is difficult for a person with limited ability to work to count on employment and material security. Knowledge of social life and adaptation to it, the presence of the required level of education are an important condition for conducting financial relations. As research by sociologists shows, a significant proportion of people with limited ability to work do not consider their own work as a means of materially providing for life, taking a dependent position.

This is the result of social education that begins in school, focused only on stereotypes of social assistance: pensions, charity, underestimated social assessment of a person with disabilities.

Socialization is the process and result of a person’s mastery of knowledge and skills of social life, the development of generally accepted behavioral stereotypes, the development of value orientations accepted in a given society, which allow them to fully participate in various situations of social interaction.

An important condition for full socialization and social life is the development of social communication skills.

Special psychology and special pedagogy, organizing the process of special education, provide (in the structure of educational subjects, in everyday educational work) elements of preparation for life in society - exercising and developing communication skills in standard sociocultural situations, ensuring mastery of standard and patterns of social behavior and social interaction , skills to master the social environment and fully exist in it, skills of self-help and mutual assistance in difficult social conditions.

A person with limited ability to work, like anyone else, must be prepared not only for a productive life and work activity, but also for the skillful restoration of vitality and health, partially lost in everyday work activity, i.e. to the ability to organize your rest, your free time - recreation. For persons with disabilities, there are a number of objective limitations on the ability to participate in various publicly accessible forms of leisure activities due to limited mobility, other physical capabilities, limited perception capabilities, social and situational adaptation, etc. However, this does not mean their complete isolation from participation in publicly accessible forms of leisure activities. activities. Special pedagogy in the structure of educational work provides for the inclusion, training and feasible participation of children and adolescents with developmental disabilities in general recreational activities, as well as the interest and habit of participating in various forms of specially organized leisure activities that take into account their limitations. Special forms of leisure activities, although they are forcedly segregated, nevertheless contribute to the development of social skills within their subculture, personal development, and accustom them to active and purposeful leisure activities (sports, dancing, excursions, arts and crafts and crafts, interest clubs etc.), continue the process of correction and compensation for developmental deviations through the means of culture, art, sports, active leisure activities, and crafts. The formation of special recreational skills and attitudes begins from the first days of a child’s stay in the special education system.

Lesson 7. “Educational integration and social adaptation of children with disabilities as a social and psychological-pedagogical problem”

1. Communicative competence as a key condition for social adaptation of persons with disabilities.

Communicative competence is named in modern model education of one of the basic competencies modern man(ability to collaborate effectively with other people). Integration and social adaptation of students with disabilities is impossible without verbal communication and interaction. When there is a delay in speech development, problems associated with communication arise, difficulties in communicative behavior appear, and the relationship between the individual and society is upset. The factors of communication and tolerance are of particular importance. The problem of developing the communicative competence of children with disabilities as a means of the most complete and successful socialization of students is of great significance and relevance. The level of communication skills of students with disabilities is determined by the actual narrow social circle of their communication; insufficiency of their capabilities for the formation of communicative competence of adolescents. The success of his interaction with communication partners and their integration into the school community largely depends on the level of an individual’s communicative competence. Now we live in an information-based, rapidly changing society, which places more stringent requirements on school graduates, and especially those with disabilities. The practical focus of developing communication skills comes to the fore. This requires the organization of communication between students in the learning process, holding joint events, classes in additional education clubs for children with disabilities with normally developing peers in general education schools; between students and their parents. Learning to communicate by communicating is the basic principle of communication. This requires an integrated approach to the development of oral dialogical speech children - pay attention at all stages of education and upbringing. For this purpose, it is possible to develop a model (invariable module) “Formation of communicative competence of students with disabilities as the main condition for their successful socialization,” consisting of blocks: educational activities, educational work, additional education, socio-psychological support, family, society. After this, begin work on developing the communicative competence of children with disabilities. The communicative component or its component should be included in every lesson and extracurricular activity. The following participants in the educational process can be involved in this activity: students, school teachers (primary school teachers, secondary teachers, educators, speech pathologists, teachers additional education), teachers of additional education outside of school, parents. Students with disabilities take part in all events together with students from public schools.

2. Technologies of social adaptation in conditions of educational integration.

Technologization of the educational process in conditions of integration requires taking into account the modern vision of the content and objectives of education, which includes not only the formation of knowledge, abilities and skills, not only the transfer of social experience from one generation to another, but also the creation of an environment for personal development. In the context of integrated education, this means ensuring the protection of the identity of a student with disabilities. The educational environment is characterized by openness, integrity, focus on individualization of learning and socialization of students.

The technology of social adaptation in conditions of educational integration is based on the following conceptual provisions. The requirements of complexity set the need for a comprehensive study of the capabilities and characteristics of students in need of correctional educational services, the use of various methods, techniques, techniques and tools from the arsenal of general and correctional pedagogy, pedagogical and special psychology. Critically rethought and adopted, different approaches may be contradictory and may not always apply to all students in the class, but they create a powerful tool in the hands of the teacher, thanks to which he can help any student and his parents. The systematic approach to solving correctional educational problems reflects the relationship between achieving educational and educational goals, predicting and overcoming current difficulties in the interaction of schoolchildren with different cognitive abilities. Consistency requires that the teacher not only solve immediate problems related to mastering the software educational material, but also took preventive measures in a timely manner to optimize relationships in the children’s team, to correct behavioral deviations, and to develop the strengths of the student’s personality. In the integrated learning classroom, systematic work is required to create favorable conditions for the fullest realization of the potential cognitive capabilities of all children, taking into account the characteristics of their development, which determine the specific goals and objectives of learning.

No less important is the active nature of training and education. The theoretical basis is the position on the role of activity in the mental development of a child and on the special role of leading activity in the formation of mental new formations. This approach means that the main way to achieve true integration is the success of students' active activities. Only in it can conditions that are difficult for a student, but possible in life, be modeled and reproduced, the analysis and reproduction of which can become the basis for positive changes in the development of the student’s personality.

Correction in the conditions of integrated learning includes not only the correction of knowledge and mental functions, but also the correction of relationship deviations. This is only possible through student activities carried out in close collaboration with and under the guidance of an adult. Any correction is based on one type of activity or another. It can objectify difficult conflict situations and direct the student’s orientation towards their constructive resolution. Activity allows you to recreate that form of interaction that meets the requirements of the social environment.

The development of social adaptation mechanisms in children with different levels of development is significant, however, it is desirable that these levels do not differ from each other by more than one step (level); students engage in social interactions that support their advancement; the dialogue form of relationships, communicative connections between participants in the educational process become external stimulators of changes in mental activity; they are, to a certain extent, catalysts for the development of the child. The conceptual goal is to ensure emotional involvement in the educational process, to evoke in schoolchildren experiences and feelings in connection with educational activities, based on the recognition that it is experiences that stimulate the development of intelligence and that emotional impulses are more effective than intellectual ones due to the greater preservation of the emotional sphere in some individuals. categories of children with significant deviations in intellectual development.

The relevance of the individual nature of education should be recognized, which will allow, if necessary, to transfer the child from low to higher high level development; provide individual assistance in a particular subject, improve psychological health, and correct existing developmental deficiencies. Very important from the standpoint of educational integration is the principle of reflexivity, which is based on self-assessment, introspection, self-control, i.e. constant reflection on one’s own activities, assessment of achievements and shortcomings. Reflection makes it possible to ensure the prospects of the work being carried out, its tone, which implies the involvement of everyone in the integration process: the leader, teachers, parents, students. Reflection makes it possible to track achievements, see shortcomings at a given stage of a student’s development and his remedial education.

A positive result in the relationships of schoolchildren in the conditions of integrated education, overcoming the cognitive crisis of students with developmental disabilities requires thoughtful systematic work, including the formation of a positive attitude toward students with special needs of psychophysical development, and expanding the experience of productive communication with them. These tasks can be implemented in a system of correctional classes and classes in academic subjects that simultaneously solve the problems of integration and inclusion. The last term is quite widely used in foreign literature in the meaning of integrated (joint) education.

According to Goneev AD., technology in the context of educational integration is characterized by the following features:

1. the actual content of education for children with disabilities is designed and selected, which is freed from secondary material and makes it possible to eliminate the overload of students and repeatedly turn to the main, most important, most significant material in the program material;

2. the openness of the content of special education to changes is recognized and ensured on the basis of an integrative approach to it based on taking into account program requirements, progressive and global trends in the field of general and special education and positive local experience; the implementation of the communicative component of education is ensured in conditions of integration, which presupposes positive interaction between participants in the educational process, their positive attitude towards each other, the exchange of information and existing social experience;

3. the use of variable educational programs and the determination of the educational route of students (in a special school or in an integrated setting) taking into account many factors, including the living environment, the pedagogical culture of parents and the cognitive capabilities of students, the use of a variety of methodological tools that guarantee that The educational environment is a means of personal development.

In modern conditions of Russia, it becomes important to master the necessary skills and competencies for successful socio-professional adaptation and professional development of students in secondary institutions vocational education. Active development market economy, growing competition in the labor market and the introduction of new educational standards are constantly tightening the requirements for the level of professional readiness of future specialists. It is especially difficult for persons with disabilities to meet this level. The efforts of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation are focused on ensuring that, as part of modernization, Russian education create an educational environment that ensures access to quality education, including vocational education, for all persons with disabilities and people with disabilities, taking into account their psychophysical health. An intensive search is underway for ways and means to ensure guarantees of legislative rights for these categories of persons at all levels of education. However, traditional vocational training does not always effectively solve these problems.

The health status of many of them prevents them from developing educational programs outside special conditions training, which requires expanding the activities of educational organizations of secondary vocational education (OO SVE) and highlighting, along with existing tasks, a new one - rehabilitation, which involves ensuring in the process of vocational education the necessary correction and compensation for deviations in the development of certain categories of students as an important factor in the success of their subsequent social and professional adaptation.

Currently, the adaptation and integration of persons with disabilities to professional activities, as one of the main directions for the development of social institutions and social policy in Russian Federation, are enshrined in the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020. The problem of adaptation and integration of persons with disabilities into professional activities is being actively developed in pedagogical science, including domestic science.

Despite the accumulated experience scientific developments in this area, in pedagogical theory and practice, the possibilities of complex socio-professional adaptation (socio-professional adaptation and socio-professional support) of students with different types HIA and disability in inclusive vocational education at the secondary level in accordance with the requirements of modern society and in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Aanalysis of scientific literature devoted to the issues of adaptation of students with disabilities to professional activities, the state of development of the problem and the results of many years of research in institutions of secondary vocational education made it possible to highlightcontradictions between:

    the need to ensure effective social and professional adaptation of students with disabilities in the existing system of secondary vocational education and the insufficient elaboration in pedagogical science of issues of its orientation towards the state of the individual and the capabilities of students with disabilities;

    requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Vocational Education of the new generation and the insufficiency of existing effective mechanisms and forms of coordination of the activities of departmental organizations providing vocational education and socio-professional adaptation of students with disabilities in the secondary vocational education system.

The Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020 notes the increasing role of human capital as the main factor in economic development. This means that the level of competitiveness of modern innovation economy largely depends on the quality of professional personnel, the level of their socialization and cooperation, or social competence. In this context, for the coming long-term period, measures must be identified and implemented to ensure the availability of quality vocational training and successful socialization of youth. At the same time special attention focuses on the problem of vocational training and socialization of young disabled people, as well as other categories of people with disabilities of working age as a socially vulnerable group.

In dynamically changing socio-economic conditions, the profession/specialty they acquired often turns out to be not in demand. The competitiveness of persons with disabilities in the open labor market is also reduced: employers, other things being equal, in the vast majority of cases give preference to healthy people when hiring.

In the educational process, individual developmental characteristics, the state of physical and mental health are the background that largely determines the opportunities for persons with disabilities to obtain a profession/specialty. This implies, firstly, the need for early career guidance work and their preparation for a conscious and optimal choice of the form and place of receiving vocational education. Secondly, it is necessary to develop standardized approaches and recommendations for the vocational training of persons with one or another health limitation, which can become the basis for interaction with them by teaching staff of secondary vocational education institutions. Thirdly, it is important to develop in teachers and industrial training specialists the readiness, with the help of specialists from the comprehensive support service, to modify existing typological approaches to teaching people with sensory, motor, intellectual or complex disabilities, somatic diseases in relation to the specific learning situation and the individual characteristics of each student.

In the vocational education system, it is necessary not only to ensure that each student has the right to choose a profession/specialty, but also to create certain conditions for this by creating resource centers, expanding the list of professions and specialties, as well as motivating students to continue vocational training. This will inevitably stimulate the innovative activities of public education organizations, their desire for intradepartmental and interdepartmental contacts, generalization and dissemination of productive teaching experience, continuous professional development of the teaching staff in the field of teaching persons with disabilities.

Currently, the process of professional training of people with disabilities is the subject of research by specialists in many branches of scientific knowledge. Persons with disabilities is a general term that defines persons who are characterized by the presence of any limitations in mental and (or) physical health or development and who require the creation of special learning conditions. From 35 to 45% of persons with disabilities are disabled children. In relation to them, it is legitimate to use the term “persons with special educational needs”, since the limitation of the opportunities for a person with problems in psychophysical development to participate in the educational process causes him to have special needs for specialized assistance to overcome these limitations. In terms of content, the term “persons with special educational needs” is broader than the term “children with disabilities”, because also includes children who have problems with language barriers, socialization, impairment of performance. For vocational training and social and professional adaptation of disabled people and other persons with disabilities, three main groups with different educational needs and opportunities for employment were identified.

The first group is disabled people with intact intelligence and impaired functions of the musculoskeletal system or visual organs.

The second group is people with hearing and speech impairments. Persistent hearing damage, leading to disruption of speech development and all cognitive activity of a person, is quite common. Hearing impairment and speech underdevelopment entail changes in the development of all cognitive processes, in the formation of its strong-willed behavior, emotions, feelings, character and other aspects of personality.

The third group includes persons with anomalies of psychophysical development (mental retardation, mental retardation, deviant behavior). This is the most significant group in terms of number, which has great difficulties in professional training and implementation. It should be noted that not all students assigned to this group have not only a formally recorded disability, but also a confirmed medical diagnosis. The problem is aggravated by both the limited choice of professions and specialties, and the narrow field of labor implementation (low-skilled or mechanical human labor is replaced by robots, or technical means with special requirements for their operation, which require the presence of a certain intelligence). In the city, low-skilled work is performed mainly by migrants. But this is the very field of labor activity for this group of people with disabilities, from which they retreated and withdrew. For this group of students with disabilities, adapted simplified training programs are acceptable, including, along with mastering general education and special subjects, continued training in communication skills both in technical school and at work, and in everyday life.

Development of national special education systems in allhistorical periods are associated with the socio-economic conditions of the country, the value orientations of the state and society, state policy in the field of education, legislation in the field of education in general and special education, as well as the level of development of defectology science as an integrative field of knowledge at the intersection of medicine, psychology, and pedagogy. Abroad, since the 1970s, a package of regulations has been being developed and implemented to promote the expansion of educational opportunities for people with disabilities. In Russian conditions at the beginning of the 21st century. Professional education of persons with disabilities is considered as a combination of the following processes:

    development-based career guidanceprofessional needs, promoting awarenessprofessional choice, values ​​of preferred professional activity, professional self-determination;

    equipping with knowledge and skills that contribute to understanding the significance and meaning of professional activity, mastering a specific specialty or area of ​​professional activity;

    development of adaptation mechanisms, indicating the need to secure a person in a specific workplace after mastering a certain specialty (S.S. Lebedeva) Currently in the country there are various levels (vocational training, primary, secondary, higher and additional vocational education) and forms (full-time , full-time, part-time, external, home-based education) professional education of different categories of persons with disabilities, the choice of which should be determined by their individual psychophysical characteristics, level of general education and rehabilitation potential. Concluding the description of the conditions for social and professional adaptation of persons with disabilities in modern system SPO, it is necessary to emphasize that the presented list is far from complete. It can be supplemented, meaningfully enriched and specified by specialists in the course of analyzing their own experience of vocational training and socialization of this diverse group of students, who have great potential for personal, professional development and improvement throughout life. Thus, after conducting a theoretical analysis of the literature, we can conclude that both in Russia and abroad, a process of searching for conditions and methods of vocational education for persons with disabilities and people with disabilities is currently underway. In the vocational education system, it is necessary not only to ensure that each student has the right to choose a profession or specialty, but also to create certain conditions for this by creating resource centers, expanding the list of professions and specialties, as well as motivating students to continue vocational training.

The ultimate goal of social adaptation of adolescents with disabilities is their integration into society. The intermediate goals are: a) medical and social rehabilitation of children with disabilities and strengthening their health; b) developing their skills and abilities in household self-service; V) general education; d) vocational education; e) employment; f) formation of positive self-esteem. Resource support for the management of social and professional adaptation of students with disabilities in educational organizations Open source software includes several “components”: 1) scientific and methodological support, 2) educational and methodological support, 3) information and analytical support, 4) regulatory support, 5) financial support, 6) logistical support, 7) psychological support, 8) personnel support. Socio-professional adaptation is the process of adaptation of an individual (group) to the social environment, involving interaction and gradual coordination of the expectations of both parties. It involves the individual acquiring subjectivity for independent implementation of social actions and functions with optimal psychophysiological costs. Socio-professional adaptation becomes especially important for persons with disabilities, who form a special social group population, heterogeneous in composition and differentiated by age, gender and social status, occupying a significant place in the socio-demographic structure of society. The forms and degree of inclusion of a student with disabilities may vary depending on the severity of the deficiencies in his mental and (or) physical development. In some cases, it is advisable to use the opportunities for their training in the prescribed manner according to an individual plan, along with the use of modern educational technologies, ensuring the flexibility of the educational process and the successful development of educational programs by students with disabilities. The specifics of the organization of educational and educational work determine the need for special training of the teaching staff. For teaching staff it is necessary to master the basics of special pedagogy and psychology, to have a clear understanding of the characteristics of the psychophysical development of students with disabilities, about the methods and technologies for organizing the educational and professional educational process for such students. An important point the organization of constructive cooperation with the media, with non-state structures, with public associations of disabled people, organizations of parents of students with disabilities. The issue of financial support for the organization of vocational education for students with disabilities is relevant.

What are the rules for social adaptation of children with disabilities. Key points and current legal framework.

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Unfortunately, there are quite a lot of children with disabilities. That is why the state is trying in every possible way to support this segment of the population and their parents.

There are additional benefits and financial support for them. A number of rehabilitation services are also offered.

General points

This problem is becoming relevant all over the world. The main task here is raising children with various intellectual disabilities in a social environment.

Problems of social adaptation are always present. And every year it becomes more and more difficult to implement the plan into reality.

For this purpose, various correctional techniques and educational work with mentally retarded children are used.

What is it

Recently, the concept of “special children” has become firmly established in textbooks and other literature. These are all the same guys with disabilities.

Therefore, you need to initially become familiar with the basic concepts that will relate to the issue of social adaptation.

Children with disabilities are children whose health condition prevents them from mastering the standard program outside of specialized educational conditions.

If we talk about schoolchildren, disabilities are a very common problem. This concept is not homogeneous.

This is determined by the fact that it includes children with various disabilities:

  • hearing;
  • vision;
  • musculoskeletal system;
  • speeches;
  • intelligence.

In this case, the most important condition is an individual approach to each child, taking into account specific characteristics.

Social adaptation of a child - specially organized actions and the procedure for getting used to environment as new information is learned.

Working methods

The system of adaptation methods also includes some technological process procedures for social work.

In particular, the following methods can be used:

  • informational and advisory conversation with difficult children or a child with disabilities;
  • a method of supporting and further stimulating a new skill, modeling behavior in the social environment;
  • fairytale therapy method, which refers to the method of implementation for adaptation training.

At the moment, social adaptation includes the problem of patronage. Especially if these are orphans. The meaning of this is to provide targeted assistance.

Almost all children who start school need this help. Some children can independently, with the help of adults, become addicted to new conditions.

Systematized and professional application of the above methods allows for successful personality adaptation.

Mastering the program even in such a difficult situation will allow you to quickly adapt to the team and new conditions.

Current legislative framework

The issue is regulated by several legal acts:

  1. “The social protection of disabled people speaks about the concept of disability, the possibility of control and training, and other features of this status.”
  2. “On the procedure for issuing medical examinations and conclusions for disabled children.” The concepts of children's disability and adaptation are discussed.

Conditions for social adaptation of children with disabilities

There are several stages and conditions for the adaptation of difficult children:

Balancing Minimum degree in the process of adaptation to a new environment. This process involves familiarization with a new situation. At this moment new person sees new surroundings, looks at other children and establishes contact
Pseudo-adaptation Combines external adaptability with a negative attitude of a psychological nature. There may be different beliefs, orientations and interests between the parties. The child does not know how to continue to act in such an unpleasant situation, rejects help and friendship, adhering to early beliefs
Adjustment This is already the adoption of a value system in a new situation. For example, when one party cedes
Assimilation This is a restructuring of the psyche and character for a new environment in accordance with established procedures

It is worth understanding that all children are individual with limited health capabilities. This is what distinguishes them from their peers. And it is clear that the process of a child’s adaptation to learning is complex.

This is argued by the fact that children's age:

  • has a high rate of development of all organs, including the psyche;
  • connections between physical development and mental development - the first is ahead of the subsequent ones;
  • adaptation depends directly on an adult relative or another.


At the moment, we can distinguish several stages of social adaptation of children:

The very first point in this issue The adaptation of children involves conducting an excursion that will help them become somewhat familiar with the environment. This technique contributes to the formation of business communication.

Here you can add practical tasks that allow you to enter into relationships with other children and obtain the necessary information.

This item allows you not only to become familiar with the purpose of a particular service or company, but also to apply knowledge in practice. After the excursion, you need to consolidate the acquired knowledge in practice.

It is best if the excursion extends beyond the school grounds. This could be a store or pharmacy.
In practice, several teaching methods are distinguished: visual, practical, educational.

That is why in all classes we use didactic games, which makes the learning and education process somewhat better. Children play intensively, which allows them to become interested in their environment.

There are several points to be addressed in this matter:

  • monitoring the child’s personality development;
  • changing and overcoming all difficulties that arise during the child’s learning process;
  • only positive emotions from management or teacher to the child;
  • teacher's story about the peculiarities of the formation of a child's personality, his education and further social adaptation at home.

Teaching special needs children is possible in several ways:

The last point on adaptation is reinforcing. At this point, the child is already somewhat accustomed to this environment and can move and learn independently.

Parents slowly leave the child to provide for himself, which allows him to feel somewhat confident. The final stage is not quick and involves several months of rehabilitation.

Main reasons for difficult rehabilitation

Adaptation is directly weakened by certain circumstances:

By character This includes various diseases in the form of hearing impairment, vision impairment, mental illness, musculoskeletal system
Psychophysiological nuances This should include biorhythm, temperament, characteristic memory
With significant physical deficiencies Often such children suffer from illnesses that are not at all related to their disability as a whole. They get sick even more often than children with chronic illness. This is due to somatic weakness
There is also the possibility of a lack of mental Development for communication with other children. For example, when raised in a closed educational institution or just with family. This often happens when a child is taught at home or when peers are wary.
If there is insufficient finances to meet the needs of a special child For example, when purchasing mobility aids, hearing aids
The child’s limited capabilities also have an effect on the psyche. By participating in activities that are appropriate for their age group. This can be both a gaming activity and a communicative one. Namely, this is what deprives him of social adaptation
When you find a baby with special conditions In a place unknown to him or an unfamiliar environment that depresses him
Diverse psycho Impaired mobility and independence of a child

All of the above factors complicate the social adaptation of children with disabilities. That is why it is necessary to know the main features when carrying out the procedure.

List of government programs

Social adaptation of children with disabilities allows them to develop their personality and release them into society.

To do this, the child studies in a comprehensive school, where he receives standard training after rehabilitation on an individual basis.

If the behavior is somewhat different, then you can get a referral to a specialized school, where individual training takes place with an appropriate approach.

An individual approach is very important for the life of such a special child, otherwise no social adaptation of the baby will be possible. The child will simply be closed.

At the moment, sandography is a very effective method, as well as various techniques of leading specialists.

Every year, additional programs are developed that reflect the upbringing and social adaptation of special children.

Sand therapy allows you to somewhat correct the child’s emotions, as well as his will. Most often used for preschoolers.

The adaptation program for a child with disabilities is based on the harmonious development of the child.

Pays attention to both psychomotor abilities and artistic abilities, depending on age restrictions and health status.

Modeling from various colorful materials is now becoming an accessible type. Such activities instill an interest in aesthetics and form artistic vision.

Any material that meets the requirements of GOST can be used for work. Becomes harmless salt dough, dirt.

The classes have the following objectives:

  • improvement of the psyche, sensory sensitivity;
  • synchronization of actions in the hand;
  • development various types thinking;
  • ability to plan and achieve assigned goals.

Correctional programs are aimed at adapting a child with disabilities.

Also, the purpose of this question is to form habits that will allow you to take care of yourself and your relatives in the future.

This will allow them to feel on the same level as their peers, but not as special children.

Video: social adaptation of children