Heat pump power for heating a house. Types of heat pumps for heating a house. Heating a house. Scheme for heating a house with a heat pump

A geothermal heat pump is the most economical way to heat and air condition a building. The cost of a heat pump is high, but continues to decrease as demand increases. This system is ideal for installing heated floors or heating radiators designed for reduced temperature coolant. When designing it, the main thing is to choose the optimal power. In the previous article we looked at self-assembly heat pump, however, for most, more important information will be how to choose a heat pump, how much does it cost and what should be taken into account?

Heat pump power calculation

When choosing equipment, it is necessary to take into account the heat loss of the house. But this is not always possible or very expensive, and purchasing a heat pump with a large power reserve is very expensive. Therefore, it is necessary to have a backup heat source in case of severe frosts (for example, a wood boiler). This will allow you to choose a heat pump with a power one third less than that required to compensate for heat loss in the coldest weather. This equipment can operate in any of three modes:monoelectric, monovalent and bivalent . The choice of mode depends on the level of consumption.

How to calculate heat consumption depending on area

It is necessary to take measures to insulate the building and reduce heat loss to 40-80 W/m². Then for further calculation we will accept the following data.

  1. A house without thermal insulation requires 120 W/m² for heating.
  2. The same for a building with normal thermal insulation – 80 W/m².
  3. New building with good thermal insulation - about 50 W/m².
  4. House with energy saving technologies– 40 W/m².
  5. With passive energy consumption – 10 W/m².

We give an approximate calculation of a heat pump, with which you can determine how to choose a heat pump. Let’s assume that the total area of ​​all heated rooms in the house is 180 m². Thermal insulation is good and heat consumption is around 9 kW. Then the heat loss will be: 180 × 50 = 9000 W. A temporary power outage is taken into account as 3 × 2 = 6 hours, but we will not take into account 2 hours, since the building is inert. We get the final figure: 9000 W × 24 hours = 216 kW hour. Then 216 kW hour / (18 hour + 2 hour) = 10.8 kW.
Thus, to heat this house, it is necessary to install a 10.8 kW heat pump. To simplify the calculation, you need to add 20% to the heat loss value (that is, increase 9000 W by 20%). But this does not take into account the cost of heating water to meet domestic needs.

Accounting for energy consumption for water heating

To determine the full power of the pump, we add the energy consumption for heating water (up to t = 45 ˚C) at the rate of 50 liters per day per person. So for four people this would be equal to 0.35 x 4 = 1.4 kW. Hence the total power: 10.8 kW + 1.4 kW = 12.4 kW.

Dependence of power on operating mode

Thermal deposition calculation must be carried out taking into account the operating mode.

  1. Monovalent The mode involves the use of this equipment without auxiliary equipment (as the only one). To determine the total heat load, you should take into account the costs of compensating for emergency power outages (maximum - for 2 hours, 3 times a day).
  2. Monoenergeticmode: it uses a second heat generator, the operation of which uses the same type of energy (electricity). It is connected to the system if it is necessary to increase the temperature of the coolant. This can be done automatically (installation of a heat pump also includes the installation of temperature-monitoring sensors and control equipment) or manually. But even in severe winter conditions there are not so many cold days and the additional heat generator does not have to be activated often. But such an organization of heating allows you to save on equipment: a 30% less powerful heat pump is cheaper, but it will be enough to provide heat for 90% of the heating period.
  3. With bivalent mode, the heat pump is helped by a gas boiler or one operating on liquid fuel. The process is controlled by a processor that receives information from temperature sensors. Such equipment can be installed as additional (during the reconstruction of the building) to the existing one.

Heat pump market overview

There are various types of equipment on the market today. It is worth noting the geothermal heat pumps of the Austrian company OCHSNER : they have been improved by the manufacturer for 35 years. Well established brand Waterkotte : boilers with an external coating of this brand have the highest productivity. Among the Russian equipment we can highlight those produced under the brand name “ HENK."
To make it easier to imagine the upcoming expenses, we will indicate the cost of the main equipment and its installation.

1. Heat pump with earth probe:

  • drilling work – 6 thousand euros;
  • heat pump price – 6 thousand euros;
  • electricity costs (per year) – 400 euros.

2. With horizontal manifold:

  • the cost of the pump itself is about 6 thousand euros;
  • drilling work will require 3 thousand euros;
  • electricity costs – 450 euros for the heating period.

3. Air heat pump:

  • pump price – 8 thousand euros;
  • installation work – 500 euros;
  • electricity – 600 euros.

4. Water-to-water pump:

  • the pump can be purchased for 6 thousand euros;
  • well drilling – 4 thousand euros;
  • electricity costs (per year) – 360 euros.

These are approximate data for equipment with a power of about 6 - 8 kW. Ultimately, everything depends on many factors (installation prices, drilling depth, pump of required power, etc.) and costs can increase several times. But by choosing heating using a heat pump, the customer has the opportunity to gain independence from rising prices for traditional coolants and refuse the services of heat and power companies.

An overview of using a heat pump-based system can be seen in this video

When we developed our heat pump, the concept was first and foremost to create a reliable unit designed for long-term use. At the same time, the heat pump must be understandable to the end customer during its operation, must operate in “non-ideal” modes (if such occur, for example, when the primary source of low-grade heat is incorrectly calculated or the probe breaks down) and heat the house in winter before the onset of heat. The heat pump must have all the necessary protections so that errors during installation or subsequent operation cannot damage it. ZThe protection in our heat pump is twelve. By current, thermal, by overheating, by subcooling, by temperature (2 pcs.), countercyclical, by low pressure, by high blood pressure, temperature protection of the motor winding, control of the power supply network.Our Henk heat pump is user-friendly and easy to use for installers. We do not charge money for “connection”. Many of our customers install it themselves or by their plumbers, in consultation with us. However, our warranty obligations remain intact.

Pricing for a Henk heat pump

As a manufacturer of heat pumps, it is quite easy for us to receive maximum discounts on components and components from suppliers and manufacturers. It is not difficult to reduce the price of Henk heat pumps by 30 - 70 thousand rubles, depending on the model, due to cheaper components, while the profit we expect will not change. As a matter of principle, we do not follow this path when conducting explanatory work. We also try to sell our products to reliable installers who do their work honestly, who do not think only about short-term profits, saving on everything possible. Fortunately the blacklist is very small. We adhere to a simple and honest rule - praise your own and don’t scold someone else’s. We don't compete with anyone. We have our own customer and our own path. In terms of price, Henk heat pumps are located between Chinese and European, but are made with exactly the same compressors and heat exchangers as European pumps. Note that the power of the heat exchangers in our heat pumps is 20-30% higher than required, this compensates for the loss of thermal conductivity antifreeze liquids, in comparison with water.

Heat pump assembly

We devote our attention to the assembly of our heat pumps special attention. It takes one and a half to two years to “grow” an employee who understands the whole process. And the word QUALITY, for such an employee, is not an empty phrase. Heat pumps undergo evacuation, drying and pressure testing of the freon circuit, which is almost completely soldered, to reduce possible refrigerant leaks. The remaining four threaded connections are steel and are crimped with a special press.

Stainless steel heat exchangers are soldered with solder containing 40% silver. Copper pipe of famous brands with a thick wall. Insulation - foam rubber (Germany). The hottest upper part The compressor is also insulated. We also install the best components (ABB, Schneider, etc.) in the power supply circuits. Low-current automation and electronic controllers, manufactured in the Republic of Belarus. All electrical parts are re-stretched before final assembly. All electrical cables protected by special corrugated and heat-shrinkable tubes. The ends of the wires are terminated with lugs. Some important electrical connections are additionally soldered with solder. Low-cost components include only emergency LED indicators in the control unit, but during normal operation they should not light up. If any problems arise or additional customer requests are fulfilled, any components are always available, no need to wait for a solution long time. This is important, especially during the heating season.

Heat pump - control and standards

The operation of the heat pump control unit is designed in such a way that the entire circuit algorithm is very simple. The display makes it easy to understand, even from a distance, what is happening with the heat pump. If a question arises, as a rule, it can be resolved with a simple phone call.

You don't need a computer to program! Lowering or raising the temperature, changing the hysteresis, calibrating the sensors is very simple.

The heat pump has regulation of the amount of refrigerant entering the evaporator. It allows you to very accurately adjust your heat pump specifically to your heat source (earth collector, wells or probes) and to your heating devices in the house, since each system is very individual and has its own “character”, which will allow you to achieve maximum efficiency of the entire system.

Important! Each model of our heat pump is recommended for a specific heated area, based on 80-100 watts of heat per square meter. This allows us to take into account our harsh Russian winters and some of the builders’ mistakes. However, strict foreign construction standards allow you to spend only about 30 watts of heat per 1 sq.m. Therefore, there is a misconception that, for example, our Henk-120 heat pump is capable of heating only 120 sq.m., consuming 1.7 kW of electricity, and an imported pump heating 150 sq.m. consumes only 1 kW!

By the way, in Russia, the customer, according to his mentality, wants to maintain a comfortable +25 +26 degrees C in the whole house in any frost, while Europeans are ready to “endure” the coldest five days in a sweater.

Tuning and guarantees

At the customer's request, we can install frequency regulators. They are able to smoothly start and stop the compressor. It is possible to install a GSM module. It is possible to assemble a heat pump on compressors with digital power control of the entire heat pump, built-in solenoid, from 10% to 100%. However, the cost of a “thoroughbred” frequency converter is comparable to 1\2-3\4 the cost of a compressor, and if you install a cheap one, the question arises about the reliability of the entire system.

In winter, when it’s cold, a short period of time is enough to defrost the entire system. Some customers think about some kind of savings, about lowering the temperature in their absence (for example, if they come to the dacha only on weekends). So, if you calculate that the compressor will have to work more on Thursday-Friday, after a “rest” on Monday-Tuesday, plus servicing the GSM card, it turns out that there is no difference at all. My personal opinion is that the GSM module is a very useful option! However, it can be installed quite simply (for example, 4-zone), to control the presence of supply voltage in the entire house, control the general temperature, penetration into the home... In any case, you will have to to someone go and eliminate the cause. For serious tuning, there are very reliable branded control and monitoring units. lovers of smart and complex systems enough. But we should not forget that only three units heat the premises... compressor and two heat exchangers.

When the warranty period for a heat pump expires, the question arises: how expensive and difficult is repair? I can responsibly declare that the entire heat pump control unit must be repairedHenkAlmost anyone can do it. The cost of heat pump parts is negligible. We'll just show you how to do it.

Sincerely, Savostyanov Igor Yurievich

As is known, heat pumps use free and renewable energy sources: low-potential heat from air, soil, underground, waste and waste water from technological processes, and open, non-freezing reservoirs. Electricity is spent on this, but the ratio of the amount of thermal energy received to the amount of electrical energy consumed is about 3–6.

More precisely, sources of low-grade heat can be external air with temperatures from –10 to +15 °C, air removed from the room (15–25 °C), subsoil (4–10 °C) and groundwater (more than 10 °C) , lake and river water (0–10 °C), surface (0–10 °C) and deep (more than 20 m) soil (10 °C).

There are two options for obtaining low-grade heat from the ground: laying metal-plastic pipes in trenches 1.2–1.5 m deep or in vertical wells 20–100 m deep. Sometimes pipes are laid in the form of spirals in trenches 2–4 m deep. This significantly reduces the total length of the trenches. The maximum heat transfer of surface soil is 50–70 kWh/m2 per year. The service life of trenches and wells is more than 100 years.

Example of heat pump calculation

Initial conditions: It is necessary to select a heat pump for heating and hot water supply of a two-story cottage house with an area of ​​200 m2; the water temperature in the heating system should be 35 °C; minimum coolant temperature – 0 °C. Heat loss of the building is 50W/m2. The soil is clay, dry.

Required thermal power for heating: 200*50=10 kW;

Required thermal power for heating and hot water supply: 200*50*1.25=12.5 kW

To heat the building, a WW H R P C 12 heat pump with a power of 14.79 kW (the nearest larger standard size) was selected, which consumes 3.44 kW of freon to heat. Heat removal from the surface layer of soil (dry clay) q is equal to 20 W/m. We calculate:

1) required thermal power of the collector Qo = 14.79 – 3.44 = 11.35 kW;

2) total pipe length L = Qo/q = 11.35/0.020 = 567.5 m. To organize such a collector, 6 circuits 100 m long will be required;

3) with a laying step of 0.75 m, the required area of ​​the site is A = 600 x 0.75 = 450 m2;

4) total consumption glycol solution(25%)

Vs = 11.35 3600/ (1.05 3.7 dt) = 3.506 m3/h,

dt is the temperature difference between the supply and return lines, often taken equal to 3 K. The flow rate per circuit is 0.584 m3/h. To install the collector, we select a metal-plastic pipe of size 32 (for example, PE32x2). The pressure loss in it will be 45 Pa/m; resistance of one circuit is approximately 7 kPa; coolant flow speed – 0.3 m/s.

Calculation of a horizontal heat pump collector

The heat removal from each meter of pipe depends on many parameters: laying depth, availability groundwater, soil quality, etc. As a rough estimate, it can be assumed that for horizontal collectors it is 20 W/m. More precisely: dry sand - 10, dry clay - 20, wet clay - 25, clay with a high water content - 35 W/m. The difference in coolant temperature in the forward and return lines of the loop in calculations is usually taken to be 3 °C. No buildings should be erected on the area above the collector so that the heat of the earth is replenished by solar radiation. The minimum distance between laid pipes should be 0.7–0.8 m. The length of one trench is usually from 30 to 120 m. It is recommended to use a 25% glycol solution as the primary coolant. In the calculations, it should be taken into account that its heat capacity at a temperature of 0 °C is 3.7 kJ/(kg K), density is 1.05 g/cm3. When using antifreeze, the pressure loss in the pipes is 1.5 times greater than when circulating water. To calculate the parameters of the primary circuit of a heat pump installation, you will need to determine the antifreeze consumption:
where t is the temperature difference between the supply and return lines, which is often taken equal to 3 K,
and Qo is the thermal power received from a low-potential source (soil).
The latter value is calculated as the difference between the total power of the heat pump Qwp and the electrical power spent on heating freon P:
The total length of the collector pipes L and the total area of ​​the area A for it are calculated using the formulas:
L=Qo/q, A=L·da.
Here q is the specific (from 1 m of pipe) heat removal; da – distance between pipes (laying pitch).

Probe calculation

When using vertical wells with a depth of 20 to 100 m, U-shaped metal-plastic or plastic (with diameters above 32 mm) pipes are immersed in them. As a rule, two loops are inserted into one well, after which it is filled cement mortar. On average, the specific heat removal of such a probe can be taken equal to 50 W/m. You can also focus on the following data on heat removal:

* dry sedimentary rocks – 20 W/m;

* rocky soil and water-saturated sedimentary rocks – 50 W/m;

* stones with high thermal conductivity – 70 W/m;

* groundwater – 80 W/m.

The soil temperature at a depth of more than 15 m is constant and is approximately +10 °C. The distance between the wells should be more than 5 m. In the presence of underground flows, the wells should be located on a line perpendicular to the flow. The selection of pipe diameters is carried out based on pressure losses for the required coolant flow. Calculation of liquid flow can be carried out for t = 5 °C. Calculation example. The initial data are the same as in the above calculation of a horizontal reservoir. With a specific heat removal of the probe of 50 W/m and a required power of 11.35 kW, the length of the probe L should be 225 m. To install the collector, it is necessary to drill three wells with a depth of 75 m. In each of them we place two loops from a metal-plastic pipe of size 25 (PE25x2 .0); in total - 6 circuits of 150 m each.

The total coolant flow rate at t = 5 °C will be 2.1 m3/h; flow rate through one circuit is 0.35 m3/h. The circuits will have the following hydraulic characteristics: pressure loss in the pipe – 96 Pa/m (coolant – 25% glycol solution); loop resistance – 14.4 kPa; flow speed – 0.3 m/s.

Search alternative sources, which provide energy to many areas of human activity, has recently become an urgent task. People are striving to more actively use the energy of the sun, wind, and water sources in order to reduce the costs of solving problems associated with the heat supply of buildings. At the same time, the issue of ecology is of no small importance, since reducing harmful emissions that pollute the atmosphere is more important than ever.

To create favorable and comfortable living conditions in the housing sector in recent years began to use wind generators, solar collectors, and economical heat generators simultaneously with the implementation of measures that help increase the thermal insulation of a heat supply facility.

According to professionals working in this field, the use of geothermal sources of thermal energy - special pumps - is considered an effective and economical measure. Their basic device allows heat to be extracted from environment, transform it and move it to the place of application (more details: " ").

The energy sources for heat pumps are water, air, soil, and the heat generation process occurs due to the use physical properties certain substances called refrigerants. They are able to boil even at low temperatures.

The performance coefficient of heat pumps, due to their characteristics, reaches 3-5 units. This means that at a cost of 100 W during operation electrical energy device, consumers receive approximately 0.5 kW of heating power.

Calculation procedure for heat pumps

The decision regarding the choice and calculation of heat pumps, such as in the photo, is somewhat difficult.

The result of the calculations depends mainly on the individual characteristics of the heated structure and consists of several stages:

  1. First of all, heat losses occurring through the building envelope (these include windows, doors, walls, ceilings) are determined. To do this, use the following formula:

    Qok = Sx(tin – tout)x(1 + Σ β) x n / Rt (W), where
    S – the sum of the areas of all enclosing structures (m²);
    tin – air temperature inside the building (°C);
    tout – outside air temperature (°C);

    n – coefficient reflecting the influence of the surrounding space on the characteristics of the structure. If the room is in direct contact with the outside environment through the ceiling, then this indicator is equal to 1. When the object has attic floors, n is equal to 0.9. If the object is located above the basement, the coefficient is 0.75 (more details: " ").
    β is the coefficient of additional heat loss, depending on the type of building and its geographical location. This indicator, when calculating a heat pump, is in the range from 0.05 to 0.27;Rt is an indicator of thermal resistance, which is determined by the following formula:Rt = 1/ α internal + Σ (δі / λі) + 1/ α external (m²x°C / W), where:α int – coefficient characterizing thermal absorption internal surfaces fencing structures (W/m²x°C);
    δі / λі – is a calculated indicator of the thermal conductivity of materials used in construction;
    α nar – the value of thermal dissipation of the outer surfaces of fencing structures (W/m²x°C);
  2. Next, to make a calculation of heat pumps, use the formula to determinetotal heat loss of the building:

    Qt.pot = Qok + Qi – Qbp, where:

    Qi - the cost of heating the air that enters through natural leaky places;
    Qbp ​​- heat generation as a result of the operation of household appliances and human activity.
  3. At this stage, the consumed thermal energy for each of the objects during the year:Qyear = 24x0.63xQt. pot.х((dх (tin - tout.medi.)/ (tin - tout.)) kW/hour), where:
    tout.av – arithmetic mean value of temperatures that are recorded in the outside air throughout the entire heating period;
    d – number of days in the heating season.
  4. Then you need to determine the thermal power required to heat the water throughout the year, for which the expression is used:

    Qgv = V x17 (kW/hour per calendar year), where
    V x17 – daily volume of water heating up to 50 °C.
  5. The total consumption of thermal energy is determined by the formula:

    Q = Qgv + Qyear (kW/hour for one year)

The advantages of using a heat pump, watch the video:

After the calculation of the heat pump is completed, taking into account the data obtained, they begin to select this device to provide heat supply and hot water supply. In this case, the design power is determined based on the expression:
Qтн=1.1хQ, where:

1.1 is a correction factor, since when critical temperatures occur, the load on the heat pump may increase.

When done necessary calculations, it is easy to choose a heat pump suitable for a given room, which will provide a comfortable microclimate in it for the people in the room.

How to calculate heating costs for a country house?

Calculations are made based on the following parameters:

The first parameter is operating costs. To determine these costs, it is worth taking into account the cost of the fuel that will be used to generate heat. This item also includes maintenance costs. The most profitable in terms of this parameter will be heating, the energy carrier of which will be the supplied main gas. The next most efficient is the HEAT PUMP.

The second parameter is the cost of purchasing equipment and installing it. The most profitable and economical option at the procurement and installation stage would be to purchase an electric boiler. Maximum costs await if you decide to purchase boilers where energy sources are liquefied gas in gas tanks or diesel fuel. Here, too, a HEAT PUMP is optimal.

The third parameter is ease of use. heating equipment. Solid fuel boilers in this case, they can be noted as the most demanding of attention. They require your presence and additional fuel loading, while electric ones and those powered by main gas supply operate independently. Because gas and electric boilers most comfortable to use for heating country houses. And here the HEAT PUMP has an advantage. Climate control is the most comfortable characteristic of heat pumps.

Today, the following price situation has developed in the Moscow region... Connecting gas to private houses costs about 600 thousand rubles. Also required design work and the corresponding approvals, which sometimes last for years and also cost money. Add here the cost of the equipment and the relatively short period of its wear (which is why gas companies offer more powerful gas boilers so that wear and burnout of the boiler takes longer). Heating with heat pumps is already comparable to the above price, but does not require any approvals. A heat pump is a common electric household appliance that consumes 4 times less electricity than a conventional electric boiler and is also a climate control device, i.e. an air conditioner. The motor life of modern heat pumps, and especially high-quality ones (premium class), allows them to operate for more than 20 years.

We give examples of calculating heat pumps for various types and house sizes.

First, you need to determine the heat loss of your building, depending on the region of its location. Read more in "Full news"

First of all, you need to decide on the power of the heat pump or boiler, since this is one of the decisive technical characteristics. It is selected based on the amount of heat loss of the building. Calculation of the heat balance of a house, taking into account the features of its design, should be carried out by a specialist, however, for a rough estimate of this parameter, if the house construction is designed taking into account building standards, you can use the following formula:
Q = k V ΔT
1 kW/h = 860 kcal/h
Q - heat loss, (kcal/h)
V is the volume of the room (length × width × height), m3;
ΔT - maximum difference between the air temperature outside and inside the room in winter time, °C;
k is the generalized heat transfer coefficient of the building;
k = 3…4 - building made of boards;
k = 2…3 - brick walls in one layer;
k min-max = 1…2 - standard masonry (brick in two layers);

k = 0.6...1 - well-insulated building;

An example of calculating the power of a gas boiler for your home:

For a building with volume V = 10m × 10m × 3m = 300 m3;

Heat loss of a brick building (k max= 2) will be:
Q = 2 ×300 × 50 = 30000 kcal/hour = 30000 / 860 = 35 kW
This will be the required minimum boiler power, calculated to the maximum...

Typically, a 1.5-fold power reserve is selected, however, factors such as constantly running ventilation of the room, open windows and doors, large glazing area, etc. should be taken into account. If you plan to use a double-circuit boiler (room heating and supply hot water), then its power should be further increased by 10 - 40%. The additive depends on the amount of hot water flow.

An example of calculating the power of a heat pump for your home:

At ΔT = (Tvn - Tnar) = 20 - (-30) = 50°C;
Heat loss of a brick building (k min= 1) will be:
Q = 1 ×300 × 50 = 15000 kcal/hour = 30000 / 860 = 17 kW
This will be the required minimum power of the boiler, calculated to the minimum, since there is no burnout in the heat pump and the resource depends on its motor life and cycling during the day... To reduce the number of on/off cycles of the heat pump, heat accumulator tanks are used.

So: You need the heat pump to cycle 3-5 times per hour.
those. 17 kW/hour -3 cycles

You will need a buffer tank - 3 strokes - 30 l/kW; 5 strokes - 20 l/kW.

17 kW*30l=500l storage capacity!!! The calculations are approximate, here a large battery is good, but in practice they use 200 liters.

Now let’s calculate the cost of a heat pump and its installation for your home:

The volume of the building is the same V = 10m × 10m × 3m = 300 m3;
We calculated the approximate power to be -17 kW. Different manufacturers have different power lines, so choose a heat pump based on quality and cost together with our consultants. For example, Waterkotte has an 18 kW heat pump, but you can also install a 15 kW heat pump, since if there is insufficient power, there is a 6 kW peak closer in each heat pump. Peak reheating occurs relatively quickly and therefore there is no need to overpay for a heat pump. Therefore, you can choose 15 kW, since in the short term 15+6=21 kW is higher than your heat needs.

Let's stop at 18 kW. Check the cost of the heat pump with consultants, since today delivery conditions are “to put it mildly” unpredictable. Therefore, the factory version is presented on the site.

If you are in the southern regions, then the heat loss of your home based on the above calculations will be less, since ΔT = (Tvn - Tnar) = 20 - (-10) = 30°C. or even ΔT = (Tvn - Tnar) = 20 - (-0) = 20°C. You can choose a heat pump of lower power and also on the air-to-water operating principle. Our air source heat pumps operate efficiently down to -25 degrees and therefore do not require drilling work.

In central Russia and Siberia, geothermal heat pumps operating on the “water-to-water” principle are much more effective.

Drilling for a geothermal field will cost differently depending on the region. In the Moscow region, the cost calculation is as follows:

We take the power of our heat pump -18 kW. The electrical consumption of such a geothermal heat pump is approximately 18/4 = 4.5 kW/hour from an outlet. Waterkotte has even less (this characteristic is called COP. Waterkotte heat pumps have a COP of 5 or more). According to the law of conservation of power electrical power is transmitted to the system, converted into heat. We obtain the missing power from a geothermal source, i.e. from probes that need to be drilled. 18-4.5 = 13.5 kW from the Earth for example (since the source in this case can be a horizontal collector, a pond, etc.).

The heat transfer of soils in different places, even in the Moscow region, is different. On average, from 30 to 60 W per 1 m.p., depending on soil moisture.

13.5 kW or 13500 W divided by heat transfer. on average it is 50W so 13500/50=270 meters. Drilling work costs an average of 1200 rubles/m.p. We get 270*1200=324000 rubles. turnkey with entry into the heating station.

The cost of an economy class heat pump is 6-7 thousand dollars. those. 180-200 thousand rubles

Cost TOTAL 324 thousand + 180 thousand = 504 thousand rubles

Add the cost of installation and the cost of a heat accumulator and you will get a little more than 600 thousand rubles, which is comparable to the cost of supplying main gas. Q.E.D.