Confession I miss a guy in my own words. Beautiful SMS I miss you to my beloved guy, man. SMS to my beloved man about love

Pleasant words in SMS will touch your soulmate to the quick, and you will read it in his eyes when you meet. Below are the best author's SMS on the topic “I miss you,” written in prose.

Pleasant words to your beloved man. “I miss you” in my own words

  • It is impossible to express in words all the tenderness that I feel for you. I want to quickly be near you and touch you.
  • Separation from you seems like real agony. It's like all my joy has been stolen from me. I miss you madly.
  • How I want to look into your eyes again and see love there. I hope we will be together again soon.
  • I miss your passionate lips, tender morning kisses and our quiet evenings alone.
  • To say “I miss you” is to say nothing. I want to howl from spiritual anguish. But I hold back. I'm afraid that the neighbors will call a priest. Or psychiatrists.
  • I love you dearly. I miss you incredibly.
  • I don’t want to miss you, but there’s no other way. The heart refuses to listen to the brain!
  • No matter how much I scold him, no matter how much I persuade him, my heart still asks for you.
  • I'm counting down the minutes until we meet, I love you and miss you very much.
  • You're addictive. Without your voice and your touch, I begin to feel withdrawal symptoms. SOS! Save me!
  • You are my only cure for the autumn blues. When you are near, the sun shines brighter.
  • You are very far from me, but distance is not a hindrance to the heart. It, as before, knocks only for you and misses you unimaginably.

Even if the prose is not as sonorous as, but pleasant SMS for a beloved man, written in your own words, is no worse than a rhymed letter from Eugene Onegin to Tatyana Larina.

  • There is no man in the world more attractive to me than the one who reads this SMS.
  • Missed you. I want to give many gifts: one hundred kisses on the nose, one hundred kisses on the forehead, 100 kisses on the cheeks and one passionate kiss on the lips.
  • You are the only one to whom I want to give all my tenderness, affection and love.
  • You are my most desired, most beloved, the only one in the world so unique. I love you and miss you.
  • I can't help it! My hands are reaching out to write to the man I miss very much. I'm waiting for you and love you.
  • In order not to miss you, I imagine our future meeting. But this still doesn’t help much. Come back soon.
  • Every minute my love for you becomes stronger. I’m afraid that when we meet after a long separation, I will strangle you in my tender embrace.
  • If we don’t see each other soon, I’m afraid I’ll burst from the overwhelming longing for you. Rescue us urgently!
  • Not a single SMS can convey to you all my tenderness and love. I need to give them to you personally when we meet.
  • Now I want to throw myself into the arms of the kindest, gentle, affectionate and handsome man in the world. It's a pity that Brad Pitt is not free again. Kidding. I'm talking about you. I'm looking forward to our meeting.

As you can see, it’s not at all difficult to compose nice words to the beloved man in prose. Perhaps, if you don’t send him an SMS now with the text “I miss you”, and in your own words, then he will never know that you are like that

For me, separation from you is the most intolerable and unbearable time. After all, when you’re not with me somewhere, I immediately feel uneasy. There is a feeling of fear without you. I want, beloved, that you and I will always be together. After all, you can’t even imagine how much I miss you. I want time to pass unnoticed when we are apart, and to pass very slowly when we are together! I miss you so much when you're not around. After all, all my thoughts are only about you. Only that soon I will meet you and my heart will stop beating so much without you. Every moment without you is another torture for me and for my heart! I want you not to leave, because my heart is attached to you, so much that nothing can be changed.

My beloved, my dear person! There is probably nothing more precious to me than the time we have together! There is nothing more beautiful than your touch, there is nothing more fabulous, this is your voice! I want to say that every day when I don’t see you, my head and my thoughts only think about you. My eyes are looking for you in unfamiliar silhouettes. And they start to burn brighter when I see you next to me. I want time to come into our situation and help us go faster without each other and enjoy the infinity of time when we are together. My soul is so attached to you that it already considers your soul to be my other half. I always miss you, dear. And time without you is torture for me.

I have never had such a pleasant time spending time with anyone. It’s as if I completely forget about time and think only about you. All my thoughts are always only with you and about you. My heart, without you it beats less rhythmically. I want to tell you, dear, that there is no more dear and beloved person to me than you! Even in everything, all my thoughts, only about you. Just for you, I want to wake up in the morning to see the color of my beloved eyes and a radiant smile. So that later, throughout everything, I can be with you and do everything for your happiness! Do everything to make you the smileiest person on earth! I feel so good when you are just next to me. Even when we are both silent, I feel something related between us, something intimate! I miss you always.

You know, when I heard the expression “I miss you 60 seconds a minute” before you, I thought, well, how can you always think about only one person! How can you love someone more than yourself! But after meeting you, everything immediately changed. I instantly understood this expression and the fact that without a loved one, one second can seem like the longest time, without which the heart begins to sink. Without which, a day is not a day, and at night all thoughts are only about you! I love you, I always miss you, and I can’t imagine how I can live without you! How can I wake up without you! How can anyone love you less than life itself? I want you, my love, to always smile. I wish time would not be so cruel to us. And it gave us more time to be together! It seems to me that you are for me that kindred spirit that people spend their entire lives looking for, and sometimes never find. So I'm very lucky to have you!

I will miss you even when you are in the next room. After all, you are never enough for me. There is little time allotted for us to be together. Your gentle touches are not enough for me. And all of you is never enough for me. I miss you always and everywhere. After all, you are the same, most beloved and dearest person to me! My heart is grieving without you. And I want you and I to always be inseparable! After all, missing you is so unbearable. I can’t bear to wait, but when the time comes to meet, my feelings are indescribable. I am always waiting for you and my heart is waiting with me! Let every minute last an eternity for me, but then, how sweet are the minutes of meeting. Darling, I miss you very much.

Probably, when I miss you, beloved, nature seems to feel it. Because it is clear that even the sun is starting to shine less brightly. It seems to sense my sadness for you. It doesn't seem to shine as brightly! So, beloved, if you see that the sun is starting to shine not so brightly and beautifully, it means that I miss you. It seems to me that there is no more dear person on earth for me. My soul feels the connection between us. This means that she feels very bad without you. I want you and I to be together as often as possible! May the minutes we spend together last as long as possible! Know that I always miss you my dearest

You know, beloved, when you are not around, I feel so bad without you, so lonely and uneasy. My heart is so attached to you that I don’t even want to think about what will happen to it. My heart probably won't be able to handle it if you're not around. That's why I always miss you. Sometimes, even when we are together, but just in different rooms! I want our little happiness called love to last forever. And we didn’t dare to destroy anything there. Have you heard the expression “soul mates”? So it seems to me that our souls, even before you and I were born, found each other. And they decided to be together forever. I miss.

A complete collection of materials on the topic: I miss you SMS to your loved one in your own words from experts in their field.

I so want to see you, hug you, look into your eyes, forget all quarrels and insults, and be with you forever

Honey, I’ve already started talking to the chair and having breakfast with the kettle. If you don't call me, I'll get into a serious relationship with a vacuum cleaner. 835 (13)

I would really like to see you on the pillow next to me and kiss you tightly! 2095 (1)

I miss! I think about anything. For example, about you. Or about you. Or about you in general. 1506 (3)

Come to me, my love,
The sex will be unique.
I love you, my cat,
I kiss your belly, and when I see you...
I'll kiss you even lower
I miss you very, very much!!! 881 (16)

I miss your hands that caress me.
I miss your eyes, which look at me with tenderness and care.
I miss your body, I miss your heart that loves me.
I miss you! I miss! 525 (1)

You are the only one for whom I suffer,
You're the only one I'm sad about
You are the one I dream about
You're the one I want to see 183 (5) - SMS to your beloved guy

You are caring and gentle,
Kind and attentive,
My bunny, you are the best!
the most wonderful! 665

How I want to hug you, press you tighter to my chest, kiss you quietly and never let you go... 650

I would make only three wishes for the fish: to be with you, to be with you now, to be always with you. 349

I really want everything to be fine with you - but even more I want us to see each other again as soon as possible! 647

How hard it is when you are not around, how your warmth is missing. All the days of separation turned out to be hell, but know that I will still wait for you. 336

I’m lying in my crib and I miss you, I want you so much, I want to hug you, kiss you, hold you close to me. Dissolve in your arms and stay there all day and always fall asleep in them! 453

You are not here and I am offended, my heart is bored and melancholy. I don’t know if you miss you as much as I miss you... 369

I have to confess something to you, I can’t hide it from you anymore, I don’t want to hurt you, but you have to know that I miss you! 597 (6)

I miss you and I almost cry. You sent me an SMS and yourself in addition! 425

My mischievous tongue wants to play with you, wants to enter your mouth and turn you on a little! 309

My sunshine, I miss you so much that my heart is breaking with pain, I want to come to you so much, but kilometers separate us... 453

I wait for your touch, I wait for warmth from your hands, I always wait for you, my dear, even though you are far from me! 363

I miss you so much this night, unfortunately you are not with me. And only one thought comes to mind - I wish I could meet you soon! 297 (1)

Strange things happen in my head - I constantly think about you... 395

I can’t live without you, I don’t want to live without you, it’s impossible and impossible for me to be without you, because I miss you so much! 258

"I miss". This is a banal phrase, a simple fact, but I really miss you... A lot. 344

Even my phone gets bored without your call! 432

Choose beautiful SMS written by your own, in simple words. Any of you will be able to convey in one short message to your beloved man the whole range of feelings that you experience yourself. It could be tender boredom, or it could be a feeling of love. Your choice!

Everything flows, everything changes, only my love for you remains!

I love looking into your eyes so much. Their gaze is so tender, so dangerous. Sometimes he is joyful, sometimes he is embarrassed, sometimes he is suddenly stern, but so beautiful...

I know I will miss you more tomorrow than I did today because I miss you more today than I did yesterday!

It’s like half of me, and not the best, but all because you, my beloved, are not around, separation depresses me, I really want to see you. Come, I miss you.

I miss you! Like a bee behind the sun, like a pillow behind a bed, like the wind behind a field. Let's make sure that all separations in the world are cancelled? I want to see and touch and hear you. I want to enjoy your presence and communication. I miss you. I can't wait to see you!

I am lonely without you, and there is longing in my soul, I want to be next to you, my beloved, dear!

My dear, beloved person, I feel so sad and bad without you, my beloved! Come back to me soon: I so miss your warm breath, tender, affectionate hands, cheerful look, and I don’t just miss you - I can’t live without you. I miss you very much.

I would really like to see you on the pillow next to me and kiss you tightly!

It is impossible to express in words all the tenderness that I feel for you. I want to quickly be near you and touch you.

It seems that I only now understood what it means to love you. This is to be confident in every day, to be needed by someone and loved by someone. And without you I’m like a little defenseless girl. I miss you and am waiting for you very much!

I love and miss you short SMS in your own words

I love my life because you are in it, and I love you because you are in my life!

My sunshine, you are the most dear person to me. I love you very much and want to spend my whole life next to you. I kiss you on your sweet lips!

I miss. I am torn from madness that you are so far away, into small fragments, into small drops of silent crying. Beloved, you took my heart with you forever, and I’m so looking forward to when my soul and body can be reunited...

I am very sad, the fire has gone out in my eyes, you are not around, the distance separates us. I miss you very much and think only about you, I dream of meeting you and hugging you tighter.

Again you are far away, again it’s not easy for me. Again, I miss you very much, I love you and I’m waiting for you!

Dear, beloved and only! I miss you very much and I want to quickly enjoy the minutes of our long-awaited meeting, I want to drown in your strong embrace and never let you go for a moment.

I miss! I think about anything. For example, about you. Or about you. Or about you in general.

I miss your passionate lips, tender morning kisses and our quiet evenings alone.

I love you dearly. I miss you incredibly.

How I want to hug you, press you tighter to my chest, kiss you quietly and never let you go...

Nice words I love you and miss you

Today I bought a very beautiful set of underwear. Come quickly, I can’t wait to show it to you!

Remember sometimes, if you want - always. But I know: it’s not always possible. Leave a corner in your heart for me, if possible...

I miss you very much and look forward to meeting you. It's a real challenge not to see each other for so long. Even a few days seem like an eternity now. I love you and hug you.

I miss you endlessly. I miss your smile, conversations, eyes, phrases, voice. If there were a unit of measurement for melancholy, it would be unimaginably large. Our thoughts are always with you!

You are the most wonderful, and the whole world is crazy about you! It seems to me that I own real happiness! Love you.

I love flowers, I love fields, but most of all I love you!

My dear, I can’t wait to meet you, I miss you so much that I can’t wait for the day when I can hug and kiss you, you bring happiness to my life, come to me as soon as possible.

I miss you very much: I miss your tender words and a warm smile, kind eyes and loyal support, strong hugs and sincere conversations. I look forward to our meeting, which I hope will come very, very soon.

There is only one thing in my thoughts: when I see you, I will pounce and kiss you!

I really want everything to be fine with you - but even more I want us to see each other again as soon as possible!

Tender words I miss and love in SMS

I miss you so much, and I want to hope that this will not last long: I will see you soon and tell you how much I love you, how much I need you and that I will never let you go anywhere else!

My baby, I think about you every second! I remember all your moles and unreal smile, the smell of your hair and your favorite perfume. I miss you, my dear little man.

You are all that is most dear and desirable to me. Without you it is impossible for me to breathe, exist, live! You are my bright ray of happiness, I love you very much!

My beloved, dear little man. There is probably nothing more precious to me than the time we have together! There is nothing more beautiful than your touch, there is no warmer and dearer hug than yours, I miss you very much, dear.

Distance does not push away, it only brings closer. Now I know this for sure, because I feel your importance doubly acutely. Miss you...

How I crave your attention... My beloved, with you I learned almost everything. What does it mean to love madly and miss you, what does it mean to go crazy when you hug me. When you hold your hand or press you to yourself!

I love, kiss, hug and only dream about you! Your eyes confuse me, they promise love and affection!

My dear, it seems that we saw each other not so long ago, but I already miss you so much! Be near me more often, you make me happy and inspired!

Without you, I feel very sad and sad; when you are not around, life seems uninteresting and grey, boring and hopeless. I want to meet you as soon as possible and hug you tightly, breathe in the air of happiness and not let you go anywhere.

You are my most desired, most beloved, the only one in the world so unique. I love you and miss you.

To be the object of desire and dreams of a beloved man is a natural female desire. I want my dear one to remember you constantly, to miss you, to look forward to meeting you. Do you want to know how to make a man miss you? Take advantage practical advice, psychological techniques and even magical methods. Build your tactics, select the right levers, the guy’s thoughts will be completely occupied with you.

10 “female things” to make him miss

Every girl has her own tricks in her arsenal with which she achieves success in love affairs. This is not about banal manipulation of people, but about understanding male psychology and a sincere desire to make another person happy.

1. Beauty is an effective weapon. You should always look good. Manicure, clothes, hairstyle must be neat. If you live together, forget about dressing gowns, stretched T-shirts and sweatpants. Choose light dresses, sexy shorts, light sweaters instead of comfortable bulky sweaters. It is better to replace the bun at the back of the head with braids, spikelets, and loose hair.

2. It's good to be jealous... sometimes. The attention of other males to their woman is perceived by guys as confirmation of their own importance. Admiring glances and compliments from strangers increase the self-esteem of a young man.

Don't act provocatively, don't flirt. Remain attractive to others, this will be enough to make your husband or boyfriend think about you more often. A clear reason for jealousy on your part, on the contrary, will lead to alienation.

4. "Cat and mouse." Constant routine has a negative impact on relationships. Stability will sooner or later become boring; you need to shake up the relationship in time. In order for a friend or husband to miss his wife or girlfriend, it is necessary to alternate hot with cold. Whether you are a sultry, passionate heterosexual, then act as if last night it was not you who tried on the image of a sexy cat. But don’t overdo it with changing moods, so as not to turn your love into a swing.

5. Romantic little things. Not only girls love romance, guys also like pleasant surprises. A good reminder of you would be a short message reminding you that your previous evening together was great. If you live together, put a note that says “I miss you” in his pocket or lunch bag. Arrange romantic dinner with candles, wear sexy lace lingerie, surprise him new game in bed.

6. Pedestals are inappropriate. Of course, your chosen one should feel like the best and most desirable in the world. At the same time, in order for a man to be bored, you should not devote all your free time to your relationship. Most guys need personal space.

Meeting with friends will only have a positive effect on your feelings: your loved one will have time to get bored, and you will have new topics for conversation. Surely he will want not only to talk about his impressions, but also to find out what you were doing in his absence.

7. The Lady Boss is inferior to the Woman. Male psychology does not accept female superiority. Remember this, and hone your management skills on someone else. Your loved one should be the main one in your couple, and you should be his inspiration, his muse. If you strive to command, you will get:

  • A lack of initiative, weak-willed, weak-willed partner who will bore you over time;
  • Loneliness, since a strong male will sooner or later go to a place where he will not be pushed around.

8. “Love” does not mean “I will buy.” Don't treat your partner like a wallet. Don't beg for gifts. If you want to get something, give twice as much. More warmth, tenderness, care. And don't manipulate, be patient. Rejoice at every little thing given, talk about your dreams and desires without requests or hints. If there is love and honesty in your relationship, the man himself will want to please his girlfriend or wife.

9. Unread book. Do you want to know how to make your man miss you when you're not around? Find yourself a hobby, relax with your friends. Spend time with pleasure without calling your partner or bombarding him with messages. When he sees you having fun without him, he will look at you with more respect and interest.

Change your appearance periodically: dye your hair, get a new haircut, change your clothing style. Be interesting, develop, discover new sides of yourself. Sign up for dancing, drawing courses, attend a literary club. Surprise your man so that he can see that not all the pages in this book have been read.

10. I want to get rid of the sticky girl. Do you really want to understand how to make a man miss you? Then remember the last, but most important rule: do not be intrusive. Several phone calls in a row, a bunch of SMS and instant messenger messages only irritate, not bring you closer.

Do you want to be desired? Give him freedom of action within reasonable limits. And live your life without being obsessed with relationships.

Psychologists' opinion

Psychology advises influencing a man’s natural instincts so that he constantly remembers his partner. By creating anchors that focus on a person's core feelings, you will become one of their most frequent memories.

Visual perception

If you want to make him always remember you, give him small gifts. Cute trinkets in the form of a keychain for your phone or photos in your wallet will bring his thoughts back to you. If you don’t live together yet, “accidentally” leave your comb, some small items, and even panties at his place. These things will remind the guy of the pleasant moments spent together.

Auditory perception

Choose a word that he will associate with your relationship. It is best if it is a praising epithet, uttered by you during or after sex: amazing, magnificent, divine, etc. Mention the chosen word in messages, flirting with your loved one on the phone, during romantic meetings.

Be sure to tie the “key” to positive emotions. Even a “code” heard from other people will instantly return the guy’s thoughts to you.

Kinesthetic perception

Touching is another opportunity to make your gentleman miss you. Psychology says that physical contact creates a strong bond between people. Touch your boyfriend whenever he experiences great joy or happiness. Choose one part of the body for this: elbow, neck, wrist. 20-30 such touches - and his subconscious will develop the habit of remembering you as soon as someone touches him too, or when he again feels the same emotions.

Olfactory perception

The ideal way to remind yourself from a distance is to use the same perfume. Choose “yours”, be sure to have a pleasant scent for him. Use this perfume for romantic meetings and walks together. Don’t quarrel with your loved one or make a scandal, when you are “dressed” in this scent, it should be associated with warmth and tenderness.

If you are facing a temporary separation, cuddle up to the man, leaving your scent on him. When preparing your husband for a business trip, spray some perfume on his underwear or other frequently used items. Thus, the beloved will yearn for his wife, haunted by a familiar scent.

To make what you want come true

How to make a man miss you from a distance? Not only psychological, but also magical techniques can help. Most of them are associated with the esoteric understanding that thoughts are material.

Do you want the guy to call? Imagine him and the feelings he must experience to create a burning desire to make a call. Do you dream of appearing to him in a dream? Think about your loved one before going to bed, remember the pleasant events associated with him. The main thing is concentration and a firm belief that everything will work out.

Thoughts do not materialize immediately. Learn to control desires. Control your consciousness and you can create a powerful energy channel that will connect you with your loved one.

There are also conspiracies to attract male attention. But practical magic has its price, and it is not safe to indulge in it. Use psychology and mental connection, and you can become the most desirable for your man.