Arrangement of rooms in an apartment according to Vastu. Project archive. General Vastu rules for small plots of land

Dear readers! The reason for writing this article was the analysis of one house in which the owners began to have serious health problems and other difficulties. Today I want to talk to you about wealth, health, well-being, and the relationship between these aspects of life and the spaces in which we spend most of our time. Of course, this primarily concerns our homes.

Perhaps someone has never thought about this connection, but believe me, it exists. Everything in our lives is saturated with energies, and whether we like it or not, they influence us. A simple example is solar energy. No one will argue that without the Sun there would be no life. The lack of solar energy negatively affects human health; magnetic storms and solar flares affect our internal state. This is not the only energy that affects us. These energies have the same effect on the houses in which we live. And it is clear that if these energies are balanced, then we live comfortably and cozily, we have fewer health problems, fewer troubles in life. And vice versa, if there is no harmony in the house, there is no peace in the soul.

How can you understand how harmonious your home is? The ancient Vedic knowledge about the harmony of space will help us with this - " Vastu". This is the wisdom of our ancestors, knowledge proven over centuries. There is no mysticism in Vastu. It is based on the energy, geometric and information laws of the Universe.

In one of the treatises " Vastu"There is a phrase: "He who begins construction without knowing the laws" Vastu" , must be immediately sentenced to death penalty as guilty of undermining the state".

Why is everything so serious? Because we spend most of our time indoors. And, if the internal space affects us negatively and a person builds a building contrary to these laws, people begin to get sick in such rooms, they have various troubles, and negative thoughts arise. Those. people become ineffective citizens of the state. Unfortunately, in our age this knowledge is practically not taken into account. Houses are designed anyhow. I in no way want to offend our architects, because, unfortunately, this knowledge is not yet taught in our universities and people simply have nowhere to get this information. I myself am a civil engineer by profession, and now I understand how many mistakes I made in my time, until life gave me a wonderful gift in the form of Vastu knowledge.

So about Vastu and the house. Home is our fortress, it is a place where a person relaxes, gains strength after a working day, and raises children. How harmonious is your home? Of course, it is better to initially choose a harmonious apartment or build a harmonious house than to remodel it later.

It is difficult to describe in one article all the indicators that you need to pay attention to when choosing housing, but there are basic ones, following which you will significantly make your stay and well-being comfortable:

  1. As I said earlier, our whole life is connected with the Sun and the morning positive solar energy coming from the East has the most beneficial effect on a person. Therefore, when choosing housing, it is very important that the Eastern and North-Eastern sectors are bright and open. It would be very good if there was an entrance in this area. For example, a storage room in the North-East will block the penetration of positive energy into your home. And under no circumstances should there be toilets in this area! You understand that impurities also emit their radiation, and the most favorable sector in the house is already filled with a completely different, to put it mildly, dirty energy.
  2. Often apartments do not have any sector. This particularly applies to “L-shaped” layouts. This is also extremely unfavorable. Each sector in the house is responsible for a certain area of ​​a person’s life. If you do not have the Northern Sector, then there will be less money in the house than there could be. If there is no South-Eastern sector, there will be problems in your personal life. The absence of the Eastern sector will lead to health problems, etc. Therefore, the most favorable for living is a house of regular square or rectangular shape.
  3. It is very important how the apartment, house, or plot is located relative to the cardinal directions. It is ideal when the house is located strictly in the cardinal directions. In this case, the earth’s magnetic field and the flow of solar energy penetrate your home unhindered and without distortion. An acceptable deviation is considered to be a rotation of 10-12 degrees.

These are just the three most significant indicators. In fact, there are many more of them.

Vastu also considers the internal layout of housing, and here, too, its own laws apply. I will give just a few examples:

  1. If you have a bathroom in the southern sector, then from time to time you will have problems with leaking taps and pipes, since this sector is not favorable for the element of water,
  2. If in your home the child’s study room is located in the Northern or Western sector, then this is favorable for learning. The child will be more assiduous, it will be easier for him to absorb knowledge. If his desk is in the North-West sector, he will want to quickly throw away his textbooks and run outside,
  3. If the spouses’ bedroom is located in the South-Eastern sector, then the man feels uncomfortable there and over time, discord begins in the family,
  4. If the central sector of your home is occupied by heavy objects or massive walls, this will adversely affect the general condition of the residents. They lack vitality, feel tired and apathetic,
  5. It is very important where you sleep with your head. It is very negative to sleep with your head facing North. And there is no mysticism here either. Back in school, we learned that the Earth's magnetic field acts from North to South. Man also has his own magnetic field. And its magnetic field acts the same way. What happens to two magnets that have the same poles touching? They cannot find a place for themselves; they are overwhelmed. Likewise, a person who sleeps with his head to the North constantly vibrates on the subtle plane and cannot come to a state of peace. Outwardly, this, of course, does not appear immediately. Healthier people are less sensitive to this, but over time, constant stress accumulates and will still make itself felt in the form of illness, depression, and lack of vitality.
  6. It is also important where mirrors hang in the house, as they enhance the influence of any energy. And, looking in the mirror, you can receive a positive charge, or you can receive a portion of energetic dirt.

It would seem that on the one hand everything is simple. But how often do we think about where we live? And this, as you understand, is not the entire range of indicators.

Some of you will think: " Well, I already have an apartment, and there are problems in it. So what should we do now?"Believe me, sometimes minor redevelopment, or simply rearranging furniture, changing the functionality of the premises can significantly harmonize your home. In my practice, of course, there are cases when it is extremely difficult to do something at the physical level. In particular, for example, the absence of any sector. It is clear that if there is no leg or arm, it will not grow again. In this case, the adjustment has to be done on a subtle level. This is a more complex technique and I do not have the opportunity to give it. full information in one article. In any case, a lot can be done on a physical level in any room.

Vastu laws work for any premises, any plot of land. In particular, this applies to public buildings. Observant people have probably noticed more than once that there is a store or an office, or some other public building. It seems like the place is good, and everything is beautiful inside - prosper and enjoy. But no - there is either an office, then a flower shop, then a jewelry salon, then a hairdresser... There is no business in this place and that's it... The same initial problems - not the harmonious influence of energies. If the sector responsible for a given area of ​​activity is not harmonious in a business, you can hardly count on success and prosperity.

And in conclusion, I want to express my sincere love, gratitude and respect for my Teacher Asa Migdal for not only conveying this wonderful knowledge to me, but also infecting me with this desire - to help people make their lives happier, harmonious and joyful!

Svetlana Schneider, Vastu consultant.

contacts: [email protected]. T.8 908 056-0612

I have always believed that traditional construction has deep roots and houses have an impact on their inhabitants. Having decided to build own house and move to live on the land, I was faced with a choice - to build intuitively or turn to the knowledge of my ancestors. As a result, I took the second path.

This is how our site appeared before us - 1.5 hectares of forested land

In this article, I share with readers my practical experience in arranging our plot of land and building a house according to Vastu.

Our house in December 2016

How I came to Vastu

Traveling around Russia, my wife and I visited museums of wooden architecture with great interest - we were in Suzdal, Semyonkovo, Kizhi. In 2015, when we got a plot of land and decided to build a house, I began to look for literature that would describe the Russian house and Russian life in detail and in a structured manner. However, there was little practical information that could be applied in today's life: probably, historical upheavals and the persecution of everything that did not correspond to Christian and then communist philosophy led to the fact that the knowledge of our ancestors was either carefully hidden or destroyed.

While reading one of the books, the author of which talked about the house-building traditions of different countries, I learned about the ancient science of architecture and space organization - Vastu. I was impressed by how deeply Vastu connects the house with the influence of natural elements and how simply this relationship is explained - I wanted to learn as much as possible about Vastu. I read all the books in Russian that I could find, but I discovered a number of contradictions in them, wanting to resolve which I switched to English-language literature on the topic and, as a result, got personal training from the Indian master - Dr. N.H. Sahasrabuddha.

My books on Vastu (2016)

Primary drawings and start of construction according to Vastu

The site we chose had no serious drawbacks: it was located on a northern slope, and although the main road ran from the west, it was possible to connect it to the site from the north. I started marking and identified two separate sections on the main site, oriented strictly to the cardinal points. Their dimensions were 100 by 100 and 30 by 30 meters.

Dividing the site into square parts oriented to the cardinal points

A small plot will be a guest area in the future with all the facilities necessary for life, and we began developing the land from there. I decided on the position of the house and barn right away: they were located in the southwestern and southern parts of the small plot.

Having cleared 9 acres of forest, I first built a shed for storing tools and laid the foundation of the house. True, at that time I did not yet know the subtle nuances of Vastu and made several mistakes. For example, I didn’t install a fence around the perimeter of the house, and construction began to drag on. And the naturally formed entrance from the west, which was the shortest way to enter the site, brought us monetary losses and litigation related to the site.

But there was a positive aspect to all this: thanks to the delay in the construction of the house, I was able to better understand how to do the layout of the site and the internal layout of the house. The general plan was redone three times.

The house project was developed in AutoCad

Why do we open to the north and east, but close ourselves to the south and west? Vastu considers the first two directions as zones of energy influx: organic energy comes to us from the north - jaivik urja, from the east pranic energy - pranik urja. Organic energy gives us well-being, good intellectual abilities, brings creative energy and learning abilities. Pranic provides activity, self-control, calmness, courage, determination, and gives us the strength to make our desires come true. Accordingly, if a house or apartment does not have windows on the north and east sides, then the family will be deprived of the corresponding energies.

Zones of energy inflow and outflow. Planets and directions

The position of the entrance was determined as follows: the length of the wall is divided into 9 parts, the 4th part from the left is selected for the entrance if we are looking from the inside. But if someone’s entrance is located in a different place, then for correction you need to use a pyramidal canopy, a canape above the door.

Deepening knowledge

While reading books, I encountered a problem: on some issues, the opinions of authors in Russian-language books differed, and even contradicted each other. In addition, these books mainly talked about how to do everything correctly from the very beginning, but there were practically no recommendations on how to correct and correct the shortcomings of existing buildings.

At some point, I realized that without a teacher, further study of Vastu is impossible. At this time, I came across a book published by the students of Dr. Sahasrabuddhe, and then, during one of his visits to our country, I took part in a training course.

From that moment on, the understanding of Vastu changed: unanswered questions began to become clearer, new knowledge appeared, explaining not only the basic principles, but also describing corrective methods. This was very valuable for me, because I, like most people, already lived in a certain apartment, country house was already built, and corrective methods were more relevant than the project to build a new house. I was also very attracted by the fact that Dr. Sahasrabuddhe teaches Vastu in conjunction with Jyotish astrology, which allows taking into account the characteristics of each family member when correcting the house.

Layout of our guest area according to Vastu

Now I know that the correct position of the house, buildings and landscaping elements is already, to some extent, a corrective factor. Of course, a lot depends on the materials: I plan to place a lightweight pergola-type structure in the northwest, and paint it in white, in the summer it will serve as a green office; it is also convenient to chat with a neighbor if he came in “for five minutes.”

Combining my education as a landscape designer and Vastu knowledge, I designed a master plan for our first (future guest site).

General plan of our site

Carport for cars and small equipment I plan to place such a motorcycle and walk-behind tractor in the north-west, here the “Air” element will not allow the equipment to “stagnate”. If you plan not a canopy, but brick garage, then it is better to place it in the south, southwest or west.

Toilet with shower located in the western zone. In general, according to Vastu, there are 2 places on the site for a toilet where it does not harm the residents - these are the southern sector and the western. Since I planned the toilet and shower in one building, the southern direction was no longer necessary, so that dirty water from the shower would not extinguish the “fire.” In the West, “air” is not an antagonist to “water” and is less sensitive to pollution. Also for baths the north-west of the site is the optimal place, but since there is no more space left on the guest site, I will place it in an area that does not fall on both sites - in the forest, which will remain along the western border of the large site.

If we talk about the toilet, then a toilet with a septic tank is acceptable only in the northwest, since it contains contaminated liquid, and a composting toilet or bucket is acceptable both in the west and in the south, here the contents are closer to the form of the earth element.

Space for backup generator, which combines both an internal combustion engine and an electric motor, is identified in the south-eastern part of the site. This is a fire zone and this type of fire-related technique feels good here. This is where it is now located fire pit, this place is clearly visible from the kitchen of the house and allows my wife to see the fire while cooking (which she absolutely loves).

In the northeast, in the water zone, it is digging and settling in well, will be located right there decorative pond. In this zone, a decline is favorable, but what is a decline? - reducing the amount of earth, and when we dig a well and a pond, we take out the earth. It is important to then distribute it into the necessary zones, for example, I will move sand from the well under the house, where it will maintain dryness and compensate for the slight slope to the west.

Site center will remain free - this is the zone of the element “ether” - there will be lawn and low flower bed.

Plans for spring include transplanting fir trees to the southern and western borders, where they will be trimmed and become part of hedges, after that I will call a tractor to uproot the stumps and level the terrain: part of the soil will be moved to the western border to form a favorable slope of the site.

One of the basic principles of Vastu is to create conditions for spinning energy in the area and in the house clockwise. That's why entrance to the house and entrance to the plot contribute to this. Our entrance to the site is located from the north, and to enter the house, the entrance to which is located from the east, you need to move clockwise.

General rules Vastu for small plots of land

As for small areas with big houses, when a house inevitably falls into the central part of the site, then there are the following rules for them:

— the house is located in the southwestern part of the site,

- the slope of the ground and roof is favorable to the north, east and northeast,

- the distance from the house to the northern border should be greater than the distance to the southern border (distance ratio 1:1.5),

- the distance from the eastern border to the house must be greater than the distance to the western border (distance ratio 1:1.5),

— the well, the well is located in the northeast.

Favorable zoning of the house

Northeast: hall, living room, altar place, free space

Southeast: kitchen (we place the cooking table so that the hostess cooks facing east), son’s bedroom (we place the bed with his head facing east)

Southwest: master bedroom (place the bed so that you sleep with your head facing south)

Northwest: guest room, daughter's room

Balconies and terraces We place it on the north and east sides of the house. Stairs to the second floor we place them in the west and south, movement along them to the second floor should be carried out clockwise. There should be free space under the stairs (it is extremely unfavorable to place a toilet).

Basements, semi-basements, cellars located in the northeast, and roof elevations, additional rooms that are above the first floor- in the southwest, with a pyramidal roof.

If the house is not square, but rectangular in shape, then it should be elongated along the north-south axis.

Windows We place them on the northern and eastern walls.

Our first house according to Vastu

Our house is slowly being built. I build and make furniture myself. Things are moving slowly, since I still live and work in Moscow, but this is the second winter during our stay in Milenki that we are staying in our house even in twenty-degree frost. At the moment, the southern part of the house is approximately 2x6 m2 in size in accordance with the diagram below.

Plan of our house measuring 6x6 meters

Vastu for apartment is now becoming a popular trend. Large quantity people in modern world lives in cities in apartments of multi-storey buildings. The fast rhythm of large cities, dense buildings and insufficient landscape and ecological framework in the residential structure create a large burden on people, provoke stress and cause a blow to their health. Therefore, in the modern world, many people need balance and strive for harmony of life in all spheres of life. People are beginning to look for ways to harmonize consciousness, resorting to various practices such as yoga, meditation, vegetarianism and others. Vastu for an apartment is one of the ways to achieve balance and harmony, leading to health, awareness and well-being of a person. Therefore, people who are looking for new ways to a perfect and harmonious life, having learned about the Vedic science of design in accordance with nature - Vastu, want to apply this knowledge in their city apartments. All more people Living in apartments of multi-storey buildings, they strive to harmonize their living space with the help of the science of Vastu Shastra.

Vastu for apartment– this is an opportunity to apply Vedic knowledge about the harmony of space in a specific residential building of an apartment building to unlock the maximum favorable potential of the existing space, in order to improve the quality of life of each individual and family as a whole living in this apartment.

Vastu Shastra for an apartment is quite a complex thing. The science of Vastu implies creating harmonious homes from scratch, selection of a site for a building, preparation for the start of construction, as well as choosing a favorable moment to start construction. However, nowadays many people live in apartment buildings that were built without taking into account the fundamental Vedic principles of Vastu.

Vastu Shastra involves the creation of harmonious houses, including apartment buildings. Apartment building that looks like a rectangular geometric figure with windows, actually has a complex structure inside, consisting of many different spaces. Each apartment, as a separate cell, being a physical place to live, carries within itself the information of relationships and the energy of the family living in it. Multi-storey building has its own rhythm, it can be compared to a complex musical instrument, where different parts require special tuning.

Therefore, an apartment building, just like any other architectural structure, should be designed according to the Vedic principles of Vastu to achieve orderliness and harmony with the gross and subtle qualities of nature.

There is a basic principle of Vastu Shastra for an apartment - this is the harmony of the entire apartment building, made according to Vastu. This is the basis, the basis of Vastu about the integrity and interconnection of everything in the world. The basic principle of Vastu Shastra for an apartment is that a cell, that is, an apartment, is part of the whole house, and the whole consists of cells. The parts and the whole are interconnected and dependent on each other. Just like the structure of the city, where the small and the whole are one. Thus, each individual apartment is like a cell in common system cells of the house, is part of the whole of this house. And accordingly, in general, the entire construction of an apartment building will have a direct impact on the residents of this apartment. That is, in fact, Vastu Shastra for an apartment basically means Vastu Shastra for the entire apartment building and for the entire city. This is the basic principle of Vastu.

However, each apartment is a place for a separate family to live. Family life takes place inside the apartment. In an apartment there is a certain energy of space, which, along with the general design of the entire house, can have individual characteristics. Therefore, inside the space of an apartment, if we consider it as a separate cell, the rules of Vastu Shastra are the same as for other spaces. The basic principles of Vastu Shastra for an apartment are the same as for all architectural buildings. The principles of Vastu Shastra for an apartment are based on the Vastu map inscribed in the space.

Vastu card refers to the basic diagram that is used in architectural buildings. This scheme is uniform and cannot change depending on the type of building or space. works on the same principles, and includes zones that are distributed according to the cardinal directions. These main zones of Vastu chart are based on the concept of the five primary elements of nature, planets solar system, lords (deities) responsible for various directions. In accordance with these zones, certain rooms should be located in the space on the Vastu map.

Quite a difficult and at the same time contradictory thing. Because Vastu is the science of designing space from scratch, which implies initially harmonious construction with the creation of favorable energy of the place. However, modern construction apartment buildings was done without applying the fundamental principles of Vastu. Therefore, today it is quite rare to find ideal apartments according to Vastu, which have a regular square or rectangular shape in plan, a clear orientation to the cardinal points and a favorable layout inside, that is, having an initially planned harmonious Vastu map of the apartment. However, despite this, each apartment, no matter what shape it has, has its own internal Vastu, favorable or not.

Vastu map of the apartment decoding

Since Vastu is currently becoming an increasingly popular science, many want to be involved in its growing popularity and are trying to give people their own interpretation of the Vastu apartment map. Due to the growing popularity of Vastu, many false “Vastu experts” have emerged, who do not care whether they give the correct interpretation of the Vastu map of an apartment or not. In pursuit of the desire for popularity, these “Vastu experts”, without the proper depth of knowledge, impose on people an incorrect interpretation of the Vastu map of the apartment, thus, in general, distorting Vastu knowledge. These “Vastu experts” put their personal popularity in the foreground with a disdainful attitude towards the reliability of Vastu science. Accordingly, the benefits of Vastu in inept hands can lead to completely different results.

Self-proclaimed “Vastu experts” give false decoding of the Vastu map of the apartment. For example, when they tell us that the apartment is missing some sector. This statement is not entirely correct and is quite erroneous, since in the true understanding of Vastu chart it cannot be absent. As mentioned above, Vastu is the science of designing from scratch. Vastu, or the energy of a place, is formed within the built space of the apartment, no matter what form it has. An incorrectly constructed form in itself brings a certain disorder in the consciousness. Construction of irregular shapes, as stated in Vastu Shastra, should be avoided. Vastu implies the initial design and construction of harmonious forms, and imposing a Vastu map on a disharmonious space itself contradicts the Vastu concept of creating architecture from scratch. The primary one is the space of energy that has a Vastu map, and not a Vastu map superimposed on an existing space. But since the apartments have already been built, people live in them and strive to harmonize their space. It is this state of affairs that forces us to use the integration of the Vastu map and the built space. In any case, in a constructed apartment, the space as a whole should be assessed. Integrating only one Vastu card into a complex apartment plan is not correct.

How to make Vastu map of an apartment

So how to correctly draw up a Vastu map of an apartment? A professional architect will help you correctly integrate Vastu knowledge with the space of the apartment and correctly draw up a Vastu map of the apartment. Finding the center on the Vastu map of an apartment is fundamental in determining directions and zones in space. However, since modern apartments may have absolutely various forms, for example, L-shaped or T-shaped, then several rectangular spaces should be considered in conjunction with the entire space of the apartment. That is, integrate not only one Vastu card into the entire space of the apartment, but consider each allocated rectangular space in the apartment as a separate Vastu card. Thus, in every space that stands out a lot from the total area of ​​the apartment, there should be an open center, and this space has its own Vastu map along with the general map of the apartment.

If your apartment has a complex shape in plan, then in this case it will help to correctly draw up a Vastu map of the apartment only professional architect, who has undergone long-term architectural practice in order to correctly analyze and interpret the space of the apartment according to Vastu. The Vastu Design architectural studio offers this service, in which you will receive a detailed analysis of your apartment according to Vastu with recommendations for harmonizing the space.

Choosing an apartment according to Vastu can significantly improve the overall quality of life of a person and the entire family. Therefore, it is advisable to initially choose an apartment that best complies with Vastu principles. Choosing an apartment according to Vastu should be based on many parameters. Of course, in a modern metropolis, it is quite difficult to choose an apartment that has harmonious Vastu aspects. However, there are a number of basic rules by which you should choose an apartment according to Vastu.

Since Vastu is a science based on many modern scientific disciplines, and the profession of an architect, in particular, implies a practical mathematical approach, the specialists of the Vastu Design architectural studio are guided by more utilitarian methods when choosing an apartment according to Vastu, namely the location and layout of the apartment according to Vastu.

The location of the apartment according to Vastu is an important criterion when choosing it. When choosing an apartment, it is advisable to be guided by its correct location in the environment of a multi-story building. The very location of the apartment building should ideally be oriented to the cardinal points. The correct location of a multi-storey building in the environment is important so that the walls of the apartment are clearly oriented in the four directions of the world - north, south, west, east. As they say in Vastu, a building that is oriented to the cardinal points is harmonious and brings peace and tranquility to the residents.

Also important in the location of an apartment according to Vastu, in addition to the orientation of the building, is its placement in the environment. It is desirable that the area where the apartment building is located has an oriented urban planning grid. And also that the proportions of the microdistrict and residential groups be square or rectangular in plan. It is good if there is a green area, such as a park, alley or square, within walking distance from the apartment. Also, a favorable location according to Vastu is considered to be the location of water in the north, east or northeast of the location of the apartment building where the selected apartment is located. The view from the windows of the apartment should not overlook the city landfill, cemetery or industrial plants. And of course, it is desirable that the view of the windows shows a spaciousness rather than, for example, a nearby wall of a neighboring house, which limits the daylight of the apartment.

As for the location of the apartment according to Vastu relative to the number of storeys of the building, there is such a concept that people, being inhabitants of the planet, are subject to its attraction. The energy of people is attracted to the earth, with the help of the earth they are nourished by its beneficial energy. Therefore, from this point of view, it is better to live closer to the earth. However, if we are talking about a multi-story apartment building, then in such a house the energy of all the inhabitants is attracted to the ground. Based on this concept, the energy of the apartments is under each other, the closer to the ground, the more “complex” and “confusing” it is, under pressure from the energy of the upper floors. Thus, when choosing an apartment according to Vastu, you should look at its location on the upper floors. On the upper floors, the negative energy of neighbors will have the least impact. But according to the concept of replenishing energy from the earth, the upper floors create a gap between a person and the energy of the earth. In high urban areas, the upper floors increase the chances of seeing the natural horizon line and the rising sun, which is very favorable and charges with positive energy for the whole day. In this context, the upper floors may be more auspicious as they may receive the beneficial morning rays.

Apartment layout according to Vastu

The layout of an apartment according to Vastu is the first thing you should pay attention to when choosing it. Once an apartment building with orientation to the cardinal directions has been selected, the layout of the apartment is the most important criterion in its selection. First of all, a harmonious apartment according to Vastu should have a square or rectangular plan. The most the best option An apartment according to Vastu is its original open layout. In a free layout according to Vastu, you can create the most harmonious solution. The second important criterion in the layout of an apartment according to Vastu is the open center. A free center is the most important indicator of the harmony of space according to Vastu. The next steps are the location of the rooms inside the apartment. Here the layout of the rooms is the same as in a house according to Vastu, so you can read about the harmonious arrangement of rooms in an apartment according to Vastu in the article house according to Vastu.

An ideal apartment according to Vastu is an apartment built from scratch, having a square or rectangular plan, having a harmonious modular internal layout that complies with Vastu rules. Along with this, an ideal apartment according to Vastu should be part of a harmonious apartment building, which is located in a properly planned area and city, which is in the harmonious urban planning structure of the entire country. In the modern world it is hardly possible to find an ideal state that would fully comply with the rules of complete harmony.

In reality, Vastu Shastra for an apartment in multi-storey buildings in megacities is quite a difficult thing, because you have to synthesize the ideal and the given. Since the constructed multi-storey buildings do not comply with Vastu rules, Vastu for a city apartment has certain indicators. It is not possible to radically change the existing structure of the apartment in order to change the overall Vastu effect and create an ideal apartment according to Vastu. Since the apartment is part of a single structural system of the entire house, which is affected by the assigned load, and there is also a certain functional zoning that does not always correspond to the rules of a harmonious home. But there is such a thing as Vastu space correction, as an attempt to make the existing space of an apartment more harmonious so that it brings the best possible result.

Vastu correction is the ability to adjust any space so that it brings the best possible result to its residents in specific existing conditions. Vastu correction of space can make it more harmonious. So, in a room you can find and emphasize positive qualities and neutralize negative ones. This is done using zoning, directions and other architectural techniques.

Vastu correction – zoning

Zoning in Vastu correction involves changing the layout of the apartment. Whenever possible, non-load-bearing walls are demolished and the functionality of rooms is changed. Zoning can also be done arrangement of furniture according to Vastu in the apartment. So, the best place for heavy furniture in a space is west and south. At the same time, the north and east should be left as free from furniture as possible. But the main thing in arranging furniture according to Vastu in an apartment is its convenient ergonomic location.

Vastu correction – directions

The modern apartment design offered everywhere, unfortunately, solves the problems of home improvement only as a tribute to fashion. And the main emphasis in the design of the room is the decor: materials, textiles, color, etc. Of course, aesthetics matter in a room, because the tactile and visual effect of the materials present is important. But the most important component is not the form, but the function (not the cover, but the content). With certain corrections of space at the level of function, favorable changes begin to occur. Therefore, Vastu correction and modern design should go together, inextricably with each other. Vastu correction is part of the interior design of an apartment or other space, which is offered by our architectural studio Vastu Design. Vastu design with space correction makes the room more harmonious, and a person spending time in such a space gains peace of mind, which means health and well-being.

Thus, the main key in the design of apartments and other premises is Vastu correction or maximum best design according to Vastu. If the apartment design is designed in accordance with Vastu, with the geometric perfection inherent in the fundamental law of the universe, then this allows you to get the greatest connection with nature even within an individual apartment. And therefore, a more harmonious design using natural materials implies elegance and beauty. In our architectural studio we create Vastu designs for apartments and other premises. If you appreciate classic style or, for example, a minimalist style in the interior, then it is possible to create a project in any style direction. Whatever style of interior design is chosen, there is no conflict with Vastu guidelines. And with the multifaceted application of Vastu in interior design, beauty becomes an integral component. Order an interior design from a Vastu Design architectural studio to get the best results. Order apartment interior design.

However, if you live in an apartment, do not want to design and renovate it, but want to harmonize its space according to Vastu, then you can order a consultation on Vastu for your apartment. In this consultation, you will receive a detailed analysis of your apartment according to Vastu from a professional architect, and its best adjustments that will bring you maximum favorable results. Order a consultation on Vastu.

Architectural principles according to Vastu Shastra make it possible to build a house and arrange your home in full accordance with the laws of the universe, i.e. create harmonious housing.

Vastu Shastra is about seven thousand years old and is of Vedic origin. "Vastu" translated from Sanskrit means house, room or abode. "Shastra" - science, literally, Vastu Shastra is the science of the home.

Space is the fundamental source of energy for all living organisms; Vastu tradition has adhered to this significant scientific doctrine since the Vedic eras.

Latest Research in neurophysiology have shown a deep relationship between parts of the brain, spatial orientation and planets.

When orienting buildings, the science of Vastu uses the energy of the eight cardinal directions, of which, in fact, only two directions give the most beneficial effects.

But in general, each of the parties, of course, has a certain meaning and is responsible for specific characteristics:

North is responsible for the money.
East- health
West this is study
South- performance and vitality.
Northwest it's a relationship.
Southeast this is women's happiness.
Northeast it is a spiritual connection, prosperity and luck.
Southwest This is home security.


So, the entrance to the estate and the house with eastern On the other hand, it promotes spiritual growth, energy, clarity of mind, and material well-being because, just at sunrise, the energy of the sun is most powerful and favorable for life.
Login from northern On the other hand, it brings a calm, happy life and material wealth into the lives of the inhabitants, since the north is the roof of the world.
Login from southern hand, is burdened by various problems and even suffering.
Login from west, leads to a state as if “at sunset”, to extinction, lack of vitality and creative strength.
Login from southeast, causes a state of uncertainty and fear.
Login from southwest, provokes disputes and even quarrels.
Login from northeast, creates unfavorable conditions for the birth of a family.
Login from northwest, affects the instability and inconsistency of the mind.

If it is planned to arrange a canopy, vestibule, porch or hallway in the house, then from the Vastu point of view, it is considered reasonable to carry out entrance doors into the house and the porch on the same line. With proper organization and use of the interior space of the vestibule or entryway, the cold will be retained and positive energy will penetrate the house.

Choosing a direction for entry with a % gradation of favorability

Gradation of positive and negative location of the main entrance on a scale from -4 to +4

Relief and location on the site

In Vastu, the slope of the plot is important. If the area is inclined towards east, then it will bring good luck and prosperity into the life of the owners, if north, then wealth, to west loss of fortune and knowledge is possible, if a tilt towards south, problems may arise in the family.

If your site has a slope towards south or west, you need to make embankments on these sides so that the slope turns out to northeast. If you are the owner of a flat area, then you need to sprinkle southwestern part of the land with northeast, because west or south the plot should be higher.

At the same time, a plot that has a depression of the ground with north And east, bordering the structure with western and southern sides, very good.

Located on west And south Your plot, tall trees, hills, elevations, promise prosperity and health.

Open northeast zone It is considered auspicious and gives fame and prosperity.

The house must be located either in the center of the site, or in southwest zone.

Dwellings should not be built 2-3 km from the cemetery.

Number of storeys

The best option for a residential building is a two-story one. The second floor is fertile in terms of energy; it is advisable to have bedrooms and an office there. The view from the window on the second floor is more peaceful.

Large houses and high-rise buildings only generate pride and destabilizing emotions. The essence is violated human nature.


The life-giving force of cosmic energy enters the house through windows facing East or north. Even a single window facing one of these directions will increase the positive vibrations in your home.

Functional areas (rooms in the house), communications

Toilets, sewerage
Toilets should be built in western, northwestern or southern parts of the house.
It is important that under no circumstances install toilets (septic tanks) in the center, in northeastern And southwestern areas of estates, houses, apartments - this will ultimately lead to depressing, disastrous results.

Heating, electrical equipment
Installation of electricity, heating (heating systems and electrical appliances) - southeast zone(sector “Fire”), but in no case from the north side.

Wind generators
Wind generators are best located in northwestern zone (sector “air”) because there a constant supply of air energy is ensured.

Water supply
The water supply system must be located with northeast houses, estates. It has a bad effect on the home if this system is located in the southeast.

The most important rule for stairs - they should not be through. That is, from the first to the third floor have the same direction. There must be flights of stairs after which the ladder must change its direction. The ideal option is 2 separately located stairs: to the upper floors and to the basement.

It’s better to try to place the stairs in the south, west houses (apartments), because Vastu recommends placing all heavy structures and objects in these sectors.
The staircase should never be placed in the north-east sector (this will cause serious financial problems) and in the center (Brahmasthana).
If the house has a staircase, and it is located in the southwestern part, then the room located in the same part of the house cannot be suitable for living (serious, difficult to diagnose and incurable diseases are likely).

In the case of an internal staircase, it should not be located opposite the entrance. It is advisable that it should not be visible at all when entering the house, as this leads to loss of wealth and various failures. In the case of an external staircase, it should not cross the entrance door.

The first flight of stairs must have a direction (ascend) from east to west, or from north to south, and then the staircase can be turned in any direction as the layout of the house dictates, but turning to the right is preferable. It is advisable to give preference to stairs that form an angle of 90 or 180 degrees with each other (clockwise when ascending), if possible with an intermediate platform. It is believed that slightly curved flights of stairs are better than straight ones. At the same time, spiral staircases are not considered auspicious. If you cannot do without a spiral (spiral) staircase, then it must be directed clockwise.

The external staircase must be built with steps to the east (descend) if it is in the southeast sector, steps to the north if it is located in the northwest, and steps to the south if it is located in the southwest.

It is necessary to be very careful to ensure that the stairs do not touch the eastern or northern wall.

You cannot arrange a room under the stairs, and it is not even advisable to have niches there for storing any household items (you also cannot place a safe). Try not to clutter this space and keep it free. As a last resort, it is possible to arrange a wardrobe under the stairs.

An odd number of steps is preferable and their number should not end in zero. Moreover, after dividing the number of steps by the number 3, the remainder should be the number 2.

The color of the stairs can be any color except red and black. Light, light colors are preferred.

Bathrooms – it’s better to make them adjacent to southeast corner of the eastern part of the house.

Children's rooms
Children's rooms should not be located in southwestern parts of the house, otherwise children will try to dominate their parents.

Bedroom - can be located adjacent to the living room and be in northwestern parts of the north side of the house. West- this direction symbolizes silence and sunset, best suited for the bedrooms of children or adult men, so the bedroom of the head of the family should be in the southwest corner of the west side of the house. It is advisable to avoid placing bedrooms in the north, and you should not sleep with your head facing north.

If there is more than one floor, the master bedroom should be on the top floor in the southwest corner. This room is also suitable for an adult married child, but under no circumstances should it be the bedroom of younger children, otherwise there will be clashes and unnecessary quarrels in the house. It is acceptable to have a bedroom facing south. The bedroom on the east side can also be used for unmarried children or for guests. But in any case, the young couple should not be allowed to use this room.

Meditation room
Meditation room and altar - should be in the east, north or northeast corner. They should not be in the southern sector or in the bedroom.

The kitchen should be located in southeast zone(Fire sector) at home or apartment so that the food is healthy and well digested. Or, as a last resort, its location in the west is allowed. If the kitchen is located in the northeast, then mental tension increases and this can cause big problems. If the kitchen is in the southwest, life at home becomes difficult due to clashes. There should not be a toilet next to the kitchen (as well as the dining table) or opposite it.

Dining room
It is better to arrange the dining room on western side of the house. If she is on east or north, then that's good too.

Living room(hall-living room)- a room where they meet, receive guests, relax with the whole family or spend time watching movies.
The living room should be on north or east, but not in the southeast corner.

Guestbook - a room in which guests staying overnight (or for several days) are accommodated. those. the room where guests sleep.
Northwestern part of the house is a great place for everything moving and changing, as well as for guests. This direction influences relationships between people and promotes change.

Storage area for valuables
Valuables should always be kept in northern side of the house.

The storage room should be in northwest corner of the main building.

The closet should be in southwestern corner of the open area around the main building. If this is not possible, then it should be in the southwest corner of the main building and have a minimum length and width.

Don't keep any junk in the northeast sector your home. This sector is considered one of the most important in Vastu. This place is sacred because it is ruled by Jupiter, the guru of all demigods. It must be kept clean at all times.

Center- the main place in the house. It is a square or rectangular part in the middle of a house or apartment, known as Brahmasthan. This is the place of the creator of the Universe, the demigod Brahma. A stream of cosmic energy passes through it. To ensure that nothing interferes with this process, the center of the house must remain completely empty. The health of a person living or working in a room whose central part is open and not cluttered with furniture is noticeably improved. As a rule, there is a patio or hall located here.

South-Eastern part of a house or apartment is an ideal place for heating systems, fires and electrical appliances.

Southwestern part of the house or apartment should be the most massive and closed. There must be heavy furniture, bookcases, and flowers in massive tubs.

Northwestern part of the house is a great place for everything moving, mobile and changing - cars, bicycles, guests, animals, it would be nice to install an air conditioner or fan here. This direction influences relationships between people and promotes change.

Northeast- This is the direction of purity and spirituality. The north-eastern part of the house and rooms should always remain clean, bright and tidy, free from furniture. Under no circumstances should there be a toilet there! In the northeast, there must be water - an aquarium, a vase of flowers, or just a glass of water. By the way, if you keep a glass of water in the northeast, the water becomes “alive”, it is very useful to drink such water and water your flowers with it, they begin to grow much better, but the water in the glass must be changed daily.


You should not make walls from reinforced concrete, it is detrimental to the body. Also, the iron roof of a house has a negative impact on human energy. The best option is wood, ceramic plastic, slate. Copper is also good, but it’s beyond our means.

The principle of “right entry” (this is no longer from Vastu Shastra)

Now, perhaps, the most important criterion is the location of the entrance doors to buildings and estates, according to the “right entrance” principle.

According to Vastu Shastra, the location of the entrance to a building or estate can have two types of energy.

Right-hand entrance

The entrance from outside the house, relative to the axis of symmetry of the wall on which the door is located, shifted from it to the right, is favorable; in such a room the energy of “rule” circulates, which has the effect of expansion, prosperity, joy, and opening of memory.

Left-hand entrance

The input is shifted from the center to the left with the circulating energy “Levi”, generates vibrations of inhibition, compression, a decrease in a person’s working memory, melancholy and hopelessness.

It is difficult to overestimate the phenomenal impact of the right- and left-side entrance to the room, even entrance doors slightly offset from the center lead, depending on the sides, either to fading and exhaustion, or to a spontaneous increase in energy.

The entrance, located strictly in the center, is neutral.

Comparing, for example, offices and shops according to these criteria, you will see that in 85% of cases, premises with a right-hand entrance, in most cases, are the winner in many respects, and business there is thriving, and the feeling inside is pleasant.

And even brand new buildings with a “left” entrance don’t look fresh for long. Unfortunately, a difficult and difficult activity awaits them, it’s just that while the young people are taxiing at the expense of resources, but this will not last long, a decline in activity is inevitable. Most of the abandoned dachas also have a left entrance.

Living in “left-sided” rooms eventually results in energy depletion, chronic fatigue, health problems, thoughts get stuck.

Shifting the entrance from the center of the room (axis) to the right significantly changes the situation in a positive way, on the same day. The problems that have accumulated over the years - fatigue, lethargy in business, disharmony - begin to dissipate into nothing.

Correcting the entrance is certainly not a panacea for all human difficulties, but it still significantly relieves unnecessary stress, fatigue and destructiveness.

Based on materials from Ramil Dimukhametov’s book “My Half, Where Are You? Or How to change your destiny"

The portal's editors may not share the author's opinion

is a place created in harmony with nature. A house built according to Vastu rules will bring good luck, health and happiness to its residents. In such a house one will feel pure being, peace and tranquility, because it will be filled with the favorable energy of the Universe. Vastu house makes your life easier, protects you from difficulties, enhances peace of mind, thereby even helping to change your destiny at a certain level. A Vastu house will provide comfort to the body, peace of mind and happiness to the soul.

involves the design and construction of houses of regular shape and simple structure so that they are in harmony with nature. Vastu Shastra is a Vedic treatise. The source of Vastu Shastra is Sthapatya Veda, which includes architecture, sculpture and other artistic sciences. The Sthapatya Veda, like all other Vedas, is based on the concept of the holistic source of the universe, according to which the entire Universe is one. Therefore, Vastu Shastra for the home includes many different disciplines and is closely related, for example, to Ayurveda (Vedic medicine) and Jyotish (Vedic astrology). Read more about Vastu Shastra in the article Vastu Shastra.

Vastu Shastra for home is based on a holistic approach to creating a living environment. Vastu Shastra describes the principles and rules that teach how to plan a house in harmony with the local and global structure, as well as with the internal space of a person. The local structure is environment, material embodied nature. The global structure is the so-called outer space, in which all living beings are surrounded. The inner space of a person is his soul or consciousness. When these components are in balance in a house according to Vastu, the residents receive the support of the complete Natural Law. A house according to Vastu implies harmony and beauty, as it corresponds to the ideal order of the Universe. Vastu Shastra for the home can bring health, prosperity and good luck to a person and the entire society.

Vastu Shastra for the home - basic principles of design

Vastu Shastra for the home, in its desire to harmonize the life of society, indicates the basic principles of construction for buildings in a favorable environment: the exact location, proportions, dimensions and orientation of the house in the area. Vastu Shastra, while planning a house, takes into account important factors such as the shape of the site, the slope of the land, the unobstructed view of the rising sun, the influence of surrounding water bodies, plants and other existing buildings.

As Vastu Shastra states, a house should benefit its occupants and relieve them from difficulties. The design of the premises in such a house should be light and simple. According to Vastu, a house must have all the necessary functions for the life of a particular family. For example, the house should provide sufficient space for storage and various amenities. From an aesthetic point of view, the house should please the eye. It should be harmonious and proportional, evoking only positive emotions among its inhabitants and guests. Absolutely all elements of home design, from the largest to the smallest details, must be in tune with each other and obey their own rhythm, just as in a living organism everything is subject to harmony and order. The design of the home should create a feeling of peace and tranquility. The house in which the family is going to live should serve as a generator of positive energy.

House location according to Vastu

House location according to Vastu plays a primary role in the natural environment. Before building a harmonious house, you should choose a favorable site. After the site has been selected, the house should be correctly located on this territory. How to choose a favorable site according to Vastu can be read in the article site according to Vastu. However, if you already have a plot that was not selected according to Vastu rules, and you want to build a Vastu house on this plot, then you should contact a professional architect who knows the rules of harmonious design and has a higher architectural education. An architect who practices Vastu will correctly locate the house on your site. This house will not disturb the harmony of the area and will bring you only good results.

Location of the house on the Vastu plot

The issue of the correct location of a house on a plot according to Vastu should be approached carefully. After construction site has been chosen, as stipulated in the texts of Vastu Shastra, the first step that the architect must take is to determine the direction of the axes of the house, the location of the house along the cardinal points or the so-called orientation of the house. According to Vastu, a house should face the cardinal directions with its walls. If possible, it is necessary to make a correction of several degrees, since the location of the north magnetic pole does not coincide with the geographic magnetic pole. In this case, the walls of the house must be parallel to the boundaries of the Vastu site, therefore the site must be selected in advance. If your site is not oriented to the cardinal points, then you should not place the house parallel to the boundaries of the site, as this will create disharmony on both gross and subtle plans.

House orientation according to Vastu

House orientation is of paramount importance when designing residential and public buildings. The benefits that houses can provide to residents depend solely on the orientation of the building. Once the construction site is selected for the building as prescribed in the Vastu texts, the main step that the architect has to take is to determine the direction of the cardinal axes with reference to the magnetic compass. These lines are called North-South and East-West. The building must be installed parallel to these axes, and at the same time parallel to the boundaries of the site. However, if the site has a slight deviation from the magnetic axes, then the house according to Vastu should be installed parallel to the boundaries of the site so as not to create an energy imbalance.

House designed according to Vastu strict observance laws, like a living organism that goes into harmony with the gross and subtle qualities of nature. In our architectural studio you will find designs based on Vastu rules as far as possible in the existing context and modern practice, as well as in integration with the wishes of the clients. With each subsequent project, we try to apply Vastu knowledge even more thoughtfully and accurately, combining it with modern design. Only in our studio we design architectural structures in minimalist and any other styles, introducing into them the ancient Vedic knowledge of Vastu. Our specialists have extensive practical experience and professional architectural education, and not just theoretical knowledge of Vastu. Only continuous design practice allows us to adapt Vastu in a modern context.