Let's look at it step by step - how to make a fence from corrugated sheets. A fence from corrugated sheets: choosing the appropriate material, and the main stages of installation. Build a fence from corrugated sheets with your own hands

A wide variety of materials can be used in the process of building a fence. But especially popular among all types of fencing in recent years quite deservedly uses a fence made of corrugated sheets. And first of all, this is due to the fact that the profiled sheet has many positive characteristics and qualities. Having serious skills and strictly adhering to building codes, it is quite possible to build a fence from corrugated sheets with your own hands.


Any construction process, including the installation of a corrugated fence with your own hands, begins with the development of a project. It is best to create a drawing project to which you need to transfer all the geometric dimensions of the future structure. And first of all, you should determine design features protective structure made of corrugated sheets:

  • overall height;
  • method of installing supports (driving with compaction with soil, driving with butting with crushed stone, with columnar concreting, with strip foundation);
  • sheet location (horizontal or vertical);
  • type of supports (whether they will be in the form of columns or hidden).

A classic do-it-yourself corrugated fence for a summer residence consists of only three main elements:

  1. frame (standard round or profile pipes);
  2. fasteners;
  3. casing made of corrugated board.

In addition, the future fence, depending on what is desired appearance and general landscape, maybe:

  • solid– profiled sheets completely cover the vertical supports. Three quarters of builders choose this type of fence;
  • ventilated (sectional)– each span is divided by pillars, and the length of one section varies depending on the geographical features of the relief. This type of fence is installed less frequently and only when the presence of brick or concrete pillars is implied. Such a fence itself requires additional calculations, since it is necessary to calculate the dimensions of the sheets in order to reduce the number of trims.

Fences are also divided into groups according to the type of base:

  • foundation. In this case, the foundation itself can be strip. Thanks to this “base”, the wind resistance of the entire structure increases.
  • supporting The vertical pillars are not connected to each other. Each post is installed in a pre-prepared hole and “fixed” using the backfill method, spot concreting and simply installation with compaction of soil.

It is worth noting that most areas have serious unevenness and this important factor must be taken into account when erecting a fence. In some cases, uneven landscapes can be planned, but this is very expensive, so it is better to build a fence taking into account the above-mentioned nuances.

How to install a corrugated fence on an uneven surface? First of all, you need to measure the slope. If its value is less than 35 degrees, then the span “starts” from a mark of 2.5 meters. If the slope is uneven, it is better to form fence sections of different widths. As the slope angle increases, it is worth reducing the span step. As a result, you will get a fence with a stepped design.

What materials are required to build a corrugated fence?

Self-construction of a fence will be carried out much faster if you first prepare all the necessary material.

Corrugated sheet

Support pillars

Theoretically, poles made of any material can be used - metal, wood, etc. However, when choosing the type of pillars, it is worth considering that the most affordable and simple option is metal supports. The geometric parameters of the racks are determined based on the expected loads. Often they take pipes 60x60x2 mm or 60x40x2 mm. If these are round pipes, then you should choose a diameter ranging from 60 to 100 mm.

As logs or, as they are also called, crossbars, it is best to use profile pipes 40x20x2 or 40x20x1.5 mm. It is worth noting that it is unacceptable to use wooden logs, since wood has a tendency to rot quickly, especially in places where corrugated sheets are attached. Thus, not only will such a fence not last long, but the corrugated sheeting cannot be reused due to corrosion. It is also not recommended to use a metal corner as a lag, since with its thickness of 2 mm it will not create the required resistance to wind loads. But it’s not worth purchasing material thicker than 2 mm because special self-tapping screws for corrugated sheets are designed for drilling metal with a thickness of no more than 2.5 mm.

Caps for support posts

These elements are used to protect the pillars from moisture getting inside. Usually these parts are replaced with trimmed plastic bottle or metal plate. Such options are cheaper, but they are naturally not as aesthetically pleasing. They can be used as a temporary solution.


To attach the corrugated sheet to the metal frame, rivets or special screws are used. Professionals try to use self-tapping screws, as they are equipped with special rubber gaskets, thanks to which the corrugated sheet is pressed tightly to the base. The length of such screws ranges from 15 to 35 mm. As for rivets, we recommend treating them with special paint before use. This approach will allow you to prevent the early appearance of rust at the attachment point.


It is used to touch up scratches that occur when corrugated sheeting is installed carelessly or as a result of manufacturing defects, as well as to paint over the area where the sheet was cut. The paint consumption for these needs is minimal, so one can will be enough.

Necessary tools and additional materials

To install pillars or to arrange a strip foundation, you will need sand, cement and gravel.

In order to install a fence made of corrugated sheets at the dacha, you need to prepare the following tools - a screwdriver, a welding machine, a drill, a shovel, a plumb line, a level, a container for mixing the mortar, boards for constructing formwork (for a strip foundation), a riveter (if you decide to fasten the sheet with rivets ), grinder, safety glasses and rope.

Material calculation

We build a fence from corrugated sheets with our own hands and calculate the quantity necessary materials. For example, let's take a plot of 6 acres. Of course, the configuration of the site may be different, but often 6 acres is 20 meters by 30 meters. The perimeter of such a land plot will be approximately 100 linear meters. meters. We will assume that we are installing a fence 2 meters high with a hole foundation.

Corrugated sheet

If you decide to install a solid fence in which the posts will be covered with corrugated sheets, then to calculate the required number of sheets you need to simply divide the length of the future fence (100 linear meters, which corresponds to a plot of 6 acres) by the width of the selected sheet, more precisely, by its useful length ( 1 m 15 cm). The result should be rounded up. In our case, you will need 100/1.15 = 87 sheets of C8 corrugated board.

Calculate required quantity corrugated sheets simply according to the formula: fence length / 1.15 = number of corrugated sheets.

Required number of fence posts

The number of supports depends on the calculated distance between the pillars. If you are building a solid fence, then the total length must be divided by the estimated distance between the posts. Considering the increased windage of a fence made of corrugated sheets, we recommend taking the distance between posts within 2-3 meters. It is not recommended to increase the distance between the posts, as this will worsen the stability of the entire fence and you may have to increase the number of longitudinal joists. For a fence 100 linear meters long. meters you should purchase 40 pillars: 100 linear. m/ 2.5 m (post height) = 40 pcs.

When arranging a sectional fence, the number of posts is determined by the number of sections. We advise you to calculate the distance between sections in advance, so that it is equal to a whole number or half the size of the corrugated sheet. This way, you can use up the sheets with virtually no residue.

It is worth noting that when making calculations, it is necessary to take into account the mandatory installation of posts at the corners of the future fence, as well as in the places where the gates will be located. The required height of the post is determined by the planned height of the fence and the depth of their immersion in the ground (more than 30% of the length of the entire post must be underground). In other words, if your fence is 1.8 meters high, then you need to take a post 2.8 meters high.

The number of transverse metal joists depends on the height of your future fence. If the fence is up to 2,000 mm, then two horizontal logs should be installed per section. But if the fence has a height of more than 2 m, or there will be a strong wind load on it, and also if the profiled sheet is thin, then it makes sense to install three logs. Thus, a fence with a linear length of 100 m will require at least 200 m of logs, each of which is 3 m in length. As a result, 67 logs are required, excluding gates and wickets.

Holder plates

Everything is simple here - the number of plates is equal to the product of the number of support posts and rows of horizontal joists. Such plates are not always used; most often, the logs are simply welded to the racks.

Plugs for poles

Their number is calculated by the number of support pillars. We advise you to additionally take a couple more plugs, which will certainly come in handy during the operation of the future fence.


The corrugated sheet is fastened with self-tapping screws into the two outer waves and then every two waves into each of the transverse logs. In some cases, you can attach the sheet only along the edges and in the middle wave. Considering that, on average, at least 8 screws are required for one profiled sheet, it is not difficult to calculate their number - at least 536 pieces. But we advise you to take self-tapping screws with a reserve, since during the tightening process sometimes defects in fasteners are revealed.

If you plan to work with rivets, then you need a little more of them, since they fasten the sheet through the wave and along the edges.

Gate with wicket

Of course, no fence would be complete without a gate and entry gate. As a rule, one entrance is made; accordingly, one gate and one gate need to be installed.

Fence installation process

Next, we suggest you read the step-by-step instructions that will help you understand the question of how to make a fence from corrugated board correctly and reliably. All work can be divided into several important stages.

1. Preparing the site for the construction of a fence

The entire surface of the soil must be thoroughly cleared of various elements that may interfere with the installation of posts and sheets: stones, tree roots, bushes, etc. Ideally, you should have a strip 2 m wide.

2. Installation of pillars - with compaction or concreting

We mark the territory - we determine where the gate and wicket posts, as well as the corner posts, will be located. It is recommended to take the support spacing no more than 2.5 meters. We drill holes to a depth of 0.8 meters and insert pillars. Next, you will need a stepladder and a glass, which we will place on top of the post so as not to damage the post when driving it in. We drive to a depth of 1.2 meters. Let's take into account that if we concrete, we will need a drill with a width of 150 mm. When the post is firmly standing, we begin to fill the hole with soil, crushed stone or concrete mortar.

3. Installation of transverse joists

As we said earlier, the corrugated sheeting is attached specifically to the joists, which, in turn, are mounted on support pillars.

The joists can be welded or screwed to the vertical posts. Professionals advise using special plates – holders – for these purposes. These plates are screwed to the racks, and the logs are already attached to them. This solution makes the fence construction project more expensive and time-consuming, but such fasteners are considered the most reliable.

Methods of attaching transverse joists to racks

  • end-to-end with a pole - an ideal option when arranging a solid fence;
  • behind the post (using a bracket-holder or by welding to the post).

4. Installation of corrugated sheets

An important stage of work; mistakes here can lead to the rapid appearance of rust. To screw the corrugated sheeting to the joists, special screws or rivets are used. The correct start of installation depends on the configuration of the profiled sheet.

First you need to determine which outermost wave of the sheet is the covering wave. Different manufacturers do it differently, so the covering wave can be either on the left or on the right. The sheets must be mounted in such a way that each subsequent sheet covers the wave of the previous one. We also recommend starting installation from the gate, so as not to run into a situation where you have to install a small piece of corrugated sheet in the most visible place.

The corrugated sheet is attached at the edges to each of the transverse joists, as well as to the middle of the sheet (in each joist). If you know that the fence will be subject to strong wind loads, then it is better to attach the corrugated sheeting to the joists every two waves.

Estimate for the purchase of materials for self-construction of a fence

How to make a fence from corrugated sheets yourself and not make a mistake? To do this, you need to draw up an estimate of all costs and only after that, having assessed your capabilities, you can proceed directly to the construction of the fence. Let's return to our example, according to which we plan to install a fence on a plot of 6 acres - 100 linear meters of corrugated fence.


As can be seen from the previous paragraph, at the moment, for the installation of a conventional fence made of corrugated board with a length of 100 linear meters. meters you will have to “pay out” more than 120 thousand rubles. In this case, you will have to independently purchase all the required materials and deliver them to the area that you are going to fence. You also need to prepare tools, but you may simply not have them, and then you will either have to purchase them, which will certainly cost a pretty penny, or look for them among friends and neighbors, which is also not very pleasant. But that’s not all – you will need to carry out all the work on building the fence yourself. But without an assistant it is quite difficult to do this, therefore, you will have to invite someone, and this is an additional cost. Well, in conclusion, you will probably spend a lot of time and effort building it yourself. As you can see, the benefits of building a fence with your own hands are very illusory, and at the same time, you cannot guarantee that your fence will be installed with high quality, the way real professionals do it.

Current trends point to increased interest in country life. Some people come to the dacha for several days or months, others - all year round live in private houses. The organization of a full life in a large area begins with the installation of fencing. Fences are built mainly from metal profiles, brick, concrete, metal and wood. The metal profile is different good properties, relative simplicity installation Steel structures, for example, easily withstand the effects of rain, sun, and temperature changes without loss of quality. You can install the fence yourself, but if you hire a professional team, the work will take a minimum of time, especially since corrugated fences are relatively small in size. The selection of material and design requires special attention to combine corrugated sheeting with the landscape. The market provides such options in large quantities.

Advantages and disadvantages of a fence made of corrugated sheets

Metal profile is a ready-made coating for creating fences. The material is sold already processed and painted. Thanks to polymers and protective compounds, corrugated sheeting receives protection from ultraviolet radiation and corrosive processes. A fence made of metal profiles will retain these qualities for a long time, provided that the cut out fragments are not damaged. The standard color of corrugated sheets is dark green or brown, and other shades or patterns are chosen individually. For demanding customers, decorative options of various sizes and configurations are produced. The main advantages of fencing made from profiles include low price, good sound insulation, easy replacement of damaged areas, strength, resistance to adverse natural phenomena. Corrugated sheeting is still used with great restrictions. To protect the area from robbers, only a thick fence is suitable, because the thickness of one profiled sheet is no more than a few millimeters.

Disadvantages also include:

  • development of distortion;
  • the need to protect fasteners.

Fence type and layout

Fences are erected on different foundations and with different fastening schemes, but there are only 2 main types - solid and sectional. Fences of the first subtype are usually installed on profiled pipes, which are fixed in the ground (digged or driven in). Pipes for gates and wickets are chosen twice as wide as for the frame. In windy regions, a foundation is formed using concrete and reinforcement, and support pillars are installed at a depth of 0.5-1.5 meters. For temporary solid fences, sheets of millimeter thickness are sufficient. The sectional version of the fence is mounted on a columnar or strip foundation, which also protects against the impact of soil on the metal profile, the spread of weeds and the penetration of animals. The load-bearing function in the fence is also performed by the support pillars between the sections of corrugated sheeting. Supports are most often erected in the form of brick columns. Also popular are fences made of euro-fences - corrugated sheets with free space between the slats.

Fence structure and necessary materials

Sheets can be mounted on racks that are not connected to each other in any way - this design is called “sectional”. In an ordinary solid fence, all the posts are left on one side of the corrugated sheet. The key elements of a corrugated fence are support posts, transverse joists and the metal profiled sheets themselves. The latter are sometimes attached in a non-standard way - several fragments in height. The corrugated sheet wave has a size from 8 to 21 mm, which, in addition to the scope of application, is the main distinctive feature material. To assemble the structure, you will need fasteners: brackets and screws (or rivets). To construct the foundation, in turn, materials such as sand, gravel and cement are used. Additionally, anti-corrosion compound and paint may be useful.

Other necessary equipment:

  • pegs;
  • shovel;
  • rope (for marks);
  • plumb line;
  • level;
  • roulette;
  • cutting tool;
  • polyethylene film;
  • screwdriver

Corrugated sheeting - types and how to choose

For the construction of fences, manufacturers have provided several types of corrugated sheeting. The main types are wall (C), load-bearing (N) and universal (NS), which includes the characteristics of the first two. The fence should be assembled either from C or from NS. The main guideline for selection is the features provided by a particular manufacturer. Since the optimal option is a wall one, a person can only choose the height of the corrugation. It is indicated after the letter indicating the type. A metal profile with waves of 8 mm height is marked as C8, and this is not the best option for fences, especially high ones. Sheet C10 is already much stronger. The option with 14 mm rises is mounted on frame fences. High fences of any configuration under difficult climatic conditions are made from varieties of 18, 20 and 21 mm. C15 with a wide corrugated edge is a universal material, but is used for other purposes.

Pillars are used not only from metal, but also from wood, stone, brick or concrete. The first option is simple, reliable and accessible, and also fits better with the profile. Metal pipes of a square configuration have 2 mm walls and dimensions of 60x40 or 40x40 mm, depending on the load. Round pipes vary in diameter - 60-100 mm. Specialty stores sell ready-made pipes for fences, for use on any type of soil, and no less universal piles, which can be installed on loams and normal soils. Ready-made poles are better than a number of other materials. They already have plugs to prevent water from entering. Pipes for corrugated sheets are equipped with a special heel, which makes installation on the cushion easier. As a rule, the design of the racks includes holes for mounting corrugated sheets.

The role of crossbars is most often performed by hollow metal pipes with a rectangular cross-section. Application wooden logs unacceptable due to deterioration of the quality of wood in the places where the profile is attached, and a reduction in service life. Moreover, the secondary use of wood planks is possible only in rare cases. It is only justified to use metal strips measuring 40×20 or 40×40 mm with 2 mm walls. The cross-sectional area of ​​the lag should be combined with the same indicator for the support posts, in direct proportion. Metal corners are not needed for use with joists. Their thickness (2 mm) is poorly suited for resisting wind force, and options thicker than 2 mm are not used for this type of fence. The walls of the logs, as well as the sheets themselves, are selected with a thickness of up to 2.5 mm, because special hardware is difficult to fit into thick surfaces.

Additional materials and tools

Additional accessories:

  • plug for pillars;
  • plate holder;
  • hardware;
  • decorative end strip.

The supporting columns are covered with plugs. You should purchase the required quantity and a few pieces in reserve. For work you will need holder plates. They connect the support posts and joists. Accordingly, the need for these details can be determined by multiplying the number of pillars by the number of transverse joists. Self-tapping screws (a type of hardware) are attached to the outer corrugations and after one or two in the center, into each joist. One profile sheet usually requires 6-12 self-tapping screws. The total quantity of these fasteners is rounded up to a multiple of 250 (1 package). Another fastening option, with rivets, is considered less convenient. The number of decorative end strips is calculated by dividing the perimeter of the fence by the working length of the strip. It is equal to 185-195 cm, taking into account the overlap, with the usual value being 200 cm. The amount of paint for the fence is chosen based on its length and area.

Even a small, low fence will require a lot of material. A solid design is more profitable in this regard, because large supports for sections significantly increase consumption. To arrange sections, it is sometimes necessary to use more than one profile, which also leads to the use of additional materials. As for racks, they are basic and intermediate. Supports of the second type are made one and a half times smaller, but in larger quantities (up to 3 times). The calculation of the support pillars depends either directly on the number of sections, or on the planned pattern of the solid fence frame. The required material consumption for transverse joists is determined by the height of the fence. Usually there are 2-3 of them, but in some cases - 4 or more. In addition to sheets, racks and cross bars, the number of fastenings, decorative elements, as well as paints, if necessary.

Number of corrugated sheets

The configuration of the fence is taken into account. If the fence is solid, then the total perimeter is divided by the useful width of the sheet, rounded to a larger number. With a sectional structure, you need to decide on the number of profiles for each opening. It is easier to count if there is exactly one for each flight. Then the total width is taken into account. If sections are planned with more than one sheet, for example, one and a half, two or more, the useful width is calculated. Profile installation can be vertical or horizontal. The second option is less common, and the guideline for calculation is then the working width of the sheet. The height will be 1, 2 or 3 times the width and, accordingly, the same number of sheets. Vertical installation involves choosing the height by the customer himself. During calculations, first of all, the concepts of a given height and quantity in pieces are used, and not the total area of ​​​​the required corrugated sheet.

Number of pillars

For solid structures, calculations are carried out by dividing the total perimeter by the planned interval between the posts. Taking into account the windage profile, the distance between the base posts is considered to be 200-300 cm. An increase above these parameters will lead to the need for more transverse joists or thicker posts. The calculation for a sectional fence assumes compliance with the number of sections themselves. And it depends on the distance between them, which, in turn, is adjusted to the size of one sheet or one and a half to two. The calculations take into account that there will definitely be supports in the corners of the fence, as well as in places under gates and wickets. The number of intermediate posts is rounded down. The difference is “closed” by the deviation from the specified interval between the pillars. The dimensions of the racks are determined using the height of the fence and the depth into the soil. For a two-meter fence you will need basic supports of 2.6-2.7 m and intermediate supports of 2.5 m.

Number of cross beams

The number of cross bars, in addition to the height, also depends on the type of fence: solid or sectional. In solid fences no higher than 200 cm, 2 strong crossbars will be enough. One of them is installed closer to the bottom, and the second - closer to the top, while the middle will remain empty. Distances to the edges of the profile are selected at approximately 30 cm. Fences higher than two meters are assembled from 3 or more logs. The number of cross bars in sectional structures is determined based on the characteristics of the fence. To calculate the number of linear meters of material for logs, the total length of the fence is multiplied by the number of these planks from bottom to top. The presence of unevenness on the plot and, as a result, a shift in height of the fence leads to an increase in the required volume of materials, because the logs must be parallel to the ground. The height difference between adjacent sheets on uneven terrain is kept within 15 cm.

Amount of additional material

As for the plugs, they are purchased in quantities greater than the number of all pillars. Fasteners, such as rivets, screws, brackets, etc., are collected based on the number of connections. This indicator requires scrupulous calculations, so after approximate calculations it is better to purchase one extra package of each type of hardware. Experts also recommend hiding the top edge of the fence to improve the aesthetic qualities and safety of the structure. At the same time, logs are also hidden, especially if they are on the inner surface of a one-sided profile. The number and size of decorative strips for logs and the upper ends of the sheets are determined by multiplying the perimeter of the fence by the working length of the individual elements. The width of the strip is adjusted to the relief of the metal profile. For example, for options with a wave of 8 mm, you need an overlay with a width of 10 mm, taking into account rolling, and 8 mm - without.

DIY fence installation instructions

Work begins by marking the corners: wooden sticks are driven into the ground. Then a rope is pulled between them to apply markings. This is how the number of spans and the interval between them are determined. The rope additionally marks gates and gates. This space is not used to calculate the amount of metal profile. For a sectional structure, it is better to select the span size as a multiple of the installation width of the sheet, and for a continuous structure - in standard values ​​(250-300 cm). If a strip foundation is planned, then levels are also installed. Marks are placed on the corresponding posts at the corners of the perimeter. At the next stage, you need to make a drawing indicating the type of foundation, pillar design, materials and fasteners. Further steps include preparing the soil and installing supports in it. The driving depth is selected depending on the wind load in the region. The next step is to install the transverse joists to install the corrugated sheeting. The metal profile structure is then decorated.

First, the soil is cleared of anything that would interfere with the fixation of the posts or sheets. If the profiled sheet begins to collapse, then most likely it will be caused by the stones below, the defect from which will gradually increase. The foundation must be formed taking this into account, as well as the curvature of the relief. There is no need to study the soil, because for relatively light buildings made of corrugated sheets, the use of a shallow strip foundation is provided. 30-40 cm is enough if there are no strong winds in the region, but otherwise, you will need from 50 to 150 cm. The depth of the base is also coordinated with the height of the base pillars - 1/3 of their height and 10-15 cm of reserve for the base of the pillar. In the case of intermediate posts, 1/4 of the height is sufficient. The minimum permissible width of the pit coincides with the thickness of the widest support column.

Various methods:

  • driving into the soil;
  • full concreting;
  • toning;
  • combined option.

The first step is to install the base supports. If the fence consists of sections, then the posts are placed along the edges. Ropes are stretched between the main supports in order to have a guide when installing intermediate ones. At the points where the posts are inserted into the ground, the soil is removed with a drill, after which a cushion of sand and gravel is formed. It is in those places that poles treated with anti-corrosion compounds are placed. Some craftsmen prefer concreting to a depth of 10-15 cm, which will increase the resistance when reinforcing the formwork and its subsequent filling with concrete. To drive the posts into the soil, you should provide a cushion about 20-25 cm in height. The advantage of this option is increased reliability and savings, but it is associated with greater effort. Installation of supports is carried out without forming a foundation, provided that the level is observed, as well as the relationship between the installation depth and the length of the support post.

The logs are installed after the racks are concreted. Due to the possibility of vertical deviation of the column, the installation of crossbars is carried out carefully and measuredly. They are either screwed or welded. Craftsmen use plate holders during their work. This increases the cost of the project and delays the completion time, but the fastening becomes more reliable. In total, there are 3 main installation methods: end-to-end at the front of the rack, at the side and at the rear. The first option is suitable for continuous fences. Sectional fences are easier to assemble if the sheet is mounted from behind, using a holder plate (bracket). The side method allows you to attach the metal profile to both the joist and the support. The result is a structure with increased stability, which is also suitable for sectional fences. At the same time, the consumption of hardware and the duration of work increases.

A slight slope of the site will not interfere with installing the logs at the same height, but on large slopes the crossbars are shifted in height.

Having installed the pillars, the user began installing the logs. We already wrote above that the logs were cut to a size that was a multiple of the pitch between the pillars. From the point of view of practicality and strength, the logs should be installed in one whole six-meter length. Moreover the logs are butt welded not on the pole, but in the space between the spans.

As an option, for greater rigidity of the fence, you can use the installation diagram of the logs with the offset of the rods by one span, proposed by the user of the portal with the nickname Yriy.

Usually, a profile pipe of rectangular cross-section, for example 40x25x2.5 mm, is used for the logs. When installing veins, it is also necessary to take into account one nuance.


If the pipe is square, then it does not matter which side to weld it on, but if the pipe is rectangular, then we weld it to the pole with the wide side.

Palych R34, To mount the logs yourself, I first placed one end against the pipe, pressed it with a clamp and, aligning it horizontally using a magnetic level, fixed the second end of the log on the pole with a clamp.

Having grabbed the logs with spot welding, he welded the horizontal seams (the logs were welded overlapping).

Palych R34

To put the remaining material into use, I joined the meter-long scraps of logs remaining after cutting the 6-meter long rods, fixed them at the “fiftieth” corner with clamps and welded them in a circle. So I made 10 lags. After stripping, puttying, sanding and painting, it is impossible to find the welding site.

The user also installed temperature compensators made of steel strip every 20 meters.

“Horseshoes” are needed to level out the expansion of the metal when it is heated in the summer.

In addition to the fence, the user made a gate for household needs - delivery of building materials, garbage removal, etc. For this Palych R34 dug a trench for pouring a strip foundation to tie together the gate posts.

Sand was poured into the bottom of the trench, compacted, and roofing felt was laid to separate the concrete from the ground. Next, we welded 4 rods of the “twelfth” reinforcement to the metal pillars. Also, a 50x50x4 mm masonry steel mesh was used for reinforcement and the tape was filled with concrete.

To weld the gate leaves, and at the same time they open easily and do not warp, Palych R34 took advantage of the technology developed on our portal. To do this, the entire process is divided into several successive steps:

  • We weld the hinges to the vertical sections of the sashes.
  • We weld the sections with loops to the post.
  • We weld horizontal pipes to the sections with loops.
  • We weld the vertical ends of the sashes.
  • We weld the amplifiers in the corners of the sashes.
  • We cut the gate leaves with a grinder.

Using this technique, when gate leaves are welded from a whole piece and only then cut into halves, it is possible to avoid deformation of the metal during welding and maintain the correct geometry of the gate.

Palych R34

On the advice of welders I knew, I installed the vertical ends of the sashes not parallel, but with a wedge. At the top the gap is about 1 cm, and at the bottom 5 mm. After cutting the sashes and hanging the corrugated sheet, the gap between the sashes became almost parallel.

At this stage, work on the construction of a fence from corrugated sheets has reached the finish line. All that remains is to paint the logs and posts and hang the corrugated sheet, but there are a number of nuances that need to be taken into account in advance.

When making their own from a corrugated sheet, novice developers often treat the process of painting it “carelessly,” believing that the paint can be applied directly to the rust, and if something happens, it can be repainted later. The right approach: do everything right away with high quality, even if it takes longer and is somewhat more expensive in terms of costs. But in the next 5 and more years You can forget about painting the fence.

That’s exactly how I approached the process of painting the fence thoroughly. Palych R34.

Palych R34

To properly paint fence posts and joists, I took the advice of professionals with many years of experience in this work.

So here are these tips:

  1. Before applying paint to metal, you need to clean it until it shines and then prime it. We remove all rust, old paint, oxides.

Using special chemicals for removing rust does not bring the desired result.

Therefore, we stock up on patience, take a grinder with a special attachment and clean the pipes properly.

  1. We degrease the cleaned surface with a solvent and prime it in 1-2 layers and only then paint.

If you decide to install a corrugated fence with your own hands, then this review is for you. It describes in great detail and clearly all the nuances of the work process. You just need to repeat all the steps - and the result will be no worse than that of professional builders.

How to organize work correctly

To get a good result, it is not enough to understand only the features of installing a fence made of corrugated board. You need to choose high-quality materials, use the right tools and build a strong supporting structure. We'll walk you through the process from start to finish so you don't have any questions.

Preparatory activities

Going straight away to buy materials is not the best solution. Since you do not know the exact quantity, and even a professional will not carry out calculations by eye.

Therefore, do not be lazy and spend half an hour to carry out measurements and calculations:

  • First of all, the location of the fence is determined. A construction cord is stretched along the line, which will serve as the main guide. Wooden pegs or metal elements are hammered into the corners, onto which a cord or fishing line is attached;

  • Length measurements are taken. First of all, it is worth checking the length of the fence. Everything is simple here, to work you need to attract an assistant and use a tape measure to take all the measurements;

  • The pitch of the columns is determined. It can be anything, but most often the range from 2 to 3 meters is chosen, 2.5 meters is the most popular and convenient solution. It is best to immediately mark the position of the supports, so you can accurately calculate the required number of columns;
  • The required volume of profiled sheet is calculated. Everything is simple here if you know the dimensions of the corrugated sheets. The standard width is 1155 mm, the useful width is 1100 mm. The height can be any, the material will be cut to the nearest centimeter.

If you have an uneven landscape, you should design the fence to compensate for any level changes. In this case, a strip foundation must be made, with the help of which all irregularities are covered. Below is an example project for an uneven site.

Materials and tools

Even perfect adherence to installation technology does not guarantee the reliability of the fence if you used low-quality materials. Therefore, you need to choose everything you need very carefully. The table below will help you make the right decision.

Material Recommendations for selection
Corrugated sheet It is best to use options with a wave height of 8-10 mm; they are marked as C8 and C10, respectively. The thickness of the material should be 0.5 mm or more; I do not recommend taking thinner sheets.

When purchasing, pay attention to the quality of painting: the surface must be perfect, without defects or scratches.

Columns Most often, a profiled pipe measuring 50x50 mm or more is used. The length of the supports depends on the height of the fence; if this figure is 2 meters, then the post must be 3 meters for reliable fastening in the ground.

It’s easier to buy ready-made posts, their price is higher, but you get a ready-made option that doesn’t need to be painted or cut

Jumpers They are best made from light and durable pipe 40x20 mm. For ease of fastening the profiled sheet, choose products with a wall thickness of 1.5 mm. With this thickness, you can screw in screws without drilling holes, which speeds up and simplifies the work process
Fasteners Corrugated sheeting is best secured using roofing screws. They are painted in the color of the base coating and have a drill tip for screwing into metal without pre-drilling.

The product also has a washer with a rubberized base that closes the hole and protects it from moisture penetration

Materials for concreting To secure the pillars, you will need either concrete made from cement, sand and crushed stone, or cement-sand mortar and filler made from stone, brick and broken concrete. The second option is simpler and cheaper, since stones and old bricks can be found almost free of charge
Dye Necessary for painting pillars and lintels. Use either primer and paint, or a composition that combines these components.

Installing a fence made of corrugated sheets with your own hands requires that you have a certain set of tools:

  • Welding machine for attaching wires to poles. A mobile household option operating on a 220 Volt network is suitable. If you don’t know how to cook, it’s easier to hire a welder for an hour or two. In this case, you need to carry out preliminary preparation and marking so as not to waste time and complete the work quickly;
  • Grinder for cutting metal and cleaning it before welding. This tool allows you to quickly and efficiently cut a pipe, clean welds and prepare the surface for welding. Don’t forget to stock up on cutting and grinding discs of the appropriate diameter;

  • Use tin snips to cut corrugated sheets. Under no circumstances should you carry out work with a grinder; this will cause the profiled sheet to overheat and within a year the ends will begin to rust;

  • To dig holes for posts, use a shovel or a special drill with a diameter of at least 20 cm;
  • The solution is prepared either manually (in this case you will need a large container) or using a concrete mixer. The second option is preferable for large volumes of work. It is not necessary to buy equipment; you can rent it for 1 day;
  • Measurements are made using a tape measure; markings are best done with a felt-tip pen. The most convenient way to control the position of pillars and corrugated sheets is with a building level;
  • The sheets are fastened using a screwdriver with a special M8 attachment. It is sold in hardware stores and is designed specifically for roofing screws; the magnetic holder allows you not to lose the fastener during work.

Installation of pillars and fastening of veins

Installation of a corrugated fence begins with the installation of posts.

The process consists of the following steps:

  • Digging or drilling holes for poles. The work is carried out with a shovel or drill; the minimum depth of the supports should be at least 1 meter. In addition, a cushion of sand or gravel is poured onto the bottom in a layer of 10-20 cm; this nuance should also not be forgotten. The total depth is usually 120-140 cm;

  • A pillow is poured onto the bottom. It will ensure the stability of the installation and will not allow the pillar to sag during concreting;
  • The pillar is installed in place. First of all, the height of its above-ground part is checked, and if necessary, the position is adjusted. If the support is low, then sand is added, if it is high, then the column is carefully deepened;

For reliability, protrusions and lintels can be welded to the underground part. Then, when concreting, the pillar will be fixed much more firmly.

  • If a filler of stones and bricks is used, then the hole is filled to 2/3 of the depth. The rest should be placed after the initial filling of the solution, when it fills all the voids. The stones are carefully compacted, while the position of the pillar is constantly checked using a level; it must stand level;

  • The solution is being prepared. If you don’t have filler, then mix cement, sand and crushed stone in a ratio of 1:3:5, the consistency should be quite thick. If you use stones or bricks, prepare a semi-liquid solution of 1 part cement and 3 parts sand. The solution must penetrate into all voids and fill them for the best fastening;
  • Pillars are being concreted. The solution is poured into the holes and compacted with a stick or reinforcement so that it fills the hole as best as possible and there are no voids left in it. The solution with crushed stone is poured to the top, and if you used stones, then at the first stage they must be closed, after which the filler is added to the very top and the solution is filled to the required level;

  • The position of the elements is checked. I know from my own practice that even with careful pouring, the pillar can move. Therefore, immediately after concreting, be sure to check its position with a level on all sides and, if necessary, level it. Only after this can the work be considered successfully completed.

It takes time for concrete to gain strength. It is best to continue work no earlier than 5 days after concreting, during which time the material will set well and harden.

The technology for installing a fence from corrugated sheets with your own hands includes such a stage as fastening the veins. This part of the work can be done in two ways: welding and using special brackets.

Let's look at each of them and start with welding:

  • Jumpers and pillars are being prepared. As for the veins, they are cut into pieces that should be 5 mm less than the distance between the posts. The surface of the pillars at the place where the lintels are attached is cleaned; if they are painted, they are removed;
  • The veins are exposed and welded. If you have clamps, then the easiest way is to fix the jumpers with their help; if there are no fastenings, then two assistants should hold the element until it is grabbed. Welding is carried out along the entire perimeter of the junction;

  • After welding, the seams are cleaned. Too protruding sagging and other flaws are removed. If poorly cooked areas are found, they need to be cooked again;
  • The surface is cleaned and painted. If you had painted posts, then only the joints and veins are painted. If there is no coating, then the entire treatment is performed. The protective composition is applied in at least two layers, special attention is given to welding points and other connections.

Now let’s look at the option of connecting pillars and joists using special brackets. You can see what they look like in the photo, and we’ll look at how to use them below:

  • The first element is installed at the level you need. Installation to the pole is carried out using self-tapping screws. Fastening can be done on the sides or from the front, it all depends on the design of the fastening unit;
  • The bracket is placed on the second post. To accurately determine its position, you need to install a jumper and place a building level on it. The exact location of the fastening is determined from it, and it is screwed to the support. In the same way, work continues along the entire length of the fence;

  • The jumpers are fixed with self-tapping screws on the back side. The result is a very strong and perfectly smooth knot. The only disadvantage of this solution is that fasteners cannot be found in all cities, so if you decide to use this technology, make sure that you can buy brackets.

Fastening corrugated sheets

Installation of corrugated sheets on the fence is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • First of all, a sheet is prepared. If cutting is needed, then marking is made and the element is cut. If there is on the surface protective film, then it is better to remove it before fastening, since then it will be very difficult to tear it out from under the screws, and pieces of polyethylene sticking out from under the washers will ruin the entire appearance of the fence;

You should also know how to properly secure elements with self-tapping screws. Here you should be guided by the rubber base of the washer; it should not be crushed, but it should not just touch the surface. The correct option is shown in the simple and clear picture below.

  • The sheet is placed in the required position and tacked. To begin with, it is enough to tighten 4 self-tapping screws in the corners so that you do not need to hold the element. Next, the corrugated sheet is attached as expected, the hardware should be located through 1 wave, their length is usually 20-25 mm;

  • The following sheets are attached in the same way. Do not forget to check the position of each element with a level; many people forget about this after installing the first sheet, and as a result, a noticeable distortion forms at the end of the fence;

  • Fence strip attached. It is needed in order to give the structure a more attractive appearance and to cover the upper ends from precipitation. The elements are simply put on top part, at the places of their connections an overlap of at least 30 mm is made. Fastening is done using rivets, which are matched to the color of the fence, everything is simple and quick.

Installing a corrugated fence according to this review will not be difficult. If you are interested in the question of assembling gates and wickets, then the process is similar to that described above with the only difference being that you need to weld the frames and attach them to the posts with hinges. This type of work is described in detail in a separate review on our website.


After reading the review, anyone can handle the job, especially since you choose the options for assembling the structure yourself. The video in this article will help you understand the topic even better and clearly show many important points installation If you still have questions, write them in the comments below.

Protection personal plot from prying eyes, winds and precipitation by a fence is a primary task. It can be built from materials of various quality: brick, mesh, wood, artificial decorative stone etc. But, if cost issues are relevant, you should choose a profiled sheet. The material has many advantages. But, the main thing is that even a novice builder can make a fence from corrugated sheets with his own hands. Sheet slabs have a small mass, so there is no need to hire assistants and special equipment. Their installation is carried out using standard fasteners according to a simple scheme. Let's find out how else you can save on a fence made of corrugated sheets, and how to build it with your own hands.

What can you save on?

The lion's share of the budget will go to the purchase of profiled sheets. There is no need to seriously skimp on its quality, especially if a country fence is installed with the aim of blocking access to the site for intruders.

You can reduce costs by:

  • Competent calculation of the required volume of building materials. Especially the profiled sheet. If you reduce the amount of waste to a minimum, the final savings will be at least 12%;
  • Installing a fence with your own hands without involving craftsmen. Relatives can help at the stage of driving support pillars;
  • Drawing up a competent design of the enclosing structure. You will need to take measurements, draw a diagram and mark the territory. Strict adherence to the plan will eliminate installation errors, which means additional expenses;
  • Stages of work that you can do yourself;
  • Ordering corrugated sheets in the amount required for the construction of the fence. To do this, you will need to accurately perform measurements and calculations. There is no need to buy material in large quantities. The remainder will then have to be thrown away or stored for the entire service life.

And if you purchase materials for building a fence in the winter - from December to February - then you will have to make fewer compromises on quality. During the “non-construction” period, the cost of all building materials without exception is reduced by approximately 12-45%. During the off-season, many manufacturers of profiled sheets also offer free shipping. Therefore, before ordering building materials, it is worth studying as many offers as possible.

Foundation for a fence made of corrugated sheets

The enclosing structure made of corrugated sheets itself does not require a foundation. The base material is quite light - from 5.9 to 11.2 kg/m.p. Such a load can easily be withstood by support pillars, which will definitely have to be installed. The foundation is poured if high aesthetic demands are placed on a corrugated sheet fence at the dacha and if the sheet material will be hung in close proximity to the edge of the ground. In the first case, the entire structure will look more neat and elegant, and in the second, it will last longer.

If there is no foundation, and the lower edge of the corrugated sheet rests on the ground, then in winter the material will probably be deformed. At low temperatures, water in the soil freezes and provokes soil heaving. Simply put, the ice pushes fragments out, which in 9 out of 10 cases deforms the profiled sheet.

If the country fence is only supposed to protect the site, then you can save money on the foundation by using one trick. A trench up to 10-15 cm thick and about 30-50 cm deep is dug under the lower edge of the corrugated sheeting. Ordinary sand is compacted into it. The better it is compacted, the better the profiled sheet on the fence is protected from deformation. No foundation costs - minus another 45% of expenses.

You can buy corrugated sheeting in Perm from the manufacturer at a low price from the Novy Dom company.

We save on poles and joists

Support posts and logs - the stability and reliability of the fence. Therefore, it is better not to save much on their purchase. The standard version of supports is profile pipes 60×60×2.5 mm. But if the fence is no-frills, then supports of 40×40×1.5 mm will be sufficient to hold the corrugated sheets. By strictly adhering to installation recommendations, it is not difficult to obtain a strong and reliable enclosing structure.

To stay within your budget, you can make a corrugated sheet fence with your own hands from used pipes. They will cost half as much as new products, but you need to know which ones to choose. The most suitable option is pump and compressor pipes. They are dismantled after their service life in excellent condition. The thickness of the pipe is sufficient to withstand a light metal fence. When purchasing, you need to check the products for pockets of corrosion and rust. After installation, paint with protective paints.

But it is better not to use wooden pillars as support. A cheap fence made of corrugated sheets with such elements will not last more than 5 years. Of course, you can choose thick oak or deciduous timber (wood that perfectly resists weather and climatic stress). With such a support, the service life of the fence will be much longer, but it will not be possible to reduce the cost of construction. The wooden beam must be additionally treated with special compounds, otherwise it will quickly rot and warp. Annual maintenance will also cost a pretty penny. And the cost of the timber is significantly higher than the profile pipe.

It is worth stopping at the use of wooden logs with metal posts. In this case, you will have to order additional metal brackets for attaching the planks. This means extra expenses and longer installation of the fence.

You can also save on the number of support pillars. The recommended distance between supports is 2-2.5 meters. If a profiled sheet with a profile height of 21 mm or more is selected for the construction of a fence, then this parameter can easily be increased to 3 m. But if the profile is low, then additional logs will have to be used to compensate for the large distance between the posts.

How to save money on the corrugated sheeting itself?

You shouldn’t skimp on the quality of corrugated sheets for a fence, but you can choose it wisely. Competently means, taking into account the purpose of the design and the basic requirements for it. For example, you can purchase a regular galvanized sheet without a colored polymer coating. Costs will be reduced by approximately 14-29%. The external design data will not be so expressive, but over time this drawback can be eliminated yourself by painting the corrugated fence with a protective paint and varnish material. It is better not to buy non-galvanized sheets, since galvanizing them at home will not work.

A cheaper fence would be made from profiled sheets of grade C10, C12 or C14 (wall with corrugation heights of 10, 12 and 14 millimeters). The savings will be somewhere between 19-31%. When constructing structures enclosing the territory, it is recommended to buy corrugated wall grades with a corrugation height of 20 mm - C20, NS35, C21 or C44. Metal thickness 0.5-0.8 mm. The brand is selected according to the height of the fence. The higher it is (from 2.1 m), the more corrugation on the sheet, otherwise the fence will not be able to withstand even average wind loads (high windage of the sheet).

You can reduce the cost of construction by ordering a profiled sheet with a thickness of 0.45 mm. Saving about 13-17 rubles. at every linear meter. The optimal material thickness is 0.6 mm. But 0.45 mm is also perfect if you calculate the dimensions correctly. It is believed that the enclosing structure should have a height of 2 m. Usually 2.1-2.3 m. But, if you make a fence from corrugated board with a height of 1.8-2 m, then there will be no significant losses in its reliability and practicality. With such dimensions of the structure, it will be possible to reduce costs by 7-10%.

We minimize the costs of installing corrugated sheets

It will be much cheaper to build a fence from corrugated sheets with your own hands. Savings of approximately 15-20%. But this takes into account that the builder has at least minimal skills, otherwise correcting errors will cost 3 times more than paying for the services of professionals. Therefore, those summer residents who know how to work with their hands and have the necessary tools will be able to build a fence cheaper:

  • Drills and concrete mixer;
  • Welding machine in case you have to weld brackets for joists;
  • Reinforcement and everything for tying it - when pouring the foundation;
  • Self-tapping screws, etc.

You should decide on the missing equipment in advance, otherwise the process will end before it even begins. When installing a fence made of corrugated sheets, you must also take into account its future external characteristics. Therefore, work is carried out following the instructions and carefully.

Installation of a fence made of corrugated sheets

The installation of the building envelope begins with the purchase of the necessary building materials. You will need:

  • Support pillars;
  • Crossbars, or logs. Profile pipe 40×20×2 mm (optimal option). The length of the logs should be equal to the distance between the support pillars;
  • Profiled sheets;
  • Caps for support pillars;
  • Holders. Elements that will save on welding;
  • Roofing screws and bolts.

To give the fence a finished look, you can install an end U-shaped strip along the upper edge of the profiled sheet. But this is not necessary on a modest budget. Essential functional features the bar does not have. It is also worth taking care of the purchase of sand, crushed stone and cement in advance. These building materials will also be useful if the foundation is not organized.

Foundation for a fence

If it is difficult to decide on the need to fill the foundation for the fence, carefully read the photo in the article. Fencing structures with and without a foundation look different.

It’s easier, faster and cheaper to pour a strip foundation. It is universal and suitable for all types of soil. At the initial stage, they mark the territory - mark the boundary of the site, mark the location of support pillars and functional elements of the fence, for example, a gate or gate. It will not be possible to make a high-quality fence from corrugated sheets with your own hands without excavation work. Therefore, after marking the territory, they begin to dig a trench along the line of installation of the fence. The depth of the ditch is 45-50 cm. In the places where support pillars are to be installed, they are buried to a depth of 90 cm. The following are the instructions:

  • Installation of formwork inside the trench. It can be made from scrap materials. The formwork is installed so that the foundation protrudes 40 cm above the ground level;
  • Laying of reinforcement;
  • Setting up pillars;
  • Pouring concrete.

Having completed the pouring, the foundation is left for 17-21 days. The formwork is not removed until the concrete reaches 55% strength. But it is better to withstand the entire 24-day period.

Installation of poles and joists

Pillar pouring will allow you to complete the work faster. You will need:

  • Dig holes up to 1.5 m deep at a distance of 1.5-3 m from each other. The diameter of the ditch is 3 times the diameter of the pipe;
  • At the bottom of the pits, make pillows from crushed stone and sand;
  • Plug the pipes;
  • Fill the holes with the pipes placed in them with cement mortar and gravel;
  • Wait until the concrete hardens.

When marking the territory, do not forget about the sand cushion. If you don’t want to carry out additional excavation work or don’t have time, you need to raise the corrugated fence sheets above ground level by 10-15 cm. If the terrain is uneven, this parameter needs to be increased so that the flooring installation line is level.

The logs are attached after the concrete has completely hardened. Their number depends on the height of the fence. For fencing up to 1.5 m, one crossbar is sufficient. For heights up to 1.7 m, two crossbars are needed. And the reliability of a fence 1.8-2.1 m high will be ensured by three logs. They are installed along the upper and lower edges of the corrugated sheet, 4-7 cm away from the edges, as well as in the center.

We fasten the fence from corrugated sheets

To properly make a fence from corrugated sheets with your own hands, you need to take the choice of fasteners seriously. The easiest way to fix the flooring is with self-tapping screws. You will need 35 mm metal fasteners with flat heads. The wall material will hold securely if you place the screws at a distance of 50 cm from each other on each crossbar. Installation of sheets at joints is carried out overlapping.

The final stage of work is attaching the U-shaped strip. When installing profiled sheets, there is a high probability of damage to the galvanized surface. If this happens, the defect must be corrected immediately by painting the fence. Self-installation the building envelope will take about 1.5-4 weeks. The timing depends on the dimensions of the fence and the skill of the builder.