The meaning of the moon tarot card in detail. The meaning of the moon tarot card in a love relationship. Financial situation and living conditions

Moon Arcana Tarot - the meaning of this card will help you more clearly interpret the layouts that are made on Rider Waite cards, the classic Tarot, or decks that are made in the Waite tradition.

In the article:

Moon Arcana Tarot - meaning

The Tarot Moon is a harbinger of not very good events. In distant interpretations it is indicated that the appearance of this lasso in the scenario prophesies some kind of conspiracy, dangerous machinations. Often the card indicates that a person will face emotional shock, envy, jealousy, deception and the machinations of enemies.

Today, tarot readers agree that the Moon Tarot rather warns the individual and insists that one should be careful. Any wrong step you take can provoke various quarrels that will lead to more negative events.

At the moment, you shouldn’t test your strength; try not to stray from your intended path. Today, events in a person’s life develop beyond his control. It is possible that a person cannot completely correctly perceive reality; this is due to the fact that some of the information is currently unknown.

Probably, the individual himself does not want to know this information, he closes his eyes to many moments, because he is afraid to see the truth. The Moon Tarot card can predict changes in life that will turn your value system upside down. You should not trust everyone you know, since even the closest person can turn out to be a secret enemy.

The card not only warns that a mistake may be made, but also insists that it will be extremely difficult to avoid it. It is likely that the individual who is identified with the card is currently behaving irrationally, guided by instincts and fantasy.

Sometimes the lasso can be viewed from a positive point of view. When it appears in a year's chart, the Moon represents the darkest period before the dawn, before the start of a new good life.

This is a difficult moment for a person, since at the moment he may be depressed, it is extremely difficult to perceive the events that happen to him, but this is the ideal time to accumulate energy in order to enter into a new life renewed and full of strength. new life. Appearing in the Tarot card of the day, the Moon speaks of a possible unsuccessful trip or theft.

Moon inverted

The Major Arcana Moon in an inverted position has a more optimistic meaning than in an upright position. The card says that if someone tries to deceive you, you will find out about it before the person has time to do his dark deed. Sometimes the card speaks of removing rose-colored glasses and overcoming unpleasant situations.

In some cases, if a card falls on a certain individual, it may indicate that he is wasting his energy. The appearance of a lasso in a reading sometimes indicates the use of other people for one’s own purposes. It is likely that a person achieves something without making much effort.

The individual tries to protect himself from the Universe, from the magical world, while being panicky afraid of any manifestations of the supernatural. A person is extremely susceptible to various psychic attacks; he is very afraid of damage, magicians, and creatures from the other world.

Some modern tarot readers insist that the appearance of an inverted Moon lasso sometimes indicates that an individual may encounter incredible circumstances that will greatly frighten him.

Work and finance

The Tarot Moon in a work reading is not the best card; it predicts instability and uncertainty. It is quite possible that such a person cannot find a job and does not know what to do. Sometimes the lasso speaks of various transitional states, reorganization of the value system.

Perhaps a person does not understand whether he should leave money as his main goal, or whether there is something more important than this. Various conflicts, conflicts of interests, and fraud cannot be ruled out. A person is in constant tension; he cannot systematize everything that happens to him.

An individual lies a lot, so it is difficult for him to remember what he promised someone, whom he has already deceived, whom he was planning to do, and to whom he still needs to promise something. Such confusion makes him believe that his life is just a bad dream. It is possible that a person is extremely afraid of public speaking.

The appearance of a card can indicate various defeats, failure of certification, or a bad grade for an exam. If we talk about choosing a job, then in this case the Moon indicates creative individuals, a profession that is closely related to comprehending the inner world and reflecting the external world in art.

Among the professions that are perfect for such a person are photographer, writer, medium, illusionist, artist. Often a suitable profession will be a psychologist. If we turn to the most ancient interpretations, then sometimes work related to navigation or maritime affairs is mentioned.

Be prepared for the fact that your financial situation will be very volatile. It is possible that the moment a person has money, he will begin to turn into a spender, and ultimately he will not know how to make ends meet.

Moon Tarot - meaning in relationships

If we talk about the relationship between a man and a woman, then the appearance of the Moon Tarot card speaks of a romantic connection, of a shaky relationship. It is possible that the person identified with this card is too dreamy and lives in his own illusory world.

It is also possible that in a union one of the partners will be very touchy, jealous, and constantly afraid of being left alone. But in some cases, if the card is combined with favorable arcana, it indicates that partners can eliminate such complexes and get rid of illusions. At the moment, the emotional component is very important in a relationship.

In combination with the Jester, the lasso speaks of emotional dependence. If Death or the Tower are present in the scenario, they indicate that one of the partners has a strong tendency to mental disorder, he is nervous, hysterical. Surrounded by negative cards, the Moon suggests that a person is trying to pass off affection, lust, and emotional dependence as love.

Health status

The Moon Tarot in a health reading predicts psychological illnesses, depression, nightmares and insomnia. The individual has a lot of fears, persecution mania, alcohol and drug addiction are not excluded, the person often sees hallucinations.

Almost always, the appearance of the Moon lasso in a Tarot reading for health indicates that at the moment there is a reaction to the stress the person has previously experienced. Possible diseases associated with fluid exchange. This may include incontinence and problems with urination. You can more clearly determine which ailments the card predicts by paying attention to the neighboring cards.

Surrounded by the most negative arcana, the Moon prophesies to someone, lethargic sleep, clinical death. In very rare cases, the lasso indicates that pregnancy is likely. And if there are many negative minor arcana in the layout, the inverted Moon in combination with them speaks of stuttering, speech problems, and autism.

Tarot Moon in combination with other cards

In order to interpret the alignment as clearly and extensively as possible, it is necessary to pay attention not only to each individual lasso, but also to their combinations. This will allow you to see a more complete picture of what is happening. Tarot in combination with other major arcana:

  • Jester - darkening of reason;
  • Mag - using other people for one's own purposes;
  • The High Priestess is a practitioner of black magic;
  • Empress - search for power;
  • The Emperor is the enemy;
  • Hierophant - false prophet;
  • Lovers - the union is built on lies;
  • Chariot - an unclear situation;
  • Strength is the absence of will;
  • Hermit - unfavorable situation;
  • Wheel of Fortune - fear;
  • Justice is fraud;
  • Hanged Man - you will lose the battle;
  • Death is a risk;
  • Moderation - changes;
  • Devil - black magic, betrayal;
  • Tower - stop destroying yourself from the inside;
  • Star - absent-mindedness;
  • The sun is a love triangle;
  • Court - search for truth;
  • Peace - the situation will remain unchanged.

Arcana paired with wands:

  • Ace - loss of interest;
  • Two is a confusing situation;
  • Three is a sudden gift;
  • Four - a lie, the appearance of a mistress;
  • Five - fraud;
  • Six - you are on the wrong path;
  • Seven - difficulties in life;
  • Eight - you have many enemies;
  • Nine - aggressive behavior;
  • Ten - despair;
  • Page - misses;
  • The knight is an uninvited guest;
  • The Queen is a lover;
  • The king is a deception.

Moon - combination with Tarot cups:

  • Ace - wedding;
  • Two - absent-mindedness;
  • Three is an illusion;
  • Four - idolatry;
  • Five - receive guests;
  • Six - a person depends on the past;
  • Seven - dreams of a better future;
  • Eight - a romantic connection with a person from the past;
  • Nine - losses;
  • Ten - enemies in your environment;
  • Page - innovation;
  • Knight - partnership;
  • The Queen is clairvoyant;
  • King - be afraid of water.

The meaning of the arcana if there is a card of the suit of swords nearby:

  • Ace - operation, caesarean section;
  • Two - false prophets;
  • Troika - shadow boxing;
  • Four - accumulation of energy;
  • Five - black magic;
  • Six - fear of water;
  • Seven - alcoholism;
  • Eight - accident on the water;
  • Nine - fear;
  • Ten - hysteria, psychological disorders;
  • Page - military;
  • Knight - getting wounded;
  • Queen - hypocrisy;
  • Being a king is a dangerous job.

The Moon is a card of imagination and dreams, a card of twilight between sleep and reality.
Imagination is a wonderful and amazing thing, but it also needs discipline so as not to become too wild.
The connection between the words “moon” and “lunatic” is obvious and not accidental.

On the map we see a crayfish crawling out of the ocean.
The ocean is the place where all life on our Earth originates.
The wolf and the dog howl at the moon, reminding us of the wild, uncivilized part of our nature.

An open gate is depicted in the distance.
The gate is a symbol of penetration into another world, in this case - into the world of higher consciousness, or spirit.
The moon is full of ambiguity.
Everything is in twilight, in halftones.
You are not able to fully see what is happening.

The way you perceive the world is based on the images you create, the system of lenses through which you look at reality.
Remember that you have the power to change these lenses and change the way you see the world.

Questions to Ask Yourself When Pulling the Moon
  • Are you deceiving yourself?
  • Are you confused?
  • Do you feel like you're heading into the unknown?
  • Are you becoming more and more interested in someone or something and moving away from reality?
  • Is it time to forgive yourself or someone else?
  • Is everything what it appears to be?
Key Ideas
You are the only person who can change the way you perceive yourself and the world.

Replace confusion and uncertainty with focus and clear direction.

Direct card: You are a receptive and sensitive friend.
People feel like they can trust and rely on you.

Reversed card: Your interest in the spiritual takes you away from the real.
Remember golden rule: everything is good in moderation.

Direct card: At the moment, the most important thing in studying is friendship with classmates.

They have a positive influence on you and encourage you to show your abilities.
The result is very good.
Reversed card: You sleep too little, it affects your studies.
Reconsider your priorities.
Without proper education, you will not achieve the fullness of life that you deserve.

Direct card: You are entering uncharted territory and dream of returning from there together with the owner of this territory - a person who is very different from your previous hobbies.

Enjoy this experience, it promises to be incredibly exciting.
Reversed card: You are deluding yourself about what is really going on in your relationship.

Direct card: Your family works together to create an atmosphere of warmth and love in your home.

Your contribution is a key component of family happiness.
Reversed card: The pain of the past still plagues your family.
Now is the time to move forward without looking back.

Direct card: Something is bothering you.

Before deciding on anything, ask for advice, collect information, weigh the pros and cons.
Reversed card: Stay away from drugs and alcohol.
They will only cause confusion in the head and heart, and there will be no enlightenment.

Direct card: Your personal style is a work of art; your imagination has never failed you.
People often pick up fashion trends, which you ask.
Reversed card: Apparently, it's time to reconsider the most bizarre and wild details of your clothes.

Do you really need them?
Don't get hooked on complicated diets - this is not the way to become healthy and slim.
Eat more healthy foods and less junk food, and increase your physical activity.

Direct card: The financial situation looks uncertain right now, but if you keep a clear mind, you can turn things around.

Reversed card: Avoid all "money" projects that look too good to be true.
That's how it is.

Fortune telling in half a minute
Jonathan often drank in the evenings with friends, and was already noticed by the local policeman.

Jonathan's Moon card suggested that he was confused and lost his sense of direction.
If he continues to drink, the distortion of his sense of reality will lead to serious problems.

Annie Lionnet. “Tarot. Practical guide."

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The crab belongs to both the earth and the sea and reflects the interaction of the conscious and unconscious, mind and feelings.
The two buildings symbolize the conflict of opposites: day and night, light and darkness.

Different decks depict the Moon differently, but the central theme is inevitably the full moon.
The moon is associated with the natural fluctuations of the rhythm of life, ups and downs, ebbs and flows, as well as the female cycle.

She is also the queen of the night and a symbol of the unconscious.
Our soul conceals unknown properties of our inner essence, which are hidden from us by the cover of darkness.
Our inner development requires us to discover our dark sides and bring them to light so that we can gain new strength and greater self-confidence.

The moon is a symbol of our inner world, with which we communicate in the language of images and dreams.
From the depths of our soul, something is constantly trying to break out to the surface and manifest itself.

The Moon calls us to understand the hidden parts of our nature, our unconscious impulses and instincts.
We cannot always understand them with our minds; they usually appear in our dreams, creative impulses and works of art.

When this card appears, we often experience confusion of feelings; we may even experience feelings of sadness or hopelessness.
Sometimes we are in the grip of illusion and deception and are unable to see things in their true light.

We feel like we are wandering in the dark and the future is hidden from us.
At this time, we are powerless to solve our problems using logic and analysis.
Instead, we expect to receive a sign in our dreams and rely on our intuition to tell us how to penetrate the hidden depths of our consciousness.

Once we can penetrate the dark corners of our soul, we can unite them with the rational part of ourselves and develop into a more complete and confident person.

The appearance of the Moon in a reading means that you are going through a period of doubt and hesitation.

You may feel confused and lonely, and your life prospects seem uncertain.
All objects lose their clear outlines, and you feel your vulnerability among the unsteady and foggy uncertainty surrounding you.

Your old doubts and fears lurking in the depths of your soul may suddenly burst to the surface.
For example, just when you think that you have gotten rid of your past experiences or solved a certain psychological problem how you feel again in their power.

This should not become a negative factor in your life.
If you learn to perceive messages from your subconscious in a timely manner, you will be able to combine the constructive and destructive energy of your soul and direct it in the direction you need.

The positive meaning of this card is that you can openly confront your fears and learn to keep them under control.

Stuart R. Kaplan. "Classic Tarot. Origin, history, fortune telling."

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Two dogs bark at the moon, and drops fall from it, symbolizing its influence.
Alternating golden and black rays depart from the Moon, signifying the conflict of good and evil influences.
In the background, on either side of the dogs, are two towers in which man lives under the influence of the heavens.

In the foreground is a pond in which a crayfish is hiding, waiting for the moment to attack its victim.
This map suggests existence in everyday life envy, deception, jealousy, prejudice; This is a card that signifies caution and danger.

Moonlight is deceiving.
The Moon demonstrates its power over water, and Cancer lurks, with the intention of deceiving those who do not heed the warning.
This card reveals the power of external influence. Man, living in his towers, is subject to many influences.

He is influenced by the Moon, he is distracted by the barking of dogs and, finally, risks being caught in the tricks of the insidious Cancer.
Dogs have adapted to life with humans, but continue to pose a threat due to their sensitivity to the influence of the Moon.

This is a warning card.
It indicates that events currently occurring may have unclear consequences as a result of unexpected influences.

Meaning in fortune telling

Bad influence.
Hidden motives.
False friends.
Double play.
False excuses.

Using someone for someone else's benefit.
Insincere relationships.
Unknown enemies.
Exposure to many different influences.
Falling into a trap.

Inability to avoid the dangers that surround you.
The likelihood of making a mistake is very high.
Numerous different influences from outside will merge into new forces, exerting pressure and bringing new impressions.

Reversed meaning
A small deception is exposed before the damage is done.
Trivial mistakes.
Overcoming bad temptations.
Winning without paying a price.
Taking advantage of someone.

P. Scott Hollander. "Tarot for Beginners."

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The Moon says you want to learn how to shape events, rather than be shaped by them.
The Moon corresponds to the number eighteen and the Hebrew letter Tsadeh.

Mystery, intuition, physical ability, deception and danger.
The image is usually divided into two parts.
At the top center is the Moon.
A full circle is depicted, but in fact it is a crescent, a waxing Moon (the viewer's right side); in fact, both the crescent and full moon are shown.

In the lunar circle on the inside of the sickle a face is visible looking down.
In some decks, the map has rays coming from the Moon.
Raindrops falling from the Moon are also usually seen, symbolizing the descent of spirit into matter.

Note that the sickle and disc are very ancient symbols of the holiness of the moon.
Ancient stelae (inscribed monuments) in the Middle East, created by the Aramaeans and Phoenicians, often repeat this image (with a sickle inside the disk); in North Africa, especially in the area that was the center of Punic culture, the disc is depicted inside (or below) the sickle.

In any case, there is direct archaeological evidence that the symbolism of the Major Arcana is, at least in part, much older, that it did not originate in European culture of the 14th or 15th centuries.
Additionally, at the top of the painting below the Moon are two towers (once again reproducing the portal theme).

Two animals, usually a dog and a wolf, sit between the towers and howl at the moon.
They personify our animal nature, delighted and frightened by the spectacle of the Moon, subject to its influence, and not controlling it.
At the very bottom of the picture there is a pond or lake from which a crab or crayfish crawls out.

(Probably cancer as a symbol of the constellation Cancer.) The symbolism here, as in the drops falling from the Moon, lies in water, which is certainly influenced by the lunar cycle.
The entire image shows that although the energy comes from the Moon, its power and influence on the earth and ourselves is greater.

In addition, water is a symbol of vitality, but in this case its fluidity, its ability to take the form of a filled container, is emphasized.
Here is the danger you must avoid: you want to learn to shape events, not be shaped by them.

Inner meaning
Great power can be acquired, but there is also a danger which the seeker must always be aware of.
The Moon represents the temptation of hidden, secret knowledge, obscured truth.
The lack of complete information causes mutual misunderstanding and conflicts, making it difficult, if not impossible, to make correct conclusions.

Make sure you are absolutely clear about what you want and what you need to do before taking the next step.
Do not forget also that the word “sleepwalking”, meaning not only this disease, but also madness, insanity, comes from the word “Moon”, that there is a danger of madness, despair, even suicide.

All of this can hinder your quest for hidden knowledge and power.

The only way to avoid this danger is to deliberately take control: you must resist its influence and maintain power over yourself.
In a nutshell: to avoid the danger contained in this card, you must learn to constantly use your mind, your consciousness.

You will not give in to your instincts, you will not give in to emotions.
You learn, by following the path of the Tarot, to draw on your consciousness and develop your psychic abilities.
But the time has come to bring these abilities under conscious control.

It is the mind that distinguishes people from animals (which are, without realizing it, subject to the influence of the Moon) and from inanimate elements (for example, from the sea, subject to the influence of the Moon).
From now on, use your mind or give up your search.

You can no longer act on your instincts.

Value in the layout
Direct or positive: fears, hidden danger, secret enemies.
Scandal, mistake, loss of illusions, deception, discord.

In addition, intuition, latent psychic abilities that the Questioner has, occult forces at work around you.
Reversed or negative: deception and danger, although of lesser importance.

Instability, minor mistakes, silence.
Hidden forces of great energy are at work around you.
You may not have the strength to control them, but you can avoid their power over you.

Watch your every step.
If this card represents the Questioner, then you, whether you realize it or not, have enormous psychic abilities, most of them latent, hidden.
So far, you've obviously made very little use of these features.

Now it's time best time develop and learn to control them; you will need them in the future.
But act wisely.
Both misusing these abilities and refusing to use them can lead you into dangerous dead ends.

Mary Greer. "The Complete Book of Reversed Tarot Cards."

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This card is associated with synchronicity, intuition, dreams, secrets and symbolism (Carl Gustav Jung described this concept as “something vague, unknown or hidden from us”) The Moon shines with reflected light, and therefore represents the displacement of meaning when one object has the meaning of another .

Eli-fas Levi wrote: “There are no secrets in which there would be no place for symbols,” and vice versa.
The reality we know is created in the invisible world of dreams and visions - on the astral plane.
Inside you live ideas and mental images that have not yet taken their final form.

This card describes the fears and illusions that await you on the path of self-development, behind the last outposts of consciousness, in an unknown and mysterious land of shadows.
Delusions, deep-seated fears, or even primal terror can appeal to your survival instinct, causing you to act irrationally or, conversely, according to established behavioral patterns.

You feel confused and confused, scared and lost.
There may be something elusive looming at the edge of consciousness that you just can’t grasp.
You are drowning in emotions and floundering in a quagmire of misunderstandings, distorted perceptions, hidden motives, secrets and undercurrents - whether your own or others.

On the other hand, you may feel that fate, a current, or an inexplicable desire is leading or attracting you to some as yet unclear goal.
Perhaps you, like a crayfish, are clearing the waters of your unconscious, sifting and digesting the debris of the past, or bravely maneuvering between the wild, instinctive and domesticated parts of yourself, fiercely claiming dominance.

If you are at home in the dream reality or on the astral plane, in the realms of the subconscious or collective unconscious, you can be a medium, have out-of-body experiences, write poetry, fiction, engage in various types of therapy, and even guide others through the threshold of death.

If you mistrust subjective experience and hidden meanings, you will become frightened of what happens to you and consider it a dangerous illusion.
Contemporary artist Tarot Brian Williams says that the French call the deceptive shadows of twilight the hour "entre chien et loup" - "between the dog and the wolf."

This means that a seemingly dangerous creature can suddenly turn out to be friendly and kind, and vice versa.
Traditional meanings: secret enemies.
Secrets, occult powers.
Deception, illusions, delusions.
Twilight, darkness.

Unknown, unknown.
Danger, warning.
Instinctive fears.
Scandals, slander, gossip.
False friends.
Dreams, dreams.

Reversed Moon
With a reversed Moon, you may deny the very existence of the unseen world, tenaciously clinging to rationality, reason, literality and practicality, especially in the face of confusion and irrationality.

You may block information coming through subtle channels or resist what your intuition is saying.
You are trying to cage or scare away your inner wild beast, which only leads to physical exhaustion and weakness.

You want to hide in the fortress of habitual conditioning and traditional way of life or go into silence, immobility and apathy.
You feel unable to cope with the type of changes that the Moon represents (this includes atmospheric changes), especially if they cannot be explained using common sense.

In some cases, this card indicates completely fantastic circumstances: the appearance of UFOs, encounters with aliens from outer space, parallel lives, memories of past reincarnations, as well as manifestations of extreme romanticism and other realities in which only very few believe.

Archetypal images can rise from the collective unconscious, sometimes hidden under the guise of urban myths or ordinary everyday problems.
A reversed Moon can increase irrational behavior, especially through fear of conspiracies and crimes, attacks by robbers, or spirit possession.

Illusions and deceptions are possible, but not necessary.
On the other hand, this card can indicate a person's ability to calmly accept adversity, especially when it comes to personal or cultural transformation or spiritual development.

If the Moon is inverted, deception and instability are not as strong and threatening as in the direct version.
Something hidden may come to light.
Secret addictions, traumas, or mental disorders that require treatment may be revealed.

When projecting this card onto other people, they appear to you to be daydreamers, under the influence of illusions and self-deception, or overly emotional and unable to take responsibility for their actions.
Or you may feel that they intend to harm you through a psychic or occult attack.

On the internal plane, this may be self-deception, or, conversely, an insight into the depths of the psyche, when, in the words of the 19th century mystic Anna Kingsford, “the soul gains inner enlightenment, and darkness runs through its chambers, illuminated by reflections of the sacred.”

Acceptance will help you process and purify the experience.
In terms of health, this card is associated primarily with all forms of madness and mental illness.
In addition, incontinence or, conversely, retention of fluids, sleep disturbances, neurasthenia, problems associated with the sense of smell, as well as with the limbic system and the survival instinct, may be observed.

Also this is alcohol and drug abuse, coma and the dying process.
In the system of magic and shamanism, the Moon is a very important card associated with astral travel, descent into the lower world, interpretation of dreams, memories of past lives, finding lost things, attuning to lunar cycles and all forms lunar magic, contacts with animals, possession by spirits, astral attacks, protection from them and the return of the soul.

Traditional Reversed Meanings: instability, variability, fluctuations, instability.
Fluidity, dew, fog, rain.
Irrational changes.
Fantastic or visionary ideas.

Minor deceptions, minor mistakes.
To outsmart or deceive someone.
Ambush, blackmail, scam.
Overcoming temptation or temptation.

Larisa Moon. "All the secrets of the Tarot."

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“What is happening there in this pitch darkness?
There reign the blind and dumb, merciless laws material nature.
There, conscious struggle is impossible, victory is momentary and its consequences are insignificant.
There the terrible and mysterious Rock is gathering its ripe harvest..."

Vsevolod Soloviev

Description of the card and its internal meaning

The moon, constantly plunging into the clouds, illuminates the bare steppe.
There is a narrow path, covered in places with sand.
It seems to cut this steppe in two, starting at the lake and getting lost in the unknown distance beyond the horizon.

There, in this obscurity, you can see the sea.
On the sides of the road there are towers - massive and clumsy, built by someone unknown.
And right in the middle of the path are a wolf and a dog.
They look at the Moon in horror and howl heartbreakingly, raising their heads up.

A crayfish slowly crawls out of the lake, interested in this picture.
There's not a soul around.
It seems that this dead steppe, illuminated by moonlight, stretches for many kilometers.
Man, as we know, has dual consciousness.

On the one hand, like God, he feels his power, capable of working miracles, on the other, like a fallen Spirit, he struggles in completely hopeless powerlessness.
So it was and so it will be.
Throughout our lives, we constantly fluctuate between despair and self-confidence.

This duality does not allow a person to calmly endure failures and prevents him from completely relying on the Higher Unknown Will.
All this constitutes the doctrine of the eighteenth Arcana.
The Moon card in spiritual life represents the temptations of obscured, hidden truth.

It describes a situation when a person approaches the very edge of the abyss of the Infinite and gets the opportunity to touch one of the secret sides of this Truth.
After all, it is here that the limitless power that attracts our souls is located.

The moon has magnetism that affects our animal, natural instincts.
To avoid its harmful influence, you should take control of important life processes.
You need to learn to maintain power over yourself, constantly using a sober mind and control over your emotions.

In worldly life, the Moon card symbolizes fears, delusions, disappointments and hidden adverse influences.

Connection of the card with other occult sciences
(tsade) - He places a sentry on our towers - the Moon, Letter - C, number - 18, Ruled by the zodiac sign - Cancer, Correspondence according to the Book of Changes - 63 hexagram ("After completion"), Correspondence according to the runes - Algiz rune (Algiz) , Time of day - night, Weather conditions - cloudy, Corresponding color - black, Corresponding chakra - Ajna Tapo (chakra of the “third eye”), According to Kabbalah - connects the Netzach sephira with the Malkuth sephira.
Card meaning
Straight position
The Eighteenth Arcana in the upright position describes a person living in his own world of illusions.
The danger for the Questioner may be that he himself may fall under the influence of these illusions.

If we are talking about a situation, then the Questioner should prepare for the fact that deception, fear, despair, illusions, mistakes, secret enemies, intrigue and gossip will enter his life.
In addition, the Moon card warns that a person can become completely dependent on unknown hidden forces.

Inverted position
In this case, the eighteenth Arcanum will tell you that a person will appear in the Questioner’s life who will deliberately lead him away from the true understanding of things.
When describing a situation, this card has the following interpretations: self-deception, instability, minor troubles."You have great psychic abilities, but sometimes they can interfere with you in everyday life.
Call on all your intelligence to use this gift correctly."

Daniela Chris. "Magic book of Tarot. Fortune telling."

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Thought form: Illusions.
Number: eighteen.
Hebrew letter: tsadeh.
Color: blue.
Stone: crystal.
Astrological analogy: Aquarius, Moon in Cancer.
Another title: "Twilight".
Arcanum "Moon" is a natural continuation of Arcanum "Star" and the threshold of Arcanum "Sun".
Considering the eighteenth Arcanum, we plunge into the dark and mysterious world of our subconscious, into the deep and unknown world of the human psyche.

The moon has a certain magnetism that attracts and dominates.
It appeals to our animal nature, acts on the subconscious, on the will, which is not subject to rational thoughts.
Monsters born of fear and fantasy crawl out and mingle with reality.

There is no objective world here, here the world becomes the way we see it.
The bright moon illuminates the blue-violet sky, water, and four card characters.
Two animals - a dog and a wolf - sit and howl at the moon.

They personify our animal nature, delighted and frightened by the spectacle of the full moon, subject to its influence.
In addition, they are the sacred animals of Anubis and Upuat (opener of paths) and with their howls they attract the souls of the dead, being powerful conductors of impulses from the invisible worlds.

The horror of the Nile rises from the water - the crocodile god Sebek.

Mythological dossier
Sebek in Egyptian mythology is the god of water and the flood of the Nile.
His sacred animal is the crocodile.
It was believed that Sebek gives abundance and fertility.

In a number of texts he is described as a protector of gods and people, but he often acts as a god hostile to Ra and Osiris.
Upuat, a god in the form of a wolf, was revered as a guide god, a scout.
His epithet is “counselor”, “leader”.

Upuat is a warlike deity, his attributes are a mace and a bow.
He also had the functions of a patron of the dead; he was called “the first fighter of Osiris.”
Often identified with the jackal or the dog Anubis.
In the unsteady light of the moon, all our fears that hide in the light of the sun materialize; the most incredible things begin to seem possible to us.

The Moon represents the temptation of hidden knowledge, obscured truth.
The lack of complete information causes mutual misunderstanding and conflicts, making it difficult to make correct conclusions.
Sleepwalking, which comes from the word moon, means not only this disease, but also madness, insanity.

There is a danger of various phobias and mental disorders here.
The only way to avoid this danger is to intentionally take control of your feelings, fears and consciousness.
This is the first lesson of the Arcana "Moon".

Control your feelings and emotions.
In the light of day, carefully analyze the true causes of the fears that cause panic attacks at night.
Learn, following the path of the Tarot, to control your consciousness and develop psychic abilities.

The moon is changeable by definition; each of the twenty-nine days of its cycle it changes its appearance, and with it the entire sublunary world changes.
The strength of the tides changes, and as the moon grows, the excitability of animals and people increases.

It has been found that on new moon days, the greatest number of accidents caused by fatigue and inattention occur, and on the full moon, the number of crimes caused by increased aggressiveness, such as rape and fights, increases.

Women's cycles are associated with the influence of the moon, and therefore the full moon has always been considered the time of greatest manifestation of feminine power.
At this time, initiation rites and mysteries dedicated to female deities were always held.

It is not for nothing that in Christian times it was believed that witches' Sabbaths always took place on the full moon.
It is no coincidence that a young naked maiden sits at the water's edge.
The middle, blue part of the picture is water, which is most obviously influenced by the moon.

Water is a symbol of vitality, but in this case its fluidity is emphasized, its ability to take the form of a filled container.
Water symbolizes purification, receptivity and the feminine.

The girl is naked, which speaks of her purity and youth.
She is completely defenseless, she has nowhere to hide and nothing to protect herself from danger.
However, there is no sense of horror in it of the surrounding darkness and the monsters hidden in it.

Her blue hair symbolizes dreaminess and receptivity.
However, she sits on the ground, which indicates her strong connection with reality.
The girl does not allow her fears to break out and take over her.

She doesn't panic.
The girl’s behavior is not at all reckless, but perhaps the most organic in this situation.
It is built not on reason, but on intuitive perception.
She manages to feel merging with this world not with her mind, but with her gut.

She accepts the world with all its fears, horror and illogicality, passes it through herself and feels its harmony.
Sebek’s calmness and complete indifference confirms this, because his red hair indicates his readiness for action.

Arcanum "Moon" teaches us not to renounce or hide from the dark side of the world, but to understand that all this is the same natural part of life and without it there is no harmony.
After all, the owl - a symbol of wisdom - flies only at dusk.

The girl carefully touches the flowers of the night lotus, born of water and blooming under the light of the moon.
Unlike daytime flowers, which follow the sun, nighttime flowers are afraid sunlight.
Just like fragile and unsteady intuitive, subconscious constructs do not withstand the light of solar logic.

The timid prompts of our subconscious - premonitions and associations - have not yet acquired a rigid form of thoughts and feelings, and therefore require very careful attention.
This is the next lesson of the Arcana “Moon”: learn to listen to the prompts of your subconscious, develop your mental abilities, which for the most part are in a hidden, latent state.

Now is the time to develop and learn to control them; you will need them in the future.

Value in the layout
In a straight position
The Arcana "Moon" is associated primarily with the psyche - the secret forces of our subconscious, as well as with artistic creativity.

It means increased emotionality, unstable character.
The card can mean a romantic attitude towards life, developed intuition and the possibility of supersensual sensations, knowledge of the secrets of other people who are willing to trust.

Sometimes indicates long journeys.
Can mean secret danger or hidden enemies, can also symbolize dishonest behavior.
There is darkness all around, secret enemies.
Under the influence of this Arcanum it is very useful to work with the unconscious.

You are guaranteed to get rid of complexes and phobias, especially with the help of a psychoanalyst.

In an inverted position
The card is a symbol of the inability to distinguish truth from lies, misunderstanding of the situation, meaningless actions that do not lead to achieving the goal.

Dishonor comes to an end.
It means suspiciousness, hypochondria, unaccountable fears and desires.
Sometimes it can symbolize negative external influences on the subconscious (hypnosis, manipulation, witchcraft).
May indicate minor mistakes or minor deception.

During the period of action of this Arcana, you should not believe promises and promises, make plans or make any wishes - it will not come true anyway.

: Moon in Scorpio as “dark knowledge” (the abyss of the soul), or the Sun in the 7th house as a symbol of descent into the Underworld.
MOON The Moon card introduces us to the mysterious kingdom of Darkness and Night, to the figurative world of the soul, to the world of our dreams, dreams and revelations.

The bright side of the Moon is romantic dreams, vivid imagination and artistic imagination.
However, this card also has a dark side, opening the way to the very abysses of the soul; this is fear, uncertainty, nightmares, gloomy omens, in general, prejudice in the face of everything unknown, invisible.

We feel a similar fear when wandering at night through a dark forest that seemed so safe to us during the day.
The darkness that obscures the path has taught us to be afraid.
It may also be fear of the terrible demons of antiquity, which in our time have acquired a new name: bacteria, viruses, millirems, becquerels, gas pollution, acid rain.

Rider White Tarot. Theory and practice. Series "Secrets of Predictions". Publishers: AST, Astrel, 2002

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Astrological meaning: Pisces The eighteenth card of the Major Arcana is called the Moon.
It depicts the Moon rising between two towers (light and dark), a dog and a wolf sitting on opposite sides of the road and howling at the Moon, and a crayfish emerging from the water.

The road passes between the towers, through the dead buildings of the city and disappears beyond the horizon.
According to legend, the Nile is filled with water due to the tears of the Moon Goddess, which, falling into the river, fill it.
Two pillars (towers, pyramids) symbolize the Pillars of Hercules, beyond which, according to the Egyptians, light never sets.

The Egyptians also imagined the tropics as dogs, which, as faithful watchmen, prevent the Moon and Sun from passing close to the poles.
Crab or Cancer, according to the symbolism of the ancients, means the return movement of the Moon.

This card symbolizes the path of wisdom.
A person in search of reality emerges from a pool of illusions.
After defeating the guardian of the gate of wisdom, he passes through the strengthening of science and theology and follows the winding road that leads to spiritual liberation.

This card corresponds to the altruistic sign of Aquarius, which pours two streams of water onto the Earth: the dead water of consciousness and living water spirit.
The Tarot drawing depicts a woman pouring water on a desert, from whose moistened soil “blooming nature” grows.

The eighteenth Arcanum is called the Moon and is interpreted as “staying” or simply being in the life process during that period of time when the waking consciousness of all living things is turned off, giving the subconscious the opportunity to penetrate into all spheres of life, but without comprehending them, but only feeling them.

The sorceress Moon shines only with the reflected light of the Sun, not bringing the joy of the day, but to those who “understand” her, she can bestow truly holy peace.
In the foreground of the Eighteenth Arcana of the Tarot is the sea, which gave birth to life, and this card corresponds to zodiac sign Pisces - the symbol of which is two fish, one of which slowly floats up, beginning to evolve, and the other, embodying the sphere of our subconscious, forever remains in a dream, at the bottom of the sea, so as not to lose touch with the original source, and plays the role of support for a new existence.

A cancer crawling out of the water onto the earth is a symbol of motherhood, patronized by the Moon (sometimes the water is colored with blood, reflecting the pangs of birth).
Further, on the shore, on opposite sides of a road leading into the unknown, a dog and a wolf howl at the Moon.

Symbolically, this Arcanum represents the process of childbirth: from the warm, safe mother’s womb one has to break out through the narrow gates towards the dazzling light of the cold world.
"Luna" waits at this gate.

There are dangers, fears, pain, behind them lies the unknown.
There awaits you Anubis, the twilight God (neither night nor day), standing on the threshold of life and non-life (before and after life) in his dual guise of a jackal man.

In essence, a journey through hell is a journey through the hidden labyrinths of your soul.
Hence - such attributes of the Moon as illusions, hysteria, persecution mania, hallucinations, drugs, escape from reality.

But the Eighteenth Arcanum is also a bridge between consciousness and the unconscious, since, having examined the drawing of the card, an attentive person will notice that tongues of divine flame are falling on the Earth, immersed in sleep, penetrating into our souls at a moment when no one can see it.

Therefore, every person has the opportunity to return from this journey - to return with a purified and renewed soul, which will no longer be afraid of thoughts about the future.
A person in a session with a psychoanalyst works according to the “Moon”; his task is to overcome the fear of fear.

In the upright position, the Moon card means the ability to see the hidden, deep.
The card indicates increased emotionality, an unstable character, a romantic attitude towards life and fairly developed intuition.

In addition, such a person is easily trusted by other people.
In general, the Moon bears the imprint of twilight: guesswork, half-confession, ambiguity, hidden motives.
Perhaps misunderstood words, unfaithful friends, ambivalent behavior, false claims, insincerity, unknown enemies...

Sometimes the map also predicts long journeys.
In an inverted position, the Arcana Moon indicates that someone is hiding behind a mask.
The card can also be associated with a refusal to accept someone in integrity, unity.

In specific cases, the Moon speaks of heredity, genes that led to certain events in life (parents who were once exposed to radioactive radiation caused a tragedy in the child’s life).

Another meaning of the card is a small deception (exposed before it causes damage), a goal achieved for free, “for free.”
You didn't have to pay the true price for it (is that a good thing?).
Trivial mistakes.

“You have already come to the knowledge of the truth - and only fear prevents you from crossing its threshold.
But you’ve already come too far to turn back, you just need to go further and get to the core.”

The Moon is a card that has different meanings. It indicates intuition, dreams and the unconscious, psychic abilities and dreams. The Moon provides light as a reflection of the Sun, but this light is dim, uncertain and only dimly illuminates the human path towards higher consciousness.

The pond at the base of the card represents the subconscious, and the crayfish that emerge from it represent the often disturbing images emerging from our inner depths. From the pond flows a road that leads between two towers into the mountains over a long distance, showing the way to the unconscious mind.

On either side of the road stand a wolf and a dog, representing our animal nature - the civilized and uncontrolled aspects of our consciousness. The towers at opposite ends represent the forces of good and evil, and their similarities in appearance may cause the difficulties we face in distinguishing them.

Everything about this card seems to echo the other, as if hinting at two possibilities. When we walk along the path, we walk a fine line between the conscious and the unconscious, between civilization, as represented by the domesticated dog, and the forces of nature, represented by the wolf. The astrological sign associated with this card is Pisces - psychic, receptive and mysterious.

The main meaning of the card in the upright position


  • illusion;
  • fear;
  • anxiety;
  • uncertainty;
  • secret;
  • dream;
  • duality;
  • intuition;
  • emotions;
  • extrasensory perception;
  • alchemical processes;
  • poet, musician;
  • subconscious.

The Moon is a card of illusion and deception, and therefore often indicates times when things are not as they seem. Vigilance and clear perception will be especially necessary to find what is hidden before it is too late. If the other cards in the reading are negative, then the Moon shows that not everything is as wonderful as you think, and there is still a lot in play. hidden forces that could hinder your success.

If other cards are generally positive, the Moon suggests that you are allowing your imagination to take you far away from reality. In both cases, you must open your eyes and see what is really happening. It's time to get rid of illusions, because they carry erroneous judgments and assumptions.

It is generally accepted that the Moon is a negative card. It indicates the manifestation of unpleasant emotions: envy, deception, flattery, hypocrisy, jealousy, conspiracies. The consequences of this can be theft, dismissal from work, dark events in life, betrayal. All this is fraught with hidden danger.

You are engaged in self-deception, or someone is misleading you, preventing you from thinking rationally and wisely, or leading you astray. The line between logical thinking and flight of dark fantasies is almost blurred. The moon promises difficulties, problems and obstacles. Moreover, they are hidden, and it is not clear where and how they will manifest themselves. There is a danger of making a mistake, miscalculating, losing.

The Moon, first of all, warns against tempting fate and being a hero. Daring adventures are not for you.

The card emphasizes that events in your life are not under your control. Influence external factors may lead to unpredictable outcomes. If you have incomplete information, your conclusions may be wrong. Although the reason for incomplete information is not someone who would hide it from you, and you yourself do not want to accept reality as it is, you are afraid to face the truth.

The Moon is a psychological map of fear of the present and future based on past experiences. Fantasies, images, thoughts and feelings that are periodically suppressed by a person cause internal turmoil. As a result, a person experiences negative blocks in his personality, feeling fear and anxiety. To fix this, you need to go through a clearing process in which deep memories will be released.

This is the time when you need to dive deep into your soul and eliminate all worries, fears, psychological limitations and personality disorders. Many unseen things come to the surface, including secret motives, secret information, and ancient hidden truths.

These newly discovered resources may overwhelm and confuse you, but once you pay attention to them (premonitions, revelations, dreams), they will no longer haunt you. One of the main points on the map is the Path; you have a journey ahead of you, which can be either astral (to the world beyond the mind) or a simple voyage.

Often the Moon appears in a reading when you are unsure of your purpose or even the path you are on, yet continue on. Perhaps you have lost your way and are now left to walk in the dark, guided only by your inner light and intuition. You need to walk without a clear idea of ​​where you are, where you are going, or where you have been.

The Moon is the card of intuition and psychic powers, so let go of your conscious mental blocks and let your intuition guide you. Your dreams and inner motivations will lead you to more high levels understanding, if you start listening to yourself, you will be able to interpret the veiled messages of the unconscious.

Inverted position


  • liberation from fear;
  • misfortune;
  • confusion;
  • self-deception;
  • true;
  • abuse;
  • whims;
  • witchcraft;
  • deception;
  • enemy;
  • shadow;
  • restoration of self-control.

Since Pisces is the ruling sign of the Moon, the reversed card represents visions, illusions, madness, genius and poetry. In the most negative context, this can be a very scary card, warning of hidden enemies, mental illness, alcohol addiction or a bad drug trip.

The map shows the presence of primitive forces and dark side souls. Intuition and creativity are blocked, and a sexual block is possible. Complete chaos is contained by medicines, prisons, locks. Crime is prevented, but it does not stop. The Moon often appears in a reverse position when there is madness and disorder, turmoil and drug addiction. At its best, the Moon is a card of genius, mental breakthroughs, amazing creativity, powerful magic and intuition.

The card warns that a time of emotional and mental testing will come when you will do what seems reasonable to you. But after a while you will wonder, “Why did I do this? This doesn't make sense! Your brain will play tricks on you more than once, and therefore now is not the right time to make decisions that require rational thinking and a clear head.

The Moon in a reverse position shows that you have recently experienced a time of self-deception, illusion, fears and anxiety, but these negative energies are beginning to subside. You may also have been dealing with some deeper emotional issues that have been lying beneath the surface for a long time.

These problems prevent you from moving forward. To overcome this, it is necessary to confront internal fears and assumptions in order to gain a sense of direction and self-confidence. You need to believe in yourself and know that it is possible to create balance in your life. You may also find that your dreams and illusions are sending you important clues as to which direction to take. Pay attention to the subtle, subliminal messages that come to you in this way.

The Moon in its reverse position highlights that you are in a more psychic and intuitive phase than usual, however the feelings you experience can be confusing and easily misunderstood. However, don't ignore them, pay attention to them, or come back to them later when you have a clearer mind.

Love and personal relationships

Direct position

In the context of love, the Moon is the Arcana of betrayal, inconstancy, and indifference. Relationships live in lies, secrets, secrets and deceit.

The Moon warns about the partner’s insincerity; perhaps he is not free, or initially played a double game, and now, not knowing how to get out, he uses false excuses. The card indicates a lack of stability in relationships, emotional and sexual ups and downs, understatement, riddles and phrases with double meanings.

The Moon is a card of silence, which complicates relationships because problems arise from the secret and hidden. Partners are stewing in delusions, misunderstandings, and secret motives and thoughts.

The Moon is also associated with deeper needs and natural instincts. Here, those strings of the soul are involved that a person either does not want to notice or hides. Relationships may be homosexual in nature. A person experiences new erotic sensations without fully understanding what is happening to him, but hidden powerful forces they lead him, and he is no longer able to leave this road.

Moon - Arcana of strong sexual desire, animal passion, temptations and powerful attraction. Partners often experience fear of unfamiliar inner truth, not fully understanding their carnal desires. The card speaks of obsession, or magical attraction to a person, accompanied by pain and suffering.

Inverted position

In the reverse position, the card suggests lies and dishonest relationships. The deception begins to reveal itself, turning the true essence of the relationship inside out. You can engage in self-deception yourself, turning a blind eye to the obvious facts about your relationship and partner. You would rather remain blinded than accept the unpleasant truth. This situation leads to groundless jealousy, mistrust and uncertainty. You are constantly waiting for a trick from your partner. You are held back by fear for your future together, fear unsolved secrets and secrets.

For single people, Arcanum is an indicator of restoration of determination and self-confidence. You've had a period of uncertainty, and now it's time to regain your composure and be ready for a new wave of love.

The Moon also admits that you are deliberately ignoring signs, inner voices, and intuition that your partner is not really right for you. Listen to yourself, don’t be led by the fear of being alone.


Direct position

The card in the context of work foreshadows misunderstandings between colleagues and superiors, which can cause problems or misunderstandings. Perhaps he is hiding from you full information, or you have unreliable facts to make important decisions. You may have overlooked some aspect of your work, such as starting a company, and this could be detrimental to your bank account and business.

The Moon is not a benevolent card in the professional field. Beware of your business partners and competitors; do not share your business plans with anyone. There may be fraud, intrigue, confusion in relationships with colleagues, tension, and anticipation of a catch. And also hidden thoughts, betrayal, lies, fear of losing.

Creative people belong to the Moon: artists, poets, sculptors, fashion designers. Often psychotherapists, mediums, people associated with the astral plane, the occult, and magic.

Inverted position

Inverted, the Moon indicates a block and limitations in any of your endeavors. Better not try, you will fail. If earlier there were problems and misunderstandings at work, now any uncertainty or instability will begin to balance out.

Self-confidence, rationality and logic in decision-making will appear, and you will feel more confident in your direction. Deception, if any, will be revealed. The missing facts and information will complete the overall picture. Beware of ill-wishers, you are walking on the edge, listen to your intuition. The card especially now advises against taking out loans.


Direct position

In the context of health, the Moon can mean mental problems, anxiety disorders, fears and depression when qualified help is needed. Possible insomnia, nightmares, sleepwalking, lethargic sleep. There is a connection with alcohol and drugs. For women, the Moon indicates a problem related to the menstrual cycle, or hormonal imbalance. The card also indicates a possible pregnancy, where the mother's genes will affect the health of the unborn child.

Inverted position

The reversed card is for the most part a positive card in relation to health, as it can indicate the resolution of mental health problems such as depression or anxiety. However, it shows an inability to separate reality from fantasy, and if it is surrounded by negative cards, then joint disease or paranoia is possible, which progresses.

Problems with the urinary system, incontinence, swelling. Speech problems, stuttering, silence, state of apathy are allowed autoimmune diseases. A sensitive reaction to the phases of the moon and atmospheric pressure is especially pronounced in hypertensive patients.

In general, the Moon indicates stability, accuracy and correctness in diagnoses and subsequent treatment.

The Moon relates to a deep state of sensitivity and imaginative impressionability. Here people dream and go into trances, have visions and receive prophecies, communicate with psychics and experience deep mystical and terrifying realities beyond the ordinary senses.

In a conscious state, a person cannot always control everything that happens to him. The Moon card represents the ultimate test of the integrity of the soul, where the membrane between personality and the unknown is removed and a drop of individuality is returned to the ocean of existence. What happens next is between the soul and its creator.

In this regard, the card advises listening to your body, trusting your instincts and intuition. Rely on your inner resources as your best source of support and security. Your inner voice will unmistakably support you if you do not interfere or try to control what you perceive.

Fight your fears and anxiety, because they may be a figment of your imagination. Do not be afraid of the interference and influence of occult forces on you. The best thing would be to meditate. Just try to be a witness. Do nothing: let nature decide and act for you. It will be yours the best option in many situations.

  • Someone is deceiving you.
  • Manipulator.
  • You are not in control of the situation.
  • Black magic.
  • The answer is unknown at this time.
  • Things are hidden from you.
  • You're out of reach.
  • To be out of someone's league.
  • You must rest.
  • Nightmares

With the King of Cups:

  • Emotional trauma.
  • Massive headache or migraine.
  • Too much water.

Each Tarot card has its own philosophical, esoteric and Kabbalistic meaning. Fortune telling allows you to predict the future and find answers to questions. The Arcana Moon, which appears in a reading, acts as a warning. The reversed Tarot Moon carries a deeper meaning and is interpreted depending on its combination with others.

Description and meaning

Tarot Moon is the eighteenth major arcan of the deck. It corresponds to the zodiac sign Pisces, which completes the cycle of zodiac signs of the Tarot.

Its graphic image represents the Moon in the night sky. She is simultaneously drawn as a crescent moon and in full phase, with her face looking down. Below you can see the silhouettes of a dog and a wolf with their muzzles raised up, as if howling at the moon. At the bottom of the map there is a pond where a crayfish is visible in the water and a path that runs between the animals and leads to 2 stone towers in the distance.

The moon in this card symbolizes darkness and the world of spirits. Lunar cycles affect all living things, subjecting them to ebbs and flows. The mental and biological health of a person also largely depends on them. Water is the personification of vitality and changeability of forms of being, consciousness and thinking. Stone towers in the distance are portals of energy transformation into a magical and secret world. Animals howling at the sun mean fear and wariness of the unknown, mysterious and otherworldly.

Interpretation of an inverted card

The meaning of this card in the upright position is not a favorable sign in the layout and emphasizes the dark, dangerous side of the soul. It means a difficult period, the danger of deception, the machinations of enemies and the intrigues of ill-wishers. Secret fears torment a person, the subconscious pushes them out in the form of nightmares, restless dreams, intuitive premonitions of something bad. Such tension affects health, anxiety undermines the nervous system, resulting in quarrels, negative statements and resentments.

The Tarot card Moon in any position is a warning to a person about danger and indicates the path along which to move further.

If the card falls upside down during fortune telling, this is a sign to trust your intuition more, not to embark on risky ventures, and to avoid dubious and unreliable matters. It means one’s own fears, forebodings and a feeling of defenselessness in the face of dangers. They should be trusted, and then it will be possible to avoid deception and reveal the dishonest intentions of enemies or false friends. A period in life when there are no clear boundaries between truth and lies, good and evil.

IN love relationships an inverted Moon signals doubts about the correct choice of a partner, uncertainty about the prospects of a relationship, groundless jealousy and dependence on him. It means the need to work on yourself and your doubts, admitting mistakes in relationships and trying to correct them in order to save the union.

For a career, such a card also has a negative meaning. Anticipation of trouble makes a person nervous and thereby aggravates the situation. Mistakes are dictated by uncertainty and the inability because of this to discern the true state of affairs. The reason for this situation is the person himself. To fix this, you should use common sense and learn to believe in yourself.

Combination with other cards

The Tarot layout card in which the Moon appears upside down changes its meaning depending on its combination with other cards in the layout:

  • with the Jester - confusion, threat of mental disorder, illness nervous system, craving for the occult;
  • with the Magician - dependence on another or a tendency to manipulate other people;
  • with the High Priestess - something secret, intimate, possible pregnancy or the influence of a witchcraft conspiracy, damage;
  • with the Empress - mental instability, neuroses or depression due to everyday problems;
  • with Death - danger, external threat, illness;
  • with the Devil - betrayal, the threat of drug addiction, falling under the power of dark forces;
  • with the Emperor - a strong and treacherous enemy or a false friend;
  • with the Hierophant - a bad teacher, a false predictor, a deceptive prophecy;
  • with Lovers - an alliance based on dishonesty, falsehood and insincerity in relationships;
  • with the Chariot - the wrong path, confusing circumstances, mistake, incorrect perception of the situation;
  • with the Star - short-term calm and peace, distraction and tranquility;
  • with the Sun - a difficult love situation, the presence of a rival, an intuitive search for a solution to the problem;
  • with the Hermit - the threat of an unpleasant situation, danger, mobilization of all forces and knowledge;
  • with Strength - lack of it, weak will, susceptibility to external evil;
  • with Moderation - instability of the situation, rapid changes, shaky emotional state;
  • with the Tower - stress, collapse, threat to mental health;
  • with the Court - the desire for truth, restoration of justice and retribution;
  • with the Hanged Man - loss in an argument, defeat, deception of the imagination, excessive arrogance;
  • with the Wheel of Fortune - waiting in the unknown, uncertainty of the future, fears and vague prospects.

Tarot cards are divided into the minor and major arcana, and there are seventy-eight cards in total in the deck. Each tarot card in the layout has its own meaning and can appear in both literal and figurative meaning. The tarot moon is an indication of a hidden danger, a magical conspiracy or a warning.

The Moon Card Symbolizes Hidden Danger

The general meaning of the moon card in the tarot and a more detailed analysis. Reflection in all areas of life

The ancients believed that the moon tarot card had a bad reputation. Its meaning included a hidden conspiracy or a warning about imminent danger. When this card appears in the schedule, in everyday life In life, people must prepare for unfavorable emotional events, which can be indicated by various options.

Most often, if the eighteenth lasso of the tarot appears, it is necessary to prepare for the machinations of people or fate. Such events manifest themselves as:

  • Theft.
  • Envy.
  • Jealousy.
  • Deception and loss.

The slogan of the arcana moon speaks of the onset of inevitable events under unclear circumstances.

The moon tarot card always warns against making quick and rash decisions, and refusing to test one’s strength. The meaning of the moon tarot card warns the fortuneteller about possible future events of a negative nature, makes you think about your every step and refuse to make quick money.

The fortuneteller must think about what is happening; for him now a long black streak is coming. But the duration is equal to one month, since the cycle of the moon lasts exactly this period of time.

There is also a secondary meaning in the tarot of this arcana, which indicates the road, reinforcing the main meaning. A fortuneteller stands at the beginning of a dark and unknown path, which is immersed in moonlight.

Moon Tarot is one of the most dangerous

The meaning of personal character

The meaning of the moon card warns of possible alarming situations that can bring a lot of trouble. Moon 18 Arcana falls to the fortuneteller when the person himself begins to intuitively guess about upcoming dangerous events, but does not understand their personal significance.

The Moon in combination with other tarot cards can be quite intimidating, especially if there is a minor arcana card nearby (such as the nine of swords).

A person begins to doubt himself and be afraid of future actions, and the moon in the scenario speaks of his internal discomfort due to experiences and deeds.

The card indicates the superiority of the moon over the tides (water) and over the secrets of the human soul. And since any person consists of a large amount of liquid, the inner world (psychosomatic state) correlates with water. The Moon rules the secret corners of a person’s soul and personality, revealing the deepest desires and awakening intuition.

This lasso, which appears in the reading, can also symbolize the psychological state of a person, which can manifest itself:

  • Depression.
  • Lack of goals and objectives for personal growth.
  • Completely depressed state of the individual.
  • The burden of memories and experiences.

All this indicates a lost state of the soul, from which it is necessary to get out as quickly as possible and learn all the secrets of one’s own consciousness.

But sometimes the 18th lasso can also speak of favorable changes for creative personality. This is due to the fact that everything secret is not always shrouded in darkness; sometimes positive magical moments can be hidden behind the unknown.

Tarot moon symbolizes the deepest experiences of a person

Importance in the professional field

If the question during fortune telling was related to plans for a future career, then the fallen moon means:

  • Instability in this area of ​​life.
  • Or fear of this instability (fear of not being realized as an employee).

Most often, in fortune telling, it is customary to use the Thoth tarot not only for its colorful images of an esoteric nature, but also for the unknown meanings of some symbols, which add mystery and allow the fortuneteller to interpret the alignment in accordance with his own situation.

Such an unknown state, covered in darkness, creates additional situations of misunderstanding in the service and can interfere with its further progress.

It is important to pay attention to the combination of the card with the next one in order to interpret the situation as accurately as possible.

Very often, the tarot moon falls for workers in the creative field and is interpreted in a positive way. Thus, for representatives of show business, the tarot moon means the discovery of hidden opportunities in the work process and the exposure of conspiracies.

The Thoth Tarot is known for its esoteric symbols

Financial situation and living conditions

The meaning of the card for these areas does not have a positive meaning, but does not carry a hidden danger. The Moon suggests that it is necessary to prepare to solve financial difficulties. Financial instability may occur due to job loss or lack of profitable deals due to betrayal of colleagues and partners.

The moon warns of a changing financial situation, but this is not interpreted in positive side, since the moon itself is a card with the meaning of warning against loss.

The meaning of relationships with a partner, feelings

In relationships, lasso 18 means betrayal. This interpretation is associated with moonlight, it is cold and does not provide any warmth, and in a relationship, the moon represents cooling towards a partner.

The 18th lasso speaks of the presence of lies and understatement in relationships, the secrecy of the partner’s motives. The card speaks of a cold relationship between partners, which may be reinforced by disappointment.

Such false and secretive relationships can indicate not only an unsuccessful union, but also the presence of deceitful friends and those capable of slander. Such false friends do not bode well, and nearby dropped cards can reveal their hidden intentions.

Sometimes this card can be interpreted as latent homosexuality. The moon in the tarot can reveal to the fortuneteller the secret sides of his soul and expose secret sexual preferences that the fortuneteller hid in the depths of his soul and mistook for fears.

Rarely, the moon can report a partner with a certain obsession or obsession. For this person there is a danger of suicide (if there are corresponding surrounding cards in the layout).

For relationships, the card of this lasso symbolizes the attractiveness of one of the partners and the rejection of the second at a deep level of the soul (emotional coldness).

The 18th lasso symbolizes betrayal and cooling of relationships

Deep analysis of the meaning of the 18th Arcana

The 18th Arcana card has many secondary symbols that also need to be taken into account when interpreting the meaning. And if this card appears in the layout, then you need to consider it in more detail. The meaning may include ambivalence: both anxiety of events and complete calm.

Sometimes all the symbols presented can be scary, because the map shows howling dogs and the light of the moon, combined with scary towers in the distance. But for some, such symbols may indicate inner peace, this is indicated by the symbols: a crayfish in a calm pond, surrounded by moonlight (like a miracle).

Dogs or wolves

Dogs or wolves reflect the days when a person’s mind is cleansed of bad thoughts and the body of bad deeds.

According to another meaning, dogs guard the position of the moon and the sun (the lasso of the sun follows the lasso of the moon), they are symbols of the twilight deity Anubis. Anubis opens the gates of the secret underworld, and dogs guard him. There is no difference between wolves and dogs, only their belonging to the lasso is interpreted.

18 lasso and dogs near the towers in it speak of the protection of secret desires and thoughts, their imprisonment in the hidden depths of the mind.

Dogs and wolves are symbols of Anubis


Symbolizes living creature and the zodiac constellation, which is dominated by the moon. Sometimes the symbol of cancer is usually interpreted as a symbol of the ability to bear a child (motherhood).

Based on the concept of the cancer symbol, the 18th lasso speaks of the process of childbirth. A person is greeted by the world with a bright light, emerging from the warm and protected mother’s womb, he is preparing to go through trials (a portal of two towers). And it is precisely behind these tests that all the unknown lies.

Cancer also symbolizes a person’s delusion, his stay in illusions and permanent seduction.

Man and towers

Towers symbolize threat and danger. This is a portal that hides the unknown and mysteriousness of future events. The road between these two towers opens as a road of knowledge and liberation, a time of final testing. But this same symbol also speaks of the values ​​of the indestructible, the border of the unconscious.

A person may be present on the arcana card or absent; his presence means that the person is at a crossroads, a clearer projection on the meaning of the arcana.

Towers symbolize danger

Meaning of the reversed moon tarot card. Manifestation of meaning in combinations. Thoth Tarot 18th Arcana

In the reverse (upside down) position, the card has the opposite meaning to the one that appears. This position of the card indicates the end of all previously illuminated problems and troubles, but there are obstacles for the fortuneteller (since the card itself is negative and mystical):

  • Minor experiences that can be reinforced by small but hurtful deception on the part of loved ones.
  • The onset of a period when small flaws may appear in business related to minor intrigues of opponents.
  • Since the moon symbolizes the onset of deception or the danger of deception, its appearance in the scenario cannot mean positive emotions in any of its positions. So, its inverted position indicates minor situations of deception or slight slander.
  • Or there may be negative health situations (the fortuneteller may become slightly ill), instability at work, or impending changes in love.

The inverted position of the fallen moon in the layout has a negative meaning, just like the moon in its literal meaning. In any position, the moon indicates the onset of a period of turmoil and internal experiences that can affect the health of the fortuneteller. The meaning of the card in an inverted position is interpreted as the presence of changes with minor negative consequences. It can symbolize a short period of stagnation in relationships and feelings between partners or stagnation in the movement of vital energy.

A reversed moon card reverses its meaning.

Combination with other cards in the layout

To interpret the meaning of the cards as accurately as possible, it is necessary not only to analyze the meaning of each individual arcana, but also to look at the adjacent cards in the layout. So, the 18th arcana can appear with any card of the major arcana, and its value will vary depending on the position:

  • Jester. If a card appears next to a jester, then its meaning intensifies and means: eclipse of the mind and clouding of reason. The time is coming when a person can lose himself.
  • Mag. The fortuneteller will be involved in a dangerous game, during which he will use people for his own benefit.
  • High Priestess. It is interpreted as practicing the dark arts and black magic. Performing a witchcraft ritual over a fortuneteller, a stranger.
  • Empress. Finding strength to solve problems.
  • Emperor. The presence of a strong enemy.
  • Hierophant. The presence of a lying soothsayer nearby.
  • Lovers. This means that the union in question is based on a lie.
  • Chariot. Presence of a confusing situation.
  • Strength. The appearance of this card in combination with the moon means a lack of will in the fortuneteller or the person making the wish.
  • Hermit. Indicates an impending unpleasant situation.
  • Wheel of fortune. Reinforces the mystery of the moon with fear.
  • Justice. Presence of deception and fraud.
  • Hanged. In combination with the moon, it speaks of losing a competition.
  • Death. Indicates the presence of risk.
  • Moderation. High risk of changes occurring in the target area.
  • Devil. The presence of a dark force that is approaching. It means that betrayal awaits the fortuneteller.
  • Tower. Tells the fortuneteller to stop self-destruction.
  • Star. It is reinforced to the main meaning of the moon by absent-mindedness.
  • Sun. He talks about the current difficult love situation.
  • Court. Search for the truth.
  • World. neutralizes the meaning of the moon and indicates that the situation remains unchanged.

Moon cards combined with Jester and Chariot

Combination with wands

Cards of the minor arcana in combination with the moon can influence the interpretation of the entire layout:

  • Ace. It speaks of a fading interest in a person or situation, depending on what was planned.
  • Two. The emergence of ambiguity in business.
  • Troika. Unexpected joy or an expensive gift.
  • Four. The presence of lies in a mystery case or the appearance of a rival in a relationship.
  • Five. The presence of deception and fraud in business.
  • Six. It indicates that the fortuneteller is on the wrong path.
  • Seven. The fortuneteller will have to go through certain difficulties on the path of life.
  • Eight. It says that the fortuneteller or the one who made the wish has large number enemies.
  • Nine. The aggressiveness of the situation and its participants towards the fortuneteller or each other.
  • Ten. The fortuneteller is in a state of despair.
  • Page. The combination of this lasso with the moon indicates a mistake in any decision.
  • Knight. The fortuneteller will have a meeting with friends at home.
  • Queen. Having a mistress.
  • King. This card reinforces the mystery of the moon by the presence of failure in matters related to deception.

All other combinations must be considered privately, using the relevant literature on the interpretation of layouts.

Tarot Tota Arcana Moon

Tarot tota were created by Aleister Crowley, who also wrote explanations for each arcana and their combination (his own interpretation of the meanings). Crowley described the 18 Arcana as a difficult test card for a fortuneteller, carrying a negative meaning. When this card appears, it means that the fortuneteller is captive of his fears and bad feelings and is sick a lot.

Crowley described the event identified with this card as a moment of crossroads, a difficult period full of trials and disappointments. The fortuneteller should abandon the intentions that he is currently taking to achieve his goals, otherwise he will suffer disappointment and loss.