Essay by Turgenev I.S. What does it mean that happiness has no tomorrow

(1818 - 1883) was one of the largest Russian writers of the 19th century. The artistic system he created had a huge influence on the development of not only the Russian, but also the Western European novel. The writer was one of the first to begin studying the personality of the “new man” - his psychology and morality, and also introduced the term “nihilist” into widespread use.

His most famous works were the novel “Fathers and Sons”, the collection of stories “Notes of a Hunter” and the story “Asya”.

We have selected 15 quotes from Turgenev’s books:

Happiness has no tomorrow; he doesn’t even have yesterday; it does not remember the past, does not think about the future; he has a present - and that is not a day, but a moment. "Asya"

There are many memories, but nothing to remember. "Fathers and Sons"

Every person must educate himself. "Fathers and Sons"

Every person hangs by a thread, an abyss can open up beneath him every minute, and yet he invents all sorts of troubles for himself, ruining his life. "Fathers and Sons"

It happens that a person, waking up, asks himself with involuntary fear: am I really already thirty... forty... fifty years old? How did life go by so quickly? How did death come so close? Death is like a fisherman who catches a fish in his net and leaves it in the water for a while: the fish is still swimming, but the net is on it, and the fisherman will snatch it when he wants. "The day before"

Time (it’s a well-known fact) sometimes flies like a bird, sometimes it crawls like a worm; but it feels especially good for a person when he doesn’t even notice whether it passes quickly or quietly. "Fathers and Sons"

Moral illnesses come from bad upbringing, from all sorts of trifles that fill people’s heads from childhood, from the ugly state of society, in a word. Correct society and there will be no diseases. "Fathers and Sons"

You see what I’m doing: there’s an empty space in the suitcase, and I’m putting hay in it; so in our life’s suitcase; no matter what they fill it with, as long as there is no emptiness. "Fathers and Sons"

Just think: there is nothing stronger in the world... and more powerless than words! "Spring Waters"

Sometimes it is useful for a person to take himself by the crest and pull himself out, like a radish from a ridge. "Fathers and Sons"

Love for every age has its suffering. "Nobles' Nest"

A Russian person is afraid and easily becomes attached; but his respect is difficult to earn: it is not given quickly and not to everyone. "Nobles' Nest"

The appearance of vulgarity is often useful in life: it weakens strings that are too highly tuned, sobers up self-confident or self-forgetful feelings, reminding them of its close kinship with them. "Fathers and Sons"

It is useless to prove to a prejudiced person that his prejudices are unfair. "Rudin"

Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and man is a worker in it. "Fathers and Sons"

>Essays based on the work of Asya

Happiness has no tomorrow

People say that happiness cannot be delayed. This belief is especially well reflected in the story “Asya” by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. All the works of this classic, one way or another, are connected with the theme of love, but “Asya” is a special story that is considered a “pearl” among his works. Main character works - a young man is a genius. While traveling through Germany, he meets two Russians who later become his good friends.

His happiness turns out to be so close that all that remains is to extend his hand, or simply say the right word, but he did not take advantage of this chance, which he regretted for the rest of his life. In order not to reveal the identity of the main character, the author introduced him as Mr. N.N. His friends names are Gagin and Asya. These are extremely welcoming, kind and intelligent people. Asya is Gagin's half-sister, whom he took into custody after the death of their father. She has incomplete noble origins, which she is very ashamed of. In general, Asya is quite a cheerful, mischievous girl with a pure soul.

N.N. all these features of her character are known, but when it comes to a serious step and recognition, he retreats. And happiness, as we know, has no tomorrow. Knowing his superficial perception of both the world and spiritual immaturity, Gagin and Asya decide to leave without waiting for decisive action on the part of N.N. The happiness of the protagonist turned out to be impossible due to a decision not spoken out loud in time, due to cowardice and weakness of character. At that moment, he doubted that he could be happy next to such an impulsive girl as Asya. But, after many years, he realized that he had lost the love of his life.

N.N. was never truly happy. If he knew the simple truth that you need to see and accept not only the merits of your loved ones, but also their small flaws, perhaps everything would have turned out differently. There were so many others in Asa positive traits, which could cross out her straightforwardness, which Mr. N did not like so much. At the end of his life, he recalled with regret the events of that evening when he let Asya out of his hands. He still kept her notes and the long-withered geranium flower that she had once thrown from the window.

Quickly climbing the path of the vineyard, I saw light in Asya’s room... This calmed me down somewhat. I approached the house; the door downstairs was locked, I knocked. An unlit window on the lower floor carefully opened, and Gagin's head appeared. - Found it? - I asked him. “She’s back,” he answered me in a whisper, “she’s in her room and undressing.” Everything is fine. - God bless! - I exclaimed with an unspeakable burst of joy, - thank God! Now everything is fine. But you know, we still have to talk. “At another time,” he objected, quietly pulling the frame toward him, “at another time, and now goodbye.” “Until tomorrow,” I said, “tomorrow everything will be decided.” “Goodbye,” Gagin repeated. The window closed. I almost knocked on the window. I wanted to tell Gagin at the same time that I was asking for his sister’s hand in marriage. But such matchmaking at such a time... “See you tomorrow,” I thought, “tomorrow I will be happy...” Tomorrow I will be happy! Happiness has no tomorrow; he doesn’t have yesterday; it does not remember the past, does not think about the future; he has a present - and that is not a day, but a moment. I don’t remember how I got to Z. It wasn’t my legs that carried me, it wasn’t the boat that carried me: I was lifted up by some wide, strong wings. I walked past a bush where a nightingale was singing, I stopped and listened for a long time: it seemed to me that he was singing my love and my happiness. Surely each of us knows that there are times when just one word can completely change a person’s life. This is exactly what happened to the main character of I. S. Turgenev’s story “Asya”.

The young man N.N., traveling around Europe, met his brother and sister Gagin in one of the German towns. Feeling sympathy and affection for each other, the young men quickly became friends. As for Asya, at first she seemed strange to N.N.: she was constantly running wild, doing eccentric things, laughing out of place. However, having gotten to know her better, he realized that she was a sincere, intelligent, very sensitive girl. Gagin described his sister this way: “She has a very kind heart, but she has a bad head.”

Asya’s sweet simplicity and charm could not leave N.N. indifferent. He became attached to Asa, and seeing her every day became a vital necessity for him. Over time, the young man realizes that his affection develops into a completely different feeling - love arises in his heart. And Asya reciprocates, but Gagin is worried about her, because he understands his sister better than others. He warns his friend against rash actions and promises, saying that Asya “never has a half-hearted feeling”; she does not accept falsehood and insincerity.

The hero reflects on the current situation for a long time. He is undoubtedly happy to be next to Asya, but also understands that he needs time for his feelings to strengthen. As a result, the young man makes a decision: “To marry a seventeen-year-old girl with her character, how is that possible!” He informs Asya about all this during the date. Alas, she did not need assurances and guarantees, she was waiting for only one word that was never spoken.

The next morning, Asya and her brother moved out of the apartment without leaving an address. And only then, realizing the irreplaceability of his loss, N.N. understood: “Happiness has no tomorrow; he doesn’t even have yesterday; it does not remember the past, does not think about the future; he has a present - and that’s not a day, but a moment.”