Betting on a quick call to a person. A powerful runic formula to call a person. Rules for using a call

It happens in life that some people actually disappear. There is no news from them, it is almost impossible to reach them by phone, but even despite this, you can establish contact with them. If close person, a relative or loved one does not want to communicate, he can be forced by using runes on him for an immediate call. Urgent becoming extremely effective in calling a person.

Runes will help you call any person

Work of runes

Many people wonder how rune formulas work. It's a simple process. While the performer, his target begins to feel a sense of lack of something important. A few hours later, this person will call or find a method for communication.

Becoming is often used when there is an urgent need to contact relatives who are far away. But this is not the only situation in which it is possible to use. It is very effective to call a certain person to the runes. An immediate call is made so that after a quarrel between two lovers, the man takes the first step and calls.

You can use a combination to force a guy after a date. Powerful by becoming, it must be used carefully, even the slightest mistake can lead to serious consequences.

Rules for using the call

Compliance with all the rules will make the worker even faster and more efficient, and his action will amaze the performer. A strong challenge consists of 3 consecutive stages, which must be carried out only in this order:

  • marking;
  • ritual reservation;
  • activation of symbols.

In order for the right person to call or write, you need to carefully consider the choice of position. There are no special rules for this - you need to rely completely on Even a strong challenge perfectly chosen by a specialist may turn out to be unsuitable specifically for this person.

An effective and quick ritual must be performed in a photograph. It should be of high quality, preferably so that the face on it is clearly visible. You need to ensure that the image is as new as possible - you should not take a photo that is already several years old. This may reduce the effectiveness of the runes.

If it is not possible to draw signs on the photo, you need to use a regular sheet of paper. In this case, everything depends on the person’s imagination during the ritual. It is necessary to write the person’s full name on the sheet so that the call with magic runes will work.

Formula Whip

There is very large number rituals for a person to come or call, but the most popular is a formula of medium complexity, which is called Whip. Its peculiarity is that it is very reliable. Stav does not have instant action, but she will definitely have a powerful result - the guy will quickly get in touch.

To make a Whip combination, you need to use 6 signs.

  1. - denotes the desire for one’s own goal.
  2. - the start of the path to planned achievements.
  3. - the rune is a kind of lever that will force contact.
  4. - the symbol makes it possible to attract a partner on a physical level. It awakens sexual energy.
  5. - the rune can make one become strong and force a person to establish a connection.
  6. The sign ends with becoming. The symbol denotes joy at meeting.

When drawing symbols, it is necessary to make a reservation. It involves accurately pronouncing all the signs and symbols that have been written. This should be done alone, in the dark. After applying all the marks, you need to place the photo on a flat surface. Then you need to moisten the corners of the image with your own saliva and blow on it. This completes the powerful challenge.

Other betting options

Sometimes there is a need to call a person very quickly. This could be a situation immediately after a quarrel, when you need to quickly make peace with your other half. To activate an immediate spell, you will need 3 runes.

  1. Raido.
  2. Kenaz.
  3. Gebo.

This becoming, although simple, does not have sufficient power - it cannot make a person dependent. The maximum you can count on after such a ritual is a simple friendly call.

Conspiracy Kik

There is a powerful conspiracy called Kik. It is necessary for the guy to write to the girl first and take the initiative. The ritual will make him very dependent on the performer.

In order for the formula to work and the guy to write, you will have to combine the runes in different positions. The Nautiz, Gebo, Kano and symbols must be in the forward position, and the Teyvaz and signs must be in the reverse position. This will make a person literally dependent on the performer and force him to get in touch.

Kik formula enhanced, very powerful

The result is guaranteed within 4 hours. After this time has passed, the person calls. Experts recommend this method for a loving couple to make peace.

Becoming from the Trap

A common one is the one written by a girl under the nickname Trap. To use this ritual, you will need 6 characters.

  1. Nautiz - to force a call or letter.
  2. Eyvaz - for a person to begin his movement.
  3. Thurisaz is a rune for overcoming difficulties.
  4. Kenaz - attraction to the performer, a feeling of passion.
  5. Gebo - kindling desire in the soul of the summoned.
  6. Nautiz - blocking escape routes.

This is a very effective ritual that is suitable for difficult situations and reconciliation in case of serious quarrels. It must be drawn in blood for the desired effect.

Runes, ancient signs of power, allow you to do many things necessary for life and solve problems in a magical way. To those who know how to handle them, they can give wealth, love, recognition, success, help develop magical abilities and protect from evil. Since ancient times, Scandinavian runes have been used in love magic to attract a man or woman. Runic spells, or galdr, are spoken aloud; formulas or galdrasts are usually inscribed on an amulet or other medium.

Calling a person with runes - what is it?

Challenge is a term from the field of love magic used by European and Slavic peoples. It is a spell, by reading which you can force the object of desire to come to you. In Old Slavonic magic there is an analogue of a challenge - “inducing melancholy” to make a person think about himself and get bored. Now, with the development of technology, the challenge operates much more widely: a person may not come in person, but get in touch, for example, by phone or the Internet.

How to use formulas correctly

The runic challenge is a formula (galdrastav), which is specified in a special way and applied to a photo of the object of passion or any other medium with his name, for example, a sheet of paper. When making a slander, the purpose of the stave must be stated: so that the one on whom the challenge is made comes to the practitioner. Then each rune is discussed separately. The runes are then activated in the usual way.

Popular formulas

  • Soulu - Mannaz - Ansuz (this formula is quite strong and does not have any special name). The first rune, Soulu, transfers power from one person to another. The two remaining runes, Mannaz and Ansuz, make a person want to communicate (since Ansuz is the rune of speech).
  • Ansuz - Gebo: an even simpler call for a person to communicate.
  • Raido - Dagaz - Raido: this formula is used if you need to set a certain time period in which the object should arrive. Two Raidos at the edges are the path, and Dagaz in the middle is time.

What to do if the challenge formula didn’t work

As a rule, the formula does not work if a person has a negative magical effect, or there was a strong quarrel with subsequent rejection. In this case, it is recommended to do a cleaning: it will remove both other people’s work and negative emotions. If the attitude towards the caller is not the best, it is advisable to harmonize or accompany the call with a trick that will deceive the feelings. The runic challenge itself can only work after preliminary rituals.

Love spell using runes

A love spell is performed using the same scheme and technology as a runic call. A runic formula aimed at calling a person will work more powerfully if you specifically address one of the gods. To evoke tender feelings, you can turn to Freya, for sexual desire, attachment - to Frey, for marriage, childbirth and the return of your husband to the family - to Frigg.

A photograph of an object is its image, a print that includes the magic of similarity: what is done to the image of the object will happen to it itself. A photo works almost the same way as a biomaterial - it carries the energy of the object. It is good to apply a knitted rune in the photo - Freya's Seal. It consists of two runes: Inguz and Berkana.

  • Inguz - rune of male power, sexual desire;
  • Berkana - rune female beauty, conception, childbirth.

Linked together, these runes give strong love spell, which can subsequently lead to marriage. It is not recommended to do it if the attitude towards the object is not serious.

Strong spell to call

This stanza is drawn for the guy to call, on his photo or on a medium with his name written on it. Author - lov_ushka.

  • Two Nautiz are forced to come;
  • Evaz (in the center) calls the object from any point, wherever he is;
  • Turisaz - overcoming all obstacles on the way;
  • Kennaz - passion, desire to see each other;
  • Gebo - the desire to be together, to be close.

  • Nautiz is the central rune, causing an urgent need in a person;
  • Ansuz - thoughts about him, a desire to communicate, talk;
  • Vunyo mirror - actually melancholy, sadness, sadness far from the object;
  • Laguz - dreams, premonitions and unconscious aspirations;
  • Nautiz and Teyvaz are an incentive to take real action in order to see each other.

How runic bets work on a man’s love

Typically, stakes act quickly and encourage the object to take specific actions, give impetus, and even relationships begin on their own. After a call, the object may suddenly appear and offer something, for example, calling for a meeting. After being challenged by romantic feelings, he begins to court, strive for communication, and some formulas provoke specifically sex.

Simple formulas for a man's love

Love spell of Tursov

The very first becoming famous for love was described in the Elder Edda. “The runes I cut, Thurs and three more: lust, madness and restlessness,” the text reads. Accordingly, this is a formula of four Thurisaz. Traditionally, it was applied to the palm before greeting. It is worth remembering that this formula has a harsh effect on the psyche and is unsafe.

Betting on reconciliation with your loved one

The formula is applied immediately after a quarrel or breakup. The central rune is Gebo, partnership and mutual understanding. Two inverted Ansuz help to forget grievances. Vunyo’s steam room evokes the joy of meeting, and Soulu makes passion flare up with renewed vigor.

Powerful Challenge to the Wind

The central rune is Ansuz, this is the power of words spoken into the wind, and the thoughts of the object about the caller. Gebo - meeting of lovers. Raido is in this case the rune of the wind, which brings a challenge to the object. Vunyo - joyful thoughts when meeting. Posted by Insolate.

A slander (spell) is cast into the wind. You can compose it yourself. For the ritual you will also need a drop of your favorite perfume, a little rosemary, verbena, clover or other love spell herb. The ritual is suitable for those who get along with the element of air. The stav is drawn on paper and then burned. Herbs and ashes are blown from the palm into the wind, while you need to think about the object of the call.

Important Information - Moral Issues

Runic formulas can actually arouse a person’s love and bring him to the practitioner. But is this good? Isn't the use of such formulas violence against the individual? In the Christian tradition - yes, like magic, which is considered a sin. In the northern tradition, morality is different. If the magician is capable of his magical power cause love for himself, then he definitely deserves it. The gods patronize the brave and daring, not the modest and fearful. Therefore, there are no restrictions on any magical effects: everything that the magician can do is possible.


Lost contact with a loved one? Do you want your lover to come to you and tell him something you didn’t dare to do before? Then in this article you will find out why you need a powerful runic formula to a person’s call, its varieties, rules of use. Happy reading.

Calling a person with runes - what is it?

Runic formulas for calling a person allow you to return someone who left - this will give you a chance to talk and sort things out. Valid in love sphere, with relatives who do not show “signs of life” for a long time. But first things first.

How to correctly use runic formulas to call a person

To find out how to do it, use it correctly and call a person, you should carry out a number of preliminary manipulations, for example, cleanse the person, softening his attitude towards you. This is especially true during tough quarrels, when the other half doesn’t even want to hear their name.

Important point! Before choosing the required combination of bets, be sure to consult with specialists. A chaotic sequence of several runic combinations is fraught with only negative consequences

When using runes, remember one simple thing - each combination has its own time and place. Do not try to force events, but rather take the time to select the correct slander for the runic formula for calling a person.

If you decide to place several combinations of runes, you should take into account that each subsequent combination of symbols is a logical continuation of the previous one. The same applies to the interaction mechanism, which operates like a “chain reaction”. Speaking in simple language, when all the conditions necessary to achieve positive result completed, the formula immediately begins its work. Now you can start applying the next one.

The most popular formulas for calling a person

There are several options for the runic formula for calling a person with a slander. I will give the most common examples.

Powerful challenge "Dagaz - 4 Raido"

Represents fast runic becoming to call a person (if applied to yourself), but this is not recommended. Works for seven days.

The essence of the formula is as follows. In the central part is the Dagaz rune, surrounded by four. You can apply it to a photo or a sheet of paper, preferably with your own blood, squeezed out from the ring finger of your left hand. Above the picture, indicate the person’s name, the desired end result (meeting, coming to the house, etc.).

Becoming “Sweet Dreams”

Becoming is used exclusively in the love sphere, for situations where there is mutual attraction, but the meeting is delayed or postponed indefinitely. Let's look at the structure of the stav in more detail.

  • Mannaz (central part of the stav) - your role for the desired object
  • Ansuz - Laguz - Vunyo. The combination evokes pleasant thoughts about the originator of the stave, memories of pleasant moments spent together
  • Raido - Nautiz (double link). Stimulates the desire to meet and make a date. Does not imply a spontaneous appearance on your horizon
  • Dagaz - Ansuz - Stungin Iss (Icelandic rune “pierced ice”). The object has sudden thoughts from the series “it’s time to meet”, a joke (the influence of Stungin Iss), your image is constantly in his head
  • Mannaz - Gebo - Ar (Icelandic rune for “harvest year”) intersecting the design. The meeting is the desired outcome, the result of obsessions about you

Becoming can be applied to the photo. A sheet of paper can be used if the desired object is well visualized. In the picture, draw the center (Mannaz) in the third eye area, then clockwise move to the Raido/Laguz ligaments. From left to right, draw bundles with the Dagaz rune. The finishing touch is the application of Gebo - Ar.

Runescript "Challenge"

The main task of this formula is to renew lost communication with a loved one or good friend.

Consists of Ansuz, Eyvaz, enclosed on the sides in two Nautiz. To improve the result, draw Soula at the top and bottom of the stave.

The decoding of the runes in the above sequence is as follows.

  • Nautiz - causes the need for communication
  • - a symbol of communication itself
  • Eyvaz - indicates partnerships, friendship
  • - strengthening the result, supplying the body with solar energy

Stav is distinguished by incredible power, causing in the object a desire for constant meetings. Consists of the following runes.

  • Working symbols - - , Kau - Turisaz, -
  • The component of the central communication is the operator himself
  • Cross of double Nautiz and Laguz - a stream carrying an object to the operator
  • Standing angles - Turisaz - Kau ligature. Allows you to clear the object’s path from possible obstacles, leaving no obstacles for a possible meeting

Apply a drawing to a photo card where the object was photographed in full height. Symbols are drawn on the stomach and forehead with a marker of any color. Blood from a finger, which should be used to circle the central part of the stave, will help enhance the effect. The position is depicted from the central part, then the cross (rotating the photo clockwise). The corners are drawn in the same way, with the photo rotated clockwise.

Calling a man "Magic kick in the ass"

The combination of Eyvaz - Uruz - Kenaz - Gebo - Turisaz will help you meet the object, regardless of the presence of difficulties on its way. Can be used in all spheres of life - love, friendship, work, family ties. The formula will dispel the indecision and doubts of the subject.

The meaning of the symbols is as follows.

  • Eyvaz - defense, protection, overcoming difficulties
  • Uruz - strength, endurance, endurance
  • - mutual understanding
  • - revelation, embodiment
  • - new horizons

What to do if the challenge formula didn’t work?

If the challenge formula did not work, then you made mistakes when working with runic formulas. Let's look at the most common options of them.

  • Working with runes without a clear understanding of their operating principle. To learn how to draw stakes correctly, you will have to spend a lot of time. Otherwise, you risk getting additional problems.
  • If you are far from the concept of “runic magic”, do not even try to do the above activities. The reason is the same as above
  • You can use a specific runic formula only if you are familiar in detail with each symbol used
  • No compatibility check for multiple combinations
  • Bio-links should only be used if specified in the regulations. Otherwise, you will get yourself into a lot of trouble.

Analyze the above points, determine what exactly you did wrong, and do “work on the mistakes.” Repeat the ritual again after some time.

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If a person has broken off a relationship with you, doesn’t call you for a long time, or there is no soulmate, but you want to find love, spells will help you. This is a kind of love spell. Depending on the purpose, you can choose the appropriate ritual to call your loved one.

How calling a loved one works

Calling a loved one is used to restore old relationships or start new ones. It is used when you need to attract the attention of your beloved or when you call your loved one in complete solitude: this is a sacrament that you cannot tell anyone about. Work ritual works for another person

After the ritual, the object of love cannot help but think about the conspirator. It seems that he physically feels the need to meet. The call works gradually so that your loved one does not have any suspicions.

A proven ritual is suitable for any beginner: the Siberian healer Stepanova advises using simple rituals that will make your loved one very bored - such a challenge will be more effective if the future of the desired relationship is still unknown.

The call of a loved one is carried out not only through the forces of light. Black magic makes an instant call to a loved one strong and long-lasting in its effects.

Call for personal item

It is easier to call a loved one with reference to a material thing. Any thing that fuels a proven ritual is a carrier of the energy of the object of love. A strong challenge to a loved one through a personal item held by a celestial body will help create a strong attachment.

To carry out such a ritual, you need to choose an item that the object of the conspiracy often uses: a comb, a personal mug, a wallet, etc. This item needs to be washed, cleaned or wiped while saying:

“You are walking without me, wandering around. Now the road to other people’s wives is closed to you, because you only remember me, you dream about me. Just as I care about this thing now, I care about you, only a hundred times more! Without my care you will be nowhere. My love is your support and your life. Let the little thing draw you home, the long road will not deceive you! I conjure a thing for your arrival, I call you to me! My word is molded, my work is strong. Key. Lock. Language. Amen!"

The summoning spell must be repeated three times. You cannot change the order of words or read the plot from a piece of paper, otherwise the urgent call will not work.

Photo challenge

Pictures or images help to attract a man after a long separation, so that he will return if he leaves you. Calling a loved one from a photo is carried out at night. you need to use a recent photo. On the back of it, write your lover's name and then read:

“The most beloved has returned, the most necessary has turned. Now he’s standing outside my house, now he can’t leave it. Just as a photo sits in the dark, so my image remains in its soul. So be it."

On the eve of the ceremony, you need to visit the church and the Church candle brought from confession is used in the ritual. The call works immediately: the beloved will be on the doorstep in the shortest possible time. The photo from the ceremony must be hidden, and even if the man came, the photo cannot be thrown away. If the man does not come and the ritual does not work, you need to repeat the spell, but add at the end:

“I seal your heart. Key. Lock. Language. Amen!"

Calling a loved one using candles is the simplest and most powerful ritual. It is used to make the beloved call, return, come with an apology, and miss you. With the help of this ritual you can call him to talk. For your lover to call you will need:

  • 12 church candles;
  • holy water;
  • a thing that reminds you of your loved one.

If there is a strong wind blowing outside, you need to open the windows. Wind is a strong natural element that enhances the work of the conspiracy.

The words of the conspiracy are read on the thing:

“Twelve candles, twelve months, twelve days, twelve apostles in the words of their saints. They all surround the servant of God (name) and look at him. No evil can hide from their gaze, no secret thought can hide, the demon cannot escape them, the devil cannot escape from them. Let all the damage and love spells burn out on your dear one. Let him remember me and fulfill his promise. I bless him with the Most Holy Trinity: In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Call to the mirror

For the required ritual, a mirror is used - it is a portal that immediately displays the past and the future. Through it, a woman will see a man who will soon come to her doorstep.

A powerful ritual is performed on big days. Orthodox holidays Peering into the mirror in complete darkness, the conspirator says:

“I call upon my love, I expand space and time, the right man I want to see.”

You need to read the plot in a half whisper so that no one hears. After the conspiracy, the image of a man will appear in the mirror. So you can see the right person from the past, if you attach his photo to the back of the mirror. Instant result: your ex-lover will start to get bored and look for a meeting.

Call by runes

A runic spell to call a loved one is the most powerful rite. It requires runes and druid symbols to summon the soul of a man.

For the ritual you will need a photo of a man and 3 symbols. Such a ritual does not need words.

The Whip challenge is effective. It consists of three stages of applying runes to a photo of your loved one.

  • Day 1: runes are applied and
  • Day 2: the rune is drawn and
  • Day 3: the last rune is applied, which starts the ritual.

The instant call is activated by one of the natural elements (you can blow on the applied runes or moisten them with water).

Magic call by runes- this is an opportunity to return old feelings and again feel a family connection.

Life is an unpredictable thing. Sometimes we lose contact with the people closest to us - those who occupy an important place in our lives. And it seems that there can be no reason why your communication will stop.

But suddenly a quarrel occurs (sometimes a very minor one), and you swear very much. Everyone shows their pride, and no one takes a step forward.

Time passes: you sadly remember the moments you spent together, but it turns out that your phone is lost and you don’t remember the address. How to bring back an old friend or loved one?

Don't despair - the mysterious ones will come to your aid.

What is calling a person with runes?

Not each of us is thoroughly aware of calling a person with runes. This is a very strong energy method that brings into play universal forces and triggers a rather serious mechanism of action - after all, the runes send a challenge to the very center of the Universe.

Having learned to use runic formulas, you can return your loved one, restore family relationships, and resume communication with a close friend.

The best runic formulas for summoning a person

There are several of the most powerful formulas that help to evoke absolutely any person. Let's look at them:

Dagaz – 4 Raido

This urgent formula is working, powerful and very influential. Professional runologists claim that the effect of stav can be felt within a week after its use.

What is the essence of this runostav? So, in the very center is located Dagaz, and around it there are four Raido .

Some people prefer - it should be immediately clarified that this method is not always safe. It is better to use plain paper or a photograph of the desired required object.

The formula will be even stronger if you draw the runes with your own blood.

The name of the person and your desire associated with him are written above the runic signs. For example, your meeting or call.

"Sweet Dreams"

This is a powerful call to a loved one with runes - it creates a mutual attraction between two people. Here is the detailed structure of the formula:

  • In the central part is located Mannaz- he talks about your role in the fate of your other half. Several connectives are placed around the symbol.
  • Ansuz – – Vunyo - this combination will help your chosen one notice all your advantages.
  • Raido – Nautiz – causes a sincere desire to see you or even invite you on a date.
  • Dagaz – Ansuz – Stungin Iss (a rune that came from the Icelandic lands) - your image will always be in the thoughts of your loved one.
  • Mannaz – Gebo – Ar (also an Icelandic symbol) is a runic union aimed at the end result.

If you have a good imagination, ordinary paper will do. But, if you doubt your ability to visualize, it is better to take a photograph of a person. These runes call a person to call first.


The formula helps to bring back your loved one and once again feel the novelty of romantic feelings.

Its composition: Ansuz , Eyvaz and double Nautiz. To become even more powerful in energy, they place in its upper part Soulu .

What does each sign mean individually?

  • Nautiz- this is the need for conversations, sincere conversations
  • Ansuz– this is a direct conversation, a dialogue between two loving hearts
  • – symbol of partnership
  • Soulu– increases the activity of runes, associated with the Sun

Runostav by Tony Montana

This unusual combination rune gives maximum results. You just need to tune in correctly and trust the sacred symbols.

The person himself becomes the center of the formula. A cross of double runes is depicted around - Nautih And Laguz. Drawn at the corners Turisaz And Kenaz .

The joint work of signs helps to remove all interfering obstacles from the road and finally let true love into your life.

"Magic Kick"

The rune structure consists of: Eyvaz – Uruz – Kenaz – Gebo – Turisaz. He creates all the conditions for a romantic meeting. It also helps cope with self-doubt.

So, decoding the runes:

  • Eyvaz– protection of the Higher Powers
  • Uruz– perseverance, overcoming obstacles
  • Kenaz– will help you open up and talk about your feelings
  • Gebo– trusting relationships
  • Turisaz– opens up new roads and new opportunities for a person
