Insurance option 1 Rosgosstrakh. Rosgosstrakh: online comprehensive insurance calculator. What is it

Comprehensive car insurance is reliable financial support for every Russian motorist. Road accidents, damage to vehicles and their theft, according to statistics, are incidents for which we are not insured Russian cars shame

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The only way to protect yourself is to take out a CASCO insurance policy in order to count on compensation for the consequences of an insured event.

This insurance, unlike compulsory motor liability insurance, is not mandatory, but still many vehicle owners buy a policy for their own peace of mind.

On the Russian market for these services there is large number banks, insurance companies and private insurance brokers.

In this article we will talk about the features of CASCO insurance in the Rosgosstrakh company, about its conditions and programs, about the rules, the possibility of online calculation, registration, renewal and verification of the policy, as well as about insurance payments.

Terms and programs

Initially, all clients are interested in the programs offered by the company. If this concerns CASCO insurance, then there can be at least two of them - insurance for road accidents and against theft, and there are also combined offers.

At the moment, Rosgosstrakh provides its clients with five comprehensive automobile insurance programs:

"Accident protection" valid for 12 months, has a franchise, even provides compensation for damage to the vehicle from a third party, does not require additional certificates and reports from the scene of the accident
"Anti-crisis CASCO" valid for 12 months, you can take it in installments and buy a franchise. Provides compensation for complete loss of the vehicle, theft and damage. Requires a certificate from the creditor bank
"Economy" is valid for 12 months, provides a franchise, applies to credit vehicles. Protects cars from theft, damage and complete destruction
"Nothing extra" valid for 12 months, can be purchased in installments and with a franchise, without restrictions on the number of drivers. Protects vehicles from theft, damage and complete damage, VHI. At the same time, it requires a certificate from the lender if the car is in this category
"Rosgosstrakh autoprotection" is valid for 6-12 months, installment plan upon purchase and deductible are possible. Compensation for damage, death and theft without additional certificates

The cost of CASCO is formed on the basis of the basic tariff, which is regulated by the government and legislation of our country:

The policyholder recommends that beginners take advantage of the “Nothing Extra” or “Anti-Crisis CASCO” programs, because they can be applied for online and cover the maximum number of risks, even those that are not covered by compulsory motor liability insurance.

It is more profitable for experienced drivers to apply for “Economy 50/50” or “Protection against road accidents”.

The first of the proposed programs allows you to pay the second part of the cost of the policy only after the accident, and the second program protects experienced motorists from inexperienced ones.

“Rosgosstrakh car loans” is a universal program because it includes standard CASCO conditions and has the most favorable cost; such insurance will be profitable and reliable for many.


Unified CASCO Rules, approved Russian government, are the regulator of the relationship between the insurance company and the policyholder, therefore Rosgosstrakh adheres to them according to strict regulations.

They regulate the following key points:

  • regulations of the key concepts of the transaction (insurer, policyholder, vehicle);
  • insured events include theft, damage during an accident, damage by other persons;
  • Insured events do not include: vehicle depreciation, wear and tear, moral damage, downtime, losses;
  • conditions for purchasing a conditional or unconditional franchise;
  • defines the territory of insurance, operation, storage, names the differences between them;
  • actual loss - complete loss of a vehicle, with no chance of restoring its previous condition;
  • constructive loss - repair work will amount to more than 65% of the cost of the car;

The rules of Rosgosstrakh allow you to insure vehicles of three age categories - up to five, up to seven or up to twelve years. They also allow you to choose aggregate or non-aggregate amounts of payments for insured events.

Before concluding the contract, the policyholder undertakes to provide a technical inspection report of his vehicle. He has the right to take part in the investigation of the insured event.

How to calculate CASCO insurance in Rosgosstrakh

A preliminary calculation of the cost of CASCO online allows you to find out the price and evaluate for yourself the profitability of the upcoming insurance transaction, choosing between the proposed programs.

The insurance calculator on the company's official website determines the cost of CASCO depending on the conditions entered into the form by clients.

This process should follow the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Information about the vehicle and its owner (or about each driver who will have access to the control) is indicated.
  2. You should leave your mobile number, to which a digital verification code will be sent. It must be entered in a special field to continue the calculation.
  3. Select the risks to be insured.
  4. The cost of a comprehensive car insurance policy is displayed in the green window at the bottom of the page.

The next step for the client may be a request to draw up a contract through this service, if the cost of the policy is suitable for the motorist.

How to apply online

This procedure can be carried out only after online calculation, which is an inconvenience for the client.

If the contract amount suits the proposed program, then the policyholder clicks the “Order CASCO” option, indicates his mobile phone number, which an insurance company employee will soon contact to give instructions regarding the further conclusion of the contract.

After all, the client should first collect necessary documents and undergo technical inspection.

Thus, it is clear that the client will have to contact the office for everything. Until then, he has a chance to choose another program and sign an agreement on its terms.

Online registration is just a way to make a preliminary request to receive the services of an insurer.

Application and agreement

Filling out documentation – important question, to which the company treats quite strictly. Obtaining a comprehensive motor vehicle insurance policy is considered impossible without a completed application and contract.

This document is a formal request for insurance services. It is submitted only orally, but comes into force when it is drawn up in writing by the policyholder himself, and also requires the attachment of a whole package of documents:

  • photocopy of passport;
  • vehicle technical book;
  • certificate of technical inspection of the vehicle;
  • driver's license.

The application provides the necessary information about the client and the car he insures. Therefore, you should take its completion seriously, because false and erroneous data may cause the insurer to refuse to cooperate.

The application for CASCO insurance has a standard structure in the form of a questionnaire. It consists of several blocks:

  1. Information about the policyholder (passport details, address and telephone number, experience in driving a vehicle).
  2. Conclusion of technical inspection.
  3. List of drivers allowed to drive the insured vehicle.
  4. Period of use of the machine.
  5. Other terms of the future policy.
  6. Payment terms.
  7. Notes
  8. Confirmation area.

The classical and online applications within several hours or days (depending on workload). The second stage of documenting the policy is signing.

The data for it is taken from the package of documents provided, as well as from the application.

It has legal force and is drawn up to legally regulate the relationship between the insurance company and the insurer (or beneficiary).

It is drawn up according to a generally accepted template, which includes the following details:

  • information about the participants in the insurance transaction;
  • information about the insured vehicle (its manufacturer, brand, year of manufacture, level of wear, technical condition);
  • what insurance events provide for compensation (damage, complete damage and/or theft);
  • conditions for eliminating the consequences (financial payment, repair work);
  • data of the lender, if the car is on its balance sheet in force at that time loan agreement;
  • rights and obligations of the parties to the insurance transaction;
  • assurance by the participants of the legal accuracy of the agreement.

If the insurance company finds unreliability or inconsistency in the facts about the policyholder and the vehicle, then it has the authority to invalidate the contract.

The terms of this document should be carefully studied to see all the pitfalls, regardless of which insurance company you contact, because the service representative will offer you a procedure that is beneficial to him.

The terms of the document are drawn up on the basis of the program and generally accepted insurance rules.

How to renew your policy online

This service can be used on the company’s official website, in the online calculation section. In front of the calculator there is a button “Extend CASCO”. Its functions are only possible for current clients who previously took out such a policy.

A window will appear in front of you, requiring you to enter the details of your passport and comprehensive car insurance policy, agree to the processing of personal information in order to find your insurance.

The company's database will show the terms of your previous contract, you must change the terms of its validity and leave a request.

After these completed actions, the company manager contacts the client within a few hours or days and invites him to the office to renew the current contract.

As a rule, the client can be accepted out of turn. When renewing the contract, you can change its terms, franchise or even program.


The database of the Russian Insurance Association provides for the presence of a single database in which data on CASCO and insurance contracts concluded in Russian insurance companies is recorded.

This feature helps policyholders know the exact details of their policy and its status. Recently, such verification has also been carried out online.

At the same time, everyone can use this service. It is enough to know the contract number and the details of your passport. This information should be entered into the fields and the “Check” command should be specified.

There is a second way to check the policy - contact the insurer's hotline or use a similar online server on the official website.

To take advantage of this opportunity, you need to log in personal account or start it to start such work.

This type of check is the most convenient because it provides comprehensive information, but requires little time to obtain the information of interest. To log in and register, it is enough to have a mailbox and client details.

Payments and deadlines

The company’s rules under the concept of “payment for an insured event” mean that the insurer provides the insured with monetary compensation to cover the consequences of the insured event. Such payment situations are regulated by the terms of the selected program and agreement.

They are carried out by the insurance company without taking into account:

  • purchased franchise;
  • wear and tear of individual vehicle parts during the policy period;
  • in cases of aggregate insurance, previously paid compensations are not taken into account;
  • prices of vehicle parts suitable for further use if it is completely destroyed.

At the same time, for some programs, the contract may lose its relevance immediately after the first compensation for an insured event, regardless of its type.

The policyholder, in turn, undertakes:

  • report the incident to law enforcement agencies within three working days from the date of the insured event;
  • provide information to the insurance company no later than one business day after the incident.

After this, an authorized representative of the Investigative Committee conducts investigations. Within 20 days from the date of receipt of the application for payment, the insurer is obliged to make payment in the amount stipulated by the contract.

Compensation for theft is carried out without taking into account depreciation of the vehicle and its components; without unconditional deductible, previous payments.

Compensation is issued after signing an agreement on further relations if the stolen vehicle is returned.

How is termination carried out?

“Cooling period” is the name of the process of terminating the contract between the insurance company and the car owner. This is provided for by the Directives of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, introduced in 2015.

“Minimum requirements for voluntary insurance” are left to the policyholder (only an individual) the opportunity to terminate the transaction. The rules do not apply to contracts of clients who will travel abroad.

Cancellation requires 5 days. The client submits an application and after the specified period his insurance policy will become irrelevant.

A request should be sent to email address or personally contact the nearest representative office of IC Rosgosstrakh.

It is possible to return the premium under the contract by non-cash funds to the policyholder’s personal account or through a certain cash desk in cash in cash. The first payment option will be more convenient.

submitted along with the following documents:

  1. Original version.
  2. A certificate confirming the payment of insurance premiums (form A7).
  3. Passport of the motorist-insured.
  4. Notarized power of attorney (if it is not the policyholder himself who is applying).
  5. Bank details (for non-cash payments).

The application for termination, if it is not submitted electronically, is filled out by the IC employee himself, as well as additional agreement. Such measures are provided for the correct and legible execution of documentation.


This concept refers to part of the losses that, according to the regulations of the insurance contract, are not compensated. The deductible amount is presented as a percentage of insurance compensation, but can also be a fixed amount.

IC "Rosgosstrakh" provides two types of franchises: conditional and unconditional. If the contract does not provide conditions, then an unconditional option with a fixed payment amount is determined.

A conditional franchise can exempt the insurance company from covering losses if they do not exceed the established monetary limit, but when the damage exceeds it, it is compensated in full.

The unconditional deductible is the difference between the compensation limit and the cost of compensation for the consequences.

The “Anti-crisis CASCO”, “Economy”, “Nothing Extra”, “Rosgosstrakh Auto Protection” programs provide for a franchise; its conditions and type are determined by the insurer and the policyholder at the time of signing the contract.

Insured event

This concept, according to the Company Rules, implies situations that require compensation for losses.

The proposed CASCO programs make payments for insured events if the vehicle is stolen, due to an accident or intentional actions of third parties, it is damaged or completely lost.

Insured events cannot include the depreciation of vehicles due to their age, wear and tear, or downtime. CASCO does not provide compensation for moral damage to victims of an incident, because special types of insurance are provided for this.

Also, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs are not paid compensation for downtime and for company losses due to this.

Installment plan

This condition is provided for by the “Anti-crisis CASCO”, “Nothing Extra”, and “Rosgosstrakh Auto Protection” programs. This offer is beneficial for insurance company clients, because the insurance amount will not be unaffordable for them.

The insurance company Rossgostrakh opened back in 1921, for such long term work, many offices were opened throughout Russia. The company works with both individuals and legal entities , provides a wide range of auto insurance services.

The central office is located in Moscow, and there are 83 branches throughout Russia, which amounts to almost 3,500 thousand agents ready to provide assistance. In addition, throughout the country there are about 400 thousand points that deal with claims settlement. This means that if an insured event occurs, you will not have to spend additional time searching for agents.

REFERENCE! Recently, the company has been operating in some CIS countries, such as Armenia, Belarus and Ukraine. However, in 2014, Rossgostrakh sold its subsidiary in Ukraine.

Programs offered

Rosgosstrakh (RGS) offers several CASCO insurance programs, each has its own characteristics and allows you to choose a convenient option for everyone. We will describe the insurance conditions offered for each option.

Accident protection:

  • What is the price? Minimum cost 2000 rubles.
  • The insurance period for car repairs after insured events is 1 year.
  • You can insure both foreign and domestic cars no older than 12 years.
  • A third party must be at fault for the accident.
  • The insured amount is up to 400 thousand rubles.
  • You can take out insurance for several drivers of one car.
  • It is not necessary to install any anti-theft device.
  • Inspection of the vehicle before concluding a contract is not required.
  • There are no restrictions on claims for insured events, and repairs are carried out within the limits of the insured amount.
  • About 300 settlement offices throughout Russia.

What is it - Mini (anti-crisis) CASCO? The terms of the program are as follows:

This is what RGS mini-casco is.

Conditions of the Economy, 50/50 or light CASCO program (light option):

  • You can apply for a car of category B or analogues of category D.
  • Valid for domestic cars up to 5 years old and foreign cars up to 7 years old.
  • You can register for one car from one to three drivers.
  • If the car is stolen or the car is completely destroyed, you do not need to pay the remaining 50%.
  • If the incident falls under an insured event, then the remaining half must be paid taking into account the amount of losses.
  • Valid for a year.

RGS Nothing extra (reasonable or smart):

These are the insurance conditions under the “Nothing Extra” program (reasonable CASCO).

These are the conditions under the Rosgosstrakh-auto “Protection” program:

  • An insurance policy can be purchased for a period of 6 months to a year.
  • This option is recommended for new cars.
  • If an insured event occurs, you can choose to repair or pay the repair bill.
  • You can insure domestic and foreign cars up to 12 years of age.
  • The insurance amount does not change during the entire period of use.
  • Insurance can only be purchased for the full amount.

To understand which option is right for you, there are a number of important questions to consider.

Here are the CASCO programs at Rosgosstrakh. You are now well aware of the conditions for car protection.

Where is the full package of services offered?

All of the above insurance programs offer complete protection against all risks except for “Road Accident Protection”.

You can save money and insure your car against current events.

With this policy, insurance will not be obtained in the event of theft or any harmful actions on the part of another person. You will receive protection even from an accident that is not your fault.

There is only something from theft or destruction of a car

All programs except “Accident Protection” provide protection in case of theft or complete loss of your car.

Is it possible to call the commissioners?

If you don’t like to deal with paperwork, then you should additionally purchase insurance under the Roadside Assistance program. Depending on what services you would like to include in the CASCO insurance contract, the policy will cost from 398 rubles to a thousand.

Is a certificate from the traffic police required?

To avoid any disagreements when reimbursing the insured amount, it is imperative to obtain a certificate from the traffic police officers, which confirms the occurrence of an insured event.

What are the insurance rules?

A full list of Casco insurance rules at Rosgosstrakh can be seen on the company’s website. The basic rules of insurance are:

  • When purchasing a certain insurance policy You can insure your car against accidents, car theft, damage from unauthorized persons, falling bricks and damage caused by natural disasters such as floods or hurricanes.
  • You can choose the most convenient option for receiving the insurance amount: aggregate or non-aggregate. If the amount is aggregate, then after each insured event the payment will decrease; if it is non-aggregate, the amount will not change regardless of the number of claims.
  • Damage is calculated without taking into account possible wear and tear of parts; if the car is damaged by more than 65%, then the car is considered a complete loss.
  • The size of the payment will depend on several factors: model and make, year of manufacture, cost of the car, how many people are included in the insurance policy, type of repair.

These are general rules insurance RGS (Rosgosstrakh).

Rosgosstrakh is a company that is rapidly developing and strives to make it easier for its clients to obtain policies. Therefore for now it is not necessary to come to the branch to conclude and terminate the contract, you can simply contact a company representative or fill out and download electronic policy on the Rosgosstrakh website without leaving your home.

The cost of electronic and paper insurance is the same.

To apply for a policy, you need to have a number of documents with you:

  • Identity document: passport or military ID.
  • Your vehicle's passport.
  • Vehicle registration certificate.
  • Driver's license.
  • Credit agreement if the car was purchased in installments.
  • If so, then a purchase and sale agreement.

Having collected the necessary documents, you need to contact the Rosgosstrakh company in any convenient way to conclude an agreement and choose for yourself suitable program insurance. If you need to renew your insurance, you should contact the office a month before the end of your previous policy.

IMPORTANT! The policy may not take effect immediately, so it may turn out that you will drive without insurance for some time. In the event of an insured event, it is at this time that you need to contact the office to conclude an additional agreement.

How to calculate and reduce the cost

  • For beginners excellent option will become “Nothing extra” or “Anticrisis Casco”.
  • For more experienced drivers fits better“Economy 50/50” or “Accident Protection”.

Also the deductible will significantly reduce the cost of the insurance policy. If you use a deductible, your car insurance will only cover significant damage. The franchise itself can be calculated either as a percentage of the insurance amount, or it can be a certain fixed amount in rubles.

If necessary, so that the payment of the cost of the insurance policy is not too expensive, you can use installments for 3 months. Also, if an insured event occurs, the Rosgosstrakh company will reimburse the cost of calling a tow truck up to three thousand rubles.

For each accident-free year, a 5% discount is awarded. Thus, for 10 years of accident-free driving you can get a discount on the policy of up to 50%.

ATTENTION! To calculate car insurance in more detail, you can contact the 24-hour hotline or use the online calculator on the company’s website.

How old must a vehicle be to apply to a company?

First of all It is worth insuring a new car if you have no driving experience. The average age of cars that the company prefers to insure is 5-7 years. However, there is insurance for cars that have been in use for up to 12 years.

There is an opinion that insuring cars that came off the assembly line more than ten years ago is not profitable, since significant costs will go to possible repairs of the car and insurance funds will be wasted. But here everyone decides for themselves.

Is it possible to check the authenticity of the policy?

To check the authenticity of the policy in hand you need to:

  1. Or call the hotline and use the policy number to check.
  2. Or go to the Rosgosstrakh website. On the main page, select the “Security” section, then “Check the strict reporting form”. We enter the policy number and we can check whether everything is in order with the insurance; the same must be done to verify the authenticity of the insurance.

This is how you can check the authenticity of a CASCO policy.

What to do in the event of an accident?

IMPORTANT! If the accident resulted in any serious consequences, then a copy of the driver’s and eyewitnesses’ statements.

To summarize, we can say that a CASCO policy from Rosgosstrakh is an excellent opportunity to protect yourself from many risks on the road. No matter how good a driver you are, it is worth considering that there are many more people on the road, so the small amount you spend on a policy can pay for itself several times over when an insured event occurs.

  • car data (make, model, year of manufacture, engine size, etc.),
  • information about drivers (gender, age, experience),
  • proposed CASCO insurance option (damage only or theft+damage),
  • insurance period,
  • compensation option
  • availability and size of the franchise,
  • information about anti-theft devices
  • other information, if necessary.

After you answer all the questions, the Rosgosstrakh CASCO calculator will, within a few seconds, make an online calculation of the cost of insurance, taking into account all the correction factors and discounts provided for by the CASCO RGS programs.

About the company Rosgosstrakh

Rosgosstrakh company, the largest insurance company Russia, celebrated its ninetieth anniversary on October 6, 2011. Rich history and successful many years of experience have made Rosgosstrakh the leader of the domestic insurance market. RGS is a company with a branch network comparable in size and ramifications to Sberbank of Russia and the Russian Post.

Since today CASCO is a popular insurance product in our country, Rosgosstrakh pays attention to this type of auto insurance special attention. Of course, the basic indicators that the CASCO calculator takes into account when calculating the cost of insurance are the make, model of the car, year of manufacture, theft statistics and the cost of repairs.
The final CASCO tariff of Rosgosstrakh for a specific car is recalculated taking into account a number of factors: the experience and age of the registered drivers, the insurance period chosen at the conclusion of the contract, the method of compensation for losses, the presence of a franchise, the availability of installments, the type of anti-theft system.

A few words about the conditions of CASCO insurance in Rosgosstrakh

  • The policy is issued for a period of 6 months to 1 year. If you are insuring a credit car, you can enter into a contract for the term of the credit agreement plus one month.
  • It is possible to pay the insurance premium in installments.
  • According to the rules of Rosgosstrakh, not a single CASCO insurance option has restrictions regarding the conditions for storing a car at night.
  • During the validity of the contract, by agreement of the parties, it is always possible to make changes, additions or exceptions to it, which are formalized by an additional agreement.
  • If you plan to include a driver with little experience in the policy, you can avoid a high tariff and save money by replacing the coefficient with an unconditional deductible in the amount of 2-3% of the insured amount.

Full or partial insurance

Rosgosstrakh CASCO rules provide for 3 options for concluding an agreement:

  • Under the terms of “full” insurance, when the insured amount is equal to the insured value of the vehicle, and compensation in case of damage/theft is paid in full;
  • Under the terms of “incomplete proportional” insurance, when the insured amount under the policy is set below the insured value of the vehicle. In this case, Rosgosstrakh will pay compensation in proportion to the ratio of the insured amount to the insured value;
  • Under the terms of “incomplete disproportionate” insurance, when in case of incomplete insurance, compensation is paid (under certain contract conditions) in full.

Payments in Rosgosstrakh

  • In accordance with the rules of CASCO RGS, insurance payments for road accidents are made even when the client insured under CASCO was the culprit of the accident.
  • The company does not require the provision of documents from the competent authorities if, as a result of the insured event, no more than two adjacent body parts were damaged (but only for one insured event and once a year); glass and headlights (excluding side mirrors and glass sunroof).
  • Calculation of payment for the risk Theft and for the risk Damage, in the event of total or constructive loss of the vehicle, is made minus depreciation as a percentage of the insured amount. The depreciation depreciation rates adopted according to the CASCO rules in Rosgosstrakh are as follows: 1st year of operation - 20%, 2nd and subsequent years of operation - 12%. At the same time, less than a full month of insurance coverage is considered as full.
  • The policyholder will not receive compensation for damage caused by the actions of animals or birds and for spot damage to the paintwork.

Payment terms for CASCO insurance at Rosgosstrakh

In case of an insured event, RGS assumes the following obligations:

  • within 5 working days after accepting a written application, inspect the damaged car;
  • within 20 working days from the date of receipt of all necessary documents, make a payment, or send the insured vehicle to a service station, or send a reasoned refusal to the policyholder.

CASCO insurance programs offered by the company

The policyholder can choose one of those insurance options: A, B or C. Each of the options is designed for specific needs, has its own tariffs, features and restrictions, and the calculation on the Rosgosstrakh CASCO calculator is made according to these standard options:

  • Option A. Foreign cars no older than 5 years and Russian cars no older than 3 years are accepted for insurance. You can only take out insurance for the full cost of the vehicle; under-insurance is not allowed. The cost of spare parts in case of insurance compensation is paid without taking into account wear and tear. Expenses for evacuating a car from the scene of an accident are reimbursed in the amount of up to 3,000 rubles.
  • Option B. You can insure any car between 3 and 7 years old. The contract is concluded for both full and partial cost (at the request of the client). Payments for spare parts are made taking into account wear and tear. Evacuation costs are reimbursed in the amount of up to RUB 3,000.
  • Option B. Any car aged from 3 to 12 years is accepted for insurance. The insured value can be either full or incomplete. Spare parts are paid for under insurance claims, taking into account wear and tear, but consumables and costs of repair work are not subject to payment. Evacuation costs are not reimbursed.

As an alternative to the Rosgosstrakh-auto “Protection” program, the company has introduced new CASCO products.
Thus, one such program is designed for experienced drivers of used cars (aged from 3 to 12 years), for whom the “full package” is simply an extra overpayment of money. Tariffs in this program, thanks to special conditions car insurance, significantly lower than in traditional “Protection”.

Another very interesting offer from Rosgosstrakh for careful drivers is CASCO Economy. The essence of the program is that upon concluding a contract, the policyholder pays only 50% of the annual payment amount. If the insured event does not occur during the policy year, the car owner saves 50% insurance premium. If payment is necessary, Rosgosstrakh will compensate for the damage in full, but only after paying the remaining part of the contribution. The program is designed specifically to ensure that standard insurance against damage and theft with the condition of payments without taking into account wear and tear becomes as accessible as possible to all car owners.

What does Rosgosstrakh offer under the Mini CASCO insurance program? Let's consider the features of such a policy, the advantages and disadvantages of the insurance product, and the rules for issuing it in 2020.

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We list what risks protection is provided against and what conditions must be met in order to insure a car. Let us describe the main features that characterize insurance.

Thanks to motor transport insurance, you can protect yourself from unnecessary expenses and legal disagreements with Russian legislation.

When buying a car, a citizen must understand what the MTPL and CASCO policies are, and also choose the insurance company where the contract will be concluded.

What are the features of Mini CASCO insurance in Rosgosstrakh? To protect yourself from financial expenses that await the driver in the event of an unforeseen situation, it is worth insuring your car.

Therefore, it is advisable to purchase a policy that will provide protection against a number of risks. The Rosgosstrakh company has quite a lot of clients who insure their cars, and let’s find out why.

The company is a leader in the state insurance industry. The company has many branches that offer many insurance services (more than 55 insurance products).

Thanks to such diversity, products have become available and in demand in any region Russian Federation.

The main directions of Rosgosstrakh:

  • OSAGO;
  • CASCO;
  • DSAGO;
  • accident insurance;
  • life insurance;
  • medical insurance, etc.

The company has been operating in the insurance market for a long time and has good experience, colossal assets and insurance reserves.

Such excellent indicators arose due to the fact that the company is the direct successor of Gosstrakh.

Important points

If compulsory motor liability insurance is a mandatory type of vehicle insurance, then CASCO is voluntary insurance against damage, theft and theft.

What is it

Mini CASCO is a new term that has been used since 2006. Provides insurance only for the risk of damage, and the cost of such a policy is lower than CASCO.

We will consider further the specific features of such insurance using the example of a program offered by Rosgosstrakh.

Pros and cons

Pros of Mini CASCO:

  • you can insure your car against theft, accident, or other force majeure event;
  • it is possible to receive partial payment for tow trucks;
  • the depreciation (wear and tear) period is not taken into account when insurance money is transferred;
    indicators of the sum insured are static;
  • You can reimburse up to 75% of the cost of transport;
  • there are no difficulties in obtaining an insurance policy;
  • do not take into account the age and experience of the driver, as well as the performance of the car;
  • there is an opportunity to choose additional insurance;
  • no requirements are established regarding the storage of the vehicle;
    The insurance premium can be paid to;
  • Rosgosstrakh company has a wide network of dealer vehicle service stations throughout the Russian Federation.

Disadvantages of the policy:

Regulatory regulation

The rules of CASCO insurance are prescribed in legislation that was adopted by the authorities of the Russian Federation on November 27, 1992. But each insurance company makes its own additions and changes.

Auto protection under CASCO in Rosgosstrakh

Insurers offer clients the following insurance options:

  • compensation is paid in case of theft or if the car is recorded as lost;
  • insurance for accidents in which the car owner is at fault;
  • it is proposed to repair the car body or replace certain parts;
  • other cases.

It is worth knowing about the following features of the policy in Rosgosstrakh:

  1. You can receive a compensation payment for a separate risk - or for the risk of damage to a car, or insurance is provided for specific components of the car.
  2. You can choose 1 of 3 program options.
This is "Anticrisis" In which only transport is insured, which is not collateral and is not issued on credit. Compensation will be paid if the culprit of the accident is not a client of the company
The second option is “Mini” The essence of the program is that the person who took out the policy contributes the insurance amount of 50%. If an insured event does not occur within the period established by the agreement, the second part of the insured amount is not paid. Otherwise, the condition for receiving payment for the risk is to pay the remaining part of the insured amount
The “Protection” program is presented in 3 options They only insure foreign cars that are no more than 7 years old, as well as domestic cars that are up to 5 years old; insure foreign and domestic vehicles aged from 3 to 12 years; insure the same cars, but offering different conditions under the contract

Let's figure out what exactly attracts Mini CASCO insurance from Rosgosstrakh. The essence of the insurance program is that with minimal expenses, motorists can obtain a policy.

Feature – insurance is provided only for certain risks, which we will talk about later.

Innovation - the company makes an insurance payment if the car is damaged due to the fault of the person with whom the contract was concluded.

List of required documents

To purchase Mini CASCO, a citizen must prepare some documents. This:

  • passport;
  • vehicle registration certificate;
  • documentation for the car, which includes a vehicle passport, a car purchase agreement, certificates from customs, etc.;
  • old sample policy, if available;
  • registration documentation (if relevant);
  • documentation for the anti-theft system.

It is also necessary to carry out, the specialist will draw up the necessary act, on the basis of which the insurance amount will be determined.

Registration procedure

The insurance contract must be drawn up in writing. A number of information must be included in it:

  • information about the insurance company;
  • information about the person who wishes to purchase the policy;
  • information about the owner of the vehicle;
  • beneficiary data;
  • indicate which vehicle is insured (describe all characteristics);
  • they state within which territorial district the policy is valid;
  • describe each insurance risk;
  • reflect the cost and period during which the insurance will be valid;
  • information about each driver who has the right to drive a car;
  • other conditions that will be agreed upon by the insurer and the policyholder.

The second part of the agreement should reflect the rights and obligations of the parties, requirements for the object of insurance, and the rules that the parties must adhere to when terminating the contract.

Video: CASCO Rosgosstrakh

Describes actions in the event of an insured event. The contract must be drawn up on a form that is developed and approved by the insurance organization.

What risks does it protect against?

We list the risks against which you can insure:

  • from theft;
  • from the risk of getting into an accident involving 2 or more cars;
  • from fire;
  • from natural force majeure circumstances;
  • from falling through the ice;
  • from vehicle rollovers;
  • from damage to the car by a falling object;
  • from intentional damage to vehicles by third parties.

But the insurance premium will not be paid in this case:

  • it was recorded that the driver was drunk during the accident;
  • the damage to vehicles was intentional;
  • if it is discovered that the machine was faulty;
  • the car was driven by a person who was not included in the insurance;
  • The vehicle was used to teach a third person how to drive, or participated in auto racing;
  • occurred in a territory where the policy was not valid;
  • the car has a faulty part that had a manufacturing defect, or it is worn out;
  • The vehicle was used in a situation that is illegal;
  • the car was stolen due to the driver’s fault;
  • in case of minor scratch, damage or theft, which is not specified.

The rules govern all relationships that may arise between the company and the policyholder. This is, first of all:

  • conclusion and termination of an insurance contract;
  • rules of conduct during an insurance event;
  • determining the amount of the insurance premium and the amount of insurance compensation.

The rules must also include a complete list of exclusions from insured events, as well as a formula for calculating the premium for return in case of early termination of the agreement.

An insured event, according to the Insurance Rules, is considered to be damage to the car, its complete destruction or loss due to theft or theft. If additional equipment in the car, for example, an audio system, was insured, then its loss or damage will also be considered an insured event.

Reference! The basis for payment will be the insured car being involved in an accident, fire, flood, earthquake, hurricane, hail, heavy rain, or theft of the vehicle, its loss due to robbery or robbery.

An insured event under CASCO also includes illegal actions of third parties, including those aimed at theft of car parts, additional equipment(for example, theft, arson, explosion and much more).

Conditions for different programs

How to properly prepare documents for compensation?

To receive compensation, a package of documents is submitted that confirms the occurrence of an insured event. For the risk “Damage” the following must be provided:

  • policy;
  • certificate of accident in the established form;
  • a copy of the protocol on the administrative offense;
  • documents for the car and a copy of the passport.

From October 20, 2017, a certificate of an accident is no longer needed if the damage to the car is minor - simply fill out a notification of an accident and draw a diagram of the accident.

For the “Theft” risk, you will need to provide the same package, but instead of a certificate of an accident or notification, the following will be provided:

  1. A copy of the resolution to initiate a criminal case.
  2. Complete sets of key fobs, keys, cards for the car.

When are payments made?

After all the documents have been submitted, all that remains is to wait for the company’s decision. The response is provided within 25 days. This may be an agreement to pay or a reasoned refusal.

Form and amount of compensation

Compensation can be in the form of monetary compensation, in kind or in the form of a transfer to the service station account, which will carry out repairs. The third option is used most often. The amount of payment may be influenced by the wear rate, if provided for in the contract.

In Rosgosstrakh the norms are 20% for the 1st year, 12% for the 2nd and subsequent years. The amount depends on the calculation of damage based on average market prices for the services of stations and repairmen.

When is damage not compensated?

Sometimes the company refuses to compensate for damages under CASCO. This is possible, for example, if the client did not provide documents in full, if the damage is not confirmed in any way or does not fall under the concept of an insured event at all.

Policy renewal and verification

The CASCO agreement can be easily extended for a new term one month before its expiration. This can be done not only in the office, but also on. You need to find the “CASCO Extension” button and go through the following procedure:

  1. Online tariff calculation and ordering a policy (click the “Calculate” and “Submit Application” buttons).
  2. Wait for the manager to call and arrange a visit to the company.
  3. Come to the office and sign a new contract.

If you decide to renew your insurance before the end of the current break-even contract, then the car is usually not inspected. You can also check the payment status on the website in the “Insured event” section. You will need to enter your full name and payment case number in the “Payment Case Status” form. By clicking on the “Find out status” button, you will receive all the necessary information. By the way, this opportunity exists not only for owners of CASCO insurance, but also of OSAGO insurance.


The CASCO insurance rules from Rosgosstrakh govern all conditions for the provision of insurance coverage. This document needs to be studied especially carefully if you are choosing an expensive policy for a long period of time. In addition, you also need to check the text of the insurance contract and the correct indication of your personal data, make, model of the car and all other nuances that may affect the amount of payment or even the refusal of insurance compensation.

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