Mattress dependent and independent springs. Find out which mattresses are better: spring or springless

Choosing a mattress is a responsible matter. And recently it has become even more difficult. Even in this area, technology does not stand still, so more and more varieties are appearing. And basically they are all aimed at making your rest and sleep more comfortable. However, the most comfortable sleeping place at first glance can be harmful to health. Materials that are too soft are harmful to the spine, and this is especially dangerous for children. But the main question that arises when purchasing is which mattress to choose, spring or springless. Which one is better and how exactly they differ – let’s try to figure it out.

Types of spring mattresses

It is not enough to simply decide which mattress to choose - spring or springless. There are several varieties of each type.

Species spring mattresses determined by the design of the springs themselves.

  • The first type is products consisting of blocks. They are also called addicts. And another name is “Bonnel”, that is, continuous weaving. The essence of this design is that the springs are connected into a solid mesh. This manufacturing technology is the most ancient. Such products are inexpensive, but they have a significant drawback - all springs are of the same stiffness. Because of this, mattresses do not have any orthopedic properties. In addition, due to uneven load distribution, they quickly become unusable.
  • Another type is a mattress with independent springs. The parts are not interconnected, and each of them is additionally protected by a special coating. And although the springs in this version are made of the same materials as for Bonnell-type mattresses, they, as a rule, have a different diameter (slightly smaller) and the number of turns. In addition, the springs in such mattresses have different sizes and stiffness - in accordance with the structure of the human body. Depending on the area (head, arms, lower back, etc.), softer or harder springs are used.

Spring mattress design

Of course, if we consider a spring mattress, then it is these curls that form its basis. Convenience depends on the quality and technology of their manufacture. sleeping place and its service life. But when choosing such a product, it is also important to pay attention to its filling and cover.

  • Springs are “hidden” under coverings made of a variety of materials. But since the advantage of models with a Bonnel spring block is traditionally low cost, inexpensive artificial materials are most often used for the upper layers. For example, polyurethane foam. It has several varieties - artificial latex, which is distinguished by its flexibility and softness, and “Memorix” (or “Memoriform”), which can adapt to the human body and “remember” the individual characteristics of its structure.
  • But the rigidity is given by the materials used for the top and bottom layers. Since a small amount is required, more expensive natural raw materials can be used. One of the best is coconut coir.
  • Additionally, the mattress can be strengthened with a special frame.
  • The cover is also important - it provides additional protection for the sleeping area. Miss Clean magazine points out that it is better if the cover is non-removable - it holds the inner layers of the product more tightly.

Positive properties of a spring mattress

So, let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of spring models and immediately decide which mattress is better of these two types.

Positive aspects of Bonnell mattresses

  • Low cost. Compared to all other models, those consisting of dependent springs are not so expensive.
  • They are endowed with natural ventilation, since the springs are not covered with separate covers, as is the case with independent springs.
  • Large selection of models - this design is still the most popular, so it is easy to find mattresses in all sizes.

The positive aspects of mattresses with independent springs

  • They can consist of springs of various sizes and densities, distributed over different zones in accordance with the structure human body. Due to this, such mattresses are considered orthopedic.
  • All springs in them are packed in separate cases. Therefore, they do not touch each other and do not create squeaking noises that can interfere with a restful sleep.
  • Thanks to uniform distribution loads on springs of different sizes, such mattresses last much longer than Bonnell models.
  • These models also have a larger number of springs, which provides better body support.

Disadvantages of a spring mattress

But, despite all these positive aspects, such products are far from ideal and have a number of disadvantages.

Let's start with the Bonnel design.

  • Due to the same size of the springs and the fact that they are interconnected, these models do not have any orthopedic properties and can even cause back pain. The consequences are even worse for children of preschool and school age - their posture has not yet formed, and such mattresses can cause poor posture.
  • Regardless of the quality of workmanship, all these models gradually begin to creak due to the friction of the springs connected together.

There are also disadvantages to the design of independent springs.

  • Their cost is higher than that of Bonnell. And some models cost more than springless mattresses.
  • They are very sensitive to stress. It is clear that in no case should they be loaded more than what is established by the manufacturers. In addition, jumping on such mattresses is strictly prohibited. One time is enough to significantly reduce the service life of the model. But keeping children away from such entertainment is quite problematic.
  • Also, air exchange within the structure itself is limited.

So, which mattress is better if we consider only spring mattresses? In this case, it is worth choosing models with separate springs.

Now let's try to figure out which mattresses are better - spring or springless. To do this, let’s look at what integral models are. They can be divided into two groups.

Springless mattresses made of artificial materials

The most commonly used is polyurethane foam and its individual varieties.

  • Artificial latex. The principle of its design is reminiscent of mattresses with independent springs. The cells that make up this material have different sizes. And they are located in random order. This distinguishes it from conventional polyurethane foam, the cells of which are the same size and ordered. Thanks to this device, the load is evenly distributed across different cells, which increases the wear resistance of the material.
  • Another type is “Memorix”, or “Memoriform”. The peculiarity of this material is its ability to change shape under the influence of heat and gravity of the human body. At the same time, the changes last longer than with latex.

Springless mattresses made from natural materials

Mattresses made from natural materials can be considered the complete opposite of the models described above. They are not so soft, they do not change shape, adapting to the human body. Is this good or bad? Let’s look at it below. In the meantime, let's study what raw materials are used to make different models.

  • Coconut coir is the most common option. Most often it is used in combination with latex.
  • Seaweed.
  • Horsehair.

Positive properties of a springless mattress

And again, to understand which mattress is the best, natural or artificial, we will separately consider the advantages and disadvantages of each type.

The best aspects of non-natural materials:

  • their price is lower than that of natural analogues;
  • wide variety when choosing models;
  • as a rule, such products are quite soft, and even if you choose a model with a high density, modern technologies give the materials the ability to adapt to the human body;
  • Such mattresses are convenient to transport.

Natural materials also have many positive qualities.

  • A hard sleeping place may seem uncomfortable to you, but this is precisely what determines its orthopedic properties. Firm mattresses prevent you from taking uncomfortable positions that can lead to spinal deformation. Therefore, products with natural fillings are often chosen for children.
  • These materials are the most durable and resistant to stress; the weight limit for them is much higher. They can serve for about twenty years.
  • Mattresses made from these materials do not creak.
  • They do not absorb unpleasant odors.
  • They are impregnated with special compounds that stop the spread of bacteria.

Disadvantages of a springless mattress

It is worth noting that springless products are also not without drawbacks.

Disadvantages of non-natural materials

  • They are often not tough enough. And the fact that they change their shape only aggravates the problem. This “convenience” allows you to take the most unnatural positions while lying in bed. And this is harmful for posture - over time, back pain may occur.
  • The service life of polyurethane foam is reduced by exposure to sunlight.
  • Contact with liquid will also not do him any good.
  • Some people notice that polyurethane foam filling causes them headaches, nausea, and drowsiness. This is due to the possible release of harmful substances from the material.

Cons of coconut coir

  • Its price is very high. And finding models that meet the parameters you need is not so easy.
  • Due to its hardness, it becomes difficult to transport to another location. Although there are thin mattress covers made of this material, which can be used to cover ordinary mattresses.
  • There may be discomfort that you will feel for some time.


So, you wondered which mattresses (spring, springless) are better to buy - and the authors of the Miss Clean website tried to help you make your choice. All products have their advantages and disadvantages. Whether to choose a spring or springless mattress depends only on your characteristics and preferences.

If we talk about health benefits, then springless models are the undisputed leader. And not all of them - but only those made from natural raw materials. For example, from coconut coir. But not all adults are ready to give up a soft sleeping place in favor of a hard product. And if you realize possible consequences, then you can also purchase a mattress with springs. In this case, you should give preference to more modern models.

Buying a mattress is not as simple as it seems. Ideally, it is better to consult a physiotherapist before choosing, because the surface on which a person sleeps can affect his well-being. For example, if the mattress is chosen incorrectly, back pain may occur, because people spend one third of their lives in bed.

A surface that is too hard can compress blood vessels, while a surface that is too soft can cause the spine to bend excessively.

Which mattress is better to choose: spring or springless, how they differ, what types there are and what to look for when buying - we will consider these questions in this article.

Which mattress is better: spring or springless, hard or soft?

The production of mattresses today is a very well-developed industry, which offers us many options for its products, ranging from the simplest to “smart” models that can be controlled from a smartphone. At the same time, we can remotely set it to a sitting position, turn on the massage function, and even use the mattress instead of an alarm clock by programming the massage to turn on at a certain time. In our article we will look at ordinary models, not luxury ones, intended for wide consumption, their advantages and disadvantages.

A person spends almost one third of his life in bed, which is approximately 2300 hours a year. The quality of sleep depends on many factors, including where we sleep. Sleeping for a long time on an uncomfortable bed does not guarantee good rest.

The surface on which we sleep must be consistent with our weight, the condition of the spine, and our preferred sleeping position. Choosing the right model is a decision that affects the quality of life. An unsuitable sleeping surface can cause many diseases. After eight hours spent on a poor surface, the muscles become tense and aching pain may appear in the back. When sleeping on our sides, we especially feel the effects of the wrong surface, including in the shoulders and pelvis. To prevent these phenomena from occurring, the physiotherapists involved in the development modern models, indicate to manufacturers how to adjust the distribution of hardness zones in the mattress in those places where the body presses heavily on a surface (for example, the hips).

There is no rule that says that a firm mattress, spring or springless, will be healthier for the spine. Healthy is one that is properly harmonized with the body. It would be better to have a spring or springless mattress that perfectly adapts to the body of the person lying on it - the shoulders and hips fall slightly into it, due to which the body comes into contact with the entire surface of the mattress.

And if the model is chosen incorrectly, unpleasant sensations may arise:

  • a mattress that is too hard does not provide sufficient support for the spine, since in this case the muscles have little rest and constantly work to maintain correct posture;
  • a surface that is too hard supports the body only in a few places and compresses blood vessels, which can cause numbness in the fingers and toes;
  • a surface that is too soft causes the spine to bend excessively.

Which mattress is better to buy - spring or springless, and whether the chosen option is suitable for us can be checked by lying on it in two positions:

In the supine position, the hips should sink slightly into the mattress so that the spine creates a curved line reminiscent of the number “5”, as shown in the figure below:

After lying in the store for a few minutes, we can evaluate whether the chosen model is suitable for us. However, some manufacturers allow you to exchange this product even after several days of use.

Which mattress to choose based on a person’s height and weight?

The heavier a person is, the harder the surface on which he sleeps should be. The hardness of the mattress is marked with the symbol H with the corresponding number:

  • H2 – medium-hard mattresses;
  • H3 – hard;
  • H4 - the toughest.

For a person weighing about 100 kg or more, the most recommended models are H4 hardness. For people weighing 60-100 kg, H3 will be suitable; for small children, it is better to choose a medium-hard model. But it may happen, however, that big man It will be more comfortable on a medium mattress, and a small woman will rest better on a hard surface. Therefore, in case of doubt, we can recommend choosing a double-sided model with two degrees of rigidity, for example H3 / H4.

Human height is also important. U tall people The weight is distributed over a larger area and the mattress performs better. Various models, as a rule, have 190 or 200 cm in length. But it should be remembered that best model will have a length greater than a person's height by at least 20 cm.

For couples who sleep in the same bed and have a large difference in weight, it is better to choose a combination of two mattresses of varying degrees of hardness to improve sleep comfort. Then it will be possible to avoid the problem of the mattress sinking or a smaller person sleeping on a firmer model purchased with a heavier person in mind.

The easiest way to finally check which mattress is better is to lie on your side and analyze your sensations in the humerus and hips: if a person feels a lot of pressure in these places, this means that the chosen type is not comfortable enough for him.

The hardness and degree of resistance to weight of each model is checked in factories using special machines. For example, a wooden beam weighing 140-200 kg is lowered onto a mattress, which is imprinted on the mattress again and again and “travels” along and across its area. The test is repeated tens of thousands of times. The machines also measure the degree of air permeability through different layers and elasticity.

Mattresses are classified according to their manufacturing technology, as well as the flexibility that can be achieved as a result of using a particular technology. For example, Bonel type mattresses are characterized by flat flexibility. This means that the weight of a sleeping person deforms the entire surface with the greatest slope at the point of pressure of the body. Therefore, they cannot adapt to curved body lines.

Products with independent spring blocks and springless latex mattresses made from thermoplastic material have point flexibility. All mattresses that have this flexibility are considered more comfortable because they conform to the body's shape better. The image below shows the difference in mattress flexibility.

Which orthopedic mattress is better: spring or springless?

Manufacturers are using more and more every year modern technologies, but still the main division covers two main groups: spring and springless mattresses. Spring models are much more popular than more expensive springless mattresses with modern fillers. Let's look at their main varieties, as well as their advantages and disadvantages.

These are the cheapest traditional models with a Bonell spring block - in them the springs are located side by side. Their location makes them resistant to heavy loads; they are suitable for people with both high and low weight. The springs are made of wire having a diameter of 2.2 mm.


  • long service life;
  • low weight;
  • low price;
  • good for very heavy people;
  • good price-quality/durability ratio.


  • flat flexibility;
  • the effect of a lighter person falling into a depression created by a heavier person.

In them, the springs can be grouped into small blocks or each spring can be in a separate cell, and they can only connect to each other at certain points.

This design makes it easier for the surface to adapt to changing pressure, so it is well suited for a double bed on which two people of different weights sleep.

This design eliminates the noise of the bending spring. Movable connections of the springs with each other allow each of them to work independently of the others. With this solution, the mattress adapts better to the shape of the body. This model has point flexibility.

As a rule, springs have a diameter of 5 cm, while 1 sq.m includes about 350 units. There is a type of mattress called multipockett (with spring diameter: 3 cm, and spring density 1000 pieces/sq.m). This is a mattress with increased point flexibility. The differences in stiffness are obtained by using a wire spring with two different wire diameters - 1.6 or 1.8 mm.


  • point flexibility;
  • rehabilitation properties (muscle relaxation, improved blood circulation);
  • it is easy to choose the optimal stiffness;
  • quiet spring compression;
  • good ventilation;
  • good price-convenience-ease of use ratio.
  • fragility of the cell blocks in which the springs are located (over time, the fabric of the cells wears out);
  • they cannot be placed in a vertical position and sit on the edge (the springs are easily deformed);
  • heavy weight;
  • Lack of handles in large sizes.

The maximum width of BONELL mattresses and models with independent spring blocks is 160 cm. Models with a width of 180 cm or more additionally use polyurethane foam on the sides.

These models are made of thermoelastic foam. The technology was developed half a century ago in NASA laboratories. It is better for lighter people to sleep on them - their structure bends more easily under the weight of the body. Well suited for people who have problems with blood circulation, get cold easily, as well as for the elderly.


  • the foam reacts to body pressure and, under the influence of heat, adapts to it; if there are two people in bed, the surface isolates the movements of each of them;
  • excellent for rehabilitation and orthopedic beds;
  • have no odor;
  • do not retain moisture;
  • have antibacterial properties;
  • have antiallergic properties.

The main disadvantage of this material and products made from it is the high price.

Latex models have a very high level comfort, ensuring a restful, healthy sleep. They are equipped with a cartridge made of latex and rubber milk, called natural latex (minimum 20%). Holes in the latex provide continuous ventilation and spot-on surface flexibility.

Latex supports the entire body evenly, as it is very flexible and optimally adapts to the shape of the body in any position. At the same time, the material is characterized by a high degree of strength. The symbols H2 and H3 indicate the density of the latex. The H2 symbol means that the product is intended for people weighing up to 80 kg, and for those weighing more than 80 kg, a product with the H3 symbol is recommended.


  • excellent point flexibility;
  • there is no need to turn over periodically;
  • very elastic;
  • recommended for people with scoliosis, have rehabilitation properties;
  • good thermal insulation;
  • hygienic;
  • can be disinfected with steam.
  • not suitable for people with excessive sweating;
  • high weight;
  • odor (up to 3 months can be intense);
  • Not suitable for people with latex allergies.

Operation and care

Research by scientists at the University Hospital in Manchester has shown that during sleep, the body produces about 100 liters of sweat over the course of a year, which is absorbed into bedding and mattresses. Sweat creates ideal conditions for the growth of mold, bacteria and fungi. Thus, even good quality It is advisable to replace the mattress after 10 years of use, and cheap models even earlier.

The growth of bacteria can be slowed down by taking proper care of your mattress.

  • The basic principle is that the mattress cannot lie directly on a solid base. It should be placed on slats that will guarantee it sufficient ventilation.
  • It is also important to turn your mattress regularly. Thus, it wears out evenly, while the springs work with the same pressure on both sides, and their deformation does not occur due to body weight. It is advisable to turn it over at least twice a year, from left to right and in the head-to-foot direction.

Experts say that the mattress determines sleep comfort by 70 percent. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right suitable model. If you have your own opinion on the question of which mattress is better - spring or springless, you can leave reviews about specific models in the comments to this article.

Today in any store you can find many types and types of mattresses, and they have many more differences than common qualities, so choosing something just right can be quite difficult. Modern industry leaves consumers no choice but to study the question of which mattress is better to choose, spring or springless, thoroughly, understanding the subtleties and nuances so that it best meets all requirements, lasts a long time, and most importantly, is completely safe and does not pose a threat for the health of the person who will sleep on it.

General information: which mattresses are better, spring or springless?

A person’s state of health, mood, and even performance largely depends on how well he got a good night’s sleep. Our body, alas, is far from perfect, so it needs quite a long rest to return to normal, and in this the bed on which a person is accustomed to sleep plays a huge role. Moreover, more than seventy percent of healthy sleep will depend on the mattress that is used, and if it does not provide adequate comfort and convenience, then it is better to get a new one, otherwise overwork will definitely not be avoided, and sometimes even worse problems arise.

Need to understand

Experts say that over ten years of using a mattress, it can become ten kilograms heavier. But where does this come from? overweight, how does it accumulate and what does this even mean for someone who will sleep on this mattress? In fact, the mattress collects the remnants of keratinized skin particles that have fallen off from us, dirt, dust, debris, mites, and, as they say, for starters, toxic products of their vital activity. That is why it is recommended to change mattresses at least once every ten years, but it is better, of course, much more often.

When figuring out which mattress is better, spring or springless, you must first understand the types and types of these products on the market. The assortment can really surprise anyone, and the cost can be really minimal, such budget options, and quite high, and this factor is also worth paying attention to, especially in our rather difficult times.

Rating of mattresses with independent springs 2017: only the best for you

To finally figure out which orthopedic mattress is better, spring or springless, we have specially compiled an impromptu rating that will clarify not only some of the nuances, but also present an opinion ordinary people, as well as experts, since it was formed precisely thanks to sociological research.

1. Planear model from the domestic company Atmosphera

The factory for the production of these mattresses has been operating on the domestic market since 92 of the last century. Over all this time, it has secured a consistently high reputation and also earned the trust of users. This model is the most popular, it has medium hardness and is also environmentally friendly pure composition components, for example, horsehair, sisal, latex and so on.

Such mattresses are made through a combination of unique manual assembly, as well as innovative automated lines. It is equipped with a removable cover that is easy and simple to wash, and it is produced depending on the weight of the consumer. The warranty can range from three to ten years, and the only drawback is the high cost.

The price of the Atmosphere Planear mattress on the manufacturer’s website ranges from 17-20 thousand rubles.

2. Belarusian mattress Vegas 20 euroLATEX Oeko-Tex ISO

Another popular manufacturer of mattresses with independent spring blocks, the Belarusian company with the amusing name “Vegas,” has also found its niche in the market by releasing many excellent models, including Vegas 20. All products of this company are made exclusively from pure and safe materials, they have all the declared orthopedic properties, and have also been certified for all possible indicators. Moreover, components for mattresses are brought from Lithuania and Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, and so on.

The factory provides a warranty period of only three years for this mattress model, but in fact they last much longer. Moreover, without losing its unique qualities and properties at all. True, the cost of such a mattress, depending on the size, can be quite high, which many consider its main drawback.

The cost of the Vegas 20 euroLATEX Oeko-Tex ISO model starts at 19 thousand rubles.

3. Excellent domestic mattress Optima Mix EVS500 from the Ormatek company

In fact, the production of the Ormatek company has been providing the country with high-quality and in-demand products for more than fifteen years, and this model is far from an exception. It is not by chance that this model was included in our rating of mattresses with independent springs, since it already has a more affordable price, and the quality is consistently high.

All mattresses in this collection have anti-allergenic properties, are equipped with unique SmartSpring spring blocks, and have up to fifteen hardness zones. In addition, such mattresses have a warranty period of two to seven years.

The price of the Ormatek Optima Mix EVS500 mattress is 11-12 thousand rubles.

Rating of springless mattresses of various levels of hardness

If you are seriously thinking about which mattress is better, spring or latex, you should also consider springless models, which are confidently gaining popularity in the market today due to their truly outstanding qualities and properties. They are much cheaper, and their service life is longer than models with springs.

1. Domestic soft Compact Effect Low mattress from Askona

This model is truly unique in its own way, as it has a special version of orthopedic support, a system called MULTIZONE, which is a monolithic layer of latex that has different levels of density. This ensures ideal support for the spine during night sleep or daytime rest.

This mattress is quite durable, it is easy to clean and wash, as it has a unique Buona coating that perfectly protects the surface from abrasion. However, the maximum load for such a mattress is small, only ninety kilograms, so for more obese people you will have to look for something else.

The average cost of an Askona Compact Effect Low mattress is 4.2-4.5 thousand rubles.

2. Springless mattress of medium hardness "Eco-Flex" from the company "Ormatek"

This mattress is quite comfortable and practical, and it is also quite affordable for almost all categories of buyers. This model is made from a single piece of innovative polyurethane foam, which provides high-quality support for the body, protection from dust mites, as well as from harmful products of their vital activity. The quilted synthetic jacquard cover is easy to wash and is quite durable.

Such models are delivered rolled up, and the maximum weight of a person who is recommended to sleep on it should also not exceed nine tens of kilograms. However, there are some drawbacks, and at first you will notice a rather pungent, characteristic odor, which will fade over time. It is optimal to start using it a week after purchase, not earlier.

The price of “Ormatek Eco-Flex” of the “Eco” series ranges from 3.5 to 4 thousand rubles.

3. Rigid orthopedic springless Toris MagicSleep Kontrast from the Fusion series

This unique mattress ended up in third place in our impromptu rating only because it has a fairly high cost, but this is not by chance. The whole point is that it uses new technology ErgoFoam, which is a monolithic block of latex coconut fiber, as well as a seven-zone design with different levels of material density. The orthopedic qualities of this model are truly excellent, and they do not deteriorate at all over the years.

All mattresses leave the factory in vacuum packaging, with the exception of the size two by two meters, but you should know that storing them in a rolled form is only permissible for three months. This mattress can withstand a load of up to one hundred and thirty kilograms, which is already significantly more than in previous versions.

The cost of such a Toris MagicSleep Kontrast Fusion mattress is from 7 to 9 thousand rubles.

Classic models: spring or springless mattress, which is better?

It is worth saying that traditional mattresses, equipped with spring blocks that are familiar to us, which can be dependent or independent, have been produced for more than one hundred and twenty, or even one hundred and fifty years.

  • The most common and cheapest type is dependent springs, in which they are all woven into a single structure. There may be a gasket on top various materials, as well as a cover. Such mattresses soon sag, begin to creak, holes form on them and it becomes impossible to sleep. But the price allows you to purchase a new one without much expense.
  • The second option is independent spring block when each spring is packed in a bag specially made for it. Such mattresses are of much higher quality, they almost never creak and there will be no dents or potholes on their surface. This type of mattress is often orthopedic.
  • Springless mattresses do not have a rigid structure, but consist of a filler and a cover. For example, it could be ordinary polyurethane or foam rubber, or maybe horsehair, coconut coir, latex, and even buckwheat husk.

Reviews will help you figure out which mattress is better, spring or springless, as many have shared their own opinions. Therefore, it is worth separately discussing the advantages and disadvantages of mattresses on the market, so as not to make a mistake when choosing.

Advantages and disadvantages: which mattress is better, spring or polyurethane foam?

When thinking about which mattress to choose, spring or springless, you should definitely evaluate all their unique advantages and disadvantages, so that you don’t regret your choice later. Moreover, there are not so few such nuances, so you need to devote enough time to this, however, they are all obvious, so you are unlikely to get confused.

  • In spring versions of mattresses, a huge amount of dust and other debris always accumulates, which can adversely affect our health, and where there is garbage, waste and dust, dust mites are sure to appear. These insects simply cannot live in coconut fibers, polyurethane or latex.
  • High-quality springless models dry out well due to their special porous structure, and moisture inside a regular spring mattress can lead to corrosion of metal springs.
  • All spring models are equipped with metal parts that collect static electricity, which, to put it mildly, is not useful for the human body.
  • Spring dependent mattresses involve people rolling towards the center or edge of the bed, while with independent blocks they are of better quality in this regard. Springless ones better support the body, bending just where it is needed, no more.

So the choice is which better mattress, with or without springs, is quite transparent. All spring options have their own disadvantages, but their cost is much lower. Mattresses with independent spring blocks are much better, they are of higher quality and are able to ensure the absence of the “hammock effect”, and mattresses without springs generally have an enviable orthopedic effect. However, the cost of the latter can be prohibitive, but health is the most important thing, right?

We simplify the choice of mattress: spring or springless

When choosing a mattress, you should evaluate not only its unique advantages, but also ensure that the disadvantages do not turn out to be critical, this is a fact. In addition, it is definitely worth considering simple tips professionals who know exactly which models are best to avoid, so as not to regret later wasted funds.

  • You shouldn’t waste your time on small things and buy mattresses from manufacturers that no one has ever heard of, anywhere. Even if they were described to you as the most advanced, just look for the names on the Internet. If they are not there, it is better to bypass such a model.
  • Make sure that orthopedic mattresses equipped with an inspection zipper, which will allow you to protect yourself from counterfeiting. Unscrupulous manufacturers often replace more expensive materials declared as filler with cheaper ones.
  • If you hear a persistent chemical odor from the mattress, you should once again inquire about its quality. Make sure that the mattress has all the certificates of conformity, otherwise your sleep may turn into a cruel nightmare.

One more piece of good advice, as they say, “for starters”: never be fooled by cheapness, like the notorious priest from the old fairy tale. If you are offered a model from a well-known company at a bargain price, you should think about where such a discount could come from. By definition, a quality item cannot cost a pittance, since high-quality materials and new technologies are quite expensive for the manufacturer.

Spring mattresses are still more popular than springless models. But the question of which spring mattress is better to choose, which company to give preference to, often remains open. We offer you rating of the best spring mattress manufacturers We hope this will make your search easier.

When choosing a good spring orthopedic mattress, buyers give preference to models with an independent spring block. “Price Expert” listened to their opinion; the rating presents as examples the most popular models of each manufacturer with an independent spring block.

Criteria for choosing a good spring mattress

Spring block. The independent one wins - the mattress will sag only in the place where you are currently lying.

Rigidity. The criterion depends on your preferences and needs. In any case, you need to try out the mattress before you buy it. The myth that you need to sleep on a hard mattress is just a myth.

Materials. Give preference to natural hypoallergenic materials, since you spend almost half the day on the mattress.

Rating of the best spring mattresses according to the Price Expert

Company name

Approximate price range for spring mattresses 90*200

Country of origin


5000-26500 rub.

Brand No. 1 in Russia

10 out of 10

16000-50120 rub.


European quality certificates and natural materials

9.9 out of 10


5000-57700 rub.

Innovative technologies

9.9 out of 10

8000-23000 rub.

Best price-quality ratio

9.8 out of 10


13000-45200 rub.

A combination of machine and manual assembly of mattresses

9.8 out of 10


2500-20000 rub.

The best mattresses in the budget segment

9.8 out of 10

Let's get to know our winners better:

manufacturer of mattresses No. 1 in Russia


The photo shows a popular medium-hard mattress with an independent spring block Askona Balance Forma.

Price on the manufacturer's website- 7210 rub.

The company has been operating in the Russian and Western European markets for more than 20 years. "Ascona" received the Russian People's Award "Mark No. 1" according to the results of a nationwide Russian vote in 2011 and 2013 in the category “Mattresses for healthy sleep.”

The range of orthopedic mattresses exceeds 800 models of various contents and price categories. Askona owns a special collection of Mediflex mattresses, recommended for the complex treatment and prevention of diseases of the spine and musculoskeletal system.

Advantages of Ascona spring mattresses:

  • a huge variety of models with dependent and independent spring blocks;
  • wide price range, for a small price you can choose an excellent mattress;
  • anti-allergenic mattresses;
  • warranty - from 18 months to 5 years.

Flaws: not found.

From reviews of Ascona spring mattresses:

“The best spring mattress we have ever had - it doesn’t squeak, it doesn’t sag, there are no dents from lying or sitting, it looks like new. In 3 years we have never regretted our purchase.”

“We’ve had this mattress for two months now, it’s not long enough to talk about all its advantages and disadvantages, but so far I haven’t noticed any disadvantages, only advantages. Every morning we wake up rested!”

the best Belarusian spring mattresses
with European quality certificates

Photo: xn-----6kcarfgwrqroabgmkiqhs5r.xn--p1ai

The photo shows the popular Vegas 20 medium-hard mattress with a block of independent springs.

Price on the manufacturer's website- 19080 rub.

The Belarusian company "Vegas" confirmed the quality of its products with certificates euroLATEX(European latex quality), Oeko-Tex(health safety and hygiene of textiles, spring blocks and orthopedic mattress fillers), ISO(compliance with standards regarding care for nature in the production process, rational use of energy).

Vegas uses raw materials and components from well-known European suppliers (Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Lithuania).


  • variety of sizes, non-standard mattresses, the length/width of which does not exceed 200 cm, are manufactured at no extra charge;
  • anti-allergenic mattresses;
  • high quality and excellent materials;
  • Warranty on mattresses - 3 years.



“The mattress bends normally under my shape, but the springs themselves are not felt at all. I’m glad that I didn’t succumb to the stereotypes that a hard mattress is good for the back, but chose one that is really comfortable for me.”

“Nowadays it is very difficult to buy a truly high-quality item, even for a lot of money. But the Vegas company did not betray my trust, for which I thank them very much.”

Ormatek - innovative technologies and constant movement forward


The photo shows a popular medium-hard spring mattress based on a block of independent springs, Ormatek Optima Mix EVS500.

Price on the manufacturer's website I - 11,500 rub.

The Ormatek company has been operating in Russia since 2001 and occupies 20% of the mattress market in the country. A wide range of products and various characteristics of manufactured mattresses have allowed Ormatek to take a strong position in Russia and abroad.

The SmartSpring spring block has 15 zones of rigidity and perfectly follows the contours of the body. The Ormatek company owns the production of a record-breaking mattress, listed in the Russian Book of Records - 114 sq.m.


  • wide range spring mattresses and a huge variety of fillings;
  • warranty on mattresses - from 2 to 7 years depending on the collection;
  • anti-allergenic mattresses;
  • high quality and comfort of mattresses.


  • price.

From reviews of Ormatek spring mattresses:

“Sleeping seemed a little rough at first (5 days), but then the body adapted. Sleeping is a pleasure, you wake up with a rested back and cheerful.”

“The best spring mattress is incredibly comfortable, does not sink, does not wrinkle or lose shape, and is well made. There are no foreign odors from it. After a regular mattress, the difference is unreal.”

Perrino spring mattresses - the best price-quality ratio


In the photo - a popular medium-hard premium model Perrino Origant with independent block springs

Price from the manufacturer's website - 13,590 rubles.

The Russian company Perrino began its work in 2006. Uses high-quality European components (Germany, Italy, Belgium). Production is located in Kaliningrad - free economic zone, therefore prices for Perrino mattresses are lower compared to other Russian companies.

All mattresses of the company comply with GOST requirements.


  • own high-quality European equipment;
  • affordable prices;
  • high quality, comfort and natural materials;
  • Warranty on mattresses - 2 years.


From reviews of spring mattressesPerrino:

“Unlike other companies, they do not require additional payment for zippers. You can always see if they slipped you foam rubber instead of latex. And the price is 15 thousand lower compared to the same mattresses from other manufacturers.”

“There was a slight smell like any new thing, but not for long. The mattress is quite comfortable. At the moment I am completely satisfied.”

Atmosphere spring mattresses - a combination of machine and manual assembly


The photo shows the popular Atmosphere Planear mattress of medium hardness with an independent spring block.

Price on the official website of the manufacturer- 17,700 rub.

The Atmosphere factory has been operating since 1992. In the manufacture of mattresses, “green” European technologies are used, which involve only the most environmentally friendly natural materials: horsehair, latex, sisal, cotton and others.

The main feature of Atmosphere mattresses is the production technology, which is unusual combination advanced scientific developments and invaluable manual assembly experience.


  • high quality and natural materials;
  • removable cover that is easy to wash;
  • mattresses are anti-allergenic, this effect is also achieved by the content of bamboo fibers;
  • prevention of spinal diseases;
  • manufactured specifically for the buyer’s weight;
  • warranty - from 3 to 10 years


  • price.

From reviews of spring mattressesAtmosphere:

“We decided to buy a spring mattress from this particular company, because its characteristics are not inferior to expensive mattresses from advertised companies. For this price we could have bought much worse.”

“Atmosphere mattresses are made with the utmost care because they are made by hand rather than by machine. It became very easy to wake up in the morning, the spring mattress is the best!”

Velam - manufacturer of the best inexpensive spring mattresses


The photo shows the popular medium-hard Velam “Seventh Heaven” model with an independent spring block.

Price on the manufacturer's website- 8500 rub.

The Ukrainian company Velam has been operating in the mattress market since 1991. Repeatedly became the winner of Ukrainian and international competitions(since 2010 - “Industry Leader” in Ukraine, “Best Enterprise of Ukraine” in 2010, “Recognition of the Year” - 2012, etc.), has a number of quality certificates, including ISO, EMRC (Belgium) - for high quality products.

The Velam mattress collection consists of four series - Baby, Standard, Lux, Premium. Thanks to reasonable prices and excellent quality, the company is becoming increasingly popular not only in Ukraine, but also abroad.


  • high quality, confirmed by numerous awards, excellent materials, convenience;
  • wide range of spring mattresses;
  • great prices;
  • anti-allergenic mattresses;
  • Warranty for mattresses - 18 months.


  • not a very well-known manufacturer in Russia.

From reviews of Velam spring mattresses:

“I am very pleased with my Velam mattress. We have been using it for more than 6 years, and although we travel quite a lot at home and abroad, we have not yet found a better spring mattress.”

“I bought a “Strong” spring mattress for myself, and a “Sapphire” for my child. We've been using it for two years now. Finally, normal sleep, my back is resting. The quality is the best and the price is reasonable.”

Which spring mattress is better to buy?

You should always choose a mattress exclusively for yourself and for yourself. Therefore, even after deciding on the brand or model of mattress, try it in the salon so as not to be disappointed at home. The rigidity and filling of the mattress are selected individually.

"Price Expert" wishes you great shopping and peaceful dreams!

Human life consists of many activities and events that fill the days, but most of the total time is spent sleeping. In fact, people spend up to a third of their lives in bed, which is quite a lot to think about the quality of sleep. Moreover, if we take into account the fact that sleep also affects other, equally important aspects, such as productivity at work, good mood, interpersonal relationships and physical fitness. So thinking about sleep and its quality is not only useful, but also vital.

Which mattress to choose - spring or springless?

Possibilities modern society let us think that choosing a comfortable mattress is extremely easy. It’s easy to understand why - there are so many models that offer everything (advertising, salespeople, consultants, websites, etc.) that it’s quite difficult to even list them. But, nevertheless, not every person even knows that there are several types of mattresses. In the same way, few people think about the dependence of health on sleep - it is quite difficult to fully rest.

In addition, insomnia caused by an incorrectly chosen, uncomfortable mattress is quite common. Below we will describe several rules, following which you can choose the right option.

What types of mattresses are there?

All discussions about types of furniture come down to one simple question: “Which mattress is better - spring or polyurethane foam?” Naturally, such extravagance as a water or inflatable element should not be dismissed either. But you need to remember that not every person is able to sleep normally on it. In addition, a water mattress can be very uncomfortable due to difficulties in use, and an inflatable mattress is quite fragile, although it is ideal for careful storage and use during the next influx of guests. Most buyers focus on the first two types.

Spring mattresses

This type appeared one of the first and has not yet lost its popularity. This can be explained by the fact that quite a lot of doctors strongly recommend that their patients sleep on such mattresses. True, you should choose a model with a large number of springs. This love of orthopedists is, in principle, justified, since their patients really feel relief after resting on such a bed.

Spring ones, in turn, are divided into two more subtypes - mattresses with an independent spring block or with a dependent one.

Dependent spring block

This model is based on double-cone springs. These springs are fastened together by a frame. These are the mattresses that can most often be found on the market.

Their main advantages are a fairly low price and, again, sufficient orthopedic properties - this was said earlier, and this is what arouses the love of both orthopedists and buyers. Spring mattresses with a dependent block can withstand significant loads.

They have many disadvantages, such as a tendency to rust and deformation. The first of two reasons leads to a limited service life. The second one can lead to squeaks, which does not make your sleep more comfortable. Also, the fabrics from which a spring mattress is made successfully accumulate everything that gets there - from dust to microbes, and sometimes small insects. In addition, after many years of service (and sometimes short-lived ones), you may find that the mattress begins to sag.

Products with independent block

An independent spring unit is a much more modern invention than its dependent counterpart. The main innovation here is that each of the springs used is packaged in a separate fabric bag during production.

It is this difference that makes spring mattresses the owners of a whole host of advantages - from noiselessness (since specially packaged springs do not creak) to durability. Such products last much longer than their analogues. They also provide a much better orthopedic effect, and the price is not that much different. This explains the fact that spring mattresses receive positive user reviews.


This is an even more modern invention; we can say that the springless type is a creation of the twenty-first century. They differ from spring ones in that they use a completely different filler. For example, most popular models today use options such as horsehair, sea grass, coconut fibers, and sometimes even foam rubber or latex.

As a result, you get a complete absence of any squeaks (and even an independent spring mattress can begin to squeak), much greater comfort. In addition, the benefits include the sympathy of doctors. These mattresses are much better than their counterparts and are suitable for people who suffer from back problems. This design evenly supports your body during sleep, which prevents numbness, constricted blood vessels, cramps or numbness.

Of course, such mattresses also have disadvantages. For example, high price. Of course, you can find a small mattress filled with foam rubber cheaply, or rather for the price of spring products, but a high-quality and large mattress may simply not be affordable for many. Moreover, there are difficulties with adaptation - not every person can immediately and easily sleep on such a bed, especially if it is water or inflatable (these two types are also often classified as springless).

Orthopedic mattress - what is special?

Even after you have been able to answer the question of which mattress to choose - spring or springless, there are still other points that are also quite important. For example, do you need a special orthopedic mattress?

Orthopedic mattresses are special designs that are aimed at keeping the spine in its natural position. That is, the material must be able to adapt to every natural bend of the ridge. This position does not allow the bones of the spine to bend, and many vessels and veins in those places do not become compressed. The existing advantages are obvious. The problem is that orthopedic mattresses are expensive. In addition, these are mostly springless models - only the best spring mattresses can provide the same effect. Although even the most expensive options are cheaper than springless ones (at least, also the most expensive).

Who needs orthopedic models?

The most obvious answer is for people who suffer from back pain, suffer from spinal diseases, etc. And this is really true. Such people simply will not be able to rest properly if they have to sleep on a regular mattress. So this is not a whim, but a necessity. It is worth remembering that the use of ordinary mattresses can be fraught not only with problems with blood circulation and sleep, but also with more serious diseases such as vertebral displacement, which, in turn, will lead to delayed nerve impulses, and so on, to the most terrible diagnoses. In general, it’s definitely not worth saving on such things.

In addition, orthopedic mattresses are a fairly good prevention of stomach ulcers, blood pressure problems, and cardiovascular diseases. In general, it all comes down to the thesis of the first paragraph about the importance of sleep and its impact on human health, and it is undeniable. So a good orthopedic mattress may well add several years to your life.

Types of fillers

Types of spring mattresses imply a certain range of prices, and it depends, for the most part, on the fillers. The situation is exactly the same with springless products. That is, while cheap models may well use something synthetic and of low quality, more expensive models are filled exclusively with natural and environmentally friendly products.

There can be quite a few options for fillers. First of all, it is natural latex. In addition to it, artificial latex can also be used - its advantage lies in its availability and amazing resistance to high loads. Coconut fibers can also be used. They make excellent breathable orthopedic mattresses. Polyurethane foam is also used - the advantages here are obvious: hypoallergenic, elastic and durable. Cotton can also be used in production - the mattress will be breathable and comfortable to sleep. Sheep's wool is a little more rare, but its ability to absorb and release moisture, as well as retain heat, attracts a number of customers.

In addition to these materials, more exotic ones can be used, such as horsehair. Today, holofiber and others are also popular. In addition, special “smart” mattresses have entered the market that can not only make sleep more comfortable, but also literally remember the curves of the human figure, making a night’s rest even easier.

Details of choosing mattresses for a comfortable sleep

Which mattress, spring or springless, should you choose? It should already be clear that each of the proposed types has its own advantages and disadvantages. So there is no point in arguing that it is better to purchase a single type.

Spring mattresses are excellent for teenagers, since both beds and mattresses will have to be replaced over time as children grow up. Springless ones, in turn, are much more suitable for long-term use - double family beds, and so on. That is, you will still have to decide which mattress is better - spring or polyurethane foam.

  • You should not choose an overly stiff spring model - it will not be easy to achieve a comfortable rest on it.
  • The comfort from using independent spring mattresses depends on the number of turns on the springs - the more, the better. But it’s quite possible to limit yourself to six to nine.
  • The mattress must be the perfect size for the bed.
  • Some natural fillers may cause allergies. Therefore, synthetics are still sometimes better.
  • The best sign of mattress quality is even stitches. This guarantees long and successful operation.

So, we figured out how to choose the right one desired type mattresses. Happy shopping!