Why diabetics shouldn’t eat fatty foods. Diabetes and fatty foods Why diabetics shouldn’t eat fatty foods

  • type 2 diabetes;
  • gestational diabetes in pregnant women;
  • autoimmune diabetes type 1 - in adults and children.

The main thing to do is to strictly avoid prohibited foods that are loaded with carbohydrates. They are listed on this page. The information is presented in the form of convenient lists. A low-carbohydrate diet helps normalize blood sugar and avoid complications. Diabetics who follow it feel no worse, if not better, than their healthy peers. This often upsets doctors because they lose patients and their money.

What not to eat if you have diabetes: a detailed list of prohibited foods

Patients with diabetes should not eat foods that quickly and significantly increase blood sugar. Below you will find detailed lists of foods that you should not eat. Allowed foods are listed on the What You Can Eat If You Have Diabetes page. See for yourself that there is a large selection. Healthy eating for diabetes, it is also filling and tasty. From permitted products you can prepare varied and luxurious dishes. They will delight food lovers without harming their health, but on the contrary, improving it.

All products containing sugar and starch, as well as fructose, are prohibited:

  • table sugar - white and brown;
  • potatoes in any form;
  • any sweets, including those with the inscription “for diabetics”;
  • cereals and porridges;
  • any products containing wheat, rice, buckwheat, rye, oats and other grains;
  • products to which sugar has been secretly added - for example, market cottage cheese;
  • regular and whole grain bread;
  • dietary bran breads, krekis, etc.;
  • products made from flour - white and coarse;
  • muesli and breakfast cereals - oat and any other;
  • rice - both white and brown, unpolished;
  • corn - in any form.

All products that contain sugar or starch are pure poison. They increase blood sugar instantly and strongly. Even the fastest types of insulin (for example, Humalog) cannot compensate for their harmful effects. Not to mention diabetes pills.

Attempting to increase insulin dosages to bring down sugar after eating prohibited foods increases the risk of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). This is an acute complication of insulin misuse. Each episode can result in fainting, calling an ambulance, or even death.

The website Endocrin-Patient.Com promotes the methods developed by Dr. Bernstein to control impaired glucose metabolism. You have already realized that these methods are contrary to official instructions. But they really help. And the recommendations of the Ministry of Health cannot boast of good effectiveness. Once you switch to a low-carb diet, you won't have to buy expensive medications or spend a lot of time and effort. Watch the video.

Keep in mind that for diabetics who strictly follow a diet, insulin dosages fall on average by 7 times. The risk of hypoglycemia is reduced by the same amount. Blood sugar remains more stable throughout the day.

Vegetables, fruits and berries

The list of prohibited fruits and vegetables is long. However, there are still many vegetables and greens that are beneficial for diabetic patients to consume. Read the article “What can you eat if you have diabetes” for more information.

Prohibited vegetables and fruits:

  • any fruits and berries (.), except avocados and olives;
  • fruit juices;
  • beet;
  • carrot;
  • pumpkin;
  • sweet pepper;
  • beans, peas, any legumes;
  • boiled and fried onions;
  • tomato sauce and ketchup.

You can eat green onions. Onions, which has undergone heat treatment, is prohibited, but in its raw form it can be added a little to the salad. Tomatoes can be consumed in moderation, no more than 50 g per meal. Tomato sauce and ketchup should be strictly avoided because they usually contain sugar and/or starch.

What dairy products should you not eat:

  • whole and skim milk;
  • yogurt, if low-fat, sweetened or with fruit;
  • cottage cheese (no more than 1-2 spoons at a time);
  • condensed milk.

What else needs to be excluded:

  • any products that contain dextrose, glucose, fructose, lactose, xylose, xylitol, corn syrup, maple syrup, malt, maltodextrin;
  • Products sold in diabetic aisles that contain fructose and/or flour.

So, people with diabetes should not eat foods loaded with carbohydrates. Unfortunately, it is impossible to list them all here. If you wish, you will always find some kind of sweet, flour product or fruit that is not included in the lists. Do not think that you can deceive a strict nutritionist by eating such foods. By breaking their diet, diabetics harm themselves and no one else. The results of treatment are your concern and no one else's. If you have friends and/or family who are truly worried, then you are very lucky. Doctors give their patients false information about the control and consequences of type 2 and 1 diabetes.

Study tables nutritional value products, especially their content of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Read labels carefully before making your selection at the grocery store. It is useful to test foods by measuring your blood sugar with a glucometer before eating, and then 5-10 minutes after it. Try not to eat any processed foods. Learn how to cook delicious food yourself healthy food. Following a low-carbohydrate diet for diabetes requires effort and financial expenses. They pay off in that the life expectancy of patients increases and its quality improves, because complications do not develop.

What grains should you not eat if you have diabetes?

Rice, buckwheat, millet, hominy and any other cereals are strictly prohibited, because they monstrously increase blood sugar. You can easily verify with a glucometer that cereals and porridges made from them are very harmful. One such object lesson should be enough. Buckwheat diet does not help at all against diabetes, but on the contrary, it brings disability and death closer. It is impossible to list here all the cereals and grains that exist. But you understand the principle.

Why can't you eat rice and potatoes?

Potatoes and rice are composed primarily of starch, which is a long chain of glucose molecules. Your body can break down starch into glucose fantastically quickly and efficiently. It starts in the mouth with the help of an enzyme found in saliva. Glucose enters the bloodstream even before a person has even swallowed potatoes or rice! Blood sugar rises instantly, no amount of insulin can cope with this.

After eating rice or potatoes, it takes several hours until the blood glucose level returns to normal. At this time, complications develop. Eating rice and potatoes causes significant harm to the body of diabetic patients. There are no pills or insulin that can help prevent this harm. The only way out is a complete rejection of prohibited products. Brown rice affects blood sugar as badly as white rice, so no rice should be eaten.

Why can't you eat eggs if you have diabetes?

Many doctors and diabetic patients believe that eggs are harmful and it is better not to eat them. Because eggs increase blood cholesterol levels. In fact, this is a misconception. Eggs are an excellent food for diabetics and all other people. It is an affordable source of the highest quality protein. As for cholesterol, eggs increase the level of good, high-density cholesterol in the blood, not bad. By following a low-carbohydrate diet and eating eggs, you do not increase, but rather reduce your risk of a heart attack.

Watch Dr. Bernstein's video on how diabetes is linked, high cholesterol, as well as a lack of thyroid hormones. Understand how to calculate the risk of a heart attack based on the levels of “bad” and “good” cholesterol in the blood. Find out what cardiovascular risk factors to watch for besides cholesterol.

For many people with diabetes, the high cost of foods suitable for a low-carb diet is a problem. In this case, you can focus on eggs in your diet, saving on meat and fish. The author of these lines has been using approximately 120 for many years. chicken eggs per month. The results of blood tests for cholesterol are ideal.

Since the 1960s, society has been perpetuated with the myth that fatty foods cause obesity, heart attacks, and possibly diabetes. Manufacturers of grain products that are low in fat but overloaded with carbohydrates are interested in spreading this myth. These are large companies that handle billions of dollars. They have made great strides in spreading false information about the effects of fats and carbohydrates on people's health.

If you have diabetes, you can and should eat fatty foods, as long as they contain fewer carbohydrates. It is dietary carbohydrates, not fats, that cause the development of obesity and diabetes. When you go on a low-carb diet, you will consume a lot of protein foods that contain saturated fat. Such products are not only tasty, but also healthy. Don't believe doctors and nutritionists who say otherwise. Blood sugar decreases within 2-3 days, and after 6-8 weeks, cholesterol test results improve. You will see from your own experience that the theory about the dangers of fatty foods is false.

What should pregnant women not eat if they have diabetes?

The main means of controlling gestational diabetes is a low-carbohydrate diet. But it may be less strict than for other categories of patients. Try eating carrots and beets along with protein foods. Monitor how your body reacts to these foods by regularly checking your blood sugar. Diabetics can generally drink alcohol in moderation. However, during pregnancy alcoholic drinks are strictly prohibited. Read also the articles “Diabetes in Pregnancy” and “Gestational Diabetes”.

What not to eat if you have diabetes: list of prohibited foods

Patients with diabetes must adhere to dietary restrictions. A ban on certain types of foods exists for type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Diet is the most important aspect of countering the complications of diabetes. Dietitians recommend excluding fast carbohydrates based on monosaccharides from the diet. If the intake of these substances into the body cannot be limited, then in type 1 diabetes, the consumption of simple carbohydrates is accompanied by the administration of insulin. In type 2 diabetes, the uncontrolled intake of easily digestible carbohydrates into the body causes obesity. However, if at diabetes mellitus Type 2, the patient has hypoglycemia; eating carbohydrates will increase the sugar level to a normal level.

Guide to dietary nutrition is formulated personally for each patient; when developing a nutrition system, the following points are taken into account:

What foods should you not eat if you have diabetes?

Certain categories of food products are prohibited:

  • Sugar, honey and artificially synthesized sweeteners. Sugar is very difficult to completely eliminate from the diet, but it is very important to reduce the intake of sugars in the body. You can use special sugar, which is sold in specialized departments of products for diabetics;
  • Butter and puff pastry pastries. This category of foods contains excessive amounts of simple carbohydrates and therefore can complicate the course of diabetes by obesity. Will be useful for diabetics rye bread, products made from bran and wholemeal flour.
  • Chocolate-based confectionery. Milk chocolate, white chocolate and candies have a very high sugar content. For diabetics, it is permissible to eat dark chocolate containing at least seventy-five percent cocoa bean powder.
  • Fruits and vegetables containing a lot of fast carbohydrates. Quite a large group of products and therefore it is important to remember the list of what you cannot eat if you have diabetes: potatoes, beets, carrots, beans, dates, bananas, figs, grapes. Such food sharply increases the level of glucose in the blood. The following vegetables and fruits are suitable for a diabetic's diet: cabbage, tomatoes and eggplants, pumpkin, as well as oranges and green apples;
  • Fruit juices. It is allowed to consume only freshly squeezed juice, heavily diluted with water. Packaged juices are “outlawed” due to the high concentration of natural sugars and artificial sweeteners.
  • Foods high in animal fats. It is better for diabetics not to eat large quantities of butter, smoked meats, and fatty soups with meat or fish.

Diabetics can eat nutritiously, satisfying the taste requirements and needs of the body. Here is a list of food groups indicated for diabetes:

  • Foods rich in plant fiber. This includes coarse cereals, individual species fruits and vegetables, nuts. Plant fibers help keep blood glucose levels within acceptable ranges and also help normalize cholesterol levels. Fruits suitable for diabetics include apples, peaches and grapefruits. It is not recommended to eat a large amount of fruit at a time; it would be better to divide the daily diet into five to six meals;

As mentioned earlier, type 2 diabetes, if you ignore your diet, can lead to obesity. To keep body weight under control, a diabetic should consume no more than two thousand calories per day. The exact number of calories is determined by the dietitian, taking into account the patient’s age, current weight and type of employment. Moreover, carbohydrates should be the source of no more than half of the calories received. Do not neglect the information that food manufacturers indicate on packaging. Information about energy value will help you formulate an optimal daily diet. As an example, here is a table explaining the diet and diet.

What not to eat if you have diabetes

Diabetics should be sure to adhere to healthy and proper nutrition. After all, you can control the development of the disease only with the help of a properly composed menu and adherence to the diet. Under no circumstances should a diabetic overuse foods that have high glycemic index. Therefore, you need to limit or eliminate harmful foods from your diet. Thus, you can easily regulate the course of the disease and reduce its negative impact to a minimum. To control their diet, diabetics need to keep a special diary in which to record the foods consumed and their calorie content. Indeed, in diabetes, the calorie content of food plays a key role. The most high-calorie foods should be completely excluded from your diet, especially if you have problems with excess weight.

Prohibited foods for diabetes

Diabetics should approach their food choices responsibly. You need to plan your diet in such a way that the body receives all the nutrients. After all, for a normal human life, all useful substances are needed. A deficiency of any component can lead to disruption of the functioning of the body and a deterioration in the patient’s condition. Diabetics should be sure to have information about the foods that should be included in their diet and which should be avoided.

Foods that should be limited in the diet of diabetics:

  • Spicy, smoked, pickled, salty dishes;
  • ice cream, pastries, cookies, candy, honey, sugar.
  • sausages, sausages;
  • smoked and fatty fish;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • bananas, pineapple;
  • raisins, figs, dried apricots;
  • ketchup, mayonnaise, fatty dressings.
  • alcohol.

When creating a menu, diabetics should use a variety of foods that have a low glycemic index. It is also worth keeping a special notebook and writing down the foods consumed and their calorie content. Thus, the diabetic will constantly monitor his diet. Recording foods helps you analyze your diet and allows you to eliminate foods that do not benefit you.

When selecting food products, you need to take into account the type of diabetes.

People with type 1 diabetes mellitus, in principle, do not have to radically limit their food consumption. They can eat almost anything. Diabetics only need to follow a diet and consume small portions of food. Even fatty foods and sweets will not cause harm if they are eaten rarely and in small quantities. Many experts argue that for type 1 diabetes, you can refuse medications if you create a balanced diet rich in nutrients and follow the recommended diet.

With type 2 diabetes, most people are obese, so nutrition should be based on limiting the consumption of fats and easily digestible carbohydrates. Therefore, diabetics should give up animal and vegetable fats, any sweets, salty, fried, smoked foods, carbonated drinks, and alcohol. Such restrictions help maintain the normal condition of patients.

Diabetics must always adhere to the diet and regimen recommended by the doctor. Controlling the amount of calories you consume helps control the disease. Therefore, preference should be given healthy dishes, rich in minerals and vitamins. After all, the human body cannot function normally without the complex nutrients. A diabetic's diet should consist of plant and animal products. There is no need to radically limit yourself in the consumption of certain foods. Doctors very often recommend consuming harmful foods in small quantities; they can be beneficial.

What foods can and cannot be eaten if you have diabetes?

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease, therefore special nutritional rules for this disease are not a short-term diet, but a permanent diet. Diet therapy is an important part of treatment, since certain foods with constant consumption can cause hyperglycemia. Balanced diet with the consumption of a small amount of carbohydrates in diabetes, it stabilizes the patient’s condition and reduces the risk of complications.

How should you eat?

The diet for diabetes is simple - avoid fast carbohydrates, consume fiber, protein and control calories.

Carbohydrates increase blood sugar levels. In a healthy person, sugar is quickly used up as fuel for the body. Insulin produced by the pancreas increases the sensitivity of muscle tissue to glucose. This does not happen in diabetes, so monitoring blood glucose levels is an important part of therapy.

Some foods contribute to a rapid increase in glucose. The jump occurs immediately after eating, which is dangerous for the body. Eating other foods increases sugar levels gradually, since the body needs time to process such foods, during which the glucose concentration slowly increases.

The indicator that determines the fluctuation in glucose levels after eating is called the glycemic index, which determines what you can eat if you have type 2 diabetes. Products for compiling a daily diet should be selected in accordance with the table of their glycemic load values.

All food is divided into 3 groups:

  • does not provoke a jump in glucose;
  • gradually increasing sugar;
  • causing a rapid rise in sugar.

The basis of the diet for diabetes is products of the first group. These are vegetables, beans in pods, bunched greens, spinach leaves, all types of mushrooms. The second group includes cereals, pasta (but only from durum wheat), grain bread, fruits, dairy and fermented milk products, and lean meat. The third group of products consists of confectionery products, sugar in pure form, carbonated sweet drinks, honey, baked goods with sugar, food instant cooking(fast food). This group compiles a list of prohibited foods. For diabetics, their complete exclusion from the menu is mandatory.

Basic diet

The list of products allowed for consumption by diabetics is large and allows you to create the optimal menu for every day. Preference is given to foods rich in dietary fiber. Such food satisfies for a long time and allows you to avoid overeating.

When creating a menu, it is important to maintain balance. Half of the daily diet is complex carbohydrates. They are found in cereals, vegetables, and grain bread. Any porridge is allowed except rice, as it contains starch. You should avoid semolina, as it does not saturate the body due to the low amount of fiber. Buckwheat is good for diabetes.

Vegetables and bunched greens are permitted foods. They contain fiber, which improves intestinal motility. Preference is given to seasonal vegetables, as they bring maximum benefits to the body. Some vegetables and root vegetables are prohibited, such as potatoes. You can eat potatoes, but in small quantities due to the starch in their composition.

Any types of lean meat are allowed for consumption. It is allowed to eat veal, lean beef, rabbit, and poultry. These foods for diabetics are steamed, boiled, or baked. You can't fry meat vegetable oil in large quantities is unacceptable.

Dairy products are included in the list of permitted products, but not all patients can consume them. You should consult your doctor about which dairy products you can eat if you have diabetes. If the doctor does not prohibit the consumption of dairy products, preference is given to low-fat products.

Healthy foods include beans and citrus fruits. These foods can be consumed frequently, but you need to maintain a balanced diet. If you have type 2 diabetes, you can eat apples of any variety, as well as pears and plums (including prunes).

What should you give up?

What foods should you not eat if you have diabetes? These are all carbohydrate foods that are quickly digested - any confectionery and baked goods. If a patient has type 2 diabetes, you need to know that you should not eat potatoes and rice in large quantities. These products are allowed for compensated diabetes, when glucose levels are close to normal. They contain a lot of starch, which increases sugar quickly, as it is easily absorbed by the body.

Do not drink soda with artificial sweeteners, drink packaged juices or drink alcohol. Smoked meats, semi-finished products and sausages are excluded from the diet.

Patients with diabetes should exclude white wheat bread from their diet. Its consumption provokes a rapid jump in glucose, especially in combination with other carbohydrate foods.

From bananas, raisins different varieties, grapes and dried dates should be discarded.

In a diabetic diet, fatty dairy products are excluded from the diet. You can't use butter. Patients with type 2 diabetes should not eat pickled vegetables and peas.

You can eat cookies for diabetics, but only low-calorie ones in which sugar is replaced with fructose. Any fast food purchased from a fast food cafe is prohibited.

Nutritional features for diabetes type 1 and 2

It is important to consider permitted and prohibited foods for the insulin-dependent form of the disease. Failure to comply with the diet causes the need to increase the dosage of injections. In type 2 diabetes, diet is the basis of therapy, since the development of the disease is caused by poor nutrition, which leads to metabolic disorders and weight gain in the patient. Timely detected type 2 diabetes with the right approach is successfully compensated and proceeds without complications.

A disciplined patient who adheres to proper nutrition and knows what can be eaten with diabetes, and what foods and dishes are prohibited for diabetics, does without taking sugar-lowering drugs. The diet for diabetes, what you can eat and what you can’t, is selected by the endocrinologist individually for the patient.

Approved products against type 1 and type 2 diabetes depend on the course of the disease, weight and sugar levels of the patient. Knowing what foods can be eaten with diabetes and what foods are prohibited, the patient independently controls his well-being with a properly composed menu.

The list of what you can eat if you have diabetes is quite large, so you can create a varied diet. Delicious food for patients who suffer from diabetes is prepared according to different recipes, including video instructions.

In order not to violate the diet, you need to remember healthy products for type 2 diabetes and create your own menu based on your doctor’s recommendations.

Why can't there be sugar?

Sugar is a pure carbohydrate that does not benefit the body. You can't consume refined sugar if you have diabetes, but not everyone knows why. When you consume sugar, there is a rapid jump in glucose in the blood plasma. This is not dangerous for a healthy person and glucose is quickly consumed by the body. A patient with diabetes muscle fibers are not susceptible to this substance, so it remains in the body and is not consumed. This leads to hyperglycemia and provokes the development of complications, including diabetic coma.

People with a sweet tooth may be allowed to consume sugar substitutes, but only after consulting a doctor. All confectionery and baked goods contain a lot of sugar, so they are prohibited.

If glucose levels in the blood plasma are satisfactory, a diabetic can eat sweets, but on the condition that they do not contain refined sugar. Such sweets are sold in the department of goods for diabetics; the sugar in them is replaced with fructose or artificial sweeteners. The consumption of such products is limited. A diabetic can eat no more than two sweets containing fructose per day, provided that the disease progresses normally and there are no complications.

Only if you follow your doctor's recommendations and strict adherence Diet can help compensate for diabetes and reduce the risk of complications. A list indicating permitted and prohibited food groups for diabetes should be visible. It is recommended that you print out the list and stick it on your refrigerator.

Diet helps you get rid of excess weight, which improves metabolism and stimulates cell sensitivity to insulin. Knowing how to eat and what not to eat if you have diabetes, the patient’s well-being depends on his discipline.

13 foods you can and should eat if you have diabetes

Typically, when patients ask what to eat if they have type 2 diabetes, they are talking about foods that help control their blood glucose levels. And that's right.

But it is equally important to know which foods help not only keep sugar under control, but also protect against the development of severe complications of diabetes, for example, cardiovascular pathologies or blindness.

Listed below are 12 basic foods that are not only allowed for diabetics, but are also strongly recommended for them, as they are preventive measures for the development of severe complications.

Fatty fish

Fatty fish are rich in omega-3 acids. Moreover, their most useful forms are EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid).

It is important for diabetics to include significant amounts of oily fish in their diet for two reasons.

  • Firstly, omega-3 acids are a means of preventing heart and vascular diseases. And people with diabetes have a much higher risk of developing these diseases than the average population.

It has been proven that if you eat fatty fish 5-7 times a week for 2 months, the concentration of triglycerides in the blood, which are associated with cardiovascular diseases, will decrease, as well as some markers of inflammation, which are also associated with vascular pathologies.

In this material you can read in more detail about why taking omega-3 fatty acids is beneficial.

  • Secondly, oily fish is necessary for weight loss. And this is very important for patients with type 2 diabetes, since almost all of them are overweight.

The statement that diabetics are advised to eat eggs may seem rather strange. After all, it is traditionally believed that eggs in diabetes should be strictly limited. If there is, then only protein. And if possible, omit the yolk completely. This is what the famous Soviet diet No. 9 says for type 2 diabetes.

Unfortunately, what he says is wrong. Because recent scientific evidence suggests that diabetics not only can, but should eat eggs.

There are several explanations for this statement.

  • Eggs help you lose weight. And this is extremely important for diabetics.
  • Eggs protect against heart disease, which is so acute in diabetics. That's right. And they do not provoke them, as was previously believed.
  • Regular egg meals help improve the lipid profile, which is necessary for the prevention of atherosclerosis.

Eggs increase the concentration of high-density lipoprotein (“good” cholesterol) in the blood. In addition, they prevent the formation of small sticky particles of low-density lipoproteins (“bad” cholesterol), which form atherosclerotic plaques in blood vessels.

If the menu contains a sufficient number of eggs, instead of small sticky particles of “bad” cholesterol, large lungs are formed that do not know how to stick to the walls of blood vessels.

  • Eggs improve the body's sensitivity to insulin.

It was shown that diabetic patients who ate 2 eggs daily had lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels compared to those patients who avoided eggs.

  • Inherent in eggs and one more thing important quality, useful for diabetics. They contain a lot of antioxidants zeaxanthin and lutein, which protect the eyes from age-related macular degeneration and cataracts - two diseases that very often affect patients with diabetes and can lead to complete loss of vision.

Fiber-rich foods

Products that contain a lot of fiber must occupy a very significant place in the menu of every diabetic. This is due to several beneficial properties of fiber:

  • the ability to suppress appetite (and often it is overeating that underlies the development of diabetes and the inability to get rid of it);
  • the ability to reduce the amount of calories that the body absorbs from food consumed simultaneously with plant fiber;
  • we lower high blood pressure, which is also very important for many diabetics;
  • the fight against chronic inflammation in the body, which is present in all diabetics without exception and which is responsible for the development of those complications of this disease.

In this table you can find a list of foods that are rich in fiber. Special attention should turn to konjac (glucomannan), chia seeds and flax seeds.

Fermented milk products

They contain probiotics and thus normalize the functioning of intestinal microflora. Which, in turn, has a positive effect on reducing cravings for sweets and increasing insulin sensitivity. That is, it helps fight the main cause of diabetes – insulin resistance. Since malfunctions in the functioning of the intestinal microflora inevitably lead to distorted eating behavior, excess weight gain and hormonal problems, including with insulin.


One of best products nutrition, both for those who suffer from diabetes and for everyone who wants to lose weight and stay healthy.

Sauerkraut combines the benefits of two classes of food products indicated for diabetes - foods with plant fiber and with probiotics.

You can read in more detail about the beneficial effects of sauerkraut on the body in this material.


Nuts are rich in healthy fats, proteins and fiber. And they are poor in easily digestible carbohydrates. That is, they have exactly the same ratio of the main nutritional components that is indicated for diabetes.

Several studies have shown that regular consumption of nuts in people with type 2 diabetes reduces levels of sugar, glycated hemoglobin, low-density lipoprotein and some markers of chronic inflammation.

One scientific study demonstrated that diabetic patients who ate 30 grams of walnuts every day for a year not only lost significant weight, but also had lower insulin levels. Which is extremely important. Since diabetes is often associated with high rather than low levels of this hormone.

What nuts can you eat if you have type 2 diabetes?

  • almond;
  • walnuts;
  • Brazil nuts;
  • hazelnut;
  • macadamia;
  • pecan

But it is better not to eat cashews if you have diabetes, since they contain more easily digestible carbohydrates than other types of nuts.

Olive oil

Olive oil has many beneficial properties. But the most important thing for diabetic patients is that this oil improves the lipid profile (reduces triglycerides and increases “good” cholesterol), which is almost always impaired in this disease. Which is the cause of numerous complications on the cardiovascular system.

Just include it in your diet olive oil, you must be able to distinguish a genuine product from a fake and then be able to store and use it correctly. Otherwise, no benefit will be gained. In this material you can find basic recommendations for selecting and storing olive oil.

Magnesium Rich Foods

More recently, already in the 21st century, scientists have found that the likelihood of diabetes mellitus and the severity of its course are directly affected by the level of magnesium in the body.

The exact mechanism of magnesium's effect on the development of type 2 diabetes has not yet been established. Apparently, several molecular mechanisms are involved. Moreover, the microelement affects both the production of the hormone insulin and the sensitivity of cell receptors to it.

At the same time, foods rich in magnesium can have a beneficial effect on both diabetic patients and those who are still in a prediabetic state.

All foods rich in this microelement are beneficial, especially pine nuts.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar improves insulin sensitivity and lowers fasting sugar levels. It also reduces the rise in blood sugar by 20% when taken simultaneously with food containing easily digestible carbohydrates.

One study even showed that patients with very poorly controlled diabetes could lower their morning sugar levels by 6% if they took 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar at night.

When starting to take apple cider vinegar, start with one teaspoon per glass of water, gradually increasing its amount to two tablespoons daily.

And try to use only natural apple cider vinegar, prepared independently at home. You can find out how to do this correctly HERE.


Strawberries, blueberries, cranberries...

All of these berries contain anthocyanins, which help maintain more correct glucose and insulin levels after meals. Anthocyanins are also known as powerful means of preventing heart disease, including for people with type 2 diabetes.


The beneficial effect of cinnamon on the condition of diabetic patients has already been confirmed in almost no scientific research. It has been found that cinnamon can lower blood sugar levels. And more importantly, improve insulin sensitivity.

Moreover, the positive effects of cinnamon have been demonstrated both in short-term studies and in the long term.

Cinnamon is also useful for normalizing weight. And this is so important for diabetics.

In addition, it has been shown that cinnamon can reduce triglyceride levels, thereby preventing the development of heart and vascular diseases.

When including cinnamon in your diet in large quantities, you should remember that only true Ceylon cinnamon is beneficial. In no case is cassia, the maximum permissible dose of which, due to the presence of a large amount of coumarin in it, is 1 teaspoon per day.


Currently, turmeric is one of the most actively studied spices. Her beneficial properties have been proven many times for diabetic patients.

  • lowers blood sugar levels;
  • fights chronic inflammation;
  • is a means of preventing heart and vascular diseases, including in diabetics;
  • protects diabetic patients from renal failure.

But in order for turmeric to be able to reveal all these beneficial properties, it must be eaten correctly. For example, black pepper is a charming addition to this spice, as it increases the bioavailability of the active constituents of turmeric by 2000%.

In this article, you can read more about how to properly use turmeric for health benefits.


Several scientific studies have shown that garlic can reduce chronic inflammation, as well as blood sugar and bad cholesterol levels in people with type 2 diabetes.

However, including the above-listed food products in the menu on a regular basis makes it possible to maintain sugar levels at a higher level. correct level, increase the body's sensitivity to insulin and fight chronic low-grade inflammation.

In other words, it helps to avoid serious complications of diabetes, especially such as atherosclerosis and neuropathy.

Diabetics must adhere to a healthy and proper diet. After all, you can control the development of the disease only with the help of a properly composed menu and adherence to the diet. Under no circumstances should a diabetic overuse foods that have a high glycemic index. Therefore, you need to limit or eliminate harmful foods from your diet. Thus, you can easily regulate the course of the disease and reduce its negative impact to a minimum. To control their diet, diabetics need to keep a special diary in which to record the foods consumed and their calorie content. After all In diabetes, caloric intake plays a key role. The most high-calorie foods should be completely excluded from your diet, especially if you have problems with excess weight.

Prohibited foods for diabetes

Diabetics should approach their food choices responsibly. You need to plan your diet in such a way that the body receives all the nutrients. After all For a normal human life, all useful substances are needed. A deficiency of any component can lead to disruption of the functioning of the body and a deterioration in the patient’s condition. Diabetics should be sure to have information about the foods that should be included in their diet and which should be avoided.

Foods that should be limited in the diet of diabetics:

  • Spicy, smoked, pickled, salty dishes;
  • ice cream, pastries, cookies, candy, honey, sugar.
  • sausages, sausages;
  • smoked and fatty fish;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • bananas, pineapple;
  • raisins, figs, dried apricots;
  • ketchup, mayonnaise, fatty dressings.
  • alcohol.

When creating a menu, diabetics should use a variety of foods that have a low glycemic index. Also It’s worth keeping a special notebook and writing down the foods you consume and their calorie content. Thus, the diabetic will constantly monitor his diet. Recording foods helps you analyze your diet and allows you to eliminate foods that do not benefit you.

When selecting food products, you need to take into account the type of diabetes.

People with type 1 diabetes mellitus, in principle, do not have to radically limit their food consumption. They can eat almost anything. Diabetics only need to follow a diet and consume small portions of food. Even fatty foods and sweets will not cause harm if they are eaten rarely and in small quantities. Many experts argue that for type 1 diabetes, you can refuse medications if you create a balanced diet rich in nutrients and follow the recommended diet.

With type 2 diabetes, most people are obese Therefore, nutrition should be based on limiting the consumption of fats and easily digestible carbohydrates. Therefore, diabetics should give up animal and vegetable fats, any sweets, salty, fried, smoked foods, carbonated drinks, and alcohol. Such restrictions help maintain the normal condition of patients.

Diabetics must always adhere to the diet and regimen recommended by the doctor. Controlling the amount of calories you consume helps control the disease. That's why You should give preference to healthy dishes rich in minerals and vitamins. After all, the human body cannot function normally without a complex of nutrients. A diabetic's diet should consist of plant and animal products. There is no need to radically limit yourself in the consumption of certain foods. Doctors very often recommend consuming harmful foods in small quantities; they can be beneficial.

The main feature of nutrition for diabetes is regularity.

After changing the diet, a person will have to adhere to the principles throughout his life.

It is important for a patient with type 2 diabetes to consider key points new diet.

In a state of compensation half daily requirement calories are covered by carbohydrates. 25% is satisfied from proteins and fats. It is worth noting that if you are overweight, you need to reduce your calorie intake by reducing portions of foods with fat.

From the outside, the diabetic's menu seems meager and tasteless, but with the right approach it will not cause discomfort to the sick person.

Tea with milk, weak coffee drink, berry juices. Together with the first dish, there should be no more than a liter of them per day.

Even with an individual approach when planning a diet, there are foods that cannot be eaten in any form.

Diabetes mellitus is a disease in which you cannot eat foods rich in carbohydrates. Fried, spicy, salty and smoked foods should be seriously limited. Cakes, pastries and similar sweets are out of the question.

There is no need to give up your favorite foods if you have diabetes. You can start preparing dishes differently, replace certain foods, and reduce the serving size. It is important to develop a strategy for diabetes:

Be that as it may, each person has his own preferences. Therefore, food products must be selected by a specialist, taking into account all the characteristics of the patient.

They are a treasure trove of vitamins and minerals important for the body. If you have diabetes, they can and should be cooked.

In the case of type 2 disease, not all cereals are suitable. We are talking about semolina porridge. It is prohibited due to its fast sugar content. According to some criteria, it is similar to sweets.

If a person with diabetes has a weak will, they should not attend events where feasts are held. This is the opinion of doctors.

On the other side, It is wrong to move away from society, otherwise it may cause deterioration in health. Diabetes is often a disease of the head. Therefore, coupled with the elimination of nervous strain, the disease can be overcome and not lose quality of life.

The main feature of nutrition for diabetes is regularity.

After changing the diet, a person will have to adhere to the principles throughout his life.

For a patient with type 2 diabetes, it is important to consider the key points of a new diet.

In a state of compensation, half of the daily calorie requirement is covered by carbohydrates. 25% is satisfied from proteins and fats. It is worth noting that if you are overweight, you need to reduce your calorie intake by reducing portions of foods with fat.

From the outside, the diabetic's menu seems meager and tasteless, but with the right approach it will not cause discomfort to the sick person.

Tea with milk, weak coffee drink, berry juices. Together with the first dish, there should be no more than a liter of them per day.

Even with an individual approach when planning a diet, there are foods that cannot be eaten in any form.

Diabetes mellitus is a disease in which you cannot eat foods rich in carbohydrates. Fried, spicy, salty and smoked foods should be seriously limited. Cakes, pastries and similar sweets are out of the question.

There is no need to give up your favorite foods if you have diabetes. You can start preparing dishes differently, replace certain foods, and reduce the serving size. It is important to develop a strategy for diabetes:

Be that as it may, each person has his own preferences. Therefore, food products must be selected by a specialist, taking into account all the characteristics of the patient.

They are a treasure trove of vitamins and minerals important for the body. If you have diabetes, they can and should be cooked.

In the case of type 2 disease, not all cereals are suitable. We are talking about semolina porridge. It is prohibited due to its fast sugar content. According to some criteria, it is similar to sweets.

If a person with diabetes has a weak will, they should not attend events where feasts are held. This is the opinion of doctors.

On the other side, It is wrong to move away from society, otherwise it may cause deterioration in health. Diabetes is often a disease of the head. Therefore, coupled with the elimination of nervous strain, the disease can be overcome and not lose quality of life.

Once upon a time, experts discovered that fructose requires virtually no insulin for absorption and gives a slight increase in blood glucose levels. They were very happy about this fact and all diabetics were put on fructose instead of sugar. New studies have found that it adversely affects fat metabolism, increases the level of triglycerides and very low density lipoproteins. In addition, fructose is very high in calories - it has the same number of calories as sugar. Therefore, if you have type 2 diabetes with a tendency to obesity, you cannot constantly consume fructose. These are the new recommendations. Unfortunately, many doctors still continue to prescribe fructose daily as a sweetener. If your doctor categorically does not want to learn new knowledge and change his recommendations, then at least know how much fructose can harm your body: 60-80 grams fruit sugar per day disrupts lipid metabolism, causes diarrhea and flatulence. In general, get used to drinking unsweetened tea and coffee. And for brain function, use sugar from fruits and berries.


Now it is difficult to establish who was the first to say that buckwheat lowers blood sugar. This misconception most likely appeared in Soviet times, when they collected food sets, which included not only diabetic products, but also simply a shortage. This is how the scarce buckwheat (and mayonnaise, by the way, too!) were included in the set. Apparently, that’s why everyone decided that buckwheat was good for diabetes and attributed miraculous properties to it. In fact, it contains the same carbohydrates as other cereals. Moreover, in terms of the amount of carbohydrates, it is not the most preferable. For example, in oatmeal contains less carbohydrates (50 g per 100 g of product) than buckwheat (62 g in the core and 66 g in the core). Therefore, if someone doesn’t like buckwheat, don’t choke on it, switch to oatmeal - it’s healthier.


Everywhere you can find information about how soy protein is beneficial for diabetes. They hoped for him like a miracle. But the miracle did not happen. The 2003 WHO report does not list soy and its protein as a food that reduces the risk of diabetes. They didn’t prove its “medicinal value”, so they didn’t include it!


A sharp restriction of salt, and sometimes a ban on it altogether, is also a fairly common recommendation from doctors. However, it has been established that salt has nothing to do with diabetes. Therefore, prohibiting salting soup or eating pickles is the wrong position. It’s another matter if, for example, kidney disease occurs along with diabetes. Then salt really needs to be limited.

Jerusalem artichoke and artichokes

These vegetables have been credited with miraculous powers, they say they lower blood glucose levels because they contain inulin. They even began to produce miracle drugs from the roots of Jerusalem artichoke and sell them to diabetics. Illiterate charlatans drew attention to the consonance of the words “inulin” and “insulin”. Similar, right? But apart from consonance, they have nothing else in common: insulin is a protein, inulin is a carbohydrate! But what surprises me most is not the charlatans (everything is clear with them!), I am amazed by the doctors who, having a medical education, nevertheless also recommend that their patients treat diabetes with Jerusalem artichoke.


For a long time it was believed that fats are categorically harmful for diabetes. Now the categorical nature, if not completely abolished, has been softened somewhat. Now the main thing for us is not the fat itself, but its composition. You need to look at him. It has been established that polyunsaturated fatty acids have a beneficial effect on triglyceride metabolism, which is disrupted specifically in type 2 diabetes. Therefore (I emphasize again) it is polyunsaturated fatty acids that should be consumed in case of type 2 diabetes. Moreover, to benefit the cause, you need specific fatty acids - these are omega-3 - from specific products, namely, from moderately fatty sea fish, and sometimes from fatty fish. Moreover, eat not capsules of dietary supplements, but natural fish - it is healthier because it contains biologically complete protein and an excellent composition of minerals.

On the other hand, polyunsaturated fatty acids should absolutely not be taken if you have type 2 diabetes. Moreover, the harm from these acids is considered even more “harmful” than even from sugar! Many saturated acids are found in meat and meat products, milk and dairy products. You should not exclude them from your diet, but you should limit the amount of fat they contain. That is, take the meat, as nutritionists say, “skinny” and cut off all visible fat. Also trim off all fat and skin from the bird. And consume only low-fat dairy products.

There is another group of products with a high content of polysaturated fatty acids- this is hard margarine, cooking fat (salomas), hydro fat. These products must be strictly excluded from the diet! Keep in mind that many of them contain so-called trans fats, which can provoke atherosclerosis and type 2 diabetes. In this regard, I would like to especially warn everyone who has type 2 diabetes, as well as all healthy people - under no circumstances eat cakes, pastries, cookies, gingerbreads and other factory-made baked goods! They are all prepared with margarine and shortening!

Diabetic products

Previously, special products for diabetics were valued because they were made with sweeteners. But they didn’t pay attention to the fact that they were cooked on margarine. Now that it has been established that trans fats are more harmful than even sugar, it is unlikely that you should consume diabetic cookies, candy bars and other similar products.