(!LANG:Healthy foods for breakfast. What is good to eat for breakfast: recommendations for proper nutrition. A hearty breakfast: good or bad

A healthy breakfast sets the mood for the body for the whole day. What is for breakfast? However, an improperly selected menu can make the body feel stressed, and the regular absence of breakfast in the morning leads to the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The importance and rules of a healthy breakfast

To understand whether you need to have breakfast in the morning, just find out how useful it is for the body:

  1. A proper breakfast starts the digestive system, so the food taken during the day will be absorbed faster, which contributes to weight loss.
  2. Reduces the risk of developing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. If you eat in the morning what is good for the body, you can not be afraid of premature skin aging.
  4. Having received nutrients in the morning, the brain will work more efficiently, which will affect performance and mood.

In order to decide what to eat for breakfast, it is recommended to follow simple rules:

  1. The menu must be drawn up in advance, and every evening, prepare either dishes for breakfast or products for its preparation.
  2. Don't skip breakfast.
  3. It is recommended to drink a glass immediately after waking up. drinking water or water with lemon juice and honey.

What is good to eat for breakfast

When compiling a list of what is good to eat for breakfast, nutritionists rely on the composition of the product, its calorie content and nutritional value.

The most useful food in the morning is porridge. Grains are rich in fiber, vitamins and proteins. They are digested for a long time, because a person does not feel hunger until dinner. Packaged cereals that take 2-5 minutes to cook are not healthy, as cereals were created from cereals without a grain shell, which contains fiber. You can add berries, fruits, nuts to porridge, and it is cooked both in milk and in water.

No less useful product is cottage cheese. The use of cottage cheese regulates the functioning of the digestive tract, which allows you to consume fatty or spicy foods during the day without injuring the stomach. Berries and nuts can be added to cottage cheese.

Despite the fact that fruits contain many useful substances, they are not suitable for breakfast due to their rapid digestibility. If you eat only fruits in the morning, then the feeling of hunger will appear after a few hours. However, they are necessary and can be used as an addition to the main course, for example, you can eat an apple with a sandwich or cottage cheese.

Sandwiches can also be healthy for breakfast, but only if they are made from rye or whole grain bread, which is healthier than white bread, which takes a long time to digest and does not benefit the body. It is better not to choose fatty foods, mayonnaise and ketchup as a sandwich filling, but instead take vegetables, sour-milk products or honey.

Also useful products for breakfast are:

  • sour cream;
  • natural yoghurts;
  • dried fruits;
  • lean meat;
  • greens.

What to drink for breakfast

Fresh fruit and vegetable juices for breakfast give the body a supply of vitamins and microelements, so that during the day there is a surge of strength and cheerfulness. Orange juice is considered the most useful, but it is undesirable to drink it on an empty stomach.

You can drink coffee for breakfast, but only a natural, not a soluble caffeinated product. Coffee must be brewed in a Turk, then this drink will be not only invigorating, but also useful. This also applies to cocoa.

Fermented milk products, such as milk, kefir, drinking yogurt, can be drunk for breakfast without restrictions.

Sample breakfast menu for the week

If it's hard to figure out what to eat for breakfast, a table of an approximate menu for the week is provided. Drinks you can choose any of those that are useful.

Day Products Recipe
Monday Fruits or dried fruits, sour cream or yogurt. Sliced ​​pieces of fruit are seasoned with sour cream or yogurt and mixed. Salad should be allowed to brew for 15-20 minutes. Fruits for breakfast enrich the body with vitamins and minerals.
Tuesday Cereals (wheat, rice, semolina, corn, buckwheat), milk or water. You can cook porridge both in a slow cooker and in a saucepan. Grains should be poured with milk or water in a ratio of 1: 3 and put to boil.
Wednesday Cottage cheese, eggs, flour, fruit (to taste). 2 eggs are added to 300 g of cottage cheese, the resulting mass is beaten. Flour is gradually added to the dough. After the dough has acquired a dense consistency, it is divided into round flat parts - future cheesecakes. It is undesirable to fry them, it is better to put them in the oven for 20 minutes at a temperature of + 180 ° C.
Thursday 2-3 eggs. In people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the yolk of a chicken egg can cause an exacerbation, so they are advised to eat only protein. Eggs are boiled for 6-8 minutes in water, after which the dish can be salted or seasoned with herbs.
Friday Rye bread, cottage cheese, herbs and berries (to taste). The greens are finely chopped and mixed with cottage cheese, after which the mass is spread on pieces of bread. Before eating, you can decorate a sandwich with berries.
Saturday Cabbage, cucumbers, radish, lettuce, apple, lemon juice. All products are finely chopped and mixed. You can season such a salad with sour cream or yogurt, then add a little lemon juice.
Sunday Bread (rye or whole grain), sour cream, cheese, honey, cucumbers and tomatoes. Pieces of bread are divided into two parts: some will become sweet sandwiches, and others will become vegetable. For the first, you need to mix sour cream and honey and spread a sandwich with this filling. Sliced ​​cheese, thin rings of cucumbers and tomatoes are placed on the remaining bread, after which they are again covered with cheese and bread. Before use, you can put in the microwave to melt the cheese.

People on a diet are wondering if it is possible to eat cottage cheese for breakfast if it contains a lot of fat. Fat-free or low-fat cottage cheese is just as healthy as homemade cottage cheese, but contains fewer calories.

Foods harmful to the morning

Healthy breakfasts can be spoiled by the following products:

  1. Juices in packages. They contain a lot of sugar and simple carbohydrates.
  2. Kashi fast food, sweet balls for breakfast. Products are high-calorie, but do not benefit the body.
  3. Sausage, sausages. They have little meat, but there are fat and soy products.
  4. Fatty cakes.
  5. Chocolate bars, cheese curds.
  6. Chips and fast food.
  7. Instant coffee.
  8. Black strong tea.
  9. Carbonated drinks.

It must be remembered: the best breakfast is the one that you like and benefits.

Being beautiful and slim is the dream of almost every woman. Many manage to achieve their goal with the help of very radical methods, but the retribution for this can be health problems or quickly returned hated kilograms. To achieve a significant and permanent effect, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of a healthy lifestyle, healthy lifestyle life. The main of his postulates is the right breakfast - the basis of the foundations of every day. If you do not know what is best to eat in the morning, then the information below will certainly be very useful for you.

Basic rules for a healthy lifestyle

So what is proper nutrition? Breakfast, lunch, dinner, regular snacks, following certain rules and choosing certain foods? In fact, this is almost a whole science, with many recommendations and postulates that must be observed. To begin with, let's define its basic rules, which will have to be followed on permanent basis. At first it will not be easy, but over time you will appreciate all the delights of this system.

You should start the morning with one glass of warm water, this will help you wake up the body and start all internal processes. The main meal, as a rule, should be within 30-60 minutes after waking up, this period of time is considered to be optimal. During the specified interval, you will have time to put yourself in order, do the necessary household chores or go in for sports.

Remember that it is strictly forbidden to neglect breakfast. If you do not eat right in the morning, then the metabolism in the body will slow down, and you simply will not have enough strength for all the necessary things during the day. Skipping breakfast, you doom yourself to a decrease in tone, the appearance of apathy, fatigue and irritability. After a while, you will start to overeat at lunch and dinner, there will be excess weight, skin and hair problems.

Many people deliberately refuse breakfast, referring to the lack of appetite after sleep. The reason for this phenomenon may be the wrong daily routine. So that the body has time to get hungry, you need to have dinner 3 hours before going to bed. Among other things, it is necessary to eat only fresh foods, you should not eat up what is left of the dishes of the past day.

What should be the first meal of the day

What should be the right breakfast? For the most part, this is a harmonious combination of several useful components. It should be moderately high-calorie, that is, provide a proper boost of energy, but not provoke an increase in body fat. The first meal of the day should be based on complex carbohydrates. Periodically, it is recommended to add protein, fiber and vegetable fat to them. Remember that it is in the morning that you can afford occasional rewards (something sweet or extremely nutritious), this should be done no more than once a week. The most preferred breakfast food list is as follows:

  • Oatmeal or buckwheat.
  • Bran or muesli.
  • Lean poultry meat.
  • Eggs.
  • Kefir, milk, fermented baked milk and other similar variations.
  • Vegetable or olive oil.
  • Fresh fruits.
  • Natural coffee or tea without additives.

List of prohibited products

What to eat for breakfast, you know.

Now it's time to talk about the necessary restrictions. The list of bans includes products such as:

  • Sweets (including sweet cereals).
  • Curd.
  • Any sweets and pastries.
  • Anything fatty and smoked (like bacon).
  • Milk.

It is also important to consider general state health. So, with gastritis and hyperacidity it is recommended to carefully consume fresh fruits, vegetables and other dishes prepared on their basis (for example, fresh juice) immediately after sleep.

A proper breakfast in terms of calories should fit into an indicator equal to 500 units. In total, it is recommended to consume at least 1800 calories per day, but not more than 1800 calories. A minor meal should be within 150 units.

Classic oatmeal

There are various recipes for a healthy breakfast. Most classic version is oatmeal. If this dish causes you negative emotions from childhood, then try to cook it according to a special recipe. So, the flakes will need to be cooked over low heat in water for 7-10 minutes. Improve taste qualities honey, natural low-fat yogurt and pieces of fruit can be such a useful product. Additional benefits of oatmeal in the morning include cleansing the intestines, improving the functioning of the digestive tract, and a beneficial effect on hair and nails. It is not necessary to eat only porridge with water, but sugar and milk should also be discarded. Dried fruits, honey, cinnamon can become their excellent substitutes.

Very tasty sandwich

Sandwich lovers will appreciate the right breakfast of whole grain bread and poultry meat. To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Whole grain bread bun - 1 pc.
  • A little olive oil.
  • Processed cheese - 20 g.
  • Mushrooms (champignons) - 100 g.
  • Chicken fillet - 80 g.
  • Greens (to taste).

Mushrooms must be fried in a small amount of oil, and the fillet should be boiled. We divide the bun into two parts, spread the indicated amount of cheese, spread the filling, add fresh herbs or lettuce if desired. Halves of the buns can be eaten separately each, or can be combined into one appetizing and very healthy hamburger.

Both tasty and healthy

The right breakfast for weight loss can be very tasty. A real dessert dish, containing just over 400 calories, includes components such as:

  • Grainy cottage cheese of low fat content (up to 5 percent) - 150 g.
  • Raspberry - 200 g.
  • Banana - 100 g.
  • Honey - a teaspoon.

Using a blender, all the ingredients are mixed to a mousse state, a mass of homogeneous consistency, and poured into glasses. For decoration, you can use mint leaves or fresh berries.

What to eat for breakfast kids

Now you know what the term "proper breakfast" means, your morning meal menu can be quite varied, tasty, but always equally healthy. If you are not used to eating in the morning, you can start to retrain your body with the lightest meals that do not require long preparation. Fruits with dairy products is the best combination for beginners who follow the postulates of a healthy lifestyle. Ideally, you will need several components: a hearty banana, a light apple, a diet orange. You can eat them whole or slice them for a salad. As a dressing or morning drink, it is good to use natural, low-fat yogurt without dyes or additives.

meat variety

You can also cook meat for breakfast. However, this option is preferable for lunch or dinner. In general, such a dish will perfectly set you up for a hard day, give you strength for physical and mental activity. The main ingredient is lean meat, such as chicken, turkey, rabbit, beef or veal, but it is better to forget about pork. It can be stewed, boiled, baked in the oven or even fried with minimal oil. Steamed or fresh vegetables will help dilute the protein product.

Let's talk about drinks

A proper breakfast for weight loss necessarily includes a certain amount of liquid. It is recommended to give preference to:

Such a different breakfast

Each country has its own opinion about such a concept as "proper nutrition". Breakfast in Eastern countries begins when people go to dinner in Russia. It should be preceded by various activities, whether it be breathing exercises or hard physical labor. The first thing to do when you wake up is drink a glass of water and get to work! The morning portion of food served during the daytime is rather small and does not differ in assortment variety.

Let's talk about snacks

Proper breakfast, lunch and dinner are far from all meals of the day. Nowadays, nutritionists recommend sticking to the rule of eating little, but often. It is considered optimal to enjoy cooked meals at least 5 or 6 times in 24 hours. Snacks should begin no earlier than 120 minutes after the main meal, and their calorie content should not exceed 150 units. If you do not know what product to eat, then opt for a banana, a glass of fermented milk drink, a fresh vegetable, or a handful of nuts.

Proper nutrition, breakfast and second breakfast, will provide a charge of vivacity and strength for the whole day. Equally important is the second meal (second breakfast), consisting of a smaller portion. Its main tasks include:

  • Decrease in bile secretions.
  • Reducing the load on the pancreas.
  • Improvement of heart work.

Remember to eat right - and you can achieve amazing results. Within a few weeks, you will not only see a more slender and toned figure, but also save the result for a long time. You will be able to adjust your metabolism in the right way, improve your health, tidy up your skin, nails and hair. Compliance with the postulates of a healthy lifestyle will help strengthen the immune system, preserve youth and beauty. Start with proper nutrition in the morning, consolidate the result during the day, add sports, outdoor walks and hardening to the program.

Most people are in a hurry to get ready for work or school in the morning, so they either have a sandwich with a cup of tea on the go, or do without breakfast at all. Sometimes the breakfast menu consists of leftovers from yesterday's dinner, warmed up in microwave oven, and for some, the day begins with scrambled eggs and sausage. Both the first and second option than good. Of course, most people understand that a full breakfast is the key to good health and normal performance during the day, but still do not want to spend 10-15 minutes in the morning preparing and eating.

The list of products and dishes recommended for breakfast is quite large, and if you don’t want to stand at the stove in the morning, then you can choose from it those that do not require long cooking. Of course, we all know from childhood that the right breakfast is porridge, but there is often no time to cook it in the morning. But there are many other foods that can make a complete nutritious breakfast. Nutritionists agree that it is good to eat cereals, dairy products and fruits in the morning.

Quick breakfast

Apple, orange or any other freshly squeezed juice will complement a quick breakfast well. However, it should not be taken on an empty stomach.

The most useful for the body is freshly squeezed orange juice, which contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals. In European countries, juice from this fruit is an integral part of breakfast. It does not matter if there are no oranges at hand, you can drink a glass of any other fruit or vegetable juice. All fruits and vegetables also contain a lot of useful substances. But it should be noted that drinking freshly squeezed juices on an empty stomach is not recommended because they contain a large amount of acids that can irritate the gastric mucosa.

Whole grain or rye bread will provide our body with carbohydrates, fiber, B vitamins, minerals and other useful substances. Muesli and cereals can replace bread, and if you eat them for breakfast with milk, yogurt or kefir, then the feeling of hunger will not bother you until dinner. But it is better to exclude white bread and buns from the breakfast menu, since there is little benefit from them, and the body needs to spend a lot of energy to digest them.

It is very useful to add fresh fruits to breakfast (bananas, apples, pears, etc.), but, unfortunately, in winter and early spring they are of little use, so you can replace them with dried fruits. Dried apricots, prunes, dried pears, figs, raisins perfectly retain vitamins throughout the winter.

Milk and dairy products eaten for breakfast will also perfectly satisfy your hunger and give you strength until dinner. It is better to choose yogurts enriched with live cultures of lactobacilli and prebiotics, which do not contain preservatives and artificial colors. Cheese, which contains a large amount of and, can also diversify a healthy breakfast.

Honey is a storehouse of vitamins and other useful substances. A couple of spoons of this most valuable product will help saturate the body with useful trace elements, as well as increase resistance to stress and pathogenic factors.

Many are accustomed to drinking a cup of tea or coffee with breakfast. It is better to replace black tea with green or herbal tea, and it is better to brew coffee in a Turk. But you should not abuse strong coffee in order to cheer up (it is better to take a contrast shower or do exercises).

So it turns out that there is nothing wrong with having a sandwich with a cup of tea for breakfast. However, it should be remembered that this sandwich will be useful to the body if it is made from rye bread with cheese, and not from a piece of loaf and sausage.

Children's breakfast

A growing child's body requires a lot of energy throughout the day, so it is important that the child gets enough nutrients and vitamins in the morning. Every parent should carefully consider the breakfast of their children. The children's menu should include food rich in protein (milk, kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream), complex carbohydrates (cereals) and fiber (fruits and vegetables).

An ideal breakfast for a child is milk porridge, oatmeal, semolina, buckwheat and rice are very useful. You can add fresh or dried fruits and berries. You can offer children cottage cheese, syrniki with sour cream or an omelet with vegetables for breakfast. As a drink, fresh fruit or vegetable juices, jelly or cocoa are ideal.

Sometimes parents do not have time to cook porridge or make cheesecakes. In this case, you can offer the child a boiled egg, instant porridge, or cereal with milk. And as a second breakfast, you can give your child fruits (apple, banana) and drinking yogurt to take to school.

Breakfast for a man

A casserole with vegetables and meat is an excellent breakfast for a man.

It is known that men consume more calories than women, especially if a man is engaged in physical labor, so they need a hearty, nutritious breakfast. The menu should include protein foods (meat, dairy products), foods containing complex carbohydrates, bread, vegetables and fruits.

A quick option for a man's breakfast is scrambled eggs, which it is advisable to cook without sausage. The ideal option is an omelette with vegetables and cheese. A very healthy breakfast for the stronger sex is oatmeal, which contains protein, vitamins and trace elements necessary for men's health.

For men engaged in physical labor, for breakfast, you can offer pasta or potato casseroles with minced meat, vegetables and cheese, cheesecakes or pancakes with sour cream.

Breakfast for a woman

The fair sex is usually very careful about their appearance, figure and weight. To always look good, have a beautiful complexion and good mood, you need to start the day with a healthy breakfast.

An ideal breakfast for a woman is also oatmeal. You can cook it both in milk and in water, and berries, fresh or dried fruits will make the usual oatmeal even tastier and healthier. Hercules contains all the nutrients needed for women's health, not for nothing that oatmeal has long been called "beauty porridge".

Women over 30 need to take special care of their health. Nutritionists advise remembering barley porridge, which is a source of a huge amount of vitamins, macro- and microelements. This cereal contains calcium, iodine, phosphorus, vitamins A, D, E and group B, amino acids and many other substances that help slow down the aging process and strengthen the immune system. For example, the amino acid lysine contained in barley in in large numbers, is involved in the synthesis of collagen, which is necessary to maintain the elasticity and youthfulness of the skin.

In addition to cereals, breakfast for a woman should include dairy products, fruits, vegetables and juices. Coffee and black tea should be replaced with green tea. Its benefits cannot be overestimated, because green tea contributes to maintaining the beauty and youthfulness of the skin, good digestion, helps, and is also a good remedy for the prevention of cancer.

Scientists have recognized such foods as avocado, kiwi and cheese as useful for women's health and beauty. Therefore, a light salad with avocado, a rye bread sandwich with cheese and a cup of green tea can also make a healthy breakfast for the fair sex.

What should be the right breakfast? What foods are good to eat for breakfast? Reasons why you shouldn't skip breakfast.

“Eat breakfast like a king, dine like a prince, and dine like a beggar.” Very precise and correct statement. The importance of the morning meal for our health cannot be overestimated. What we eat for breakfast largely determines our well-being and performance throughout the day.

In this article, we will tell you what the right breakfast should be, what foods are good to eat during the morning meal, and why breakfast should not be skipped. Let's start with the answer to the last question.

4 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Skip Breakfast

1. Good working capacity
After sleep, the body needs to replenish energy. A properly balanced breakfast helps to "start" digestion, restores blood sugar levels, and gives a feeling of satiety for many hours. A full morning meal is very important for people engaged in mental work. It strengthens memory, increases attention - both in adults and children, helps to tune in to a productive day. It has been proven that people who eat breakfast daily are more resilient both physically and mentally, and therefore get more pleasure from their studies and work.

2. Slim figure
If you do not eat in the morning, then the excruciating hunger that begins to torment you closer to dinner can cause you to overeat in the afternoon. In this state, a person eats what comes to his hand, without thinking about the size of portions, or about the dangers of the products used. Studies by American scientists have shown that people who constantly skip breakfast eat more during the day, and their likelihood of obesity increases 4.5 times. Also, in the course of research, it was found that breakfast improves metabolism, accelerates the burning of calories, and has a positive effect on hormonal levels.

3. Good mood
Refusing breakfast can cause absent-mindedness, lethargy, irritability, because the body, especially in the first half of the day, needs not only calories, but also mood-enhancing substances, the so-called joy hormones or endorphins. Therefore, the products, when consumed, which are produced in the body, it is very easy to eat for breakfast. These are strawberries, grapes, bananas, oranges, avocados, mustard, chili peppers, chocolate brewed with cocoa milk. A beautifully served, mouth-watering and delicious breakfast is a guarantee Have a good mood during the whole day.

4. Strong immunity
A breakfast consisting of foods rich in iron, calcium, ascorbic acid and B vitamins helps to strengthen the immune system, reduces the risk colds, supports the work nervous system, serves as a prevention of cardiovascular diseases, reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. Studies conducted in the UK have shown that people who constantly skip the morning meal are more susceptible to various viruses. So it turns out that a daily balanced breakfast is one of the most important steps to health and longevity.

What should be the right breakfast?

Breakfast should be both light and nutritious, consisting of useful products, which strengthen health, improve mood, help to cheer up, charge the body with energy for long hours. A healthy balanced breakfast should consist of slow carbohydrates with a high fiber content (cereals, pasta made from durum wheat, fresh vegetables, berries and fruits), proteins (low-fat cottage cheese, eggs, lean fish) and healthy fats (nuts, olive oil, and flaxseed oil). Simple carbohydrates (muffin, white bread, sugar) in the morning menu should be as small as possible. These rules apply to all ages.

Right time for breakfast

The best time for breakfast is half an hour after waking up. A very useful habit is to start your morning with a glass of warm water. The liquid, drunk on an empty stomach, helps the body remove toxins, activates vital processes, and starts digestion.

If you have no appetite in the morning, buy yourself a decorated bright colors bowl - the right utensils increase appetite and improve mood. Accustom yourself to have breakfast every morning at the same time, then your stomach after 2-3 weeks will remind you of food more clearly than any clock.

2-3 hours after breakfast, especially if it was light, you can have a snack with an apple, banana, nuts (raw and unsalted) or drink a glass of natural yogurt.

1. Fresh berries
Any forest and garden berries- it is both useful and tasty. All of them, and strawberries, and cherries, and raspberries, and grapes, blueberries, and blueberries, are full of natural stimulants. From fresh berries, you can prepare a variety of desserts, eat them with cottage cheese, add to cooked ones.

2. Citrus fruits
Oranges, grapefruits, tangerines are a godsend for those who constantly sleep on the go. The juice of these fruits contains a lot of vitamin C - a wonderful natural stimulant. In addition, the smell of lemon, lime, orange makes the brain work more actively. In winter, natural juices from citrus fruits are very relevant.

3. Chocolate
Dark chocolate (if it is natural, of high quality, without harmful additives) stimulates the production of joy hormones - endorphins. A small piece of this delicacy a day is enough to activate mental activity and recharge your good mood.

4. Fish and bird
Many people think that eating poultry or fish in the morning is not worth it, but this is not the case. A piece of lean meat for breakfast is a source of proteins that are slowly processed. At the same time, energy is released slowly, it lasts for a long time, so a person does not have a constant desire to “snack”.

5. Nuts
Walnuts, almonds, cedar, pistachios, cashews, hazelnuts - any nuts are very healthy and nutritious. They are like batteries for our body. The main thing is to eat nuts without salt, raw, and even better - soaked, only in this form they are really useful.

6. Apples, bananas, apricots, persimmons
All these fruits are sources of vitamins, microelements, enzymes, pectins and easily digestible natural sugars. You can cook fruit salads in the morning, for example, mix apples, bananas, strawberries, kiwi, grapes cut into pieces and season it all with natural yogurt.

7. Kashi
Cereals are sources of minerals, fiber, slow carbohydrates and other substances that control the absorption of fats, help cleanse the intestines of toxins, and give a feeling of satiety for many hours. Oatmeal and buckwheat porridge are ideal for breakfast.

8. Dairy products
Cottage cheese, sour cream, feta cheese, hard cheese and homemade yogurt are best suited for breakfast - sources of easily digestible proteins and calcium. The main thing is that dairy products are natural and fresh, then the benefits from them will be maximum.

9. Eggs
They are the perfect breakfast food, especially if cooked properly - the yolk should remain half-baked. It is better to eat soft-boiled eggs or baked until half cooked in the oven. Very tasty and hearty breakfast- Omelet with cheese.

10. Fresh vegetables
They will be an ideal addition to meat, fish and dairy breakfasts. Enzymes, which are rich in plant foods, help protein foods to be digested faster. From fresh herbs and vegetables, you can prepare salads, add them to omelettes and cereals.

11. Home baking
These include black bread with bran, whole grain flour cookies (with seeds, sesame seeds, nuts), cheesecakes, pancakes, buckwheat flour pancakes. You can serve these goodies with jam, honey, natural peanut butter - this breakfast will definitely be appreciated by children.

12. Smoothies
On hot summer days, it is useful to have breakfast with freshly squeezed fresh juices and smoothies - thick berry, vegetable and fruit cocktails with the addition of spices, spices, honey, various syrups, nuts and dairy products. In these drinks and desserts, unlike store-bought ones, there are no preservatives and dyes, and beneficial vitamins and trace elements - more than enough.

We hope that our article will help you realize the importance of breakfast - both for health, and for the figure, and for mood. Start your day with healthy foods - berries, vegetables, cereals, nuts, yogurt, cottage cheese. cook delicious salads, cereals, desserts for breakfast, and then you can no longer do without it. Eat your favorite meals in the morning and be healthy!

In order to be active and cheerful, so that you have enough energy for the whole day, so that you do not feel empty already in the morning, you only need to adhere to the main rule - be sure to eat in the morning. Breakfast is the healthiest meal of the day and should never be skipped or replaced with a cup of coffee. Therefore, in this article we will tell you what is best to take for breakfast.

It is in the morning that minerals and minerals are best absorbed. If you want to get in shape and lose required amount kilograms or just maintain your current weight, then you should adhere to the following rules without fail.

TOP 5 healthy breakfast foods

Whole grain cereals

Why porridge - best dish for tomorrow? The answer is simple enough. Yes, all because porridge is complex carbohydrates that are absorbed by the body slowly, so you will be full for a long time and will not soon feel hungry. It is best to eat cereals from unpeeled and unpolished grains, which are practically without any processing, as they contain a lot of fiber. The latter cleanses the body and removes toxins. For example, pearl barley, brown rice, wheat, and millet are also very rich in minerals and components, with which you will feel full of strength and energy. If in pure form it’s not quite tasty for you, you can diversify the porridge with dried fruits or fresh fruits, berries and honey. You can also add healthy fats - nuts, seeds or sesame seeds. Wholemeal (whole grain) toasts are also an excellent breakfast. We mix eggs, milk and salt, dip our bread and fry in sunflower oil.

Skim cheese

Cottage cheese is a product that supplies your body with calcium and protein. Of course, we take cottage cheese with a zero percent fat content or as little as possible. A very large variety of dishes can be prepared from cottage cheese. If you have a sweet tooth, you can treat yourself to cottage cheese with honey, fruits, dried fruits, you can also add a little jam or jam, sweet cottage cheese makes delicious cheesecakes. If you prefer salty, cottage cheese with fat-free sour cream and greens will suit you.


If you have breakfast in the morning, and after an hour or two you are hungry again, try to eat in the morning boiled eggs or scrambled eggs, the feeling of satiety will not leave you for a long time. You can add tomatoes, greens to the omelet bell pepper, basil and more. Such a breakfast will enrich you with protein for the whole day.

Berries and fruits

If you decide to follow proper nutrition and it is healthy to have breakfast, berries and fruits must be present in your diet. The main thing is not to overdo it with the quantity. You can choose the fruits that you like best and have breakfast with them, or even better - do vegetable salad from different berries and fruits, seasoned with low-fat yogurt. All fruits contain fructose, so it is better to eat them in the morning.


Only yogurt should be natural, without sugar and other chemical additives. This product normalizes cholesterol. What could be more beautiful if in the morning you help the intestines wake up and work to their full potential. Yogurt contains beneficial fungi and lactobacilli, which stabilize the metabolism and help the gastrointestinal tract work. If you drink low-fat yogurt in the morning, gastric juice is produced, which contributes to the rapid absorption of food. It is very tasty to eat oatmeal with natural yogurt in the morning. You can't imagine a better breakfast.

Healthiest Breakfast Recipes

Do not skip such an important meal, as it is a healthy breakfast that helps to be cheerful and energetic throughout the day. In order to diversify your menu and not think in the morning what to eat, write a menu for the whole week at once. Below are some simple recipes:

  • French Beauty Salad. 2 tbsp. l.i oatmeal fill in the 5th tbsp. l. cold boiled water, leave to settle for about an hour. Next add 3 tbsp. l. cold boiled milk, sugar to taste and an apple previously grated on a fine grater (you can with a peel). Season the salad with lemon juice.
  • Cottage cheese with fruits, berries or herbs. Mix 200 g of cottage cheese with chopped fruits, berries or herbs (for example, parsley or dill). In the first option, you can optionally add honey and nuts, in the second - fat-free sour cream.
  • Protein omelet with herbs. We take 3 eggs and separate the whites from the yolks, then beat the whites until foam appears and add greens, pepper, salt. We send it to the pan or, even better, to the slow cooker.
  • Salad with chicken. We cut into cubes about 150 g of boiled chicken fillet, into circles - Bulgarian pepper, in half - cherry tomatoes, divide the arugula into leaves. Dress the salad with olive oil.
Video about the TOP 10 most healthy breakfasts: