Projects in additional education. Project “Ensuring professional growth and improving the pedagogical skills of additional education teachers of the center for extracurricular activities. Managing the implementation of the research program

Natalya Tsingler
Creative project “Territory of Creativity”

Municipal autonomous educational institution of additional education "Center for Further Education"

Creative project

« Territory of creativity»

Additional education teacher

Highest qualification category

Mezhdurechensky town


Project« Territory of creativity» :

By method: practice-oriented.

By number of participants: students of the vocal association "Siberians", vocal teacher, teacher-choreographer.

By the nature of contacts: center for additional education, contacts with family, with secondary schools, with cultural institutions, social protection of the population, church parish.

By time: long term (1 year).


Given project focused on vocal and choral work with students of the vocal association (all age groups) and is aimed at popularizing folk and pop art. In conditions project a group of vocal association students is working to create joint vocal performances, i.e. students of different age groups do one common thing, which promotes team cohesion and responsibility for a common cause, and adult vocalists also act as mentors for younger students. In the course of work, knowledge in the field of musical art expands. Favorable conditions are created for creative activities of the vocal group.


Given project designed for vocal group students "Siberians". This association includes children of all ages. (preschoolers and schoolchildren aged 7 – 17 years). There are three age groups in the association, which study according to an educational thematic plan of the appropriate age level. When working with vocalists, it was often necessary to perform a vocal number by the entire composition of the association, or by a duet or trio of different ages. This method of work fruitful affected the work of the vocalists and was very interesting to the students. In addition, it should be noted that when children of different ages perform a joint vocal performance on stage, this sends a good message to the audience.

Thus, project -« Territory of creativity» , aimed at joint creation pupils of different age groups of the vocal association (this is a performance in a mixed ensemble and duets of different ages).

Relevance project- The musical development of children has an irreplaceable impact on the overall development: the emotional sphere is formed, imagination, will, fantasy develops. Perception sharpens, activation creative strength of mind and energy of thinking even in the most inert children. The foundation of aesthetic culture is laid for the development, which requires the organization of new models of education, and therefore a new quality of the process of development of musical abilities. These issues can be resolved by introducing children to the art of music through singing as the most accessible type of musical activity. In the process of singing activity, the entire complex of musical abilities, emotional responsiveness to music are successfully formed, and the child’s experiences are enriched. In addition, educational tasks related to the formation of the child’s personality are solved. Modern science has proven that children involved in singing activities are more responsive, emotional, receptive and sociable. Mastering a voice gives a child the opportunity to instantly express his feelings through singing, and this emotional outburst charges him with vital energy.

Novelty project is next:

Integrated approach to learning.

Integration - (lat)- restoration, replenishment, unification of parts into a whole (integer - whole, and not a mechanical connection, but interpenetration, interaction, mutual vision.

There are many types integration: by methods, techniques, methods, levels, directions. In this project integration consists of uniting different age groups, or soloists of different ages. The results of integration learning are manifested in the development creative pupils' thinking.

Target project- Formation in children of a sustainable interest in singing and performing vocal skills through active musical creative activity.



Form vocal skills (correct and natural sound production, singing breathing, correct articulation, clear diction, mastery of different sound attacks, clear intonation, etc.).

To develop skills in adequate and expressive performance of vocal music;

Teach students the techniques of stage movement and acting.

Involve in concert activities (participation in competitions and festivals for children creativity) ;


Develop teamwork skills;

Develop personal and communication skills.


To educate a team of like-minded people who use individual, creative opportunities to achieve a holistic, harmonious sound in the process of performing activities.

To cultivate aesthetic taste, performing and listening culture.

Health-saving component programs:

Build an educational process that helps strengthen and improve the health of children;

Master the methods of self-regulation and support a healthy lifestyle.

Staffing and Management project

Towards implementation project Specialists from the additional education center will be involved - the director, deputy director for educational work, methodologist of the additional education center, parents of students, teacher-choreographer.

Director – carries out general management project.

Deputy director for educational work and methodologist of the center of additional education - provide methodological support project, conducts diagnostic techniques: testing, comparison, questioning.

Supervisor project– is an organizer and implementer project.

Teacher choreographer – organizes work on mastering stage movement skills.

Cooperation with partner organizations (carry out concert activities):

FTC "Rondo"

RDKI "Konda"

Schools of Kondinsky district

TsZN "Fortune"

Cooperation with a local Orthodox religious organization

The arrival of the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "Joy to all who mourn"

Description of activities during project

Preparatory stage (Term: September – 2015):

1. Selection of vocal material for performance.

5. Developing a plan for joint activities of a teacher with children, creating conditions for joint activities of children, planning interaction with partner organizations within project.

At this stage, work is carried out on learning vocal works in groups, and then a consolidated rehearsal takes place (on which all vocalists are present). Here work is already underway directly on the production of the work and the holistic sound of the group. These rehearsals take place as needed. (1 – 2 times a month for 2 hours).

To implement this project the work includes works and events shown in the table (this plan is subject to adjustment).

Planned work for joint performance Participants Events Dates

"Majestic" Music Alexandra Ermolova, lyrics. Vadim Borisova Middle and senior groups District festival "Friendship of Peoples"

"The Heart of My Land" Duet - Tsingler N. N. and Bidzheva Milana

"Bright Holiday", from the repertoire of the children's ensemble "Rainbow" Junior group and preschool group Concert program "Christmas Nativity" January

"The Light of the Christmas Star", words by Irina Filimonova, music by Anna Petryasheva. Junior, middle, senior groups.

“Christ the Child Had a Garden” Junior, middle, senior groups. Concert event – "Holy Easter" April

"Angels of Hope" Junior, middle, senior groups. Reporting concert of the center April

Final stage (Term: May 2016):

Analysis of activities at all stages project, correlation of results with assigned tasks;

Creation of a bank of teaching experience (report).

In the process of implementation project The following problems may occur

Risk factor Ways to overcome

Deficit of vocal repertoire Use of Internet resources

Insufficient preparation of students

(different age and psychological characteristics of pupils) Finding a suitable vocal repertoire, facilitating vocal parts.


Due to illness

Other reasons Working together with parents

As a finished product project is planned

Replenishment of the card index of musical and performing repertoire;

Variety of vocal numbers, according to the composition of performers and stylistic direction

Prospects for dissemination of results project:

Concert activities of the association's students;

Competitive activities of the association's students;

Dissemination of teaching work experience (teaching communities, seminars, teacher’s website, etc.)

INTER-SUBJECT CREATIVE PROJECT in the Children's Educational Institution "Seasons"

Explanatory note. In the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, the use of educational technologies actually becomes a guarantor of achieving modern quality of education. On the other hand, the humanization of education requires a rethinking of the goals, values, content and technologies of education in terms of their appeal to the child’s personality, to the preservation of his mental and physical health. This means that the leading technologies should be developmental and personality-oriented learning.
Project activities– this is a didactic means of activating the cognitive and creative development of the student and at the same time the formation of certain personal qualities. The knowledge acquired by children during the implementation of the project becomes the property of their personal experience. Using the project method, the main goal of education is achieved - the development of the child’s personality as a continuous restructuring of his experience. The project method allows children to accumulate experience on their own, and this experience becomes a driving force for the child, on which the direction of further intellectual and social development of the individual depends.
The technology of project activity is a set of techniques, actions of students in their specific sequence to achieve a given task - solving a certain PROBLEM, significant for students and formalized in the form of a certain final PRODUCT.
The technology of project activities allows you to teach children:
- think independently,
- find and solve problems, using knowledge from different fields for this purpose,
- predict the results and possible consequences of different decision options,
- establish cause-and-effect relationships.
Project modeling of program material is designed to maximize the independence of children in acquiring knowledge, to recognize the right of each child to significant autonomy, their own pace of work and their own specific way of acquiring knowledge.
The purpose of this project is to systematize, deepen, and generalize the child’s personal experience, to master new ways of acting, to understand the connections and dependencies that are hidden from them in everyday affairs and require special conditions and guidance from the teacher for mastering. The implementation of the project method in practice leads to a change in the teacher’s position. From a carrier of ready-made knowledge, he turns into an organizer of cognitive, research activities of students.
Design is focused on the joint activities of participants in the educational process in various combinations:
- joint activities of the teacher and student to implement the project;
- joint activities of students;
- joint activities of students with parents.
The material is intended for additional education teachers, fine arts teachers, methodologists; may be useful for students of pedagogical higher and secondary educational institutions.
Recommended for use with children of senior preschool and primary school age. The project can be implemented within one group, or unite several groups, and also cover the entire children's association as a whole.

Project participants: students in additional educational programs, parents, teachers, experts.
Target: Systematize and deepen children’s understanding of seasonal changes in nature. Stimulate the development of children's imagination, imagination, and abilities for applied and artistic creativity.
Arouse additional interest among teachers in creative work with their students.
- To form a cognitive interest in nature, to cultivate a caring attitude towards it.
- Form a generalized idea of ​​the signs of the season:
- about the state of inanimate nature;
- about the main weather phenomena typical for a given time of year;
- about the system of adaptation of plants and animals in accordance with seasonal changes in the main environmental factors;
- to concretize ideas about human adaptability to seasonal changes;
- knowledge of the rules of behavior in various situations typical for a given season.
- Talk coherently about observed natural phenomena, compose creative stories and fairy tales on natural history topics, use evidence-based speech.
- Stimulate the development of fantasy, imagination, applied and artistic abilities - - Nurturing cultural and environmentally literate behavior.

Project stages:

- introduction to the problem: “trees fall asleep - nature fades”
- preparation of visual and didactic material: paintings for viewing by I. Brodskaya “Fallen Leaves”, “Autumn Fog”, I. Levitan “Golden Autumn”, I. Grabar “Autumn Day”, “Rowanka”, F. Vasiliev “Swamp in the Forest” ", V. Polenov "Golden Autumn", I. Shishkin "Autumn", Posters about nature conservation.
- plan
Topic, timing Goals Ways to achieve the goal Equipment Continuity
Educational Institution - Family
Targeted walk to the park. Leaf fall. Looking at an autumn tree.
- "Bunches of Rowan"
- "Autumn Burning Foliage"
(printing with natural shapes)
(September - October) - show children the variety of colors of autumn, reveal the concept of “leaf fall”;
- formation of children’s ideas about the main signs of autumn (decreasing day length, cold, leaves flying away, raining, insects hiding, birds flying away);
- clarify ideas about the main parts of a tree (trunk, branches, leaves, roots);
- cultivate interest in nature, observation, aesthetic perception
- conversation about autumn;
- Looking at trees;
- watching falling leaves
- d/i “Leaves”, “1, 2, 3 – run to the tree”, “Leaf fall”;
- questions for children;
- collecting leaves for the herbarium;
-creative storytelling “Interview at the autumn forest”;
- reading poems about autumn;
- p/i “In the forest in autumn”;
- plastic sketch “I am a maple leaf”;
- psycho-gymnastics “Walk in the autumn forest” Objects for observation in the area near the school, in the park, etc.
- Reading poems about autumn;
-collecting bouquets of leaves;
- looking at trees on the way to school
Fruits. Vegetables.
- “Autumn still life”
- “Gifts of Autumn”
(printing with cork, potato seals)
- “Fruit bowl”
(September - November) - teach children to distinguish and name fruits and vegetables by color, shape, size, surface character, color, smell, taste;
- develop memory, attention;
- teach examination actions;
-Cultivate interest in the environment, patience, endurance - riddles about vegetables, fruits;
- examining vegetables and fruits;
- inspection of objects;
- d/i “Taste it”
"Wonderful bag"
"Guess what's missing";
- psycho-essay “Turnip” - vegetables, fruits for research;
- “Wonderful bag”;
- tray, napkins, forks;
- materials for visual arts
- learning by heart riddles about vegetables and fruits;
- involve parents in collecting vegetables and fruits for classes
Signs of late autumn. Insects, forest animals in late autumn.
- “Hedgehog” (drawing with crumpled paper)
- “Wonder Animals”
“Cobwebs with spiders in the middle fly by”
- “Who lives in the autumn forest?”

(November) - teach children to observe seasonal changes in nature;
- to form children’s ideas about the life of forest animals in late autumn;
- expand children’s knowledge about preparing insects for winter;
- develop the ability to distinguish forest animals and insects by essential characteristics, classify, name;
- cultivate a caring attitude towards objects of living nature - reading poems about autumn;
- riddles about animals, forest inhabitants, insects;
- a teacher’s story about the life of forest animals in late autumn with illustrations shown
- a story about how insects prepare for winter;
- questions for children to clarify their knowledge;
- physical education lessons “Wolf-wolf”, “I am a red fox”;
- psychostudies “Butterfly”, “Bug”;
- d/i “Who moves how?”
“Who has what house?”
“Find out by description” - objects of living and inanimate nature;
- illustrations depicting forest animals and insects;
- cards for educational games
- materials for visual arts - a walk in the park;
Reading the works of A. Pleshcheev “A boring picture”, “Autumn has come”
- reading works about forest animals, insects (fairy tales, stories, poems, riddles);
- review of the encyclopedia “Wild Animals”, “Insects”
Gloomy autumn. Excursion to the park. Trees in late autumn.
- “Trees can be sad too”
- “Autumn Landscape”
- “Autumn Magic Rain” - consolidate children’s knowledge about the most typical features of late autumn,
- developing the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships between seasonal changes in living and inanimate nature;
- develop observation, logical thinking, ability to compare;
- to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, interest in the environment, the ability to admire the beauty of the autumn landscape - a conversation about autumn;
- examination of objects of living and inanimate nature;
- questions for children on systematizing knowledge;
- finger gymnastics “Song of Autumn Rain”;
- d/i “Say a word”, “Run to the tree and bush”,
“Tree-bush”, “Complete the drawing for the artist”,
“Dress the tree according to the season”;
- p/i “Where does the tree grow?” - objects of observation;
- organization of excursions
- landscape artist Nikolai Romadin
- materials for visual arts - conducting a joint excursion with parents
Mushrooms. Berries (forest, garden).
- "Autumn Fantasy"
- “Gifts of Autumn” (Diatypia - apply a light layer of paint to the smooth surface of the cardboard with a cloth swab. Place a sheet of paper on top and draw something with a pencil or stick. On the side that was pressed to the cardboard, an impression is obtained)
- “The bear has mushrooms in the forest, I take berries...”
- “The Kingdom of Mushrooms”
-(September) - the importance of forests in human life;
- distinguish and name the most common edible and inedible mushrooms and berries in the area;
- learn the golden rule of the mushroom picker “If you’re not sure, don’t take it”;
- benefits and dangers for humans - didactic games and exercises:
"Continue my sentence"
“What will happen to the mushrooms if...?”
“What word does the name of the mushroom come from?”
"Find out the name of the juices"
"Guess by description"
“What’s extra?”
"Yes and no"
"Gather the Harvest"
- illustrations, natural objects for viewing (observe safety precautions)
- Reading M. Prishvin “The Last Mushrooms”
- V. Zotov “Summer honey fungus, autumn honey fungus, false honey fungus, saffron milk cap, pigwort” (from the book “Forest Mosaic”)
- materials for visual arts - joint walks with children in the forest, park
- “Birds on the branches”
(October) - clarify and expand ideas about the general characteristics of birds (structure, method of movement)
- clarify ideas about the diversity of birds: migratory, wintering, waterfowl;
- cultivate a caring attitude towards birds - looking at illustrations;
- riddles about birds;
- listening to the audio recording “Sounds of the world around us”;
- the teacher’s story about the birds of his native land;
- questions for children to clarify their knowledge;
- d/i “Find out by description”
"The Fourth Wheel"
"Every bird in its place"
"Birds, animals, insects"
"It flies - it doesn't fly"
“Collect a picture”;
- psycho-essay “Sparrow” - illustrations depicting birds: woodpecker, cuckoo, crow, dove, sparrow, magpie, owl;
- audio recording “Sounds of the surrounding world” - - materials for visual arts
- learning riddles about birds;
- bird watching in nature

Assessment of knowledge level
K. Balmont “Autumn in the yard”
I. Bunin “Falling Leaves”
V. Dahl “The Old Man of the Year”
S. Yesenin “The fields are compressed, the groves are bare...”
V. Zotov “Summer honey fungus, autumn honey fungus, false honey fungus, saffron milk cap, pigwort” (from the book “Forest Mosaic”)
S. Marshak “All Year Round”
A. Pushkin “The sky was already breathing in autumn”
G. Skrebitsky “Autumn”
A. Tvardovsky “Forest in autumn”
E. Trutneva “Autumn”
F. Tyutchev “There is in the original autumn...”

Systematization of knowledge about autumn (decreasing day length, lowering air temperature, birds flying away). Expanding ideas about the state of plants (modified stems, variety of colors of leaves, flowers, variety of fruits and seeds), about the adaptation of seeds to distribution. Cause of leaves falling.
Migratory and waterfowl, their behavior in autumn (flocking, flying away, foraging).
Reservoir (water freezing, feeding fish and birds by passers-by).
Diversity of the autumn forest: mushrooms, berries.
Systematization of ideas about the diversity of insects (features of appearance, structure, habitats, modes of movement, nutrition, reproduction) using models.
Autumn is divided into two periods: the 1st period is the time of ripening of late fruits and the appearance of autumn coloring of trees. The leaves are starting to fall. This period ends with a picture of golden autumn.
2nd period – dispersion of maple and linden fruits begins. Trees crumble and branches are exposed. Frogs, lizards, snakes, and bats are preparing for winter. Insects are disappearing, followed by insectivorous birds. Winter freezes at night. Autumn ends when the rivers stop.
Autumn signs: Autumn time - a bird from the yard. If the cranes fly high, slowly and seem to be talking, it will be a good autumn. It's cold, damp, and it rains often. The departure of the cranes to Pokrov (October 14) means early winter. The goose began to fly away - there would soon be snow.

Thematic days:
- Connoisseurs of autumn nature.
- Competition “Smart Men and Women.”
- Game – journey “On a visit to autumn”.
- D/I: “Why are mushrooms called that?”, “Harvest the harvest”, “What is what?”, “What time of year?”, “Who can guess when this happens?”, Let’s bring back the memory of autumn,” “Finish the sentence ", "What happened first, what came next?"
- Crossword “Autumn”.
- Games, quizzes, competitions.
World of music:
- A. Vivaldi “Autumn” (from the cycle “The Seasons”)
- P.I. Tchaikovsky "Autumn" (from the cycle "Seasons")
- from the film “Office Romance” - “Autumn”
- I. Krutoy “Lullaby for Sasha”
- Video clip “Coasts of Russia” (A. Klevitsky / N. Denisov) – Spanish. VITAS

- Game – journey “Visiting Berendey”
Exhibitions of children's drawings:
- “Colorful autumn”
- “A Tale of Autumn”
Flower exhibition “Bright colors of autumn” (joint production of flower arrangements with parents)
Exhibition of crafts made from natural materials “Gifts of Autumn”
Collection of herbarium “Leaves, seeds, fruits”
Photo exhibition “Me and Nature”
1.Organizational and preparatory:
- introduction to the problem: “oh, you winter-winter”
- preparation of visual and didactic material: paintings for viewing by I. Brodskaya “Forest in Winter in the Snow”, N. Ulyanov “Bullfinches”, A. Savrasov “Winter Landscape”, “Rime”, “Winter”, I. Grabar “February Blue” , V. Kurdyukov “Winter in Lyubim”, K. Korovin “In Winter”, A. Ryabushkin “Winter Morning”, A. Plastov “First Snow”, K. Yuon “End of Winter. Noon”, V. Vasnetsov “Snow Maiden”, Posters about nature conservation, prints, linocuts of landscape nature.
- plan
Topic, timing Goals Ways to achieve the goal equipment Continuity educational institution - family
Excursion to the winter park. Drawing “The winter-winter has spread out her snow-white patterns”
"Winter Landscape"
(December) - Expand and streamline children’s ideas about seasonal changes in nature, the natural and climatic conditions of our region, the differences between trees from each other in winter;
- develop children’s ability to establish relationships in nature: winter came - it became cold - snow fell, the river froze - plants disappeared - insects hid - birds flew away;
- develop cognitive interest, memory, voluntary attention, speech-proof;
- to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, sensitivity to the perception of the beauty of the winter landscape - a teacher’s story with an examination of objects of living and inanimate nature;
- reading poems about winter, memorizing the signs of winter;
- riddles about winter, about winter natural phenomena;
- experiments with snow and ice;
- search questions;
- psycho-essay “Snowdrift”;
- d/i “When does this happen?”
“1,2,3 – run to the tree”
- physical education lesson “White, pure snow is falling” - objects of living and inanimate nature;
- illustrations on the topic;
- riddles about winter natural phenomena;
- cups with snow, ice, materials for visual arts
- walks around the winter village (city);
- monitoring of precipitation;
- memorizing poems about winter;
- reading works about winter by S. Marshak “Snow is pouring, pouring”, L. Voronkova “Snow is falling”,
"Mistress Blizzard" (German fairy tale)
F. Tyutchev “The Enchantress in Winter”
- Watching the movie “Twelve Months”
Plants in winter. Drawing "Birch"
"Frozen Tree"

“Spruce or pine branches with cones”
(December – February) - clarify and expand children’s knowledge about plants in winter (deciduous trees have lost their leaves, coniferous trees are green; the grass “sleeps” under a blanket of snow);
- develop the ability to independently identify cause-and-effect relationships;
- develop an aesthetic perception of the surrounding nature - riddles about winter, winter natural phenomena;
- teacher’s story;
- examination of illustrations (structure, location of branches, color of trunk, needles);
- questions for children;
- exploratory activities during a walk;
- d/i “Guess by description”;
- psycho-essay “Herringbone” - illustrations for viewing
materials for visual arts - walks in the park, forest;
- learning poems and winter songs;
- joint production of crafts from natural materials
Animals in winter
Drawing “Animals - Snow Cubs”
(December) - deepen children’s knowledge about wild and domestic animals, about adaptation to seasonal changes in nature;
- develop interest in the life of animals in winter;
- develop the ability to establish essential features for generalization, filling them with specific content;
- cultivate a caring attitude towards animals - riddles about wild animals;
- a conversation about changes in animal behavior in winter, looking at illustrations;
- d/i “Name by description”
- questions of a searching, clarifying nature;
- children's stories about the life of wild animals in winter;
- learning proverbs;
- children’s story about people’s work looking at illustrations
- physical education minutes “To the Christmas tree”
“The Wind and the Bunny” - illustrations depicting wild and domestic animals;
- professions of people caring for wild and domestic animals
materials for visual arts - determining by the imprint of a footprint in the snow who this footprint belongs to;
- reading the works of O. Vysotskaya “Snow Rabbit”
I. Sokolov-Mikitov “Belyak”
E. I. Charushin “Fox”
R.N.s. "Winter quarters of animals"
S. Kozlov “Winter's Tale”
- animal observation
Birds in winter. Drawing “Bullfinches on branches”
"Gzhel bird"
(January) - deepen children’s understanding of wintering and migratory birds;
- develop logical thinking;
- cultivate a love for birds, a desire to help them in winter - questions of a searching and clarifying nature;
- viewing illustrations;
- children's stories about the life of birds in winter;
- d/i “Name the bird”
“Assemble a cut picture”
- solving a crossword puzzle - illustrations of birds;
- pictures for d/i
- materials for visual arts - bird watching;
- production of feeders;
Z. Alexandrova “Snowball”
S. Yesenin “Sparrows”
K. Ushinsky “Caught Bird”
Winter holidays
“New Year”, “Christmas”, “Maslenitsa”
Drawing “Christmas tree”
"Father Frost and Snow Maiden"
“How fun it was at the Christmas tree festival” “Christmas carols”
"Winter fun"
(December - February) - continue to introduce children to the customs and traditions of the Russian people, note the characteristic features of each holiday;
- develop interest in Russian culture and its traditions;
- to cultivate love for one’s homeland, for Russian folklore - the teacher’s story about folk ritual holidays;
- viewing illustrations; content questions;
- round dance games;
- reading signs, proverbs and sayings;
- Russian folk games;
- examination of folk arts and crafts - holiday illustrations, postcards;
- collections of poems by Russian poets corresponding to the theme of the holiday;
- festive costumes;
- audio recording of P. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons”;
- a festive treat corresponding to the theme of the holiday
- materials for visual arts - memorizing poems for the holidays;
- production of costumes;
- singing and listening to Russian folk songs;
- preparing food;
- giving gifts to relatives
The time of year is winter.
Frost, snow, ice.
Drawing based on the fairy tale “Twelve Months”
"Winter Landscape"
“What are those stars carved on the coat and on the scarf?”
(February) - clarify and systematize children’s knowledge about winter and its signs, draw logical conclusions from the teacher’s observations and messages, answer questions;
- develop the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships between observed phenomena and objects, make your own conclusions about natural phenomena in winter;
- cultivate a sense of empathy for native nature - observation of real objects;
- looking at illustrations and paintings and talking about winter;
- reading of F. Tyutchev’s poem “In the Enchantress in Winter...”;
- riddles about natural phenomena in winter;
- physical education lessons “The Wind and the Bunny” “White, clean snow is falling”;
- d/i “When does this happen?” - illustrations and paintings about winter;
- audio recording for relaxation;
- audio cassette “Seasons”;
- encyclopedia "Weather"
- materials for visual arts - walks in a winter park, forest;
- observation of natural phenomena during walks;
- photographs of winter landscapes;
- drawings about winter;
- skating on a skating rink, ice track, from a snowy mountain
- assessment of knowledge level
- selection of fiction:
Z. Aleksandrova “Snowball”, “Santa Claus”
V. Berestov “Icy conditions”
Br. Grimm "Mistress Blizzard"
V. Dahl “The Old Man of the Year”
S. Yesenin “Powder”, “Birch”, “Sparrows”
S. Kozlov “Winter's Tale”
S. Marshak “All Year Round”
N. Nekrasov “Red Nose Frost”
V. Odoevsky “Moroz Ivanovich”
V. Oseeva “On the Ice Rink”
A. Pushkin “Winter morning”
I. Surikov “Winter”
F. Tyutchev “In the Enchantress in Winter...”
Riddles, proverbs, sayings.
2. Productive (technological).
Systematization of knowledge about winter, winter phenomena in living and inanimate nature. Determining the weather by signs. The beauty of the winter landscape; snow (color change: bluish, bluish, yellow depending on lighting); snowflakes (viewed through a magnifying glass) in different weather; fancy patterns on the windows (with their repetition in children's drawings). Blizzard, blizzard, thaw.
Wintering birds. Behavior and habits. The need for feeding, what they feed on (guess by the shape of the beak), appearance.
Fishermen on the shore of a reservoir, river, lake. The thickness of the ice layer, the formation of polynyas.
Trees (bark – cork layer), frost protection. The beauty of trees in any weather.
A series of observations of water, ice, snow, steam.
Footprints in the snow of humans, birds, domestic animals, animals; traces from sleds, skis, cars, etc.
Folk sayings and signs:
A lot of snow means a lot of bread.
Frosty winter – hot summer, snowy winter – rainy summer.
Smoke in a column means frost.
Frost on trees means frost.
Feed the birds in winter - they will repay you with goodness in summer.
Long icicles - for a long spring.

Thematic days:
- Experts in winter nature.
- Competition “Smart Men and Women.”
- Game - journey “Visiting Grandfather Frost”.
- D/I: “What time of year?”, “Who can guess when this happens?”, “Finish the sentence”, “What happened first, what happened next?”.
- Crossword “Winter”.
- Games, quizzes, competitions.
World of music:
- A. Vivaldi “Winter” (from the cycle “The Seasons”)
- P.I. Tchaikovsky "Winter" (from the cycle "Seasons")
- Music for relaxation “In harmony with nature”
Project result (practical output):
Cultural and leisure activities:
- Entertainment “Winter Fun”
- Game – trip “Ski trip”
Exhibitions of children's drawings:
- All-Russian children's drawing competition “Winter 2015”
- “Winter-winter”
- “Winter patterns”
Exhibition of crafts made from natural materials “Winter in the Forest”
Bas-relief “Tree in winter”
Photo exhibition “Me and Nature”, “Winter Landscape”
1.Organizational and preparatory:
- introduction to the problem: “how to wake up from sleep”
- preparation of visual and didactic material: paintings for viewing by I. Brodskaya “March”, “April”, I. Levitan “Big Water”, “Flood”, “First Greens. May”, “Blossoming Apple Trees”, A. Gritsai “Flood”, “First Days of May”, A. Rylov “Green Noise”, F. Vasiliev “Thaw”, S. Gerasimov “The Ice Has Gone”, I. Grabar “March Snow ", K. Yuon "March Sun", Posters about nature conservation, prints, linocuts of landscape nature.
- plan
Topic, timing Goals Ways to achieve the goal Equipment Continuity educational institution - family
Nature in spring. Excursion to the spring park.
"Early Spring"
“Water is the mirror of nature”
“Native nature in the works of Russian artists – Spring Day”
(March – May) - clarify and systematize knowledge about the characteristic signs of spring; continue to develop an understanding of the connections between living and inanimate natural phenomena;
- develop the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships;
- cultivate interest in the surrounding nature, aesthetic experiences from the spring awakening of nature - observation of the phenomena of inanimate nature;
- observations of herbaceous plants, trees, shrubs;
- conversation about spring changes in nature;
- riddles about spring;
- questions of comparative, exploratory and cause-and-effect nature;
- d/i “Seasons”
“So and not so”
- proverbs and sayings about spring;
- problematic situation “Birch trees also cry” - objects for observation;
- reproductions of paintings for viewing;
- audio recording of P.I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons"
- materials for visual arts - a joint walk in the park;
- viewing television weather forecasts;
- monitoring air temperature changes
Animals in spring.
"In the Animal World"
“My favorite animals” - animal artists
(April) - systematize ideas about the habitats of wild animals, insects, and domestic animals; teach to apply specific knowledge about the behavior, needs, habits of animals for evidence; teach to understand the connections between inanimate natural phenomena and animal life;
- cultivate the ability to reason, reflect judgments in detailed speech - a conversation about changes in the lives of domestic and wild animals;
- riddles about animals;
- physical education session “Zverobik”
“Dancing while sitting”;
- d/i “Name the animal”;
- looking at illustrations about animal life;
- questions for children;
- problem situation “Good - bad” - illustrations with images of animals;
- pets;
- materials for visual arts - walks with children, observation of the surrounding nature
"The starlings have arrived"
"Small Birds"
“Spring has come - the birds have arrived”
(April - May) - expand knowledge about migratory birds, structural features, lifestyle, nutrition; teach to establish cause-and-effect relationships (between lifestyle and habitat);
- develop observation skills, the ability to reflect highlighted features in comparative judgments;
- create a desire to peer at familiar objects, create conditions for closer observation - a conversation about birds;
- riddles about birds;
- examination of illustrations, teacher’s story;
- d/i “Name the bird”
"Wintering and migratory birds"
"It flies - it doesn't fly"
"What kind of bird"
- dramatization of the story by K. Ushinsky “Caught Bird”;
- listening to the audio recording “Birdsong”;
- problem situation “What would you do if...” - illustrations of different birds;
- Encyclopedia “Birds”;
- audio recording of “Bird Voices”;
- materials for arts and crafts classes - Reading the work of K. Ushinsky “The Caught Bird”;
- production of birdhouses;
- observation of a living object;
- mini-presentation of a collage;
- participation in a drawing competition
Spring flowers and herbs.
“The willow is all fluffy”
"Blossoming Spring"
"Beautiful tulips"
(April – May) - repeat the main signs of spring; recognize and name garden, meadow flowers and herbaceous plants;
- develop observation skills;
- cultivate an ecological worldview
- conversation;
- d/i “Spring flowers and herbs”
"Guess the plant"
- crossword puzzle “Spring” - illustrations of garden and meadow herbaceous plants;
- materials for arts and crafts activities - walks along the streets of the village, observing the first flowers;
- selection of information about spring flowers and herbs;
- experiments on seed germination
(May) - to form in children an idea of ​​what climate is; expand the understanding of the diversity of climatic zones;
- develop observation skills;
- cultivate interest in the world around us - questions to clarify children’s knowledge about the weather;
- teacher’s story;
- physical education session “Rain”;
- examination of illustrations, weather calendar;
- folk signs - illustrations on the topic;
- encyclopedia “Weather”;
- nature calendar - viewing television weather forecasts;
- monitoring the air temperature outside and precipitation
- assessment of knowledge level
- selection of fiction:
A. Block “In March”
V. Bianchi “Sinichkin calendar”
V. Dahl “The Old Man of the Year”
S. Marshak “All Year Round”
A. Maykov “Spring”, “The Swallow has rushed”
N. Nekrasov “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares”
E. Nosova “Like a crow got lost on the roof”
A. Pleshcheev “Spring”
N. Sladkov “Spring joys”
I. Surikov “The sun is shining brightly”
F. Tyutchev “Spring Waters”, “Spring Thunderstorm”, “Winter is angry for good reason”
A. Fet “The willow is all fluffy”, “Spring rain”
Riddles, proverbs, sayings.
2. Productive (technological).
Systematization of knowledge about spring, spring phenomena in living and inanimate nature. Determining the weather by signs. The beauty of the spring landscape. Changes in snow in March (loose, dark: spongy, dirty, grainy). The speed of snow melting (on paths or on asphalt, in the shade, in the sun). Icicles, thawed patches, streams. Drying of the soil, the appearance of the first shoots on it and further growth of plants.
Migratory birds. Behavior and habits. The need for feeding, what they feed on (guess by the shape of the beak), appearance. Arrival of birds (rook - starling, lark, finch - swallows, cuckoos, swifts, etc.). Breeding chicks, catching insects.
Pruning trees in gardens. Plant sap flow. Flowering hazel, alder, willow, birch buds opening; larch crown (pink and green cones, yellow spikelets). Flowering fruit trees (cherry, apple, pear - comparison of flowers).
The appearance of the first forest flowers (blue woodleaf, anemone, violet, goose onion, coltsfoot), the growth of perennial plants (tulip, peony, lily, etc.).
The appearance of butterflies (schimongrass, urticaria, mourning grass). Insects (a large number of flies, mosquitoes, etc.). The first thunderstorm, thunder, change in nature before the thunderstorm. First spring rain.
Body of water (ice drift, cracks in the ice, movement of ice floes downstream). Water frogs, underwater grass, fish (catfish, crucian carp, roach, fish fry, their behavior in times of danger).
A series of observations of branches.
Folk signs and sayings:
Long icicles - for a long spring.
The early arrival of rooks and larks means a warm spring.
I saw a starling - spring is at the porch.
In the spring the rain grows, and in the fall it rots.
Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with bread.
The sun has warmed the earth - don’t be late with sowing.
Lots of water - lots of grass.
Thematic days:
- Experts in spring nature.
- Competition “Smart Men and Women.”
- Game “Red Spring has come to visit us.”
- Crossword puzzle “Spring drops”.
- Games, quizzes, competitions.
World of music:
- A. Vivaldi “Spring” (from the cycle “Seasons”)
- P.I. Tchaikovsky "Spring" (from the cycle "Seasons")
- song “Spring has come” (music by Z. Levina, lyrics by L. Nekrasova)
- Music for relaxation “In harmony with nature”

Project result (practical output):
Cultural and leisure activities:
- “Clear-red, come spring”
- “Birds are our friends”
- entertainment “Spring walk in the forest”
Exhibitions of children's drawings:
- All-Russian children's drawing competition “Small Birds”
- “Blossoming Spring”
- “The world smiles – nature is renewed”
Poetry evening “Russian poets about spring”
Origami “Beautiful tulips”
Mini-presentation: collage “Spring has come - the birds have arrived”
Photo exhibition “Me and Nature”, “Spring in our village (city)”, “Birds of our region”
Reports about spring, about the life of animals in spring.

SUMMER (work may be carried out at a summer camp or in the first weeks of autumn).
1.Organizational and preparatory:
- introduction to the problem: “the hot sun is rising - summer is leading by the hand”
- preparation of visual and didactic material: paintings for viewing by I. Levitan “Lake”, A. Plastov “Haymaking”, “In Summer”, C. Monet “Field of Poppies”, “Haystack”, P. Cezanne “House with a Red Roof” , K. Korovin “Landscape”, V. Zagonek “The thunderstorm has passed”, B. Kustodiev “Volga. Rainbow”, I. Shishkin “Edge of a deciduous forest”. Posters about nature conservation, prints, linocuts of landscape nature.
- plan
Topic Goals Ways to achieve the goal Equipment Continuity educational institution - family
Ecology and plants. Red Book, plants of our region. Drawing
“Plants of the Red Book” - to form in children the concept of what the “Red Book” is and why it was created; help you remember several plants from it;
- consolidate children’s knowledge about the structure of plants, teach them to identify and resolve contradictions and problem situations, sketch the structure of trees, bushes, grasses; to form ecological knowledge about plants;
- develop the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships, the dependence of the state of plants on environmental conditions;
- cultivate a consciously correct attitude towards plants - Comparison of trees, shrubs, herbs;
- d/i “Rules of behavior in nature”
“Name the plant and where it grows”
- the teacher’s story about the Red Book; examination of the plants of our region listed in the Red Book;
- consideration of environmental signs;
- development of rules of behavior in nature;
- drawing plants;
- psycho-gymnastics “Flower”;
- dramatization “Through the pages of the Red Book” - environmental signs;
- illustrations depicting plants;
- illustration of plants from the Red Book;
- pictures depicting plants of a forest, meadow, field, garden;
- materials for visual arts - consultation for parents “Rules of behavior in nature”;
- collection of information about nature reserves;
- review of the Red Book of Russia
Elements of the world: water, air, earth, fire
“Posters about the protection of life and health” - expand and systematize children’s knowledge about the elements of the world: water - the water cycle in nature, the properties of water; air – experiments, properties of air; earth - ideas about mountains, volcanoes, plains, minerals; fire - characteristic signs;
- develop logical thinking, creative imagination, cognitive interest;
- to cultivate interest in the environment, curiosity, and an ecological worldview - a conversation about planet Earth;
- questions for children to clarify their ideas about water, air, fire;
- teacher’s story about minerals;
- diagram “Water cycle in nature”;
- d/i “Count”
"Drowning - not drowning"
“Properties of air” “What to do if...”
- sketch “Earth”, “Fire”;
- riddles about water, air, earth, fire;
- psycho-gymnastics “Wind”;
- reading popular science articles about nature and ecology:
"The World Around Us"
"The importance of water in nature"
- cups with clean and dirty water;
- cups with different types of soil;
- strips of paper, balloon;
- illustrations of a tornado, tornado;
- diagram of the water cycle in nature;
- globe, map;
- collection of stones and minerals;
- illustrations depicting mountains, volcanoes;
- candle;
- materials for visual arts - reading encyclopedic literature, looking at illustrations;
- collecting information about the rules of conduct on water, with fire, in strong (hurricane) winds;
- collection of clippings from newspapers and magazines on the topic;
- writing reports;
- inventing a fairy tale or story about one of the elements;
- reading fiction
June 5 – World Environment Day
“We are friends of nature!” - consolidate students’ knowledge about the culture of behavior in nature;
- learn to correctly evaluate your actions and the actions of others;
- to cultivate a caring and kind attitude towards nature and each other - the travel game “The Earth is your home”;
- evening of leisure
"We are friends of nature"
“To protect nature means to protect the Motherland”;
- “Field of Miracles” about nature;
- competitions “The Earth is our native home”;
- popular science articles about nature:
“Everyone is responsible for nature”
“From the history of nature conservation activities” - posters about nature conservation;
- skits and entertainment are best carried out in the summer in natural conditions, supplementing the natural vegetation with decorations of an anthill, a Christmas tree, and flowers;
- Spruce branches, grass, colors that children sit on or pick should be decorative;
- materials for visual arts - joint walks in the park, forest;
- holding events with the participation of parents
Forest and its inhabitants.
“Mighty nature is full of wonders” - continue to form ideas about the forest as a green home of plants and animals, about the interconnections, interactions and interdependence of living organisms with their habitat;
- develop attention and observation;
- cultivate a caring attitude towards the surrounding nature, curiosity, the ability to admire the beauty of the forest - riddles about animals and plants of the forest;
- d/i “Hunter and Shepherd;
- environmental story “Sunday in the Forest”;
- travel game “Visiting Berendey”;
- holiday “Forest is our wealth”;
- competition “Mighty nature is full of wonders” - illustrations depicting forest animals and plants;
- herbarium of medicinal plants;
- natural material for making compositions;
- songs about the forest, birds, animals, plants;
- material for visual arts - joint walks in the forest;
- collecting plants for the herbarium;
- collection of natural materials;
- reading fiction with natural history content
- assessment of knowledge level
- selection of fiction:
S. Baruzdin “Fishermen”
A. Block “Summer Evening”
V. Bianchi “Sinichkin calendar”
V. Berestov “Happy Summer”
A. Vvedensky “Song about Rain”
V. Viktorov “Wider circle”
V. Dahl “The Old Man of the Year”
B. Dubrovin “The Red Book”
S. Kozlov “Such a tree”
N. Krasilnikov “Guest in the Forest”
I. Maznina “Let’s be friends”
S. Marshak “All Year Round”
A. Maykov “Summer Rain”
S. Mikhalkov “Walk”
M. Plyatskovsky “It’s called nature”, “Don’t tease dogs”, “Don’t pick flowers”
R. Rozhdestvensky “The Earth is our home”
L. Tatyanicheva “Bird cherry”
Riddles, proverbs, sayings.
2. Productive (technological).
Systematization of knowledge about summer, summer phenomena in living and inanimate nature. Determining the weather by signs. The beauty of the summer landscape.
Birds. Behavior and habits, what they eat (guess by the shape of the beak), appearance. Benefit.
Forest and garden trees (structure, nutrition, place in the ecological chain).
Forest and garden flowers (annual and perennial). Similarities and differences, structure, benefits for humans.
Insects (a large number of flies, mosquitoes, butterflies, etc.). Butterflies from the Red Book.
Folk sayings and signs:
Life is given for good deeds.
Good deeds adorn a person.
Plants are the decoration of the earth.
A stork on the roof means peace in the house.
If you destroy one tree, plant forty.
Spark the carcass before the fire, ward off trouble before it strikes.
Groves and forests are the beauty of our native land.
Thematic days:
- Bird Day.
- June 5 – World Environment Day.
- Competition “The Earth is our home.”
- Games “Round Dance of Forest Plants”, “In the Kingdom of Berendey”.
- D/I: “What time of year?”, “Who can guess when this happens?”, “Complete the sentence”, “What happened first, what then?”, “Confusion”, “So and not so.”
- Games, quizzes, competitions.
World of music:
- A. Vivaldi “Summer” (from the cycle “Seasons”)
- P.I. Tchaikovsky "Summer" (from the cycle "Seasons")
- songs: “Don’t tease the dogs” (music by E. Ptichkin, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky)
“The Red Book” (music by D. Tukhmanov, lyrics by B. Dubrovin)
“Don’t pick the flowers” ​​(music by Y. Antonov, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky)
“The earth is our home” (music by V. Dobrynin, lyrics by R. Rozhdestvensky)
“There’s a lapwing on the road” (music by M. Iordansky, lyrics by A. Prishelets)
- Music for relaxation “In harmony with nature”
Project result (practical output):
Cultural and leisure activities:
- “The earth is our home”
- “Birds are our friends”
- entertainment “Secrets of Nature”
Exhibitions of children's drawings:
- All-Russian children's drawing competition “Let's relax and create”
- “Mighty nature is full of wonders”
- “Who is the most in the world”
Origami “Beautiful Flowers”
Photo exhibition “Me and Nature”
Posters about nature conservation and life safety, made by children.

According to the proposed methodological development, a teacher, when planning educational activities, combines a series of classes in several disciplines, interconnected by a single project. The project started in class can be traced in all other activities in a specific period of time, which corresponds to the integrity of the perception of the world, creating a complete and diverse picture of it.
Each topic can be worked on during 2-5 lessons, as well as in free time (walking, looking at illustrations, reading fiction, etc.).
The main stages of creating a project are the following:
1. Organizational and preparatory stage:
- Preparation for work on the project,
- Selecting a problem,
- Collection of information,
- Developing your own solution to the problem.
2. Technological (main) stage:
- Implementation of the action plan.
3. Final stage:
- Preparation for project defense,
- Presentation of the project,
- Reflection (analysis).
In many ways, the result of a student’s work depends on his interest, so during classes it is important to intensify the child’s attention, to motivate him to activity with the help of additional incentives: a game, a surprise moment, a request for help, musical accompaniment. After a short frontal work in the form of a presentation of the material, children follow freely - independent activity of children with the presented didactic material, relaxation exercises, relaxation, physical education minutes, creative tasks, etc.
The final part (expected results of using methodological products).
This methodological manual will provide an opportunity to comprehensively develop the individuality of each child, the ability to act independently and think creatively. The result of work for students can be drawings, crafts, applications, albums with creative tasks, reports, concerts, performances, holidays, etc.
1. Astafieva E. O. “Didactic game “Seasons” - magazine “Preschool Pedagogy” / May, June / 2006.
2. A big book for reading in kindergarten. – M.: OLMA Media Group, 2007.
3. Vokhrintseva S. The world around us: didactic material. – publishing house “Fantasy Land”, 2006
4. In union with nature. Ecology - nature history games, activities and entertainment for children. – M.: Ilexa, Stavropol: Service School, 1999.
5. Galperstein L. Ya. Animals: popular science publication for children / Ill. A. G. Vorobyova, V. A. Goryacheva, A. N. Sichkar, L. Kh. Nasyrova; - M.: Rosmen-Izdat LLC, 2000.
6. Gates Phil Undiscovered secrets of the earth. – translation from English by I. I. Viktorova – Moscow “Rosman”, 1998
7. Goricheva V. S., Filippova T. V. We will paste the sun, sky and flower onto a piece of paper / Artists M. V. Dushin, V. N. Kurov. – Yaroslavl: “Academy of Development”, “Academy, K”, 2000.
8. Natural science, fine arts, artistic work: thematic planning of classes / author. V. Yu. Dyachenko and others - Volgograd: Teacher, 2007
9. Ivanova A.I. Ecological observations and experiments in kindergarten: World of Plants. – M.: TC Sfera, 2005
10. Fine arts. Grades 1 – 8: detailed thematic planning according to the program of V. S. Kuzin / authors-compilers O. V. Pavlova, G. P. Popova. – Ed. 2nd, rev. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2010
11. Kudryavtseva T. A. I live in Russia!: a book for family reading - M.: Education; St. Petersburg: SpetsLit, 2005
12. Kuzin V.S., Kubyshkina Complex “Fine Arts”. 1st - 4th grades: textbooks for general education institutions - M.: Bustard, 2011
13. Lotto for children and parents “Twins”. Didactic material for the development of memory, attention, thinking. – St. Petersburg, Umka LLC
14. The natural world and the child. (Methodology of environmental education of preschool children): ed. L. M. Manevtsova, P. G. Samorukova. – St. Petersburg: “Childhood-press”, 2000
15. Molodova L.P. Ecological holidays for children: Scientifically - a methodological manual for kindergarten teachers and primary school teachers. – 2nd ed. – Mn.: Asar LLC, 2001
16. My first encyclopedia - series - compiled by S. P. Shatalova, artist A. Mosalov - M., LLC Publishing House "ONICS 21st century", 2001
17. Nishcheva N.V. Living nature. In the world of animals, In the world of plants, Lesson notes for a series of demonstration posters for the development of natural science concepts in preschoolers. - artists N. A. Vashchenko, I. F. Dukk, N. V. Dubrovskaya - St. Petersburg, CHILDHOOD - PRESS, 2008
18. Ruzanova Yu. V. Development of hand motor skills in non-traditional visual activities: Techniques for performing work, planning, exercises for physical education minutes. – St. Petersburg: KARO, 2007
19. Utrobina K.K., Utrobin G.F. Fascinating drawing using the poke method: Drawing and learning about the world around us. – M.: Publishing House GNOM and D, 2005
20. Fefilova E. P., Potorochina E. A. Lesson developments for the course “The World around us”. + The ABC of nature in poems, riddles, counting rhymes, and outdoor games. M.: “VAKO”, 2006
21. Shorygina T. A. Birds. What are they? What animals are in the forest? Journey into the natural world and speech development. A book for teachers, tutors and parents. – M., “Publishing house GNOM and D”, 2000

In modern conditions, when the idea of ​​democratization is being implemented in education, providing the teacher with the right to freedom of choice of content and forms of education, the development of original educational programs and the introduction of innovative technologies, the presence of a high professional level in the teacher, ensuring the organization of the educational process in the conditions of various pedagogical systems and in relation to various situations. In real practice, especially additional education teachers, there is clearly a lack of scientific knowledge and methodological skills to design their professional research and constructive activities; identifying adequate reality characteristics of the state of additional education in your institution; development of individual models for the development of professional skills of trained teachers and generalization of the best teaching experience; development of innovative programs for the development of methodological services and systems of additional education. All this hinders the growth of a teacher’s professional competence and is an obstacle to the development of his creative activity and the ability to correctly analyze and evaluate the results of his own teaching activities.

Currently, systems for training additional education teachers and increasing their professional competence do not give the desired effect. A contradiction has arisen between the increase in the volume and severity of difficulties in the work of teachers and heads of structural units and the significant lag of methodological services at all levels in resolving emerging contradictions and solving emerging problems. What is needed is not only a holistic system for modernizing methodological work, but also its orientation towards the specifics of innovation.

In recent years, the interest of teachers in methodological activities has been growing. Many interesting works appeared (L.P. Ilyenko, R.A. Islamshin, M.V. Clarin, I.M. Kurdyumova, A.M. Moiseev, T.S. Polyakova, M.M. Potashnik, G.K .Selevko, P.I.Tretyakov, A.B.Fomina, etc.), which reveal various aspects of methodological activities and the development of professional competence of teachers. However, the high scientific and theoretical potential of these works does not alleviate the difficulties of practicing teachers, methodologists, and heads of methodological associations who experience difficulties in organizing methodological work to develop the professional competence of teachers, especially in the field of additional education.

This determines the relevance of the chosen topic: “Innovative approaches to organizing methodological work to develop the professional competence of teachers.”

The purpose of the project is to identify current directions for modernizing methodological work to develop the professional competence of teachers, taking into account the specifics of innovations created and implemented at the Center for Extracurricular Activities (hereinafter referred to as CVR).

Object of the project is the process of creating dynamic methodological systems that ensure adequate response and adaptation of a modern additional education teacher to changing conditions, taking into account the specifics of the departments’ activities.

Subject of the project - content, forms and methods of organizing the methodological work of the educational center for the development of professional competence of teachers.

Theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the research topic, multifactorial analysis of the problems and features of a multidisciplinary institution of additional education allowed us to put forward the following hypothesis:

a) in the conditions of a modern institution of additional education, the most effective is methodological work on the development of professional competence of teachers, simultaneously carried out in two planes - traditional educational and research, corresponding to the direction of the innovative activities of the Center for Education and organically combining these two types of activities;

b) this work must comply with the principle of consistency and be built on the basis of a double set of principles of its organization, united not on a summary, but on an integrative basis.

If these two conditions are not met, methodological work may not only be ineffective, but also have destructive potential in the field of reducing the effectiveness of teaching, education and creating a negative psychological climate in the team and negative motivation for the activities of teachers.

Project objectives:

1. Analysis of the state of the problem of organizing the methodological work of the teaching center for the development of professional competence of teachers in the conditions of innovative activity in theory and practice.

2. Construction of a scientifically based system of methodological work in the Central Educational Center, in departments for the development of professional competence of teachers.

3. Experimental testing of the proposed methodological system for effectiveness, establishing the nature and closeness of connections between various influences and their results.

4. Development of a program for the development of professional competence of teachers of central educational institutions.

Theoretical significance The project is that it: identifies directions and principles for modernizing methodological work to develop the professional competence of teachers in modern changing conditions; the possibility of effective use of some previously used forms of methodological work is established, the need for radical or cosmetic modernization of others, adaptation to new requirements and working conditions of others, as well as the need to develop new forms that correspond to the realities of modern life.

Practical significance of the project:

a) in developing an integrated approach to the implementation of all stages of methodological work in the Central Educational Center for the development of professional competence of teachers, organically combining three levels of management work: the level of a structural unit, the level of administration and the level of a continuing pedagogical institute;

b) in the development of practical materials and recommendations for the creation of methodological documentation on innovative activities in order to develop the professional competence of teachers;

c) in determining the strategy and tactics of the educational center for the development of professional competence of teachers.

Solving the problem of interaction, coordination, continuity and multi-stage, including continuity in the preschool education system - school preparation - University - institutions of advanced training, requires adherence to the principles of systematicity, scientific validity, logic and consistency, expediency, diagnosticity, and personal orientation of methodological work.

Prospects of the project is that, on the basis of its theoretical provisions and practical recommendations, an adaptive system for organizing methodological work to develop the professional competence of teachers in institutions of additional education can be constructed, a system for early identification of elements of an individual’s giftedness can be developed for future activities in the field of “person-to-person”, the formation of his communicative skills and leadership abilities, without which the teacher loses the ability to solve a number of very important didactic, developmental and educational tasks.

Novelty of the project in that it systematically examines the specifics of the methodological work of the Central Educational Center for the development of professional competence of teachers, combining teaching and educational activities with elements of research work; new directions, methods and principles for organizing the work of all links of the methodological service are given on the basis of diagnostic and research approaches.

Project methods determined by its objectives and the specifics of the subject under study. We used:

- theoretical analysis of the subject of research and psychological and pedagogical literature on the problems of the effectiveness of teaching adults and students, managing an institution of additional education and organizing methodological work;

- studying the documentation of methodological services of centers of various types, work plans of additional education centers, reports of managers, etc.;

- interviews with subjects and objects of methodological activities of all departments by type of activity;

- comparative analysis of the concepts of work of innovation activities of departments and the systems of methodological work used in them.

Stages of project activity:

First stage. 2014-2015

The mode of entry into the project involves:

- changes in the work style of the administration, additional education teachers, heads of departments, methodologists, the nature of their relationships and positions in the educational space;

- the formation of a positive motive for participation in project work among the majority of the staff of additional education teachers, awareness of the significance of the project at different levels and for different subjects;

- self-determination in relation to the professional development of the fundamentals of project activities, the development of ideas about the teacher’s responsibility for the results of a pedagogical project to introduce innovation into the system of work of the methodological service for the development of professional competence of teachers;

- awareness of the importance of collective experiment as a means of increasing the effectiveness of innovations;

- designing the “Program for the development of professional competence of teachers of additional education at the Center for Education”.

Second stage 2016-2017

Determination of the scientific and methodological basis of the project, clarification of the hypothesis. Development of variants of the target methodological system of CVR, aimed at solving the current problems of the institution for the development of professional competence of teachers, their design verification and implementation of the activities planned in the “Program for the Development of Professional Competence” into the work practice of additional education teachers. Creation of a bank of experimental materials, identification of conditions favorable to the transition from a theoretical model to practice. Implementation of positive research results into practical activities. During the formative project, analysis of the results obtained, making adjustments to the substantive and procedural aspects of the project.

Third stage 2018-2020

Clarification of conceptual provisions, algorithms, technologies of innovation, comparison with the criteria of intermediate monitoring indicators. Summing up the results of the ongoing project activities. Analysis of a system complex of specific and traditional methods of methodological work. Processing of experimental data and presentation of the results of the study.


Comparative characteristics of the features of the methodological

work to develop the professional competence of teachers at the beginning and end of the project.

Features of methodological work CDT at the beginning of the project

Features of the work of the methodological service at the final stage of the project

1. Working on the topic

2. Choosing a topic

Dictated by instructions from above or arbitrary choice of the administration

Dictated by the profile and pressing problems related to the specifics of the department.

3. Nature of research

Isolated, unrelated topics that often do not coincide with the topic of the work of the TsVR

Interrelated topics that are components of solving a common problem

4. Nature of testing

Fragmentary experimental work

Complex experiment

5. Implementation of research directions

Decentralized, spontaneous

Centralized, streamlined

6. Deadlines


Established, coordinated

7. Documentation of the study

The research is carried out impromptu

The study is subject to a research program developed and approved by the scientific and methodological council and administration

8. Management of the implementation of the research program


Research-oriented, consulting and correctional

Table 1a

1. Reporting

Reports on observations, open lessons of the experiment laboratory exhibition

Scientific reports, experimental results, open lessons, experiment laboratory exhibitions

  1. Diagnostics of the initial level of students

Absent or reduced to analysis of activities

Carried out using a variety of means

  1. Diagnostics of the final level (results achieved)

At the level of opinions about shifts

At the level of precise measurements of variable parameters

  1. Diagnostics of the research capabilities of the teaching staff

Not carried out


  1. Corrective work

Aimed at eliminating shortcomings discovered as a result of the analysis of classes.

Carried out using traditional methods

Conducted using innovative techniques

  1. Diagnostics of pedagogical skills of additional education teachers

It is carried out based on the results of the analysis of classes.

Conducted based on the results of lesson analysis and experimental research work

  1. The nature of correctional work



  1. Interview after watching classes.

Exchange of experience in effectively organizing classes by type of activity.

Exchange of experience in effectively organizing and implementing innovative ideas in the classroom.

Collaborative construction of a standard lesson.

Collaborative design of lessons based on innovative ideas and techniques.

Correction of the course and design of experimental work

Table 1b

  1. Accumulation of advanced teaching experience

Identification of fragments of existing best practices that are not related to the topic of work of the CDT

Creation of advanced experience in the field of new technologies that implement the main goals and objectives of innovative digital digital technology.

  1. Development of advanced teaching experience

Individual, independent, unmanageable

Collective-group, driven by the goals and objectives of the CVR, innovative ideas

  1. Familiarization with pedagogical literature, new achievements of pedagogical science in additional education

Individual, fragmented, not coinciding with the topic of the CVR work (mainly familiarity with the literature on the subject).

Systemic, collective-group, coinciding with the theme of the work of the CVR and methodological associations. Organized according to a given program

  1. Focus of seminars and workshops

Elaboration of the main provisions of the selected topic

Finding ways to implement these provisions in practice

Sharing fragments of little related experience

Exchange of experience in using innovative ideas and technologies. Discussion of the progress and results of experimental work

5. Work of methodological groups

By subject principle

As part of initiative creative groups

Control and leadership over the implementation of educational and innovation programs

Organization of multi-level experimental research, consulting, diagnostic, coordination and analytical work

Table 1c

  1. Analysis of classes in order to monitor the progress and results of educational training

Control and management of the implementation of educational programs

Analysis of the progress and results of the innovative educational process

Consulting on problems arising from preparation defects

Consulting on research programs for experimental teachers

Correction of errors in pedagogical technology

Correction of initial plans, improvement of methods

Development of traditional pedagogical techniques using established methods

Development of traditional pedagogical techniques based on innovative ideas

Coordination of the activities of methodological associations with the work of initiative creative groups


(Requirements for the level of professional competence of PDO)

General requirements for education

Additional education teacher:

Understands the essence and social significance of his profession, has a strong interest in the profession, and a sense of professional responsibility for the results of his work;

Has civic maturity, pedagogical ethics, high moral consciousness, a sense of professional dignity and social responsibility for the quality and results of teaching work, attention and caring attitude towards children;

Realizes the intrinsic value of childhood as the foundation for the formation of personality and the development of human vitality;

Knows the basics of the humanities, socio-economic and biomedical sciences, knows how to use the acquired knowledge and methods of these sciences in professional and other activities;

Knows the basics of the Constitutions of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tatarstan, ethical and legal norms governing a person’s relationship to man, society, and the natural environment; knows how to take them into account when solving problems within his competence;

Possesses a culture of thinking, is fluent in the state languages ​​of the Russian Federation, and competently uses professional vocabulary; is fluent in the language in which children are taught;

Has a holistic understanding of the processes and phenomena occurring in nature and society, necessary to solve problems that arise in the process of professional activity;

Knows the International Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, is able to promote the protection of individual rights in accordance with them and the International Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms;

Recognizes health as a value; has knowledge and skills in health protection, physical self-improvement, and life safety;

When implementing professional functions, I am ready to solve assigned tasks that require analyzing the situation and choosing a solution;

Able to rationally organize his work, including planning work, analyzing its results, organizing the workplace;

Ready to cooperate with work colleagues;

Psychologically ready to change the type and nature of professional activity, aware of the need for advanced training, capable of independently acquiring knowledge in the field of professional activity;

Possesses the skills and abilities of independent mental work, is ready to independently work with normative and methodological literature in the field of professional activity.

Requirements for the level of preparedness for professional activities

PDO has knowledge of:

About the child as a subject of the educational process, his age, individual characteristics, social factors influencing development;

About the personality-oriented approach in the pedagogical process;

About age periodization and main stages of development;

About the patterns of mental development;

About the psychological characteristics of the main types of activity;

On the formation and development of a cultural personality;

About the basics of the psychology of communication, types and levels of communication, basic patterns;

About the psychological foundations of pedagogical activity: structure, technique, ways of mastering pedagogical skills, styles of pedagogical leadership, pedagogical abilities, professionally significant personal qualities of a teacher;

About the laws of the pedagogical process, about the purpose of education, objectives, content, forms, methods and means of educational activities;

On the peculiarities of organizing the pedagogical process in different types of educational institutions;

About variable educational programs;

About innovative teaching technologies;

About the tasks, content, forms and methods of working with parents;

On the management system of educational institutions;

PDO has the skills:

Analyze and evaluate the level of training, education, and development of children;

Analyze pedagogical situations, pedagogical phenomena, one’s own pedagogical activities and the activities of other teachers, the pedagogical tasks facing him in accordance with educational programs;

Plan the preparation and conduct of educational activities (classes, etc.), select and rearrange educational material in a form accessible to children;

Analyze the achievements achieved as a result of the implementation of the pedagogical process, identify the causes of difficulties and errors in teaching activities;

Create and maintain a favorable microclimate conducive to achieving the objectives of training, education and development;

Involve students in a variety of creative activities;

Recruit a circle, section, studio, club and other children's association from students and retain them during the training period;

Provide a pedagogically sound choice of forms, means and methods of work, based on the psychophysical characteristics of the student;

Identify, develop and support the creative abilities of students (including children with developmental disabilities), form stable professional interests and inclinations;

Organize group work and public events;

Provide advisory assistance to parents (persons replacing them), as well as teaching staff, within the limits of their competence;

Participate in the activities of methodological associations and other forms of methodological work.

PDO has practical skills:

Determine specific educational tasks, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children;

Carry out current and long-term planning of the educational process, develop and evaluate working (modernized, experimental, original, comprehensive) programs;

Methodically competently build educational activities, using a variety of forms, methods, means, techniques of education and training in accordance with the specific tasks set;

Establish creative contacts with associations, organizations and individual specialists;

Carry out educational work in accordance with educational programs and the chosen field of activity;

Ensure the creation of a favorable pedagogical environment for the creative development and education of children;

Prepare children for integration into society;

Cooperate with parents on issues of children’s education, carrying out educational and pedagogical work with parents when necessary;

Increase the level of qualifications and improve teaching skills.

List of used literature

  1. Babkina, T. A. Is it possible to reproduce samples of pedagogical activity? [Text] / T. A. Babkina // Pedagogy, 2000.- No. 5.- P. 23-27.
  2. Biryukova, N. A. Organization of professional development of teachers: US experience [Text] / N. A. Biryukova // Methodist, 2005.-No.5.- P. 5-8.
  3. Builova, L.N. Organization of methodological service for additional education of children [Text] / L.N. Builova, S.V. Koncheva.- M.: “Vlados”, 2001.- 160 p.
  4. Belanovsky S. A. Focus group method [Text] / S. A. Belanovsky. - M.: Master, 1996. - 272 p.
  5. Vasilevskaya, E. V. Network organization of methodological work at the municipal level [Text]: Methodological manual / E. V. Vasilevskaya. - M.: APKiPPRO, 2005.
  6. Gilmanov, O. S. Creative individuality of the teacher [Text] / O. S. Gilmanov // Public education. - M., 1998.
  7. Gorsky, V. A. Methodological justification of the content, forms and methods of activity of a teacher of additional education [Text] / V. A. Gorsky // Additional education. - 2003. - No. 3
  8. Evladova, E. B. Additional education for children [Text]: Textbook for students. institutions prof. education / E. B. Evladova, L. G. Loginova, N. N. Mikhailova. - M.: Humanitarian publishing house. VLADOS center, 2002. - 352 p.
  9. Kulnevich, S.V. Organization and content of methodological work [Text] / S.V. Kulnevich, V. I. Goncharova, T. P. Lakotsenina. - Rostov n/D.: Publishing house "Teacher", 2004.
  10. Makarova, T.N. Planning and organization of methodological work at school [Text]/ T.N. Makarova.- M.: “Pedagogical Search”.-2001.
  11. Morozova, T.V. Teachers’ Council: ideas, methods, forms [Text] / T.V. Morozova. - M.: “Pedagogical Search”, 1998.
  12. Professional associations of teachers [Text]: Methodological recommendations for heads of educational institutions and teachers / Under scientific. ed. M. M. Potashnik.- M., 1997.- 246 p.
  13. Pakhomova, E. M. Problems of identifying, studying, generalizing and disseminating pedagogical experience in the work of methodological service institutions [Text] / E. M. Pakhomova // Methodist, 2009.- No. 1.- P. 28-32.
  14. Taziev S.F. Technologies for organizing educational, methodological and scientific work of teachers in institutions of additional education. - Naberezhnye Chelny, 2004. - 120 p.
  15. Management of innovative development of institutions of additional education for children in modern socio-economic conditions: collection. materials of the regional scientific and practical conference on May 16, 2008. Part I. - Elabuga, 2008
  16. Management of innovative development of institutions of additional education for children in modern socio-economic conditions: collection. materials of the regional scientific and practical conference on May 16, 2008. Part 2. - Elabuga, 2008

The changes taking place in social life today require the development of new ways of education. The emphasis is shifted to the education of a truly free personality, the formation in children of the ability to think independently, obtain and apply knowledge, carefully consider decisions made and clearly plan actions, effectively collaborate in groups of diverse composition and profile, and be open to new contacts and cultural connections. This due to the introduction of methods and technologies into the educational context of educational institutions based on students’ project activities.

The main feature of the project method is learning on an active basis, through the student’s expedient activities that correspond to his personal interests.

Currently, the project method is quite widely introduced into the school education system. The capabilities of this technology in the system of additional education are used to an insignificant extent. Meanwhile, additional education is the basis for the development and implementation of design technologies, since it has the following mandatory features:

  • flexible educational programs, built in accordance with the specifics of the task being performed, the inclinations and abilities of a particular student;
  • availability of individual forms of work for the teacher and student - group and individual classes and consultations, off-site events, seminars and conferences;
  • a variety of activities and a wide range of development and learning areas offered to children.

Project within the framework of additional education is an integrative didactic means of development, training and education, which allows students to develop and develop specific skills in design and research, namely to teach:

  • problematization (considering the problem field and identifying subproblems, formulating the leading problem and setting tasks arising from this problem);
  • goal setting and planning of the child’s meaningful activities;
  • self-analysis and reflection (effectiveness and success of solving the project problem);
  • manifestation of creativity and communication skills
  • presentation of the results of its activities and progress of work;
  • presentations in various forms, using a specially prepared design product (layout, poster, computer presentation, drawings, models, theatrical performances, video, audio and stage performances, etc.);
  • searching and selecting relevant information and mastering the necessary knowledge;
  • practical application of accumulated knowledge and skills in various, including atypical, situations;
  • selection, development and use of suitable technology for manufacturing a design product.

Project activities at the Palace of Creativity for Children and Youth are carried out in accordance with technology - in stages. Work on a project begins with setting goals. Competently formulating goals is a special skill. It is these goals that are the driving force of each project, and all the efforts of its participants are aimed at achieving them. First, the most general goals are determined, then gradually they become more and more detailed until they descend to the level of the most specific tasks facing each participant in the work. If you spare no time and effort in goal setting, work on the project in this case will turn into a step-by-step achievement of your goals from lower to higher. In this case, project activities are brought to the level of technology.

An example of such work is the integration project of the Palace of Creativity, dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory “And the saved world remembers:”

At the beginning of the school year, we thought: “War, everything connected with it, is a sacred topic for most people living in our country. But what does this mean for every person? Do young people living many years after this need to remember this? the end of the Great Patriotic War? And what does it mean to remember the war?

Probably, our memory should be expressed by some specific action, an effort of hands, soul, mind - deed.

We made a proposal to unite and do something for everyone individually and at the same time together - together.

This is how the idea of ​​our common project was born:

Teachers and children responded to our appeal. Some have been supporting veterans of the Great Patriotic War with concrete actions for several years now, while others are thinking about war for the first time.

The goal of the project: to create conditions for the social realization of the students’ personality and civic formation.


in training:

  • acquaintance and mastery of the project method in the conditions of additional education
  • developing the ability to search and select relevant information
  • developing the ability to apply accumulated knowledge and skills in various situations;
  • give an idea of ​​universal ways to achieve results that work regardless of the specific content

in education:

  • formation of value orientations of students’ personalities,
  • understanding the history of the Fatherland and caring attitude towards veterans of the Great Patriotic War
  • fostering a sense of responsibility for the results of a common cause;
  • education of tolerance and mutual assistance;
  • formation of moral qualities of the individual, first of all, respectful attitude towards people around him;

in development:

  • development of teamwork skills;
  • development of goal setting and reflection skills


Pedagogical Council.

Project activity - technology of additional education. Theory of the issue.

Design is a joint educational, cognitive, creative or gaming activity that has a common goal, agreed upon methods, methods of activity, aimed at achieving a common result.

Stages of work on the project.

1. Pre-project (preparatory).

Defining the goal, identifying problems, formulating the project theme, predicting the result

2. Project planning stage.

3. Analytical stage.

Collecting information, systematizing data, setting up experiments, making models (layouts, scenarios).

4. Generalization stage.

Registration of the result, choice way to present the result

5. Final stage.

Presentation of the results obtained, comprehension of the results.

Typology of projects.

1. Research.

They require a well-thought-out structure, goals and methods of research, experimental work, methods for processing results

2. Creative.

They do not have a detailed structure, it develops as work progresses, the final result is clearly planned

3. Gaming.

The structure is just outlined and remains open until the end of the project. Participants take on roles determined by the content of the project. These can be literary characters or fictional characters that imitate social and business relationships.

4. Informational.

Aimed at collecting information about an object. Methods for obtaining and processing information are being thought through.

5. Practice-oriented.

A clearly defined result, a carefully thought-out structure with coordination of work stages. Of particular importance is the presentation followed by evaluation of the result.

Design Features

  • originality and uniqueness
  • focus on achieving specific goals
  • limited time
  • clarity of execution of interrelated actions
  • the result is socially and practically significant

PREPARATORY STAGE (pre-project).

Development of stage-by-stage work on the project

Palace of Children and Youth Creativity, dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory

"And the saved world remembers:"

Stage. Content. Dates.
1. Preparatory stage. Immersion in the topic of the project.

Methods and forms:

  • conversation
  • showing a video clip
  • meetings with WWII participants
  • watching feature films and documentaries about the war
October 19 - October 31
2. Project planning stage Determine the form and content of your personal participation in the overall project.

Possible forms or ways of presenting the result - product:

computer presentation; play; stand; video film; pano; exhibition (art, photography, arts and crafts, etc.); musical and literary lounge; family archive; individual and joint compositions (choreographic, musical, poetic)

November 1 - November 9;

submit your application!

3. Stage of implementation of the plan. Business meeting participating teachers project.

Work according to individual plans.

As you work, it is possible to present the current result (collected material, presentation, composition, drawings, etc.).

4. Generalization stage. Round table (meeting of project managers and participants to discuss ongoing work, exchange experiences and summarize intermediate results)

Registration of results and preparation of their presentation at the final forum.

5. Final stage. Memorial Day.

A forum at which all projects dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory will be presented.



Examples of team projects.

Team. The form of the final result. Name.
Choral studio "Malinovka"

Folklore ensemble "Ryabinushka"

ORNI "Rosinka"

Musical living room "Let's bow to the great ones, those years"
Art studio "Sintez" Author's exhibition "Victory Day"
Ceramics and sculpture studio Collective exhibition "Dedicated to the winners"
Studio "Patterns" Collective panel "Beauty will save the world"
Children's Science Club Postcard collection "Congratulations with your own hands"
Computer class "Alcor" Author's projects "Songs of the War Years"

"Battle of Kursk"

"Artillery Weapons"

Tapestry and batik workshop Author's work "Half an hour before victory"
Beadwork workshop "Edelweiss" Collective panel "Memory"
"Folk arts and crafts" Author's exhibition "War through the eyes of children"
Club "Aquarius" A stand based on the results of trips to places of military glory "On the roads of memory:"
Club "Azimut" Intellectual marathon "Great

Patriotic War"

Early creative development studio "Harmony" Album "Family Chronicle"
KSP "Nadezhda" composition "War Songs"
RVO "Nadezhda" Social projects:

Minute of silence

"To be remembered"
Chess section "Kaissa" Wall newspaper "Defense of Moscow"
Ensemble "Arabesques" Composition "Renaissance"
Ensemble "Watercolor" Composition "On the Roads of War"
Karate section Photo album "Path to Victory"
Modern dance workshop Composition "Letters of War"


Round table of project participants

Address to the participants of the Round Table.

We have gathered to exchange experiences and summarize the interim results of the Palace of Creativity project dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory.

The time has come for the most active action!

If you and your team have not yet joined our common cause, you can: make invitation cards to our Forum; collect information about relatives and friends who participated in the Second World War, whom we can invite to our Forum.

Program of the Round Table.

Progress in preparing projects in children's associations

From the experience of creating a project

  • students of the Alcor computer class
  • Pupils of the multi-age group "Nadezhda"
  • pupils of the water sports club "Aquarius"
  • students of the orchestra of Russian folk instruments "Rosinka"

Group proposals for joint work: Contemporary Dance Workshop, Children's Science Club.

Preparation for project presentation.


Forum for students, teachers and parents of the Palace of Creativity.

A forum is a place where like-minded people meet, people united by a common cause.

Our Forum brought together children and adults from different groups of the Palace, engaged in various activities related to music, sports, choreography, and computer technology. But the theme of the Great Patriotic War and the Great Victory of our people in this terrible war united us.

Children and adults from 28 groups of the Palace took part in our project. This is the result of the joint efforts of children and their parents and grandparents. Relics kept for years were extracted from family archives, information about people who went through the terrible trials of war, and about the course of hostilities was collected and comprehended.

Each presented work of our Project is a tribute to the memory of the dead and gratitude to the living who participated in the Great Patriotic War.

Forum program:

16.00 Meeting of Forum participants and guests.

Presentation of the program and commemorative badge.

16.00 - 17.00 Exhibition of design works. Author's presentations.

Presentation of diplomas to participants of the complex project of the Palace of Creativity “And the saved world remembers:”

17.00- 18.15 Musical and poetic composition.

Ceremonial awards ceremony for Forum participants and Palace students at the end of the academic year.

The overall result of the unified project of the Palace of Creativity “And the saved world remembers:”:

  • 28 children's associations took part in the project; 560 pupils; more than 300 parents and relatives;
  • Historical material was collected, presented in the form of newspapers, albums, stands about 32 participants in military events - relatives of the Palace students;
  • Exhibitions of drawings and crafts on military topics were organized;
  • Based on the results of the search work, material was collected about 22 Heroes of the Soviet Union buried at the Preobrazhenskoye Cemetery. Their names appeared on the memorial's mass graves;
  • Meetings were held with WWII veterans in Moscow, Kursk, Moscow, Podolsk regions;
  • 18 concerts were given for veterans and participants of the Second World War in military units of Moscow, Kursk, Moscow, Podolsk regions;
  • A Minute of Silence was held at the mass graves of the Preobrazhenskoye Cemetery on December 6, in which 200 people participated: WWII veterans; members of the "Nadezhda" squad; residents of the Preobrazhenskoye district; graduates of the "Nadezhda" detachment; parents; school representatives;
  • The multi-age squad "Nadezhda" took part in the ceremonial lighting of the Eternal Flame at the Preobrazhenskoye Cemetery and traditionally set up a Guard of Honor on May 9 at the Eternal Flame;
  • Hikes to places of military glory were conducted by the Aquarius and Azimut clubs, the material was presented at stands;
  • Choreographic compositions staged: "Renaissance"; "Roads of War"; "War Letters";
  • Creative project of the music department groups: musical and literary lounge “Let us bow to the great ones of those years” with the active participation of relatives of the students;
  • Hand-made greeting cards and presented to relatives who participated in the Second World War; postcard sketches and designs were thought out and brought to life by students of the Children's Science Club;
  • Author's projects of students of the Alcor computer club: "Songs of the War Years", "Battle of Kursk", "Artillery Weapons", "Monuments".