Rating of the best orthopedic mattresses based on user reviews. Which company's mattresses are considered the best

Today the women's website “Beautiful and Successful” will tell its readers about the main secret of a comfortable and sound sleep - that is, which mattress is better to choose. The abundance of types of mattresses on the current market is mind-boggling. In order to decide on the choice of a specific option, it is necessary to have some ideas about the types and characteristics of goods of this kind.

Mattresses with and without springs

All mattresses can be divided into two main categories: with and without springs.

Springless mattresses

Demon spring mattresses – products that do not have a spring block. Such models can have a variety of fillers. As a rule, mattresses without a spring block are preferred by people who do not like the pushing effect of springs.

Speaking about which orthopedic mattress is better to choose among springless options, you should first of all consider options with latex or polyurethane foam (PPU) filler. These materials have sufficient elasticity to provide good support to the body.

When choosing between polyurethane foam and latex fillers, you should keep in mind that the first is coarser and harder, the second is more expensive.

Among springless mattresses, there are also options with coconut coir. However, such products have a rather hard surface and are not suitable for people whose weight exceeds 100 kg.

For those who are deciding which springless mattress is best to choose, it is important to keep in mind that such models are often made like a sandwich and consist of several layers. They happen medium-hard, hard and medium-soft.

Spring mattresses

When deciding which orthopedic mattress is best to choose, you should pay attention to spring models. Such mattresses are also divided into several varieties.
  • Models with springs dependent continuous weaving "Bonnel". Such models are among the most uncomfortable options, since sleeping on them is reminiscent of sleeping in a hammock. Doctors do not recommend purchasing a mattress with this spring block.
  • Orthopedists say that it is mattresses with independent springs capable of providing high sleep comfort. Models with an independent block differ mainly in the number of springs per square meter. Moreover, the quality of the mattress is directly proportional to the number of springs. The most comfortable mattresses are those that have 1000 springs per m2. But they are also the most expensive - about 70 thousand rubles. The production of such models is mainly carried out by foreign manufacturers. Mattresses of average quality are products with 500 springs per m2. On average, such models cost about 30 thousand rubles. The cheapest products with an independent block having about 250 springs per m2, can be bought for 10 thousand rubles.

When wondering which spring mattress is best to choose, it is important to take into account that such options are soft (a spring block alternates with a layer of latex 3 cm high), surface-hard (a 3-centimeter layer of coconut coir is laid on a spring block) and medium-hard (layers are combined like this: 3 cm of latex + 1 cm of coconut + spring block).

Another point that should be taken into account when choosing spring orthopedic mattresses, — type of blocks with independent springs.

For those who value comfort, the “honeycomb” model, multi-zone springs, and the “spring in spring” system will be of interest. These options are highly stable and are especially good for matrimonial double beds and for people whose weight exceeds 100 kg.

Which mattress is better to choose: reviews of different manufacturers

Naturally, the question of whether Which brand of mattress is better to choose? The most objective information about the quality of products from a particular manufacturer can be provided by reviews from satisfied consumers. Perhaps, among the many brands of mattresses, the following deserve special attention:

  1. Vegas is a Belarusian manufacturer that offers a wide selection of different mattresses. The most popular budget options spring mattresses of this brand. But the reviews about them are not always admiring. Some buyers claim that the price of Vegas products does not correspond to the quality. There are complaints online that Vegas mattresses quickly lose their properties.
  2. Ascona- Russian brand. Ascona products may be one of the answers to the question of which orthopedic mattress you should choose. However, those who decide to purchase a product of this brand should keep in mind: in reviews about it there are sometimes complaints about the low quality of service and frequent cases of defects during purchase.
  3. Ormatek- also a domestic company. Customers quite often praise mattresses of this brand in reviews. It should be noted that consumers especially like Ormatek springless latex mattresses, which, by the way, are cheaper than similar products from Ascona. The production of the Ormatek company will also be of interest to those who do not know how to choose the right orthopedic mattress for a round bed.
  4. Primavera is an Italian brand that cannot be called very popular. However, judging by the reviews, this company can be trusted.
  5. Mattresses Dormeo They are distinguished by their thinness and lightness. The products of this company are somewhat popular in our country. Reviews about Dormeo are mostly positive.
  6. English brand Atmosphere– is also an option that is completely trustworthy. As reviews indicate, mattresses of this brand are of high quality, which fully justifies the rather high cost.

Armed with knowledge of what types of mattresses there are and what users write in reviews of the most popular brands, you can safely go shopping in search of the mattress of your dreams. Before leaving the house, be sure to wear clothes that do not restrict movement, in which it will be convenient to test the mattress.

  • In the question of which mattress is best to choose, it is of considerable importance buyer's complexion. Overweight people should choose a medium-hard mattress or firm options. For those who have a thin build, it is recommended to purchase soft and medium-soft models.
  • In most cases, branded stores accept orders for the manufacture of mattresses. Before placing an order, you need take measurements from the bed. It should be borne in mind that a mattress whose width is 2-3 cm less than the width of the bed will be quite comfortable. But it is not recommended to buy a wider product.
  • In order to choose the most suitable orthopedic mattress, you need to test at least three different models.
  • It is advisable to choose a mattress upholstered in jacquard fabrics. The cover of a high-quality mattress must be quilted with synthetic padding. You can choose a model with a removable cover that has a zipper. However, such covers often tend to become deformed.
  • It is not enough just to touch the mattress. It needs be sure to lie down. In this case, you should take your usual sleeping position.
  • When deciding which orthopedic mattress to choose, you must definitely focus on its price. At mattresses the price-quality ratio is directly proportional.

Of course, you must also make sure that the seller has quality certificate for the offered product. Well, it is advisable to buy a mattress in a store that has a good reputation and values ​​its customers.

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  • Weight
    • Weight of one sleeping person: kg
    • Weight of one sleeping person: kg
  • Size
    • Width: cm
    • Length: cm
    • Height: cm
    • Diameter: cm

  • Price

    from: rub. to: rub.

  • Type of mattressMattresses come in springless and with different types of springs.
    The orthopedic properties of the mattress and its price depend on the spring block and internal filling.
    • Dependent springs - Bonnell

      Show description

      Inexpensive mattresses with a Bonnell block are the best choice for those on a limited budget. The springs are connected to each other, so when one of them is compressed, the neighboring ones also contract. A mattress with a Bonnell block cannot accurately copy all the curves of the human body, but it can easily absorb significant weight. Perfect for a summer cottage.


      • The cheapest spring mattress.
      • Withstands heavy loads.
      • Reliable design.


      • Low orthopedic effect.
      • Over time, a “hammock effect” may appear.
      • During prolonged use, extraneous sounds may appear.
      When choosing a mattress with an independent spring block of any type, pay attention to the number of springs: the more there are, the more orthopedic the mattress is considered, the more useful it is to sleep on it
    • Independent springs - TFK (S500)

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      The most popular spring mattresses in the mid-price segment. The springs are not connected to each other, are in separate textile covers and are arranged in a line or in a checkerboard pattern. The mattress provides good orthopedic support.


      • Affordable price.
      • There is an orthopedic effect.
      • Doesn't bend or squeak.
      • Long term services.


      • More expensive compared to Bonnell.
      • Considerable weight.
      Spring block TFK (S500) is 256 springs per 1 square meter or approximately 500 springs per sleeping place.
    • Independent springs - Multipocket (S1000)

      Show description

      Comfortable spring mattresses for a comfortable and healthy sleep. The springs are not connected to each other. Compared to the TFK block, their number is doubled. Due to this, the mattress provides more anatomical support for the body.



      • The price is above average.
      Spring block Multipocket (S1000) is 550 springs per 1 square meter or approximately 1000 springs per bed.
    • Independent springs - Micropocket (S2000)

      Show description

      Spring mattresses of the upper price segment with the best orthopedic properties. The springs are not connected to each other; their number is increased three to four times. The mattress provides precise anatomical support for every part of the body.


      • High orthopedic effect.
      • The most accurate pressure distribution.
      • Withstands high loads.
      • Doesn't bend or squeak.


      • High price.
      The Micropocket spring block (S2000) is 1100 springs per 1 square meter or approximately 2000 springs per bed.
    • Independent springs - Double Spring (Duet)

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      The Duet spring block has a special design - a spring in a spring. These mattresses are ideal for couples with a large weight difference. The springs are not connected to each other; inside the tall soft spring there is a small and stiffer one. With a small load, only the external springs work, and as the pressure increases, the internal ones also begin to work.


      • Provides comfort for couples with differences in weight.
      • Good orthopedic effect.
      • Doesn't bend or squeak.


      • Relatively small selection of models.
      • High price.
      The Double Spring (Duet) spring block is 250+108 springs per 1 square meter or approximately 700 springs per bed.
    • Springless

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      Springless mattresses are made from natural and artificial fillers. Thanks to this, you can easily choose the best option for the most correct support of the body during sleep. The reliability, rigidity and orthopedic properties of a springless mattress are determined by the type of filler.


      • Even weight distribution.
      • Withstands heavy loads.
      • Absolutely silent.


      • Heavy weight of the mattress.
      There are springless mattresses with two types of designs:
      • Monoblock - monolithic slab from one type of filler
      • Layered - alternating layers of fillers
  • One of the key parameters when choosing a mattress. At the same time, determining the required rigidity is largely an individual question.
    • Show description

      The softest mattresses for comfortable sleep for elderly and thin people, pregnant women and those suffering from certain diseases lumbar region spine. Fillings made of latex, foam and other airy materials easily take the shape of the body. The soft mattress ensures free blood circulation during sleep.


      • Adapts to anatomical curves
      • Minimum pressure on the body
      • Comfortable and pleasant sleep


      • Not suitable for people of average weight and above
      • Lack of sufficient support and orthotics
    • Show description

      Soft mattresses are suitable for elderly and middle-aged people with low physical activity. Airy latex filler is combined with more rigid materials. The soft mattress conforms to the shape of the body, providing support to the spine.


      • Convenience and comfort
      • Uniform spinal support
      • Muscle relaxation


      • Not suitable for spine problems
    • Show description

      Universal mattresses of medium hardness provide healthy sleep for young and old people. A balanced combination of elastic and harder fillers. A mattress of optimal rigidity has excellent orthopedic properties and fixes the body in the correct position.


      • Anatomical spine support
      • Muscle relaxation
      • Versatility and convenience
      • Large selection of models


      • Not suitable for people with heavy weight
    • Show description

      A hard mattress is recommended for children and adolescents to form the correct curve of the spine, athletes, as well as adults with poor posture and heavy weight. A combination of dense fillers with softer ones. The mattress securely fixes the spine and can withstand heavy loads.


      • High-quality spine support
      • Suitable for heavy people
      • Reliability and durability


      • Low anatomy
    • Show description

      The hardest mattresses for small children, people with very large weights and chest and chest diseases cervical spine. Filling made from hard plant fibers. The mattress practically does not sag, distributing a person’s weight over the entire area.


      • Straight spine support
      • Suitable for very heavy people
      • Durability and resistance to high loads


      • Discomfort for the first few days
      • Does not adapt to body curves
  • FillingTo fill mattresses, both natural and artificial materials are used, as well as various combinations of them. The performance characteristics and rigidity of the mattress depend on the type and quality of the filler.
    • Lethxed Coconut Coir / Bicoconut

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      The most popular natural hard filler for orthopedic mattresses. Coconut coir and bikokos, impregnated with latex, acquire additional elasticity and resistance to deformation.

      • Doesn't crumble
      • Good air permeability
      • Elastic and durable material
      • Withstands heavy loads
      • Long service life
    • Hollofiber, Hollcon, Struttofiber

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      Synthetic fillers from polyester fiber. Elastic and elastic material quickly restores its shape after compression and allows air to pass through well, always remaining dry and warm. Eco-friendly polyester, treated in different ways, used to give mattresses rigidity.

      • Does not absorb moisture, does not rot or burn
      • Prevents the appearance of dust mites
      • Doesn't creak
      • Does not cause allergies
      • Exceptional durability
      • Affordable price
    • Polyurethane foam, Artificial latex, High elastic foam

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      Fillers of this type are made of elastic polyurethane foam. This modern material with high performance characteristics. Depending on the density and degree of elasticity of the foam that was used to produce the filler, artificial latex, Eco Foam and polyurethane foam are distinguished.

      • Affordable price.
      • Good breathability.
      • Increased elasticity.
      • Long service life.
    • Natural latex

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      Natural hypoallergenic filler made from foamed sap of the Hevea tree. Elastic soft material has excellent orthopedic characteristics. Latex adapts to the anatomical features of the body and supports the spine in the correct position. Latex mattresses provide comfortable sleep and are suitable for children and people suffering from bronchial asthma.

      • Eco-friendly material
      • Does not cause allergies
      • Good air permeability
      • Prevents the appearance of mites and mold
      • Doesn't creak
      • Keeps warm in winter and cool in summer
      • Orthopedic effect
      • Durability
    • Shape memory materials

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      Innovative fillers that take the shape of the body under the influence of pressure and heat. The material is used to compensate for overloads in space. Microscopic cells contract and expand with a delay of 10 seconds, which is called the “memory effect.” Memory Foam or Memorix follows the contours of the body as accurately as possible, supports the anatomical position of the spine, relaxes muscles and guarantees a comfortable and healthy sleep.

      • Orthopedic effect
      • Durability
      • Well ventilated
      • Does not cause allergies
      • Does not interfere with blood circulation
      • Maintains optimal temperature
      • Precisely distributes the load and dampens vibrations
  • CaseThe cover is an integral part of any mattress. Made from a variety of materials, it protects the mattress from all sides, thereby extending its service life.
    • Jacquard

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      Durable fabric with a relief pattern obtained by interlacing threads. The convex pattern on the cotton jacquard cover prevents bed linen from sliding off the mattress. The cotton cover can be washed at high temperatures, which ensures that it is free from germs and bacteria. The fabric is used to sew covers for children's and adult orthopedic mattresses.

      • Strength
      • Durability
      • Wash at high temperature
      • Beautiful pattern
      • Natural material
    • Knitwear

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      The most popular fabric for mattress covers. Knitwear made of interconnected loops stretches well. The elastic and soft fabric is pleasant to the touch, does not wrinkle or tear, is easy to clean and does not become covered with pills. Knitwear made from natural and synthetic fibers is used to sew mattress covers for adults.

      • Elasticity
      • Softness
      • Strength
    • Polycotton

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      Blended inexpensive fabric for covers and bed linen. Due to the low content of natural cotton in the composition, polycotton has low breathability and hygroscopicity. At the same time, the fabric is distinguished by its structural strength and dye resistance to frequent washing. Covers for children's mattresses are made from polycotton.

      • Strength
      • Fade resistance
      • Low shrinkage when washing
      • Affordable price
    • Calico

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      Inexpensive fabric made from natural cotton. The calico cover allows air to pass through well and protects the mattress from dust and dirt. Natural fabric pleasant to the touch and provides comfort in any weather, but wears out quite quickly. Calico is used for sewing covers for children's mattresses, for which durability plays a secondary role.

      • Affordable price
      • Natural material
      • Breathability
  • How to choose a mattress?

    Healthy sleep is an important part of a person’s life, it gives the necessary strength, allows you to feel alert and rested throughout the day. A properly selected, comfortable and high-quality mattress is the main guarantee of good sleep and good health.

    Before buying a mattress, you need to understand the main characteristics and properties of the models and materials that are presented in a wide variety on the market. The tips below will help you choose a mattress that suits your individual preferences, physical characteristics and needs.

    The first thing you should pay attention to when buying a mattress is its hardness. The degree of mattress hardness depends on its design and type of filling. Before buying a mattress, you should think about which surface is more comfortable for you to sleep on. After all, some people prefer firm and even support while sleeping, while others prefer a soft and comfortable sleeping place.

    But when choosing a mattress, you need to rely not only on personal preferences and habits. There are general recommendations that will help you choose the right mattress firmness to get a good night's sleep and stay healthy for a long time.

    For example, for young children whose spine has not yet fully formed, experts recommend sleeping on a fairly rigid support. Such a mattress will help avoid curvature and contribute to the proper development of the child’s back. Elderly people, on the contrary, should choose a softer mattress for sleeping, which will allow the body and muscles to relax.

    In addition to age, you should take into account the build and weight of the person who will sleep on the new mattress. People with greater weight will benefit from stiffer models, while those with a fragile build can opt for a soft mattress.

    All mattresses are divided according to the type of construction into spring and springless. In turn, spring mattresses can have a dependent or independent spring block. Let's look at the main characteristics and features of each of these types of mattresses.

    • Bonnell dependent spring block

    In this type of mattress, all the springs are connected to each other by a wire spiral. The result of using this design is that when one spring is compressed, the neighboring ones are also compressed. The main advantage of Bonnell mattresses is their affordable price. However, in terms of convenience, comfort and reliability, this design is inferior to other types of mattresses.

    • Independent spring block

    In an independent unit, the springs are in separate fabric covers, are not connected to each other and are compressed independently of the others. Thanks to this design, a person’s weight is distributed evenly over the surface and the shape of the mattress perfectly adapts to all anatomical curves of the body.

    The stiffness and orthopedic properties of the mattress depend on the number of springs in the block. The more springs, the more comfortable sleep and effective support the mattress can provide. But we must take into account that along with convenience, the cost of a spring mattress also increases.

    • Springless mattress

    The design of springless mattresses consists of blocks that can be made from both artificial and natural materials. Depending on the type of filler, the rigidity and orthopedic characteristics of the mattress may differ. The price and service life of such a product also depends entirely on the quality of the filler used.

    Dozens of materials are used to fill modern mattresses. various materials, among which it can be very difficult for the buyer to choose the right one. To help you make your choice, below we will look at several basic, most common types of fillers.

    Materials may be of natural or artificial origin. Natural fillers are primarily environmentally friendly and durable. At the same time, high-quality artificial materials can be completely on par with natural ones in reliability and high level comfort.

    Main natural fillers:

    • Latex is a material consisting of foamed sap of a rubber tree. Elastic and fairly soft foam is elastic, durable, resistant to stress, quickly restores its shape and provides comfort during sleep.
    • Coconut coir is natural compressed coconut fibers impregnated with latex. The rigid and at the same time elastic material is strong, durable and resistant to deformation, helping to achieve the necessary orthopedic effect.
    • Cactus coir (sisal) is the most durable of all plant-based fillers, often used in hard mattresses. The combination of this filler with softer ones allows you to get a comfortable sleeping place for a healthy sleep.

    Main artificial fillers:

    • Hollofiber and struttofiber are artificial fillers made of polyester fiber. These materials are resilient and elastic, quickly regain their shape and can be used for many years. Such fillers are used in mattresses of different hardness.
    • Artificial latex (PPU) is a safe polyurethane foam, its properties reminiscent of natural latex. Elastic, resilient material provides comfort while sleeping and lasts for many years without losing its properties.
    • Memorix is ​​a modern artificial filler that takes the shape of the body and adapts to its anatomical curves under the influence of heat. The use of this material in the mattress guarantees an orthopedic effect, healthy and comfortable sleep.

    The mattress cover is an integral part of the product, which protects it from all sides and extends its service life.

    • Covers can be removable or non-removable. Removable ones have an important advantage - if necessary, they can be removed and you can dry clean them or locally wash them at home (which is especially important for children’s mattresses)
    • A variety of fabrics are used to make covers
      - Jacquard - durable weaving of threads, very wear-resistant mattress covering
      - Knitwear is a softer fabric, pleasant to the touch.
      - Polycotton – economical option, durable fabric withstands repeated washings
      - Calico – Great content cotton, but at a fairly economical price.

    We hope that this article will help you make your choice and understand wide range mattresses presented in the online store “O, Matras!”

    If you have any questions, you can ask our consultants by phone

    There are several varieties of these products, which differ in the type of filler, the presence or absence of springs, and purpose. Covers or mattress covers play an important role. With their help you can adjust the rigidity of the bed.

    What types of mattresses are there?

    1. Orthopelic.
    2. Natural.
    3. Artificial.

    According to the type of device, they come with dependent spring blocks, independent ones, and those without them. Mattresses with natural filling are made from:
    latex coconut coir
    latex materials

    Mattresses with artificial filling include:

    Criteria for choosing a mattress

    First of all, you should decide on the desired type of rigidity. Products based on spring blocks are good for their durability and affordable price. In independent spring mattresses, each spring is placed in a separate case, so they are a little more expensive. There is no “hammock effect” on such a bed.

    Springless mattresses use monolithic or stacked blocks made of natural or artificial materials. Due to the absence of spring vibrations, such products are more rigid and are not inferior in quality to spring ones. They are most optimal for those who prefer to sleep on a dense, flat surface.

    A competent choice of an orthopedic mattress is a reliable investment in your health and well-being for every day. But the abundance of products presented in stores only complicates the purchase, but does not make it easier. How to choose an orthopedic mattress and not waste your money?

    In order to answer this question, we decided to prepare this extensive review for you. In it we will look at all the characteristics of orthopedic mattresses, talk about popular manufacturers, and talk about padding and hardness. After reading this material, you will receive all the necessary knowledge and will be able to go shopping.

    Choosing the size of an orthopedic mattress

    An excellent option would be to buy a mattress and a bed in the same store - this way you can most accurately select the products for each other.

    Mattresses thickness

    Let's talk about the third characteristic - thickness. After all, the degree of comfort depends on the thickness of the mattress. The thinnest mattresses, 5-9 cm thick, are intended for small children under the age of three years. The maximum height should not exceed 10 cm. The child will be very comfortable and comfortable on such a mattress.

    When a child turns seven years old, he should sleep on a mattress whose height is at least 11 cm. This is quite enough to ensure comfortable sleep and rest. Such a mattress will provide good support to the child’s spine, promoting its proper formation. The use of thinner mattresses at this age is unacceptable.

    Mattresses for adults

    An adult needs a more solid mattress, at least 15-16 cm thick. Most springless orthopedic mattresses can boast of this thickness. As for models with independent spring blocks, their minimum thickness is 18 cm. The highest mattresses reach a height of 40 cm - These are elite models with multi-layer padding and increased comfort.. As for standard orthopedic mattresses, the most common models are from 15 to 25 cm thick.

    We focus on weight

    When choosing a mattress, you need to focus not only on age, but also on weight. People with overweight It is recommended to sleep on higher mattresses - this way they can feel more comfortable. As for people with low weight, they can choose inexpensive thin mattresses for themselves. This choice is due to the fact that the pressure on the surface of a thin person is quite small, so buying a thick mattress will be a waste of money.

    The thinnest mattresses, only a few centimeters thick, cannot be called independent products - they are designed to level and improve other surfaces. For example, they can be used to level the surface of a sofa and make it more comfortable for sleeping.

    Choosing the firmness of the mattress

    The next parameter is mattress hardness. Our comfort and well-being depend on it. In most cases, thin mattresses only harm our health. They cannot provide normal support to the spine and create good conditions for a comfortable night's rest. The optimal choice would be medium-hard mattresses.

    As for the hardest mattresses, then they are recommended for osteochondrosis and spinal hernia. They are made from dense fillers, such as coconut coir or reinforced polyurethane foam. The surface is hard and not entirely comfortable, but in the presence of spinal diseases, it provides reliable support for damaged and diseased areas.

    Low stiffness

    There are five main gradations of hardness:

    • Low;
    • Below average;
    • Average;
    • Above average;
    • High.

    Low-hardness mattresses are made from natural latex, foam rubber or cotton wool. They are suitable for people with low weight or as a temporary sleeping surface. And while natural latex still has orthopedic properties, foam rubber and cotton wool do not have them - sleeping on foam rubber and cotton wool mattresses is not recommended for healthy people of average weight.

    Medium hardness

    Medium-hard mattresses are made from composite padding, polyurethane foam, artificial latex, struttofiber and many other materials. Such mattresses have pronounced orthopedic properties and are in great demand. Mattresses with independent spring blocks fall into the same category (however, they can have different hardness).

    High rigidity

    High-firm mattresses are made from coconut fiber and other hard fillings, such as struttofiber and composite materials. Most often they are positioned as medicinal, but nothing prevents healthy people from sleeping on hard mattresses. The exception is people over 50 years of age - they are not recommended to sleep on hard surfaces.

    As for other rigidity criteria, they are intermediate. You can check the hardness of a mattress in its passport data - the maximum weight that the selected mattress can withstand is also indicated here. By the way, the choice depends on a person’s weight - thin people can sleep on soft surfaces, while overweight people are advised to purchase a firmer model.

    Spring orthopedic mattresses

    Which mattress is better to choose - spring or springless? In order to answer this question, let's look at the differences between both varieties.

    Classic spring mattresses

    Spring mattresses are divided into two large categories - these are classic spring mattresses and mattresses with independent blocks springs Classic models were born more than a hundred years ago. Inside them are springs connected to each other, providing support for the surface and the person sleeping on it. Such mattresses do not have any orthopedic properties., since the springs here are interconnected - when one spring bends, the surrounding ones bend too.

    The lack of orthopedic properties leads to curvature and damage to the spine - remember this if you like to sleep on soft, springy mattresses.

    To top it all off, spring mattresses have another important drawback - over time they begin to creak like hell. Springs constantly wear out and rub against each other. After several years of operation, the spring connection points begin to creak mercilessly. The creaking is so strong that it disturbs the sleep of other people in the room.

    There are also some distinct advantages - the affordable cost of a spring mattress. The springs are quite cheap, there are no expensive packings inside, so the prices are very low. The list of advantages can be completed here, since there are almost none. Here are more detailed lists of advantages and disadvantages:


    • Reliability – spring mattresses can easily withstand heavy loads and children’s games;
    • Affordable price – these are the cheapest mattresses.


    • Lack of orthopedic properties - frequent sleeping on such mattresses can cause discomfort and diseases of the spine;
    • Dust accumulation – acting like bellows, spring mattresses accumulate a lot of dust, allergens and microorganisms inside;
    • Creakiness – if the mattress begins to creak, this process cannot be stopped. At the same time, it will easily serve for another 15-20 years, tormenting everyone with its creaking.

    Mattresses with independent spring blocks

    You can start choosing an orthopedic mattress by examining rather unusual models - these are mattresses with independent spring blocks. They have a simple but impeccable design. In them, each spring moves separately, in its own case, without touching other springs. On both sides there is additional padding made of some material. The result is a reliable and durable mattress with excellent orthopedic properties.

    Good mattresses with independent springs have up to 200-300 springs per square meter. Thanks to this, these mattresses take the shape of the body of the person lying on top and provide decent support for the spine in almost any position. If we compress several spring blocks, the surrounding springs will remain uncompressed.

    Mattresses with independent spring blocks are aimed at people of all ages. Their level of firmness varies at mid-points, so they are suitable for a wide range of people. Experts recommend them for use from 12 years of age. Independent springs do not creak, have a decent level of strength, and can withstand a fairly large weight of a sleeping person. Therefore, such mattresses are in good demand. Here is a list of their advantages and disadvantages:


    • The presence of orthopedic properties - you can sleep on such mattresses as much as you like without feeling discomfort. They support the back well and follow the shape of the body well, bending only where necessary;
    • Reliability - of course, mattresses with independent springs are less durable than classic spring mattresses, but thanks to carefully selected spring material they can withstand even the crazy games of children;
    • High level of comfort - orthopedic mattresses with independent spring blocks are very comfortable.


    • High cost - perhaps this is the only significant drawback of orthopedic mattresses with independent spring blocks.

    We draw intermediate conclusions - mattresses with independent springs have pronounced orthopedic properties and are the best option when choosing a good mattress. But there are also springless models ahead of us that have good characteristics.

    Springless orthopedic mattresses

    In order to choose the right orthopedic mattress, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with springless models. Depending on the padding material, they can be soft, hard, medium hard and many others. Their design is devoid of springs, so they are absolutely silent and highly durable. Let's look at them in more detail, and then move on to fillers.


    Springless orthopedic mattresses are made from foam rubber, cotton wool, polyurethane foam, struttofiber, latex, sea grass, horsehair, coconut fiber and many other materials. We exclude the first two fillers, which are cotton wool and foam rubber, from the materials under consideration, since they do not have orthopedic properties. As for other paddings, they create excellent sleeping surfaces.

    The absence of springs makes these mattresses extremely durable. They can withstand heavy loads and children can play on them, you can even jump on them - the padding will not be damaged. The exception is mattresses made from coconut coir - its slabs can burst and crumble, especially if the manufacturer used needle-punched fiber.

    Single-layer and multi-layer

    Springless orthopedic mattresses can be single-layer or multi-layer. Single-layer models are made from one material, for example, polyurethane foam. As for multi-layer models, there are several paddings at once, for example, latex, polyurethane foam and coconut coir. Thanks to this, manufacturers can create mattresses with different properties.

    Springless mattresses can also be made from composite materials. A typical example is a mattress made of struttofiber, the fibers of which are woven with goat fur. As a result, we get an excellent mattress that retains heat well - suitable for lovers of warm mattresses. But the same structure, only with flax, allows you to create “cold mattresses” that practically do not heat up from human heat.

    Memory Effect Materials

    Some springless mattresses are made from Memory Foam material (memorix, memoryform, etc.). This padding has a foam structure, and thanks to its properties it precisely adapts to the human body, taking its shape. The padding does not exert any response pressure, since it can bend under the influence of human heat and load - the mattress takes on a shape that matches the pressure contour of the person lying on it. Having risen from the memory foam mattress, we can notice how it begins to restore its shape, spending a few minutes on this.

    Springless Memory Foam mattresses create excellent conditions for comfortable rest. This is truly the latest development, but not everyone likes it, since if the air temperature in the room is too low, the padding material becomes very hard.

    Now let's look at the general advantages and disadvantages of springless mattresses:


    • Long service life - there is nothing to break, so springless orthopedic mattresses last a very long time;
    • Excellent orthopedic properties - mattresses provide good back support and follow the shape of the body;
    • Wide range of hardness - springless mattresses can be soft and very hard.


    • High cost of individual models - some springless mattresses are indeed very expensive, as they are made from expensive materials (natural latex, coconut fiber, memory materials);
    • Insufficient softness - some spring mattresses are much softer than their springless counterparts.

    How to choose the right orthopedic mattress based on padding materials? You need to pay attention to the rigidity of the material and the comfort of the mattress itself - it would be nice if the store had the opportunity to test individual models.

    Which filler do you prefer?

    In order to choose the right orthopedic mattress for your bed, you need to understand the fillers. There are quite a lot of them, so in our review we will only touch on the most popular of them.

    Mattresses filled with cotton wool, down or cheap foam should be avoided - despite their convenience, they lack orthopedic properties. In addition, cotton wool tends to form clumps.

    This material is the most common. In fact, this is the same foam rubber, only with increased level rigidity. Inexpensive orthopedic mattresses are made based on polyurethane foam with additives, which boast good characteristics. This material has a long service life, is able to withstand heavy loads, but is characterized by the presence of a number of critical shortcomings.

    In addition, some experts consider polyurethane foam mattresses to be harmful. According to them, this material releases dangerous volatile components into the air. But this information is not considered reliable, so polyurethane foam still remains the most popular material for filling mattresses.


    • Cheapness - the most inexpensive mattresses are made on the basis of polyurethane foam, accessible to a wide variety of segments of the population;
    • Withstands heavy loads - children can safely jump on polyurethane foam mattresses;
    • Good orthopedic properties - mattresses made from this material are recommended for those who want to take care of their health.


    • Pronounced absorbent properties - since polyurethane foam is a porous material in its structure, it absorbs moisture too well. At the same time, it is very difficult to remove it;
    • Difficult to clean – Due to the same absorbent properties, polyurethane foam mattresses are difficult to clean.

    Natural latex is made from the sap of the Hevea plant, which is processed and foamed. As a result, a material with orthopedic properties is born. Latex supports the spine well and takes the shape of the body. Moreover, it can be soft or hard - the range of hardness is quite wide. This material does not cause allergies, it is able to easily get rid of moisture, and has endurance.

    Latex mattresses have become widespread. Not only children, but also adults sleep on them. The porous structure of the material allows it to withstand heavy weight, and the use of additional materials makes it possible to significantly increase rigidity. By the way, artificial latex is more rigid than its natural counterpart, and cheaper.


    • Pronounced orthopedic properties - latex mattresses follow the shape of the body well and create comfortable conditions for sleeping. They are also recommended for people suffering various diseases spine;
    • Wide range of hardness - from soft to semi-hard, for every taste;
    • An excellent combination of softness and orthopedic properties - we can sleep on a soft, but at the same time safe for the spine base.


    • High cost - latex mattresses are really more expensive than their counterparts made from other materials;
    • Fragility - this statement is true for artificial latex mattresses. Over time, this material dries out and becomes brittle.

    Behind the eerie name lies a material with excellent properties. Struttofiber has a decent level of elasticity, does not burn, is well ventilated, it is able to quickly get rid of moisture, and does not cause allergies. In addition, this material is not susceptible to deformation - it restores its shape almost instantly.

    The structure of struttofiber is quite original - the fibers in this material are arranged vertically, which provides it with excellent properties. Additional fibers can be mixed with the main fibers - flax, horsehair, goat hair and much more. In addition, struttofiber is often combined with other fillers, for example, with blocks independent springs or with polyurethane foam.


    • Using struttofiber, you can create mattresses of almost any degree of hardness - from medium to high;
    • Pronounced orthopedic properties - this material is actively used for the production of orthopedic mattresses;
    • An increased level of strength and reliability – thanks to this, mattresses made from struttofiber have a long service life.


    • High cost of material - you have to pay good money for high quality.

    Coconut fiber (coir)

    Finally, let's talk about coconut fiber. This is a fairly rigid material, actively used for the production of orthopedic mattresses for children and adults. Coconut fiber does not rot, prevents the spread of bacteria, does not cause allergies, is well ventilated and does not retain moisture, has pronounced orthopedic properties.

    Coconut mattresses are most often composite - in addition to coconut fiber, there are other fillers inside, for example, polyurethane foam or latex. The layers of padding alternate, resulting in mattresses with unsurpassed characteristics.


    • Excellent performance characteristics - coconut fiber does not rot when exposed to moisture and is not a source of allergens, is well ventilated, and provides proper back support;
    • Pronounced orthopedic properties - the hard surface has medicinal properties and is recommended for many spinal diseases. Coconut mattresses are also used for sleeping children under three years old;
    • High environmental friendliness - coconut fiber does not release any harmful components into the air.


    • The only significant disadvantage of coconut fiber is its high cost, which is associated with the complexity of producing the material.

    Mattresses with coconut fiber are highly fragile, so when using them you need to be careful not to impact them.

    Popular manufacturers of orthopedic mattresses

    How to choose an orthopedic mattress for a bed, focusing on trademark? To do this, you will certainly need knowledge about the leading manufacturers of orthopedic mattresses.

    This is one of newest companies, engaged in the production of orthopedic mattresses and bases. Production is carried out from environmentally friendly pure materials, and the properties of the paddings are studied in Comfort Line’s own laboratories. The warranty on all mattresses is 3 years. The product range includes both inexpensive mattresses and premium products.


    • Wide range of models - the company produces orthopedic mattresses for adults, mattress covers, as well as children's mattresses;
    • There is a delivery service - purchased products are delivered to all major cities Russia.


    • Points of sale are not represented in all cities - no comments here.

    Consul holding has been operating in Russia for quite a long time. This is one of the leading manufacturers of orthopedic mattresses. The company's clients are not only ordinary people, but also music and film stars. Orthopedic Consul mattresses are made from environmentally friendly materials and undergo rigorous testing. All products are protected from bacteria with the help of probiotics.

    The range of products produced is impressive - the Consul holding produces not only orthopedic mattresses, but also sleep accessories. The list also includes orthopedic bases and beds.


    • A very large selection of products - buyers can purchase not only mattresses, but also comfortable beds;
    • Long-term warranty – this is additional recommendation to the selection of Consul mattresses;
    • Delivery of mattresses throughout Russia - every resident of the country can become a client of the company;
    • The use of innovative technologies in the production of mattresses - thanks to this, excellent performance properties of the finished products are achieved.


    • Low quality of service - this is evidenced by the analysis of user reviews posted on the Internet.

    Askona company works on Russian market more than 25 years. Its range includes orthopedic mattresses, beds, pillows, bases, sofas, living rooms, wardrobes, sofas, additional sleep accessories and much more. Dozens of fillers are used to produce mattresses, and the careful design of each model allows you to experience the special comfort of sleeping on Ascona mattresses.

    The brand is being promoted quite actively, so Askona mattresses can be purchased anywhere, including in the smallest Russian cities. If you don’t know which orthopedic mattress is best to choose for daily sleep, feel free to choose a mattress from this brand. By the way, in the company's stores you can lie on mattresses and evaluate their comfort.


    • Wide distribution of the brand - Askona mattresses can be purchased anywhere in Russia;
    • Large selection of products - in addition to orthopedic mattresses, numerous sleep accessories are on sale;
    • Excellent product quality - all orthopedic mattresses from this brand are tested in our own laboratories.


    • High prices for some orthopedic mattresses - if you want to sleep on good mattress, then you need to come to terms with it.

    A notable advantage of this manufacturer is the presence in its assortment of special therapeutic mattresses aimed at people with various diseases of the spine.

    The health of the spine directly affects the condition of the internal organs.. It experiences a large load, supporting the human body in an upright position. With diseases of the spine, a person feels pain, which can spread to the arms, legs, subscapular or thoracic region. An orthopedic mattress has a passive positive effect on the diseased part of the spine, and the spinal column takes the correct position. In combination with the use of anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs, physiotherapeutic procedures, this method has an effective therapeutic effect. How to choose an orthopedic mattress, what to pay attention to first?


    Mattresses can vary in different parameters. The task is to find the best option for yourself.

    By design

    Products have different designs, depending on their purpose.

    Spring: dependent and independent

    If the product is equipped with spring mechanisms, you need to pay attention to whether they are independent springs or Bonnel-type blocks. In the first case when pressed at any point, the material immediately returns to its original shape. Each spring is located independently of the other and hidden in a fabric cover. This is the “right” mattress.

    In the second– a “hole” is formed at the point of pressure, because springs are fastened together, and any impact immediately affects all springs located in the blocks. While the product is new, the spring dependent blocks retain its shape, but after a few months of use characteristic unevenness and “dips” are created on the mattress and it becomes clear that this is far from best option.


    These include hard and medium-hard mattresses. If spring ones have a shock absorption function, then springless ones are a layer of special material several centimeters thick. Their surface can be divided into zones with different levels of rigidity.

    Which ones are better?

    And a layer of coconut coir, and latex material, and modified polyurethane, which are the soft basis of spring and springless products, can last a long time if used correctly. But polyurethane does not allow air to pass through, A coconut flakes do not hold their shape for a long time. Latex is better (it is made from the sap of the rubber tree), but the layer thickness should be medium. This is right. Latex is that universal material, which “breathes”, perfectly preserves the product in its original form, does not create problems during maintenance, and its price is quite reasonable. Considering these factors, it will not be difficult to choose a mattress for both a single and a double bed.

    One or another type orthopedic mattresses are prescribed depending on the disease. Plays a role and age factor. Softer options are recommended for older people. Hard springless mattresses are good for young and middle-aged people with osteochondrosis, uncomplicated pain, pinched nerve endings and other pathologies of the spine.

    By content

    The degree of rigidity of the product and its performance characteristics depend on the filler.


    The following materials are used to make soft mattresses: memoryform, strutofiber, etc. Memoryform - foamed artificial filler, when hardened, forms a soft, “viscous” canvas and having a memory effect. Strutofiber represents a warm, pleasant warming surface made of fluffy, synthetic material.


    Rigid models are thin and presented with well-ventilated, durable materials, more often coconut flakes, latex, etc. They return the spine to its correct position. The position during sleep is very important. If it is chosen poorly, then there is no need to talk about a positive effect and good sleep.


    Medium-hard products made of latex, waterlatex, foam rubber etc. If foam rubber is a foamed artificial layer, then latex and materials based on it are obtained from natural raw materials - rubber tree sap and additional binding components.

    Other Features

    The ease of use directly depends on the maximum weight of the mattress, which can reach 5-140 kg. If one of the spouses is obese and the other is thin, when purchasing a double version, it is better to opt for a model with independent spring blocks.

    Reinforcement around the perimeter with a stronger base does not allow the models to deform, maintains their original dimensions and neatness. appearance. This is a kind of protection that prevents the filler from “blurring.”

    Model sizes:

    • for newborns – 100-120*50-60 cm;
    • for children of primary school age – 140-190*70-80 cm;
    • for teenagers – 185-190*80-120 cm;
    • for adults: single version – 190-200*80-90 cm, double – 190-200*160-200 cm.

    Children's orthopedic mattresses

    For newborn babies, orthopedic products are made from coconut coir, having an average thickness of 3-7 cm. The main requirement: the material must be well ventilated and dry quickly. It is better to purchase a cotton mattress cover in advance - it absorbs moisture well.

    The use of hard surfaces is recommended for young children and teenagers, providing the spine with an even and correct position. This will prevent possible development scoliosis, which children are susceptible to during this period. The bone skeleton in children is just forming, therefore correct posture during study sessions and body position during night rest hours greatly influence their health and overall well-being.

    Materials for the elderly

    In older people, bones and joints become more fragile with age, causing diseases such as osteoporosis, arthritis, etc. Too hard surfaces chosen for sleeping will not give them relief, but can cause persistent insomnia, morning lethargy and weakness. For older people, the best option would be mattresses with the characteristics:

    • built-in independent springs;
    • product hardness level – medium;
    • zonal distribution of materials depending on detected diseases;
    • the ability to use the back side of the mattress, which has a different level of hardness.

    A double-sided mattress is an economical and effective option that solves several problems at once. The semi-hard side is used daily, and the reverse - softer - during periods of exacerbation in osteochondrosis and other diseases.


    Economy class products from a domestic manufacturer can be purchased at a very reasonable price: single option – up to 2000 rubles, double – up to 4000 rubles. Mattresses mid-level They are of higher quality, their price depends on the “filling” and the presence of springs: independent and dependent spring blocks. Average cost – 7000-17000 rub..

    Elite models, mainly produced by foreign manufacturers, at a price can reach $6,000. But such purchases last for decades. For osteochondrosis and other diseases of the spine, you can get great benefit from them.

    Review of brands

    Popular manufacturing companies:

    • Company TM Sonline. Environmentally friendly, natural materials are used in production. Medium-hard products are equipped with independent (320 springs per 1 sq.m.) springs. Springless models are represented by alternating layers of coconut coir and latex. Winter-summer products covered with cotton on one side and sheep wool on the other are popular.
    • Evolution company. The main advantage of the models is their hypoallergenicity, ensured by a special impregnation of the top layer. The company uses such unique materials as palm bark, sisal, seaweed, etc. The spring blocks are equipped with a Euro-frame made of polyurethane.
    • DoctorHealth. It produces springless models with a massage effect. They anatomically perfectly “adjust” to the human body. Main fillers: coconut and latex.
    • Schlaraffia company. It has been producing bedding products for over 100 years. The products have zonal gel inserts that support the body in a normal position. A pleasant innovation for customers was the use of Sensipurplus foam, which responds to changes in body temperature and has excellent moisture permeability.
    • Akant company. Wide assortment and a wide variety of models. The company uses glueless technologies. Issues independent spring blocks own production. The “layers” of mattresses undergo synchronous quilting.

    Orthopedic mattresses for the sofa

    The advantages of these models include:

    • Versatility. They can be placed on sofas, folding beds, sofas, and in some cases on the floor.
    • Convenient transportation. It is enough to roll the products into a roll and move them to the desired location.
    • Pronounced therapeutic effect. Despite the fact that most models are small in thickness, their use will soon eliminate problems with the spine due to osteochondrosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

    Models for sofas are made of struplast, foam rubber, coconut, and composite additives can also be included.

    There are not many disadvantages to such products.
    They are associated with the wrong choice of model, which can “ride” on the sofa and does not fit in size and design. Too thick lumpy mattresses for sofas are not used.

    How to choose?
    It is necessary to measure the length and width of the working area in advance and look for a mattress that is suitable in size. This is the first correct decision. The profitability of the purchase is also determined by:

    • At a price. The most economical option is a product with a polyurethane (foam rubber) “filling”.
    • Thickness. Thick mattresses are inconvenient to use and care for, while thin models are well suited for use on different surfaces.
    • Service life. I wouldn’t want the product to turn into shapeless rags after a few months, so you should ask a consultant how many years a particular filler can last.

    You also need to decide on the purpose of the purchase. Perhaps the purchase will relieve the temporary difficulties that arose in connection with the failed sofa. Or it will solve the problem of where to place regularly visiting guests. Or will turn tough upholstered furniture to a cozy and comfortable “oasis”.

    Selection guide

    The main principle of an orthopedic mattress, the price of which is not horrifying and we can say about it that it is the best:

    • not too soft;
    • not too harsh.

    Such an explanation may cause slight confusion among a potential buyer. What does this mean and what is the right thing to do?

    1. Too thin hard mattress on the bed doesn't allow tired from the day relax the muscles. No matter how a person lies: on his back, on his side, free gaps are formed between the curves of the body and the surface of the mattress, the load is distributed over the protruding points of the body, and not evenly over the back or side area (sleeping on the stomach is not recommended, especially with osteochondrosis, since When the spine is bent, blood circulation in the brain and spinal column is disrupted).
    2. Mattress too soft contrary to the erroneous belief that you can have a great night's sleep in such a bed, it is often causes severe back pain even in the morning after sleep (with or without osteochondrosis). What's the matter? In any position, the person’s body in bed seems to plunge into the “abyss.” In the first minutes the sensations are pleasant, but they are deceptive, because the spinal column takes the wrong position. It bends even more. And given the disproportionate body build of many people (the shoulders are wider than the pelvis, and vice versa), the heavier part of the body “sinks” into the soft surface more strongly. With osteochondrosis, this is even dangerous. And there is no question of a normal rest.

    A hard mattress is better than a too soft one, and the ideal option is something in between..

    For older people preferable use medium-hard and soft models. This is the right choice. The constant use of orthopedic mattresses has a positive effect on their health. But in case of severe illnesses it is necessary to drug treatment. Then the parallel use of mattresses will provide tangible benefits.

    When should you change your mattress?

    The moment inevitably comes when your favorite things become unusable. If the casing products in places rubbed off, and through her spring blocks peeking through– the product will have to be replaced. Exposed springs put pressure on the body, rub the skin, and cause severe physical discomfort. And if you add here an unpleasant creaking sound every time you turn your body and try to get out of bed, then sleep turns into torture.

    On springless surfaces dents remain that cannot be straightened out. Gradual deformation of the product turns it into a material with ugly, “blurry” edges. With this condition of the mattress, you should think about replacing it.

    Two or one?

    For a double bed, you can buy either one wide or two mattresses. But it would be correct to make a purchase based on the health status of the household. If one of them has diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and the other is healthy, then it is better to buy different mattresses for a double bed. This will be the right option. Although the price of the products will be different.

    Which width is best? If a person sleeps restlessly, spreads his legs and arms in his sleep, then sleeping next to him is not easy. You can purchase mattresses 1.5-2 meters wide. The price will be higher, but on such a “bridgehead” you can sleep either lengthwise or across.

    With and, in the vertebrae it can be very difficult to find a suitable mattress. Many manufacturers wishful thinking, producing mattresses that are far from orthopedic in their characteristics. In appearance, this “best” option looks both stylish and neat, and the seller will read a convincing speech about its exceptional beneficial properties. But in fact, a few days later, after sleeping on such a bed, the unlucky buyer’s whole body begins to ache, and unkind thoughts appear regarding the mattress, the seller and the manufacturer.

    To avoid such incidents, it is better to take your favorite pillow (spreader) with you and test the properties of the mattress you like on your body right in the store. In the end, you have to pay a lot of money for this product, which you also have to spend on a bunch of medications for osteochondrosis and other pathologies of the spine.