Weak blood vessels: causes and signs, what to do - methods of treatment and strengthening. How does alcohol affect the blood vessels of the brain? What is important to know

Alcohol has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, as it promotes their expansion. But in small quantities! According to WHO, about 4% of deaths each year are caused by ethyl alcohol. It turns out that 2.5 million people die due to alcohol. This is due to the consequences of excessive alcohol consumption: liver cirrhosis, heart attack and stroke.

Doctors' recommendations for hypertensive patients are to reduce high blood pressure with small doses of alcohol. Cognac and balm cope best with this task. It is enough to drink 30–50 ml. Alcohol reduces blood pressure by 20 mmHg. Art. If you drink more alcohol, the opposite effect is possible.

Ethyl alcohol relaxes the vascular wall, which is accompanied by vasodilation. After alcohol enters the gastrointestinal tract, it is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream. That is why there is an almost immediate effect on the body.

The principle of action of ethyl alcohol:

  • At the very beginning, the vessels dilate briefly (for 1–1.5 hours) in the arterioles and arteries. This is accompanied by a decrease in blood pressure.
  • Next, the body restores its optimal state, which is accompanied by a reflex spasm (the blood vessels narrow), and, accordingly, an increase in pressure.
  • When blood pressure changes, the pulse increases - 100 beats/min. and above. The myocardium loses its former rhythm, which leads to disturbances in blood circulation.

Ethyl alcohol damages myocardial cells, forcing the heart to work faster, which impairs its functions. This causes scarring, the formation of fatty tissue and decreased tone.

Ethyl alcohol destroys the protective membrane of red blood cells - erythrocytes. This is fraught with their combination and the formation of blood clots, which are very dangerous to health, because they contribute to the formation of blood clots and lead to tissue death. The problem is the lack of the required amount of nutrients and oxygen, because the functions of red blood cells are impaired.

The negative effect of alcohol on the body is associated with the type and amount of alcohol consumed. The permissible dose is 1 ml of ethanol per 1 kg of weight. Beer will not have a negative effect at the consumption rate of 0.5 liters for men and 0.33 liters for women. Drink alcohol no more than 1-2 times a week.

Brain vessels

Ethyl alcohol accumulates most in the vessels of the brain. After a glass of beer, unfavorable changes in the gray matter are observed. Alcohol addicts are 4–5 times more likely to develop atherosclerosis.

Alcohol affects the blood vessels of the head as follows:

  • damages the nerve centers that regulate the functioning of blood vessels;
  • makes vascular walls permeable, increasing the risk of cerebral edema.

With alcoholic liver damage, cirrhosis develops, which is the cause of encephalopathy. Brain pathology is characterized by the death of nerve cells due to insufficient oxygen in the blood, which occurs against the background of liver failure. Brain pathology occurs in 35%, so it is not diagnosed in all cases.

By examining the brains of people who died due to alcohol intoxication, it was discovered that ethyl alcohol not only constricts blood vessels, but also causes changes that occur in the protoplasm and cell nucleus. The disturbances are as vivid as those caused by poisoning with strong poisons. In this case, the subcortical part is damaged less than the cortex.

Skin vessels

When the recommended dosages of alcohol are exceeded, mechanical and organic changes occur in the blood vessels of the skin and epidermis. The reaction of capillaries and arteries to ethyl alcohol is the same - the death of the cellular structures of the walls. The reason is multiple breaks in intercellular connections, which occurs against the background of metabolic disorders.

Damaged hepatocytes (liver cells) stop synthesizing the enzyme that breaks down alcohol. In this regard, a protective mechanism is activated - mast cells are produced, which externally manifests itself as an allergic reaction. When exposed to ethyl alcohol, the condition gradually worsens: the skin stops renewing, acquires a gray tint, becomes wrinkled and loses turgor. After drinking alcohol, red spots and peeling are observed on the face. A capillary network may appear.

Vessels on the legs

Ethyl alcohol harms the lower extremities, having a negative effect on vascular structures. After a feast, swelling appears.

The effect of ethyl alcohol on the blood vessels of the legs:

  1. Blood circulation slows down and fluid outflow is disrupted.
  2. Hypoxia develops in small vessels, which negatively affects soft tissues.

People suffering from chronic alcoholism often develop gangrene, which is called ischemic gangrene. The cause of tissue necrosis is a violation of circulatory processes against the background of damage to arterial vessels. Gangrene threatens partial and sometimes complete amputation of a limb.

With prolonged use of alcohol, leg failure is possible for two reasons. Polyneuropathy is a disease of the peripheral nervous system that occurs in 10–15% of alcoholics. Ethyl alcohol disrupts the conduction of signals by nerve endings, resulting in paralysis of the lower extremities.

The second reason for leg failure when drinking alcohol is blockage of blood vessels (thrombophlebitis). The pathological process begins with the destruction of the protective membranes of red blood cells by ethyl alcohol. Red blood cells stick together to form blood clots. Once in the capillary, they slow down or stop metabolic processes, disrupting sensitivity.


Alcohol causes dilation of the coronary and cerebral arteries, but only temporarily (5–7 hours). As a consequence - narrowing (spasm) of the vascular lumen and increased heart rate. The volume of blood pushed out increases and blood pressure rises. Atherosclerotic plaques are deposited on the walls of blood vessels, which disrupts blood circulation.

Alcohol abuse leads to arrhythmia and cardiomyopathy. The reason is not only the hard work of the internal organ, but also the negative impact of the breakdown products of ethyl alcohol on organic structures that disrupt the functions of the myocardium.

Alcohol has a negative effect on the vascular structures of the brain, narrowing cerebral vessels and disrupting circulatory processes. Cellular structures do not receive enough nutrients and oxygen, which is fraught with hypoxia and, as a consequence, encephalopathies.

With atherosclerosis, calcium and salts are deposited on the walls of arteries under the influence of alcohol. Due to this, they lose elasticity and become denser. The result of drinking alcohol is the rupture of inelastic blood vessels. There are risks of developing a heart attack (death of intestinal tissue, myocardium, liver or spleen) and stroke.

If you have illnesses

In hypertension (high blood pressure), we are talking about an initial violation of the elasticity of vascular structures. If you take alcohol along with medications, then there is a deterioration in the regulation of blood pressure levels. Even in small quantities, ethyl alcohol causes a hypertensive crisis.

If you have kidney stones, alcohol is extremely undesirable. Renal and renal hypertension is observed with narrowing of the arteries, chronic glomerulonephritis and intoxication of the body with medications. Chronic inflammation (pyelonephritis, pyelitis) and urolithiasis can lead to such disorders. All alcohol has a diuretic effect, but does not help cleanse toxins, but causes dehydration. Even low-alcohol beer can cause serious harm in the presence of pathologies, as it contributes to the development of severe vasospasm.

With atherosclerosis, alcohol can only help if the person has a healthy body. Red wine (150 ml) and cognac (50 ml) prevent the development of blockage of vascular structures by increasing the level of high-density lipoproteins. They eliminate atherosclerotic plaques, cleansing blood vessels. Daily consumption of alcohol in a volume of 25 ml reduces the risk of developing myocardial infarction by 20%.

While taking medications

Below are groups of medications that should not be taken together with alcoholic beverages, otherwise serious complications will arise:

  • Tablets for hypertension (Raunatin, Adelfan) + alcohol - increased toxicity of ethyl alcohol, development of collapse or stroke with a 95% probability.
  • Antidepressants (Rexetine, Azaleptin, Alprazolam) + alcohol – deterioration of the thought process, a powerful hypnotic effect, increased blood pressure and stroke.
  • Tranquilizers (Lamisil, Phenibut) + alcohol - the effect of the drugs will increase, which will entail a change in consciousness and respiratory depression, coma.
  • Vasodilators (Verapamil, Plendil, Nikoshpan) + alcohol – there is a decrease in blood pressure and pulse surges, which can cause death.

The simultaneous use of alcohol and medications is unacceptable. Even small doses of ethyl alcohol can lead to the development of serious disorders in the body.

How to restore blood vessels after alcohol

Restoring damaged blood vessels after prolonged drinking includes a set of measures:

  1. Normalization of water-salt balance (Regidron, Oralit, Gidrovit).
  2. Removal of toxins (Polysorb, Atoxil, Chitosan).
  3. Taking medications with electrolytes (Ringer's solution, Chlosol, Addamel N).

To support arterial function, vitamin C should be taken in large doses (up to 500 mg/day). To restore brain activity, you can take ¼ tablet of Aspirin or Piracetam. Proper nutrition (eating healthy foods that are subject to gentle cooking) is of great importance.

Myths about the benefits

We often hear that alcoholics have clean blood vessels. Allegedly, ethyl alcohol is useful because it cleanses the blood of harmful cholesterol, which is the cause of atherosclerotic plaques. Myths that alcohol is a remedy are erroneous and have been refuted.

The so-called positive effects of alcohol do not consist in cleansing blood vessels, but in blocking the production of good cholesterol in the liver due to damage to its cells. Accordingly, the benefit from such a process will be zero. In the liver, fat synthesis increases, and oxidation processes slow down. This is accompanied by fatty hepatosis and cirrhosis of the liver.

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Alcohol consumed regularly by a person in any case affects blood vessels. At the same time, there are quite a lot of opinions, even in the professional medical environment, regarding the negative or positive effects of ethanol in this context.

How does alcohol affect the heart and blood vessels? How serious are the negative consequences for the body as a whole? How to reduce potential harm? You will read about this and much more in our article.

The effect of alcohol on human blood vessels

Fans of alcoholic beverages and ardent opponents are interested in the answer to this question: does alcohol narrow or dilate blood vessels? Numerous studies often show contradictory results, as a result of which even experienced professionals are not always able to clearly define the line between the potential benefits and harms of drinking alcohol for medicinal or recreational purposes.

How are things really going? The truth, as always, is somewhere in the middle. The process of direct influence of ethanol on blood vessels depends primarily on the dose of alcohol taken, the individual state of health of the person, as well as the initial level of blood pressure in the calm phase.

One interesting fact is worth noting. Despite the fact that many people consider certain types of alcoholic beverages to be more beneficial for blood vessels, this is actually not the case.

Naturally, a high-quality and natural product, for example, good red wine or expensive vodka, in this context is more preferable than low-alcohol drinks of dubious quality, which may contain various dyes, low-quality industrial alcohol, preservatives and other little-known components.

However, after oral ingestion of any alcoholic beverage, pure ethanol enters the bloodstream. It is he who affects the systemic blood flow, penetrates the soft tissues and the brain. The remaining ingredients continue to be processed by the stomach and metabolized by the liver, kidneys, and are also excreted unchanged.

What does science say about the mutual dependence of alcohol and vascular tone? The specific effect of alcohol on the human heart and blood vessels occurs as follows. Immediately after ethanol enters the blood, the vessels temporarily become dilated, mainly arteries and arterioles. The total duration of an effect of this kind varies widely and lasts from a couple of minutes to several hours, since it depends on a huge number of factors, including external weather conditions.

After partial metabolism of alcohol has passed, the body’s cardiovascular system launches self-regulation processes aimed at restoring the primary normal level of blood pressure and pulse. In this situation, a so-called reflex spasm is formed, which is a fairly rapid narrowing of blood vessels. In most cases, the feedback process is more pronounced than the initial expansion under the influence of ethanol.

How can alcohol be beneficial for blood vessels? Numerous worldwide studies in the context of the influence of ethanol on the human body as a whole indicate that the use of strictly limited small doses of products can be an additional component of the comprehensive prevention of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease.

What are the boundary standards? Modern doctors have generally agreed that the optimal dose is one milliliter of pure ethanol per kilogram of adult body weight. Based on these data, it is possible to more or less clearly determine relatively safe standards for the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

There will be no harm to the body if you drink once every few days 50 ml of vodka, 330 ml of beer, one glass of dry red wine, or 30 ml of pure 90 percent alcohol (not together, but any of the proposed drinks).

As you can see, the above-mentioned standards are very modest and in the vast majority of cases people exceed the recommended dosages, sometimes tens of times.

What happens to blood vessels with constant alcohol consumption: consequences and complications

Frequent excessive consumption of any alcoholic beverage can cause a number of pathological consequences for the body, both short-term and long-term. The most common problems:

  • Increased heart rate. Excessive alcohol consumption becomes the main cause of the development of tachycardia, which in turn can become dangerous factors for the potential development of myocardial infarction or stroke;
  • Pathological increase in blood pressure. It is well known that when drinking alcohol, the blood vessels first expand, then sharply narrow. In the case of chronic alcoholism, such fluctuations have a clear negative effect on the heart and blood vessels as a whole. So, some patients experience constantly elevated blood pressure levels and also develop hypertension;
  • Heart rhythm disturbances. Toxic damage to peripheral vessels can also spread to the main veins and arteries. In parallel with this process, the formation of pathology of the main cardiac muscle occurs with the development of atrial fibrillation, congestive processes and a significant increase in the risk of thromboembolism.
You might be interested... The complex pathological process of development of vascular problems, as mentioned above, begins with the peripheral circulatory system, but gradually affects large blood vessels. Often, microthrombosis of the vascular network reduces muscle tone and disrupts innervation, which in turn leads to a decrease in the flexibility of the circulatory system as a whole, as well as its ability to respond to changes in various conditions, including external ones.

How to reduce harm from alcoholic beverages?

This question worries many people who cannot, for some reason, completely stop drinking alcohol, but understand the danger it poses to the cardiovascular system as a whole. The main advice sounds banal, but is quite simple and clear. You need to drink less.

In any endeavor there must be moderation, and this is especially true for regular consumption of alcoholic beverages. The optimal, of course, would be to drink alcoholic beverages within the established recommended standards, but from a practical point of view, this is almost impossible to do. In any case, try to limit the amount of alcohol you put into your body.

It is advisable to choose the highest quality products, without any foreign impurities or alcohol of unknown origin, and it is best to purchase products with only one component, for example, vodka, wine, cognac, and of the highest possible quality.

Don't forget to eat well and in particular, do not drink alcoholic beverages at the same time as medicinal substances and other components that can enhance the toxic effect of ethanol on human organs and systems (carefully read the instructions and labels for the purchased products).

The answer to the question of what effect alcohol has on constricting or dilating blood vessels in the brain is extremely ambiguous. You should not resort to the method of lowering blood pressure using alcoholic beverages, because they contain ethanol, which has a detrimental effect on the walls of the arteries.

Patients should pay attention to the fact that alcohol consumption in significant doses leads to a steady increase in indicators.

Alcohol is the main enemy of health

What is important to know

Alcohol has different effects on cerebral vessels, but all drinks containing it can be divided into two types: those that lower and those that increase blood pressure. Hypertensive patients are strictly prohibited from consuming them in significant doses.

The effect of alcohol in combination with heat can be irreversible, therefore, to maintain health, you should avoid drinking strong drinks in the hot summer. It is important to emphasize that the effect of alcohol on a hypertensive patient is destructive; the cerebral arteries at this moment withstand significant loads.

Attention! Alcohol has an effect on the arteries, dilating them, but it is important to remember that along with this effect, the heart rate increases. As the heart rate increases, the volume of blood ejected by the heart increases, and its release has a negative effect on the body as a whole.

Even a doctor will not be able to give a definite answer about the nature of the effect of a particular drink on the body of a particular patient. First of all, this is due to the fact that each person’s body is completely individual and perceives different influences from the outside with difference.

How does alcohol affect the body?

The influence of alcohol is harmful. It has been proven that alcoholics are several times more likely than ordinary people to develop diseases.

Many people think that alcohol has a beneficial effect on human blood vessels. This is a misconception. After drinking alcohol, there really is some positive effect, but it is short-lived. Next, we will talk about the effect of alcohol on blood vessels and explain whether it can be used as a treatment.

Alcohol constricts or dilates blood vessels

Initially, alcohol dilates blood vessels, but at the same time increases the number of contractions of the heart muscle, which leads to an increase in the volume of blood ejected. Such an action adversely affects the human condition.

After a few minutes, ethanol enters the bloodstream and remains there for about seven hours. This leads to an increase in heart rate, disturbances in blood circulation and metabolic processes.

A large amount of hormones - norepinephrine and adrenaline - are released into the blood, which often provokes mental disorders and stress.

The influence of strong alcohol

It doesn’t matter what kind of alcohol you drink - strong or weak, the effects of alcohol depend on the following factors:

  • The volume taken on the chest (a larger amount increases blood pressure).
  • Age. Over the years, the body weakens, alcohol-containing drinks cause problems with the kidneys and liver.
  • Regularity of alcohol consumption.

The complete exclusion of strong drinks is recommended for people with vegetative-vascular dystonia, neuroses and endocrine pathologies.

Effects on the brain

People who abuse alcohol are 6 times more likely to suffer from cerebral vascular pathologies. They are diagnosed with a number of ailments:

  • Encephalopathy is a disease accompanied by the destruction of brain cells in the head under the influence of alcohol.
  • Ischemic stroke is an acute circulatory disorder accompanied by necrosis of a portion of the brain.
  • Vascular atherosclerosis is damage to blood vessels as a result of deposition of lipids on their inner surface.
  • VSD is a disorder based on a violation of the regulation of vascular tone by the autonomic nervous system.

All pathologies occur in a severe form and are accompanied by mental disorders; it may take more than three years to restore a normal state.

Under the influence of alcoholic drinks, the permeability of blood vessels in the head increases, which often causes swelling.

Red blood cells are destroyed, which provokes starvation of the brain, since it receives insufficient oxygen and nutrients. This in turn leads to the death of nerve cells and the cerebral cortex is affected.

The basic principle of action of alcohol-containing drinks

Whether alcohol expands or constricts blood vessels can be understood by the effect of alcohol on their walls:

  • Immediately after drinking alcoholic beverages, the blood vessels dilate and the person feels better. Blood pressure drops, blood vessels relax, blood moves easily, and the number of heart contractions increases.
  • Then a sharp narrowing of blood vessels occurs, pressure rises, metabolic processes are disrupted, which adversely affects cells and tissues.
  • These states alternate, the frequency of changes depends on the volume of alcohol consumed.
  • The functioning of the cardiovascular system is disrupted, and the load on the heart is greatly increased.

This condition lasts until alcohol is completely removed from the blood, as the body fights toxic ethanol. Toxins are removed through the liver.

How does alcohol affect the blood vessels of people with high cholesterol and atherosclerosis?

In small quantities, alcohol has a beneficial effect on cholesterol. Atherosclerosis significantly affects the arteries due to the accumulation of salts on their walls. The latter become denser, their elasticity deteriorates, their diameter decreases, and there is a high risk of blood clots.

As pressure increases, the risk of rupture or narrowing of blood vessels greatly increases. This often causes cerebral infarction with tissue death, stroke. The development of a heart attack of the liver, spleen, intestines, and heart is possible.

Why can alcohol cause vasospasm?

For headaches, alcohol provides significant relief. This is explained by the fact that vascular spasms are eliminated and their lumen increases. The effect is short-lived. When the effect of alcohol wears off, the pain syndrome returns, and the condition often worsens.

Some people use alcohol repeatedly, which is strictly prohibited. You can eliminate headaches by taking analgesics without using alcohol.

Harm of alcohol to blood vessels

The harm of alcohol is obvious. It leads to disturbances in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels due to an excess of adrenaline and norepinephrine when consumed. With an increased number of contractions of the heart muscle, red blood cells stick together, which can clog the lumen (a characteristic mesh is visible on the skin).

The capillaries of the brain cannot withstand the load and are destroyed, which causes a micro-stroke; it is often confused with a hangover. Brain cells under the regular influence of alcohol begin to die, aggravating the person’s condition.

What pathologies can alcohol cause?

Regular exposure to ethanol on blood vessels causes a number of diseases:

  • A hypertensive crisis develops.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Anemia.
  • Chronic kidney diseases.
  • Increased pressure.
  • Insufficiency of coronary vessels in acute form.
  • Violation of the structure of the heart.

Alcoholic drinks increase mortality among young people, causing strokes and heart attacks, and ischemic diseases.

Alcoholism and the myth about vascular health

Many people mistakenly believe that drinking alcohol in small doses has a beneficial effect. This is a misconception. What's actually happening:

  • Alcohol helps to relax the body, but in the morning a person suffers from a hangover, accompanied by pain in the head.
  • Ethanol helps relieve pain, but after a certain time the symptom manifests itself with double force.
  • Alcohol reduces high blood pressure, but over time it leads to wear and tear of blood vessels and disruption of the circulatory system.

People who drink alcohol talk about their positive effect on vascular diseases. But it should be remembered that the alternation between narrowing and dilation of blood vessels leads to disruption of the speed of blood movement.

As a result, constant pressure surges are observed, and later regular headaches and tinnitus appear.

Short-term effects of alcohol

Ethyl alcohol contained in strong drinks is absorbed in the digestive system and enters the blood, relaxing the walls of blood vessels. This is observed against the background of the fact that alcohol inhibits the production of neurotransmitters in the nerves of blood vessels.

For a short time after this, the following is observed:

  • Partial paralysis of the walls of blood vessels, an increase in their diameter.
  • Decreased vascular resistance.
  • Reduced blood pressure.

This state does not last long, then the reverse effect begins.

The effect of frequent drinking

After a few minutes of relief after drinking, the smooth muscles of the blood vessels are restored, and the pressure increases. Each dose of alcohol relaxes the walls of blood vessels, the body tries to restore the changes. Such a struggle leads to fatigue and intoxication occurs.

During the process of metabolism, acetaldehyde is produced from ethyl alcohol, which is more toxic, so the drinker feels weak until this substance completely disintegrates.

Long-term consumption of alcohol provokes thinning of the vascular walls, their permeability increases, as a result of which plasma escapes into the surrounding tissues. As a result, dehydration occurs against the background of swelling, but there is no water deficiency.

Acetaldehyde has a toxic effect on the liver and pancreas. The amount of cholesterol increases and accumulates on the walls of blood vessels in the form of atherosclerotic plaques. This causes fragility of the walls of blood vessels, they lose elasticity, and their performance is impaired.

With prolonged alcohol abuse, cirrhosis of the liver develops and deformation of the organ tissue occurs. The portal vein is pressed down, blood stagnates, which provokes stretching of the venous walls. As a result, ascites forms.

Are there any positive effects from drinking alcohol?

All cells, organs and tissues receive nutrients and oxygen through the circulatory system. With the narrowing and dilation of blood vessels, the functioning of the entire body deteriorates. The most negative situation occurs when there is an insufficient amount of vitamins and nutrients in the body.

Many doctors prove that in small doses, alcohol is beneficial to humans and has a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels.

A minimal portion helps lower blood pressure under the influence of ethanol. As a result, the vessels become less elastic and dilate, and blood passes to all organs without problems.

When drinking alcohol, a person feels better, but this phenomenon also has the opposite effect.

Possible consequences

Regular drinking of large amounts of alcohol often causes serious complications. Negative consequences are due to a number of factors.

First of all, it concerns the adverse effects on the cardiovascular system. After alcohol penetrates into the blood, the vessels alternately narrow and dilate, this continues until acetaldehyde is completely released from the body. Thus, they wear out quickly.

If you abuse alcohol, the blood vessels may at some point not be able to withstand constant pressure fluctuations and burst. This causes the development of strokes, heart attacks, and hemorrhages. The formation of arrhythmia, thrombosis and varicose veins may be observed.

Often in alcoholics, drinking alcohol is accompanied by a sedentary lifestyle and abuse of tobacco products. In this situation, the heart and blood vessels suffer twice as much.

Many people believe that alcohol and blood vessels are completely compatible things. In some ways, alcohol does have a positive effect on the vascular system, but, unfortunately, it is not long-lasting, and if you drink more than the recommended dose of strong drink, there can be serious health consequences. This article will discuss how alcohol affects the vascular system and whether it is generally worth using it as a remedy.

If you drink a strong drink for a headache, the person will feel significant relief. This effect is caused by the fact that alcohol leads to the expansion of spasmodic blood vessels. But the effect of such treatment is short-lived and when its effect ends, algia will return in double size. As a result, the person will again have to resort to a miracle cure.

After drinking alcohol, red blood cells clump together

Many people believe that such therapy is completely safe, but in fact the body gets used to it, which results in alcohol dependence. This “disease” quickly becomes chronic, changing priorities and turning off common sense. The problem with alcoholism is that often a person does not realize what a sad situation he is in.

Alcohol affects not only a person’s vascular system, but also his psyche, negatively affecting self-esteem and other social factors. It is for this reason that you need to think about whether it is worth using alcohol as a vasodilator, and whether such therapy will turn into a bad habit.


Most people believe that drinking small amounts of alcohol every day is good for your health. But in reality, everything is different; strong drinks contain more harm than good.

Here are some misconceptions about the benefits of alcoholic beverages:

  • Alcohol helps you relax after severe stress or a hard day at work. At first this is true, but in the morning you will most likely have a hangover and a severe headache.
  • Alcohol relieves headaches. Yes, algia will disappear for a while, but when the blood vessels narrow, it will return with a vengeance.
  • Alcohol helps lower high blood pressure. If you drink alcohol every day, there will be no health benefits, but on the contrary, over time, serious problems with the circulatory system will begin.

Among lovers of strong drinks, there is an opinion that alcohol is the best cure for many ailments. Any alcohol leads to the expansion and contraction of blood vessels. Ethanol, which is included in alcohol, changes the cyclic speed of blood movement through the vessels.

This effect causes surges in blood pressure, as a result of which, some time after consuming the “green snake,” headaches and tinnitus will begin, which will not have the best effect on your overall health.


Drinking strong drinks in large doses often leads to complications. The negative effects of ethanol on the body are represented by the following factors:

  • When alcohol enters the bloodstream, it constricts and dilates blood vessels in a chaotic manner. This process continues until alcohol is eliminated from the body. This effect is similar to that experienced during exercise. But unlike sports, which strengthens the vascular walls and heart muscles, ethanol leads to their wear.
  • Drinking alcohol-containing drinks leads to weakening of the vascular walls, which cannot withstand pressure changes and burst. This can cause stroke, heart attack and cerebral hemorrhage.
  • Eating “green snake” also causes many heart ailments. These include arrhythmia, which contributes to vein thrombosis and varicose veins.

And if you add a sedentary lifestyle, smoking and poor nutrition to the influence of alcohol, then the vascular system will suffer doubly.

When is it possible

After drinking alcoholic beverages, a person experiences relief, but only temporarily. It is important to understand that thanks to blood vessels, all cells in the body, without exception, receive nutrients and oxygen.

That is, thanks to such a transport system, all functions of the human body work. But if the vessels narrow or dilate, their normal functioning is disrupted. This condition is especially dangerous if the body does not have enough vitamins and nutrients supplying the internal organs.

Some doctors believe that alcohol in small quantities has a positive effect on blood vessels. A small portion of alcohol lowers blood pressure, as ethanol affects the vascular system. As a result, the vessels lose their elasticity and expand, which means that blood can easily reach the necessary organs.

But do not forget that with this method of vasodilation, the heart muscle contracts. This process involves the rapid release of blood flow by the heart ventricles, due to which the pressure decreases and the blood does not reach those systems and organs that are far from the heart, resulting in oxygen starvation and tissue death.


Factors that will determine the effect of alcohol on the vascular system are presented:

  • The number of strong drinks consumed. The more you drink, the less your blood pressure will drop. The first intake of alcohol will lead to vasodilation, and subsequent intakes will increase blood pressure.
  • Age characteristics. The older a person is, the weaker his body is. This means that drinking alcohol will lead to kidney problems and cause an imbalance in water and electrolyte balance.
  • Time since the last time alcohol was consumed.

People with a history of vegetative-vascular dystonia, neuroses and endocrine diseases should avoid treatment with alcoholic beverages.


Alcohol begins to affect the body immediately after it enters the bloodstream. Alcohol leads to a narrowing or dilation of blood vessels, triggering the following mechanisms that destroy the body:

  • Dilatation of the walls of blood vessels, which brings relief from headaches and high blood pressure, but when the vessels narrow, the condition worsens.
  • Reduced pressure. The vascular walls lose their elasticity, and blood circulates freely through them. The heart begins to beat faster. In case of heart disease, this effect can lead to fatal consequences.
  • The lightness caused by vasodilation does not last long, since immediately after it comes a sharp narrowing of the vascular walls. As a result, oxygen metabolism is disrupted, which leads to tissue death.
  • The narrowing and expansion of the vascular walls continues until the alcohol is eliminated from the body. If the vessels are fragile, then such a load on them can lead to ruptures and hemorrhages.
  • Increased heart rate. In such a rhythm, the heart, as they say, works hard.
  • Cleansing the body of poison using the liver. At first, the liver copes without consequences, but if drinking alcohol has become a habit, then it begins to malfunction, and as a result, cirrhosis occurs.

I would also like to note the effect of coffee on the vascular system. Like alcohol, it causes constriction and dilation of blood vessels, leading to increased heart rate, bursts of vigor and increased blood pressure.

In moderate doses, drinking this aromatic drink is quite safe, but if you drink more than one cup of the drink a day, this can lead to negative consequences for the body. Doctors advise people with hypertension and heart disease to avoid coffee.


When drinking alcohol, the vascular system and heart suffer the most. They are harmed by the increased release of adrenaline and norepinephrine. Also, when the heart rate increases, erythrocyte cells stick together, moving through the vessels, blocking them, leading to the formation of a visible mesh on the skin.

Consequences of drinking alcohol

The brain also suffers from ethanol, whose capillaries, unable to withstand the load, burst, leading to a micro-stroke, which is often confused with a hangover. In addition, some brain cells die, and with each new drink you drink, these phenomena only get worse.

There is no alcohol-containing drink that does not have a detrimental effect on the body, so it is best to simply stop drinking alcohol or do it as rarely as possible.

Ethanol provokes the development of the following ailments:

  • Pathological changes in the heart muscle.
  • Coronary insufficiency.
  • Anemia.
  • Arterial hypertension.

Based on everything written above, we can conclude that it is better not to use alcohol as a therapeutic agent, since it has a negative effect on the body to a much greater extent than it brings benefits.

Influence (video)