Tandoor flatbreads are a business with minimal investment. Secrets of Uzbek cuisine How profitable is it to open a restaurant of Uzbek cuisine

Unlike their nomadic neighbors, the Uzbeks led a sedentary lifestyle for many millennia in the fertile plains between the desert and the mountains. They cultivated grains, vegetables and fruits, raised livestock, and hunted small game and poultry.

Uzbeks are very hospitable and cheerful people. They are happy to treat their guests to dishes that were prepared by their distant ancestors. Uzbek cuisine is open to influences from other cultures, but every borrowed dish preparing in his own Uzbek way. In modern Uzbek cuisine, one can discern elements of Tatar, Kazakh, Mongolian, Russian, Ukrainian, Jewish, Caucasian, Uyghur, Tajik, Iranian and other national cuisines, although many dishes look as if they appeared many centuries ago in Samarkand or Bukhara.

The main source of proteins and fats in northern livestock-raising regions is lamb and sheep lard. Beef, horse meat, camel, goat and poultry are used in many dishes. Uzbeks don't eat pork, considering the pig an unclean animal. Uzbeks do not hold fish and fatty fish in high esteem poultry. Eggs are used primarily for holiday baking.

Uzbek cuisine is famous not only for its unique set of ingredients, but also food processing methods, brought to perfection over thousands of years. Uzbek cuisine knows many ways of preparing dishes. Pickles, marinades, dried and dried meats and fruits are prepared without the use of fire. In Uzbek cuisine, six methods of cooking food are used: open frying on a spit or on skewers, in a large or small amount of fat; cooking in water or milk or combined cooking in water and then in milk; steaming in a special two-tier pan (cascane); stewing; baking in a vertical or horizontal tandoor or in the oven; and a complex combined method of preparing dishes with frying in a cast iron cauldron (cauldron).

Many traditional Uzbek dishes combine several dozen ingredients and require a lot of experience and care when preparing. Their recipes are passed down from generation to generation. This is, for example, Uzbek pilaf, which is in the very simple version consists of rice, carrots, onions and meat, and in complex versions includes quince, raisins, barberries, apricots, apples and numerous spices. It is said that there are 1,200 recipes for pilaf. Classic Samarkand pilaf is light in color, pilaf according to the Fergana recipe is much darker.

Uzbek pilaf will not work without a deep kagan, in which the products are heated evenly and do not burn. To prepare real pilaf, you need to find freshly harvested rice, chop and fry the vegetables in a special way, season the rice in salted water, mix and prepare several types of oil, and accurately determine the cooking and simmering time ready-made dish. In different parts of Uzbekistan, pilaf is prepared from different products, but using the same technology. In Uzbekistan pilaf is usually prepared by men, approaching the matter seriously and prayerfully.

The pilaf-cooking master has a proud name oshpaz. During weddings and other holidays, an experienced oshpaz can feed up to a thousand people with pilaf cooked in a single cauldron. His services are not cheap, but the results are worth it. Oshpaz controls the entire process, starting with the purchase of products. When an oshpaz buys food at the bazaar, he is accompanied by a crowd who wants to know which merchant he can trust.

Women traditionally cook sumalak- wheat bread for the Nowruz holiday. They gather at one of the women's houses and talk, sing and dance while the dish is prepared. Preparations begin 7-10 days before Navruz. Wheat is soaked in a special way, dried and kneaded into dough. The dough is cooked over low heat for 13-14 hours, stirring constantly. Seven stones at the bottom of the cauldron prevent the sumalak from burning. When Nowruz comes, everyone says a prayer and tries sumalak.

Everyday dishes of Uzbek cuisine are not as labor-intensive as sumalak, but most of them require experience and dexterity. An important place in Uzbek cuisine is occupied by hot soups (shurpa) in strong broth. As a rule, they are thick, spicy, with a lot of vegetables and herbs. Shurpa is prepared from fresh or fried meat. Vegetables are placed in large pieces to preserve their flavor.

In Uzbek traditions, it is customary to cook soups over low heat and add salt at the very end. Unique soups of Uzbek cuisine - mastava (made from meat, rice and vegetables, served with sour milk, pepper and spices); mashkhurda ( bean soup with rice, potatoes, onions, herbs and sour milk); mash-atala (thick soup made from fried lard, onions, carrots, beans and flour); moshubirinch (lamb, tomatoes, beans and rice); cholop (cold soup with sour milk made from radishes, cucumbers and herbs). Uzbek noodles are almost always prepared with meat.

The most common second courses of Uzbek cuisine are meat dishes: cutlets, kebabs, manti, kebab, langman, samsa and all kinds of pies with meat, rice, pumpkin and other fillings. Served with meat vegetable salads or stew meat with vegetables. For many dishes, the meat is not separated from the bone. Meat is usually fried in calcined oil or in a mixture of vegetable and animal oils, which improves its taste and smell. Many meat and vegetable dishes are steamed.

Fermented dairy products are the pride of Uzbek cuisine. Made from sour sheep's milk katyk(yogurt) and Suzma(strained curdled milk, similar to cottage cheese). These products are highly nutritional value and their unusual taste can be eaten as separate dishes, or they can be used to season salads and soups. Ayran- cold invigorating drink from Suzma or sour milk, diluted in cold water.

Uzbeks are very respectful of bread. The main Uzbek bread is unleavened flatbread. obi-non. On holidays they bake patyr - flat cakes with the addition of lamb fat. Bukhara flatbreads are sprinkled with sesame seeds. In the spring, dough for obi-non is prepared with an infusion of fresh shoots of mint, dandelion, spinach, quinoa and many other herbs. For the bride's viewing, cakes are prepared with butter and sour cream. In different regions of Uzbekistan, different additives are used in obi-non, but the technology has not changed for centuries.

Flatbreads prepared according to different recipes are called differently: lochire, shirmoy, chevat and katlama, but they are all cooked in the tandoor. The word “tandoor” has the same roots in many languages: Sanskrit, Persian, Turkish, Azerbaijani. Tandoors were used in the Akkadian culture, before Mesopotamia and the Iranian plateau were inhabited by Semitic tribes. In India and Iran, meat with spices is cooked in ovens resembling tandoors. Although you can also cook shish kebab in an Uzbek tandoor, its main purpose is baking obi-non flatbreads.

Flatbreads have a sacred meaning for Uzbeks. Their round shape symbolizes the sun. Patterns of holes and lines must be applied to the cakes. Uzbek flatbreads are simultaneously bread, plates for pilaf, meat and other fatty dishes, and works of art. Dry cakes are stored for a long time, so especially beautiful ones are even hung on walls for decoration. The traditions of making obi-non flatbreads date back to about 5,000 years. Today, adherents of Uzbek cuisine can cook obi-non in a horizontal tandoor.

To prepare traditional Uzbek obi-non, coal and firewood are placed in a tandoor and heated for several hours. The walls of the tandoor are sprinkled with salt water so that the finished flatbreads can be easily separated, and the dough is applied to them using a rapida (a round cotton pillow). The hot walls are generously sprinkled with water to steam the dough. Tandoor flatbreads have a unique aroma and taste due to the fact that they are cooked very quickly at high humidity and a temperature of 400-480 degrees. Avicenna wrote about Samarkand tandoor flatbreads: “Whoever eats obi-non with raisins, dried pears or peanuts in the morning will be full all day long.”

Almost half of the dishes of traditional Uzbek cuisine are flour products with various fillings. Baked goods and sweets are not served at the end of a meal, but several times: before, during and after meals. The most popular are puff pastry pies with meat or sweet fillings.

Exotic oriental sweets- a common thing in Uzbekistan. Almost 50 types of halva are cooked here, and sweets are prepared from nuts, fruits and juices. An abundance of fruits and berries is used in Uzbek cuisine to prepare sweet compotes, medicinal infusions, and refreshing sherbets. Melons and watermelons act as independent desserts. Uzbek cuisine is almost does not involve alcohol consumption, except for dry and vintage wines from local grapes. This is not surprising, because only a very healthy person can drink strong alcohol without consequences after fatty pilaf. If you have to choose - vodka or pilaf, a real Uzbek will choose pilaf.

Uzbek cuisine would be incomplete without tea. For centuries, serious issues were resolved and intimate conversations were held in a teahouse over a cup of aromatic tea. Teahouse gatherings are a traditional privilege for men. Green tea in the teahouse is served with pilaf and meat dishes. Tea helps to digest fatty meat foods, which the Uzbek table is rich in. A cup of green tea is a traditional symbol of hospitality. Black and green tea in Uzbekistan they drink it without milk and sugar, but with a lot of sweets. On cold days, brew black tea with lumps of sugar and steep for about 5 minutes.

Uzbek green tea turns out to be very tart and rich, because it is brewed for five minutes in the heat. How medicine For colds, use black tea with black pepper. Pain in the heart area can be relieved with green tea and saffron. If you have a heaviness in the stomach or drowsiness after a heavy meal, make tea with basil.

You can always try dishes of Uzbek cuisine in.

Sometimes you really want to retire with a cup of tea in a pleasant environment, which, although different from home, is, at the same time, no less cozy. And let unobtrusive music play, and let the interior and delicious cuisine invite inspiration, meditation, communication and new acquaintances.

The name of the largest restaurant chain “Chaikhona No. 1” is known to everyone, young and old. After all, the project, which began with a restaurant business in a small space, is already fifteen years old. In the tea room, one tea ceremony is not enough. There is a varied menu of Uzbek cuisine, light lounge music, hookah and a relaxing atmosphere.

History of the brand creation

The relatively young chain of restaurants “Chaikhona No. 1” began its history in 2000. It was then that the first establishment appeared not far from the Moscow ring road, near the small village of Zhukovka. The components of success were: unusual interior, stylized as an Asian yurt, quiet melodic music, Uzbek cuisine and picturesque places that complemented the local flavor.

Low soft sofas with numerous pillows also corresponded to the oriental style interior. bright colors, and wicker lamps and ceilings decorated with handmade canvases. There are carpets on the floor, and in the center there is a fireplace heated with wood.

The first establishment did not exist more than a year, but played the role of a successful startup.

The restaurant has become a well-known brand thanks to its founders - the famous producer Timur Lansky and the Vasilchuk brothers. “Chaikhona No. 1” today expanded beyond its small premises. Now there is a bai hall, a khan's yurt, country terrace and a summer veranda.

Creating an atmosphere in the best eastern traditions, Lanskoy identified the restaurant with the theater.

The bet that the viewer would definitely return if he liked the performance worked. Moreover, concerts are often organized here, so there is always something to see and listen to.

What they serve at Chaikhona No. 1

Initially, “Chaikhona No. 1” opened as an establishment for golden youth, but it didn’t work out for long to position itself as a restaurant “not for everyone.” I had to change the concept.

The creator of a restaurant chain once told in an interview what is different about establishments that try to copy the idea and repeat the success famous brand. Uzbek cuisine is not just a name. The dishes are prepared by chefs from Uzbekistan, and the recipes were personally selected by Timur Lanskoy. Even most products are purchased directly from Uzbekistan. Therefore, everyone who came to the establishment with the goal of trying real national cuisine, can be sure that he will not be deceived.

Here you will be offered to try lamb on a spit with the best Uzbek seasonings, eat pilaf and enjoy hot manti. The cooks cook in a tandoor - an oriental oven made of clay or ceramics. The calling card of “Chaikhona No. 1” corresponds to the origin of the name. What is a tea room without aromatic tea? For dessert you will be offered oriental sweets, cakes, dried fruits and nuts. Here you can order a real, correct, according to the founder of the brand, hookah.

Are you wondering what cassettes are and what they are for? Useful information via the link.

Franchise Features

Today it is difficult to find an area of ​​Moscow that is not covered by the network. There are more than forty establishments in the capital. “Chaikhona No. 1” also operates in St. Petersburg, Sochi, and Voronezh.

The cost of the Chaikhona No. 1 franchise is 10 million rubles.

After concluding an agreement and paying this amount, the franchisee can open an establishment and conduct his business in any region of Russia.

The franchise package includes:

  • right to use the brand and ready business;
  • assistance in personnel selection and training;
  • certification of key personnel;
  • assistance in developing the design of the premises;
  • access to business technology and secret recipes;
  • assistance and assistance in the supply of raw materials;
  • regular monitoring and verification of financial statements;
  • provision of marketing services in chain restaurants.

To open, you need to choose a premises in an area with good traffic and the possibility of organizing parking nearby. The presence of other restaurants or large shopping complexes nearby is welcome.

You can find out all the details about the dishes and buy a franchise on the official website of the Chaikhona No. 1 restaurant chain.

A franchisee may lose the right to use a trademark if it repeatedly violates the service and technology standards specified in the agreement.
  • About tandoor flatbreads
  • Options for starting a business
  • Types of tandoor stoves
  • Decoration of a tandoor bakery
  • OKVED code
  • Step-by-step opening plan

You can start making money producing tandoor flatbreads with minimal investment. A tandoor, the main production element, can be purchased for 50-100 thousand rubles. or even make it yourself. The technology for making flatbreads is extremely simple and does not require much study or special skills. In some cases, in order to open your own tandoor mini-bakery, you will need a room with an area of ​​only 15-25 square meters. m. At the same time, the flatbreads themselves can be sold directly at the place where they were baked...

About tandoor flatbreads

Tandoor flatbread is a national product of many Central Asian peoples (Uzbeks, Tajiks, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Uighurs). This delicious product has a very common composition of ingredients: wheat flour, milk, yeast, margarine, water, sesame and poppy seeds. It is prepared in a special oven - tandoor. Tandoor flatbreads are usually consumed with tea, hot dishes (pilaf, shish kebab, shurpa), as well as to make sandwiches with cheese, sausage, honey, etc. The average price of one flatbread weighing 250 grams is 30 rubles. at a cost of 5 rubles. When fresh, such a product sells out with a bang, especially in major cities, where fresh baked goods are in great demand. Individual points located in high-traffic areas (stops, metro) sell more than 300 flatbreads per day. The monthly turnover of a small trading department can reach up to 300,000 rubles. of which approximately 50% is profit.

The process of making tandoori flatbreads

The process of preparing tandoor flatbreads is described in detail in the following video:

Options for starting a business

First, let's look at several ways to start a business baking tandoor (and Uzbek) flatbreads. Depending on the size of the starting capital, this may be:

  1. Separate mini-bakery. Premises are rented in the suburbs, equipment is installed, and personnel are hired. In this case, the products are sold to partner retail outlets. These could be bakeries, pastry shops, bread kiosks and grocery stores in the nearest city.
  2. Production of flatbreads at the point of sale. It is somewhat more difficult to find premises for such a business, but due to the aromatic smell of baked goods, there will be no end to buyers. This is one of the most expensive options, since it will be necessary not only to properly equip the bakery premises, but also to install trade equipment and showcases.
  3. Franchising. The least risky option is to purchase a tandoor bakery franchise. The organizational process will be much easier, since the franchisor will provide everything necessary equipment and technology. All you have to do is find the premises, and the money accordingly. Bakery franchising offers can be found in franchise catalog on our website.

A mini-bakery is too complicated or expensive for you, and you want to learn more about how to make money on investments and get good income? You should visit free marathon “Passive income -2019” about current ways to invest money wisely.

What equipment to choose for baking tandoori flatbreads

The choice of tandoor for business purposes should be approached responsibly. Any savings at this stage will not hurt, but excessive stinginess can work against a businessman. What you definitely can’t skimp on is the type of material. Real tandoors are made from clay with the addition of sheep wool. But there are also cheaper analogues made of brick and cement on the market. It will not be possible to cook a real flatbread in such a “tandoor”. After some time, the cement tandoor begins to release crumbs that remain on the product. As a result, the cook has to constantly shake them off the tortillas, slowing down the entire production process. In addition, do not forget about the environmental component. Many harmful substances are added to cement mortar today. chemical elements, which is then reflected in the product that is prepared in such a tandoor. However, it is up to the businessman to decide what to do quality product or work against conscience. Also, a real tandoor must be fired in a special oven before use. This way it will last much longer. Many beginners don't know about this.

Types of tandoor stoves

According to the type of firebox, tandoors are electric, wood and gas. Electric ones are used much more often, but gas ones can be useful where there is no possibility of supplying electricity. Only wood-fired tandoors can give the real flavor to flatbreads, but their use for economic purposes is less justified. Another subtle point is the installation of a tandoor. The procedure, as it turns out, is not so simple, but very important, which you should trust to the master. After installation, the walls of the tandoor increase to 20 cm, which allows you to retain heat inside the structure longer. On a professional tandoor you can make up to 50 flatbreads every 15 minutes. That is, in just a couple of morning hours you can produce up to 500 cakes. This volume is enough to supply several retail outlets with products.

Assortment - what else can you make money on?

Any businessman in the baking business will confirm that it is very difficult to make money by producing only one or two items (unless you are a “general” supplier to a federal grocery chain). In addition to tandoor and Uzbek flatbreads You should definitely think about the production of related items, such as khachapuri, samsa, pizza, sausage rolls, sweet pastries (roses, bagels, cakes, etc.) and so on. What will it give? Firstly, this will increase the bakery's turnover. Secondly, it will be possible to open your own retail sales points, because almost the entire range will be produced in your bakery. Retail outlets can be opened both indoors (in residential areas) and in bread pavilions and kiosks (including in shopping trailers).

Decoration of a tandoor bakery

Newcomers have many questions related to the registration of such a case. It is worth saying that the set of documents for registering a tandoor bakery is no different from registering a classic mini-bakery. A license is not required to carry out this activity. Certification is voluntary, but the declaration of conformity is mandatory. In addition, after the opening of the bakery, it is necessary to send notifications about the start of activities to Rospotrebnadzor, Pozhnadzor and the local administration.

OKVED code

As an organizational form, it is enough to register an individual entrepreneurship. OKVED code - 15.81 “Production of bread and flour confectionery products of non-durable storage.”

Which tax system to choose

The optimal tax system is the simplified tax system, 6% of revenue or 15% of profit.

What documents should be requested from raw material suppliers?

It is mandatory to request documents for products (certificates, declarations, etc.) from suppliers of raw materials (flour, yeast, margarine).

Step-by-step opening plan

To open a mini-bakery for the production of national bread, you need to choose:

  1. The place for a mini-bakery should not be nearby competitors, large bakeries or other small bakeries. It is good to locate production in a residential area, in the private sector.
  2. The room for making flatbreads, which, according to SES standards: should not be semi-basement, must have running water, a bathroom and ventilation systems.
  3. An important aspect is technology and recipe;
  4. Sales plan finished products.

Care should also be taken about advertising finished products. Start with social networks, since advertising in them today is one of the most effective and completely replaces the more expensive contextual one. smmbox.com will help you fill the group with suitable content

How much money do you need to start a business?

The cost of a tandoor is relatively low - 50-100 thousand. You can make a tandoor oven yourself. Then you will only pay for the construction materials and the work of the stove maker. To accommodate a tandoor oven, 15-20 square meters are enough, the rental of which depends on regional prices. If you have your own private house, on the territory of the house you can organize a mini-bakery.

Professional business plans on the topic:

  • Bakery business plan (22 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇
  • Tandoor business plan (17 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇

What documents are needed to open a business?

You can register as an individual entrepreneur. Therefore, you will need a passport, an application for state registration, confirmation of payment of the state duty, and a copy of the TIN certificate.

Do you need permits to open a mini-bakery?

Baking production, which means the production of tandoor flatbreads, is not licensed. But you will need product certificates and approvals from sanitary, epidemiological, fire and environmental inspections.

Today there is no need to go shopping at all, because everything you need can be ordered online. Moreover, there is no need to even spend time preparing food - it is much better to order food delivered to your home.

A business created in this service sector can become very profitable, and it has many prospects. Undoubtedly, there is competition, and even more, but with desire and hard work, you will find your niche, which will make you successful.

Food delivery: features and nuances of business

Food belongs to this type of goods that under no circumstances leave the market, because “everyone always wants to eat”, all the time, despite the crisis or other troubles. Food delivery services, although they appeared relatively recently, are quickly gaining popularity for many reasons:

  • busy people in big cities do not have time to buy groceries in the store or do not find time to prepare food;
  • some companies provide their employees with the delivery of ready-made meals, so-called business lunches (or office and corporate employees themselves order this type of service);
  • many establishments (pizzerias, sushi bars or restaurants, etc.) immediately have their own production and delivery (you can eat there or arrange courier services);
  • on a large scale, this business is already called catering and assumes that you can serve large events (banquets, various holidays, meetings or special events).

Of course, you can and should start small, because not everyone will be able to conquer the market right away. Before you start home delivery of food, you need to carefully prepare. It is best to create a business plan, because this way you can distribute all the points step by step and not miss anything.

  1. To make your business profitable and successful, conduct an analysis of this market segment by collecting all the relevant information on your city.
  2. Decide on the form of your business. There are several options:
    • use ready food from a restaurant (cafe), but sell it at a certain markup due to the delivery service;
    • cook yourself (it can be absolutely family, home business, when you do everything at home or in a specialized kitchen). In this case, you can also sell your services in different ways, that is, either involve other relatives in the business, or hire a courier with a car;
    • sell not only ready-made food, but also semi-finished products (you need to be able to prepare them), as well as independent products, doing business through online orders and delivery.
  3. Each of these options has its own advantages and disadvantages. To choose where to start, assess your financial capabilities and try to analyze all possible risks. After this, go prepare the material and legal base. Serious work awaits you.
  4. Already during the organizational process, you will have to look for a place suitable for preparing and storing food, suppliers of goods, decide on transport and other working issues.
  5. Next you will need to do advertising and find clients. This is very important point, because it will be possible to talk about the payback or profit of a business only if there is an established client base and constant development.

As you can see, implementing this idea will require a lot of effort, time and money. But, having a clear action plan, you can begin to bring your idea to life.

Where to start?

Before you open a food delivery business, you need to figure out how you can stand out from your competitors. To succeed, you need to constantly be on top, pleasantly surprise your clients and make them come to you again and again. It’s good if you can organize a full cycle of services, that is, from preparing food to delivering it.

If you already have your own restaurant or other establishment (cafeteria, canteen, pizzeria), then you can simply add new service– food delivery by courier. Then you won’t have to search for premises, suppliers and personnel. The issue of obtaining permits and other documentation will also be removed, and the business concept will be clear.

However, owning a restaurant is not acceptable for everyone. Perhaps at the initial stage you do not have the required amount or experience to start such a business. Whereas opening a food delivery service as a small company or family business is quite possible. That is, you can start from the other side, and having developed and gained a foothold in the market, you can already invest in the establishment of your dreams.

We create our own website

You can order website development from scratch or buy it already finished project. The second option will cost you less, and besides, you can start working with it right away.

The best option in terms of money and speed of creation is to use the services of freelancers. Also, feel free to entrust them with any tasks that you have as you create and grow your business - writing articles, creating a logo, finding clients, etc. It is best to use a specialized platform, for example, Ispolnu.ru, where the process of interaction with performers will be simple and safe.

Try to think it through interesting design for the site and work out various marketing strategies so that it doesn’t just “hang” on the Internet as a dead weight, but actually works and attracts customers. Based on the fact of attendance and interest, it will be possible to judge in what other directions you need to move.

Everything is according to the law: the main points of legal preparation

The contents of the package of necessary documents will depend on whether you are already the owner of any catering enterprise. Some entrepreneurs do not want to initially bother with legal registration and begin to deal with it only after some time has passed or in the event of unexpected troubles. But you need to understand that you can’t just cook in your kitchen at home and sell food to people: you may have serious problems with the law.

You should register your business correctly:

  • register with tax office, choose a form of taxation and prepare a package of documents for registration;
  • pay the required state fees and submit an application for inclusion in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
  • if you plan to make non-cash payments, you need to open a bank account;
  • obtain the appropriate permits from the sanitary and epidemiological service for the premises you have chosen and the implementation of all planned services (food preparation, food storage, transportation, etc.). The SES checks both working conditions and food preparation conditions. Your employees must have valid medical books, where data from medical examinations and confirmation of completed hygienic training / certification will be entered;
  • obtain permission from the fire department, whose employees will also inspect the premises and document that it complies with the necessary standards and requirements, and that your workers have passed the necessary certification and can work with food;
  • papers authorizing your activities must be signed by both the consumer market committee and Rospotrebnadzor;
  • register a cash register and purchase a stamp.

Remember that your business activity must be related to delivery services (you also need permission!), because you will have to enter into supply agreements, sign invoices and waybills for drivers.

Here's what you need to start a food delivery business from scratch. However, you will only need a complete package of documents if you are purchasing and equipping your own premises.

Important organizational issues

You need to decide how you will start working: can you get by on your own at first or will you hire a staff of workers? It is also worth considering the order of work, that is, how and where you will purchase, store and prepare food. There are several options.

  1. Products are purchased in advance and stored in cold storage rooms and other appropriate equipment. Of course, this means that the money has already been invested. However, there is a plus: you can post information on the website about the availability of a particular product, and the buyer will immediately become interested. A pre-menu is also made for customers based on their requests.
  2. The second option involves purchasing products and preparing food with subsequent delivery only after the order has been accepted. On the one hand, you have less risk of being at a loss, but on the other hand, you will not be able to quickly accept and fulfill customer orders, which will lead to them leaving in search of someone more efficient.

Equipment and raw materials

If you yourself equip your premises for a full production cycle, then you will need to spend a lot of money to purchase at least the most necessary things. The names and amount of investment will depend on the specifics of your food, how you will prepare it, what figure you are counting on, etc. Initially, you don’t have to buy imported and expensive equipment, because at a much reasonable price you can buy it used u.

However, you will definitely need:

  • all kinds of kitchen utensils (pans, pots, graters, knives, forks, spoons, cutting boards, etc.);
  • get at least one good multifunctional food processor that will replace your meat grinder, blender, mixer and other necessary appliances;
  • gas or electric stove;
  • microwave or pressure cooker (ideally both);
  • special refrigerators and freezers for storing food.

In addition, be sure to take care of the equipment for the food delivery (transportation) itself: purchase special containers, thermal bags, etc. You can order napkins or plastic dishes with your company logo (brand) on them. This should be done before opening food delivery.

What's on the menu?

The assortment depends on the specifics of your business: do you prepare a varied menu for every taste or only dishes of a certain cuisine? Here we can advise you not to focus on just pizza or sushi, since the competition with permanent establishments of this kind is very strong. It is better to focus on the variety of choice. This will help you attract more clients.

You can purchase products yourself (at wholesale centers and markets) or negotiate with suppliers. Remember that all products must be fresh and of high quality, be sure to check the documents.

Assemble a decent team

For your business to succeed, you will also need to find good employees. Give preference to people who have work experience and relevant recommendations, as you cannot risk your reputation.

With a full production cycle (from accepting an order to its preparation and delivery), you will need to employ:

  • operator (dispatcher) who will receive calls and place orders;
  • cooks (one or more - depending on the situation);
  • couriers (usually they hire employees with their own cars);
  • the rest can be hired as needed when your business begins to grow and expand (security guards, warehouse workers, cleaners, staff accountant, etc.).

Your employees must be honest, diligent and responsible.

In the future, it will be possible to purchase special vehicles that will be equipped with a thermal body. Transportation costs will need to be factored into the cost of food, but you should also calculate the real costs of car depreciation and fuel.

Tell us about yourself

A competent pricing policy with various loyalty programs (discounts, bonuses and promotions) and a well-thought-out advertising concept can attract people's attention and bring you your first stable earnings.

Don’t forget to talk about yourself on the Internet. It’s good if the site has positive reviews from your customers, because word of mouth is the best advertising campaign.

Estimated Costs

Business profitability indicators are quite high (up to 60%), and it can pay for itself even in six months (maximum in a year and a half).

The figures are presented in rubles.


Now you know how to start food delivery step by step. Despite the fact that at first you may even have to work yourself, performing all the functions and responsibilities, very soon your business will pay off and begin to generate a stable income, and over time you will be able to expand the business, gaining good momentum and replenishing your clientele. base of regular customers.

Franchising in Russia is actively developing, and especially many franchises are offered in the public catering segment. First of all, these are franchises of restaurants serving national cuisines or fast food establishments. Experience shows that among the most interesting and profitable are franchise programs of networks offering customers dishes from the Middle East. This is an excellent opportunity to create your own restaurant business, using experience and trademark franchisor company.

Popular Asian food franchises

In Russia, oriental dishes have been well known, loved and appreciated for many decades. And a clear illustration of this is the popular establishments of Uzbek cuisine in Moscow. For example, such as the “Tapchan” teahouse restaurant or the “Shesh-Besh” restaurant, which do not experience a shortage of visitors. And the high demand for Asian establishments makes them very attractive from a business point of view. Let's look at the most interesting franchising programs from oriental restaurant chains.

"Eastern Bazaar"- this brand owned by G.M.R. Planet of Hospitality” appeared on the market in 2002. Now it is one of the largest restaurant chains in the region. oriental cuisine in Russia, including more than 50 restaurants. The initial contribution for the franchise is 950 thousand rubles, royalties - 6%, payback period - from 12 months.

"Uryuk-cafe"– the company was founded in 2006, and currently the network includes 9 franchise and 14 own restaurants. Down payment when purchasing a franchise, it starts from 5 million rubles, royalties - 5%, initial investments - from 25 million rubles. The payback period is about 12 months.

"Chaikhona No. 1"– the first restaurant of the chain appeared in 2000, and since then more than 20 establishments have been opened in Moscow and the Moscow region. Now the name of the chain is an established brand, well known to Muscovites, and the right to work under this brand under the terms of the franchise costs 10 million rubles.

– the franchising program has been operating since 2015, and 5 restaurants have been opened under the franchise so far, and 3 new ones in the project. The initial payment depends on the planned number of restaurants and ranges from 20 thousand dollars to 100 thousand dollars, royalties - from 2% to 10%, initial investments - from 200-550 dollars per 1 sq. m. meter. When opening 10 or more establishments, contributions are paid to the marketing fund. The payback period for a restaurant is from 6-10 months.

Favorite dishes of oriental cuisine - the secret of the attractiveness of restaurant chains

Many dishes Central Asia, especially dishes of Uzbek cuisine, have been loved by the inhabitants of our country since the times of the USSR. The undisputed leader here is pilaf, although nowadays there are many other recognizable and popular dishes.

Lagman is an oriental dish based on lamb (in the original version) or other types of meat, as well as hand-cooked noodles. Depending on the version of the recipe, it may contain: potatoes, cabbage, carrots and many other vegetables. It is one of the most beloved and widespread Central Asian dishes.

Uzbek pilaf is one of the favorite dishes of visitors to Uzbek cuisine restaurants. In its original version, this dish is based on rice, lamb, carrots, onions and garlic, as well as many specific seasonings. The real secret of this dish lies in the cooking technology, where rice and other ingredients must “languish” long time in a large metal cauldron.

Shish kebab is meat roasted on a spit. This dish is unique in that it is traditional for residents of many countries, and not only in Asia. However, in the oriental version it has its own cooking characteristics that give it a special charm.

Samsa is an original pies made from puff pastry, minced meat, onions, potatoes, pumpkin or other ingredients. The dish is very common in Central and South Asia, on the Arabian Peninsula and even in Africa. Uzbek variations of samsa are especially popular in Russia.

Shurpa is an oriental dressing soup, which is prepared from pre-fried meat with the addition of vegetables, herbs and seasonings. It can be either an independent dish or an accompanying dish for boiled meat.

We have provided only a very short list of oriental dishes that are in great demand among restaurant visitors. In fact, the “mysterious East” always has something to surprise and delight the visitor to a restaurant establishment.

Advantages of oriental cuisine franchises

The main advantages of oriental restaurant franchises are high profitability and quick payback. For example, the profitability of restaurants in the Uryuk-cafe chain is at the level of 25-40% of total turnover. At the same time, the attendance of establishments is about 9-12 thousand visitors monthly. Let us remind you that the payback period for investments in the Uryuk-Cafe restaurant is only about 12 months.

Another important advantage is that competition is not so high in comparison with the fast food segment. Numerous fast food restaurants are popping up like mushrooms after rain, and there are far fewer Oriental/Asian restaurants. Moreover, the last option for clients is at least no less attractive. Therefore, a franchised oriental restaurant provides an opportunity to quickly start making a profit and recoup the investment. This is greatly facilitated by working with reliable partners under a ready-made business scheme and under an established brand.