566 questions. Smil test (mmpi) - sample interpretation. Examples of MMPI test analysis

Site, it is suggested to go through SMIL test(MMPI) online: "Standardized Multidimensional Personality Inventory" - originally, "Minnesota Multidimensional Personality Inventory" personality questionnaire» — MMPI test, created by American psychologists back in the 40-50s of the last century, and adapted to SMIL test online at the Psychoneurological Institute named after. V. N. Bekhtereva. (see the abbreviated version of the mmpi mini-multi test)

After passing online SMIL test(566 questions), at the end there will be a transcript, results and answers to questions MMPI test.

SMIL test (MMPI) online - transcript of 566 questions

By taking the MMPI test online and answering 566 questions (statements) “True” or “False”, after decoding, you will learn the following about your personality type:
  1. Hypochondriasis (Hs). The subject's proximity to the astheno-neurotic type. Subjects with high scores are slow, passive, take everything on faith, are submissive to authority, are slow to adapt, do not tolerate change of environment well, and easily lose their balance in social conflicts.
  2. Depression (D). Persons who are sensitive, prone to anxiety, timid, and shy have high scores. In business they are diligent, conscientious, highly moral and obligatory, but they are unable to make decisions on their own, they lack self-confidence, and at the slightest failure they fall into despair.
  3. Hysteria (Well). Identifies individuals prone to neurological defensive reactions of the conversion type. They use symptoms of physical illness as a means of avoiding responsibility. All problems are resolved by going into illness. The main characteristics of such people are the desire to appear larger, more significant than they actually are, the desire to attract attention at all costs, and the thirst for admiration. The feelings of such people are superficial and their interests are shallow.
  4. Psychopathy (Pd). High scores on this scale indicate social maladjustment. Such people are aggressive, conflict-ridden, and disregard social norms and values. Their mood is unstable, they are touchy, excitable and sensitive. A temporary rise on this scale due to some reason is possible.
  5. Paranoia (Ra). The main feature of people with high scores on this scale is a tendency to form extremely valuable ideas. These people are one-sided, aggressive and vindictive. Whoever does not agree with them, who thinks differently, is either a stupid person or an enemy. They actively propagate their views, so they have frequent conflicts with others. They always overestimate their own slightest successes.
  6. Psychasthenia (Pt). Diagnoses persons with an anxious-suspicious type of character, who
    characterized by anxiety, fearfulness, indecisiveness, and constant doubts.
  7. Schizoid (Se). Persons with high scores on this scale are characterized by a schizoid type of behavior. They are able to subtly feel and perceive abstract images, but everyday joys and sorrows do not evoke an emotional response in them. Thus, a common feature of the schizoid type is a combination of increased sensitivity with emotional coldness and aloofness in interpersonal relationships.
  8. Hypomania (Ma). Individuals with high scores on this scale are characterized by an elevated mood, regardless of the circumstances. They are active, active, energetic and cheerful. They love work with frequent changes, willingly contact people, but their interests are superficial and unstable, they lack endurance and perseverance.
  9. Masculinity - Femininity(Mf) - intended to measure the degree of identification of the subject with the role of a man or woman prescribed by society;
  10. Social introversion(Si) - diagnostics of the degree of compliance with the introverted personality type. It is not a clinical scale; it was added to the questionnaire during its further development.

Take the SMIL test (MMPI)

Take the male version of the SMIL test (MMPI) online. You must answer all 566 questions and statements of the SMIL test. Don’t think for a long time, answer quickly, preferably instantly (“Yes”, “No” or “True”, “False”), whatever comes to mind first... (

31. I have nightmares almost every night.



Answer “yes” to this question if in the last month you have had dreams twice in which you were running away from someone, saving yourself, or feeling helpless or in a hopeless situation. If after such a dream you woke up, experiencing fear, anxiety, horror and you needed time to calm your breathing. Answer “no” to this question if you usually have happy and pleasant dreams, and if you do not have dreams at all, and also if you have nightmares less than once a month. Nightmare (French cauchemar, from Old French caucher - to crush and mare - night ghost) - an alarming, frightening, terrible dream

32. I notice that it has become difficult for me to concentrate on a particular task or work.



Answer “yes” to this question if within last month against the backdrop of a sad, depressed mood, your ability to concentrate has deteriorated, and this has a noticeable effect on the effectiveness of your activities. Answer “no” to this question if you work and study as effectively as you did a month ago.

33. I have strange and peculiar experiences.



Answer “yes” to this question if you see visual hallucinations, and this fact is confirmed by an examination by a psychiatrist. Answer “no” to this question if you dream, invent, fantasize unusual images as part of a creative task, for example, working as a designer or a primary school teacher.

34. I have a cough most of the time.



Answer “yes” to this question if your cough is due to a body disease, such as bronchitis. Answer “no” to this question if you use tactful coughing frequently. Coughing in a mild form can be caused arbitrarily, imitated by a person, and used to attract the attention of others, to express an attitude towards what is heard, etc.

35. If people had not intrigued against me, I would have achieved much more.



Answer “yes” to this question if you have lost the struggle for leadership in the team due to envy, ill will and manipulation of other people. Also answer “yes” if you take an externally blaming position - that is, you prefer to difficult situations blame other people. Answer “no” to this question if you take responsibility for building good relations with people around you and even in difficult situations, try not to blame other people, but to find mutual understanding with them. Intrigue is the manipulation of other people in order to achieve one's goal.

36. I rarely worry about my health.



Answer “yes” to this question if you are not prone to suspiciousness and hypochondria, that is, you do not worry or experience anxiety due to minor unpleasant sensations in the body. Answer “no” to this question if you are prone to excessive suspiciousness and concern for your health, and also when your psychotherapist has pointed out to you hypochondria (excessive suspiciousness about your health).

37. I have never gotten into trouble for my gender-related behavior.



Answer “yes” to this question if you have experienced any type of violence or were in an unhappy, painful tyrannical-victim (tyrant-victim) relationship. Also answer “yes” if you have been promiscuous. Answer “no” to this question if you have not yet been a member. love relationships or if you are in a happy relationship. Promiscuity (from the Latin pr?miscuus “common”) - promiscuous, unrestricted sexual intercourse with many partners. The role of “victim” involves patience, suffering, and the phenomenon of “learned helplessness.” Learned helplessness is the position of a person who prefers to wait and do nothing, hoping that everything will work out on its own. Or he hopes that someone will come, see his suffering and help solve his problems. A tyrant is a person who imposes his will and views, does not tolerate objections and bickering, humiliates the weak and loves power in relationships. Most often, tyrants in relationships are socially adapted psychopaths and narcissists - that is, people suffering from personality disorders (psychopathy). Violence can be economic, physical, sexual, verbal, emotional. Economic violence - when you were forced to obey by threatening to deprive you of your pocket money. Physical violence is corporal punishment, beatings. Verbal violence is shouting, insults and name calling, and derogatory words. Emotional abuse is bullying.

38. In my youth there was a time when I committed petty thefts.

Before starting to analyze how to pass the SMIL test, it would be nice to find out what it is, in principle, and what it was created for. Here is the purpose of this test and the rules for conducting it.

The SMIL test was created in order to identify the main (that is, dominant) character traits of the person being tested, as well as to establish his personality type. In addition, with the help of SMIL it is possible to determine the presence (or absence) of any mental disorders: about six hundred questions cannot fail to cope with this task.

Yes, you heard right: a full-fledged SMIL test includes no less than 566 questions: this number is quite enough to get a detailed idea of ​​the personal qualities and psyche of the person being tested.

There is no time limit for taking this test. However, it is recommended that you answer questions quickly and clearly (“yes” or “no” or “true” and “false”). The next part of our article will tell you how to pass such a test.

How to pass the SMIL test

Passing the SMIL test is actually not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Despite the large number of questions that can confuse even the most resilient person, this test is easy to pass if you know the decoding or at least the approximate purpose of the groups of questions.

There are three scales in the SMIL test: “L” is responsible for lying (that is, it indicates your desire or reluctance to somehow embellish your answers), the “F” scale allows the specialist to determine the reliability of the results obtained (in fact, the scale evaluates the reliability of the entire test, indicates whether whether to rely on its results), and, finally, the “K” scale - with its help you can identify the level of secrecy of the test taker, as well as detect various psychological problems (including hidden ones).

To successfully pass this test, it is worth remembering that all scales are interdependent. If you have high scores (that is, a large number of points) on one of them, the scores on the other scales will be underestimated, which will not allow you to pass the test. Consider the specifics of the test and make sure that the scores on all three scales are approximately equal, and not off scale.

When taking the SMIL test, remember that its task is not to reveal your identity or to somehow help you decide psychological problems, but to determine its degree, if you may, of “normality” or “adequacy” in comparison with the rules and foundations accepted in society.

At the same time, you should not give a large number of socially desirable answers: in this case, the “F” scale scores may be overestimated. If your employment depends on passing the test, answer most questions as a normal person from the point of view of social desirability would answer, and not a rebel, even if you are a rebel. In some questions, it will be appropriate to allow deviations in the answers, that is, to choose what, from the point of view of the creators of the test, a not quite “normal” person would choose. This way you can keep your F scale normal.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about passing the SMIL test: despite the frightening volume and number of questions in the test, to successfully pass it you only need to know the decryption keys or at least have an idea of ​​the groups of questions (or scales) in order answer them correctly.

If you are taking such a test not out of necessity, but for yourself, perhaps you should choose something simpler and closer to reality. Such tests are also available on our website: we have already done them before. We hope that some of them will suit you too.

Have you ever taken such a test? Did you manage to do it the first time?

SMIL test (mmpi). Answers and keys to questions.

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) is a technique created in 1940 by S. Hathway and J. McKinley at the University of Minnesota. MMPI is the most studied and one of the most popular psychodiagnostic methods over the past 50 years. It is widely used in clinical practice, as well as for diagnosing the degree of adaptation and identifying stable professionally important inclinations. In addition, the technique has already become widespread among psychologists, sociologists, teachers and doctors involved in family counseling, studying personnel reserves, psychological compatibility, the problem of management, in sports psychology, as well as in law, in the army, in military and civil aviation, in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in Employment Centers, in the field of general and higher education. In 1989, J. Graham, A. Telligan, J. Butcher, W. Dahlstrom and B. Kammer published the MMPI 2, a new version of the questionnaire aimed at clarifying the nature of emotional disorders and eliminating the influence of gender differences. A modified version of the questionnaire is the SMIL test. Adaptation of the questionnaire was carried out at the Leningrad Psychoneurological Institute named after. V. M. Bekhtereva L. N. Sobchik and other psychologists who developed in 1971 a complete modified version - the SMIL test, 566 questions. (Standardized Multifactorial Personality Research Method).

The following are: instructions, 566 questions (male and female version), answer form, description of scales (main and additional), transcript, key to the SMIL 566 - MMPI test, processing of results, translation into walls, average normative data, interpretation (main scales and a combination of scales), a holistic assessment of the resulting profile, a graphical representation. Test SMIL, L. N. Sobchik (MMPI):

Test SMIL, L. N. Sobchik (MMPI): Instructions.

You will be presented with a whole series of different statements. When evaluating each of them, do not spend a lot of time thinking. The most natural is the first immediate reaction. Read the text carefully, reading each statement to the end and assessing it as true or false in relation to you. Try to answer sincerely, otherwise your answers will be recognized as unreliable and the survey will have to be repeated. Deal with the questionnaire as if alone with yourself - “What am I really like?” Then you will be interested in the interpretation of the data obtained. It concerns only the characteristics of your temperament and describes your stable professional important qualities. If your answer is “true”, then place a cross on the registration sheet above the corresponding questionnaire number. If your answer is “wrong,” then put a cross under the corresponding number. Pay attention to statements with double negatives (for example, “I have never had seizures with convulsions”: if I have not, then your answer is “true”, and, conversely, if this has happened to you, then the answer is “false”). Some statements in the questionnaire require you to “Circle the number of this statement.” In this case, the number corresponding to this statement should be circled on the registration sheet (these are statements that turned out to be ballast during the standardization process and are not included in the general automated calculation). If some statements raise serious doubts, focus your answer on what is supposedly more characteristic of you. If a statement is true for you in some situations and false in others, then choose the answer that is most appropriate at the moment. Only as a last resort, if the statement does not apply to you at all, can you circle the number of this statement on the registration sheet. However, an excess of circles on the registration sheet will also lead to unreliable results. When answering even fairly intimate questions, do not be embarrassed, since no one will read or analyze your answers: all data processing is carried out automatically. The experimenter does not have access to specific answers, receiving results only in the form of generalized indicators that may be interesting and useful for you.


SMIL (mmpi) test scales. Basic clinical scales of the SMIL (mmpi) test.

Hypochondria scale (HS) - determines the “closeness” of the subject to the astheno-neurotic personality type;

Depression scale (D) - designed to determine the degree of subjective depression, moral discomfort (hypothymic personality type);

Hysteria Scale (Hy) - designed to identify individuals prone to neurotic reactions of the conversion type (using symptoms of a physical illness as a means of resolving difficult situations);

Psychopathy scale (Pd) - aimed at diagnosing a sociopathic personality type;

The masculinity-femininity scale (Mf) is designed to measure the degree of identification of the subject with the role of a man or woman prescribed by society;

Paranoia scale (Pa) - allows you to judge the presence of “overvalued” ideas, suspicion (paranoid personality type);

Psychasthenia scale (Pt) - the similarity of the subject with patients suffering from phobias, obsessive actions and thoughts is established (anxious-suspicious personality type);

Schizophrenia Scale (Sc) - aimed at diagnosing schizoid (autistic) personality type;

Hypomania scale (Ma) - determines the degree of “closeness” of the subject to the hyperthymic personality type; Social introversion scale (Si) - diagnostics of the degree of compliance with the introverted personality type. It is not a clinical scale; it was added to the questionnaire during its further development; Rating scales Scale "?" — a scale can be called conditionally, since it has no statements related to it. Registers the number of statements that the subject could not classify as either “true” or “incorrect”; “Lie” scale (L) - designed to assess the sincerity of the subject;

Reliability scale (F) - created to identify unreliable results (associated with the negligence of the subject), as well as aggravation and simulation;

Correction scale (K) - introduced in order to smooth out distortions introduced by the excessive inaccessibility and caution of the subject.

Keys to SMIL. Basic scales:

Lie scale L:
True 0.
Incorrect 15: 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 195 225 255 285
!!!(To pass the test, you must answer “YES” or “TRUE”)!!!

"Confidence" scale F:
Correct 45: 14 23 27 31 33 34 35 40 42 48 49 50 53 56 66 85 121 123 139 146 151 156 168 184 197 200 202 205 206 209 210 211 215 218 227 245 246 247 252 256 269 275 286 291 293
Incorrect 20: 17 20 54 65 75 83 112 113 115 164 169 177 185 196 199 220 257 258 272 276

"Correction" scale K:
Correct 1:96
False 29: 30 39 71 89 124 129 134 138 142 148 160 170 171 180 183 217 234 267 272 296 316 322 374 383 397 398 406 461 502
!!! (To these 29 questions, answer “TRUE” or “YES”, for reliability, to 1-2 questions, answer “FALSE” or “NO)!!!


Scale 1:
Correct 11: 23 29 43 62 72 108 114 125 161 189 273
False 22: 2 3 7 9 18 51 55 63 68 103 130 153 155 163 175 188 190 192 230 243 274 281

Scale 2:
Correct 20: 5 13 23 32 41 43 52 67 86 104 130 138 142 158 159 182 189 193 236 259
False 40: 2 8 9 18 30 36 39 45 46 51 57 58 64 80 88 89 95 98 107 122 131 152 153 154 155 160 178 191 207 208 238 241 242 248 263 270 271 272 285 296

Scale 3:
Correct 12: 10 23 32 43 44 47 76 114 179 186 189 238
False 47: 2 3 6 7 8 9 12 26 30 51 55 71 89 93 103 107 109 124 128 129 136 137 141 147 153 160 162 163 170 172 174 175 180 190 192 201 213 230 234 243 265 267 274 279 289 292

Scale 4:
Correct 24: 16 21 24 32 33 35 38 42 61 67 84 94 102 106 110 118 127 215 216 224 239 244 245 284
False 26: 8 20 37 82 91 96 107 134 137 141 155 170 171 173 180 183 201 231 235 237 248 267 287 289 294 296

Scale 5, for M:
Correct 28: 4 25 26 69 70 74 77 78 87 92 126 132 134 140 149 179 187 203 204 217 226 231 239 261 278 282 295 297 299
False 32: 1 19 28 79 80 81 89 99 112 115 116 117 120 133 144 176 198 213 214 219 221 223 229 249 254 260 262 264 280 283 300

Scale 5, for F:
Correct 25: 4 25 70 74 77 78 87 92 126 132 133 134 140 149 187 203 204 217 226 239 261 278 282 295 299
False 35: 1 19 26 28 69 79 80 81 89 99 112 115 116 117 120 144 176 179 198 213 214 219 221 223 229 231 249 254 260 262 264 28 0 283 297 300

Scale 6:
Correct 25: 15 16 22 24 27 35 110 121 123 127 151 157 158 202 275 284 291 293 299 305 317 338 341 364 365
Incorrect 15: 93 107 109 111 117 124 268 281 294 313 316 319 327 347 348

Scale 7:
Correct 38: 10 15 22 32 41 67 76 86 94 102 106 142 159 182 189 217 238 266 301 304 305 317 321 336 337 340 342 343 344 346 349 3 51 352 356 357 359 360 361
Incorrect 9: 3 8 36 122 152 164 178 329 353

Scale 8:
Correct 59: 15 16 21 22 24 32 33 35 38 40 41 47 52 76 97 104 121 156 157 159 168 179 182 194 202 210 212 238 241 251 259 266 273 282 291 297 301 303 305 307 312 320 324 325 332 334 335 339 341 345 349 350 352 354 355 356 360 363 364
Incorrect 19: 8 17 20 37 65 103 119 177 178 187 192 196 220 276 281 306 309 322 330

Scale 9:
Correct 35: 11 13 21 22 59 64 73 97 100 109 127 134 143 156 157 167 181 194 212 222 226 228 232 233 238 240 250 251 263 266 268 271 277 279 298
Incorrect 11: 101 105 111 119 120 148 166 171 180 267 289

Scale 0:
True 34: 32 67 82 111 117 124 138 147 171 172 180 201 236 267 278 292 304 316 321 332 336 342 357 377 383 398 411 427 436 455 473 487 549 564
False 36: 25 33 57 91 99 119 126 143 193 208 229 231 254 262 281 296 309 353 359 371 391 400 415 440 446 449 450 451 462 469 479 481 482 505 521 547

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) is a technique created in 1940 by S. Hathway and J. McKinley at the University of Minnesota, which remains one of the most common over the past 50 years. The test was originally developed for the purpose of professional selection of pilots during the Second World War - it is used to study the level of adaptation and study the persistent professionally important inclinations of the employee.

How was the MMPI questionnaire developed?

The methodology was developed as follows: it contained special questions that could identify ordinary people and people with certain psychological symptoms. During the development process, scientists took hysterics, psychotics, and depressively ill people, observed their answers to questions and, based on the distribution of answers, created special scales with which one can judge normality or pathology.

Subsequently, the questionnaire was improved to study specifically personality characteristics that are not similar to clinical manifestations. As a result, the scales were renamed, and a remarkable test for identifying personality traits was obtained.

In the 1960s, scientists worked on adapting the MMPI to domestic reality. Researchers worked in this direction for a long time, and as a result, the questions and answer options were recalibrated. Changes in the methodology were carried out at the Leningrad Psychoneurological Institute named after. V.M. Bekhterev, and the last major changes were made by L.N. Sobchik. In 1971, a new version was introduced - the SMIL test (Standardized Multifactor Method for Personality Research).

What does he look like today?

It consists of large quantity statements. The answer options are presented in three types: “True”, “False” and “I don’t know”. When working with statements, you should not think long about the answer. The questions must be answered honestly, otherwise the completed test will be considered unreliable. The presented method has a lie scale, and if the results are high, then the test will have to be repeated.

What can you find out with this test?

This test makes it possible to obtain a multidisciplinary personality portrait, which includes the following components: motivational orientation, character traits, suicidal tendencies, driving needs, predisposition to alcoholism, defense mechanisms, presence of sexual problems, etc.

Analysis of results

Counting the totals this test occurs using 13 scales. Let's get acquainted with the first 3 scales:

  1. Lie scale (L) – high scores on this scale indicate an unreliable personality profile, in which case it is better to take the test again. If the indicators, on the contrary, are low, then this indicates the reliability of the individual’s results.
  2. Reliability scale (F) - it shows how honest the test taker's answers were. High scores on this scale indicate that a person is overly critical of himself.
  3. Correction scale (K) – the criterion of this scale is the individual’s desire to adjust his answer options in accordance with the social norms of people.

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