Actinidia planting and care in the Moscow region, growing varieties from seeds with photos and descriptions. Actinidia: planting and care, growing Actinidia varieties for the middle zone

Petrov Vadim Valerievich,

Director of Fortops LLC, Moscow

Actinidia (Latin Actinidia, from Greek Ακτινιδιον - “ray”) is a genus of woody vines of the Actinidia family (Actinidiaceae). Everyone knows the fruits of Actinidia deliciosa from this genus, or kiwi. Of course, kiwi is not suitable for the Russian climate. But there are frost-resistant species that are superior in taste and vitamin qualities to their southern relative. These are actinidia kolomikta, arguta, Giralda, purple, polygamous and hybrid.

Most Actinidia varieties are dioecious plants, so plantings should have male and female specimens. There are also self-fertile varieties, but, as a rule, their yield and fruit quality are lower.

In the 2000s, seedlings of Actinidia kolomikta and arguta varieties of foreign selection appeared in Russia: Adam, Doctor Shimanovsky, Purpurna Sadova, Issey and others. For some time, only imported varieties were common. We acquired them, unaware of the enormous and successful work of our scientists. Domestic breeders have worked for decades and continue to improve the varieties of this berry crop, making them more suitable for our cold regions. Foreign varieties are not winter-hardy enough for the northern regions of Russia, but new varieties of actinidia, bred by our breeders feel good even during severe frosts. Some can withstand up to -40 o C!

It should also be noted that scientists have improved the quality of the fruit: the berries have become much larger and sweeter, now actinidia with apple, strawberry, pineapple, banana, fig, grape, date, candy and even pepper flavors grow in gardens! Such diversity became possible primarily thanks to the outstanding breeder Ella Ioganovna Kolbasina.

Actinidia breeder

E.I. Sausage - the largest scientist in the field of grain physiology. The unique method she developed for assessing the resistance of grain crops to ice crust, which is widely used by Canadian scientists, is widely known in the scientific world. But her passion for rare cultures of the Far East has become such a significant part of her scientific work that today her name is most often associated with them. Before VIR (now VNIIR named after N.I. Vavilov) E.I. Kolbasina worked at the Museum named after K.A. Timiryazev, even there she foresaw the prospects of these rare crops for widespread cultivation in gardens. And after moving to VIR, she offered them for research.

The efforts of Ella Ioganovna were essentially a continuation of the work of I.V. Michurin, who began breeding work with actinidia in 1906. The seeds came to him from the Far East. He created a selection fund of domestic actinidia and obtained the first varieties (the weight of the berries of the Michurin varieties was only 2-2.5 g, but now there are varieties with a fruit weight of up to 28 g). In 1912 I.V. Michurin wrote: “... we can confidently assume that in the future, actinidia will occupy one of the first-class places among the fruit plants of our region, capable of completely displacing grapes in terms of the quality of their fruits...”.

E.I. Kolbasina began working with actinidia in 1953 on Sakhalin, and in 1969 at MoVIR. At that time this culture was not part of state plan research and had to do it as an elective. Kolbasina made many difficult, sometimes dangerous expeditions, collecting samples of actinidia and lemongrass in their natural habitats. Thanks to her, these cultures found their second home in Central region Russia. She managed to prove that they do not lose their natural properties in cultivation - on the contrary, actinidia increase the size of the fruit, the content of vitamin C, the amount of sugars and organic acids, and lemongrass retains the aroma and bright color of the fruit, the content of schisandrin, and the high acidity of the natural juice. She was the first to develop a methodology for evaluating varieties of actinidia and lemongrass for the State Variety Testing Commission (GSI RF).

In 1996, she defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic: “Actinidia and Schisandra in Russia.” Published 125 scientific works, published 4 brochures, the book “Actinidia and Schisandra in Russia” (2000). After her death, fundamental works were published - “Gene pool of actinidia in Russia” (2007) and “Cultural flora of Russia. Actinidia and lemongrass" (2008).

In the collection created by E.I. Kolbasina and her followers, there are more than 150 varieties of actinidia, most of which grow and bear fruit well, not only in the middle zone, but also to the north.

According to frost resistance, actinidia species can be arranged in the following order:

· actinidia kolomikta (up to -45...-50 o C);

· actinidia arguta, hybrid, giraldi (up to -28...-40 o C);

· actinidia polygamum (up to -28...-35 o C);

Actinidia purpurea (down to -25 o C);

· actinidia chinensis, or kiwi (up to -8...-15 o C).

Actinidia kolomikta (A. kolomikta Maxim.)

This actinidia is not only a fruit, but also an excellent ornamental plant for vertical gardening. From the third year of life, especially on the leaves of male plants (in the Narodnaya variety and on female ones), bright pink and white, very unusual and elegant spots appear. Latin name“Kolomíkta” literally translates as blinding, burning - the leaves become so bright. What sets this plant apart is its growth rate - under good conditions, watering and fertilizers, the vine can grow 1.5 m or more in a season.

Actinidia kolomikta is the most winter-hardy species; it can be successfully cultivated in open ground in the northern regions of gardening with a frost-free period of 105-160 days and the sum of active air temperatures above 1400 o C. The fruits of this species accumulate a record high amount of vitamin C - 1000-2000 mg % or more. Therefore, varieties and forms of kolomikta have become widespread in almost all areas where traditional garden crops are grown (Table 1).

Table 1

Russian varieties of actinidia kolomikta

Elite men's uniform from the family “From F.K. Grouse, VIR" (pollinator)

A tree-like climbing vine 4-8 m long and a trunk 2 (to 5) cm thick, with dark brown or reddish-brown, slightly flaky bark. Leaves are alternate, 5-13 cm long, elliptic or ovate, green(sometimes during the summer changing it to silver-white, crimson). The flowers are about 1 cm in diameter, white or pink, shaped like a lily of the valley, fragrant, on thin, drooping pedicels, dioecious, dioecious, collected in 2-3 inflorescences. Plant 2 male specimens for every 6-8 female specimens.

Elite male form from the family “With sugary fruits” (pollinator, absolute champion in decorativeness!)

Highly winter-hardy form, long-lasting and abundant flowering. The bush is medium-sized. The flowers are white and amazingly fragrant! The leaves are oblong-ovate, green; at the beginning of the growing season, white spots appear on the tips, which after flowering become first pink, then crimson-red. The variegation is strong (50-80% of the leaf area), highly decorative. By autumn, the leaves acquire a purple-red, pink or yellowish color. Prefers partial shade, but also grows well in full sun. Loves moist soil. Good for vertical gardening.

Elite men's uniform from the Fantasy Gardens family

An effective pollinator, it blooms in mid-June for 8-12 days. Flowers are most often collected 2-3 in inflorescences-half-scutellets, located in the axils of the leaves of the young shoot. The diameter of the flowers is about 1.5 cm, the petals and sepals are 5 cm each. The male flower does not have a pistil. In the third year of life, bright white and pink spots appear at the ends of the leaves. Widely used in vertical gardening. Advantages: intense flowering, decorative.

Sweet tooth

Early ripening period - early August. Fruit weight 2.0 g (up to 2.5 g); dimensions 2.4 x 1.1 x 1.0 cm; the shape is cylindrical, elongated, with a bluntly rounded base and apex; color olive-green to yellowish-green; the surface is smooth, sometimes slightly ribbed; the stalk is 1.7-2.0 cm long. The content of ascorbic acid is up to 1618 mg%, the amount of sugars is 15.0%, including monosaccharides 12.2%, organic acids 0.8%, dry matter 27%. The taste is sweet, with a marmalade aroma.


Early ripening period - early August. Fruit weight 4.5 g (up to 4.9 g); dimensions 3.4 x 1.7 x 1.5 cm; the shape is cylindrical, elongated, the base is blunt, the funnel is weakly defined, rounded; color olive green to dark olive; the surface is ribbed from the base; the stalk is 3.5 cm long. The core occupies 1/3 of the diameter of the berry, there are 14-18 seed chambers, there are 80-106 seeds in them. The content of ascorbic acid is 1586 mg%, the amount of sugars is 10%, including monosaccharides 6.5%, dry matter up to 20.6%, acidity 1.4%. The taste is sweet and sour, with a pineapple-apple aroma.

Fantasy Gardens

Early ripening period - early August. Fruit weight 3.0 g (up to 3.9 g); dimensions 3.3 x 1.4 x 1.3 cm; cylindrical shape, very elongated; the color is yellowish-green, with longitudinal light stripes and blush; thin skin; the surface is smooth, sometimes finely ribbed; the stalk is 2.0-2.3 cm long. The core occupies 1/3 of the diameter of the berry, there are 14-16 seed chambers, and there are 63-88 seeds in them. The content of ascorbic acid is up to 1600-1900 mg%, the amount of sugars is up to 14.5%, including monosaccharides up to 12.6%, organic acids 1.1%, dry matter 21.8%. The taste is sweet and sour, with a pineapple aroma.


Early ripening period - early August. Fruit weight 3.0 g (up to 3.5 g); dimensions 2.9 x 1.4 x 1.3 cm; cylindrical shape, very elongated; color dirty green to yellowish green, uniform; the surface is smooth or finely ribbed; the stalk is 1.3-2.0 cm long. The core occupies 1/3 of the diameter of the berry, sometimes it is hollow. There are 14-16 seed chambers, 70-92 seeds. The content of ascorbic acid is 1680-1900 mg%, total sugars 12.7%, including monosaccharides 7.9%, acidity 1.4%, dry matter on average 18.2%. The taste is slightly sour-sweet, with an apple aroma.


(one of the most the best varieties kolomikty)

Obtained at the Moscow branch of VNIIR, relatively winter-hardy, resistant to diseases and pests. In the Moscow region it ripens in early August. The liana is 7-8 m high, the trunk diameter is 3-4 cm, sometimes up to 10 cm. It grows and bears fruit better in light shade. The flowers are solitary, medium in size, functionally female, with white petals and yellow anthers on the stamens. The ovary is bare, cylindrical. Juicy fruits weighing 3-4 g, oval in shape, 1.5-2.5 cm long; the base is obtuse, the apex is rounded; the surface is matte, olive green or dark olive in color, sometimes with blush. High content of vitamin C; strong aroma of pineapple or apple. When ripe they fall off. Unripe ones, collected together with ripened ones, ripen within 2-3 days without loss of taste. Productivity 6.8 kg per bush. Requires a pollinator. Universal purpose. Included in the State Register in 1999 in all regions.

Bred at VNIIR named after N.I. Vavilova (St. Petersburg). Ripens in the first ten days of August. Deciduous vine, with stems twining around a support. The fruits are cylindrical, 2 cm long and 1.2 cm in diameter, weighing 2.3 g, sweet and sour, with a pineapple aroma, containing 10.6% sugars, 2.2% organic acids, 1168 mg% ascorbic acid.

Ripens in mid-August. The bush is medium-sized. The fruits are cylindrical in shape, compressed on the sides, uniformly olive-green in color, with thin skin, sour-sweet taste, weighing 4.2-5.3 g. Sugar content 12.3%, ascorbic acid content on average 1600 mg%. Pineapple aroma.

Leningradskaya large-fruited

It has fairly high winter hardiness. The fruits are round-cylindrical, weighing up to 5.4 g, with a strong pineapple aroma. Sugar content up to 13.8%, ascorbic acid content 1415 mg%.


Medium ripening period. The flowers are medium in size, with white petals. Fruits weighing 4.4 g, cylindrical, compressed; the skin is olive green, thin. The taste is slightly sour-sweet, very good, with a pineapple aroma. The content of ascorbic acid is 1700 mg%.

Late ripening. The fruits are cylindrical, narrowed towards the apex, 2.1 cm long, weighing up to 2.7 g. The taste is very sweet, with a pineapple aroma. The content of ascorbic acid is 1224 mg%, sugars 13.0%. Ripe fruits do not fall off.


Medium ripening period. The bush is medium-sized. The fruits weigh 3.8 g (up to 4.4 g), oval, uniform yellowish-green color. The taste is sweet and sour, with an apple aroma. The content of ascorbic acid is 1700 mg%, sugars 12.7%.

Sweet stick

Ripens at the end of August. The fruits are olive-green, cylindrical, long, weighing up to 4.3 g. The taste is sweet and sour, with a pineapple aroma. The content of ascorbic acid is 1890 mg%, sugars up to 12.0%. The variety is highly winter-hardy.

Early ripening period - early August. The fruits are cylindrical, rounded at the base, obtusely rounded at the apex, slightly laterally compressed, 2-2.8 cm long, weighing up to 2.2 g (individual specimens up to 2.7 g). The color is uniform, olive green, the surface is smooth. The taste is sweet, with a strong actinidic aroma. The content of ascorbic acid is up to 2200 mg%.

Actinidia arguta (A. arguta Planch. Ex Mia)

Specimens of this actinidia from the collection of E.I. Kolbasina and her employees not only grow well, but also produce fruits with full seeds. The opinion about its poor winter hardiness is associated with the late end of the growing season and the freezing of approximately 1/3 of the non-lignified shoots in winter. But in the spring the plants grow back easily and no cases of death have been observed. Arguta is distinguished by more powerful growth than kolomikta, larger fruits, but there are no decorative spots on the leaves, the foliage is bright green. E.I. Sausage did not find new varieties of Actinidia arguta, obtained on the basis of the collection and characterized by higher winter hardiness and excellent taste (Table 2).

Table 2

Russian varieties of actinidia arguta


Powerful, vigorous and durable actinidia. The leaves are dense, dark green, smooth, shiny, leathery, oval, with a pointed apex. Winter hardiness and cold resistance are sufficient for most areas of the Moscow region and further south (down to -30...-35 o C). Fruits weighing up to 17 g, sweet with sourness and apple-pineapple aroma. The shape is oval, compressed on the sides, the base is blunt, the apex is rounded, the surface is matte, dirty green. The fruits do not fall off when ripe.


Ripens from late September to mid-October. Quite a winter-hardy variety. A large woody vine up to 20 m high. It forms a very decorative crown; wraps around the support. The shoots are smooth, light gray. Leaves are 6-15 cm long and 3-10 cm wide, round-ovate or broadly ovate, dense, dark green above, shiny, light below. The beginning of leaf blooming is the first ten days of May, mass leaf fall is mid-October. One of the most delicious varieties, the fruits weighing up to 10 g are very tender, sour-sweet, with a pineapple aroma.

Male form from the "Giantess-2" family (pollinator of Arguta Giralda, purple and hybrid actinidia)

A powerful vine, the stem length reaches 25 m, thickness 12 cm. When grown in gardens, it needs strong supports. The leaves are large, dense, almost leathery, shiny, dark green above and matte, light green below. In summer the leaves do not change color, but in autumn they turn bright yellow. Flowering begins in late June - early July. As a rule, male plants form inflorescences of three flowers.

Male form from the family "Zea's Daughter" (pollinator of Arguta Giralda, purple and hybrid actinidia)

Thanks to its long flowering period, it is a good pollinator. Plant at a distance of 2-10 m from female specimens.


Ripens late - in September. Fruit weight 6.6 g (up to 8.3 g); dimensions 2.4 x 2.1 x 1.8 cm; oval shape, elongated, blunt base, with a shallow funnel, bluntly rounded apex; the surface is smooth, shiny, lumpy from the base; color yellowish-green and green; the stalk is 2.2-2.7 cm long. The core occupies 1/3 of the diameter of the berry, there are 16-19 seed chambers, and there are 116-123 seeds in them. The taste is sweet and sour, with an apple aroma.

Taiga emerald

The average ripening period is at the end of August. Fruit weight 3.6 g; dimensions 2.1 x 1.7 x 1.5 cm; cylindrical shape, shortened; base and apex obtuse; at the top there is a 1 mm spout, with the remains of a pestle sticking out on it; the surface is matte, uniformly dark green in color; the stalk is 1.6 cm long. The core occupies 1/3 of the diameter of the berry, there are 18 seed chambers, there are 78-129 seeds in them. The content of ascorbic acid is up to 70.4 mg/100 g, sugars 12.7%, organic acids 1.6%. The taste is sour-sweet, with a strawberry aroma.


Late ripening period - mid-September. Fruit weight 5.3 g (up to 8.1 g); dimensions 2.4 x 2.2 x 1.8 cm; oval shape with a bluntly rounded base and a weakly defined funnel, the apex is rounded; the surface is smooth; the color is uniform, dirty green with a dark olive tint; the stalk is 1.7–2.0 cm long. The core occupies 1/3 of the diameter of the berry, there are 16–20 seed chambers, and 116–130 seeds. The taste is sour-sweet, with a balsamic aroma.

Green Balm

The variety has an unusual and pleasant, balsamic taste - sweet with a slight sourness. The fruits are large, 8-10 g, olive green. The plant is vigorous, unpretentious and frost-resistant.


One of the new winter-hardy varieties bred for cultivation in the Moscow region. Ripens in late August - early September. Liana with large cylindrical fruits, compressed from the sides. The length of the berries is 2.5-3.5 cm, the average weight is 4-6 g. The base and top of the berries are obtuse, the surface is matte, olive-green with a slight reddish tint. The taste is sour-sweet.

Golden Spit (record holder among arguts for winter hardiness - up to

One of the most winter-hardy varieties. Powerful, vigorous and durable actinidia with large dark green leaves. Flowering begins in late June - early July. The petals are white, with a greenish tint, the flower diameter is about 2 cm. The fruits are sweet, with an apple aroma, weighing up to 9.8 g.

One of the new winter-hardy varieties for the conditions of the Moscow region, ripens in early September. A liana with large cylindrical fruits, sometimes slightly compressed from the sides. The length of the fruit is 2-3 cm, the average weight is 3-4 g, the surface is matte, olive-green in color. The taste is sour-sweet. The berries are rich in ascorbic acid, organic acids and sugars.

Actinidia hybrid

These are hybrids of actinidia purpurea ( A. purpurea Rehd.) and argut.

EM. Kolbasina improved the “babies” obtained by her predecessor I.M. Shaitan. After carefully selecting seedlings from the Kyiv selection, she managed to find seedlings that were well suited for middle zone Russia. Its contribution to the development of this particular subspecies is so great that one of the varieties was named Hybrid Sausage - with plum-colored fruits, excellent taste properties. In the conditions of the Moscow region, it is more winter-hardy and large-fruited than the well-known Purpurnaya Sadovaya variety, and therefore deserves special attention.

Actinidia hybrids not only took root well in the Moscow region, but also retained the external and taste characteristics of their parents. Some vines produce purple or pinkish fruits, the flesh of which is slightly lighter than their external color.

Hybrid actinidia are champions in vine size and growth rate. True, their foliage is very ordinary, green, but the fruits are decorative, large and tasty (Table 3).

Table 3

Russian varieties of hybrid actinidia

Kyiv large-fruited, seedling MoVIR

Obtained from crossing actinidia arguta September with actinidia purpurea. The berries are large, broadly oval, laterally compressed; The color is green, with light subcutaneous lenticels; there is a deep funnel at the base. Fruit weight 15.0 g (up to 20.0 g). The yield per bush reaches 20 kg. The taste is sweet, with a subtle aroma. Ascorbic acid content 0.8%, dry matter 20.9%. The liana is late-ripening, in the conditions of Kiev it ripens by September 20.

Kyiv hybrid-10, seedling MoVIR

The variety was obtained by crossing Actinidia arguta September with Actinidia purpurea. The berries are large, almost round, slightly compressed on the sides, with a funnel at the base, green, the flesh is light green, with a pink tint around the seeds. Weight 15.7 g (up to 20.0 g). The yield from the vine will reach 9-18 kg. The taste is sweet and delicate. The content of ascorbic acid is 100-140 mg/100 g, sugars up to 16%, organic acids 0.8% and dry matter up to 20%.

Obtained by crossing actinidia arguta and purpurea. Promising, winters well in the Moscow region. From actinidia purpurea it received a surprisingly pleasant fig aroma of fruits, as well as a reddish tint of the pulp. Fruits with blush, weighing up to 8 g, are sweet. It also differs in the bouquet type of fruiting: several fruits are formed from one bud at once. The plants are more powerful and strong than other varieties, the leaves are elongated and elongated.


A very promising variety that winters painlessly in the Moscow region and ripens in mid-late September. Similar to Actinidia arguta, but the leaves are more elongated and the tips of the leaves are more pointed. The fruits are elegant, greenish, with a slight blush, large (weighing up to 8.2 g), sweet. It got its name for the fruity-caramel aroma of the fruit.

Hybrid Sausage

The variety is unique in its taste! Very large fruits, up to 15 g, rival in size the hybrids of the Kyiv selection. Fruiting type is bouquet. The variety is a champion in early fruiting. Fruiting occurs in the third year. The taste and aroma of the fruit is like candy. The flesh has a purple tint when cut. In the conditions of the Moscow region it ripens at the end of September. N.V. Kozak: “Among the hybrids the most interesting variety- Hybrid Sausage, with plum-colored fruits, excellent taste, in the conditions of the Moscow region, more winter-hardy and large-fruited than the well-known Purpurnaya Sadovaya variety.

Actinidia Giralda(A.giraldii Diels.)

A very valuable species, listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation, is now considered as a subspecies of Actinidia arguta. Even in the harsh winter of 2005-2006, it did not freeze; it hibernates without being removed from its supports and bears fruit. Its hybridization with actinidia purpurea and arguta is possible.

Actinidia Giralda is famous for its delicious, tender fruits. They ripen late - in mid-September, but still two weeks earlier than the fruits of Actinidia arguta. The plant is self-sterile, and male varieties of Actinidia arguta are suitable as pollinators. Although Arguta is considered to have the largest fruits, some varieties of Actinidia Giralda have surpassed their relative (Table 4). Thus, the Tuzemka variety, if properly cared for, fertilized and pruned, will delight its owners with berries ranging from 15 to 26 g, while the promising Arguta variety Estafeta produces fruits that reach only 17 g.

Table 4

Russian varieties of actinidia Giralda

The ripening period is late - in mid-September. A powerful vine 6-15 m high, with large fruits. The beginning of fruit ripening is 7-10 days earlier than that of arguta. The shape of the fruit is round, the average weight of the fruit is 7.5 g; dimensions 2.2 x 3.0 x 1.8 cm; barrel-shaped, shortened, compressed on the sides, the base is obtusely rounded, with a deep funnel, the apex is obtuse; surface smooth, matte, bumpy; thin skin; the color is dirty green. The taste of ripened fruits is sweet, with a strong pineapple-apple aroma. The berries do not fall off when ripe.


The ripening period is late - in mid-late September. A shrub vine that grows to a height of up to 25 m. The leaves are thin, 18 x 10 cm in size, ovate, with a wedge-shaped, round or slightly heart-shaped base and an elongated apex; sharply toothed along the edge, with barbs of hairs at the corners of the veins below. The flowers are white, up to 2 cm in diameter; collected in corymbose inflorescences of 3-7 or solitary. Prefers rich, sufficiently moist and drained soils. Propagated by seeds and cuttings. It grows quickly and is of interest for vertical gardening. One of the largest-fruited varieties (up to 15 g). The taste is sweet, with a pineapple-apple aroma.

Male form of Giralda (pollinator of Arguta, Actinidia Giralda, purple and hybrid)

The leaves are dark green, almost leathery. It is distinguished by abundant flowering of male flowers. Plant at a distance of 2-10 m from the female specimen.

Actinidia polygamum (Actinidia polygama Mig.)

On Far East it is called “pepper” for its yellow fruits with a “spout”, which have a burning taste when unripe. Its special feature is also the edible young shoots and leaves. Polygamous male plants are very decorative - they are also called silver vine. The leaves are light green, with bright white-silver spots.

Actinidia polygam is rich in biologically active substances - carotenoids (in this it competes with sea buckthorn and carrots). But there are few organic acids, so the species is especially interesting for those who need dietary food. But be careful - slightly unripe fruits are hot! When fully ripe and softened, the pungency disappears. The taste of the ripe fruit is unusual, slightly reminiscent of sweet peppers and figs! High taste qualities are ensured by the excellent sugar content of modern varieties - 12% or more (Table 5). In some varieties, the fruits even have a taste when ripe hot pepper- excellent sauces, adjika, etc. are made from them. Not only fruits have nutritional value. Young shoots with leaves are often added to spring salads (they can also be eaten simply with soy sauce, tastes like watercress). The flowers are very fragrant, reminiscent of jasmine. Interestingly, actinidia polygamum is valued not only by gardeners, but also by our smaller brothers - cats. They like to chew on these plants more than other actinidia species, so it's worth considering protecting your seedlings.

Polygam, like kolomikta, is distinguished by early fruiting: when planted in the spring with two-year-old seedlings, it produces a harvest for the next year. Lives for more than 50 years.

Table 5

Russian varieties of actinidia polygam

Late ripening period - mid-September. Winter hardiness down to -30 o C. A week before flowering, the leaves on the upper side become spotted, with a silvery-white spot. The flowers are axillary, large, with white petals; stamens with yellow anthers; The aroma is very pleasant, delicate. Fruits weighing 3-4 g; The aroma is peppery and the taste is reminiscent of figs. When unripe, they are hard and light green; when ripe, they become soft, orange, and do not crumble. Young shoots are also used for food.

Late ripening period - mid-September. Winter hardiness down to -30 o C. The liana reaches a height of 3-5 m. The stems are flexible, brown or reddish-brown, with flaky bark and sparsely scattered elongated light lenticels. The leaves are green, regular oval or ovoid in shape with a blunt base and pointed apex; the edges are serrated or finely toothed, paper thin. A week before flowering, the leaves on top become spotted, with a silvery-white spot. It blooms in mid-July with large axillary flowers with a delicate, pleasant aroma. The fruits are the same as the previous variety.


Late ripening period - early September. Fruits weighing up to 4.4 g (up to 5.5 g); the shape is cylindrical, elongated, the base is rounded with a blunt protrusion, the apex is pointed with a beak; color orange to dark orange; the surface is smooth, sometimes wrinkled, shiny; the stalk 0.7-1 cm long is firmly connected to the berry. The core occupies 1/3 of the diameter of the berry, there are 24 seed chambers. The taste is a mixture of figs and sweet pepper. Young shoots are also used for food.

Yellow spindle

Berries up to 2.5-3 cm long, weighing up to 5-6 g, with a characteristic peppery aroma, ripen in mid-September. The shape of the fruit is an elongated oval with a rounded base and apex with a pointed nose 3-4 mm long. The ripe berry is reddish to orange and tastes like figs or very sweet peppers. Ascorbic acid content up to 89 mg/100 g, sugar content up to 12.6%. Young shoots are also used for food.

Male form from the Patterned family (polygamous pollinator)

The liana reaches a height of 5 m, the stems are flexible, brown, with flaky bark. One-year shoot is often light-colored brown, smooth, with sparsely spaced oblong lentils. Light green leaf blades are paper thin. A week before flowering, silvery-white spots form on the upper side of some leaves. Autumn leaf color is bright yellow. Root system superficial, extremely vulnerable and tender. Prefers partial shade, but with sufficient moisture it develops successfully in full light. Plant at a distance of 2-10 m from female specimens.

Male form Brunette (polygamous pollinator)

Grown in a nursery near Moscow. Plant at a distance of 2-10 m from female specimens. The ratio of male to female plants should be 1:6-1:8.

Characteristics of the variety: variety early date ripening (mid-August). Woody, decorative, deciduous vine, without support it takes the form of a bush up to 2 m in height. The color of the leaves appears 2-3 years after planting, the flowers have a light lemon aroma. The plant is dioecious. Fruiting begins in the third year. Winter hardiness is very high. Requires strong support.

Description of fruits: the fruits are large, weighing up to 3-4 g, cylindrical, yellowish-green, with light longitudinal stripes. The taste is sweet and sour with a nutmeg aroma. Can be ripened for two weeks. They have a very high vitamin C content.

Growing conditions: light partial shade, fertile soil, loose, neutral or slightly acidic, drained. Planting without deepening the root collar. Young seedlings are shaded until they are completely established.

Care: regular watering, mulching the soil, sanitary pruning. Three vines are left on an adult vine, replacing them with new ones every two to three years (the cuts are covered with garden varnish).

Plant actinidia (lat. Actinidia) belongs to the genus of woody vines of the Actinidiaceae family. In nature, the actinidia liana grows in the Himalayas, Southeast Asia, and the Far East and has about 70 species. We are well aware of the fruit of one of the species of the Actinidia deliciosa plant - kiwi. China is considered the birthplace of this plant, and actinidia fruits appeared in Europe only in 1958. The name of the plant comes from the Greek word, translated meaning “ray”. Today, species related to Actinidia deliciosa are grown in temperate gardens; their berries are mostly small-fruited and not as hairy as kiwi. The leader among cultivated species grown in gardens is considered to be Actinidia kolomikta - a garden actinidia characterized by winter hardiness, and the largest plant of the genus is Actinidia arguta (acute), reaching a height of 30 m.

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Planting and caring for actinidia (in brief)

  • Bloom: at the end of May or beginning of June.
  • Landing: two to three year old seedlings can be planted in the fall, 2-3 weeks before the first frost, and older actinidia are best planted in early spring, before sap flow begins.
  • Lighting: bright sun in the morning and partial shade in the afternoon.
  • Soil: loose, moist, well-drained, slightly acidic or neutral, in a deep-lying area groundwater. Do not plant the plant next to apple trees: such proximity is harmful to actinidia. Currants make good company for actinidia.
  • Support: Since actinidia is a vine, when planting it is necessary to provide support for it: a fence, a wall, a grape-type trellis or a strong structure in the form of an arch.
  • Watering: in hot weather, it is advisable to use the airborne method, spraying the plant early in the morning and after sunset, and in prolonged drought, you need to pour 6-7 buckets of water under each bush, otherwise the plant may shed its leaves.
  • Feeding: mineral fertilizers: in early spring - 35 g of nitrogen, 20 g of phosphorus and 20 g of potassium fertilizer per m² of tree trunk circle; during the formation of ovaries - 10-15 g of potassium, 15-20 g of nitrogen and 10-15 g of phosphorus fertilizer per m²; after harvesting, in the second ten days of September - 20 g of potassium and phosphorus fertilizer per m².
  • Trimming: They form a bush from the age of three to four, and anti-aging pruning is carried out from the age of eight. All types of pruning should be done only in summer.
  • Reproduction: seeds, arc layering, green and woody cuttings.
  • Pests: leaf beetles, raisin moth caterpillars, bark beetles.
  • Diseases: powdery mildew, phyllosticosis, fruit rot, gray and green mold.
  • Properties: Actinidia fruits are a dietary product, contain many substances beneficial to the human body and have medicinal properties.

Read more about growing actinidia below.

Actinidia plant - description

General characteristics

Actinidia is a deciduous perennial vine with entire leaves, sometimes thin and sometimes leathery. It is the leaves of actinidia that are the reason for the high decorativeness of the vine, since their variegated color is an uncommon occurrence for plants in temperate climates. Actinidia stems and shoots require support. The buds are hidden in the scars of the leaves. Flowers, solitary or in groups of three, are collected in the axils of the leaves. The corolla is most often white, but there are species with orange or golden yellow corollas. The flowers of most species are odorless, but some species, such as Actinidia polygamum, emit a pleasant aroma.

How to distinguish male actinidia from female

Actinidia is a dioecious plant, represented by both male and female specimens. The sex of the vine can be determined during the first flowering by the structure of the flowers. How to distinguish a female plant from a male one? Male actinidia differs in that its flowers, although they have many stamens, do not have a pistil, while female actinidia, in addition to stamens with sterile pollen that do not participate in pollination, has a large pistil in the center of the flower. Pollen is transferred from male plants to female plants by bumblebees, bees and the wind. Flower buds form in the leaf axils of the current year's shoots. Flowering lasts about ten days, then the ovary begins to grow in the female flowers, turning into yellow-green or light orange fruits.

Due to the dioecious nature of actinidia, gardeners who want to harvest fruits need to plant at least two plants per plot so that they can cross-pollinate. Actinidia fruits are a valuable food and dietary product, rich in ascorbic acid, sugars and other biologically active substances. They can be consumed fresh, you can make jam, drinks and wines from them, and when dried, actinidia berries resemble large raisins. In the last decade, the interest of amateur gardeners in actinidia has increased greatly and it is quite possible that it will soon become as common a garden crop for us as currants, strawberries, gooseberries, raspberries, blackberries and blueberries.

Planting actinidia

When to plant actinidia

Growing actinidia begins with its planting, which is carried out in early spring or autumn, when the actinidia bush in the nursery reaches the age of 2-4 years. But before planting actinidia, you need to choose a suitable place for it, since the vine can grow and bear fruit in your garden for more than thirty years, if, of course, planting and caring for actinidia is carried out in strict accordance with its agricultural practices. Actinidia are shade-tolerant, but their fruits ripen only in the sun, so the optimal location of the vine will be under the bright sun, but with shading in the hot afternoon hours.

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